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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1912)
WETCTBATn ERE'S a store H things you ought right prices you ought to pay; Clothes in whose company you'll be proud to be. And here we are, ready to show you the new things, whether you come to look or buy; and ready to cheerfully hand your money back, if you want it. Good Suits $8.50 to $ 1 5.0U. Belter Suits $15.00 to $30.00. A full line of Overcoats and Raincoats $6.00 to $25.00. The MARSHFIELD Always "The Busy Corner" The Rexall Store Our 60th Special Saturday Sale will excel all other sales. Keep your eye on this space and save money. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER" PHONE MAIN 298 US Get ASD GET AFTER THAT ROOF, nUT FIRST COMB IX AXD (JE1 OUR PRICES OX SHINGLKS AND ROOFING PAPER, SHINGLES $1.00 AND UP. ROOFING PAPER, ONE PLY, f 1.2S AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. WflJBilfcUKlHiiili Golden Rule Prices: Cotton niankots, extra &) 0 values, pair, 7Gc to yC&J Udlei Cotton Umlorwoar, Cfl 25c to OUC Some la wool, &a rn 11.00 to $l.jU Udles' Union Suits, fry CA Children's Hose, our opcclal for Bov and 4 C Girls IDC & M. C. Embroldory Cotton, Cr Bkelns for JL RoM Floss, silk, 1 Ar J Bkelns lUt Uces, one-half what you pay olso where. Hrondwny, near Central. Golden Rule Store NEW LOCATION. Merchant's Old Stand. TONIGHT at TSe Royal 1000 Feet for 10c. " t pr Loo of ,,0 Vla(!( T''e lie-art of the Redman. Tw SouU. z'gato to tho Rescue. God music and realistic sound ecta. 10 cents. The Fashion Tailors for Ladies 'and Gents Gaining, Pressing, and Alterations 150 Frant St full of just the sort of to wear, at just the Fixup NORTH BEND Busy Sewing Machine Needles at Marshfield Cyclery Dayton Agents. Phono 158-11 172 Broadway FOR SALE Small boarding house, well furnlshod, six steady bonrdcrs Apply Times ofllco. WAXTEI) Sowing by the day or nt homo. Satisfaction guaranteed. $2.00 por day. llox 434, North Bond. FOR HEXT Store building with liv ing rooms In rear and flat of six rooms nbovo. Phono 71. "WAXTEI) By ldy nnd daughter, position as housekeeper. Address "D", caro Times. WAXTEI) School girl to exchange services for board nnd room In prl vnto family. Address "C" caro Times. WAXTEI) Position nt miiiiII wages In doors, for tho winter. Address, W. H. Durghugon, Mnrshflold, Oro. ROOM nnd HOARD 207 North 3rd St. cornor Commorclal. VOll RENT Molein five-room bungalow, 853 Third nnd High land. Call botween 5 and C In tho ovenlng. FOR BALl'J Gs stove.. 108 South Second strcot. WANTED About Nov. 13 I will wnnt an experienced woman to cook for 6 or 8 persons nnd tako chnrgo of rooming houso. If satisfactory, will have permanent homo. Address W. II. Durghngen, Mnrshflold, Oregon. WAXTEI) 2 or 3 boarders nnd roomers. Mill men preierrou. w ply 219 S. Broadway WANTED A Rood automobile. Will trado 40 acres of fine land In Oklahoma. Address C. fc. Nlles, Coqullle. MONEY TO LOAN On Piano, furnl ture, personal property, ere. uun from C to 8 p. m. H. H Harper 334 First strejt. Phono 349-J. FOR SALE Dry wood, fir and I dor, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Ferry landing. Phono 1P3-L- ROOM AND BOARD Tho Roycrest, 388 First street, mono i- .. J.O..O. nnvthtnir to sell, rent or trade, or want help, try a Want WANT ADS. Itr" rr jrn-rkona! a .inm I I sociatj calendar. niinr niiinn !' TIDICS FOR XOVEMBER. i . . . . '? . glvcn tho Hm ami height of high and low water at Marsh field. j The tides oro placed In tho order i of occurrence, with tholr times on tno nrst lino nnd heights on tho I second lino of each day; a compai- ! 