The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 02, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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M. C. MAIA)NItt. Editor nnd Iuli.
DAN K. MAMXNEY...Nous Editor
A HOI'KKUFj I'Kltlon.
THE best tosthnony of tho bene
fits or tho uprising Is to bo
found In tlio ovldcnco bororo
tho sennto connnlttco on campaign
The campaign of 1901 wns Iook
d upon ns n fulrly repntnblo cnm
pnlgn. It will novor bo repeated.
The lid hns been lifted nnd never
enn bo held down.
Tho cnmpnlgn contribution ImB
now gono with tho frco pnss. No
body enn boo Just wlint Is to taKo
Its plnco. Thero nro thoso who bo
llovo nil lcgltlmnto costs will bo
borno by public taxation. In any
vont, Interested parties will novor
agoln put up tho money to buy u
A gront mnny nro distressed by
tho uncertainties of tho situation.
Thoro Is no occnslon for nlnrm. "Wo
arc In tho midst of tho most hope
ful period slnco tho civil war. Ev
erything that elenrs tho wny for
better politics 1b n guaranty of hot
ter politics.
Too much nttontlon Is boing fo
cused upon tho porsonnl fortunes
of men nnd too littlo on tho clean
ing up that Is in process.
Tho cnmpnlgn may bo listless and
tho uutenmo In doubt, but in csson
tlnls n gront dcnl Is to bo hoped
for. Wo shall emcrgo all right, nnd
-with all tho dirty linen well elenn-od.
(Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos
Hay Times.)
NEW YORK, Nov. 2. President
Tnft, Chnlrmnn Illlles of tho Re
publican national committee Jus
tices Hughes nnd Plrnoy of tho U.
S. Hiipromo court and many sena
tors nnd congressmen loft hero this
morning on a special train on tho
Now York Central for Utlcn to nt
tend tho ftincrnl of Vlco President
Chamber of Commerce Con
gratulates Times, Christ
offerson and Guyton.
Tho Mnrshflold Chamber of Com
merco Inst night showed Its appre
ciation of tho notion of Tho Coos
Day Times In estnbllshlng a now
record for Coos Uny by demonstrat
ing through Aviator Chrlstofforson
tho practicability of an airship ns
a llfo savor. Tho resolution nlso
Inuds Mr. Chrlstofforson nnd Jnck
Ouyton, who niailo the trip with
him for tho Times.
Tho resolutions nro ns follows:
Whereas, Silas Chrlstofforson did,
at tho Instnnco of tho Coos Day
Times, on the first day of Novem
ber, 1912, trnvol by hydroncroplnno
to tho sccno of tho wreck of the
gnsollno schooner Osprcy, at tho
Coos Hay bar, In an attempt to
snvo tho lives of tho crow nnd
passengers on said schooner, and
Whereas, Jnck Ouyton, of Mnrsh
flold, Oregon, for tho Cooi Hay
Times, did accompany lilm for tho
same purpose nnd
Whoroas, Tho attempt was haz
ardous, nnd nt tho risk of llfo of
tho said Chrlstofforson and Ouy
ton; Now therefore, bo It
Resolved. That tho Mnrshflold
Chamber of Commerco npproclntes
tho nttompt inndo by Messrs.
Chrlstofforson nnd Ouyton nnd de
sires by this resolution to extend to
said Coos Day Times and Chrlstof
forson nnd Ouyton n vote of thanks
for their effort, nnd, bo It further
Resolved, Thnt copies of this res
olution bo delivered to Messrs.
Chrlstofforson nnd Ouyton, tho dally
nowspnpors of Marshfleld, Oregon,
nnd that a copy bo sprend upon
tho minutes of tho Mnrshflold
Chambor of Commerco.
Witness tho unanimous pnssngo
of this resolution this first dny of
isovemnor, 1012.
Vlco President.
I'rnlso AddNnu llcmictt.
Tho following solf-oxplnnntory res
olution was adopted:
Whoroas, Mr. Addison Dennett,
staff correspondent of tho Orogonlan
In resnonso to tho request of tho
Marshfleld Chamber of Commorco,
hnH already written and Is writing
for said Orcgonlan, articles descrip
tive of tho resources, development
nnd ndvnntngcn of Coos county, nnd
Whorens, Articles so written nnd
appearing In one. of tho leading
dally mpors of the Stato of Oregon
for distribution throughout the
Northwest, nro of groat advertising
vnluo to Coos county In tho work of
dorelnitlnir our resources; now there
fore, bo It
Resolved. That tho Marshfleld
Chambor of Commorco In apprecia
tion of tho work of Mr. Addison
Dennett, extend to him and the
ninnngomonr of the Orogonlnn, n
vole of thnnks for snld articles and
ntlondanco. owing to mnny other
be It further
Resolved, Thnt copies of this reso
lution bo delivered to said Addi
tion Dennett nnd Edgar R. Plnor,
managing editor or tlio Oregonlnn,
to tho Mnrshflold dnllv newspnpers
nnd a copy sprend upon tho records
of tho mlnuloH of tho MniHhflold
Chamber of Commerce.
