THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1912. MORNING EDITION. 2 COOS BAY TIMES ML ?. .MAIiONKV.jfilKoi- and I'uli. 3DAN K. MAI.ONK..XeH Editor r 'I'll K RESULT. Ml E THIS writing, 2:!10 o'clock Wodnesdny morning, It la ovl dont that Governor Wilson of Hcvr Jersey lins boon elected presi dent of the United States by a land ffltle. According to tho special As aoctalod Press reports to The Times, Bbosuvolt Is second nnd Tnft third STic division In the Republican party nd a prnctlcally unltod Domocrncy anally turned tho trick. The bitter cun of personal nnlmosltlcs nnd ambitions between ItooRcvoIt nnd "3tl proved too grent a handicap for Republicans. As my friend, Al Owen. 2p It last night, "Roosovclt did In S3 citnutcs what tho Democrats wotd not do In thirty years." Tho 2Intes regrets tho defeat of Prcsldont Ttaft, but It has no time for vain ro Bfnrngs. Business will continue crops grow, nnd tho "government nt Washington will still live." Tho. results may not pleaso us but St ta all over now. Thoro should bo 30 recriminations. Wo nro nil proud o nro American citizens nnd as such tUl render to our prcsldont, Demo crat or Republican, Hint fonlty and Siyalty which lins made tho Amorlcnn republic tho groatcst nnllon In tho NOTES OF ELECTION DAY IN MARSHFIELD Incidents of Quiet Contest in Which Many Votes Were Polled, No fights were reported during tho dny at the polls. Thoro woro two Wilson's to voto for In Coos County Woodrow for president nnd Fred for coronor. W n T Ono man, an old-tlmo Democrat, whllo listening to returns In The Times ofllco said: "Tho Democrats hnvo got thoro this time. I have waited slnco tho war for this." Dr. Straw, when ho honrd over tho tolophono thnt Wilson wns suro olect od, snld: "Hip. hip, hurrnhl" Cooston finished counting at 2 a m. and returned a full report. Ono mnn went to tho wrong polling plnco and had to wnlk to tho othor end of tho city In tho rnln. TOu'ii In need of PLUMBING, HEATING, TINNING, siii:i:t metal work, CALL 10I-.T pioneer hdwhe co., "When done by iin It In dono right. it ;-ou have anything to sell, rout Llbby, Hunker Hill nnd Emplro re ported completo returns during tho onrly part of tho night. Roturns from tho Coqulllo vnlloj nro of n scattering nature In tha cities tho count will not bo flnlshod during tho night. Claims That Bourne's Tele gram Was Campaign Canard. i mm Somo of tho Mnrshflold Judges said thoy would not finish counting bo foro Thursday on account of tho big bnllot. Thoro was not much demonstra tion on tho strcot, not as much ns usual on election nights. Most voters, when thoy wont to tho artrndo, or want holp, try n Want j,0hs carried a samplo ballot which d thoy had provlously markod tho way i thoy wanted to voto. Times' Wnnt AiIh bring results. K ) Figure Quit Yoer Favorite's ! Chances From This Table ELECriON RETURNS OF 1908 STATUS i I i Alabama. unZona Jtrkausnu California CotUrudn . Connecticut 3chiwaro . Ytarldn Cwirgla Srfahn . , HIInalH QiiO'uua Ehwn Kansas . Kentucky aoufslnim Sl&lno STarylnml rtnssnchusottB . Tmchrgnn Blfnnosotn .... 'Vtadsslppl .... lITsxourl .Montana Nebraska Xavadu Kiiw Uampshlro ""Stw Jersey . . Kew Mexico . Kew York .... Katth Cnrnllun Hnrth Dakotn.... n a n 2 n a a o c 125,308 nojtio 211,30s 123.700 ii 2,0 in 25,011 10.0G1 11.092 52,021 029,029 U1S.993 270,210 197,210 2Ui,711 6,958 00,987 nccia 2Gi,9GG 33G.G80 195,813 1,303 347,203 32,333 120.997 10,775 53,119 205, 320 870,070 111,937 57,080 71,377 10 "7 3 87,015 127,192 120,011 0S.2 55 22,171 31,101 72,413 30.1121 3 I50.7J5I 27 338,2021 15 200,771' 13 101.2091 10 211,0)2 G3.5JS 35,403 11 5.90S 155,5131 10 175,7711 14 100,1011 11 G0.2S7I... 340,5711 18 29,320 131.0991. 11,212 33,0 ! 182,507 1 12 39 Mil I 572,312 110,174. 