18011 nn rnnannitHvA I,.!..!.... -.111 --"wi.WfU tll7lMLB Will Indicate whether It Is high or low water. For high water on tho bar. suhstract 2 hours 34 minutes. mini.. 1.10 G.37 1.10 7.23 lliT. r. .1 1 K no 0.1 8 lira.. 2.00 7.20 i!ar. 8.0G 0.9 8.4C 1.2 Ft... G.3 1.8 7.0 lira.. 2.4G 7.r.Q 2.21 Ft... 5.3 2.2 7.1 WEATHER FORECAST. OREGON Fair tonight and I I-rldny In tho east, with occa I Blonnl rnln tonight or Friday t In the west-. Southwesterly I winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 24 hours ending nt 4:13 n. 111. Nov. 7, by Hon. Ostllnd, special govornmont meteorological observer: Maximum 57 Minimum no I At 1: 13 a. 111 GO J Precipitation 47 I Wind Southwest; rnlny. Fnrcucll Party. Mrs. Klllo Fnr- . rlngor will cntortnln nt cards Friday evening In honor of Miss Vlolot Hen- dcrson who loaves soon for San Fran cisco. Firemen Meet. Chief Dan Keating of tho Mnrshfleld Flro Department nnnouncos thnt tho rogulnr monthly business meeting will bo hold this ovonlng. 1 llniiil Conceit. Director Fonton of tho Coos Day Concert Dnnd announc ed that n public concert would bo giv en at tho Masonic Oporn Houso Sun- 1 day afternoon at 2:30. t Had Collision. Dr. Horsfall bad v dnmaged his motorcyclo yestordny In n collision with tho Plonoor Oro- ; cory's delivery nuto on Front strcot. i Luckily he was not hurt. Club Postponed. Tho Soclnl Sow ing Club which wns to havo met with Mrs. J. 0. Swlnford today Indefinitely postponed Its meeting today on nc j count of tho Illness In tho family of 1 one of Its members. Meeting Changed. Tho C. W. n. , M. which wnB to havo been entertain ed Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. R. A. Copplo, will moot Frldny evening nt t tho homo of Mrs. Copplo. All mem bers and tholr husbands, nnd friends nro cordially Invited to nttond. Day Writes. Jess Dny In n lottor , from Hnlloy, Idaho, to Alfred Mntson, says 110 is not raring won in tno prize lighting gnmo thoro. Ho wns boaton by Carpenter recently nnd hnd nn othor mntch this weok with n man named Carpenter. Jack Glcason Is still managing him. j Will Suo Paper. A Portland pn I nor snva Cnuntv Commlsslonor LlKht- nor of Multnomah County, who was a cnndldnto for reelection, will suo tho Portland Nowa for Hbol, that pn por hnvlng charged him during tho cninpnlgn with defrauding tlio county In tho purchase of supplies. Llght nor Is n hrothor of Captain Llghtnor of Mnrshflold. AMONG" THE SICK. Mrs. Elliott Potorson of nay Park 1 Is reported to bo qulto 111 nt Morcy hospital. Robort Ayro, tho threo-year-old son ' of Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Ayro, is sick with tonsilltls. S. W. Wessols, foreman of tho Oro i con Powor company's electrical de partment, who was Injured by a fall from n roof. Is getting along nlco- !y. Sovornl stitches woro necessary to closo tho bad gnsti in ins jaw. Win. Abel who underwent nn opor- IIU1UU