THE COOS BAY TIMES, MAHSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVMBER 5, 1912.-EVENING EDITION. j wc; ELECTION RETURNS coming, in and they show by a big majority thai THE FIXUP luis the biggest and best exclusive lino of iron's Clolli in,', .Furnishings and Shoes in Coos county. THE FIXUP Specialists in Men's Wear. hlARSHFIET.D NORTH BEND IPCftft toys "ThclBusy Corner" The Rexall Store liTe Busy Corner " is elected the leading drug store of Coos Bay by a large majority. ,ockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "TILE BUSY CORNER" FHONE MAIN Z98 US arties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to call at ACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway and make sclec tion from the large stock now on hand. !Ju Wilson has in his employ the only practical marblo and granito ! rnfrm in ("Inns fJnnnf.v. And nnnn but the best work is turned out. ESEg Golden Rule Prices: Cotton Mnnkots, extra &ry r values, pair, 7Go to $,Cj Indies Cotton Underwear, Cf 25c to OUC Sonio In wool, &a pa 11.00 to $I.3U Lnrtlcs' Union Suits, (Tr rA o to .....JM.50 Children's Hoso, our Bpeclnl for Qlrla 15C D. M. 0. Embroidery Cotton, r 3 Bkolns for ...DC Iloynl Floss, bIHc, a. 3 akcliiB lUC Lnccs, ono-hnlf whnt you pny else where Broadway, near Central. Golden Rule Store NEW LOCATION. Merchant' Old Stand. THE FRIEND OF C00H BAY' i. S. ALLIANCE i:quiimm:i with wireless FROM MARSHFIELD FOR. EUREKA WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, AT 8 A. M. MXECriXG WITH THE NORTH HANK HOAR AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. 1 O. I McGEOHGE. Accnt. FAST AND COMMODIOUS iteamer Redondo Equipped with wlrclraa nnd submarine bell FROMMARSHF1ELD FORSAN FRANCISCO WEDNESDAY. NOV. fith nt A n. m. WPMfnm T .... . . ..... It. fn.1.. at "" we Illuldlng, or I'ler No. 10. All reservations must bo ta ken up 21 Iwiirs before sailing. E2W1I. IVTIJU-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. 0. F. McQKOROE. Agent. ' teas Washington A S Worlnncrlnn U fWilm 'iMU frnm May for San Francisco and Los Angeles WITH PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT The Fashion Tailors For Ladies and Gents CIcnning, Pressing, and Alterations 150 Frant St. TIDES FOR NOYEMHEIt. Bolow la Riven tho Hmo and height of high nnd low water nt Mnrshtlold, Tho tides nro plnced In tho order of occurrence, with their tlmca on tho first lino nnd heights on tho second lino of ench dny; n compai Ison on consecutlvo heights will Indlcnto whether it Is high or low water. For high water on tho bar, sulmtrnct 2 hours 34 minutes. 4.59 11.49 5.47 G.O 5.50 1.2 C.37 l.G 7.20 1.8 7.59 o Mrs. Ft. . Hrs.. Ft... 7llrs.. Ft... lira.. Ft... IlrB.. Ft... 8 1.0 0.1C 5.3 1.10 G.4 2.00 6.3 2.4G 5.3 1.2 12.31 C.3 1.10 0.8 1.45 7.0 21 i'.i 0.0 0.0 G.3C 0.4 7.23 0.4 8.0C 0.9 8.40 1.2 WEATHER PREDICTIONS. ltnln tonight nnd Wedncs dny; southerly winds, brisk nnd high on tho const. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 n. in., Nov. C, by BonJ. OBtllnd, special govorninont meteorological observer: Mnxliniim 54 Minimum 44 At 4:43 a. m 52 I'tcelpltntlon 59 Wind Southwest; rnlny. HORN. SewingWachine Needles at Marshfield Cyclery Dayton Agent. Phono 1.1H-H 172 Hroadway WANT ADS. I'OIt HENT Modern five-room buugnlow, 853 Third and Illgh liiml. Call between 5 nnd G In tl e evening. I'OIt SALE (.'as stove.. 