Witness tho unanimous pnssngo of
this resolution tliln llrst day of No
veinber, 1912.
Attest: Vlco President.
For (i')od Rondi.
Tho Chnmbor of Commerco oxo
eutlvn committee nlso Indorsod tlio
Homo Rule Oood Ronds monsuro.
No. 300 on the- ballot nnd urged
nil to vote for It next Monday.
Vlco President C. F. McKnlght
presided. There wns a rnthor smnll
nttondnnce, owning to mnny othor
meetings conflicting with It.
1). C. Oreeno In a telegram to
Mr. McKnlght sold thnt ho oxpect
od final nnd fnvornblo net Ion on
the Jetty leanest not lnlor than
Tho ntnttcr of selecting n succes
sor to MIkii Henderson wns deferred
until Mr. Oreen returns,
Coquille High School Beaten
13 to i uy rviarswiein
Hiflh School.
In tho Mnrshfleld-Coqulllo football
gnmo on the Mnrshlleld grounds yes
terday afternoon, Coqulllo wns de
fontcd by n scoro of 13 to 7. Tho
gnmo wns hotly contested tho whole
wny through nnd wns one of tho best
over plnyed here.
In the first two or threo minutes of
play Marshlleld took tho ball steadily
down the Held for a touchdown, made
by Clarke. Oeorgo Johnson kicked
goal. Mnrshlleld did not score ngnln
until near the end of the game, when,
after n fine run of fifteen yards by
Isnncson nnd one of nbout twenty
yards by Stutsman, Stutsman made
Mnrshficld's second touchdown.
After Mnrshlleld' first touchdown.
Coquille punted nnd recovered tho
ball on n fumble. Coqulllo then
took the ball slowly down to near her
goal nnd Dunham made n touchdown
from which Enrl kicked n gonl.
For tho grenter part of the gnme
tho bnll wns kept nenrly In tho nild
dlo of the field, first one team hnvlng
possession of It, nnd then the other
Very littlo llne-bucklng wns done,
both teams seeming to rely mostly
on tho backs nnd onders for end runs
Doth teams did a great deal of punt
ing and forward-passing, Coquille do
ing moro of the latter thnn Marsh
fleld. Tho officials of the game were W.
Chandler, referee: Darker, umpire,
Howard and Flanagan, timekeepers.
Tho lineups were ns follows
'oa a Progressive thinking It would
I elect. Mr. Meredith. Dr. Schllo-
ninnn Bald when told Hint ho could
llinrdly expect to bo elected thnt
l he enmo out to bent me. I wns pe
titioned to rnlso the assessor's Bnl
nry nnd Bald potltlon was mnrkod
"npproved" nnd signed by tho mom-
' hers of the county court. Mr.
IChenoweth. one of tho signers of
this article, being ono of thoin. Tho
'. 1-1 -...1 ......I 1tl,..,. f II, lu
Illl'lllill null mum. uiiiiiw in ......
bunch Is evidenced by their rofcr-
onco to mo ns appearing without a
collar or nocktlo. This Is false
Thoy could not oven stato tholr
politics correctly.. Mr. Stownrt Is
a Soclnllst, as tho editorials thnt
appear in his pnper bIiow.
John R. Millor, nnothor signer,
was fined $1000 In tho fodornl
court a fow years ngo on his own
confession, for tltubor frauds. W.
T. White, Sr., signs hlniBolf ns ex
Ropresentntlve, when ho never wns
In tho Oregon legislature.
:?..." .a" tiio Sl '.C
""" ",a J" Or ;' X
vry truly " '
a. i' .-
Stcnillni. T.'iii..i
'"j-iB's train ronnec V
vntlon see Si.itRBia"kM ' Pf'
IT a I
Mnrshlleld Pos. Coqulllo
Lyons c Leslie
Curtis r. g. Acres
Noble r. g. Reynolds
Wnlters 1. t. Davenport
Johnson, A r. t. Kern
Johnson, O r. e. Dunham
Isancson 1. e. Wntson
Stutsmnn nnd
Falrchllds q. Mast
Clarke nnd
Stutsmnn 1. h. Miller
Krusc r. h. Knowlton
Davis f. Leslie
Falrchllds wont In as quarter dur
ing the third period, Clarko being
taken out. Capt. Stutsman dropped
back to tho left half.
Tho next gnme will bo next Satur
dny with Coquille nt Coquille nnd the
following Friday Myrtle Point will
come hero for n gnme.
