IHtH'jyiy.-kVENINfiEDITIUI EUY MILLINERY NOW at Mrs. Aiken 9s and Save Mm. ' Prices Are Cot Deep Here arc some prices that should open your eyes and your purse at OUR SPECIAL SALE ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY You cannot afford to overlook this great saving. Dress Hafts $10 Hats for only $5.00 $7.50 Hals for onlv $3.75 $5.00 Hals for only $2.50 A nice assortment of Felt Caps and Bonnets for Children will be 25c Closed out at mfJ Also Fancy Feathers and Flowers at Half Price. Unfcominnied Halts $3.00 Shapes for. $2.00 Shapes for $1.00 Shapes for .50c COOS 13ULL1HNG A Variety of Fine Pattern Hats Ranging in Price From $15.00 to $30.00 Will Be Sold at Half Price. IRS. A. G. AIKEN XT DOOB TO AVOOLI3X JULl STOlffi 1KB COOS BAY TIMES M. C. SLLONEY. Editor and Pub. AX W. MALOXEY. ..Xews Editor GOOD EVENING. Tho best preparation for tlio future Ih tho present well seen to, tlio lnat duty well done Georgo MncDonuld. 1 BLACKMAIL. SO CONTROL ALL ruJHn iiol f roin Igo l ) 12 votes, those of Vermont, Idnho nnd Utnh. Pennsylvania's 3S votes nro ap parently certain for Roosovolt. Tlio rnco between Taft, Roosc velt nnd Wilson wns almost nn oven nffnlr until moro than 18G, 000 ballots woro countod. As the precincts outsldo of tho lnrgor cit ies began to Report, lloosovclt and Wilson forged nhcad nnd with something like over half tho voto counted, Itoosovolt had a ninjorltv of ovor 20,000 In Minnesota, which had boon conceded to Wilson nt miumgnt Tuesday, Roturns from Now Hampshlro nro so cIobo as to make tho pre dictions on these Impossible. Taft'a icnu ovor wliBon varied from 13 to 8011101111111: ovRk inn nn.l u-lfli edge, nnd who nro themselves dc- many districts vet to bo rmmhxi. a division or tho republican voto between Taft nnd Itoosovolt gavo Democratic victory In many states. In Now York, tho democrats carried uio sinio tieKot and Icglslnturo. In Illinois tho doinnrrntln xnmll (Into for govomor apparently cnrrlod me mine. Domocfatlc senators npponrod cer tain as Successors in rnmilillnntia In mworo or nnotaora inaiscrouon or Colorado, Now Jorsoy, Dolawaro, iiiinitiiiiiuti, wiiiiiii iMiBBtmn uiu i ikih i .uoiunnn ami sovornl other states. i uero wns a gonornl Inrreaso In tho voto -polled by Dobs, tho Soclnllst presidential cnndldnto, but It was ac THERE Is nn lndiiBtry known ob blackmail, and not highly esteemed. In fact, It Is rated ns ono of tho meanest nnd certainly nbout tho most cowardly form of crime. It Is practiced often upon re jpcctublo citizens In whoso- lives thcro has been boiuo chapter not pleasing to memory n chapter In Tolvlng dlsgrnco, or discomfort, or torrow. Tlicro Is noiio who has not gono through some oxporlonco, which, al though devoid of ovll, and no re jection nn tho Individual chnrnctor, H would bo embarrassing to hnvo noraldod from tho housotops. In such caso, thoso who hnvo knowl cent, grant tho boon of sllouce. On tlio contrary, tho opportunity nwak ns tho malovoleiiro of tho black mailer, or tho person morally nkln in this wretched and degouornto tvpn, and gloatingly ho Hpreads abroad the liiforniatlnn. "Ghoul ish g'co" for onco becomes no mcro tguro. Tho only norsou who. being t,m.vnfff ,.