THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MOVMBER 5, 191 2.-EVENING EDITION. FRANCH1S E IK MARSHFIELD in tho proposed frnnclilso wero not too high. Nothing lli'lKf1. Mr. Ooss said tlint umlor tho terms of tho draft of the now frnnclilso, tho company "was prar tlcally not hound to do anything." Ho said tho frnnclilso did not con tain any provision for flltn.tlon nor AUTO TRUCK rutijintira Portland rato was considerably lo wer. Mr. Corey replied that It was about $1.25 for a household, but that tho city was voting on n proposition to pay Interest on tho plant out of taxes Instead of out of the inconio iroin mo iuuiu. Mr. Copplo Inquired about tho Pondlcton rates and Mr. Corey said they woro hlghor. Increaso Here. Councilman Ferguson figured up . nl , . ii;.,,. nm thnt on tho now rato his montniy mu Olliw uixcumy nuouui watcr rato would bo $2.0C per, monds that $6000 Entlil) month for his dwelling. Now ho IIIKI ll ".,CY n qnnM supplies It from his own well. 1110111 be BOUCJIIt. In tho franchise, lvlaln Is, Keating, chief of tho Mnrali- inndo for charging 5 for a , dopnrtnient, last evening an iron main and 3 for tapping npcnml boforo t1l0 coum,n IUi any other kind of a main, This " t t fC000 motor ,,,..,, Is paid by tho consumer. , , , , , rt ,)0 I'rovision is mauo iiun wuuio purchased at once for tho depart about tho character of water to uo conBm0P Wnnts a motor rato In- ' nn(. , ,, ,..- in nuikiiiir n Biipplicd. Ho snld tlint tno iii- t n, r tnt rnto, h0 Is to pay ronort of a BI)CcIal conimltteo 8??, 'rnoX0that trwasB oCho " cost of tl.Of meter and the cost B ew monffiso to ! lives, did not specify that It was to no f t t , but ,t doos not ,r0. ... .. mtior SS uofanvM e"surornnto 5S " lta! lho ,nftor ,S thC" th' tnat A. II. Stutsman. nftl Hv B 1 consumer's property. ,j w ciinj.nmn and J. h. Koontx. now tho civ was' not tied up o The now schedule of rates In tho nfl n B1,Crlnl coniinltteo of engineers nnvtlilne b- tho old franc Iso but frnnclilso Is as follows and tho cost nttcr investigating tho various n I I, nfon It would hof the nverago consumer can ho nmUc8 iintl recommended tho Sen bound for aUeast on yenrs to l,n? easily figured up, a flvo per cent BrftVo truck. Tho other members tur. inmnnnV in least S3CB nor reduction on theso rates being ot tho committee, W. U. Douglns SontHaC rcnl Vsald tKtJm-do for payment before tho tenth ml Dorioy KrolUer. did not sign there woro a number of changes to of each month: ho report In favor of any special bo suggested. Tho chargo for tapping a cast kind of fire engine. They also ......- vi..u- Iron mnln for three-quarter Inch, stated thnt they woro not ccrta n tw tY, ,,., ni, ViVAt l.n had servlco pipes, under tho usual con- whether the city's finances would ...:T,' y Di?ett,.I, vi n. w 'dltlons In ut paved streets, shall bo Justify tho expenditure now. Dor il od Tin said So ineSbors c ' " dollars Including all material soy Krcltzcr and V. E. Nelson sug CLJl0,lVhLTZln, land labor used in making such tap Rested some sort of a competitive In Mnrali flpl. I 1 nvlllir L'OOil water " wtcr ,lln,n' Tlll)B miUl "l ,C9t 0f tl10 vnrl0B KIIm ,rucK and so r fS as the animal to the 'water mains other than cast Iron before the city purchased thorn. f nnil BO iar as IIIO nppcni lO lira, . ., ji...