Tax To the VotersaHidl Payers of Coos County 7TT7tlio clrculnr which my J? in" Is having Printed nnd JitribuUdjAbout the County which "'J lllMoon Imvo n chnnco to lTfor rour choice of two candl 'ot ,1 qhorlff of Coob County. Opponent lms hold offlco for t.J I am asking your votca for opponent tins many frlonda u for him who Imvo rocolvod '" the past, nnd who hollovo 'rtSlvo thorn In tho future i. elected. I nm mnklng my 'A.'-nS km nnnonlliiK to tho !,f,ta people who ask no favora. '-Tha present Incumbont says ho . ,,.... m economy on tho part ..Xits and yet his olllco Ib tho SS more complaint with rognrd t xpenses than any other In tho ir I bollevo In economy nnd c, rl',.L it. If elected. I shnll bo : , ul of expenses with regard to 'SnSipIrt money ns I nm of my ..tnensos In my prlvato business. fflUot mike the olllco n family 'iffllm 'elected it will not ho ncc .... for any other offlclul to stop Eud enforco tho laws thnt I am ,rn to enforco. I will do my own '"'The present Shorlff Is scattering tittaenta to tho effect that ho docB ,ot bellcro i unjust prosecution, tat Will II OieClUU, uu uiiiu wn.u.o n would llko to have them do unto Ua If this means anything. It enn mlr mean that ho sots hlmaolf nhovo a. law. and will bo lonlont with law ireikora because If ho woro n lnw bftiker, ho would llko to Imvo who .,., orn sheriff bo lenient to him. I fa tot act my own Idea of what Is rlitt or wrong nuuvo mu uiw, uui. till enforce tho lnw as I am Bworn No- .. .... ... ...... ... "I Deiiero ono oi ino jinuciimi u ii.. f tho Shorlff Is to prevent law- trrtilnff, not Bimply to arrest law- 11 elected, I shall appoint Amorl-(K-born cltlions for DoputloB. "Many ml8stntomontH nro being Bila about mo, In my nbuonco, nbout lit County. I defy nny man to pub lib and sign nny statement reflect ion mr standing nfl an honest, Inw abldlac; American citizen. (Slroed) "0. 0. Lund, Republican Ctidldato for Sheriff of Coob Coun-lr." To begin with, I will Bay that I wan b hopes that Mr. Lund would rofrnln ten tbo mud fillnglng business dur b( this campaign and thoroby snvo u of tho unpleasant duty of calling U people's attention to somo of his utllci, both prlvnto and political, btaldes "Paid AdvortlBomonts" nro KMiiIro and wo don't bollovo In tuTlnr ono's self Into olllco, If the people want a mnn In offlco thoy will elect him without such Btronuous of fort as has characterized my oppoii itl'i campaign. Supposo that I havo Kill the Sheriff's omco ton years. Ii that any thing ngalnst a mnn? Tit great majority of noonlo think It M honor and I am Hiiro that I do. If you havo had n man In your om- mj ror ten yenrs aro you going to iKk Dim off tho Job simply bocausr telisworked for you a lone tlmo? J u; No! You will koop him Just mi lotj u ho Alls tho position honestly m Wtnfully. It Is tho samo with four county offlclals. Ai to mo hnvliiK mnny frlondii ho are Working for my re-election Hit havo rocolvcd fnvora In thu tut, I will any that my frlonds wa enemies have nil rocolvod good wen and courteous trontmont nt ! tlmea and I nssuro you thoy 111 recelvo tho samo again If I nm re-elected. No special favors havo wn shown to unv nno. Tbla talk that Mr. Lund and ae ot his henchmen nro making loom the expoiiBo of tho ahorlff'u tace ia only ono of hla bnlta to tch votes. I nssuro you that th'o c'k will nover bo dono a cont ""Per than It linn linen In tho jut rear but will keep on Incrons- i ifom year to year In propor- w me growtu of tlio county. "bare been going ahead very nr ror tno paBt fow years and i sincerely hopo and bollovo wo '"I contlnuo to do so in years to "W. Just to show tho Incroaso i tie volumo of business in tho '. I will Bay that tho total l!Q Of all thn nv rnllo .. 