The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 04, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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Engineers Defer Action on the
Coos Bay Request Un
til Congress Meets.
Vice-president C. F. McKnlght this
nflomoon received n toiegrnm from
Senator llourno saying that tlie Hoard
of Review had postponed action on
Coos Hay's request for n now survey
until after Congress meets, tho samo
bolng taken on tho request of Con
gressman Ilnwley. No word lias been
roccivod from President I). C. Orcen
who was In Portland to try and lias
ten fnvorablo action by tho govern
ment on tho now survey as well as for
nn appropriation.
Sonntor llourno a toiegrnm. is soir
Christian Herrmann Loses in Prosecuting Attorney Scores
His Norman Fraud Case ; Opponent in Roseburg
at Portland.
J ml ire John F. Hall has returned
Joint Debate.
Hosununc Ore.,
Nov. !. In
from Port and. whero ho was n tno presence of tno largest crowd
witness in the caso of Christian ' over uHsombled In Hosoburg Dis
llorninnn vs. Charles Urndbury. Tho trlct Attorney George M. Urown on
caso wnB 0110 of tho sovornt Nor-; Saturday evening charged Attorney
man suits which Herrmann hnsW. V. Cardwell of being tho brow
started. In this enso, tho first one cry eandldnto for district nttoniey.
tried, the finding wns agaiiiBt Hcrr- In fnct, Mr. Urown showed that
innnn. I Cardwell was backed by tho Hose-
Hcrrman's suit was to regain n nurg Urowing and Ico Co. In Dottg-
School Board Could Effect Biq
Saving for District and
Give Better Service,
tract of Coos rivor timber land,
which Urndbury hnd purchased
explanatory and is as follows
Havo received tho following from
Board of Knglnecrs. "Washington: widow of tho late John Norninn
"Your tolecrnm about Coos liny ro-Mn Germany. Soon nftor Mr. Nor
cplvod and will bo given careful con-. man'B death, alio returned to the
las county, whllo In Coos county
ho hnd tho solid backing of tho
from Judgo Hnll, ns attorney fori saloon and "Iiawdy house" clement.
Herrmann nnd oxecutor of Airs. I Mr. Urown presented document
Ilcrrmnu's will. after documunt, nil of which show-
Christlan Horrmnnn married tho od that ho had boon fcnrless and
Impartlnl in enforcing tho laws of
niu district.
Bldcrntlon together with other com
munlcntlons from Interested parties.
Final determination of this mutter
has been postponed until nftcr meet
ing of Congress on request of Mr.
llnwlcy. Tho Hoard notes your agree
ment with lis view Hint dredging
should ho tried before now project
is adopted. Survey Is not considered
pormlssablo unless Information re
ceived Indicates that revision of pro
ject Is now advisable" Send mo full
particulars show harbor conditions
responsible for wreck.
Congress will moot tho first Mon
day In December and It is hoped that
tho matter will bo brought up Im
mediately thoroaftor.
To Present Kvldenco.
Friends of Congressman Hawloy
who are familiar with tho efforts
ho has boon putting forth think
that ho probably will ask tho
Hoard of Itovlow to defer action on
tho nppcal from tho Knglnecrs' ad
verso decision against tho now
purvov Iti nrilnr flint tin mlirlif lin
nbio to personally present ovldcnco I AI.OXO THIS WATKUFHOXT
showing tho necessity of tho nowi "
survoy now. Ho would not rench
Washington until about December
old country. Sho had considerable
Coos liny property. Sho was con
siderably older than her second
husband. Prior ro her death sho
sold sonio of tho local property
and nftcr her death, Mr. Horrmnn,
as her heir, hnd considerable prop
crty sold. A fow years ago ho
camo to Coos Hay and for a tlmo
resided on the former Chnndlor
ranch on Coos river, which ho pur
chased, whllo hero, ho discovered
that some of tho Xormnn property
had Increased in vnluo slnco It
hnd passed out of his hnnda or
tho hands of his first wlfo (Mrs.
Norman nnd Instituted suit to ro-
gnln it, chnrglng fraud In tho sale
A largo tract of land In and near
Hastsldo Is Involved In tneso suits.