- Olympic Flour g Snow Drifb Flour RETAIL PR1CL $1.40 PER. SACK Northwestern hard whoat used ex cIuBlroly In milling thoio brands ot flour. y ii ; r Frumaucisco- jFLOUH Reduced Price; ox to toll about It, would bo ono ot unerring Judgment, spotless career, pure soul, high purpose. And such an ono would bo of exactly tho class that would guard tho secret. To Impute, sinister motives Is, uf course, unkind, yet when thoro has been u gratuitous exposure that could have had no excuse except Intrinsic uuillco, tho conclusion that tlio net sprang from baseness Is inevitable. It Is not nlwnys to be supposed that the life of such' traducor Is xlthout reproach. Naturally, tho observer asks: What has been tho record ot the Pharisee? Is ho kind? la bo good? Do children like him? Its ho honorable? As n publicist tao3 he stood for tho wenk and op- praised, or has ho been nn oppros oor? Ilavo his roars of activity boon crowned with petico and re sport? Ah be walks among men Is their Impulso to npplnud or to hiss? Illackiualliiig is n dangerous busl mh and doing things that savor of blackmnll Is npt to bring Igno bio reward. companled by sotbacks to local social 1st strongholds. In Wisconsin, Con gressman Jiorgor, tho only soclnllst In tho Houbo, wns defontod with n nunibor of other onicoholdors. President-elect Wilson will hnvo behind lilin n greatly strengthened majority In tho Houso of Representatives and on oarly returns tho domocrnts ap parently havo it ehanco to securo con trol of tho senate. 1 USED SAGE TEA To Darken the Hair and Re store Grey and Faded Hair to Its Natural Color. It Ib onslor to preserve the color of tho hair tlian to rcstoro It, although H is posslblo to do both. Our grand mothers understood tho socrct. Thoy mnda a "sago ton," and their dark, glossy long lml r after middlo llfo wns duo to this fact. Our mothors havo jjrny hairs boforo thoy aro llfty, but thoy aro boglnnlng to npproclnto tlio wisdom of our grand mothers In us ing "sago' tea," for tholr hair and aro fast following suit. Tho present generation lias tho ad vantago ot tho past In that it can get a roady-to-uso preparation called Wyoth's Sago and Sulphur Hair Ro niody, As a scalp tonic and color ro storor this proparntlon is vastly su perior to tho ordinary "sago tea" made by our grr.ndmothors. Tho growth nnd beauty of tho hair depends on n healthy condition ot tho cnlp. Wyoth's Sngo and Sulphur Hair Romody quickly kills tho dan druff gorms which rob tho hair of its llfo, color and lustre, makes tho dcalp cloan and hoalthy, gives tho hair strongth. color and boauty and makes it grow. Get a 00 coat bottle from your druggist today. Ho will give your mo noy back if you aro not satisfied after a fair trial. Washington progressive. (Ily Associated Press to Tho Coos nay Times.) SEATTLE, Wnsh., Nov. 7. Re turns received today do not chango tho position of Roosovolt nnd ILs tor to their beaten compotltlars. Interest has now shifted to tho flvo congressional Boats. Tho Progres sive candidates nt largo for stato senator. Sonntor Falconer of Evor ett and City Attorney ,T. W. Bryan of Hroinorton, malntnln tholr lead. In tho first district, Roprosontntlvo lliiinphrey hns tho load ovor Ilelf ner, noinocrnt and I.nndoii. asda or Tmngsteni Lamps 10 Watt an C.P 15c (10 Watt IH C.P. (10c 100 Watt 80 C.P 00c ino Wntt mo c.P....8i.:i5 2.10 Watt 200 C.P....?2.25 loo Wntt :iio c.p.... 91.15 VOTE IX CHICAGO (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) CHICAGO, Nov. 7. Chicago com pleto for presldont, gavo Roosovolt, 1M.17I: Wilson, 1 27.079; Tnft 72.- oiia; Delis, r.t, 77 and Chafln, 2,000. vote ox measures. Womnii SulVrugo and Good Roads Win in tho County. Womnii Suffrngo In Coos county carried. Tho voto bo far Is: Yos ion No CGG. Good Roads. Tho Homo Rulo good roads ineasuro in the county carried, tho voto so far being ns follows: Yes. 002; No. 45G. State Single Tnv. Tho stato slnglo tax. which look ed yesterday as though it would carry Coos county, may bo lost. Tho ineasuro Is lost in tho state. Tho voto In Coos so far Is: Yes, GJ3; No, GS9. County Single Tnv. Tho county slnglo tax Is dofeat- eu, mo voto so rar bolng Yes, COG; No, 908. 