4Yin Ji of 1871 to 190C, both Inclu ll SlnA36 yenrfl. ,a 11.918,791. ii, ..ii l?at tno ,otnl sum of tlio in i Is ,or tn 'ers of 1907 to Z ti.1.8 '2-05G,5G5.03, which In to tho page, aggregating 10,025 tax uccouutH in tho acreage Volumea 4 to lu, Inclusive, town with J5 tax accounts to tho paK0 aggregating G7.1CG tux accoun a in the town lot books, which jnako a total of 70.4UG tx accounts for ti.e year of ion. Under tho "lot d block" ayatem every panel ot In d nnd each town lot la u Bepnrato ac count, whllo under the alphabetical Bjatom of UBseBBinent each owner la a Boparato account; and all proper ty owned by an Individual 'a listed In ono plnco under tu.Ar ,. tho 1011 tax rolla were made lip in tlio alphabetical order Mu.m ,;..,i.i Btedft07S? 700 nCC0Unt8' ,n Even under tho old system of as sessment, tho tax collector did not try to dcscrlbo tho property on tho iua .wuii.i. mo UBUUl description bplng "as per roll." Look over you old rccelptB and boo. Kvcr slnco nnd Including 1007 thoro hna been . tuiiiiuuiu iiionio. oi tno property on each receipt, allowing the valua tion and tax on ovory Item. In 1907 tho County Court adopt ed tho lot nnd block syatom of ns scaainont and It wna up to tho tax collector to adopt a system of re ceipting nnd accounting to corres pond, tho old Btylo being absolute ly out of tho quostlon. In bo doing wo adopted oxnetly tho Bamo system that has been used by Multnomah county for tho Inst 15 years, nnd It la claimed by ex port accountnnta to bo tho very beat At nny rnto wo will give any mnn $100 and pay him wages besides for showing us a system thnt will bent It, or savo tho county any lire years amounts to S137.. ''' Morn thnn Mm r.ini r ih It '- " :', Jrs precenlni' rrr.n. nini, ii ro October and paid t ;."ta ia mora thnn u ,., f- ,A lit in 'rci:tanK. I'Tom October tollecti ' Octo,)or 1st. 1912, wo Treaiirl .u11 l'aui ,0 lno County CriB"'" .f. 1021.579.17, Rars 71 to 18a0, 'nclualvo The nti ... . ttlli i. .r.ou,n ot l"0 1911 tax Ct it '54.588.78, which Is nl- .,, ' " much as thn tnn1 mim nf kclnsW? ,rom 18n t0 1891' 'MMfiTni year8 In 19H. W0 $ ia lu? ,Xo distribute tho mo ii6i,"e ,n th 21 years thoro tal of i, ..f.und8 ench year, or a ttUr.ii: "'"crent tunds for tho In tv yearSl Here wtflrst.3c 'ear8 mentioned Quinine ?h taI ot u voluraos rs m j se8BmoniB, wn'cn of aLder the alPhahetlcal ays- 30 "!S8Uleit; and tho ontJro lati.-;.- Mf8 COUld MHllv im nnf .- IIVB n .u. " - n h th i . .. Present volumes. "U, IneiS. f8t 'lvo ya, 1907 to row'u.8lve. thero Is a total ot lent, -.v? . "-ontainlnc tho assess- t - t2j!"? r all mado undor nil.' ?. 'ermed thA int o.i i.ii. -..iCm'' nf n "'" ". IIU UIULIV m- aceorni essraont' In othor UoT'?8.!.0 th0 Beographl Tle I9i i . f tho Property. 'bh i iax roHs "re as follows: s 22i ,'orsonal Property, con n.s.fl Paces imn,l mlm i . P,ft ggreVBtit83t acconts to the WW. i!'nB 3315 tar hr. a. - 111 nil . Uf.. 1 ac- nii . - . conVnini ,uraes 2 ana 3' ' conta'nlnS 401 pages used At any tlmo tho Countv Pmn-i wnnta to chnngo tho Byaloni of ns sessmont back to tho alphabetical, wo will of courso adopt a system of receipting nnd accounting to cor respond. Whoovor Is tax collector would havo to do that. You un derstand thnt tho tax collector has to adopt n system of receipting nnd accounting to correspond to the systom of nBscsBinont nnd that he has nothing to do whntovor with making up tho assessments. The assessor doca tho assosalng and plnclng tho pronorty