. ( THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1912. EVENING EDITION. ""- ' it Rf SOLICITING HURTS GIRLS Times Reader Points Out the Dangers of Permitting Girls to Canvass. Editor Coos liny Times: I notlco that your pnpor from tlmo to tlmo has nrtlclos on re forms and on tlio upbuilding of tlio community nnd tlio linprovomont of social conditions. Mont of thorn I npprovo nnd think that tlioy nro doing bo mo good. Publicity In Journals llko yours I bollovc docs much good. I notlco by your pn por thnt Mayor Straw says that tlicro is a decided lni)rovcmcnt In tlio saloons here. I am glad to Tioar U. And I think this Improve ment, nnd cvoryono knows thoro Is still lots of room for changes for tho hotter, Is duo to tlio pub licity you gave In Tho Times of tho conditions nnd of tho city council's threat (o rovolco tho licenses of tho offenders. llowovcr, thcro Is ono ovll on Coos Hay that I want to call your attention to, Jt Is tho nlcnnco to our young womanhood of hnvlng young girls and women go nut nnd solicit nld nnd subscriptions for various undortnklngs nnd soniotlmes ecliotncB. It mnkes thorn bold nnd robs thorn of womnnhood's sweot cst chnrm modCBty. Thoy stnrt out with tho Idea that tho thing to do Is to "got tho money." To do It, thoy solicit from somo men who forgot tho ro unoct nnd chivalry that Is duo womanhood nnd If thoy do not actually Insult tho girls, their conrso nnd sometimes nuggcstlvo re marks unconsciously but snroly rob tho, girl of thnt modesty which Is tho flower of young womnnhood ono of tho in ob t desired trnlts of fomlnlnlty. Tho loss of this modesty I hnvo noticed Is often tho stopping stouo to worso things. Harsh ns this stntomont mny Room, I think you will to ngrco with mo In It If you will Just think over many of tho Instnncos that you nnd all of us older pcoplo hnvo witnessed. Don't mlsundrstnnd mo to ho In tlmntlng thnt It Is wrong for n girl or young womnn In work nnd onrn her living. I don't menu thnt. IlerniiBo whon a girl Ih working in n storo or ofllco, hIio Is protected by business stnndnrdn which protect her to a largo ex tent. llowovcr, when sho goes out so liciting on tho HtTOOt, sho becomes nort of nn object of rhnrlty which romoves the safeguards which lo- gltlmnto business employment throw nround hor. I wish you would sny somothlng In tho pnpor that will put thoughr- THE PEOPLE'S fORUM Tho Times will bo pleased to pub llBh lettors from Its rcadon on all questions of publlo interest. Each lottcr must bo signed by tho wrltor, and so far as posslblo bo limited to ZOO words. In publishing theso let ters it must bo understood that The Times docs not Indorso tho vlows ex pressed therein; It is simply affording a means for tho voicing of dlffcront opinions on all questions affecting tho public woltaro. Ol'KS IjKTTKII TO H. V. I'KIIICK. Kdltor Times: I noto by your pnpor of yesterdny that S. P. Pclrco of Curry county, candldnto ncalnst mo for Joint roprc sentntlvo, told your reporter thot ho was making tho rnco on his record ns roprcsontntlvo in ID 11. Thnt thoro mny bo no mlstnko. I havo looked up his record In tho Houso Journal of 1911 and find tho same to bo In part as follows: Ho Introduced ten hills: six failed to ronch a voto; two failed In tho Sonnto; ono wns votocd by tho Gov ernor, and only ono beenmo a law which was Houso Illll No. ICO In creasing tho snlary of tho assessor of Curry county from $000 to $1,000 por yenr, Hq nttomptcd to removo tho pro tect on from tho Coos County Crnn Fishing Industry, but through tho efforts of locnl people, his bill for that purposo, No. 28D, was dorent i. This bill would havo bonoflttod tho fish markets of Portland and San Francisco, nnd