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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, KIARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1912. EVENING EDITION. ' 2 h COOS BAY TIMES M. r. MLO.VKV..IMIlor anil Pub. WAV H. MM.OXKY ..News Kdllor An Independent Republican now paper published every ovonlng excopt Sunday, nnd Weekly by Tlio Coos liny Times Publishing Cu. Official 1'niHir of Coos County. indicated to tlio sorvlco of the .people, tbnt no good causes slinll lack a champion, and that ovll shall no. thrlvo unopp iscd. Address nil commuulcatlons to COOS IIAV DAILY timks. HarsliTjcld :i ;; :: : Orcgoa Entered at the- postofflco at Marsh Hold, Oregon, for transmission through the mails as second clutu mall matter. kmel case M BY WIFE BUDSCItlPTlOX IIATKS. DAILY. Widow Gets Verdict for In surance and Claimant Is Branded Imposter. The following from tho St. Louis Republic will bo of much Interest on the liny, owing to tho claim that Goorgo A. Klmmcl was mur dered will io searching for n burled treasure nenr Empire- ten years ngo: After 72 mlnutos' deliberation a i HUM Hilt FROM PORTLAND I I AT ft r i' t7 bi;i, ",J arrareraygsaMMH'CK3lm iwivil 1 Before You Manager of Woolen Mill Store Is Back From Bus iness Trip. George Rotnor roturnod todnyi from a business trip to Portland In tho Interest of tho Woolen Mill1 Store. Whllo thoro ho mot tho re presentatives of nil tho lending cloth ing and men's wenr manufacturers, Including Hnrt Schnffnor & Marx nnd Is the Time for You to Get Our Prices! S-M;---- -neorg0T Kimball .V U1W..IU ...... ,....... ..-W M... 1 - ,- . --. t iiiu jury uwnrueu .urn. uuuti Klmmcl liouslett, Mies, Mich., tho banker's sister, $20,4(10 In hor suit ngnlnst tho Now York Llfo Jnsur- WKKKLY. no year $1.50 When paid strictly In ndvnnco the subscription prlco of tho Coos Day Times Is $5.00 por year or $2.50 lor lx mouths. ilicr (il 11111111103 UeilUCrnilOU O inciuillBg nan svnuuuur k ami uiiui Jury In Judgo J. Hugo Grimm'B dl- tho John 13. Stotson Hat Co., nnd vision of the Circuit Court last many otliors. night brought In n verdict ropud- Mr. Botnor says ho finds business luting tho man who clnlma to bo conditions on tho outsldo very satis factory ana traveling mon who visii nil tho largo cities of tho country re port trado rondltlons good. Ho snld that whllo thoro was somo llttlo talk that tho entire chnngo In tho admin istration might ndvorsoly affect busl- anco Company, Tho suit for Insurance on tho presumption of KIiiiiiioI'b legal donth, had been tried four times In tho last two years. At tho third trial boforo Judgo ncss It omnnatcd chiefly from politi cians nnd was for political effect. Ho says thnt Mr. Bowman was par ticularly optlmlsltc nnd viewed tho world through roso colored glasses Amldon In tho United States dls-, n )nB n "nuBiinlly good health and spirits nnd while Mr. Rotnor refused to dlvulgo nny Information It wns not difficult to discover that thero wore probably othor reasons thnn puroly business for Mr. Bowman's lino splr- trlct court, tho Jury, nftor 72 hourB had disagreed on tho Identity of tho claimant nnd wero discharged, The fourth trial had boon in pro- irrntta nYnnMv Mitnn inntcf Viafnt. day was given ontlroly to tho nr-i"B k"v b uih-hubi,,. usB gumonts of attoruoys. tlmt c"l,,u wnB known