The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 02, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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    THE COOS BAY TEjBf!e!?oB
Arc you building for your future, looking
out for Number One and securing for your
self n portion of the great wave of prosperity
that will sweep over Coos Bay during the next
few years? iiiWSUfefaStetiwi.iJ u
ir,avc you prepared yourself for the near fu
ture; invested a portion of your savings in
Marshficld really; placed yourself in a position
to claim your share of the profits that will be
realised with the wonderful growth of the city?
Or arc you still ''waiting to see what will
Buy now. The opportunity of a life time is
before you. Invest in Coos Bay realty. It's
all good. Buy as much as you can or as little
as you must. Place your money to the best ad
vantage. Buy in FIRST ABLUTION where
the new homes are being built, the streets grad
ed and the lots improved.
50x120 foot lots, level and sightly, each a
beautiful homesito facing on graded street for
only $300. Located right; on the "South side,"
the direction the city is rapidly growing and
where 90 per cent of the new homes arc being
built. Buy now while you can get the select lots
at the low price and on your own terms.
Call at our office for a plat.
Reynolds Development Co.
Coke Building
Telephone 160-J
Ifepwramn W. C. Hnwlcy Should
He itc-i.iccieu id i,uiik.
Stfinie In point of nullity, ox-
idtict and qualifications no op-
jcdi candidate enn favorably
sipire with him.
Bttiasa to largo abilities nnd el
ite; It added his known hon
Ittf, manhood nnd n clinrnctor
lirint a blemish.
lame born In Oregon no known
Deeds and uns nlrondy secured
mon of dollars for public 1m-
IimtmtDti In tho First District
Bwmso ho travels thousands ot
IcHti onr his district nnnnnlly
orrlng with his constituents nnd
llonlnc their needs.
Btfiuie It has licon nrovon Hint
I It It Industrious, nblo, ofllctent, nnd
ixmsful In serving nil tho poopio
ul tot a favored fow. I
Btciuie ho has been n. fnlthful
t!!e terrant, working up to a
Prttlon of Infliienco In nntlonnl ni-1
lb, io that Presidents Tnft nnd
Rocwielr. his associates of nil par-l
' ind constituents conornlly.!
tin him In terms slmllnr to1
ion Hied by dovornor West, nf-l
' i Tlslt to tho nntlonnl cnpltnl,
wl hi laid In nn inlnrvlnw! "In1
-'H oratorical nullity nnd do-j
toj to tho Interests of tlip poo-
!e, Htwlev snnila tinnil nnd nlmnl-l
! ibote tho prcnt innjorltv ofi
ieoembers ot tlio Nntlonnl IIouso
'( Representatives."
ll Adv. Congresslonnl Commit-;
ree. 1st District.) I
The Deadly Parallel
for lllage Bill
er 320 X Yes
ItWOTldn .!(. .41... in a ....
;.... . """ u a nun nn lor
B o8,ui?.1.?oJ,f8 m u-
mi ;;;; i:r. ::.:" om J,or.",a:
MitleV lV-i ., K mem oul 0I
E .i kUo Pf odes one Board of
Z!'(. " ,ofvH tu8 problem! ol
fcZ"".a. eoMoltdation, division ol
w,M(l 'conoray of management.
tl!irB,aUihe5800'000 Unlver-"'Ppropriatlonblll.
tTiirii,J!S?onea b7 Goyernot
""""mm and ilinui.i ..
... r...,
laW ...!io In.Btfiwtion: "Experience
Wco ' ??' ,UlHaB0 blU PI,n'
'U VllaA psUlent, Oregon
truS"eJbJr Portland Tax py
fi &?! wmmlttee of Gover-
IN idtnlnt.V ., 110ars of Regents,
OF 1910, WHTCir LETS
"Section In. Xo noil head (nv
Minll bo levied or collected In Ore
gon. No bill regulating taxation
or exemption throughout tho Mate
hliull become n law until approved
by tlio poopio of tho Male at a reg
ular general election. Xnno of tlio
restrictions of tlio constitution Miall
apply to iiH'iiNiirt'H approved by (lie
people declaring what shall bo hub
Joct to taxation or exemption and
how it hhall bo taxed or exempted,
whether proposed by tho legislative
assembly or by Initiative petition,
but tho jH'opIo of tho several coun
ties aro hereby empowered and au
thorized to regulate taxation and
exemptions within (heir several
counties, subject to any general law
which may bo hereinafter enacted."
article I.V.