if tho samo had pass ed, Coos county would havo soon lost a valuablo resource. Ho voted against tho Public Utili ties Illll, which wns tho act providing for tho rosulntlon by tho Htnto of all public scrvlco corporations, Including railroad, water and lighting compan ies. This was tho great antl-spoclnl interest bill of tho session, hut Polrco forgot tho pooplo nnd voted for tho special Interest. Ho voted against tho bill prohibit ing nttondnnco at school of vermin Infected nunlls. Ho voted ngnlnst tho bill prohibit ing tho printing nnd circulation of tlio sccrot ritualistic won: or lodges. Ho was tho only mnn In tho House voting ngalnst tho bill to protect fro tornal ordors from fraud and Impos turo. Spnco forbldB any furthor comment upon his record; porhnps Mr. Polrco can exnlnln tho snmo. especially his attitude analnst nil lodges and frn tomnl nrdors, and his position on tho Publlo utilities measure. I will bo glnd to moot Mr. Polrco at any tlmo and plnco and discuss his Legislative record moro particularly, and would hn glnd to hlro a hull at my own oxnenso for that purposo. W. II. MEREDITH. OPEN KETTEK TO It. A. COUTIIEI.Ij Doar Sir: Tho nnon letter addrOSRod to mo less girlH or pnronts on their gunrd which you so obligingly signed for nbout this sort of thing awaken Mr. I. 8. Smith, porhnps desorves nn thorn to tlio onngor or u mr ineir answer. own good nnd fnr tho good of tho iHt, Tho voters of tho district cor- communlty. tnlnly nro entltlod to know who nre I hope I hnvo innilo mysolf iioliltid my nomination nnd cnmpalgn. plnln, hut think you can wrlto n Humorous frlonds urgod mo for tho pleco for your pnpor mucn nottor nomination and, nro helping my cam than I cnu. T'MES ItEADBR. popcorn ix orkoon. imlKii. nooplo of nil parties nnd oc cupations who desired to voto for n trustworthy old neighbor In profor enco to n political hybred, who Is on- donvor iiik to oolong to two pnrties ni SAI.EM, Oct. 31. Seventeen von- onco nnd to rldo Into olllco by voteB dors of popcorn, who reported tholr 0f both Itopubllcnns and Progros- liuslness for compilation In tho in- slvos, neither of whom havo beon cnnlnl report of State- Labor Com-'nblo to learn wharo ho poraonolly mlsslonor O. P. Huff, show nn ng- stands, grognto Inrnmo for tho year end-, ::nd. I am not n member of tho Ing September 30, of ?20.nro: or Coos County Tax Association. I wns nn average or over iuo n nionin for each vondor. The total capi tal Invented in plants nnd mnterlnl was $1078. ono or us organizers. us expross purposo being to see thnt taxes woro fairly and ovenly assessed and hon estly and economically oxponded, but 1 could not seo tluit mucn wns Doing WOItKIXRMEX! accomplished, soon wlthdrow nnd A. L. Mornwltz of Portland will lmvo not been n moinbor for two deliver n leoturo on "SoclnllHin" Sat- years. urday ovoning nt 7:30 nt tho "Hnsy; 3rd. My plntform wns propared Cornor," wenther permitting. If not after consultation with numerous ho will speak In Socialist hnll. llrlug friends, whoso Judgmont I respected your friends. ' j nnd of whoso oxporlenco I was glnd to avail myself: among tiiom woro air. CIIAMIIIMt OP rOMMKHCK MEHT IXO. Regulnr monthly meeting of the executive committee of Mnrshflold Chamber of Commerce will ho held Friday night, November 1. to se lect successor to Mis Henderson nnd trnnsnet other business. A full nttendnnco Is desired. D. C. CHtEKXE. President. Conrad, tho Secretary of tho Tax As Koclatlon, and Judge Ross, who Is, or was, Its nttomey: also Uussell De ment. It. 15. Shine, nnd mnny othors, but tho one porson who rendered mo tho most assistance was Hugh Me 1. iiln. who had been a caudldato for tho olllco to which I nsplro. Ho