III MVlVy HUOJJIIUI OV IUUIV a reported to bo getting: along nicely weok. Floronco Smith, tho young daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Smith who so sorlously cut hor foot with an ax Inst Saturday, Is reported doing nice ly. I ALOXO THE WATERFRONT I , 4 The steamer Hardy crossod out this morning for San Francisco. Tho Nann Smith, AUIanco and Ro dondo are In tho lower Bay waiting for tho storm outsldo to subside be iforo crossing out. Thoy probably will not get out before tomorrow. Tho Elizabeth sailed from Ban don for San Francisco yesterday. Tho Newborg- arrived In horo yesterday. Twinges of rheumatism, backache, stiff joints, and shooting pains all show your kidneys are not workln right. Urlnnry Irregularities, loss of sleep, nervousness, weak back and soro kidneys tell tho need of a good reliable kidney medicine. Fo ley's Kidney Pills aro tonic, strengthening and restorative. Iliey build up the kidneys and regulato their action. They will glvo you quick relief and contain no habit frrrolng drugs. Safo and always suio. Try them. For salo by Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co., the Bust Corner. PERSONAL NOTES raouiNALINUID so.., S'fffivm, ,,. Hfl Hr MM K JOHN WASSON of South Inlet Is here on business. MAYOR JORDAN of Enstsldo Is In Marshllold today. AL NICHOLLS of Empire Is a Marsh' Held visitor today. JOHN MESSERLE of Catching Inlet Is hero on business. ED METCALF of South Inlot Is In Marshllold on business. MRS. O. F. SMITH of South Coos itivor is in town today. HERMAN SANFORD of Sumnor is In Mnrshfleld on business. REUBEN LYON of North Inlot Is In Mnrshfleld on business. EVAN HODSON of South Coos River isu in Alnrsntleid today. ROY LANDR1TH of North Coos Rlv cr Is In town on business. RAY DEMENT of Myrtlo Point Is Btopplng nt tho Chandler. JOHN I1IASCA of Coos River Is In town attending to business. MISS HAZEL PETERSON of Loon Lnko Is In Mnrshfleld today. MRS. I). L. HUOKINOHAM of Forn dnlo Is n Marshllold shopper today. V. C. SELLMER and wlfo of Hnndon were Mnrshfleld visitors yestordny. MRS. O. F. HOLLISTER of North Rend Is n Mnrshfleld shopper today. FRANK IIODSON of South Coos Rlvor enmo to town this morning. MRS. J. D. RICE of Daniels Crook Is u guest nt tho Urnnby homo In this city. FRED ORINOLDS yestordny took tho Hunker Hill election returns to Co qulllo. MRS. D. L. WATSON of Coos City was shopping In Mnrshfleld today, MRS. TOM SMITH camo down from South Coos Rlvor nnd Is shopping in town. W. II. JONES of Elkton, tho big gamo hunter. Is spending n fow days In Mnrshflold. L. F. PRICE of Sumnor camo to Mnrshflold this morning to attend to business. MRS. JAMES CULLEY of Catching Inlot Is n guest of Mnrshflold friends todny. MRS. A. L. IlbUSEWORTH who has been visiting hor sister, Mrs. nuoll Rosin of Konuomlck, Wash., tho past thrco weoks returned on tho Drcnkwntor this morning, MRS. WILL SMITH or Coos Rlvor Is visiting Mrs. Emma Hllbnrn of Mllllcoiua today. J. T. SULLIVAN of Tho Hub storo at Hnndon roturnod homo yesterday nftcr n short visit horo. MR. nnd MRS. JAS. WALL loft on yestordny's train for Hnndon whoro tlioy will romnln n fow days. MISS MYRTLE DOWNER roturnod on tho bont today from Portland whoro sho hns bcon visiting. nEN RYKRE. representing