to produco llko results uniy ma"o .Mr. uoinor more Rccrotlvo. Further dovolopmcnts, however, will be anxiously nnd Intor ostodly awaited by Mr. Bowmnn's ninny Coos Day friends. WORD OF WARNING. tlT HETI1EH or not oiio agrees W entirely with Ida Tarboll's Ideas as sot forh In hor now book, "Tho Business of Being a Woman," He can hardly fall to find much that Is Hiiggesttvo nnd significant, lako tho following paragraph con crnlng women nnd work, In which the author says: "Llfo Is not mndo by work, Impor tant ns Is work In llfo. Humnu na ture has varied needs. It cnlls Imper atively for n task, something to do xlth brain nnd hnnds a productlvo something which 1Kb tho common Kood, without which tho world would not bo ns orderly und ns happy. Say what wo will, It mnttorB very llttlo what tho task Is If It contributes In boiiio fashion to this superior order liness and hnpplncss. But It menus more. It menus leisure plcaouro, ex citements; It moans feodlng of tho tnsto, tho curiosity, tho oniotlons. tho xeflectlvo powers; nnd It means love, Ibvo of tho mnto, tho child, tho friend, nnd neighbor. It moans reverence, for tho schomo of things and one's placo In It; worship of tho nuthor of religion. But tho woman sternly sot to do n mnn'fl business, bollovlng It Settor thnn tho woman's, too often 7iows llfo ns mado up of luistnoss." This Is undoubtedly truo nnd may tm tnkon as n ncodod warning to tho mndorn woman with hor enthu siasm for that which Is actlvo nnd practical. But It mny bo snld as woll for tho hcnollt of tho mndorn mnn. Horo In Amorlcn particularly, man iao boon ropeatedly accused of for- ftumiiK mm. mini iiiiu iiiimuy ami inn torlal surcoss are not tho only essen tials. The well founded life finds umo iur luisuro ami pioasuro ami ox- -" ; "'B"i, ". i inciini no cm-rici Mm atntn onsllv N'nvt tlmo fiirmnni n.,,i v-i,, n. ..(.... i.. I nf front." tnrrieu wio Hinio easu . Jou iimo .i.iwuv uiiii ft.t.wiin viuwiiwim in-, . ... . I nm frnlmr in rnniiinfim rli,iit nm! eluding tho nil Important cmo of lov-l , "r n leciuro on tho dignity of nmu" " Viioeini nniVoni in wnmon " teg tho "child, tho mnto. tho friend t ''iw, J"1bo Grimm dlschnrgodi ""!?,? ' .."' 'LL .? I01"0"'. .-.I !. ....!. 111. Mn lltnnt "" '"' .'I'tioilliuiu Ull uw llll IIIU IIUIHIH'III IV. tears sun in Ills eyes, ho turned Tho liiBurnnco company's argu ment was opened by John F. Green of St. Louis nnd closed by J. 11. Mcintosh, chief of tho Now York. Life's counsel. Attomoys Sonecn N. Taylor and Charles E. Sweet spoko for tho plaintiff. Tho claimant was kept in tho corridor in tho custody of n dopu ty shorlff nil day. Whon tho Jury wns sent to Ub room following tho court's instructions at G o'clock, Judge Grimm ordorcd him brought In. Ho was plnccd on tho witness stand nnd ordored to glvo nn nc couut of his actions tho woek of his St. Louis disappearance. Tho claimant's explanation wns Capt. MaCQCnn Tells Of the ,0nt,ifitlBnCMry ,anii,l0w,l?B ,ro-i ' Plans of the Local mnnded to tho shorlff. Following1 Dlln tho rending of tho verdict tho BUII MOOSC. clnlmnnt was ngnlnst taken Into , , , , ., tho room I Wo nro KolK to keep up tho At tho'ronnost of Tmtirn nrimm I'rogrcsslvo flgt and will win four hopoSoMSTthl co!lrKt0AnGd,ntl!o g Tfr7 MnacennUof,,;h0d Break' Jury for tho disappearance. Tow- ?; Jiv T m Si, ??