02,5301 715.779 43,912 3,903 07,530 118,321 05.000 01,015 39,552 52,573 Oklahoma Oregon JTeniisylvanln . BItodo Island. Smith Carolina South Dakota 'Tennessee . . . T&XU8 Utah Vormnnt TCrglnltt "Washington 100,0021 Aont Virginia .. 137.S09I Vlxcoiisln I 247.7171 Tyomlng 20.SI0I I 23 t 4 341 I! TotnlB . Not adinltti'd 007.408 130,9951 32.8S5I 602,721! 122,303! 38,0191 I18.77S! 2 1,7001 C2.2S8I 40,2001 135,008! 217.3021 42,0011 11,4901 82,9101, 58,091' 111.4181 100.0321 13 14,91 SI 31 11 9 . 1912 ELECTORAL VOTES S o a . . . 5 13 13 9 10 8 3 12 7 .... .1 12 .! 18 31... II. ..I .1 12 5". I. 7.078.99110. 109. 10113211102 to statehood In 1908. 11 3 9 13 0 7 3 G 14 4 29 15 13 10 13 10 G 8 18 15 12 10 18 4 8 3 4 14 5 45 12 6 24 10 5 38 5 9 rl 121 20 4 4 12 7 8 13 3 S3 o o a (9 531 W. U. Douglas has raised a qucs tlon ns to tho veracity of Sonntor Bourno s telegram concerning Con gressman Hawloy having requested that final action by the United States Engineers on tho now survoy of Coos uny linrbor bo uoforrod. Mr. Doug las yestorday wired Congressman Hawloy and tho correspondence which follows speaks for ltsolf: Mr. Douglas wired Mr. Hawloy as follows: 'Opposition Is UBlng a telegram from Bourno stntlng that tho En gineers' ofllco Informs him that you hnvo rocommondod tho hearing for Coos Ilny survoy and Improvement bo doferred until congress meets. If you deslro to rofuto It nnswer nt onco." Ronald C. Glover, sccrotnry to Congressman Hawloy, wired tho fol lowing answer: "Congressman Hawloy both wired nnd wroto board of Engineers to uui ui once aimioriziug Biirvoy ror repairs and extensions north Jotty. noard mot today and Hawloy hopos favorablo action nnd ho called at tention to present dnngor, and nec essity for prompt action; ho had this survey authorized nnd Is for Coos Bny for nil ho Is worth, ns past action proves, during hearing nt Washington In Decombor. If only ns a last resort, Hawloy mnll od lcttor to Prcsldont Qroono bo foro leaving Salem thin . morning." UmcmI in Campaign. Mr. Douglas was particularly wroth becnuso Bomo usod tho telegram to tho Chamber of Commerco for cam paign purposes against Hawloy. Vice-president McICnlght who ro- colvcd tho tologrnm stated today thnt no wns investigating further the auth enticity of Sonntor Ilourno's tologrnm nnd that ho would mnko It public Just as soon ns ho Is nblo to ascertain further facts. DOG "SHEP" HELPS TO MAKE AN ARREST Holds Mnn Who Assaults T, Larkin With Bottle on Street, Night Policeman William Shoup's dog "Shop" liolpoil him mnko an nr rost Inst night. Tom Larkln was ns saultod by somo mnn, said to bo n mombor of tho I. W. W., nnd wIiobo nnmo has not boon learned. Lnr kln pnBsod tho mnn when tho lnttor m ado somo Insulting romnrk to him. Lnrkln hit tho othor man and tho latter struck Lnrkln with n bottle, cutting tho sldo of his bond. Thon ho stnrted to run, but mot Slioupo, who grappled him. Tho mnn Jorkod away but tho pollcoman's dog caught him by the foot and ho wns helj n:J takou to pollco hondaunrtors nnd locked up, ELKCTIOX XICIIT. SWitt P.mvriPif,,, Olympic Flour Snow Drift, Flour RETAIL MUCH, $1.40 PER, SACK North western hard wheat used ei cluBlToly lu milling thoie brands of flour. Fiionaicisco? Br The Beauty of Corn-Fed Ho.s la that not alono does tholr llesh tnsto Bweotor, but you feol that It Is cloanor than tho swill fed kind. Our hams, bacons, snusagos, etc, come from corn-fed hogs. Onco you try thorn, you will novor again bo satls- jieu wun uio other kind. MAHSHFIELI) OjUIM MA1UOBT. FOURIER BROS. MarshneloT Telephomwi North Dead C31-J TwoMarkeU 81 I'm tired, yos, tired of Tcddlo, And Woodlo, and Bllllo, too I'm weary of nil tho chatter About what thoy will do. I'm tired of rending lottora, From Bourno. nnd Soiling, nnd Lnno, I'm wenry of lolly-gagging, In fact, It glvos mo pain. I'm tired of nil tho stories, Tho pnpors havo brought to mo, I'm wenry of nil theso