".Section la. Xo poll or head tax
shall be levied or collected In Ore
gon. The legislative Assembly shall
not declare an emergency In nny
act regulating taxation or exemption."
Number 308
Vote YES
The amendment to tho right, above, will, if adopted,
keep out singlo tax.
The other two Constitutional Amendments which are
necessary to permit of rational tax reform will be Num
bers 301 and 306 on tho Official Ballot. Remember the
numbers 301, 30G and 30S. Vote Yes, and you have
rw,'" WUIO Oounr
Dc7 Parnw.
6tck Parnu,
Writ. ftncrJ?1 FnInK
Coaoty. o,f'ul resources of Lano
fit?: T,I0JIA8 & CO.,
SfjQroTe, Oregon.
Tnft cannot bo elected.
ltoosovelt can bo elected.
Wilson might bo elected If the clvoleo of a president was (aken
from (ho iwoplo and (brown Into Congress.
Tim election of Wilson means tnniH-Wiig with the Incomes of
tho business man, tho wnge-c.irii"r ami the farmer.
It Is up (o every American (o defend his Incomo, upon which
always depends his oulgo.
(Paid ad., Oregon Progressive Party.)
If Yn i.
w want help, try a Want Ad,
M,n nnnnlft nt tills district BrO BC
qualnted with my record as Present
ing Attorney, and wm guogo iu
themselves as to whether I havo giv
en good service. As public prosecu
tor, I have dono mv best to uphold
the law. Crime is crime, and I have
spared no honorable effort to bring
tho guilty to justice. No man can
nil the omco oi rnwHii
and do his duty without making ene
mies. I havo made mlno; sorao of
them aro influential.
Tv thn vntnrn I would sav. don't
accept tho statements of enomles or
those who want me out of ofTice be
cause I havo prosecuted their friends.
Tho purpose of tho law is to establish
Justice, and It has been committed to
tho Courts to be administered for tho
protection of society and the punish
ment of criminals.
(Paid advertisement.)
QVIST. There nro ccrtnln persons In Coos
coium tnnt aro doing tlielr lit-
most to elect William Cardwcll to
the omco of prosecuting attorney
nnd tlio only argument they are
nblu to ndvnnco Is tlint George Al.
Hrown has held ofllcc for n lone
time. Theso pcrsotiR havo associat
ed tlieniBolves Into wlint they term
the Marshficld W. W. Cardwcll
Club." They havo mailed matter
to a largo number of tho voters
of the community. They havo nt
tcinptod to uso personnl sunslon for
argument, such as 'A vote for W.
W. Cardwcll Is a favor to me."
Of all the weak reasons over given
for removing tho most nblo prose
cutor In tho state of Oregon from
his omco, this Is surely tho fee
blest. This club has recently flood
ed f o city of Marshficld nnd tho
other towns of tho county with a
printed pamphlet In favor of their
candidate and tho whole burden of
the cry therein Is thnt Mr. Drown
hns hold omco for a considerable
time What higher argument can
bo given for a man that that ho
has filled tho hardest offlco In tho
gift of the people- of this district
for four tonus nnd yet through the
host of opponents nnd enemies he
hns necessarily mado, his consum
mate ability Is so grcnt that ho Is
again tho nomlneo of tho Republi
can party.
And wlint Is this so-called Card
xvcll club working for7 Why aro
tnoy so anxious to rcniovo air.
Drown? They havo chosen ns their
president ono Clint Going? Ho
signs tho pamphlet In his otllclnl
capacity. And who is Clint Going?
Dcforo tho April adjourned grand
Jury and tho Soptembor grand Jury,
one of tho women who was fined
for runnlnc a disorderly house on
Marshflold's waterfront, swore that
In answer to tho question "Through
whom do you pay your rent to tho
lnndlord owning the premises upon
which your house rests?" nnBwer
that sho hnd paid It once or twlco
through C. C. Going. Ono of tho
property owners who was fined for
permitting n houso of 111 fnmo to
bo conducted upon his promises,
Bworo beforo tho grand Jury thnt
tho second rent money thnt wns
paid to him from tho proprietress
of n disorderly houso upon his pre
mises wns paid to htm through C.
C. Going!
Whether you bollovo In tho nec
essity ot toleration In cases of tho
Bo-cnllcd "social evil," whether you
believe that tho statutes In this
respect should bo winked nt by tho
prosecuting nttornoy or not, who
tlior you bollovo thnt tho prosecut
ing nttornoy should refuse to do his
duty when camplnluts nro mndo In
this respect to tho violation of law
In this class of cases or not, do
you bollovo that tho enforcement of
law should bo turned over to ono
whoso chief support comes from
him whom sworn ovldcnco says xvns
tho go-between between n houso of
prostitution nnd tho lnndlord. Oh,
shame, whoro Is thy blush! Oh.
decency, whoro Is thy protection!