- ,11!,,, Mtml. Hm nnninmi ra Pnnl.l tint o(vnil flip r lug nil mntorlal and labor. Water trucks here for a test. Mr. Krcltzcr Borvico pipes, not over forty feet suggested that one of the councll- In length, for tho original instnlln- men and a member of tho flro do- tlon In unpaved strcots, shall bo partmont bo sent nway to see tho extended from tho main to the curb test. lino nnd a stop box placed at that Mr. Keating said thnt no thought point In frot of tho consumer's tho oxpenso of tho lnttor would bo rouliionrn nr nlaen of business at too much. However, ho snld tho hlso for a long term they tho cost and expense or tho com- fire department needed something nl to f?ont theft "bonds, imny. If n lnrger service than of tho kind and as It would take It would not bo ndSltlirco-qunrtcr inch plpo Is necessary about 120 days to secure It, ho 11 'UOlllU I1UI 1)0 nulll-. .,,,..., ., ., ' ... i ,,,.,! (lint nnr V nntlmi lin tnbnll. stato railroad commission was con corned ho said tho company ex pected to possibly appeal there nnyway. Then ho rend a letter from Mor ris Tiros., bond brokors of Tort Jand, snylng lha't thero was not a very good market for bonds now, but If tho company secured n good frnnclilso might bo y """ J1 "" "ul "Vlu. ":i; iWipS hiith'noiMB In cost urged that early action bo taken 1)10 lO UDI1U U1U (.'milium iu iimiu .. " :; ' "..' "i- 1..-1. - o1.ll Tt nnl.l t1i mnnlilnn rniil.l lm iinl.1 OVer IIIIUU-HHUIIU'I IIIUII IIU Dllilll '"J ".u "" "... . ....... bo collected from tho consumer, i for In thrco annual Installments. Section VII. Tho rntes for uso Tho mnttor wns referred to tho of wntcr, other than that mens- flro nnd wnter conimltteo and they than CO or 70 por cent of Irs value. Ho said thnt tho reason they In serted a clnuso providing thnt tho when Blree grndos woro chnngc ;rcd by motors shall bo charged for, woro requested to bring in a report was hccSuHo Chad bee'i iff- nnd collected monthly, In advance, at tho next meeting ot tho council. polled to rhnngo mnlim four or flvo ns u"wh. wwvwwswwwwww Each month. All rates for water used Ilnkory. Minimum for 2 bbls. '.for any other purposes not men flour per day $2.00 tloned nbovo, shall not bo higher Additional for each bnrret. .CO than rates charged by water ays Ilnrber Shop Minimum for 3 toms pf slmllnr sizo and operating chairs l.r.0 conditions. Tho company reserves Additional for ench chair. . .20 tho right and prlvllogo to Install Ilnth Public, In hotels, bar- I wtor ,"olcrB V,,,on nny. f ftl Bcr" her shop, etc 1.00, ?lcc8, t nny tlnio, nnd to chargo Prlvato In dwellings, hotel for tho wntvractualy used through rooms etc 3u lM0 Bil'"0 '" mo luuuwiug ruiu; illdlng' Purposes For" " 'ench I For 3000 Kn,lo'1"uPr 1(;?8 110r times In tho pnst Mr. Ooss snld thnt tho other public utilities hnd to move their pipes, trncks, etc., In enso of a chnngo of grndo In tho street at their own oxponso. fiavngo 1'nvnrn rrancIiNe. After tho conclusion of Mr. nen nott's tnlk, Councllmnn Allen snld thnt It looked as though they would havo to got together If they wanted to Improvo tho water aor vico. f!niiiipllninn PSnvnirn unlit 11ml It. "wna vnrv nvliinnt tlint thoi- hiiirL HaHliis, slukfl and lnundry glvo tho water compnny a good, tubs, public In hotels, ofllco llbornl franrhlso If bettor Borvico buildings, etc Is obtained." Ilnslns, sinks and laundry Mr. Allen Bnld thnt tho city tubs, prlvato In dwellings, might put in Its own plant or buy olllces, hotel