had given much thought and study to public questions, nnd together We propared n rough draft of tho plat form In his olllco. of which ho subse- , quotly had typewritten copies inndo no money for mo, nnd It would do It no good If It woro, for if olectod, I shnll trent Its members exnetly as I would you with fairness, but with out favor. Cth. I)y "cheapening Justlco" I mean exnetly what I sny, nnd what nny fnlr-mlndcd mnn would undor stnnd mo to tnonn, i. o., to mnko it posslblo for a poor man to got Jus tice In tho Courts promptly nnd with out great expense. You are surely hard-pressed when you resort to such nn unworthy qulh blo, ond lnslnunto that I advocate lawlessness. I am In fnvor of law, of Its honest enforcement, and of fairness oven In nn election, nnd you havo violated tho spirit and probnbly tho lettor of tho Corrupt Practices Act In publishing your letter without first serving n copy thereof upon mo, ns required by lnw. (Signed) J. O. STKMLER. AXOORA ROAT INDUSTRY. Editor Times: Tho entrnnco of the Angorn Coat In Coos Co. hns furnished or will fur nish n solution of dumcultles. Tho In dustry hns been n profltnblo ono for n number of years, nnd Its possibilities hnvo nwnkened nn Interest nmong thoso who havo logged off land. In tho Angorn gont n wny hns boon found of clearing Innd for pnsturo or for cultivation. Thoro nro thousnnds of acres of land In tho mountains of Coos and const districts thnt woro burnt or logged off whoro thoro tiro nil kind of smnll brush, such ns thlm blo borry, huckleberry, brlnrs, young nldor, fern nnd mnny other obnox ious woods too numerous to montlon. Tho gontlo sloping hills thnt Ho back of Coos nay and adjoining territory nro rich in vnluo of ngrlculturo nnd grazing purposes. Horo Is whoro tho Angorn gont will provo of Incstlmn blo vnluo. Theso lands nro covered with n donso growth of brush nnd brlnrs nnd whnt Is commonly known ns Bccond growth. Thd cost of clear ing theso lands retard tho cultivation, but tho Angora goat will fc.cd upon this brush land nnd clear It roady for agricultural purposes or any otb or uso that ono mny hnvo for It. Rains do not hurt tho goats, provid ed a shed Is furnished thorn to sleep In, for thoy must not stay out all night during tho rainy season. Shods do not cost much In this wooded coun try, tho cost Is trilling considering tho profit thoro Is In thorn, for thoy board thomsolvoB on wnsto brush nnd other undcslrnblo woods that grow on hill lands. Ono should furnish salt nnd occasionally n feed of onts or somo othor food nnd thoy will como homo nt night. Evory ono should own n hand of Angorns who hns mountnln or wnsto lnnd. In n fow yonrs grnss Will bo growing on hills whoro todny Is a donso growth of brush nnd of no vnluo. Thoro Is nlwnys expense In connection with pnsturo grnsses, but thoro is nono with browse Ono of tho chief ronsons gonts aro receiving so much consideration at this tlmo Is thnt thoy nro prnctlcnlly Inoxpon slvo feeders nnd all Items of oxponso must bo llgurcd on, If profit Is to re sult. Mnhnlr Is tho technical nnd com morclnl nnmo for tho flooco of tho An gorn gont. Tho lleeco Is puro whlto, lustrous nnd grows to nn avorago longth of 10 Inches. It hnugs In benutlful wavy curls or ringlets from nil pnrts of tho body, tho nvorngo nnnunl production of mohnlr holng nbout four pound n head. Tho grndo of tho gont hns much to do with tho weight of tho fleeco. Thoro Is n good market for all tho mohnlr of tho host nunllty that can bo produced In this country. Tho domnnd for the best grndo of mohnlr Is fnr grcntor thnn tho supply. Tho nvorngo prlco pnld for tho 1912 clip wns Sr. cents n pound. Written for tho Coos liny Times by