Do tho law abiding nnd law be
lieving portion of this community
think thnt they enn tnko any
rhnnra In removing ono who for
111 years has been n dread to thn
criminal class; ono who hns served
tho public fcnrlcssly. faithfully and
without tho shadow of scandal, for
four terms. If there Is nny doubt
In tho minds of any ono ns to
tho truth of tho nssertlons stntcd
above, spenk to tho following mom
bora of tho recent grand jury nnd
tho members of tho present ono:
M. J. Krnntz, James Stock, .7. II.
Darklow. Iko Chandlor. Ed. Lowe-l
ien, E. 8. Dnvonport, J. W. Drlggs,
Thomns Coko, II. D. Wallace. E. J.
Coffelt, H. D. Ingorsoll, D. W. Cn
lcf. Carl Gnroutto, Jasper Yoakam.
It Is squnroly boforo tho pcoplo
the question of Inw onforcomont!
Do you want It? Or do you want
tho Iniiuenco that emnnntcs rrom
tho Mnrshflold W. Wi. Cardwoll
Club? Tho writer Is not so preju
diced by tho tremendous salary
thnt ho receives for doing his pnrt
In upholding law that ho Is nfrnld
of losing his job. IIo Is not ono
tenth as much Interested as nro
tho peoplo of Coos county. A llt
tlo reflection for their own Inter
est Is nil that la asked.
Do not sncrlrico so nblo a prnso
cutor because somo of you may
wish to knlfo mo. Georgo M.
Drown Is tho man who asks for
your votes, not I, IIo Is pro-oml-nently
entitled to your support.
Doputy Prosecuting Attornoy.
(Paid adv. by L. A. Llljoqvlst. Co
qulllo, Oregon,)
Tn Mm lnrirnr rltloa It In a com
mon spectnelo, particularly nt night,
io seo mo Bireois iiueu wuu
Imlatnrmia nmli mlrlrraRml liv flnnin
long-haired, wild agitator, xvho, or
dinarily lias maao a campioio i nu
ll ro of his own mission in 1 1 To,
and then attempts to toll us what Is
tho trouble with tho world nnd how
It should bo remodolled to inako
It perfoct,
Tn linnlnnRR Antornrlses it It BUO
successful man who Is ordinarily
ablo to run a Business BiicceBsiuuy.
Tho man who Is a falluro Is unablo
to guldo a business Institution nnd
has to seek aomo othor vocation,
yet In tho speecli-maKing xvo seo
this thing reversed and tho unsuc
cessful person, tho xvild-oyod nglta
tor, who has never accomplished
anything, seoks to gather togorher
upon tho streets tho cltlzons or a
community and Insplro them with
ha nu'n wild IrloflR.
In this country, wo hear of freo
speecn, and every man is unowuu
to do anything that ho sees fit. bo
long ns he does not break tho law,
but there are certain ponco reguia-
tinnn nr in ntner wnnin. reuuiu-
....,, . ---- --. -
tlons that aro necessary or iuu
mirnnnn nt nrnter.tlne tho llfn. health
and happiness of the citizens, and
aisp tor tno reguiaung oi cuiwu
so as not to Interfere with tho
rights of tho public generally, nor
to Interfere with public decency and
In largo cities where men are
wont to congregato. In largo bod-
In a letter to Tho Times C.
A. Smith says:
"Permit mo to repeat my
congratulations. I was nntur
ally Bomowhat surprised thnt
Marshficld had arrived nt n
stago xvhoro our dally paper
Issues extras like tho metropol
itan press In tho east."
Mention wns mndo In Tho Times
yesterday of an appeal by C. A.
Smith, bend of tho C. A. Smith
Lumber nnd Manufacturing com
pnny, to tho United States engineers
for Improvements In tho bnr and
hnrbor. Mr. Smith yesterday sent
tho following flolf-oxplnnatory let
ter to tho engineers:
"In referring to our letter of tho
30th ultimo, nnd confirming the
dnngeroiiB condition of tho outer
end of tho Jotly. I tnko tho liberty
to Herewith enclose a bulletin Is
sued by tho Coos Dny Times this
morning regnrdlng tho disaster to
tho schoonor Osproy nnd tho loss of
rive lives."
