-frjr'ffw'mryrwwrrK PEOPLE DO NOT DISCOVER THEY KNOW A THING BBFnMJB ANY GOOD tTwADVKBXISlNa In Tho TIMES RA A . .. nl rjin "In (J008 WANT ADVEUT18INO In Tho TIMES Will Keep your Incoiuo from Furnished Rooms Steady. YOU can really holp tho famlLr vriii rut x " ' mmtz tlio MnrKCi" mi.v... ...,. it will Put the factB "ot .?our "J," before tho oyca of all "pos prope r tf ? , town An,i if thoro !lt,enB of "ion" who ought to own 0D ... ll It! rovonues by renting ti fow furnished J rooms nml, If you know hovr nd when to uso tho classified columns, I you may keep that llttlo citr I co mo ns "steady as n clock." MEMDER OP TUB ASSOCIATE l I'KES i.vi,.i.illir-il In 1878 yOL.XXXVI.as Tho Coast Mull. MARSHFIELD. OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1912. EVENING EDITION SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall and Coos Hay Advert lier. No. 96. MANY if LEADS SELLING By NEARLY 'J l.-Utn Dnnn lo Oregon m ..- .- Comparanvuiy o you v.. Three-Fourths Vote in- OUHHE IS 10v00Of eA0 tJtllllMU UUHUUIIO Wilson Will uarry oiaiu uy O.OUU ouiiraiju vvnio Malarkcy Bill Wins. (Br Associated Prcsa to tho Coon Bay u.n.ivn nr Nov. R. Roturns W .. "'Ji1"1., ' (Tburniayi give mum """ - , '." r.llln nml nvnr 10.000 load ctir Dourno In tho Bcnntorflhlp con tot, with thrco-fourths of tho votes morted. Lano nan .h,io, quiuuk WIS and Bourne 23.223. t. it,, nrnalilnnllnl rnCO. WllsOn iSouU bavo over 10,000 plurality ibtn the votes nro counieu. xonigiu tl count stood Wilson 40,058; BooteTelt 31.9C4 and Taft 20,528. n'tm.n Rnffrnirn linn carried In Jlnltnomah county hynhout 1500 mn jorltr. This with nn cstlmntcd lend tf 1500 In tho stnto at largo should lire about 3,000. The ilnglo tax nieiiHtircB woro de lated emphatically. It Is moroly a nutlnn of linw llinnv t IlOll HI1I1 (1 H. Ill tost places slnglo tnx ran bohlnd (lvo to one. The majority rulo bill wns dofontcd OclilTely. The Malarkoy utilities bill carried If a substantial majority. CO.UMISSIONER CHOSEN'. If 5V ritlrnml rninmlRRlnnnr 111 tlin Second district, Clydo Altchlson, In ftnSfnt. ! nrnlmlilv ronlnetod. Rob ert Serilcoof linker Is lending In his UEArnnmv int t Allrlilnnn inn larcn turrlns over him In practically ovoryi twtr county and la leading Anderson Iti IffthflffAV In nvnrv pnnnlv tlint hi reported a count so far. W 3 OF ELECTION INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM ADOPTED IN WASHINGTON DEMOCRATS CA1TURED EV ERYTHING IN NEW YORK STATE. I returns nv wireless. (Hy Associated Press) SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 8 Fifteen thousand persons on board fifty steamships on tho Pa clflc ocean received tho election roturns by wireless Tuesday night from this city. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Cooi Day Times.) SEATTLE. Wash,, Nov. 8. Lato cloctlon roturns Thursdny Indicated that "Roosovolt's plurality would bo nt'Ionst 25.000 and nearly 15,000 for Lister. Thrco progressive congress men nro probably elected with the second and third districts In doubt. Tho Inltlntlvo and roforeiidum amend ments to tho stnto constitution are apparently adopted. KANSAS WOMEN WIN. in TRirn II SEE FDOTE Coos County Prisoner, Under ueatn Sentence, Writes From Salem Prison. Frtfik Onrrlflnn li la Aiiflnn1 In Restate penitentiary nt Salem under win sentence for tho murder of Roy n on Cooa n"y has written to e Times. Uo snys that