& St wer,t.Cnd f ",B ipMch .wfuidS?"1 coTty ' fo"f WILL KEEP UP THE FIGHT It's the time for you to make a personal inspection and see what great values we give with our Low Prices llltli nlLI IS Large Dressers with Plate Mirrors Large Arm Rockers . Full Size Metal Beds All Oak Extension Dining Table 9XJ2 Tapestry Brussels Rugs $10,00 and $1 2.50 and 2,50 and 'Judge, I hnvo Buffered much Toddy. nnd nm now Bufforl nir" -ho ol "' nm ,loIK,,tc1 ' '"ow "nt bed. n"i.ense dS punish mo any W.", WSS? "tfS11 .. J? , !,.. I, n. """i"'" If tho women hnd been delkrtrbSuhffi immeSo S -S"", L .?!l It Ih because woman has long ronl-',n " "r ' .."" 0Bv ' to feed tho hrondth and mennliig of vnii!i '?",!" il N,iw somo of those things that she may. J" (..Llfnn"a "."h?!1 h m wll"t ,10 opo to keep them and ye. aspire to' Z" L VZmJ ,"L.?ni?w.?li"" .... ...w ....... ... ,MU.,W,- lUl- r to tnko tho claimant friint the UIIII. When told of tho verdict Intor t' ' elnlmnnt for u tlmo was dazed., X 't It llnl.1i I tuo pruttlcnl biiHluesH of living. It Is bocnuso slio Ih becoming moro nblo to rliooso her way of llfo and to allo rlato condition.! that once wero be yond hor power thnt hIio may bo ox pectcd to hold to those siino nnd help- tin puasPH or enjoyment nnd theso fundnmontal nspeclH of tho "superior orderliness and hnpplnoss" of which Miss Tnrboll wrlteH. It may bo that ho noods n word nf warning lost tho new opportunities obsruro tho old, but tho possibility of realizing both tho in ore significantly seems unmistakable. Ident wnB: Hoosovolt, 225. Wilson. 227. Tnft, 155. Dobs. 100. Chafln, 18. LIIMIA11V XOTHS Come Here for Bedding Come Here for Dishes Come Here See the Up-to-Da Furniture on the Cc Perry Nichols nmiu'cj tiik minri.oi's. HOW enslly tho world, ovon In this enllghteiiod twontletn '" century, can ho humbuggcx! Is well lllustrnted by tho scaro In Valpnlrnlno, Chile, n fow days ago, avor tho prediction of u Boothsayor that nn enrthqunko was duo. IIIb kuchb camo truo to tho v tout of n fow tremors, but wise men hnvo directed popular ntton Won to tho fact, though In vain, that such paradoxical behavior of tvj-rn flrmn In thnt Hoctlon ot the 'world Is not unusual, I'rof. Falh predicted an cartn qunlco In Oreeco In 1805 ana it nimo to paBB, the result being mat ITalb could produco u Grecian pan to nt n momont'H notlco by tlio mercflt hint of location thoreabouts of n seismic vertical. Whon ho told une people or Athens thnr tney would o.perIenco a lerrestlnl nguo on n cortaln dato. ovorybody grun- ooa ins uouio or onves and took to the groves. But no onrthqunKo liapponed nnd nuothor prophet wns out of a Job. Novort-holcBS, Chill nnd Oreeco furnish but two among many ex amples ntestlng tho utter crodullty of mon respecting unseen physical phonomenn of imtum It mny not bo necessary to recall the Mlllerltes and the rain makers, for that brings tho subject too closo homo; hut nough oxperlences of tho kind ox tst, nnd tho utter futility of man to see Into the miindnno future hns been so porfectly demonstrated by them that constant wonder Is oxcltod among the thoughtful that any part of tho world longer can bo humbugged, men no said: 'Willi. I ullflll im linnl in rnnnx ' Bolow aro somo comparntlvo (lg ROSEBURG IS v umrn nov 4 M 1 I I V 1119 9 1 IU I LU UNI ItUKATi IMIOIILK.MR