rooms, etc. (ox- tho nresont ono. copt first two) freo In Mr. Snvngo snld thnt m ilnno, hut thnt ho was In Rlvlnc tho nrescnt comnanv llboral franchlso. I Candy Store. According to Mayor Straw asked Councilman !". $1.00 to 3.00 Copplo whnt ho thought of It. Ho Cuspidors, jots, sprnys, nnd Bald ho had not hnd tlmo to study' other 1-8 constnnt flow nt- tho franrhlso. Councllmnn Merch-1 tnchniontH 2.00 ant replied that ho hnd nothing to Dontlst's onicos. Minimum for Bay now. I 1 chnlr l.fiO Councilman Korguson snld thati Additional for each chair.. .CO speaking hastily, ho thought tho Dwellings. Kor family of hIx tiiiii,ii,,, ......,....n .,..,.. " . v..w.. ...,i. .. innn .iu. Iinrnl limn t xnliinilt in' lliuillll, liL-l luuu kuiiuiid.. Iror iiuxi ouuu Kiuiuiia up iu 1C,000 gallons per months, 05 por 1000 gallons j-or over io.uuu gniions jier month, per 1000 gnllons... CO ,3C nitOP IN at tho OUNNKItY and night ho1 dwellings 10 sco tl10 Ni:w no-OATiIUHK PUMP fnvor of nutphor Shop.-Accordlng to 1"?"-VGT?1N' ll11; tl10 , n good lzo, $1.C0 to V... 2.C0 I"vr,"sr UN on tho markot. Libby COATi. Tho kind YOU hnvo AIAVAYB U8KI). Phono 72, Pacific IilveiT and Trnnsfer Comimny. thing to do wiib to call n special ejection nnd rofor tho water coni pnny'H frnnchluo direct to tho poo- ) SILL. HEARING porBoiiB, first fnucet 1.00 1 Additional for ench person ( 1111)10 lllllll HIX IU nlo. Ho snld thnt If it wns their, unrngo. Prlvato. each auto- best and doflnlto prnpopnl, thoro mnbllo CO wns no nso wasting six months or Hnlls, Theaters, etc. Accord- sn In talking It over. Uo snld tho, ing to size 1.C0 company would havo In pay tho Hotels and Lodging Houses.. l.fiO cost of tho special election. Additional for each stooping Mayor Straw asked Mr. Honnotti room 10 if tho frnurhlso presented, wno fin- Ofllccs. Prlvato B0 nl. Rostnurfliits and Hoarding Mr. ttennott replied that It was houses 1.50 nnt nil nil Inint urn Tin nnlil llio Alldltlminl for ench clinll company was willing to tako sug-1 or seat 10 1 Tho thousands who suffer tho gestloim nnd mako reasonable Saloons 1. no miseries of colds nnd catarrh and changes. Ho Bald tho council could Additional for boor pump.. 1. 00 claim they havo novor found a euro pnss It and let tho people invoko Sprinkling nnd Irrlgntlon, per enn got lnstnnt relief by simply nn- tho referendum on it or refer it squnro yard (3 months sea- I nolntlng tho nostrils with Ely's direct to the people, sou) V&c.Croam Iialm. Oobs Bald that tho council could Stnbloa. livery and feed 2.00 not rofor It direct to tho people. Additional for each stall being only empowered to rofor more thnn ton 20 charter ninoiidmonts. Stables. Prlvato. For first Councilman Copplo said that tho cow or liorso 25 council could surely let tho peoplo Stores According to bIzo and voto on Ir with the understanding' iibo 1.00 thnt the council would grnnt It If Sodn FountnhiB According to it pnBsed. I hIzo 1.00 Mayor Straw had suggested that Steam Kngluos Portnblo, first another meeting bo called to tnlk. horsopowor 2.00 tho matter over In detail. Mr. Additional for each horso- llennotr said thnt ho would llko powor 50 to boo tho 'mayor's suggestion fol- Urinals. Public in hotola, sa lowed out and inaybo tho frnnclilso loons, ofllco buildings, etc.. 1.00 could bo Improved nnd they could Wnshera for bottles or glnsses 1.00 get together. Stenm hentlng