lio Is to bo "Kited In five weeks but this was T In case hanging wns not abolish- at TUeSilnv'a nlnr.Hr.ti rinrlaml " as follows: .. i i!'n to 8tnto y a few facts iJ ,.levo you Bta,d 'or rlfiht. Vou i. MrFoto who was on tho Jury v .V t0"Icd mo was up hero. God the old man back to his family. vi course I know Mr. Footo's and tho ,,,V sentlemen's verdict Is out of iT L nd8- but whon a mlstnko such ' ISeV mnHn Ir ilin.ln t1.n. la ntltof ' to right It. You know that there ; gt a man j tho wholo stnto who "letter ntmlln.i 4i i 1 nl.t.i """"' oy II lliuy iiiuuu lurr ve t,lnn " who sat on that kirn. ' naited tho Governor to wne present my evidence to him In X e of Mr- Footo who heard tho wee at thetrlal. Would ho do It? ftf ' aBd Eovornl times to seo Mr. 1 a wns Uon,ei1 tllo privilege. Hose tVi. uq Bucn a mistaKo ns lainWniV " "len mnuo l would uo ""WUI to rectlfv !t. fnr It lo n thlmr m i M101 bo rlshted after death. FrfoU . Je ln flve weoks from next ioi Bith0U8h J am ns innocent ns tlihes ' E,vo my fr,entls my ueBt ritOPlTn TV nfminnnr, 8'ishmaii Made $70,000 Oft Sena- ,B AssOClatfiil P,'. m.. -. V. ,wo iu 1UU JVVB Lovrmv, D.a.y Times.) ot a mi V ' ov 8- In tJl course U dnJ ,L JL commissions alleged to tt n. ho sa, ' Pictures from Unl Iyo.of Slr Georgo Donaldson Uson ?r..?iaes Senator Clark, Don- tre hv ,nefl tnat no bought a plc- Clark f"rn.e,r 'or ?30.000, sold It KD8 rforJ75'000 and that a sea- J.OOsi. unn vanGeyen bought for m was sold for $25,000. JOILV T, iv.r ..,. ttle at.,1 e.,: . -m ouii i-raiu'lsco Newspaper (Br a.. V18" Stricken. Associated Press to Tho Coos ti'i ,... Bay Times.) KaN2pN. Nov. 8.-John L. 'tlW ""y'sslon Seattle Post In- ss of 1 elva Pectoris after an 111- Uln to ifu w0r' HIb 1)otJy wUl be YUI; ! b,rth Dlace at Crawfords- I. ..' '"U.. TOP l.Mv.1.1 it. t--j HHadrn.i!,buB,neB8 'r two days, tlsco Calu Y b0U6ht tho San Fran- Suffrago CnrrU'K In Sunllowcr Stnto by no.ooo. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos nay Times.) TOPE1CA. Kan.. Nov. 8. Women Suffrngo carried In Knnsns by fifty thousand, SO.ME DELATED ItETUDNS. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos nay Times.) NEW YORK, Nov. 8. Wilson's Now York plurality Is about 100,000 ovor Taft. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 8. 1301 districts out of G.VJ3 In Pennsylvania gavo Taft 211.050. Wilson, 270,8.0 and Roosovolt 295,019. NEW YORK. Nov. 8 Governor Johnson, dofontod progressive candl dato for vice-president, said tho work of tho Progressive party will go on unnbated for tho next four years. DANVILLE, III., Nov. 8. Frank J. Ohnlr. democrntlc. was victor over former speaker Josoph O. Cannon for Congress In tho olghteonth district by Cll plurality. NEW YORK RESULTS. Every Diamli of State Went Demo cratic Tuesday. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) NEW YORK. Nov. 8. New Jork Stnto went domocratlc practically in ovory brnnch of Its government. Su -zor was elected governor by a plural ity estimated at K.0.000 over . Hodges ronublictin. his nearest competitor. Tho loKlBlnturo Is strongly domocratlc. In both branches. Tho total vote of Now York city was SiiUer, 303.741. Strauss. 103.57 .Hedges. 111.M0. AbocaVhussmfor dlBcrlmlnatloi, i .;," BOnteil uy i.ii; Mlinrwlso tho Jewish vote which otherwise would hnvo gone io oiruo. TOO GOOD TO DE TRUE. Presldent-Eloct Wilson Can Hardly Resize Vlctxiiy. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos v ' nay Times.) .nr,mr,M M T NOV. 8. I SBMS'.SK. '; HSs Mint It's true." repeated tho Goer ior "It hain't quite dawned on me. Ihave been In an Impersonal atmos phere for the last three .months read- llovo It Is true." WILL OPERTE AGAIN. Tnnbark Company Make Plans to Open n Camp It is reported In tho Port Oxford said that ?13 a cord will be paid for aSdJlvered at .th. wharf. Some " r Xoe'V hvo" a "ikw Tanning plant' at Redding. , Calif., snippeu a rnrd for It. The raise. In price is caused by the increased value of timber. REIMS II ALL REPORTED YET Peirce and Meredith Contest Uncertain Official Count to Be Tomorrow. Tho standing of tho election locally hns not changed since yes terday. Up to this nftcrnoon no further returns had been received. The totals nlrcndy given covered tho cities mid larger precincts of tho county nnd Included tho full voto of 23 prcc.nctB out of 30 in tho county. Tho others which havo not been heard from will not like ly mnlio any changes. Thoro mny bo a fow moro scattering roturns but It is not likely that thoro will bo any further returns until tho ofllclnl count Is mndo. This nftcrnoon the Pclrcc-Mcro-dlth contest wns still In doubt. Tho returns from this county put Pclrco 13 ahead nnd ho wns n fow votes In tlib lend In Curry county according to tho count no far nB It hnd gono there. It Is cither man's fight now nnd prpbnbly It will be necessary to wait for tho olllclal count to determlno which man is elected. Thoro appears to bo no doubt nboat I. S. Smith being elected. Uo hns sufficient lend so that ho could Bcnrccly bo beaten, although Stemmler hnd a big lead In Cur ry county. Tho county clerk hns not yet started on tho olllclal count nnd will not do so until nil tho elec tion precincts havo turned ln their ballots. VOTE SHOWN OK MEASURES McLnln For Place. When It became evident todny thnt Harry Lano would probably win for United States senator from Oregon, thoro wns consldornblo re joicing among tho oldor residents of tho Day who know Dr. Lano whon ho resided In Mnrshflcld 30 years ago. It was also reported that Hugh McLnln of Maraliflold was likely to bo appointed United States marshal ror ureron lit enso ur. i.nno wins. PORT OREORD ! r II It N T IS III Selling Beat Lane Three Votes in That Part of County. M IS OF REPORTED TO BE THE PLAN COUILLE COOS BAY IS Tho following Is tho voto for Port Orford precinct of Curry county ac cording to tho Trlbuno: For Presldont: Taft 20, Wilson 22, Dobs 15, Roosovolt, 42. Wrf nftnrnflnnlntlVD In f?nill?rn! Cnmpbcll 17, Hnwioy 47, Rlchnrds Summary Is Given On Each Proposition Voted Upon in Coos County. Some addltlonnl figures havo beon reeolved on tho measures. Tho totnls on each mensuro so fnr follow: 300, Woman's Suffrago Yes, 890; 110, CUD. Iffl cj,T, I ' ailllmnn 1 302, To Crcato Lloutonnnt Gov- Por Unod 8tnt0B Sonntor In Con ernor -ies, 022; no, 381. gross: Dourno 18, Clnrko 7, Lnno 27, 304, For Uniform System of Rnmp 12, Soiling 30. Taxation Yes, 291; no, 401. For Secrctnry of Stnto: Kennedy 300 To Levy Tax on Dlfforont 11, Olcott 59, Reddnwny 13, Ryan Clnsscs of Property Yes, 397; no, 9, Whlto 4. in i For JuBtlce of tho Supremo Court: 308. To Prohibit Emergency In nrlght 4, Enkln 48, Slater 15, Wcn- any Act Regulating Taxation vor 14. YCS, 745; no, UaS. ' for uiur nun I'lmu uiiiiumiBiuiiui , tin A..i..i.ininnia in tin Carried Dnrzco 13. Dunbar 9. Lon 15. Mlcklo by n 'Majority of Electors Instead . , , , , of by n Majority ot Thoso Voting For Rnllrond Commissioner: Voget on It-Yes. 233; no. 442. 