Mrs. W. F. RAY. Cooston, Oro ffl E IS Wi 0 CARD OF TIIAXKS. Wo wish to oxiiress our tlinnks to tho friends nnd neighbors, who, and gnvo to tho papers so kindly assisted us during tho. -itli. Nono of tho planks of my Illness nnd denth of our baby. I platform woro taken from I. S. MR. and MRS. ENOCH HOLLAND Smith: It would bo a shnnio to rob nnd family. him of tho few planks his platform i contain. Comparo them. We both If you wnnt nny LOTS CLEAR- touch on somo of tho samo matters, V.V. KILLED or RRADKD. wrlto hut slnco whon did Rro. Smith obtain imrcH iiooi), Contract only. Mnrshfleld. Or. Clover Seed at Haines. a copyright on public quostlons? nth. I don't know what tho Coos County Tnx Association Is doing In this campaign, but I am sure It has no mnn working for me. Is spending LITTLE TALKS ON TIMELY TOPICS By W. A. REID. In thoso pro-olcction days wo attach a political signifi cance oven to remarks about tho weather. A business man returning homo frJin his ofllco the other evening was mot by his wife-, who, with her mind on tho weather conditions for tho ovenlng, innocently remarked, "What's tho outlook?" To wnlc'i he absont-mlndodly roplled, "Tho outlook? Why It's progressive of course. What could you expect with T. R. on the editorial staff? To a sim ilar question nnothor mnn roplled, "It looks llko a land slide, my doar." Evory man you meet Is n "progressive," If not, ho is nshamod to ndmlt It Ho may bo a Repub lican prpgresslvo, a Domocratle progressive, a National progressive or n Socialist progressive, but a progressive novortholcss. A truo progrosslvo Is a man who makes tho most of ovory opportunity PERHAM PARK presents an opportunity for an ideal invostmont or hoiueslro. SEE Clias. Shields Hands W. S. U'Ren a Number of Pack ages in Debate. PORTLAND, Or., Oct. St. Char les II. Shlolds. nntl-sliiKlo tnxer. laid several nicely nrranged fragments of dynnnilto In front of W. S. U'Ren. slnglo tnxer, at tho Washington High School last night. Thoy went off. U'Ren hnd Just beon tolling nbout tho wondors of slnglo tnx in Everett, In fact, Mr. Shields had just given him nn especial extension of tlmo to do so. Then Mr. Shlolds got up. "Evorott. Wash," ho began to road. "Slnglo tax will bo voted on Novem ber nth. C. C. Olllmnn. city clerk." And n roar went up that made fur thor comment from Shields quiet un necessary. Anothor stick exploded when Shields romnrked that Joseph Fel8, tho angol of tho slnglo tnxers, had not mndo his eight million dol lar fortuno out of tho lncrenso of land vnlues. "Yot ho Is ono of tho men you would exempt from pnylng n cont under the slnglo tax." rapped Shields. And to tho surprise of all. Mr. U'Ron himself Joined In tho voeifor ous npproclatlon of tho knock, tho single tnxor clapping with n great an appreciation as any of thoso nresent. Shlolds scored viciously the trusts anil pointed out how they would es capo taxation on nny of their proper ty undor slnglo tax. Their great fac tories, their great stocks, all they havo that Is tho product of labor, would bo exempted from taxation, ho pointed out. While tho fact that they usually leased tho land for their buildings would mean that tho mono- iHiiies who nro rnreiy inna ownors would be taxation freo. Ono odd fea turo of tho dobnto was that thoro was no chairman and In place of roasting each other to a frazzle, Shields and FEMS I TAX RESULTS Walter M. Pierce Forecasts Bankruptcy for State If It Succeeds. Declaring that tho adoption of tho Single Tnx, even In Its modified form, would throw tho Stnto of Oregon Into llnnnclnt chaos and many of Its resi dents Into bankruptcy, Walter M. Pierce of Hot Lako last night bitterly nttneked tho Graduated Lnnd Tnx