plants. Prlv- Mr. Copplo replied that ho fav- ato 50 ored getting tho best posslblo Water Closots. Solf closing, frnnchluo nnd bargain for the poo- public In hotels, ofllco bulld- plo boforo having them voto on It.1 lugs, otc , 150 However, he said ho thought tho Water Closets Solf closing, franchises originated on tho wrong! Prlvnto In dwellings, ofllces, nfl. Instead of hnvlng tho com- etc 50 puny draft Its own franchises. ho Above water rntes to bo paid In thought tho city should draft tho advance boforo tho fifth of each irnncuiso, Hiipiiinuug want it would glvo them. Mr. Honnott suggested that inay bo Mr. Copplo would prepare a frnnclilso. Cnnnln roiillpd Hint 1m u-nnM If tho water company would nccept It.' QucMloii of ltiiti, I Councilman Allen wanted to know how the proposed rntes coin- ORRINE CURES DRINK HABIT So uniformly successful hns OR- linrwl with the Portland rate. Kn- Vh Hn1 ,l"e?t,?.r.''.B tho v,ctlin8 glneep Corey of the. coinpnnv snld (,r V10 , " ,,al)t lnto 80ber nml that it wnsii't fair tn pninnnV.i u,n usofiil citizens, nnd so stronu Is our rates f a compact cltv supplied bv', "'"'hlenco in Its curatlvo powors, n gravity system with a small place ,,mt wo want to emphnslzo tho fact supplied by pumping. However, ho' tllt OIIRIN13 Is sold under this pos said thnt he hnd the rates of 25, ltlve guarantee. If, aftor a trial, you Oregon cities and only two of them get no bonetlt, your money will bo Ashland nnd Kiigene had lower refunded. ORRINK costs only $1.00 rates than Marshflold. ) per box. Ask for Freo Rooklet. Owl Mr. Allen said ho thought tho Prescription Pharmacy, Front Street. Unllko internal medicines which upsot tho stomnch, or strong snuffs which only nggravato tho troublo, this clonnslng, hoallng, nntlsoptlo balm Instantly reaches tho soat of tho troublo, stops tho nasty dis charge, clears tho noso, bond and throat, and brings back tho uonso of tnste, amoll and Improves tho hoarlng. Moro than this. It strengthens tho weakened nnd dis eased tissues, thus protecting you ngnlnst a roturn of tho troublo. This romedy will euro a cold In a day, and prevent its becoming chronic or resulting in cntarrh. Nasal catarrh Is an inflammation of tho mombrano lining tho nlr passages, and ennnot bo reached by mixtures tnuen mto tho . Btoraach, nor can It bo cured by snuffs and powuors which only causo addi tional Irritation. Don't waste tlmo on thorn. Get a 50 cent bottlo of Ely's Cream Balm from your drug gist and after using It for a day you will wish you had tried It sooner. Mothers should glvo tho children Ely's Cream Balm for colds and croup. It is perfectly harmless, and pleasant to take. I1UY NOW. Some choice lota In NORTH BEND can be had at a very reasonable price If taken now. E. S. GEAR & CO.. PMr.t VntlnnRl TUnU Twinges of rhoumatlsm, backacho, stiff Joints, and shooting pains all show jour kidneys nro not workin right. Urinary irregularities, loss of sleep, nervousness, wenk bnck and sore kidneys tell tho need of a good rollablo kldnoy medicine. Fo ley's Kidney Pills aro tonic, strengthening and restorative Thoy build up tho kldnoys nnd regulnto their action. Thoy will glvo you quick relief nnd contain no hnblt frrmlng drugs. Snfo and always siao Try them. For salo by Lockhnrt-Parsons Drug Co,, tho Bus' Corner. .omairch, Derby amdl Eskay Glows B on 'AllTlPr, .. Alin....lku "K. Hub Dry Goods C0 The Average Wide Awake Amraemcami Woman lriinws n winl i.liimr wlum t.l. ..