108 .South Second atroot. WANTED Hoy of 18 or 20 years to learn bnkory trade. Address "L", caro Times ofllco. WANTED A roll top desk. Ad dress Dox 72G, North Ilond, Oro. WANTED AlMMit Nov. 13 I will waut an cxporlonccd woman to cook for G or 8 porsous and tako chargo of rooming houso. If satisfactory, will hnvo permanent homo. Phono 1G5, Snydor Ho tel, Mnrshflold, Orogon. LiW. AWt Oceaa Dock. Il'i V'lll.'h sim ft l.rtn...1..Hj ...i.l - ... Til I ... .,f--.l A.. - IUUUIU10. .tilt! 1IIU11 1'IVtWi.UU. llftl ply 219 S. Droadway. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS (teamship Breakwater m .!8, ',30. "sw, ALWAYS ON TIME. Flimi iV.fSWOnTII DOCK, PORTLAND, at 8 p. ". Nov. J" '.tlao M HUtSHFIEM) AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE, NOV. 8, O J. O. MILLER, Agent. Wacts, Real Estate, Fire 55P Marine Insurance Guarantee and Abstract Co. imu -, nENtlY SENGSTAOKEN, Mr. J-Jr Phoa 2W Plattlns Landi a spwUItjr. .r co titqi, "BABTBIDJT WANTED Ono en Good salary. Phono 2G9-L, Niblo hoiiscnuiid. IF YOU HAVE lots or acreage In rail road addition to sell, wrlto Dox 710 and stnto prlco. FOR RENT Ono furnished room In prlvato family. Address W, caro Times. NOTICE Will tho imrty who bor rowed tho punch work waist pat tern from Mrs. Whereat kindly re turn tho same. FOR SALE Seven lots In heart f city. ?1500 cash If taken In the next seven days. Address box 792, Marshfield, Oregon. WANTED A small launch. O to 10 horsepower. Address Coos liny Manufacturing Company, North Bend, Oregon. WANTED A Kd rutomohllo. Will trndo 40 acres of fine land In Oklahoma. Address C. 13. Nlles, Coqullle. .MONEY' TO LOAN On Piano, furni ture, personal property, etc. Call from G to 8 p. ra. H. II. Harper, 334 First strest. Phone 349-J. FOR SALE Dry wood, fir and al der, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Ferry landing. Phone lCfrL. ROOM. AND BOARD Tho Roycret, 38S Fir Brt. PkOM 123-X. MATSON To Mr. nnd Mrs. Alhort MntBon nt their homo on North Front street Tuesdny, Nov. 5, a son. Ho Ib their second child. . Alligator Dies. Ono of tho bnby alligators on exhibition nt Lockhnrt & Parsons died this morning. Aid Society Meettt. Tho Ladles' Aid Society of tho Swedish Lutheran church will meet tlmorrow afternoon nt tho church hnll. Come to Vote. A boat load of vot ers from tho South fork of Coos River rnmo down to tho polls this morning to tho forkH of tho river to vote. To Hulld Addition. Hnrry W. Painter will hnvo an addition to his homo In West Mnrshflold built ns soon ns tho wenthor pormltH. Tho work will bo dono by Wilson nnd Snv ngo. Hold Devotional. During the month of Novombor nt 7:30 o'clock on Wodncsdny nnd Frldny evening of onch week thoro will bo dovotlnnnl sorvlcos hold nt St. Monica's church for tho reposo of souls departed. Green Coming. D. C. Green, pres ident of tho Chnmbor of Commorco, will arrlvo homo Into todny from Portland wlicro ho wont on ninttors connected with tho Coos Dny hnrbor survey. HiisIiichh Change. Ilnrrlngton, Doylo & Co. of North Front street hnvo purchased tho Epperson second hand storo on llrondway and con solidated It with their Front street establishment. This mnkes n big nddltlnn to their stock. PntenlH Harbor Chair "nilly" Smith, who recontly recolvod his final papers In a pntont for nn ad justable scat