amendment which Is to bo voted on next Tucsdny. Mr. PIcrco said that ho porsonnlly would bo nmong thoso most nffected nnd declared that he was speaking from his heart and not ns n hired orator. Ho Bpoko nt the Odd Follows hnll nt n mooting nr rnnged by T. S. Alexnndcr and while tlicro was a comparatively smnll nttondnnco, ho held his nudlcnco from stnrt to finish. Mr. Plorco wns Introduced by Judge J. S. Cnko, who sorv'cd with him In tho Oregon sonnto. Judge Coko spoko ngalnst tho Slnglo Tnx plan nnd urged that It bo voted down. Today Moon, Mr. Plerco addressed tho employes of tho North Rend mills this nftcrnoon ho will spenk at Co qulllo and this evening nt Myrtlo Point nnd will lenvo thcro In tho morning with Mr. Aloxnndor for Portland whoro ho Is scheduled to de liver nn address at tho Hungnlow thentro Snturdny night. In addition to urging tho votorB to turn down the slnglo tnx mensuro, No. 3Cr. Mr. Plorco urged thorn to voto for No. 308, tho nmendmont ndoptcd two oynrs ngo which pormlts tho ndoptlon of slnglo tax by counties Instead of uy tho stnto ns n wnoio. In his remarks, Mr. Plorco Bald that If tho Blnglo tnx cnrrled, Coos Uny would bo n long tlmo without n railroad. Ho snld that President Far roll of tho Oregon lines of tho South ern Pacific had Informed him a row days ago that tho rallrond would im mediately censo extensions nnd con struction If It cnrrled. Consequently he snld that Coos Ray would havo to put up with tho old stago road to Rosoburg which ho declared wns a "d sgraco to ony civilized commun Ity." Ho anil Mr. Aloxandor enme In over tho road. Ho said that Mr. Mills had nlso Informed him that tho slnglo tnx would prnctlcnlly bnnkrupt Ore gon. Ho dovotcd considerable tlmo to Honry Goorgo's book "Progress nnd Povorty" which ho snld wns tho bnsls of tho movomont In Oregon. Ho nd- vlsod ovorybody to read and Inform thomsolves for, ho snld, tho slnglo tnx Ipsuo would bo up ngnln In two years and In four yonrs oven though It was defeated this tlmo. Ho characterized threo or four points In Honry George's philosophy ns nbsoluto falsehoods. no saw lint Fois, tho .low sonp- mnxor or Knginnd, wns olthor pnylng 5100,000 to sccuro slnglo tnx In Oro gon to got freo ndvortlslng or to enrry nut n fad. - Ho snld thnt U'Ron nnd tho threo othors directing tho cam paign for slnglo tax woro hired by Fols. Ho snld thnt tho grndunted single tnx mennt thnt In n short tlmo the nnd would bo ill) to Its full rental valuo mnklng tho lnnd ownors moro tonnnts. Ho snld thnt tho smnll fnr mor nnd rnnchor would bo hit Just llko tho big property ownors. Ho snld thnt the plan was a wrong ono If It wns Intended to brenk up tho big mini Holdings. Ho cited tho C. A. Smith company ns nn instnnco. Ho snld thnt tho lumuer operations hnd to bo carrlod on now on n Inrgo scnlo nnd that tho company's profits woro tho savings mnuo ny modem methods of mnnu fncture. Up said that tho company hnd expressed a wllllngnoss to soli nny of Its logged off Innds nt $R to $10 nn ncro. Ho snld that tho taxing of tho lnnd to Its full rontnl vnluo would stop roforestrntlon, mnklng It uio expensive. Ho said that U.Ron nnd his fol lowers woro trying to got Coos. Clnc knmas and Multonomah county bo- ciuiso inoso counties nnd given big majorities In favor of It four years Mr. Plerco said that anv nlnn thnt nroventod tho Individual from owning limn was wrong, no said that was tho Inspiration of every good citizen tho hopo to own a farm or homo Ho said that only tho homo or farm owner could bring thnt tract of land up to Its full possibilities, tho tenant or hired laboror not putting In tho dollcnto caro needed to bring tho land up to its best. So far as tho railroads were