The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 06, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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' i "" -----
(Ham !mj xmm
will rut i'r "" "
the Market" Effectively!
it H put tho fnctB about your
Lftv bcforo tho cyoa of nil "poa-
ffl?y?" In town. And If thoro
!". of thorn who ought to own
J, Jou'll soil It!
Wilt Keep your Incotno frosa
Furnished Rooms Stondy.
YOU can really help tho family
revenues by renting a fow furnUhfxi
rooms and, If you know how and
when to vino tho classified columns,
you niny Icccp that llttlo extra !-
corao as "steady as a clock."
member or the associated picks
i.:fnlillshcd in 1878
VOL. XXXVI. Tl.o Const Mail.
A Consolidation f Times, Count Mall Mn 04.
mill Coiki liny Advertiser. HU' 04"
nnnill f.MII 1M1U 'LU 1 .
HUnil nnuumiL uLiiimi
RMnms Arc Slow and Only
Part of Precincts Have
Tolal FigureTOp" to This Af
ternoon Make Sure the
Election of Several. '
Sure winners In Coos:
W W. Gago for shorlff.
Geo. M. Hrown for dlBtrlct
t. J. Thrift for assessor.
1 J. S. Barton for legislature-.
1 W. L. Dement for commlaslon-
Jamcfl Watson for county
T. M. Dlmmlck for trens-
"' - ...
n. E. linker for auporlntond-
' ent of schools.
1 Fred Wilson for coroner.
L. J. Simpson nnd Petor
Lcpglo for port coinmlBslonora.
I Id doubt:
' Joint representative
I Surveyor.
State senator.
tiii: morning aftnil
The following nro tlio totiiln for
efflce nlirro llii'iv nro rontostH, no
(onllng to nil returns olitaliinblo
tp to this nftoriioon:
Tor President.
Taft (Hop.) 207.
Wilton (l)oin.) 123.
flufln (Pro.) !().
IVbs (Snc.) .1(111.
Roosciclt (Prog.) .12.1.
For Congress.
Campbell (I'mu,) 2:18.
niirley (Hep.) 511.
Richards (Soc.) :(!(.
Smith (Dciii.) 212.
U. 8. Senator.
Ilourne (Ind.) 287.
Gark (Prog.) 11.
lano (Dcm.) -120.
Rmp (Soc.) sin.
Selling (Hep.) m.
DMrlrt Attorney.
Brown (Hep.) H2D.
Cannon (Soc.) SI78.
Cardirell (Ind.) !J:j.
tong (l)em.) til,
Statu .Senator,
halvr (Sor.) -1(15.
Smith (Hop.) 77H.
Stfmniler (Ind.) 087.
GJRe (l)eni.) h:ji.
wnd (Hep.) n.18.
9 (Soc.) 211.
Ilrresriitntli 1.-ftli District.
Bon (Hep.) fl10.
" I (Soc.) 211.
Itoblnwn (Dphi.) jh."!.
11 1. ?Jnt Il'ioseiitntlvc.
jII (Sop.) .,0(-$.
wlltli (Bom.) -100.
rre (Hep.) .150.
Millenmim (Prog.) 101.
anei, (noni) .,,
'!'' I (up,,,.,' -,,,
Helling (Sue.) -1.17.
,. Coniinlssloiipr.
W"nt (Hop.) 710.
"elllnjc ()oi.) .o3
m. , Surveyor.
?'f7, (fort.) n..
fi Id (Hp,..) 000.
"adal (i,i.) 2nl
limn i 11. 1,. .,,.
la Poo. lea ,ot yestordny'a eloctlon
- - vuiiiiiv imi'ft nnt tAnl nil
1 " HWl l-tlj (III
Telephone Company Is in the
Same Shape as the
Western Union.
Doth tho Western Union tolo
Rraph wires nnd tho long illstnnco
tolophono wires between Coos liny
nnd RoBoburg nro out of commis
sion toiiny.
Tho Western Union has been out
of commission slnco yesterday nf
tornoon and tho long dlstnnco tol
ophono lino, which rondorcd Btich
good Borvlco to Tho Times for Its
special edition this morning, wont
nut of commission between Myrtlo
romt nnd Hoscmirg today.