Also Gives Address at
Moose Meetinrj Held
KEY. (Hy Cnplnln T. J. Mncgonn, Tho Snll
or Pool of the Pacific, plying
on tho Stoninor Dronkwntor be
tween Portland, Oregon, nnd Coos
Dny. Author of "Onllnnt Teddy."
Dodlcnted to tho Oregon Progres
fllvo Party Executive Committee.)
A "Dull Mooso" mid n "Donkey"
Mot mo tho other dny;
Said tho Dull Moose to the Donkey
"Are you going my way?"
"Going your Wny" said tho Donkey.
'Why you're not lu tho race;"
Then tho Dull Mooso raised the Dig
Looked tho Donkey lu the face.
"Who In thunder nro you anyhow?"
."" ,""" nine noiiKcy mild,
J in tho vanguard the gront Itooso
Wna tho reply tho Dull Mooso mndo
"Why, wo hoard that ho wns wound
ed," Tho Democratic Donkey snld,
Ho was Hhenlheil lu honest armor"
Wim the reply the Dull Moose nindc
"Well, whero nro you going nnywny?"
.,!' .'o lniocratlc Donkey snld.
'Oh! I'm going to the While House."
Wns the reply tho Dull Moose niailo
"Thoro's an Elephant In tho White
Tho Doniocrntle Donkoy said.
J was mi Elephant once myself,"
Wns the reply tho Dull Moose mndo
"Rut Hint Elephant will lick you,"
The Doniocrntle Donkoy said,
"I Blew lions In the JiiiikIo."
Wns tho reply the Dull Moor mndo
"You're n terror to run for olllce."
mo iioinocrntle Donkey said
"Your Dryun run threo times
Wns tho reply tho Dull Mooso mndo
"And you Htolo our Dryan'a platform"
Tho Doniocrntle Donkey snld.
"I did not stonl sixteen to ono,"
Wns tho reply tho DULL MOOSE
Portlnnd. Oregon.
October 29th, 1912.
Tho Dull Moose mooting hold Inst
night nt tho Grand thontro wns lnrgo
ly attended. The houso wns flllod
nnd thoro wero many outside who
could not get In. Attornoy John C.
Kendall presided nnd Sanlleld Mc
Donald of Portlnnd dollvored nn nd
dress. Mr. Meredith of Gold Dench
tho democratic cnmllclntn rr loMal,..
turo, nlso spoke. the peoplo or tho political machlno
Cnpt. T. J. Mncgonn of tho steamer ru,e;"
Dronkwntor opened tho meeting by "no '""P'nl'i said that ho did not
recltlnc hlh nnmn "Tim Hull M,.,-0 I Wnilt any fllllco nnd thnt lie wmilil tint
nnd tho Donkey." which Is reprodue-, tfu0 nny Dut tnt ho did want llborty tlblng nt Gold Peach, to como out
en nuove, i mm nun no wouiii quote ratrlcKi
Thon ho followed with an Intorost. Honry to express his feollnga nnd say
Ing nddress on tho subjoct. "The Mis. ' five liberty or glvo mo denth."
rulo of Ancient Umpires." In the Aftor tho others had spokon, Cnpt.
course of his remarks he touched ptaCKonn wns cn"ed un(m o reclto
upon liberty In Fnnue, England and "Gallant Teddy." nnothor poem by
America. He took up In their prop- himself. Ho saked that the plcturo
or oruors an ine ruiors anil leading "' -' uuunn on mo screen.
ii. iflmL.1 Hi ..t. I. ...I 1....1..I.. .. .1. J'l'hnrn U'flU unm.t fl.llllV l.llf Hm nniilnlii
...v. ...... n.'.xw ... ...j ..... ttv i.ltlll
would not say a word until the pic
ture was shown nnd thon ho turned i
to the canvass and gave the poem.
(From North Pond Harbor.)
Miss Mlnnlo Pnrkor of Cooston wns
employed ns tonchor In tho primary
dopnrtmont nt n cnlnry of $C5 por
Lylo Chnppoll was omploycd nt n
salary or ;r por montn to assist In
Brings Railroad Equipment and
Machinery for the New
Paper Pulp Mill.
The steamer Rcdondo crossed ln
yesterdny afternoon nnd arrived at
Mnrshflold nbout 4 p. m. She
brought passengers from Snn Fran
cisco nnd a lnrgo enrgo of freight
Including a shipment of content,
some machinery for tho papor pulp
mill nnd n lot of equipment: for
Wlllett & Durr, tho contractors
building the Smith-Powers logging
r II road.
Tho following wero tho passen
gers nrrlvlng:
f5. L. Drown. I. C. Fullor. W. R.
Drown, E. S. Simon, J. P. Doors.