Mr. Smith previous loiter to tho
engineers was ns follows:
"Referring to tho public notlco
received through tho U. S. Engin
eers Offlro of Portland ( dated Oct.
7. regarding Coos Dny and Itn Im
provements, permit tis to Btnto that
wo bollovo It Is not only doRlrnblo,
for tho purposo of encouraging and
Inrrcnslng tho navigation In this
bny, but nlso necessary for tho pro
tection of tho work which has al
ready been dono by tho government
nt a largo expense, to tnko Bomo
stops as rapidly as possible to re
build tho outer end of the present
Jotty, known ns tho North Jolty.
Doing, without doubt, altogether too
low nnd nnrrow when originally
built, tho contlnunl action of tho
wntor hns gradually caused It to
wear away nnd settlo so thnt n
vory Inrgo portion Is now bolow tho
surfneo nt extromo low tide.
"Tho second project, classified as
"D" In tho nubile notice referred to,
ns recommended by tho engineers,
without doubt, would provo most
effcctlvo nnd permnncnt In opening
up nnd keoplng open the entrance
to tho Dny. nnd wo bollovo n sec
ond oxnmlnutlon would, without
question of n doubt, cnuso tho en-
Inoers to confirm tho former re
port, nnd urge upon Congrcec
speedy appropriation,
"Another nnd very important
question affecting tho Dny nnd lbs
entrance is tho continual building
up and Increasing of tho sand-spll
between the Dny and tho ocean;
the sand being washed up by tho
contlnunl bwoHi rrom tho xvest Is
drifting and building up tho sand
spit higher nnd higher, considerable
of the sand drifting across Into the
bny and chnnglng tho oxtromo
southeast end thereof. Wo bollovo
that this Bnud-spit Bhould In some
way bo covered by a growth ot
grass and trees to prevent thin
drifting. This, In our judgment, as
stated above, Is a vory Important
question to tho futuro of this bay
nnd as wo understand and bollovo,
could bo remedied nt n compara
tively small cxpciiBc.
"This bny being far tho best op
portunity for n hnrbor as to size,
natural location nnd cheapness ot
necessary Improvements between
Snn Francisco and Columbia rlvor
If not Pugot Sound, with nlmost In
exhaustible resources of tlmbor nnd
coal nnd wonderful opportunities for
agriculture, wo naturally fool that
tho government Bhould proceed more
rapidly In nBslstlng In Ub dovolop
ment, our company now having con
tinuous weokly service botweoa this
port nnd Snn Frnnelsco of two
i ton m Bteol vessels with n capacity
of 10 nnd nn hundred tons respec
tively nnd hnvo Just launched an
other with f- -ir thoiisnnil tons ca
pacity for thu same service. A num
ber of other nnd smaller vessel
nro plying between thlB port and
thn ports north nnd south. At vv
loiis times very much lnrgcr vcssols
hnvo been coming In here during tho
las', eighteen mnntliR for tho pur
pose of loading lumber for trnns
Pnctllc ports. Each and every tlmo
they hnvo been obliged Ui tnko out
of this port about halt rnrgo only,
on account of there not holng suf
ficient water on tho bar, and pro
ceed to tho Pugot Sound ports for
completion of tlielr enrgocs nt a
great loss of tlmo nnd expense.
Realizing fully tho extent of our
country, and' to somo extent the
enormous work which Is being ear
ned on by tho government for tho
Improvement ot navigation In no
mini: localities, nnd that this out-of-the-way
place Is practically un
known, wo Btlll feel wnrrantod In
urnlnc tho attention of your board
on tho needs and great possibilities
of this harbor nnd Its gront Import
ance to tho western section of our
country, especially at present, nnft
mnro nnd moro ns tlmo goes on.
Yours truly,
lefl, nnd when, under excitement,
thcro seems to limitation as to
what thoy may do, It Is not only
fitting, but necessary, that tho au
thorities who hnvo control of tho
city, nnd, who nro responsible for
Its proper nnd decent mnnngomont,
Bhould hnvo control of street speech
making In such a manner ns not
to offend tho decency nnd mornls
of 'Itlzens who uso tho streets for
business or plensuro.