on tho rolls. tho county court makes tho lovlcs and tho county clerk extends the tnxes nnd dollvors tho rolls to the tax collector about Kobrunry 1st ol each year. Then tho tnx collector has to havo a forco largo enough tc copy nnout so per cont or tlio prop, orty off on tax rccolnts by tho lfith of March (six weoke) and nt the samo tlmo recelvo and receipt roi n largo amount of monoy. Wr closed tho books Inst March 15th with $341,41(5.77 collected. And In rond district numbor G wo hnd to flguro nearly nil of tho tax ovor, ns most of tho tnxpayers re fused to uy tho special tax lovled by said district. Tho samo Is true of tho special tax lovled for the Port of Coos Hay many rofusod to pay tho tax thus causing a great deal of extra work on tho pnrt of tho sheriff 'a rllco In rcflgurlng the tnx. Tho totnl cost for extra holp for tho monthB of January, I-ob ruary, March nnd April, 1912, wan $1825.00 nnd tho largest numbor of oxtra dorks was nlno. In the spring of 1910 tho Inrgeat numbor of dorks wna nlno nnd In 191 1 trie largest number was 10 for a fow daya and tho rest of tho tlmo nlno. In tho spring of tho year nbout tnx tlmo tho nbstrnct companion al ways havo somo of their employes looking up tnx matters, and tho tax association keeps tholr socrotnry checking up tholr mombors' proper ty n good shnro of tho tlmo. It Is nothing uncommon to bco 12 or 15 nooplo working In tho ofllco during tho rush, but thoy nro not nil work ing for Coos county, by nny means. Tlio totnl cost of labor for col lecting tnxos for a given year does not exceed 3-4 of ono por cont nnd, I dofy nny mnn to show nnythlng to tno contrary, it nns nocn cam by somo unscruplous Blatherskites, who would rathor find fault with an ofllcor than oat their dlnnor, thnt I hnvo na many clerka In my ofllco as thoy havo in tho ahorlff b offlco In Portland. Tho facta aro that tho ahorlff in Portland has two departments In his offlco. In tho legal dopartmont thoro Is ono chlof deputy at $150.00 por month, ono second deputy nt $112,50, flvo at $100.00 each, two jailors ai yu each and ono mntron nt $70.00, ng- irroentlnir a total of 10 regular dep uties In tho logal dopartmont that nro on tho pay roll every month In thn vnnr. In tho tnx dopartmont thero Is a. chief doputy nt $125.00 per monm. two nt $112.50 each nnd eight at $90.00, aggregating a toiai oi ai rinnuHoR In the tnx department that nro on tho pay roll overy month In thn vnnr. Thla mnkes n torn! of twonty-ono doputlea for tho sherirr or sum- noman county mm i" " " will nvnrv mnn Ml In tllO VOaT. These are not all as tho sheriff uses from 40 to 50 clerks in addi tion to his regular deputies aunng tho spring rush. Now these nro facts that anyone may possess by simply writing to the sheriff or tho county nudltor at Portland, nnd I defy nny one to disprove tho samo. Tho legal business of the county has Increased enormously as you will see by tho fact that from June ia loci rvfnher 28. 1912. 57 1-3 years, there has been a total of 3453 civil cases brought In the circuit court and out of that num ber 1105 cases In the last 6 1-3 years, which Is nlmost 1-3 of all tho legal business of the county from Its beginning. This Is quite nn Increase when you stop to think that tho first 51 years of the coun ty thero was only 2348 civil cases brought In the circuit court and in tho last C 1-3 years, 1105. The criminal business has also increased In proportion to otber business of tho county, as you will nolo timt from January 1st, 1892 - .iuiy isi, i07, 140 prlsonors woro registered In tho county Jail, while from July lat, 1907. to od rr2'. 