attached to any bar ber chair for uso of chlldron when having their hair cut, Is perfecting plans to put It on tho mnrkot. "llllly's" frlondB will hopo It mny mnko him n millionaire Leavo for Mtilfonl. Mrs. E. O. Porhnm nnd son, Mnrshall, lonvo to morrow morning for Medford whoro thoy will Join Mr. Porhnm who Is Superintending tho cr) struotlon of sonio city work nt Hint plnce. After tho work Is completed Mr. and Mrs. Porhnm will go to Portland for a vis it hoforo returning homo. Lineman Hurt. 8. W. Wessols, olectrlc foreman of tho Orogon Powor company, fell off tho roof of tho blnck smith shop on llrondway near Central today. Ho was changing somo wires for tho pllo-drlvor nonr Tho Chnndlor wlion tho shingles gnvo nway. Ho fell about fifteen fcot striking his hend on n wagon tonguo, Inflicting very painful Injuries, Suit for Timber. Judgo Hnll who roturnod todny from Conulllo whoro ho hold probnto court yestorday re ports that tho ilermnnn-Urnduury caso wns over n tlmbor clnlni nonr nenvor Hill lnstond of on Coos nivor. Hermann brought suit to collect for 30,000.000 fcot of tlmbor on n quart er soctlon of land. Bradbury paid for n llttlo less than twolvo millions, Bradbury bought tho tlmbor on n stumpngo basis. Jobn loaklmm nml Emmott Plereo wore among tho Coos county witnesses called. Tho Jury In fedornl court decided for nrndbury. FINNAN HADDIES SMOKED SALMON SMOKED HALIBUT Stauf f Grocery Co. PHONE 102 MASKEY'S CANDIES Wm. L. Cook, who was postmas ter nt Nelhart, Montana, writes' "I recommend Foley's Honey and Tar Compound to all my people, and they nro never disappointed with It. Foley's Honoy and Tar. Compound for coughs and colds gives the best pons!blo results." For Er.le by Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co., the Busy Corner. I PERSONAL NOTES MRS. DYER of Daniels Creek is In Mnrshllcld todnv. GEORGE ROSS of Cntchlng Inlet Is In town on business. MRS. EMU, STONE of Catching Inlet enmo to town this morning. MISS ELNA SELANDER enmo down from Sumner this morning. WARREN 11ESSEY of South Coos Rlvor Is In Mnrshllohl today. MRS. ORRIN TOTTEN of Allegany Is n Mnrshnold visitor todny. MRS. GUILLIAMS of South Coos River Is a Mnrshflold visitor. MISS BETHEL STOCK of Sumner Is shopping In Mnrshflold todny.. MRS. ALEX MATSON of Cntchlng In let is In Mnrshflcld shopping. G. C. CROOK, engineer of camp No. 1, enmo to town this morning. F. S. DOW hns returned from n busi ness trip to tho Coqulllo vnlley. C. J. CARLTON of Danlols Creek Is In Mnrshfleld on business todny. MISS ROSE MESSERLE of Sumner Is a Mnrshfleld visitor for n few dnys. ED JOHNSON who hns been visiting nt Ten Mile returned to Mnrshflold yesterday. GEORGE WITTEE, tho South Coos Rlvor farmer, camo to Mnrshflold this morning. AL SMITH Is down from Coos Rlvor today. Ho brought down twolvo to vote nt Cooston. MRS. JENNIE LANDRITH of North Coos River enmo to town this morn ing on business. E. It. COX nnd family of Ferndnlo will movo to their homestead the last of tho wook. MRS. 13. F. MORRISSEY Is ontortnln Ing n number of frlondB at hor homo this afternoon. MRS. JAMES COWAN who has been visiting hor pnronts nt I.nkosldo re turned homo yesterday. MISS MAUD BOWRON roturnod yes tordny nftornoon from nn over Sunday visit nt Ten Mile. JUDGE JOHN F. HALL returned Inst evening from Coqulllo whoro lib attended