Horrmnnn ling married n second
time. Mr. Hrndbury formorly lived
here, but is now a resident of
1 and possibly Intended to tnko
tho matter up with tho rivers nnd
barbors committee
Col. Ilrlghnni of North Hond who
lina been seriously III la reported Im
proving. Tho ninny frlnndH of Miss Mabel
Mathlson will ho glad to know
that alio la rapidly recovering from
iTor recent Illness.
AIr. Hnydon, a sou of Dr. Unydou,
eustnlncd a broken linger nnd othor
minor Injuries In nn ncctdont nt tho
C. A. Smith Hindi I no shop, whoro ho
Is employed, Snturday.
Charles Schrocdor, foromnn of
ttio Ilnndolph mill, who was opera
ted on for nppondlcitla nt Moroy
linspltnl, North Hond, Inst week, la
reported to bo doing nicely nnd tho
The Hardy nrrlved In
lond nt tho C. A. Smith
Tho Itcdondo will Ball nt 8
o'clock Wednesday morning for San
Tho Flflold nrrlved nt nnndon to
day from Snn Francisco.
.Mr. Urown said that
ho was not responsible for making
tho laws, but that It was his
sworn duty to onforco tho lnwa as
they wore Inld down on tho stntuto
books of tho Btntc.
Tho crowd wiib of n mixed va
rloty, but It could bo easily soon
Hint Mr. Urown wnB tho fnvorito.
In fact, Mr. Urown was frequently
npplnuded ns h0 Jabbed hla oppon
ent, whllo Cardwell nppearcd to
havo sllout backing.
In nil, tho dobato proved a
great boon for District Attomoy
urown nnd it is genornlly predict
ed mnt no will carry Hosoburg by
a majority of not less than 500
votes. Tho voters who stand for
good government favor Urown nnd
nro working diligently In hopo of
bringing nbout his election. To
morrow's election, It la bolloved,
will hnve a tendency to dlvorco tho
brewery nnd Its backers from nc
tlvo politics In this county.
Tho dbbnto waa Instigated by
Cardwell, who snld ho would provo
that ho was not tho hrowory can
didate. In this ho mado a decided
Tho Kllzaboth arrived In nt nnn
don Sunday and tho Hugh Hognn
Another New Coaster.
tow of tho steamer Olympic, tho
now atenni schooner Siskiyou,
launched nt Aberdeen Inst wcok, la
hero to havo her engines In
stalled. Tho vcshoI was christened
by Miss Mnnotto Kolloff nnd will
bo commanded by dipt. II. P. Hnn-
Tho Slakl-
,ii.vaioin..a I.. oi,-, f i.iu ..nolsnu when rondy for sen.
expect him to recover rnpldly. :vo l8 . ?"j . JC0JL J0!!!!' 4VJ?., f,?.i
iiiMiiu hum 1 t.u ii.'vt ui't;ji. iuiu imo
n lumnor enrrying capacity 01 1,-
Tho crow nt work on tho Noll
tunnel on tho Wlllnmotto-Pnclflo
lias now reached n depth of 1,1(50
foot nnd nro working right along nt
n good rate. Tho crow at tho west
portal hna not got entirely under
ground ns yet, nut nro right up
to that point. When tho two
rrowa got to working townrda oacli
othor thoy will aoon cut down tho
dlstnnro to bo o.cnvated, It la
probable thoy will not bo nblo to
finish it until spring. Kiigono Ro-glstor.
100.000 foot.
ShlpV Olllccr.s Suspended.
Tho Tnsiuunlnn upplo yield
year Is USSI.OOO bushels.
Times' Want Ads bring results,
SAN FUANCrSCO. Nov. 1. Uni
ted Stntos Local Inspectors James
Guthrie nnd Josoph P. Dolnn havo
suspended Clans Mayns. mnator nt
tho tug Fllznbcth for 20 days for
negligence In colliding with tho tug
Pilot on Soptombor IS off Slxtoonth
atreot whnrf. Thoy suspended for
flvo dnys Olnus Johnson, chlof offi
cer or tho schooner Knlrhavon, for
colliding with tho Btonnior Yukon
near Point Admits on Soptopibcr 1 1
Tourists will bo nblo to reach
tho fnmoiiB loaning towor of Plan
in itniy ny nn electric street car
lino In tho near future.
