.J THE COOS BAY TIES BULLETIN Marshfieid, Ore., Nov 1 . s WRECKED FIVE LIVES ARE LOST. Captaian Johnson and Crew and Capt. H. Jacobson Find Watery Graves. Coos Bay Times Sends Airship to the Wreck and Gets First News. Coos Hny and Tim Cikin liny Times broke (lie world's record to day in sending an airship to relievo ami rescuo the crow If possible nnil lo get tlio news if tlio wreck of llu Schooner Osprey. The first autlientlu iicwh wiih lnoiinlit by Jack (.'nylon, who made iho (rip out over tlio bar nml haw tlio floating wreckage of tlio csscl. Tlio Times also chartered the launch Alice II. and hcnt it to tlio lower bay to oo if It were possible to find any of tlioso who bad been washed mcrlMiard from tlio Osprey, ml tlio seaielt availed nothing, as "me of tlio unfoi'tiinato crow eould lie found afUr a diluent hearch. Tlio Kiisollno schooner Osprey as wrecked on tlio Coos Hay Jetty this uhiiiiIuk and five liven were Km. Tlio dead are: (WIT. (JUS JOHNSON, master of tlio Osprey. CIIKSTKIt .JOHNSON, eiiKlneer. tWIT. JACOIISO.V, formerly of llcrwlck, of San I'VaucKco, pusscu er. JOIJ PKITSCII, derk liaml, and formerly a iiioiiiIht of tlio ciew of (ho Dii'iIk'o Oiokoii. HI) IIAKDV, Indian, of Wodder burn. Tlio Osprey left Wcddcrhtiru jos (erday afteiniHin alMiut 1 o'clock. She reached Coos Day eaily (his mornliiK and ax nearly as- can bo loaincd went on tlio Jetty about (I a. m. Tlio little schooner was washed over the Jetty and dashed on the north side of tlio pllhiK. Tlio Iiik lloscoe, ('apt. Tjler, saw tlio boat In distress, dropicd a schooner ho was towluK In the low er bay, and went int. Ho threw tbreo lines to the Osprey and pit one around ('apt. Johnson, but ho appeared to bo a ruvlnj; maniac and broko loose. Capt. Johnson went under as the Osprey turned turtle. Capt. Tyler saw a youiiK "" "" the wreckage who was thoimht to be IVllsch, but bo went under be fore ho could be reached. Those were tlio only ones soon by tlio tug. Tliero Is no doubt that nil flvo men who were on tlio Osprey are dead. The llttlo schooner Is entire ly wrecked.