Not only Is Cooh liny lacking In
tho wlro service today, but It has
lind .no innll. Tho Incoming Robc
burg mnll( duo last night, had
not renched Sumnor nt ft: 30 o'clock
this afternoon. No word had been
rccotvod from It.
It Is bollovcd by Mnungor Schot
tor that tho wlro troublo and mnll
dolny was cnusod by n landBlldo.
In cotiBoquonco nt tho wlro trou
blo, It hns boon impossible to get
nddltlonnl dotallH eoncorulug tho
national or Btnto results beyond
whnt wiib contained In this morn
ing extra edition of tho Coos Day
. "'" ."" "?. l0 Krumuio bccnuRo our man got loft. It (tint no use
ii 1 u-ii I lk0 mcn of h0, bcron- " nlnt " "so o' cryln" beenUBO
'""" ""in iiiniio oui or ran nnd Toddy, oneli but nn also rnn.
ur course the night was cloudy nnd nil tho news was bad, but that nln't
nny lenson why wo Bhould now feel sad. Jub' notlco how tho mornln'
.Imm 1 lWm ."l08t. c'.loiir. "ml '"iBht. Jus' boo tho sun a-shlnln' through the
tlouds with benmln light.
.,,nT!lo-?"iV0.nnl0,,t nlnt K0ln' t0 rnck nml r"' 't. nnd Wilson nlnt a
1,nB,,M w,lontryo"r8cn,,B lOKCt nc"11 J"B' tn,o 1 f'o bUncBs like
'"V,";;'" '"" nllVm,,, ov'ry question tho very best ho can. Our
country nlnt In peril because wo'vo mnile n change. It mnv bo for tho
'pttor for polities Is Btrnngo, nnd while 1 didn't wnnt lifm most peo
plo said. "Ho'll do." I nlnt got no kick comln', nnd now bo's my
innn, too.
..1 lvo, n!!lfl, noticed, neighbors, thnl things go on tho snmo when my
long Bliot is beaten by others In tho gnmo, nnd, sun will sjiino as brlght
iy, nml skies will bo ns bluo with Woodlo In tho White House, for
ho 11 bo nafo nnd true.
$5010 PORT
LanG in Lnari RrrMn Is Wln.idl8trlct Attorney cnrrlcd over two
ninn uinmnn o.,Mnn i - t0 ono ,n "10 county. Stcmmlor
nmg Woman Suffrage heads smith for sonnto. For joint
uarneci single Tax Beat.
(Special to Tho Times.)
voto In Curry county 1b cIobo be
tween Hoosovclt nnd Wilson. Lnno
Is beating Dourno with Soiling in
third placo. Hawlcy and Olcott car
ried tho county strong. Drown for
representative with ono nroclnet
missing, Polrco has 222, Morldlth
211 nnd Schllomann 73.
W. A, Wood, Democrat, wna ol
ectcd county Judge. C. II. Unlloy
was elected sheriff. Woman's Biif-
irago carrlod In tho county ovor
thrco to ono.
Tho county votoB dry with 7G
Won't Know Final Figures on
Coos County Before To
morrow Sometime.
Tho Coob county election count
Is proceeding very slowly In Central
Marshflold nnd boiuo Coqulllo nml
Dnndnn precincts, tho count will
not bo completed boforo tomorrow.
Tho South' Marshflold board ox
poctod to comploto tho count by 4
o'clock this afternoon.
Tho North Marshflold board ex
pected to comploto tho count bo
foro G o'clock tonight,
n counted, ,mt ,n somo nB03
no doubt about who Is ol-
eorgo M. Drown has car
1 county with a big ma-
fingo Is Elected.
w iir m
Und f , K0. "na boated O. O.
return, L8h.orlrr according to tho
not JectIved B tar and there
'alt tK.uUcli. Posalblllty of tho ro-
WUle v,i?head of Lund 'n tho Co
Oanyvniie5': whero thero nro still
One of t0 ,)0 counted.
the ei,ii tl10 Bront surprisos of
,he Soeft b'S V0' ol
" Other Counties.