The Peopled Casudidlate
Vote For
Tlio Owl Pre
scription Phar
macy as the
place to fill pre
scriptions honest
ly and accurate
ly. Platform
Satisfactory Service.
A Square Deal
For Everyone.
ark Yoiuur Ballot
Phone 74-J YES,
Owl Prescription Pharmacy
Frank Cohan, Manager,
Noto that word Prescription,
Victor Wlckmnn returned Monday
from n trip to tho Cooa Hay Life Sav
ing Station whoro ho hnd boon slnco
Saturday of last week visiting his
frlondn of tho Ilfo-snvlng crow. IIo
wns a mombor of tho crew lilnmoir mi.
til about two yeara ago, and says ho
had n grand time with his former ns
socintcs tnlklng over their past ex
porlonccs. Tho crow conslats of Captain Hrltt
win eigni men. Four of tlieso mon
havo but recently boon nsslgnod to
this stntlon but tho others woro thoro
whon Mr. wlckmnn wna u mombor.
Tho now captain, Mr. Hrltt, hns hnd
many years In the service nnd la n
vory competent man. Ho was transfer
red to this stntlon from tho stntlon nt
tho mouth of tho Columbia whoro ho
had sorved sovoral years.
Mr. Wlckmnn anya tho hoya look
with much fnvor unnn tho nronosod
moving of tho station from Ita presont
lncntlon to Charleston Hay. Thoy
think It will bo tho best thing thnt
could bo dono to Improvo tho sorvlco.
It will bo within n qunrlor of n mllo
of tho bar which will onnblo thorn to
got to tho bnr In II vo inlutos Instend
of requiring twenty nilnutos In fnvor
nblo wonthor nnd often forty-fivo min
utes during n south-easter an hns
been tho en so In tho past.
Ho says tho work of moving tho
atntlon Is expected to commonco onrly
in tuo spring, nnd that tho now quar
ters will bo up to dnto nnd supplied
with nil modorn nppllnncos. Co
qulllo Sontlnol,
COOS Win. Wilson, HoRoburg:
W. It. Hunt. San Francisco; G. C.
Cook and wlfo. Coos Rivor: S. Un-
.dorwood, Camp 7: S. Cutllp. Dan
iels creok: T. J. Thrirt, Coqullio.
HIiAXCO Hownrd Hnrrott. Flor
onco; H. M. Itnu, Portland; C. W.
Parker, Coqullio; S. Psoroco, Sixes
LLOYD W. U. White. Portland;
Chns. F. Johnson, Pnrkersburg;
Georgo Hayslon, Kmplro.
CH AXDLKRS. S. Simon, Snn
Francisco; W. G. Kggleston. Onk-
lnnd; R. n. Mnrtln, Portland.
Hare your Job printing
Hi TlmM oPlea.
Vote for Millage Bill
Number 320 X Yes
It provides six-tenths of a mill tux lot
cupport of Agricultural Collciro mnl ITi.I.
versity of Oregon, giving thorn jierum.
ncilt Bllnnnrt nml tnfelni. )im nut ..(
I Politics. It nlso provides one Hoard el
1 Regents, thus solving the problems ut
cu.ujierauon, consouuaiion, illvislon ol
cournea and economy of uiunngeuieut.
It does not Increase the average
rate of taxutlou.
It repeals the $800,000 Unlver
lty appropriation bill.
Tho Bill is endorsed bv Hnvornnr
, West: "This Hill is in the Interest ol
good business nud should pass."
' By L. It. Alderman, State Sniierln
j tendent Publlo lnstruetion: "Rxpcrience
' In othor states shows millugo bill prin
j einle to be coireot."
By Will n. Daly, President, Oregon
i EUte Federation of Labor: ".Vo mgu
I moat can successfully combat tlio beiielll
to tho state that will follow thoadoiitim
cf the millage tax plan."
' Endorsed by Portland Tax Pay.
; ers League.
Hill prepared by committee of Gover
nor's Commission, Hoards of Regents
end administrative offlcers of the tw
i institutions.