burdons, Yos, wenry ns can bo. I'm tired of nchlng flngors, That come from tho clasp of hands, I'm wonry of nil tho speeches, And nolso of brassy bnnds. I'm tlrod of hearing tho nolchbors. Oo qunrr'llng along tho stroet, rm wonry or watching others. Who mix with hands and feet. I'm tlrod of Bull Mooso bellow, And nil tho Elonhnnt soncr. . I'm weary of brnylng Donkey, And what theso bring nlong. I'm tlrod of mammoth ballots, Llko blankets, wo havo to voto, I'm weary of nil tho nonsense, Tho Pels Fund keeps afloat. I'm tired, and glad It's over, Ab tho curfow rings tonight. I'm wonry, and bo It's passing, I wolcomo with doltght. DELAYS SURVEY D. C. Greene Says Mistake Prevented Immediate Ac tion on Harbor Survey. D. C. Greene, president of tho Mnrshflold Clin" her of Commerco, roturned Inst coring from Portland, whero ho hns been for tho past two weeks cndenvorlng to securo favora blo action by tho United Stntcs en gineering dopnrtment on tho now Biirvoy of tho Coos Bny Harbor and also on nn npproprlntlon for tho Jot ty. Ho says thnt ho and L. J. Simp son hnd matters protty well llnod up for tho ordering of tho now Biirvoy of Coos Bay harbor, prollmlnnry to getting nn nddltlonnl appropriation for bnr and harbor work, when Con gressman Hawlcy'B error "cropped out" nnd spoiled tholr pinna to got lmmodlato notion. Ilowovor, ho Is hopoful of favorable developments nt Washington as soon ns Congress meets. Tho situation now stnnds as was announced In Senator Bourno's tele gram to tho Marshflold Chnmbor of Commorcc, which wnB printed In Mon- dny's Times. Mr. Hnwloy's request for n dolay In tho final action by tho govornmont cnglnoors wns mado about two weeks ngo nnd copies of his mossngcfl to thorn woro given out horo. Ilowovor, Mr. Grcono wroto him thnt tho dolay should only npply to tho application of nn npproprlntlon nnd that Coos Bay wanted Immcdlato action on tho now hnrbor Biirvoy. Ho supposed that Mr. Hawloy would Im mcdlntoly got In touch with tho en gineers nnd rectify this, but evidently ho did not. Mr. Oreono tried to boo Mr. Hnwloy nt Snlom but was unnblo to do bo. Messrs. Groone nnd Simpson had a long conference with Sonntor Bourno nt tho Arlington club In Portland. Sonntor Bourno nt first took tho stand that nothing could bo done to chnngo tho Coos Bny project, that tho bnr drodgo first must bo tried out. Ilowovor, ho wns anxious for Information on tho situation horo. Messrs. Grcono nnd Simpson pointed out to him thnt It would bo necessary to nt least roatoro tho Jotty oven if tho bar drodgo proved an unqualified success. Tlio pointed out tlio monnco of tho hidden rocks in tho sunken Jotty and gnvo othor reasons for re building tho Jotty to Us aid condition oven thought tho bnr drodgo's possi ble Riiccoss ollmlnntod tho necessity for extending It. Sonntor Botiruo wns soon convinced of tho necessity of this nnd finally told them thnt ho would start right In nnd seo that fnvornblo action wns Bocurol. Tho new survey wnB tho first step In this and Sonntor Bourno Immodlntoly wired tlio onglneora nnd other Influential ofllclala nt Washing ton nnd was nppnrently gottlng mnt torB lined up nicely for Immodlnto nc tlon on tho survey when It wns dis covered thnt tho matter hnd been de ferred In compllnnco with Congress man Hawloy's request nnd could not bo tnken up now. Mr. Grcono feels thnt Mr. Hnwloy In asking tho dolny thought ho wns nsking for tho best, not fully under standing tho sltuntlon when ho mado it. Ilowovor, ho feels that Mr. Haw- ley should hnvo roetlflod it when ho Informed him of tho situation. Mr. nnd Mrs. Grcono enmo in via Gardiner and hnd nn awful trip, both being tired out when thoy ronchod hero last evening. A NATION'S PERIL I'll Iny mo down In slumber, And rest while the cnndldntes Aro pacing the floor, nnd wntchlng. nieir names go on tlio slntes. Ill TWO REELS OHIMIKUM, "HOUSE OF THE P1IO ?' Sl:0UllES STAHTL1XQ Tomorrow (Wodnesdny) tho Or- n - "ier, or nils city, will show n two-reol nlnlurn nntm.i t BOB STANLEY, tlon's Peril." . I Tho picture service at this house, j , .. ..v.u Hiuuuii injures iook hotter." I lins been gradually Improved nnd a ffr-Mte.. 5 2L' !5? -,;. 