Probnto Court. MISS LULU HODSON of North Coob River was In Mnrshfleld this morn ing on her wny to North Bend. GEORG13 F. ROSS wns down from his Cntchlng Inlet ranch todny on bus iness. Ho had with him tho lino omblom that wns prcsontcd him by tho Knights of Pythlns Grand I.od ro of Oregon. It wnB ono of SOCIAL CALENDAR. TUESDAY. C. W. II. M. with Mrs. R. A. Copplo nt nn evening pnrty. Women's Auxiliary of tho Ep iscopal church. WEDNESDAY. PrcBbytorlnn Ladles' Aid with Mrs. Jnmes Forty of Bunker Hill Soclnl Embroidery Club with Mrs. O. Hanson. Mrs. A. E. Adolsporgor nnd Miss Rush nt enrds In honor of Mrs. Clnybaugh. Baptist Ladles' Silver Tea with Mrs, A. 'A, Downs. tho flnest lodge pins seen hro and ho hlgjily prizes tho honor nccord od him by tho Grnnd Lodge It Is sultnbly engraved. M1LO PIERSON of Likcsldo enmo to Mnrshflold yesterday. Mr. Plorson Bays shooting Is good on tho Lakes now. ALEO WILSON who has been living nt Lnkcsldo on account of his health came to Mnrshfleld yester day for a fow dnys. MISS MAY WALL of North Bend la In Mnrshflold to attend tho wed ding of hor brother, James Wall, nnd Miss Cnthcrlno Pnrkor tomor row. J. W. GARDINER, locnl roprcsonln tlvo of Dunham, Kerrlgnn & Hay den of Snn Francisco, with hend uunrtcrs nt North Bend, Is In this city on business. W. 13. SMITH Is hero from Tort Orford trying to soo If ho can recover nny of his household ef fects which were lost on tho Osprey. MRS. A. L. HOUSBWORTH will nr rlvo homo on tho Bronkwntor Thursday, according to a wlro ro colved by Dr. Housoworth todny. Sho hns been visiting n sister nt Konnowlck, Wash. C. If. STOCKS, n minor nnd prospec tor of Snn Frnnclsco who hns been prospecting on tho 81 unlaw nil sum mor Is In Mnrshnold on his wny homo. Mr. Slocks stntos that ho rowed n bont 2100 miles this buiii mer. Ho will leavo tomorrow on the Rodondo. SPALDING nthlotlo GOODS nt THE GUNNERY. ELECTION RETURNS nt 1IILL YER'H. ELECTION "llETUHNR AT MATT'S BILLIARD PARLORS. Opemmig Anmonmcemes&ll: AVe desire lo announoo lo llio pcoplo of Coos Buy that Leid's Bakery and Delicatessen will bo open to the public tomorrow morning with a full line of Bread, Cakes, Cookues, Pies, aimd AH Baked Goods AVe have adopted as our motto: "GkunHncss is iexl to (j odl in ess." Ooir Bread Is Made Oeaim Keptt Cleaim Delivered Cleaim Sold Cleairn We Extend a Special Invitation to the Ladies to call and inspect our sanitary bakery ono of the most modern and thoroughly equipped baker ies in Oregon outside of Portland. You will bo -welcome at any time and wo know wo can con vince you that our bread and baked goods aro tho cleanest and best made. L jp Bakery and S Delicatessen Phono 1J2-L. 333 Second street. Next the Corner Central Ave. TONIGHT TEe Royal A M'leinlld l'''' program Tho Redi'inptloiilst Redeemed through tho lovo of n child. Tho Fear A talo of tho sea nnd a cowboy. Extremely dramatic and convincing. LoIii'h Sacrifice Tho self-denial of a protty In dian maid. ' Good music nnd realistic sound effects, ' a 10 cents, Prescriptions Bring them all to our store. Wo can till any doctor' prescription ko as to glvo the i-cmiKs. Re member every prescription you bring hero will bo tilled by grad uate chemists; only tho highest class drugs and chemicals uro used. Tho STORE for QUALITY GOODS and PENSLAR REMEDIES. mwI Am ManUaI4 Oo US.