I M I tor Tillies:
Ono of the worst drnwbncks In the
work of the High School Is the dlfll
cully experienced In getting text
bonks and other supplies In Hiiltnblo
quantities nud nt tho time they nro
There nro two rensons for this, nnd
both seem unnvoldnblo. First, tho
denlers will not order books in suffi
cient quantities, for fonr of being over-stocked,
nnd second, tho smnll or
ders do not receive the samo prompt
attention thnt Is accorded to largo
Tho dcnlors cannot bo blamed for
ordering cnutlously. Tho number
of books needed In any certain clnsa
can never bo exactly determined un
til school hns boon In bcsbIoii for some
time. Tho npproximnte number of
pupils In each class can be ascertain
ed far In ndvnnco, but ench dealer
must make n cortnln ullownnco for
tho number of books likely to bo pur
chased from other dealers and for tho
number of second hand books likely
to bo used. Of courso theso nllow
nnccB nro more guesswork nnd the In
variable result la nn ovorfliipply of
sonio books and n shortage of others.
This onuses Inconvcnlcnco nnd dis
satisfaction to all concerned. Tho
surplus books whoro too mnny hnve
been ordered, nnd tho high express
rates on tho smnll Into orders to Blip
pip deficiencies, wlpo out tho dealer's
profit. Tho lack of textbooks causes
certain pupils to get behind In tholr
work, crippling tho clnss na n wholo
nnd lowering tho standard of tho
This convenience might bo partly
relieved by having tlio hooka ordered
by only ono dcnlcr; but this solution
hna obvloua defects. Other dcalora
could not bo prevented from keeping
tho books, nnd If thoy kept only n
very fow It would bo sulllclont to
make It linposslblo for tho dealer se
lected to count on soiling nny ccrlnln
number. Resides, ngreolng to buy nil
text hooks from ono denier would bo
prnctlcnlly boycotting the othor denl
Another nnd bolter way to nvold
tho dlfilciilty would bo for tho school
board to buy tho books nnd soil them
to tho pupils. If Bovornl extra cop-
icb or ench toxt hook wero ordqrod,
nnd tho hooka wore sold to tho stu
dents nt tho ordinary prlco, enough
monoy would ho rccolvcd to pay for
nil tho hooka nml there would ulwiiya
bo a fow hooka on hnnd for those who
enter Into, or ohnngo courses. With
out risking nny nctunl loss of money,
onntigh hooka could be ordered to on
nblo nil clnssos to stnrt on tlmo with
out nny bookless students. After tho
first yonr, which should pny for tho
rosorvo hooka, thoro la no reason why
fltudonta ahould not got toxthooka
somowhnt cheapor than thoy enn now.
nut this plnn Is by no monna tlio
host. Thoro nro n fow fncta that wo
do not often think of thnt mnko nn
other plan fnr prefornblo.
Tho avorngo toxt book la good for
flvo yonra of uso.
Tho avorago text book In tho High
School la usod loss thnn n yonr. In
tho grndos. less than two years. Tho
number of High School books that
ore used but ono hnlf yonr. inoro
thnn offsets thoso usod "second
Nino text books out of ton nro ne
ver used nftor thoy nro finished In
school nnd nro of no more uso thnn
ns If thoy hnd boon destroyed. The
school district enn buy books nt from
10 por cent to 10 por cont bolow re
tnll prlcea nnd nubllshors will allow
n school district llhornl torms of ox-
chnngo for tholr old toxt hooka whon
thev chnngo rrom ono to nnothor.
If tho text hooka woro boucht In
itio school dlatrlct nnd lonned to tho
pupils, tho cost to tho pooplo of tho
district for toxt books would bo not
more thnn ono qunrtor what It la
now, nnd tho pupils would have tho
dook that thoy needed whon thoy
nooded thorn. Such a plan baa both
economy nnd olllclency In Ita fnvor,
and no real drnwbacka.