In tho city of Portland, It has
boon n common thing to henr a
long-haired ngltntor enst reflections
upon our flag; upon our olllclnls;
upon oilr government; upon our
country, nnd our constitution; so
much so thnt It makes tho blood of
every doeont American cltlzons boll
tn hnvo to listen to such things,
and theso things nro rnmmod down
tho throats of decont cltlzoun by
tho streots ngltntors, who. ns wo
hnvo said, aro peoplo who havo
mado a falluro of everything thnt
thoy havo undertaken In this llfo,
but yet set themselves up as para
gons of virtue and ability.
Whllo freo thought and freo
speech Ib guaranteed under our con
stitution, nnd must bo allowed, yet
whoro It Is of n character to offend
public decency, xvhoro such meetings
nro hold on tho streots of a Inrgo
city so as to Impcdo rrnfflc, It
scorns fitting and propor that tho
authorities of said city should havo
tho right to rogulato such speaking;
to say whoro It should bo allowed;
nnd uiidor what conditions; and so
long as tho authorities nro nob ar
bitrary In tholr decisions, but rog
ulato tho thing with fairness and
Integrity, thoro ought not to bo nny
valid objection to a Inw such ns Is
eontomplated; but, as a mnttor of
fart, It ought to bo welcomed by
ovory decent, falrmlnded citizen, nnd
ns n mnttor or fact, is nusoiuioiy
nnd perfectly constitutional In ovory
This bill was prepared for tho
purposo. as Is statod, of prohibiting
tho holding of a public meeting In
public streets, In towns or cities
of over tJOOO population, unless n
permit to do bo bo hnd from tho
authorities, and this bill Is ontlro
ly constitutional and within tho
pollco powora of every municipality,
to regulate tho doings In tho city
bo as not to Intorforo with public
peace nnd public morals.
Wo feol that this bill Bhould bo
nassod by n largo vote, nnd that
In passing this bill, wo nro protect
ing our citizens nnd our nonies.
(Paid advertlsomont.)
Fred Holllstor returned Tuosdny
from a buslnoss trln to Florence.
Mrs. Holllstor and son, Frodorlck.
remainod for n longor visit. Frod
says that tho Wllhelmina Is now a
total wreck, being almost ontlrely
burled In tho sand. No attempt
was mado to salvage tho vessel, not
oven tho engines being removed.
Have your Job printing dona a
fhs Time office.
Times' Want Ada bring results.
Enpjish Premier Denies Story
That His Government Fav
ors Sinflle Tax.
(Ily special cable from London (
tho Oregon Equal Tux Lcngtii
Relayed from Portland to the
Coos lluy Times.)
LONDON, Nov. 2. Whon Prom
ler Asqulth learned for the llrst
tlmo today that tho Hluglo tnxorc
of Oregon had bcuu roprosontlnc
that his government, himself audi
tho ohnncellor ot the exchequer,
Lloyd George, wore In fuvor of Bln
glo tnx, ho was exceedingly Indig
nant. Tho premier Immediately Issued
tho following statement from hit
ofllro nt 10 Downing Btreot: "Mr.
Asqulth stated in tho llouso of
Commons July 30 and In u spcecn
at Lndybank October 5 that the
policy of the government does not
Include single tnx."
It Is against tho policy of the
promlor to glvo out Intorvlows, but
IiIb prlvnto secretary furnlshod your
correspondent with a copy of Mi
Asqulth'u speech nt Ladybank when
ho said: "Whatever tho proposals
of tho government may bo thoy
will not ombrnro wlint Is cnllod tlit.
nollcy of single tnx, which to my
knowledge hns not a sluglo sup
porter In tho presont cabinet, nno
which In my opinion nnd I boltove
lu tho unanimous opinion of my col
loagues nlso, by singling out tor
tho purposo of bearing tho wnoie
burden of taxation of tho land U
tho exclusion and rollof of all other
forms of property la consistent ncl
thor with Justlco nor oxpodloncy."
Your correspondent could not gcL
In touch with Mr. Lloyd Goorge
but Mr. Asqulth'B statement that
not ono of his rollcaguos favors the
oxcluslvo land tax certainly coven
Georgo Lambort, monibor of par
liament, informed your correspond
ent, howovor, that Mr. Lloyd
Georgo had given him permission
to Bay that tho chaneollor was not
In favor of slnglo tnx.
Members of tho cabinet who, ow
ing to their official position are
unablo to declare thomsolvcs on thn
politics of another country, wore
mortified to know that U'Ron and
Oregon's single taxcrs had choson to
llo dollboratoly about tholr nttJ
FORD'S Baturduy and Sunday. -10
cents per pound for French Ilonlioiis.
Times' Want Ada bring results,
nesa Times Waat Ada brine resul I