- i,t. p n,;n wi..: i . . . "' Ilia here to show you how much moro Coat ! Suit value., yon can tfd j'()1. yolu. ,n Mi your own conunon sonso will do the rest. Of. Jna m rati- vtflt t .lit ba. ... J " juiiijo wniuu irovo 1110SL conclusively Am .yuu uaiiuuu uuy yvuv KjO'M, or Suit to your own best ndvantaRo unless you come to a j;luo jury uooas uo. Looking through this splendid nrrav arc particularly impressed with those coats ci bcaiuiiw J50UC1C uiotit, with their long, silk fI n ntMir mini r ir l-v iJ, . J. .. II tt . . HiuiKKJ Biiii-iiwo. vjuulh i:ut in uiC llllllen models, lined from collar to hem with clenri satin, some with tho new 'Robespierre collars Priced as you would expect to find them onlv at the Hub $12.50 to $37.50 Suib $15.00 to $37.50 No charge for alterations on Raiments ol .$15.00 or more. 'I I Tf vnn awn to have vour foot fitted properly it matters not if w- wcar ViV or EE you should buy your next pair of shoes at this store "Vc arc exclusive agents ior tlic lamous "feciuy" &nocs lor women. Ah. a full line of shoes for children and boys. oimey Talks w at Hdb Dry Goods C0 O 'Council Building. Phone 36M M Ut High Grade I Will furnish Your E. Pale&C. House on the Installment Plan W. ICWiseman Oil North Front Bt. Dus. Phono 29C-X; lies. Phono 106-J For GOOD SHOES and good ninwiitixa at ItlGUT ntlCICS. Go to August Oleson 215 South Hioudwny. VOTK I'-OIt Ladies'jand Gentlemen's Tailoring Imported and Domwtlo Woolom Fit and Satisfaction Ouaranteod Wo do all work rlcht horo. U70 North Front Street Mnrohticld. Keep From Fear and Worry hy protecting your homo, hoiuo hold goods and clothing from de struction and loss hy getting n policy In Tho Nowark Flro In suranco Co,, ono ot tho oldest and strongest companies In ox Istonco; established In 1811, Its superb strength means suporb protection. Surplus to policyholders, $1, 359,881.30, French Realty Co. AGENTS. 315 Vi No. Front St., Marshfleld T. J. SOAIFK A. h. HODGIXS Marshfleld Paint (Sb Decorating Co. FunilnhtMl. Phone 140.1a Orogot Intimate JAIUSHFrnLI), You Auto Call Foote PII0NK 111-J NIGHT AND DAY Stand front of Lloyd Hotel TWO NKW OARS After 11 P. M. Phono 6-J. Itesldcnce Phono -8-J. Will Mnkr Trios f CoqulIIe. The Sign of Good Candy Always We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN B7J Marshfleld, Orecon. Mazda Lamps at reduced prices, taking effect at onco. Seo card In our window for prices. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J. 153 nrondwny N. We Have Milk, 25c per gallon Cream, 20c per pH Whip Cream, 25cpcf Buttermilk, lOcperg: Phone 73. Coos Bay Ice Cold Storaj Co. Deliveries, 8a.m.and2 Bargains in Lot Bunker Some choice sites It yoaHl AUO. FRIZES 08 Or-" " New Goods and Second Hand Goods nought, 6 old or CYClumged. HAnmxGTox, noviiE & co. 303 Front Street. Phono 340-L. Boys' Shoes 100 pairs flno welts on salo at tho The Electric Shoe Store 1Q So. Hroadway. Marhflel(l. Marsh field & North Bend Auto Line GORST & KING. Proprietors. Cars leave Marshfleld every 45 minutes from 7:16 a. m. until 12:30 mldnleht. Lrava Nnrth Tlnnd on same Bchedulo, starting at 7 a. m. unUl midnight. See Saturday Times for schedule. Citv Auto Sen reasonaDie cu;- , a Cigar Store. Wm Night Phone nAtE. , . J .,tidlnr. A modern uric - . t Furnished Rooms RshefAfJj w,. Fisher. Lei