Tho only sorloua objection thnt op
ponent8 of tho plnn ndvnnco, Is tho
expenso Involved. Hut for ovory dnl
lnr ndded to tho tnxes In ordor to buy
books, four will bo snvod. when onco
tho plnn Is ndoptod. Most Intelli
gent pooplo would rnthor nay ono dol
lar In tuxos nnd got toxt-bnokB froo
thnn to pny four dollars for tost
books. It Is also argued that many peoplo
who nay taxes have no cblblrnn in
school, and that they should not bo
coinpolled to pny for books for other
people's children. Tho samo argu
ment could bo used equally woll
against anything connected with tliA
schools. Did you ovor hear nnyono
object to public money being spent
on st root or rond Improvomonts bo-
Hub Clothing
and Shoe Co.
YJfVID AVTCKIC almtil lo
say a $20 ix)(r.
iincnt will convince vmi
Hint our clothing is su
perior in stylo, HI, and
workmanship, but wo
cannot honestly call H
an experiment
if you are not entirely
satisfied .you get your
money back.
.Limi. uium-a 11 a sure
thing and not a risk.
"Money Talks"
Hub Clothing
and Shoe Co.
Porter Bros. Reported Inter
ested In Plan to Make
Florence County Seat.
Says Grand Jury Evidence Is
Not Secret After Indict
ment Is Returned.
i.utiKNW, .Nov. !. A quiot movo-' h. A. Llljoqvlat Is In town to
moiit Is on foot nt Kloronco, on tlio dny nnd stated that ho umlentwi
western const of I.nno county, to hnvo thoro was somo criticism at to it-
u nun uuHiiiy iTuiui-ii uui ot uio wosi- voniing secrets of tho Brind Jary
orn end of I.nno nnd n portion of room. Ho stated thnt upon b
Douglas, making Florenco tho county dlctmont holng found nnd a pMi
sent. Tho promotors of tho schomo convicted, nil testimony before tit
do not Intend to trust tho moasuro grand Jury wn8 public property. It
o n vote, of tho pooplo. hut to tnko It is only whoro no Indictment li rt-
to tlio loglslnturo. Whoro tllOV feol tlirnoil lm nil mlnntM nf iMtk
nssurod their wIhIioh will ho granted, niony nro destroyed nnd proceed
as hugono nnd other pnrts of I.ano Ings nro kept secret. He ititti
county do not ohjoet. Thnt pnrt of furthor that stntcmenta he suit
tno county In so fnr removed from tho woro roltornted In open court.
county sent that pooplo hero fool It Is
entitled to n county of Its own.
Florenco nud tho lowor Slusluw nro
growing rnpldly, on nccount of tho
ontrnnco Into thnt country of tho now
Southorn I'uclllc railway, which Is
hulldliiK from Murshllold to Hugono,
nnd which. It Is hoiloved. will ovon-
tunlly ho oxtondod south nlong tho
Pacific coast to connect with tho
(Paid advortlacmcnt.)
Rovci'iiincut .Siiipl)ing I'ostolflctt
With Special Kipilnnient.
Stool tnpes, six feet long, icalrt
for weighing up to 11 poundijlf-
tlnctlvo pnrcol post stamps, piml
iw.ut mnn. ulinll'lllc. Ihl MlltTKl
NorthwoHlern Pnclllc nt Hurokn, thus chnrgo zonoa nnd parcel port
forming n through lino from Portland guides nro holng sent out to i'J
to Snn rrnnclgco. nmtnfflrnn in iiin country In prep-
To further tho now county movo- nrntlon for tho starting of the r
ment nnothor pnpor will soon ho os- cols post sorvlco January 1. TU
tnhllshod nt Ploronco. Rohort S. tnpes nro for measuring dimension
Huston, u forinor Kuceno nowsnnnor nr . omnia tlm (.rnlos for wellbl:f
lunn, hns hought n cylinder prosa nnd thorn, tho limit holng 11 pood
n paper folder hero nnd hns shlppod tho pnrcol post stamps take tt
thorn hy wny of Portlnnd nnd tho ninco of tho roKiilar fourth-clia
Btenmor Anvil. Ho has hought tho mnll stumps which nro being do:
typo nnd tho othor necessnry mnchln- awny with', nnd tho maps i
ory In Portlnnd. It In understood Mr. 'guide nro to ho distributed b
Huston hns tho hacking of Portor omployes In nil offlccs, on til
Jims., who own tho largo sawmill In trnlns nnd among tho rural carriers
lloronco, ns woll ns lnrgo neros of for their guidance. t ..