500 Watt loo C.P. $1.55. At the Electrical Supply Dealers or OreEom Power Co. Second mid Central. WANTED ! ! ! CARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIAXOS TO CLEAN, by tho Pneu niatlc Cleaning Company. Orders for work taken ut GOING & HARVEY, Phone 10(1 Pictures & Framing Walker Studio PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Q LIVIA KD.MAX, a, .... Mecliiino.Thcrnlst Sclontlfle Swedish Massago, Medical Gymnastics .U5 S. Sixth St. Phono 205-R. JOEL OSTLIXI), J PInno Tuner and itonnin.. JSbUh Streot. Phono 103-L T7 DNa LOUISE LAltsnv rianlst and Teach. Phono 254-R. nUILDIXG AND REPAIR WORK, Houso Moving and Grading. Wo aro prepared to do this work by the day or contract and guarantor satisfaction. Let us figure with you. G. 8. FLOYD & CO., Phono 316-J. Mundifleld, Ore. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See GORTEELL PnONE 3121. England's largest" clock, an elec trical affair with dials 21 feet in diameter, has been erected In Li verpool. !H WE WILL MAIL YOU 91 for each set of old False Teet Bent us. Highest prices paid for old Gold, Silver, old Watches, broken Jewelry and Preelouv Stones. Money Sent by Return Mall, Phlla. Smelting & Refining Co. Established 20 Years. 803 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. TO DKNTIBT8. Wo will buy your Gold Pilllngj, Gold Scrap, and Platlaum. High eetprlMB yald. T W. UENNETT BAolfvWant0 Tom T Dennett Attorneys and Counsellors nt Law. Flanagan & Dennett Bank DnUdC Marshfleld, Coos Co., Oregon. pERL RILEY IJALLIXGER Pianist and Teacher Residence-Studio, 237 So. Broadway Phone 18-L. EW ICEYZERJ Amv tt,.. w.V'"n. Instructor. --.-.- -"in iitusic more. mss btarta September 1. WL S. TURPEX, ATlr!IIITrTr Marshfleld. Oregon. r". W. SIORROW. - IWllot I 171 Grimes Rulldlng, over Grand ! Theatep. Onia ii.nn- oon I ..wiiu uu, " G. CHANDLER, Arcliltect, Rooms 801 and 302, Coke Rulldlng .........u, wrvnon. 1R. A. J. HENrmvR J- &fw1f.rn nn.l n i- - VMM,, oum, We are equipped to do high close work on short notice at the very lowest prices. Examination free Lady attendant. Coke Bide., Odd Chandler Hotel, phone U2-j. See California Now VIA THE $55.00 ROUND TRIP PORTLAND TO LOS ANGELES f SUNSET 1 f I I I ROUTC5 I $551 iiouxd ipjpj I'OKTLIM) ll 1-03 AxcnjJ See tho Wonderful Sconory Along tho Shasta Routo. Mt. Shasta Shasta Springs. Seo Snn I'ran cIbco, Lick Ohsorvalory, Stanford Unlvorslty, Mt. Lowe,' Los Angeles, Tho Old Spanish) MIbbIoiis, Ostrich Farms, Submarine) 'Gordons and thousands ot other In cr- ostlng features of tho Golden S tnte. Three Fine Trains Daily 5:50 P. M. 8:15 P. M. li.10 A.M. Full Information as to fares-from Mnrshdeld, beautiful ly llliiBtrated litoraturo on California, on application W. F. Miller, Sunt. C. B., R. & E Mnrslifleld, or lr 'writing to Chns. s .Feo, passongor traffic manager, Sis Francisco, Cal. STATEMENT OF CONDITION of FLANAGAN & BENNETT Ml MRSHFIELD, OREGOX, At tho closo of business, September 1, 1011 RESOURCES. ,iUl Loans and discounts ' ,! ih Banking houso Cash and exchanges W,w Total mJ.",1J n .. . LIABILITIES. , ...H Capital atock paid In !' J! Surplus and undivided profits ,.' iH Deposits jw Total HIM"" CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos At tho cloae of business, September 4, l"13 Loans and Overdraftn Bonds, warrants U. S. BondB Real estate Cash and sight exchange Total B RESOURCES. ul, Discounts Ill' Mill) and securities u0- to securo circulation il.Ml' . furltura nnrt (lrturna. '" ill til' r; tnfl.il1 .....,,,,,,.. ,.... Capital stock Surplus and Circulation Deposits .!! ill) fi LIABILITIES. 00, ock paid in tl!l ad undivided profits lU a, outstanding ,','.. '"' .."'' xoiai . in aaamon to Capital Stock tho Individual uauunj - 9100,000.00. - nwpoflU INTEREST PAID ON TIMHI AND SAVlo - j r'.i'il'. jJmi.Jk. , - ih-titMm,'i iihim t .uummtmmumkiiis'f