con cerned, no sniu mat mien's plans for tnxlng franchises was wrong. Ho snld the thing to do was to place a physical valuation on tlm mnriu ni. lowing them nn Incomo of not over is per cum on tno nctuni Investment. no sum uiih woum uring n reduction In rates. Ho declared that tho coun try was not sufforing from nn un equal distribution of wealth but that It was sufforing from trusts nnd com binations which fixed prices. Ho de clared that the combinations should bo broken up and declared hlmsolf In fnvor of public ownershln nt omroe companies, railroads and other public Following his address, Joo Gosman .... nuuisn ovuBurn asKeu a mini- uor oi imesuons or a socialistic char nc.t?r. P,erco answered thorn nnd snld thnt ho was a pretty good socialist. ioiizo and Gaston To uood mlivnnts ns thoy woro sunvely consldornto of ench other's Toolings. Shields Intro duced U'Ren nnd U'Ren introduced Shlolds. Roth men found they had out stayed their welcomo as debaters, less than 400 being present as against 2500 for the first talk feast. (Paid adv. Orogon Equal Tax Loague Winchester, Stevens and Remlng ton PU3IP GUNS at Tire GUJJ. SHOES- TRY US -SHOES . i ( , ' HUB DRY GOODS CO. These arc tlio Coats and Suits that wo men want. Wo are showing Coats made up in won derful cloths, such downy fleeces, such rough, shaggy coatings, such stylish, nub by woolens, caraculs, zibehnes, chinchillas and caterpillar cloths, If you would have the most for your money, see them, Pricprl $12.50 to $37.50. u Suits in rough, swagger mixtures and In smooth, plain colors, Some strictly man tailored; some dashing trimmed styles, Skirts in latest pleated models, Rich lin ings, Absolutely the greatest and best val ues to be had at $15.00 to $35.00. No charge for alterations on garments of $15,00 or more, We are showing full lines of Ladies' and Children's Underwear, All qualities, includ ing silk and wool, fine wool, light fleece and lisle, Largo sizes a' specialty, If you want to do best on your underwear, bo sure to see this line, Priced 25c to $4.00 the gar ment, Muslin underwear, including corset cov ers, combinations, night gowns, drawers, and princess slips, A "saving to you" on these garments, Staple lines in Men's Underwear, "MONEY TALKS" nt MB DRY GOODS CO. O 'Council Bldff. Phone 361-J I FATAMjY I.V.IURIvl). Sister Injured In Sun Antonio l'lro Will Probably Die. (Dy Associated Pross to Tho Coos Bay Times.) SAX ANTONIO, Texas. Oct. 31. SIstor Mary ICotlm was mtally In jured In tho orphanngo flro horo yesterday In which flvo Slstors of Chnrlty lost tholr lives. Sho will probnbly succumb soon. It wns er roneously reported yestordny thnt' alii lin.l .11.. .1 n, ,l.n I.....,... I .... aiiu null IIIUII III. IIIU IIUBI1UII HUUll niter tuo accident KIIMKP I.V ORKGOX. SALKM, Oro., Oct. 31. Therein 2,108,000 shoop In tho state of 0 gon. Tho total valuation of Owa Bheop Is placed at $9,639,20,oru avorago vnluo of $4 each. ow Bhoop producod 18.CO0O.000 pootJ of wool tho pnst year. Tbo count;" tho stnto hnvlng tlio largest bbbm or oheop Is Mainour, una w, and Umntllla. I.ako and Morro w .,. ...in, onn nan nnrh. Elect ItOJ- sand nnd "twenty-two men ut i eg ployod In tho industry annual'; V G8.10 firms. I s : rrrr nffiswa wmmmmmmwmmmmiwmvM. EBmr?7 . . ,-r"7 ... " ?" cai-rfftiXi-i.! "' . ' wWWKfeisf-lJt. . --' '.' , -'" : . --.: .. 4iJ.ljr-ZZ4 .L w -.C-.' "fv i ,. .i., .. -- j till ,'f 'ilCf'.Vr'.K'il.Z K: ,' .XXJL f "" The Aviator's Science and Skill in n P' Conquering the Air may be compared witli the pre cision and delicacy in fine time keeping. The science of mak ing a watch run right is our special business. ; Red Cross Jewelry Department Jewelers and Opticians