1,912, thero has been 139 reg stored, which shows that . v-.iuuuui worK ror the last 5 1-3 i,niHnoCqu,n1?, nn ot tho criminal SSrdl&.C0U,,,,rf0rt,,0lBH mm. i.. r .i """"-Ba oi mo eniiro yor, lll l""t four years, In stead of having a truancy officer for each sclinn iiiairi. .i.i... " ' Mi ....!.. -"".I, which was to previous custom. Thereby mnk- I II IT n ifrnnf sni. ... ... ... , i ; 7ir: " '. lo ui .C0l""y ni.oi.n . . . un, Producing nn aerngo attendance of 90 to 98 per cent, against tho lifohnni nVn, ngo attendance of 94 por cont for any year prior. This has taken a m oi umo tor correspondence, otc, uhi. uvuii so it lias ucon n groat " (, io mo county considering tho Mr, Lund sava tlmt im win i. careful of expenses with tho poo ilos money na ho hns been with ins own prlvnto expenses. Tho holy Binoko! What docs ho meant uoea ho mean that ho will collect 100 cents on the dollar nnd pay over to the county treasurer 30 ccnta on the dollar nnd spond tho other 70 cents campaigning? Ho nlso says thnt ho will not nmko the offlco a family feed trough. From that ono would nat urally lnfer that ho intenda to hoard at a hotel and lot his family niBtlo for themselves. A nlco mnn to bo sheriff! Ho also says that ho believes that ono of tho principal duties of tho shorlff Is to prevent lnw breaking. Geo, what a mighty man. No doubt that ho thinks ho s greater thnn tho "Great Je hovah." Civilization hns been trying Tor 7000 years to prevent law-breaking and hnan't succeeded yot. Do you think Olo enn do It? Mr. Lund saya that ho will ap point Amorlcan-born deputies. Why should n son of Norway bo nil right for sheriff nnd not good enough for hla deputies? Thla Is ono of his mnny bnlta to catch voters. Mr. Lund says thnt mnny mls stntementa nro being mndo nbout him In his nbsenco nbout tho coun ty. This Is a Btntomcnt whoroln hb trios to convey tho Idea thnt ho hns boon nbsont from tho county. Hal Ha! What fools somo peopio are. Rvory man. woman ami rhtlil knows ho hna been on tho job ov ory nour or tlio day slnco tho bo ginning of this cnmnnlcn. Somo peopio wondor how ho gota along without sloop. Now, Mr. Voter and Mr. Tax payer, my opponent-, Mr. Lund hns boon nny old thing for tho ofllco. For Instnnco ho was before tho as sembly In 1910 and wns dofontod by Mr. John Yonknm tho Republi can nomination for ahorlff. Then ho enmo boforo tho primaries Inst spring ns tho Ilcpubllcnn primary candidate ror slioriff of Cooa coun ty and received tho nomination Then ho procccdod to got n lot of cards out advertising hlmsolf to ho tho "Progroaslvo rtopubllcnn enn (I Ida to," then another lot stating thnt ho wna tho "Progroaslvo and regular Republican nomlnco," then ho finally dropped all handles nnd snya no is tno "Iiopuhllcnn" rnndl dnto for ahorlff. A good many poo plo nro of tho opinion thnt ho would no a Democrat, Socialist, Prohlbl tlonlat or nny old thing to bo sheriff of this county. You will noto his criticism of what ho terms my bolng lenient with prlsonors. Do you think It rair7 uo you want a slioriff to treat his prisoners llko thoy nro tronted in llussia7 if bo, elect Mr, wind. otnorwiBO, I expect your support. I will stnto that after Mr. Lund got out tho first lot of tho aforo- montionod circulars that ho chnngod his mind nbout tho doputy business nnd cut thnt part of tho circular out whoro ho roforrod to Amorlcan born doputlea or olso ho got out enough to hand to tho Amorlcnn born voters with It In nnd thon another brow, whoro It Is loft out to hand to voters of foreign birth. At nny rato. both kinds aro botng circulated, in