7nB,Thi; Gardiner.' Ka V n ,',. """;"? ". "V 8. nS ns the usual " ----. w 'ago, Chas stone BI bles, Drn ' M Meadows. P ' V'T0.' 1 1" ",1-ed Information Btt1SfflK!MSB I HOTEL AIIHIVALS. iiuin ii, liiuuuiiiuii lllltl iniia n ctr,n.. . .11 , Portland: O. S. Nusch. idir nlomntln rpvi .i i. '.." W- " Portlnnd: S. Brown!1 woman spy wo, acting on lmpulSeR ..Sot, 'Prnnclsco. j presses a button, which exposes a . S"-l, J-. SJ.S5"!! Jyv.. vr..e K"foriS"K Some Class to tho glasses w0 supply. Th( add distinction to lIl0 nB Wo ns M tho sight. A((H wo have dotcrn.lne.1 tho klaj of glasses your eyes require , consider the stylo best suited t0 your features. Tho result , Glasses that Improve both mr Blgbt and appearance we are at your service EjMCxmln0( FREE. Red Cross Jewelry Dept JEWELEHS nnd OITICIAXS. Anybody can attach the plug kM&t&mEB JmR H Tho G.E. Flat iron then heats itself in about three whittles and will slay hot without fur ther attention. Saves time, steps and fuel If the washing and ironing arc sent out, the G.E. Electric Iron will still be found a marvclously convenient utensil to have in the house. There are many little things women like to iron themselves, and many times it be comes necessary to wash and iron a few handkerchiefs-, etc., before the "wash" comes home. When occasions like these arise, and there is a G.E. Iron handy, it is the work of but a moment to attach the cord to a lamp socket and the iron is ready. Get one today. OREGON POWER CO. TELEPHONE 178. CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At Uio clooo of business, September 4, 1012. KESOUnCES. Loans and Discounts 305.1U1 Ovordrafta ,.... HJ.H Bonds, warrants and Bocurlttes 6I.MMI U. S. Bonds to socuro circulation 11,000.11 Real OBtato. furlturn nnd flTtnrna uasn ana Bight oxchnngo I,J. Total fMJ.WH LIABILITIES. Capital atock paid in JIOO.OOOJ Surplus and undlvidod profits 1MJ- Circulation, outstanding ; "' uopoiita jj,vjm Total 6!M" In addition to Capital Stock Uio individual liability of fltockholaVri l 9100,000.00. INTEREST PAID OK THIE AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W. S. CrANDLER, lrcdeat DORSEV KRCITZER, Cull STATEMENT OP CONDITION FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK JIARSIIFIELD, OREGON, At Uio cloeo of business, September -I, 1019- . RESOURCES. .,,; ill II Loans and discounts 4H'ilH Banking house !..! ....... ' ' ' Cash and exchanges JOTiSj Total S1I.0-" ,. . . , LIABILITIES. t s0 (((.l Caplal stock paid in M,.t DepS1;;118 ;:::.::::::- t8:h- "...Tifii Tn.l .glJV'" t.ltt. I tho protected harbor. An ,n rnrinn,' ? S' . l" Rouglas. omody-drama tl e 'Grouch" s also rnnnnnl:i. A' "envonston., on tho blB bill for this nleht wlfi ah Falls 'V vr8nL- M' Dnavl8' K"- nesdny. Tho performances J Hi iS nVfeJ'-.S?'e'CJ Rver: early nnd the admission nrLP C M. Cone. Coos hi? nxT "V' I I"V' "l ,..l"e nnnssion price re- San Frnnrlsm. i V,' -..' o V. .""r,na' 2XXJ!i2 w;iv;u. ' ' "'"" f",v". " IUILOlU ns usual. clsco; land. LU iclsco: P E. French. San Fran-Clty; R. c. Relnholt Granf9 City if Sp?.S",TU"ie!.f- ol- "'chrd John, Por land, Oreg" I HOTEL- Ed McKeown, burn, Bandon. Pass: Harry Mel- Get Busy cl AND GET AFTER TETAT ROOF, BUT FIRST COMB W KD aSlirnS3 ON SHINGLES AND HOOFING PAPER SHINGLES $1.00 AND UP. ItOOFTvn i4tii3T nvni it.v. mi. as AND W C A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. RETAIL DJCPARTUHNT. LL WNDS IF JOB PBINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' I -.. Jk m mammtu