SOLUTIO.V. who e ' wnS 1 oforo his trial Til I "r8 ontho ,rc1tlo ' rnry : , Put01 n" ptta.r0ot,OoSn,.sr,n,d VdlA(luIt 0ct' J0" Ct" Ct' HM EliiTn. ?J??iS, '?., ..l! rt,Bto1 Children 303 801 380 MVi:i.VKIOIITI.VIomw mill mid forgot all this Tho Jury reached n verdict on tho first ballot, nlno favoring Mrs. Uonslott. Tho vordlct rend as fol lows: "Wo, tho Jury, find thnt Goorgo A. Klmmcl died botweon August 1, 189S, and October 1, 1903. to-wlt, on or boforo October 31, 1S98." Affidavit by wny of proof of death of said Klmmol wns then presonted on bohnlf of tho dofond- nut. but wiib not nctod upon by tint Total 1112 Sept. 1912 Adult G39 Children 209 1500 1030 Totnl 818 TV O.Y L1QUOU imow.v MUDS. AS COU.V- QUHSTIO.V ItOSRBURO, Or., Nov. 8. Rose burg probnbly dry by 40 majority. wiison tor president, soiling for son Thoso figures nro very significant. n'or- Oeorgo Brown for prosecuting Mnrshflold ns n city Is growing In "ttornoy, llnwloy for congressman, population nnd wealth. Tho streets Qy'no fr shorlff, Plnkston for com nro woll llghtod nnd paved. Business 'sionor. O. O. Brown for school is goou. Mirniigors nro continually i"i. nuuuor iur nuniuor, coming In but tho circulation of tho n.n, lc0'H for reprosontntlvo car- ........ .... ... .. . "' : " i pnniinc in 'find11 t ..Z"', .r'in?"' ,nl !? 9 years after it was started fled tho county. Oakland. Sutl.erlln .... . . ... iiei mil., nn Ih nillv 99 mnrn In Mm mnnM, nf "nil GlOIldnlO Voted WOt Octobor 1,, wul """ Hry "B"1 n itosounrg bohlnd ""sorbed moro Intorest than nny oth- m. nr liinim for tho I ti 1 1 in i-irciiiaiii)u. mem , , "v. Plaintiff, on tho first count. In tho:Sf ' ' S,lJmo,ft' In Tuo Counts. 'ln p0or 1912 Is 388 "Wo. thoroforo. find for tlio' ,c,ouor 'p1, In clrculat Ion. Uso your own discretion; that's what It la for. Lot a famous doctor nnmo n now dlseaso and It will soon becomo fnshlonablo. It Is surprising how holplcss somo solf-relloiit people nro whon they tome face to faco with somo Insig nificant trouble. if you havo anything tu sell, rent r trado, or want help, try a Want Ad. Have your Job printing dona at tht Tlmea offlca. sum of $10,230. nnd on the see oiul count, In tho sum of $10,230." Attorney Mcintosh snld tho vor dlct was propostorous. as thoro was no ovldenco piosonted thnt Klmmol died October 31. 1S9S. "Tho Jury camo to that conclu sion for one nnd only reason," ho snld. "and that Is to rob the In surnuco company. They nwnrdod Mrs. Bonslett tho lnrgest amount possible, "The enso will bo takon to tho Supromo Court- of Missouri nnd I nm Biiro It will rovorso tho vordlct." mission nnd from thoro to libraries ( Irowory question, nnd tompomnco nil ovor tho Unltod Stntes. I !, wnltert anxiously for results, iJosIrnblo sottlorB In n now country 00,'0V'nR iit tho caiiso of tom nsk about threo things: tho churches, Pernnco hnd won tho bnttlo. Tho vot tho schools nnd tho llbrnrles. With 'nK ,n' ,n tn0 nftornoon enmo largely thorn theso Institutions count ns much rom tno wot olomont. nnd naturally ns mo ciimnto and tho resources of l" uui or hub ciass wero on tho tho country. Mnrshflold wnnts to oni so that when tho counting bognn mnko n good fihowlng In them ns woll n0 wots hnd quite n substantial nia as In Its Idoal cllmnto nnd resources, i Jrlty nt one tlmo In tho lntter part How enn It