conclusion I win stnto that I am not responsible for tho tnx laws that aro upon our statutes. Wo aro abllged to iol low them In order to protoct tho county's rights and not poopnrdlzo tho collection of any tnx. And that I havo alwaya dono my best to ox pedlto tho business of tho sheriffs ofllco and at tho loast posslblo ox- ponso to tho county, and will, If oiectcu, do bo in mo ruiuro nna at all times do my very best to sustain lnw and order and at tho samo tlmo give you a good business administration. Respectfully, W. W. GAGE. (Paid Advortlsomont.) Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Thono 72, Pacific Livery and Transfer Oompanr. 8TATBOr OHIO, CITY UfTOLKDO, ),. U'cas Countv. J " Frank J. Cheney makenoath that ho Ii lenlor partner of the firm ot F. J. Cheney A Co. doing I, Milnnii in tho Cltv nf Toledo. Countv and Btateaferesald, and th&iald firm will jiav the ! um Ol VNH llUM' liui.LiAlia lureai'ii aim every care ot Catarrh that cannot be cured by tho lite of lUll'n Catarrh cure, u " ' FRANK J. CHENEY. Bworn to before me and aubtcrlbed In my presence, till 6th day ot December. A. D. 18d (Sill.) A.W.QLEASON, v Notary I'i-blio Hall' Catarrh Cure I taken Internally, and act directly on the blood and mucoui luriAce of the tyitem. Bend for teitlinonlal free. Blanchard's Livery Wo havo secured tbo livery bus ness of L. H. Helsner, and aro pro pared to render excellent service to the people of Coos Bay. Careful drivers, good rigs and everything that will mean satisfactory service to the public. Phone us for a driv ing horae, a rig or anything needed in the livery line. We also do truck ing business of all kinds. BLAN01IARD BROTHERS, Phone 1S8-J. Livery, Feed ad Sales Sctrice. 141 First and Alder StreeU Anybody canT attach the plug MpBiBtB The G.E. Flatiron then heats itself in about three minutes and will stay hot without fur ther attention. Saves time, steps and fuel If the washing and ironing arc sent out, the G.E. Electric Iron will still be found a marvclously convenient utensil to have in the house. There arc many little things women like to iron themselves, and many times it be comes necessary to wash and iron a few handkerchiefs, etc., before the "wash" comes home. When occasions like these arise, and there is a G.E. Iron handy, it is the work of but a moment to attach the cord to a lamp socket and the iron is ready. Get one today. OREGON POWER CO. TELEPHONE 178.. CONBENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At tlio cIoao of business, September 4, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and Dhjcouats 1300.41 1. "2 Overdrafts 103.12 Bonds, "warranto and securities 03,689.00 U. S. Bonds to socuro circulation 26,000.00 Real ostato, furlturo and fixtures 80,000.00 Cash and sight oxchango 149,208.65 Total ' $023,476.30 LIABILITIES. Capital atock paid in $100,000.00 Surplus and undivided profit 11,419,78 Circulation, outstanding 24,000.00 Doposlts 488,066.01 Total , $023,476.39 In addition to Capital Stock the Individual liability of Stockholders is $100,000.00. INTEREST PAID ON TD2 AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W. S. OIIANDLKR, rrcddeml BOMEX KJIEITZER, Cashier. STATESIENT OF CONDITION FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK AIAIISHFIELD, OREGON, At Uio closo of buslnc, September 4, 1013. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $456,211.87 Banking houso 60,000.00 Cash and exchangos 307,835.40 Total $813,047.23 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 60,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 69,662.67 Deposits 703,494.00 Total $812,047.33 PROFESSIONAL DIRECT0HY OLIVIA r.DMAN, Mffiiiiiiii.'ritMft(.,iU Scientific Swedish Mnssugo, Medical Ovninnstlrn '! S. Skill St. Phono ttOg-K. TOKL OSTLIX1), J Plnno Tuner nntl Rcnnlrcr. 