Chns. Dnrrott. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed
ward Thon.iiH. E. Thomas. M. Doiib
dorff. Mrs. Carlton, Mnry Carlson,
S. F. Iinil. M"se Vlolot Means.
Mrs Frank Lcrllo, Mrs. H. Wright,
A. McLean, Mrs A. McLoan, Ern-ot-t
Ncwliuue Mrs. F. C. Dlrch, A.
Kf.ufuinii. IS. W. Smith. J. Kooh
lor. ('. Petorson. II. II. Gndo, J.
Anglur.d. R. Fulton. 0. Mnrkes, A.
Perso. L Germns. L. M. Mathows,
W. T'ottei, J. Millor, I. Fagon, C.
For beautifying your home, an inspection of our stock will fully demoiKirai
the fact that rare discrimination has been exercised in selection. We haw a?
sembled a collection of fine furniture and interior decorations unequaled in L,.
ty, elegance and distinctiveness, a collection from which the most ehEi
schemes of home decoration may be evolved. uraie
Wc Especially Direct Your
Attention to Our
Litain uik ui nuuu:i2
Priced from $3.00
To $35.00
Also Our Fine Line of
Dining Room
and Dining Tables
m7mSZfM "-? s i '"-.
We have a stock that is not excelled in Oregon, outsige of Portland, and the
prices are lower than the lowest. aiM
Come in and see.
right spot. THY OXE.
Editor Times;
In Tho Times appears nn nrtlclo
purporting to bo n record of my
self In tho legislature Mr. Mero
dlth ovldontly copied his lottor from
this and In answering ono I have
nnsworod both. Tho signers of this
innorntory sorviccs ooginning Kovom- nrtlclo nro tho snnio onos who
nor ibi. worked ngalnst mo in tho primary
Hiipt. Raab was authorized to opon.olectlon, and who passed tho false
the swimming pool nrovlded tho stu
dents would uso It In sulllclent num
bors to warrant. Also to secure a
map of Oregon for tho third grado
Complete House Furnishers
304 X Yes
306 X Yes
Permits classification of property for taxation; sim
plicity, .-justice and economy in administration. Al
lows cquitablo apportionment of State taxes.
Requires uniformity in taxation of each elass of prop-
uny. Jiarmonres witu iso. uu-i aim insures
and equality in taxation.
308 X Yes
350 X Yes
and misleading resolution attacking
me. At tnnt time I pledged niysolf
through tho press. In both counties
to support Mr. Jlnrsh. should ho
at $t.nO nnd rondors for four nrst,bont mo. Theso gontlomon whllo
grades nt nbout $Cn, supplies for In
boratory amounting to $40 nnd sup
pues ror Mrs. Sleep for 90e,
benren fnlrly, stnrted In forthwith
to encompnsa my defeat this fall
If it was possible Evoryono of
them nro bolters, nnd hnvo given
tholr politics only for the effect It
might have agnlnst me, Theso aro
tho mon who Induced Dr. Schllo
mnn, nn unlicensed physician prac-
mon whose lives had bearing on tho
liberty or tlio people Uo bogan with
Moses nnd carried the history down to
Theodore Roosevelt nnd told of the
different big steps of liberty In the
History of the world, in concluding
his remarks the captain explained
that thoro wns a wrong Idea about
tho Issuos of this national campaign.
IIo Bald It was not a matter of tariff
but that R wns tho question, "Shall
The Fashion
For Ladies and Gents
SEE our WINDOW full of VASES
l.V to $1.1.1. COOS HAY CASH
VOTE for O. S. TOItllKY for
JUSTICE of tho Peace, NO. 107 on,
Clenning, Pressing, and
150 Frant St
352 X Yes
354 X Yes
356 X Yes
365 X No
327 X No
ttopeals Single Tax "Joker" of 1910 and blocks nil at
tempts ro sup inio Tax tliroiign unuer ki,jcv -"county
option" or "home rule" in taxation.
Constitutional amendment authorizing the taxation of
incomes, with reasonable exemptions. .
Exempts from taxation household f urnituro and gooj
used in homes, also wearing apparel and similar u
productive personalty in use.
Exempts taxation from mortgage notes, credits and en
donees of indebtedness. Abolishes double tnsaiw
Does not exempt bank stock.
Revision of inheritance tax law following model law o
National Tax Association. Would increase ieve"
4'l.M, l!r, r. ,T i. :1 -illctlfP.
""'" una OUUIUU JUKI prOIHUlU SUL'ilu .1""
" " Br
AArould defeat SINGLE TAX concealed Mund
lllliolnrl ' ftT? A TtJJ A rVJ?.T ,rrln Tnv" 01' "Gla(llU
labeled "GT?ArTTATT?,n RhiP-lo Tax" or
orjuuiwiu Tax."
AYould defeat local Single Tax measure in
Coos Coun-
JST jC:Z ' I Chas. V. Galloway, Chairman, Salem, Oregon. J$