"'OWn Is rnnnl u-, . ..
nf.. ;v """ UUBUII in UUP
?? cnnectlon to Roso-
, UfOKe dOWn ha run nnrln,l
n .-".'
.".un,y and nccnrdinn. i , a
reports hJ u uccorlnB to tho last
aad,n0re tho telegraph wlrea
kn.- ,lePnne COnneetlnn tn Tlnnn.
o be aifii6, 10wn I'o waa reported
Ii &rZe,acI 1" Douglaa county. It
elected nr 6r,.nln that Drown la
district proseeut'ng attorney for tho
T-ano Carries Curry.
!' LanO la nmnlnn
head In n Ia running
ld b - il wnB expected
l lrpi. x m w
ea ,..,"' tuuiuy ror unnea
fountv oVTior. o came from that
Eet a big voto.
Thoso Reported.
f'wts hav? . fo,,ow,nS voting pro
ea: cono.tUrned ,n complete tal
Co8 nivff 2; A"osany, Eaatside,
5h v' mPlro. Libby. South
Till, " uluUBi HUUIIIUI,
Hill and LIbby.
returns have been secured
James Wall and Miss Cather
ine Parker Wed at St.
Monica's. '
At nuptial nines at 7:30 o'clock
this morning In St. Monica's
church, with Hov. Father Munro
ofllclntlng, Mr. Jninea Wall nnd
MIbs Cnthorlno Parker woro united
In tho holy bonds of matrimony.
Tho brldo nnd groom woro nttonded
by Miss Mnry Wnll, slstor of tho
groom, nnd Mr. Qoorgn Honnossoy.
Tho altar wbb nenutiiiiiiy uccorat
Mrs. W. S. Chandler and Mrs.
M. C. Maloney to Fill
Committee Vacancies.
At a mooting of tho Mnrshflcld
Public Llbrnry commlttco Monday
night, two now monibors woro elect
ed to fill vncnnclcs on tho committee.
Tho vncunclcH woro cnusod by tho re
moval of Mtb. M. C. Horton nnd Mrs.
J. T. McCormnc from Marshflold.
Mrs. W. S. Chandlor was oloctod to
fill tho vnenncy cnusod by Mrs. Mc-
.1 ...111. .I.IAm nliniiDfliiMiniiilitila nntl I
Cll Willi IWIIIU KllljoiM..., "lpnpm. rArmnnl nn.l M Xf n
wax candles. Tlio Prlo niou wns, " '' "
nrtlBtlcally arranged with wh'to Mnlonoy was chosen to fill tho vn
dnuinsk and gold Inco. Icnncy cnusod by Mrs. Horton's rotlrc-
Tho Undo wns ciinrmingiy Kown-i,non(
cd In n whlto Bergo Biilt with whlto' '
linf AIIhh li H'OfltlflltKv nnrmilnfivl 0 O
,tl l Wl lliu .., i, ... f tj . .
n wedding brcnkfaBt waB sorvod by
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Winkler nt
tholr homo on Fourteenth and
Commercial avonuo to tho family.
Thoso prcsont woro Mr. nnd Mrs.
.Tallies Wall, Mr. nnd Mra. Jnck
Parker and son, Mrs. Jnmes Hall,
Mrs. W. P. Fox, MIbb May Wnll,
(Jcorgo Honncssoy nnd Mr. and
Mrs. Harry WInklor.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnll will bo nt
thor matters of Importance
enrao up nt tho mooting, nsldo from
tho approval of tho Ilbrnrlnn's ropnrt.
Tho llbrnry will bo moved Dcroin-
bor 1 from Its prosout qunrtors to n
Btilto of rooms on tho second floor of
tho First National Dank.
Miss Topping, tho Ubrnrlnn, roports
nn cspoclnl domnml or scientific
books, prnctlcnlly ovory volumo bolng
homo to tholr friends nbout Do- out nil tho tlmo. Sho stntcs that con-
cembor first nt tholr now lipmo oniIoq at ....... 011I.imIq ,, 0m10P ,iop.
w I ' V w w V w ww ww ww -- waV m w
Fourteenth nnd Commercial.