415 S. Sixth Street. Phono 103-L P DNa LOUISE LARSON, PlnnUt and Tcchcr. Hnrmonr, Musical History Phono 254-R. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. I HENitY BENGSTAOKEN, Mgr. ConUle Office Phone 291 Platting Lands a specialty. Farms Timber Coal udtnta "BA8TSIDBI" General As SfarshSoId Office 14-J. Get Busy AND GET AFTER THAT ROOF, nUT FIRST COME IN AND OW OUR PRICES ON SniNaLKS AND ROOFING PAPER. SHINGLES 1.00 AND VP. ROOFING PAPER, ONE PLY, $1.23 AN UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. I. W. BENNETT Uonnott Swnnton, Tom T. Bennett Attorneys nnd Counsellors nt Lnw. I'lnimgnn & Bennett Bnnk Building. Mnrshfleld. Coos Co., Oregon. pERL 1HLEV UALLINGRR Pianist nnd Teacher Rostdonco-Studlo, 237 So. Broadway Phono 18-L. T EV KEVZER, . . Violin Instructor. Apply nnlncs Sltislc Store. Clnss Stnrts September 1. WM. 8. TURPEN, ARCHITECT. Marshflohl. Oregon. DR. W. MORROW, Dentist. 171 Grime Building, over Grand Thcntcr. Ofllco Phono 20. VfT 0. CHANDLER, Architect. Rooms 801 nnd S02, Coko Building Marsliflcld, Oregon. DR. A. J. HENDRY'S Modern Dental Parlors, Wo nro oqulppod to do high class work .on short notlco at tho Tory lowest prlcos. Examination froo. Lady attondnnt. Coko Bldg., Opp. Chandler Hotel, phone U2-J. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio Barnard & Langworthy Bco our window dlsplny of WOOD ELECTRIC FIXTURES LEADED ART GLASS DOMES PORTABLE STAND LAMPS. rilONIC 1R4-R. TiTo Star Transfer and Storage Co. Is prepared to do all kinds of haullnc on short notice. W moot all tTalna and boats and wo nlBO have tho latest style Reynolds Piano Mover. We guarantte our work. L. H. Heisner, Prop. Pkones 0t-R, 120-J, or 49-L. BUILDING AND REPAIR WORK, Houso Moving nnd Grading. Wo aro proparod to do this work by tho day or contrnct and guarantoa satisfaction. Let us flguro with you. G. S. FLOYD & CO., Phono fflfl-J. Manthfleld, Ore. Have That Roof Fixed NOW Sco GOJtTnELZ PHONE JI121. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. WK WILL MAIL YOU 1 for each est ot old Falsa Test tent us. Highest prices paid for old Gold, Silver, old Watches, broksa Jewelry asd Preelvar Stones. Money Bont by Return Mall. Plilln. Smelting A Refining Co. Established 20 Years. H0.1 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. TO BKKTTBTfl. Wo will buy your Gold Filling!, Gold Scrap, and Platlaam. High eat said. - safe AtolVir.Jr nrjii 7i? . s. fffffi&M. rnTriT iti'ij 9 COOS BAY REALTY SYNDICATE. DEALERS Jt AGENTS COAL COLONIZATION. J)AIW. farm rwir, titmuiLp TiMoro nuns Orcanizihs or industrial COffMms A SPUlAlTYsv The past has proven that Inveetmonts In small acre tracta near growing cities are tho most profitable. Tho C. B. R. S. baa such to offer. Chas. J. Bruschke, Marsbfleld, Ore. GET RID OP MICE Trap thorn. Thoy start ares. Care will do much to prov.nt Ires. Our lnsurnnco policies do EV ERYTHING to prevont toss on your part If you havo a Ore (and a policy.) Ask us your rate. The cost Is trifling, the Insurance per fect. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Street. WHEN YOU WANT A MESSEN GER BOY Something sent for or delivered PHONE 1BI-L and we'll do it. Charges reason able. nTAH ORANIIY. WANTED ! ! ! CARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tho Pueu matlc Cleaning Company. Orders for work taken at GOING & HARVEY, Phone 100 i 1 1 I t UK! 1 1 41'j II