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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1912. EVENING EDITION. i 4 LEAVE TODAY rhTraw1k Odaiplhrcr smrrfl IKdLrsn ir (Tllljni i'oit w., j YC8 SSSgtm 1 CD. CZX !ffl BafeBna i , 1 'PaiKier w jj AbsoMelyPure mL. ' ,Ml T7ie onfr BahingPawdermade Md v from Rodl GrapeCif am oTaitar Jipgjf 'tWwIf nealtfrful mMgA wj Qualifies pew niiruL mat mm rinsua IS REPORTED COIL DEPOSIT Steamer Sails Early This Morning for San Francis co With Big List. Tlio Hoilondn stilled tills mprnlng for Snn Frnnclseo. Her cargo was mostly lumber from tlio C. A. Smith mill. She lintl a cnpnclty list of pas sengers outgoing. Among thoso who sailed on her wore the following: Mrs. Chas. I'otorson, Chas. 1'ctor ,son .Master Peterson, Loonn Sears, John Scars and wife, S. Drownstore, II. I. Uoland, M. Steencn, .less Mar low, Henry Mnrlowo and wife, Mrs. T. J. llurd. Grnco Mnrlowo, Mrs. Hos klnson, Mrs. M. I,. Douglas, S. Sim mons, V. II. Hosklnson, it. Tlbblts, T. It. Tanner and wlfo, II. A. Knrl, J. L. Smith, J. O. Martin, Mrs. T. B. Guild, Mrs. I. V. Wills, Leo Olson, D. How ie, Win. Isaacson, D. M. Arnilt, CnrI Jensen, Frank Miller, A. C.Drccnnn, J. S. Lldged, Ilort Krlosolos, G. llor nlns, .Ino. Krlckson, John Dugon, T. McKnlght, Albert Smith, II. B. RItlor, C. II. Strokes. Julius Kern, Jno, Ste ven, Jno. Collins, Arthur Jones, Ellis John and U. G. Hall. CHARGE GIRL WITH CRIME e Woman With Two Babes in Dire Want in South ficld Shack. A pnthotlc enso of n woman with llttlo babies lacking for food, cloth ing and even warmth was discovered yostordny in South Mnrshllcld. Dad ns bor lot Is, It would have been much worse had not Mrs. A. II, Sargcaut, who resides In thnt vicinity, como to lior aid. Tlio woman's name Is Mrs. Tim moiis. Sho lives In an Improvised aback near tlio Fairgrounds, Ono of bor children Is only thrco years old and the other Is only thirteen months. Ilor huuband was hero most of tlio summer but Mrs. Sargcaut says ho failed to provide for thorn. Ho went to Portland some tlmu ago. Slnco then, tbo woman with tlio children lins been compolled to oko out n pit iful exlstcuco. Tlio woman's parents llvo In Okla homa nud hnvo written her Mint lliey would caro for bor If sho returned homo. However, tboy hnvo sulTorcd drawbacks on their ranch tlio past year from crop failures and can't send bor tho money to pny her way bnok. Mrs. A. II. Sargoant and Chns. Mer chant hnvo been trying to help her re cently. They state thnt clothing and food Is sadly needed by thorn and stnto further thnt they will gladly coopornto with any ono who desires to nld tho family. Kx-Sultnn Abdul Hnmld of Tur key Is an accompanist. Ho plays tho organ with tho grace of a professor. KEEN Kl'TTHR Kl'TLKRY tho knives with tho Keen Edge-. Are GUARANTEED at THE GPNNERY Expects to Develop Fine Mine on Sumner Property Immediately. Capt. W. C. Harris of Sumner has loented nn excellent three-foot vein of coal on his land nt thnt place. Ho says that careful tests hnvo proven It equal or superior to tho best coal of Coos County. Mr, Harris will take immediate steps to develop a mluo on tho property and expects to hnvo ono of tho best mines in the county In operation nt nn enrly day. I NORTH REND NOTES. I 4 J. It. Smith returned to San Frnn clsco on tho Rcdondo nftor n short visit with friends. Master Herman Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. I.oulo Anderson, who wns operated on by Drs. Ilartlo and Ilolllstor yostordny, is resting very onsy. Tho I.ndlos' Aid Society of tho Nor woglnu I.uthorun church of North Ilond, will meet Thursday, November 7, nt tho homo of -Mrs. John Olson. It Is requested thnt all members nud friends bo present at this nieotlng. Nurse Arrested for Setting rnu to noiei in oi. Louis. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Uny TImoB) ST. LOUIS, Nov. C Darbnrn Glndys Arnold, nn eighteen yonr old nurso girl, was nrrcsted today chnrged with having sot ilro last Thursday night to tho Uorlln hotol In which thrco per sons lost holr lives. According to tho pollco tho girl snld sho did It "for tho lovo of oxcltcmont." Try Tho Times' Wnnt Ads. Mazda Lamps nt reduced prices, taking effect nt once. Seo enrd in our window for prices. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 2.17-J. 1S Ilromltrny X Henry Iloock who hits recently been nt Eden, Wash., Is hero looking after his logging in Smith's Ilnsln. Ho plans to quit tho Coos county log ging ns soon ns ho finishes nt Smith's Mnsln, which will bo soon. Ho Is do ing well nt Eden. E. Pale &' Co. High Grade Ladies'landlGentlemen's Tailoring Imported and Domestic Wooloni Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed Wo do all work right horo. 070 North Front Street Marshfleld. Hub Dry Goods Cc The Average Wide Awafc Amencan Wommamt knows si Rood thins when she sees it r object oi; this advertisement is to 'brine hero to show you how much more Coat J Suit value., you cm get for your money J? your own common sense will do tlio rest Of forinffs which prove most conclusively' tW you cannot buy your Coat or Suit to v0 own best advantage unless you como toft Hub Dry Goods Co. t0 h Looking through this splendid array you are particularly impressed with those coats of beautiful Bouclc Cloth, with their lon'silkr simply surfaces. Coats cut in tho full'lcn models, lined from collar to hem with elci satin, somo with tho now Kobcspicrro collars Priced as you would expect to find them onlr at the Hub- y $12o50 to $37.50 Soits $15.00 to $37.50 No charpro for alterations on garments of $15.00 or more. I'll h I'll 111! Mwm If you care to have your foot fitted properly it matters not if you wear AA or EB you should buy your next pair of shoes nt this store. AVc aro exclusive agents for the famous "Sclby" Shoes for women. Also a full lino of shoes for children and boys. a oimey Talks n at 1 i Hub Dry Gd Co, O 'Council Building. Phono 36W L AT SILL COST A Simple Remedy Beautifies the Hair, Cures Dandruff, Stops Falling Hair. What a pity It Is to seo so many people with thin, wispy hair, faded or stroakod with gray, and reallzo that most of thoso pooplo might liavo soft, glossy, nuundant hair of bountiful color and lustro If thoy would U8o tho proper treatment. There is no necessity for gray halri under slxty-flvo yoars of ago, mid thoro is no oxeuso for anyone, young or old, having thin, stragglliig hair, oithor full of dandruff or heavy and rank smelling with ex cessive oil. You can bring back tho natural color of your hair In a few days and forovor rid yoursolf of any dandruff and looso hairs, and make your hair grow strong nnd beauti ful by UBlng Wyoth's Sago and Sul-I jihur Hair Romody. For genora-l tlons common gardou sago has bconl used for restoring and preserving tho color of tho hair; and Sulphur j IB lUlUftUitUU UJf uvtlll' fcllluwlUIIDlO MB bolng excellent for treatment of hair nnd scalp troubles. If you aro troubled with dandruff or itching scalp, or if your hair is losing its color or coming out, got n fifty cent bottlo of Wyoth'B Sago nnd Sulphur from your druggist, t nnd notlco tho Improvement lu the' nppoaranco of your hair aftor a fow' days' treatmont. Mrs. C. H. llurim nt N'nrMi Ilniui says that tho report that sho was con ducting a barber shop In North Ilond for it sick husband Is erroneous. Sho has conducted tho shop for llvo years for hersolf nud says that sho Is will ing to conform with tho Rtnto license l'iv nud that she only asks n squaro deal. Tho railroads of Newfoundland total at i!B0 miles. Tho constant boat of an olcctrlc radiator has been found to be ex cellent for ripening fruit In tho stores. Special LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS nt THIS GUNNERY. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU hnvo ATAVAY8 USER. I'hono 72, Pacific Livery awl lYnnsfer Coinpanr. Don't Blame Your Over Worked Stomach' When your stomach will not digest food, tho vrorit thing you cut do U to take a lot or dljestlvo mediclnti. True, tney RtTO temporary relief, but your stomach Is the sufferer, Lou of ap petite. Indlgeitlon, dypepila and head- acnes can only be permanently relieved by removing the cause. In many cases, various remedies taken to relieve these conditions result In ruining the stomach and preventug it from digesting food in a natural way. If you want your stomach to do ttt own work properly, without resorting to artificial digestives or predigetted foods, use Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge. Take smau doses regularly, preferably before meals. In n little time your stomach will again do its own work and you will eat heartily, keep well and enjoy living. Jayne's Tonic Venal. iugo is noi a digester in Itself, but It tones up tho stomach and Intestines, giving you all the nutriment and strength from the food you eat. Many forms of supposed Indigestion 5a thJi i","1 .f intestinal parasites, for which Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge Is unsurpassed. Insist on Jayne's: accept no other. Millions have praised It for more than eighty years. Bold by drug- T. J. SOAIFK A. II. HODGINS ' $' IMarshlield Paint Decorating Co. Furnished. Phono 1-lO.T;. Oregot KstlnmtOH .fAltSIIFnJLl), You Auto Call Foote PHONI3 1 1 1-J NIGHT ANI) DAY Wfliv lift 44IUJU 11UIC1 TWO NEW OARS After 11 1. M. Phono W. Residence Phono S-3. Will Mnko Triis to Coqiilllc. THIS FRIKND OP OOOS IIAY' S. S. ALLIANCE KQUIPI'KI) WITH wihi:m:hh SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. EUREKA THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, AT 8:30 A. M. OUNNEOT1NG WITH T1IK NORTH RANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC RTEAMBHIP COMPANY. Phono 44, C. F. McGEORGIi, Agent. FAST AND COM.MODIOUS For GOOD SHOES nud GOOD REPAIRING nt RIGHT PRICES. Go to ' August Oleson 1M5 South Broadway. VOTE FOR LuIil'J if.lfMIM Ijlil The Sign of Good'Candy Always Steamer Redondo . Equipped with wireless and submnrlnp bell SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FORSArFRJVNCISCO WEDNESDAY, NOV. 6th at 8 a. m. All Pjissenger Reservations From Snn Francisco Must no Made nt H03 Fife Rlulding, or Pier No. 10. All reservations must bo ta ken up 21 Iwurs before sailing, INTHIMWIJAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PHONE 44. C. F. McQEOrfGE. Agent. Steer Washington Sails Wednesday Noon, October 30th, from Coos Bay for San Francisco and Los Angeles WITH PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT Bargains in Lots: Bunker Hill Somo cholco sites It joaitteil onco. AUG. FRIZELV. 08 nr-'I ATf. City Auto Servi Good Caw, Careful Drlwi roaBonablo cliarges. Our a' "Will go anywhere t W 0 Ctnnrfa ninncn TlotM led E-l Clgnr Store. DayPhoset-Hl NlKbt Phono 46. . RARKER Ji GOOIMLE. propria F. S. DOW, Aget. Ocean Dock. A mnilnrn Ilrlek . Ultdlor, E(f Light. Stoam Hct Bf Furnlshod Rooms wltn m Cold Wator. HOTEL OOOS n A Xtllln PrOD. Rtcs: 00 cents n dr Am Cor. Jli-nmlwaT anu - Fisher Auto Sew Stand, ruone "' :"" .itt Phono M. NWt ! Bl MnHJMIlflU. w-. M iiiiniisisisif Wc Cleanfand Press Ladies' and dent's Suits Goods Called for and'Delivered Coos Bay Steam laundry PHONE MAIN Mawniield, Oregon. equipped vrrn wireless Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. $' J8S SiSSk-k &&&& J. O. MLLER, Agent. Phone Main 33-L. llnimiP Pantatoriu -',,IT rrr1! 2WJS?&m viiKuaiina aiiu " Rtna i Agent for i,u "'.Wp i,,n" :.;. niano your irek .tfj Mr rinnfJs and V .1 PnfA SecondHanau Iiougnii uu v. - j HARRIXGTO.V, DOIT rtt.nnA d o r, f Street. uw1. u "" " . Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENitY SENG8TACKEN, Mgr. CoquUle Offlc Phone 191 PUttlns Land, a .puitr Farm, - Timber - Coal andenti "BA8TBIDW Mtr' general Ag Marahleld Offlc U-J. ltf. MI - GORST & KWftj SV i-t-. laavn jjiw" Mni same schedule, JJJVtwW until miuu.D"- for Baneauigi 11UY WO?' oTflJ Some choice lolfl rjMt,b can be bad ai '- 0ea If taken now. Birat National Ban-