bo dono? Simply by ndo- of tho night. In tho early morning quntoly supporting Its library as It hours, as the counting progressed, supports Its schools or churches. Tho "ry ballots became moro In ovldonco llbrnry needs monoy. Contributions an(l gradually tho tenor of tho ro of nny slzo nro wolcomo. For this t'"""8 wero changed until prohibition reason, tho library has not n clrculn- had a fow votes to the good. Wet tlon grentor than It hnd Inst yonr Is spirits foil to below zoro as this sltu solely because tho hooks havo boen nt,on became apparent, whllo drys road and thero Is no money to get wero exuberant over tho probnble vlc now ones. i tory. Kvory day strangers from nil nnrts Qulno Rucnt County. of tho country visit tho library. Kvory ' Qulne, republican candidate for re SAYS KG(! Sl'l'l'fjV AVI I.I XKVKK MKKT Til 1-3 D13MAM). In tho current Issuo of Farm nnd Flresldo nn nuthoilty on the egg busi ness, writing nn Interesting nrtlclo. "Increasing tho Ugg Business," says, day they nnd those who hav' llvnrt election for sheriff, led Fentnn. .ion. In ll.'irt I l.AH lA .1 ! . .. nnni I... 1MH. - m ..' I nciu ii iuiik iimo HBK ior uookb innt "-"iii ") ii miKB vuio i rum me very O. A. C. to Hnvo UuiiniiiiI I'ea tiireH nt I.iiiiiI I'roductH Show. COItVAI.US, Nov. 8. At tho Oregon Utnd Products Show in roitlnnd, Nov. 18-23, tho Oregon Agricultural Collego will hnvo bov eral iiniisunl oxhlblts to show how tho Institution Is solving tho prob lems or rural llfo In this stnto. Tho preparation nnd sorvlug of Orogon fruit nnd vegotnbles In tho most nttractlvo form by 20 girls from tho domestic sclenco depart ment will bo ono featuro for which thero has boon much apoclnl pre paration. For Instance n series of oxporimcnts has beon conducted to dotormlno what apples wero beat suited to tho making of npplo dumplings, resulting In tho cholco of King nnd Spltzonberg varieties. Sauces, Bandwlches, nnd othor lunchc.on dishes uro also being ex perimented with In tho snmo mnn ner. A flno collection of nuts, show ing the dlfforont vnrlotles of wnl nutB and othor nuts grown In tho stato will bo n pnrt of tho ex hibit of tho division of horticulture and tho plnnt pathology nnd ento mology dopnrtmontB will show vnr Ioub plnnt dlsonsos and Insect pests which annoy growors In dif ferent sections of tho Btnto, with tho propor treatment for control nnd elimination. Tho work of nsfiombllng tho ma terial for theso nnd othor exhibits from tho collego, securing spneo for thorn from the mnnagomont nnd plnclng thom Is being dono by tho extension division, which Is nl so preparing nn exhibit for tho Land Show, to bo hold In Minne apolis next week. show what tho coin toward tho dovolopri stato. haisi: moid: Thoro has been a doncv tho vast fow yea calves to market or kill ns dropped. This hna i tho supply of beef nnd poclnlly disastrous in bocnuso dairymen lmvl bol of tint t ho mllK wa thnn tho cnlvcs, niulj cheapor to buy good ralso thorn. As a rcsuM kotlnc voar nftor yeat1 fronted with n great slu dnlrv cows nnd beef ca supply Is to bo mnlntal turo it will soon uo ucci raising moro cnlvcs oi Ca ves k ed at uirui to tho farmor nnd to tl n whole ns t reduces production of tho two nml Mm nrnsont dnV rtgM nrlpon In n direct result not kooplng pneo with tl Thoro Is no suror w fnrmor or dairyman