Tho Socialists mndo n big show
ing nt this olectlon nnd Indicated
largo gains. Tho Socialists carrlod
vnrii, nnnii nnd also carried LIbby,
Eastsldo. South Slough and Dun-
kor Hill. Tnoy only mcKuu iu
votes of carrying Cooston. Iho
fact that North Bond waa carried
hy tho Soclallats was a matter or
much Biirpriso to other locnlltles.
It ia dlfllcult with tho moagor ro
turna so far to tell Just what tho
totnl Socialist voto In tho county
wiUbe w
from Marshflold. North Dond, Myr
tlo Point, Coqulllo. and Lakesldo.
Other precincts have not yet been
hoard from. Somo of tho precints
in the cities will finish tonight.
Cows Lose Out.
In Bunker Hill the voters passed
on tho question of whether tho
meek-eyed bovine should bo allowed
unrestricted liberty In that Bectlon.
"Bossy" lost out by a voto ot J
t0 47. Sheriff Gago wl 1 have to
enforce tho new regulation and n
lively tlmo Is expected.
Meiedltli-Pelrcc. Fight.
Ono of the close racea is bet en
Meredith nnd Peirce for Joint rep
resentative In Coos and Curry coun
ties In Coos Peirce bo far has a
majority of 59 ovor Meredith and
is reported to bo running ahead In
Curry county.
Vote Close.
mi.. ,.f iinttrnAn Roosevelt ana
Wilson in the county Ib very close.
Ilawley will carry the county for
congress and Soiling for .United
States senator is urn. " -"-ahead
of Lane so far In Coos
county. k .
Pennock Elected.
Justice C. L. Pennock has been
re-elected over O. S. Torroy .al
though they were tied n th Cen
tral Marshfield precinct.
Constable Cox was re-elected oer
Walter Richardson.
umonts bearing on olcctrlclty, noro-
nnuties, scientific Investigation and
mcchnnlcs will bo welcomed by hor.
Tho porsonnol of tho board now In
How City Has CJono So Fur In tlio
m, . ,1 1 Ji, i,. nto i Mrs. Henry Songstnckon, presldont;
Tho following shows tho totnls ,,, . , ,
tho municipal contests in tho threoMrfl. s- Towor. secretary nnd tron
preclnts of Marshflold up to lato suror; Mrs. J. W. Donott, Mra. M. C.
today: Mnlonoy, Mrs. W. S. Chandlor.
l-roseciiung am r i,o,-iiiun -v,, Th() 8tnt(J L,brnrInn ,lns jll8t ramlo
Cnnnon 73, Cnrdwoll 1C1, .. ., ,,,,,,,,, ,,
Rtm senator Knlsor 94. Smith tho Marshflold Public Llbrnry a dlB-
21C, Stommlor 183. trlbutlng agency for dobnto mntorlnl
Sheriff Gago 202, Minn J&o, for tho Coos County district and Miss
Orr 44.
U. S. Senator Dourno 87, Lano
145, Selling 131.
sells store
Topping has nlrondy supplied
don dobnters with work.
Steamer Arrives From Port
land With Large Pass
enger List.
Tho Alllanco arrived In from
Sumner Man Disposes of Bus
iness and Will Move to
Isthmus Inlet. BK.---..I.
retiring owner, hub ucu ", Amoiiir thoso arriving on
business for ten years, Capt.Har- Among thoso arriving
rl8 plans to move to Isthmus Inlet. ," w'D7n&elllllIini . c.
Wyllo, G. R. Raker, C. A. Arclior,
A. Hopkins, K. A. atreo. A. A.
ifrs. Edith Drier of North Coob
River, who has been 111 at Morcy
hospital, la ablo to leturn homo
Earl Savago Is uttering from a very
soro eye, a splinter of steol getting
Into his optic yesterday.
Mrs P. E. Leo was ablo to leave
Mercy hospital today and will visit
at the homo of her father, Christo
pher Potersen.
Levy. S. F. Wlnwald, W. S. Wann,
A. O. Danlolson, P. LInqulst, P.
Dorg, V. Marino, E. Markl, V. Hln
qulst, E. Mlnlarl, F. Stephens, R.