6, Campbell 54. 31" Mailing nnnic anicunuiuuin rui iius ' ""'" llnhlo for Deposits Yes, 511; no, Harris 47. imiiio ir uW j Vw prosecuting Attornoy: Drown 314 Giving Moro power to nan- u. unnnon n, unniwou i, i.ong i rond 'Commission Yes, 47C; no,! For Senator: Smith 34, Stomn: " ii fi Clnckamns County Division For Representative: Hall 9, Mor- Yes 117' no, 444. edlth 72, Polrco li, sowiemnnn -i. 3"0 Mlliago nill for University. For County Judgo: Huntloy 9, Van and" Agricultural Collego Yes, Polt 11. Wood 79. 3C4: no, 3CD. . ' l ,,r nuunu. uunw , '"" i" Regarding Majority lor iu, wamor -io. Adopting nnd Rejecting Measures For County Clork: Chnstaln 12, Yos. 233; no. 301. . Donnhuo 10, Stannnrd 71. 34 Road Dond Act Limiting For County Treasurer: Cnuglioll Dond 'issue Yes, 327; no, 330. 00. 3"C To Crento Stato Highway, For County Assessor: Stolnor 75, DPiiartmont Yes, 173; no, 470. iTolmnn 49, Woodruff 27. 3"S To Puf Into Effect tho For School Superintendent: Guor Stato Printing noard Dec. 1. Yes. In 10, Smith CO ooq. nn 349 ; Fr County Survoyor: Cunnlff 25, 330, TO UrOniO HOIOI 1Bihi ami. ua, Dinmlor IN THE LEAD Shipped More Lumber to San Francisco Than Any Other Port. Coos Day Ib still In tho lend of nil other Pacific coaBt harbors in tho amount of (Ir nnd apruco lumber ship- r.od Into Snn Francisco liny. Tho Ml lowing figures show tho amount of lumber from ench port received in San Frnnclsco Day from Oct. 14 to 29, ns given In tho Western Pioneer Iumbormnn: Columbia River 050,000 Grnys Hnrbor 1,502,000 Coos Dny 0,325,000 Wlllnpn 2,450,000 Ilnndon 590,000 Astoria 3,100,000 Evorott 1,400,000 Aberdeen 2,015,000 Gnmblo 050,000 Umpqun 200,000 Sluslnw 175,000 SPOTTED FEVER PROVES FATAL q ooo nn. 4C4. 332. Eight-Hour Law Yes, 332; n332414,To Establish Corporation t, i,t Vh 377; no. 249. uu . I...V... --. . -; ot-,n rnn. l?it. Pfti-nnnfi Vnlann 90 For County Commissioner: Colo grovo 03. Hnrt 12, Wilson 13. Fort Port Commissioner: Chono woth 77, Hughes 11, Nodlno 10, Smith 8. gyiinam u. wniio u. DEATH ENDS SAD CAREER ilfi Prohibiting or mmo v;o- ninnii o. tjyiinain y. vnuo ou. vlct Labor by Individuals Yes, For Justico of tho Peace: Wright inn, nn OOI I 40. 338 Prohibiting Employment of. For Prohibition C4. ognlnst 22. rn... ' n Pnnniv Convicts by In- " dlvldunls and nllowing thorn to work on roads Yes, 489; no, 08 " 340, Creating Stnto Road Doard Yes. 201; no, 393. 242 To Prohibit Stnto from Having Rond Indebtedness In ex cess of 2 por cont Yes, 32C; no, 303 o'n Aiinwtne Twenty Year Tnr.,i 'nonds. Limiting the Issue GRADUATE OF VASSAR COL- Yes, 37C; no. 370. , I LEGE KNOWN HERE AS MAY 340. Prohibiting Counties Votlngi ATIIERTON, DIICS IN MARSH- Moro Than 2 Per Cont for Road. FIKM), Bonds Yes, 308; no, 332. Mav Atherton died yesterday aftor- ,S' nn ,0TowM-Ve r 292; no noon In this city. She had been 111 a ties and Towns les, -a, ' iong tlmo nnd her death was expect- s50. Taxation of Income-Yes, ed. A complication of ' Brlpht's dJB 275: no. JIM. . i , ,,Mi Mlaa Athnrton nt one tlmo J"!BiT5Tm occupied nather notorious position iroiu " -- ;. Yes. hero ns a resident or mo reu ugni 3G4. Exempting Mortgages xes, '7 ;"..,,, ,. ..ntll ni. 