to! than In cnlf raising. With tho prosent PI nml milk, the two mosi ploa of tho llfo of the tholr Incronsing uemuM iinpronslnir suniily. nny i n cnlf boforo It matures dor. CAHAMKIiS ac IH FOItB'S Snturdiiy and "TirNoinvomc xei-e HAY CASH STOlti;. In pnrt: Tho egg doninnd has not yet been wo can not supply. Tho circulation s,nrt nnd his election Is assured Jt, so thnt an Incrooso In supply will will Increnso tho moment tho books! Nenner Bents Wnlte. t tend to lowor tho price. More- nro obtained. Tho fight between Geo. Neunor mot not ovor. with tho Increase of population, ennor nml Frnnk Walte for stato senator was tho Increased prlco of meat duo to DUCKS OHOWX UP IX SI3CTIOXS nulto ono sided, Nounor leading by a many causes and tho highly nutrl- DILLS FIRST. i heavy vote from the start, and in tlous food Value Of a fresh eccr. It Is Tim fnllnwlnc la inl-an rnr., , somo nrrlnpfa liv n.nrlv n., i extremoly quostlonnblo whethor tho current Issue of Farm nnd Flrosldo: Thero wore a fow places where Wnlte egg supply will over moot or pnss tho "It tnkes four weoks of profound n ahead of Neunor. Tho latter in ui IH.IIU11HI. i mo luvbuni, mi uuconuiiuy io nntcii nucks, artor win oo elected uy n good majority y rate, no fnrmor need hesltnto to' which they proceed to grow up, sec- renso his egg supply If ho cnn. for, tlonnlly. In tho following order: (1) YACHTMAX COMlXfl point of demand. nn Increnso n mnrkot always exists for a first-, tholr bills. (2) their foot. tn Mm clnss product during every month of, duck proper. Sir Tliomas Upton Will Rencli Snn the year. , , , "If anything had been crcnted In! Francisco This Month. i imss wiui n oner pnragrnpn tno, vnin. uucks would prove that It was-, SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 8. Sir subject of Increasing tho supplv of eggs miring tno winter months, whon tho prlco Is hlghor. That Is so Im portant from the economic ns well as from the fnrmor's pnlnt of view, that It Is worthy a special paper by Itself. In fact, It is tho writer's firm convic tion, based on exporlonco, that the winter production of eggs will form ono of the host sources ot Income for tho avorago farmer In many of our northern and central states In the future." n t. by eating It. Thomns Linton, thn fnmmia vnM.t 'Each shining hour seems to bo mnn, who on three different occasions plonty good enough, just as It stands, tried to "Lift the American Cup," for ducks. For as often as thoy catch' will reach this city on Nov. 16, to con tho busy llttlo bee Improving It, they for with President Charles C. Moore swallow him on tho snot. "The duck never lays n golden egg, being no such goose." Have your Job printing dono at Tho Tlmea office. Try Tho Times' Waat Ads. In regard to nn International yacht race during tho 1915 Universni Et. hlbltlon. Woolen sweaters are In demand in China. Times Want Ad bring results. IPS SURE TO BE RiGI if tho watch comos from hero. No matter whether you buy the cheapest or most expenslvo In the placo, every wntch wo sell Is a guaranteed time-keeper. Wo Invite you to Inspect our ex hibit of the now thin model watches at various prices. Thoy take up little moro room than a sliver dollar and therefore do not bulge the pocket out as a sign to thieves. Have a look nt them. mi Red Cross Jewelry Depart Jewelers and Optician