Cartalo, C. Capollarl, A. G. Cazar-etto.
(Ry Associated Press)
TOLEDO, Ohio, Nov. 5. A
family of flvo are dead from as
phyxiation at tholr homo hero
today. Tho victims are Goorgo
W. Hasson, his wife and their
Port of Coos Bay May Delay
Issuance of Balance Until
Government Acts.
J. W. Dcnnott, ono' of tho nttor
noys for tho Port of Coos Dny Com
mission, wroto Cnptnln II. H. Roberta
on tho 17th tilt, snylng nn fo11f"-"
"Tho Port of Coos Dny proposes to
dlspoBO of botidH to tho extent of
$200,000.00 nnd fl5O.00O.OO ot
which Ib to bo expended through
your Dopnrtmcnt for tho revival of
tho North Jotty and $50,000.00 to
aid tho Government In Improving tho
Inner harbor.
"Now it Is my undorstnndlug Hint
your department will rcqulro ovl
donco thnt this money will bo forth
coming, In fact thnt It will bo on de
posit subject to your order, and nB I
linvo been appointed ono of tho at
torneys for tho Port Commission to
look Into thlB bond fonturo, I will
feel obliged if you will toll mo whnt
Is necessary to bo done In mutters of
this kind. Wo will hnvo to pay flvo
or bIx per cent on tho monoy nnd wo
wnnt to nvold paying Jntorcst ,on
monoy until It Iiiib been put Into uso
In tho Improvement to tho cntrnnco
nnd tho harbor and I do not supposo
It would bo posBlliio to nnn any nanu
to tako tho dopoBlt and pny this ln
tnront. (I known wo would not) until
tho monoy wns needed, and hnvo It
on call all tho tJmo, ttiorororo wnni
Is troubling mo now is, to nBCorinin
whnt in rustomnry In matters of this
ifimi. nml dn von know whnt Is tho
host terms nny bnnk will glvo bo thnt
ed tho work nnd mndo in appropnn
vnn wnnt It. and nt tho snnio tlmo
bo thnt tho community will not bo
required to pny Intorcflt on monoy
from which thoy nro not getting nny
benefit?" . . .
To thnt lotter. Cnptnln Robert re
plied on tho 28tli uit ns ioiiowb:
"1. Replying to your letter of tho
17th Instnnt, roinuvo 10 mo inHpuwu
r,r iinintR for hn nurnoflo of rooporn-
tlng with tho Government In hnrbnr
Improvements, I would any thnt horo
toforo whoro locnl Interests hnvo
boon co-oporntlng In Improvement
work, tho snlo or Jionus nnB noi neon
offortod until CongroBB lind nuthor z
cd tho work nnd mndo nn npproprln
tlon of foilornl fuiulB for doflnlto Im
provomont, nftor which tho locnl In
terests nro called upon to either dopo
Blt tlio wliolo amount subscribed In
somo U. S. Depository to tho credit
of tho Sccrotnry of War to bo with
drawn as needed or for tho Port to
gtvo bond, with koiiio rosponlsblo
bnnk to supply tho amount roqulrml
each month ns tho progress of tho
ii'nrlr ilnninmlfi.
"2. When tho work of Improve
ment Ib onco hogun nn osumiuu ia
....i nnni, unntii nf tho funds ro-
qulrod to enrry on tho work tho fol
lowing month, nnd requisition Is
,n,in nn im Socrotnry of Wnr for
such amount, In oqultnblo propor-
tlonB from Fedornl runiiB aim innn
f,,n,ia pnnrnntoed by locnl IntorostB.
"3. As thoro la no nnprovod pro
ject for oxpcndlturo or runus ior re
vival of tho North Jotty at tlio pre
sent tlmo, It la BUggeBtod thnt no
honds bo Bold for surh purpono. until
tho necessity exists, thorofor, It bolng
bollovcd that thoro will bo ample t mo
lloved thnt thoro will bo nmplo tlmo
to mnko snlo of bonds nftor improve
ment is authorized nnd whllo prelim
inary nrrnngoments nro bolng mndo
to begin tho work."