281o'rn0' irinc inheritance Tax noss overtook her, she was i quite well " ' v . o7i" nn 401 . H"0 Cliea m a lime houbu uuut. Laws Yes, 202. no. iui. . . . ,ace wnch wa8 358. Fixing reign.. . ' formerly a resort and whore she was 35Ln,in; nnlo Good Roads being looked after by another woman 3C0' "ve ooo- no 539. of tho demimonde. The place Is next Me,o,rv!Rine Various FormB of door to a larger house where Miss o.3.C2s5Siment"YeB 420; no.. Atherton for a number of years dur Stato Management es, isu. .j tJjo t)mo wqb m(JBt promtn. 4R3. . ... -.ii in ti,n lv roRlrlml nfl nronrlct- Cltles OQQ Little Son of Mr. and Mrs. 1 Ennenhoff of North Broadway Dies. JulliiB Egonlioir, tho twonty-two months old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Egonhoff of North llrondway, died to day of corobro spinal meningitis, tho drondod "spotted fovor" which caused nn nlnrmlng list of donths In Portland nnd othor cities Inst year. Tho baby had boon 111 for nbout a week but until yestordny, It was thought to bo mirroring from stomncii trouble Dr. Ilousoworth wns called In last night and pronounced It to bo meningitis. Tho baby was too fnr gono to respond to any trcntmont. Dr. Ilousoworth, owing to tho so verity of tho dlscnso nnd tho danger of contagion, advised againBt n puu Ho 'funernl. In consequence Inter ment will tnko plnco tomorrow nt Coos River with prlvnto sorvlces. WILL CLOSE PLANT. North Rend Condeiisary Not to Oper ate) Any More. Tho milk condonsnry at North Dond la to bo closed Nov. 15, nccord nig to an nnnouncomont mndo by T. It. Shorldnn of Rosoburg who Is tho chlof ownor. Tho mncblnory will bo tnknn nut nt tlin 1)11 11 (II II IT and llkoly moved to somo othor Hold but just whore has not neon announced, i no ronson for closing tho plant is thnt it has boon Impossible to soruro sufll clont milk from tho rnnchors. Rumored That Dollar Lumber Company Is Working on Project. NOW HANDLING ' MUCH OF OUTPUT It Is Snid Effort Is Being Made to Include All Plants. j (Speclnl to Tho Tlmos.') COQUILLE, Nov. 8. It Is re ported hero thnt tho Dollar Lum ber Company Is bohlnd n movo ta effect n merger of all tho lumber mills on the Coqulllo river. While the matter has bcou kept very quiet, It Is understood that con sldornblo progress has boon mnds and that It Is not unllkoty that It will go through. E. E. Johnson, who hns boon moro or Ices closely nssoclntol with tho Dollar Lumber Compnny In their connection with tho Hnn dolph Compnny, Is nlso In the Lyons nnd Johnson Mill near nan don nnd tho Coqulllo Mill nn4 Morcantllo Compnny nt Coqulllo. Ho also handled tho output of the Coqulllo Lumber Compnny which recently wont Into tho hands of a receiver. Mr. Johnson Is nlso In terested In tho Kruso Shlnglo mill nnd tho logging cqmpnuy thnt fur nishes tho logs for tho Randolph mill nnd which Is building n rail road up Dear Creek to n big trnct of timber owned by tho Dollar people Outside of tho lumber business on tho Coqulllo River that Is han dled by E. 13. Johnson, thoro nre two mills, tho Coqulllo Lumber Co., which wont Into tho hands ot a receiver nnd Is prohnbly easily purchasable and tho Prospor Mill Compnny nt Prospor. Thoro Is nlso tho Goorgo W Monro Lumber Company at Dandos which l tho largest mill on tho rlvor. It Is understood to bo the plnn to got nil tho mills In. Whether tho plan will tnko In tho logging rompnnlos Is not at presont known. STORM TODAY SEVERE MORE TROUBLE WITH WIRES 4hi onoMni Graduated Slnglo Tax-Yes, 620; no. 932. 