tlmhor land ndjncont. It Is nlso, Nono of thoso supplies havj r
known that othors who hnvo hoavy rocolvod at tho local nostoBce, e
property IntorostH In thnt section nro thoy nro on tho way, according
fnyornhlo to the ontorprlso. Tho'n dlspntch from Washington. I"
othor pnpor puhllshed thoro Is tho first of tho gonoral notices rei
West. Iin rimratlon for tho serrlwW
atv L..V. .c ero, nnd moro nro expected nw
.'...,, 1,11,1 j.-i i'A ij.ij.iiUrtl.
now on.
iit nvnrpss our in11:
ttU MIDII I !---
i to express ":,.
Committee Shows Coinpnrntlvo Vuluc
of l-'luM ns Food.
NEW vnnif Vnv a wa..m ....
.i.." .i. ' r.;i;r '"I". ':t" "" , " iunuciiiii .- - hlnM.
i V V " ... "r1 lOBl ot "vingT Tlion ncqun ntnnces who bo -- j
fiplnlr tuiiir in ,i.A .. it -m a... . . . ..! it.. Illness "4
... ...,,i. ,n liiu niiuuuHLimi fir nil, mam. na iiiiriiiu lilU --
ivn... ",-i. ..i .. - . .
" nun mint conuniiico,
Tho committee's exhibit nt tho
Puro Food Show horo this weok In
cludes n chnrt saying thnt ono quart
of rreamory milk costing 0 cents Is
equal In food fuel vnluo to any ono of
tho following:
Three pounds fresh coffeo. 5-1 conts.
TlirCO-nunrtors nnnml rnnml l.nnf.
HieaK, cents.
nnd npproc
doath of our bauy. inoV
MR. and MRS. n.AjEMxw.
Timoa' Want Ads bring rewj
m, w. Art brine rMau
Times Want Ada brine
Two pounds salt cod, 40 conts.
Right eggs, 40 conts.
cnuso ho hnd no horses to drive on' "." nmi ono-n" pounds ham, 45
tho street? Would it not bo morel A , -
reasonable to look t Wo mattw 15
this way: Tho public, by law, com-' iHnin,i n ,
,! nVr,-v ,,.,, ..., ,.i- .,.,' i isolated as Coos I3av the one mivnnt-
to seho'ol'iintii thoy SSW o 7 ceV aln Z Vl n""1?,et number of
nge. Mnny men can not niton o Lw, nJinnrt "SV10 bee'nning of tho
keep their children In school n.Tbuyui'nr"111 WBrrant Ul ndop"
their hooks. Tho public, then, should n,of p,a.n.' R
pay for tho books, without subjecting M,nM!!?ri,,f V10 taxpayora Insist
those chlldrcii to the humiliation iu,t Vint tho Y11 not. Pay for book8 tor,
now goes ulfli the us" of " ?"$ P00"10 8 children, tho samo ad
books, j vantages with somo drawbacks'
I finillll tin n. A.. . .1 l . .
DnCrilTnXeybn0rOek8benco ? ' Vh ? ,
" ."..,tl,nt" T,,e nro becoming such rates that tbo ront nn n i,nnv
est cities of The eZn ?Tg tno'wou,(1 W tt by tho tlmo t was
K o iSvan,..S'ep,SS "A bCudswSldTo1
eight years' experionco ns student required to pay for books that wero1
and as teacher, In a school where nil lost or maliciously snoilod '
books, nnd In tho grnmmar school. iuciousiy "POea.
isheJl by't!,'! d.stVicr.l,TI,oVra.nfUarS: f Ma"hflrid H' School
public property, taught by its daily "" Transfer Company,
uso were not slight. In a district so If you hare anything to .ell, trade.
nv ftM
e oaye w
Raised Our
Milk, 25c per gallon.
Cream, 20c per pint.
Whip Cream, 25c perp
Buttermilk, 10c per g
Phone 73.
Coos Bay fc
Cold Storage
Deliveries, 8 a.m. and 2 pJft