M. Sollor of Portlnnd, nrrlvod this morning on tho Hrenkwntor on business. L. A. SUPLEE nnd J. E. Schilling of Myrtlo Point returned homo yes tordny nftor a day's visit horo. OTTO OLSON, a resident of Portland and formor resident horo, nrrlvod on tho Rreakwotor to visit frlonds, H. DONAH Y, representing Dlumnyor & Frank Drug Co., of Portlnnd, Is In Mnrshflold calling on tho trndo. LESTER SMITH of Coos Rlvor hrot to Mnrshfleld yestorday ono largo shipment of turkoys for Fourlor Bros, IRA WHEELER of Lakeside who Is building a boat repair shop camo to Marshllold this morning after machinery. MR. and MRS. JENSEN who llvo on tho Robinson plnco on Hnyncs In lot, camo to Marshfield this morn ing on business, MRS. M. R. SMITH who has boon visiting In Washington nnd Oregon for five months roturnoa tins morn Ing on tho Brenkwator. W. F. MILLER leaves on Saturday's Broakwator for Portland to meet Mrs. Miller who hns been visiting In tho East for somo tlmo. DR. and MRS. STRAIQHT of Port lnnd aro on tho nay with tho In tention of locating. Thoy will pro bably settle In North Bond. MISS MAMIE MAHONEY will leavo Saturday on tho Breakwater for Portlnnd on n pleasure trip. Miss Mahoney will bo away about two wooks. MRS. ROBT. McCANN of North Bond who attended tho W. C. T. U. Na tional Convention In Portland ro- A. J. Bailey, a railroad engineer. Batesvllle, Ark., says; "I suffered with kidney and bladder trouble so bad I was unablo to work, I had such severe pains In my back I could hardly get up. I tried sov eral physicians with no result, but Foley Kidney Pills havo dono won ders ' for me. I recommend them to, all." For salo by Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co,, tho Busy Corner. SOCIAL CALENDAR. THURSDAY. Social Sowing Club with Mrs. Georgo Ayres. Prcsbytorlnn Ladles' at an nil day session with Mrs. C. II. Walter. I Lndles' Art Olub with Mrs. Dorsoy Krcltzcr. North Bend Altar Guild with Mrs. Georgo Golsendorfor. A. W. N. Club with Mrs. W. P. Murphy. FRIDAY Reception for Rev. nnd Mrs. RuLlodgo by M. E. Congregation. Mrs. Win. Horsfall, Jr., host ess nt mustcnlo mntlncc. turned to hor homo on tho Brenk wator today. WM. VAUGHAN of tho McDonnld Vnughan camp on Daniels Crock Is In Mnrshflold. CARL STOCKIN, representing tho Underwood Typowrlter Co,, Is In tho city, registered nt tho Chan dler. MISS SIGNA LARSON roturnod this morning on tho Breakwater from n month's visit to hor slstor, Mrs. Roy Sauhort, of Acme, Oregon. MR. nnd MRS. W. S. CHANDLER who hnvo bcon visiting In Welling ton returned on tho Breakwater this morning nnd will spend tho winter In Mnrshflold. HOTEL ARRIVALS. I BLANCO Ilownrd Evans. Buck ley, Wnsh.: Wnltor Stull, Allegany ; John L. Anderson, Hnndon: Win, Sunder, Empire; D. Lnuflnberg, San Frnnclsco; Petor Tulley, Lnmpa, Oro.; August Yesht, Port lnnd: Henry Mostest, Portland; J. W. Wright. Coqullle. COOS Wm. Gngo, Coqulllo; J. Brady, Bandon; T. T. Hill, Ban don; Don Conlogno, Coqullle; Les ter Smith, Coos River; Al Smith, Coos River; F. F. Drnko, Portland; W. H. Foley, Portland: T. II. Lawrence, Portlnnd; II. B. Davis, Portland; Robt. A. Kelly, -Omnhn, Neb.; Win. Sugg, Bandon. LLOYD Orrln Guttroy, Eurokn; J. D. Cllnkenbcnrd, Sumnor; Mrs. Orlu Garten, Coqulllo. CHANDLER