300, To Aooiisii "i' mentYes. 027: no. 049. a Prohibiting Boycotting Yos. 293: no. 434. a .. ,n 370. PronjDiunB ?"-"" 2 Streets wunoui perum . ont In the city, resided ns propriet ress. Miss Atherton was a woman of good birth and education. She vas a graduate of Vassar collego and fas a member of a good family of the east. Her mother and several sisters reside ln a city in New York state. They do not Know or ner position m No. 434. si75 000 for this city but havo been notified of her 37.2', &W n uiidlne University death. The burial will bo In this c y. Administration Building, unn en. ht nQme Jg Bad (o bfl Lott(J of Oregon Yes 190 no.. hep Jb t0 bo at 374, ApPropnauiiH y -. - Saiamanca, N. Y. Whether her ro Llbrary at State universuy IatVes there will try nnd have tho "ttebo?. County Single Tax- bod, r sent there for burial Is un Yes, 576; no, 1052. Western Union Reaches Rose burg But Cannot Get Portland Today. Tlio Western Union wires nro out of commission again today. This tlmo tho troublo is nt Roso burg. Tho wires aro working from here to Rosoburg, but It is lmr.naall.1n Ir. rpndl Portland On account of somo troublo out of tm, ...., 'Phn wcRtnrn union oi- flco hero was uncertain as to whether thoro would bo any wiro by tonight. TELEPHONE DOWN. Tho tolephono lino from hero to Rosoburg Is down this afternoon. It operated for a tlmo but at noon broke down. It wns thought possible that the lino might bo up somo tlmo to night. WILL TAKE CAPITAL. Dulgnrlaiis Expected to Occupy Con stantinople Very Soon. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times) LONDON, Nov. 8. Temporary oc cupation of Constantinople by tho Bulgarians Is regarded by Russia as Inevitable says a St. Petersburg dis patch to the Dally Mall. Even fear of permanent occupation Is expressed, TERRIFIC WIND BLOWING AT LIGHTHOUSE AND SHIPS KV COUNTER HEAVY WEATHER Tho gnlo nt son today Is n ter rific one It was roportod this, nftornoon that at tho lighthouse tho wind was blowing nt tho rate of 70 or 80 miles nn nour. Tho four vossols which woro In tho lowor bny got out, but thoy wilt oncauntor vory rough wonthor. Tho storm Is nno of tho worst ot tho season. No accidents nt boh havo yet been reported, HEAVY GALE BLOWING RontK Aro In tlio !,oucr Day Waiting Clianco to Get Out. CROSS OUT. Tho Nairn Smith, Nowborg, 1 Rodondo and tho Alllnnco an crossed out this aftomoon. A heavy galo Is blowing off Coos Bay and boats nro unablo to loavn. Tho Nann Smith, Rodondo nnd Al llnnco nro all In tho lowor bny wait ing for nn opportunity to got out but tho conditions todny wero not favor able for tho vessols to loavo. HAVE NTCW IDEAS. Democrats Plan to Mnliitnln Active Machine, (By Associated Press to The Coot Bay Times) NEW YORK, Nov. 7. Demo cratic loaders proposo to Intro duce sovoral political novoltlos, It Is said. A proposed foaturo It the maintenance of tho Domocratlc na tional committee ns a continuous working institution, tjio coiuuu mont of n government suggestion box to which citizens throughout tho country might submit tholr Ideas on governmental affairs na been suggested. SPECIAL CANDY SALE STAF FORD'S Sntuitluy and Sunday CAR AMELS 5c KT pound. When in need ' PLUMBING, HEATING, Usheet METAL WORK, OALTj 101-J PIONEER IIDW'RE CO., When done by us It Is done rlgU