"Ordlnnnco No. 2 of tho Port or
Coos Dny, contomplntefl tho issuanco
of bonds bo ns to hnvo tho monoy
avallablo. but in vlow of this, It Is
probnblo that when tho bids nro op
ened, thoro will only bo onough bonds
sold to aid In tho work of tho Inner
harbor to tlio extent of $50,00000
nnd thnt no bonds will bo Bold for
tho North Jotty nnd thon tho $50,000
bond Ibbuo will probably not bo rnado
until tho Government drodgo la hero
nnd ready to do tho work.
"This matter will como up beroro
tho Port Commission at Its next ro
gular mottlng for nctlon but Mr.
Dennett thought It would bo wlso to
mako tho matter public so that it
would bo fully understood what was
bolng done nnd could suggest what
thev thought boat, bb tho Commis
sioners nro anxious that tho people
keep In touch with what Is being dono
so thnt thoy enn suggest what course
they bollovo advisable and then the
Commissioners will bo hotter inform
ed thnn If tho matter was taken up at
n private meeting, without sufnelont
When In need f
CALL 101-J
When dono by us it Is dono right.
County Single Tax Measure
Will Probably Be Defeat
ed by Voters.
Home Rule Good Roads Mea
sure Appears to Be Car
ried Here.
Womnn'H nuffrnko will certainly
carry In Coos county. To dnto tha
figures nro;
Yes, 810.
No, 518.
Road McitHiirc.
Tho Homo Rulo good roads moa
euro, which Coos county wants
passed, carried hero. Tho voto M
far us counted follows:
Yes, 040.
No, 352.
Sluglo Tuv Attend.
Tho Stnto Slnglo Tax carried so
far In Coos county. Tho following
Is tho voto to dnto:
Yes, 521.
No, 488.
Tho County Slnglo Tnx measure)
appears to bo lost, tho voto so frj
Yob, 557.
No, C43.
I. S. Smith Leads in Coos and
Stcmmlcr Is Ahead in
With returns from Dnudon
Smith la nhend In Coos county
by 143 votes. Tho figures:
Smith 880.
Slonimlor 737.
This prnctlcnlly mnkos tho
election ot Smith certain.
Tho closost rnro of tho locnl elec
tion mid ono which hns not yet
been decided, Ih thnt botween I. S.
Smith, Ropubllcnu, nnd J. O.
Stommlor, Indepoiidout, for stnto
flountnr. According to tho Intost
returns today In Coos county Smith
lind 778 votes and Stommlor
087, giving Smith u plurality ot 91
hut this Is by means doclstvo, as
thoro nro yot ninny votes to bo
counted In tho county. Tho olec
tlon of tho Btnto sonator nlso de
pends on Curry county.
Tho rnco Ib n very closo ono nnd
It looks iih thought It would rcqulro
a count of prnctlcnlly nil tho votoa
boforo It la known which ono enr
rlea tho county.
Socialists Carry Both Pre
cinctsSmith Gets Big
(Special to Tho Times.)
nANDON, Nov. C Eugono V.
Dobs, SoclallBt, cnrrlcd both Dnu
don precincts for tho presldoncy
and tho Socialists mndo strong
showings nil along tho lino thoro.
Tho West Dandon proclnct count
wns comploted about 3 o'clock and
tho East Dandon county la nearly
dono. West Dandon voted na fol
lows: For sonntor Dourno 1C, Lane
58. Selling 80.
For Btnto sonator Stommlor CO,
Smith 102, Knlsor 91.
For shorlff Gngo 118. Lund 80.
For Joint representative-- Moro
lilth 99, Polrco 58, Hall C5.
Coos county Blnglo tax For 72,
agalnat 144.
Stato Blnglo tax For "7
agalnfit 80.
For prosecuting nttornoy Drown
108. Cardwoll 49, Hall 72.
Woman's stiff rago For 13D,
against 91.
I Oulmr to the Mires Ih-Iiu: J
I dim 11, (Ills morning's election
extra ot llm Coos Dny Times J
I rhvo all the outside, election J
I news, stnto nnd national, thnt I
I has Ihiii received on tlio Bay. j
I As overv subscriber received ft
I noiio of It Is reprinted In to-
I night's Times,