A. A. Lovy, Snn Frnnclsco; W. E. Best, Bnndon; Wm. Cnndlln, Coqulllo; A. E. Kriiso, Coqulllo; E. D. Kenter, Portland: H. Van Ordco, Coqulllo; W. W. Brady, Portland; B. E. Van Voorhos, Portlnnd; Geo. Tylor, So nttlo; I. O. Fnllor, Snn Frnnclsco; Carl Striken, Portlnnd; Frank Van Doren, Pittsburg: Win. Vnn Doron.j riusuurg; 11. w. lumunii nmi wlfo. Portlnnd: Geo. Colohrook, Portland; 11. E. Parkhurst. Port land; A. D. McKonnn, Bandon: O. W. Holllstori Portlnnd; W. J. Colo brook, Portlnnd; Ray B. Demont, Myrtlo Point; II. C. Hnrmon, Port lnnd. I AT THE HOTELS. (Wodnesdny) COOS D. J. Rico, Dnnlols Crook, W. R. Hunt. C. H. Stocks. Snn Frnnclsco; Wm. Suggs, Coqulllo; Mnry Sllvl nnd son. Snn Frnnclsco; I J. C. Illckoy, Sn'n Francisco; W. C. Squler nnd wlfo, Coqulllo; Jnmos' Johnson, Coqulllo; Al Hiiuth, Cons Rlvor; Al Smith. Coos Rlvor; T. T. Illll, Bnndon; J. C. Hnckor. Snn Frnnclsco; G. R. linker, Portland; E. B. Iloyto, Coqulllo. BLANCO J. C. Nool, Coqulllo; MrB. Wilson nnd son, Bnndon; Geo. Johnson, Coqulllo; Frnncls Lnvln, Pnrkorshurg: Robt. A. Kelly, Omn hn: H. B. Davis. Portland. LLOYD F. E. Lnvln, Bnndon; Mrs. O. Onrton, Coqulllo; Mrs. J. Renins, Rlverton. CHANDLER O. J. Seoloy. W. H. Thomas, Coqulllo; J. N. Mncln tyro; Oakland; Mr. nnd Mrs. J. T. Sullivan, Bandon; Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Sulllvnn, Bnndon; O. 1L Graham, Portlnnd; M. J. McKomln, Bnndon; J. E. Sclillling, .Myruo Point. LARGE AXXUAL APPLE CROP Tho following Is tnkon from tho current Issuo of Farm and Flrosldo: "Growers nnd buyers nro looking for nnothor big npplo crop this yonr. Cortnln pnrts of tho East will pro duce qulto as many ns Inst year (prln clpnlly tho Hudson Rlvor district) hut genornlly, In tho East, Mlddlo West, nnd West, roports Indlrnto nn nggro- gato ylold blggor winn ror ninny yonrs past. Novor boforo has thoro boon tho demand ror coiu-siorngo spneo. Tho avallablo spaco In tno Knnsas City cold-storngo housos, which aro among tho lnrgost In th.o country, has alroady beon engaged by far-seeing buyers." Vlonnn's now water works systom brings CO, 000, 000 gallons of wntor n day from a point In tho Alps 113 miles distant. About ono-tonth of tho olcctrlc lamps mndo In tho United Stntes evory year aro used for ndve3 Ing purposes. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables 011 today's Breakwater. Order that Thanksgiv ing Turkey NOW. Stauff Grocery Co. PHONE 102 MASKEY'S CANDIES i I I ar Ini J af I J Vr FO I RELIEF PROVIDED FOR MRS. TIMMOXS AXD CHILDREN WILL BE SEXT TO PARENTS IN OKLAHOMA. Tho nppcnl In Tho TlmcB last night for nld for Mrs. Tlmmons nnd her two little Infants brought nlniost lmmcdlnto results. t Tho Woodmon nt their mooting: last night took up tho .matter nnd gnvo $10 towards tho fund. Tom Coko, Marshal Carter and Mrs. Potrolmloux aro today circulating petitions to rnlso funds. About 2 o'clock Mrs. Petrolmleux hnd se cured J2C.50 In cash nnd had the promlso of $20 more, Besides hor fnro, money Is need ed for clothing nnd tho famlly'o condition wns oven worso than had hitherto been known. About 3:30 this nftcrnoon, Mnrshal Cnrtor and Tom Coko reported a total of $94. R0 hnd bcon subscribed to nld Mrs. TImmons nnd hor children. Mrs. Potrolmloux turned In $13.25 In addition to what sho had raised earlier In the dny. After rending Tho Times last night, Mr .Coko went Immedlntely to tho TlmmoiiH tent nnd found conditions thoro woro nwful. When ho wont to lodge, tho W. O. W., ho told of It and Immodlntoly tho cnmpnlgn to nld hor wns launched. Messrs. Coko, Doug Ins nnd RnlBon woro nnmed ns n com mittee to bco that tho money wnB prp perly expended. ONE OF STATE MEASURES WAS LEIT OFF THE TICKET EN TIRELY. It hns bcon discovered thnt thoro It n mistake In tho Coos county ballot. In printing tho ballot and In correct ing thorn tho error wns overlooked. Ono of tho propositions which wns to hnvo bcon voted upon In tho stnto has been left off tho Coos county bnllot. It Is No. 310 and-317 which Is 0. pro position to npproprlato $60,000 for1' Improvements nt tho Monmouth Stnto Normal. Just whnt effect tho orror might havo no ono vonturod nn opinion. It Is not thought howovor thnt It will nffect Coos county's vota for other officers nnd propositions hut It might hnvo somo effect on tho Monmouth monsuro. ADVERTISED LI7ITEHS. Tho following lot tors romnln un called for tho In Mnrshflold posr olllco for tho week ending Nov. (i, 1912. Persons calling for tho snme will plonso Hny advortlscd nnd pay ono cent for each lottor called for: J. Alksuo, Oliver S. Browstor, II. D. Barrett, Jon Bailor, Win. Blnck lund, Dnvo Brown, Ivnn Berry (2), C. A. Berry, Horace Bosley (2), Frank Boutin, Olydo O. CInrk, Mlm Sadie Cooper, Ernest Cove, CInrk K. Dnvls. Chns. Dugnn, Polo Dug gnn, H. A. Edmund, Mnths Erkiini, Otto Edmund, Burt F. Fltzgornld, Win. Foholy, J. C. Fulloo, John Fuhror, Ben Gontry, John Gustnf son (3), Goo. W. Hnyos Halo, O. E. Hayos. Chas. Hamlin, W. H. Hobson, T. M. Hussey, Wnltor Johnson, Albort Johnnson, Philip Krell, Oscar Knlno, L. C. Kcster. S. J. Kolly (2), Tom Klnnoy. Loula Klboll (2), Miss Ingoborg Larson, Chan Lasnoll, A, E. Lynch, M, J. Lnrson, Porly Lewis, John LeclnfrV' Harry Llttlo (3), J. II. McDonald. W. McLenn, John Mct'artly. Ira McVny, Mlnnlo Molbourno, Frnnk Michel, Geo. Mlntzo, Chns. M. Mil ler, J. A. Morrison, Wm. Moo, P. J. Moody. E. R. Murphy, II. M. Murphy, Poto Murphy, Jns. Murry, Henry J. Murth. W. 8. Nowmnn, linns Nelson, Lnwronco Pnrkor, Frnnk Prltchnrd, II. II. Pngo (2), Iva Potorson, .loo Plotsch, Goo. Pournor, R. E. Rnyhould, Frnnlc Reynolds, .loo Rourko, E. R. Rob inson, Oxol Rudborg. K. J. Rund qulst, R. R. Schonck, Honry Stndtl. Albort Smith, S. L. Smith, P. B. Smith. C. E. Smith, E. M. Sllvor tnn, Win, Suckor, Eugono A. Thompson, Mm. E. A. Thompson, F. J. Vormohr (2). John Vlornllor, E. H. Wngnor (2), Chester Wal ker. Georgo Whlto, J. E. Wadklns. J. F. Wilson, Chnrlos Wllklo, Alor. Wilson, L. II. Wolf, Wnyn L. Wood. W. B. CURTIS, Postmaster. Jamaica has a groat deal of val uable wood In Its Interior, but tho stronms nro not lnrgo enough to brine It to tho coast. Hess' Poultry Pan-a-ce-a Is not a stimulant, hut 11 nu tritious tonic, Mlileh produces eggH in nature's way. In winter, keep your liens warm, feed Pan-a-co-n; If you don't get more egg, mid lots of them, return the empty package and your money will bo refunded cheerfully. MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS. THE QUALITY STORE. MISTAKE IN ' GDDSJALLOr Ad. I if M,. . (J & ?ktJ&-