THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGOW. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1912.-EVENING EDITION. BOOST OUR CITY IT IS YOURS AND OUR HOME A well dressed man is a credit to his city, You can get style and service without extra cost by wearing SCHLOSS BROS. & CO, THE CLOTHES BEAUTIFUL Priced $20.00 to $3000 OttlheH0 Good Sote $0SO to 2SoOO o mtzjff stem? , &. H 111 J&. . jSTrnVk M m &mj Tin Firap MARSHFIELD NORTH BEND W Kxtou Uos. cowJR .. .jasri mat tuttumtum, srf COOS BAY XI I)KS. nclow Is given tho tlmo and height of high and low water nt Mnrshflcld. Tho tides nro placed In tho order of occurrence with their times on tho Ilrst lino and heights on tho second lino of each day; n compar ison on consccuttvo noJghts will Indlcato whether It Is high or low water. For high water on tho har, suusiraci z Hours 34 minutes, late. October. 31'IIrs. C.51 11.33 C.C7 0.0 ift.. 4.3 3.9 G.S 0.0 PERSONAL NOTES F. D. HOOD of North Coos River Is In town. HESTER NORTON of Sumner Is In tho city. JOHN I1IASCA of Coos River Is In town today. MISS ROSE SMITH of Coos RIvor Is In Mnrshflcld. W. J. CONRAD went to Coqulllo this morning. WEATI I Elt FORECAST. 1 OHEOON Fnlr In cast to i night nnd Friday. Rain In tho t west tonight or Friday. East erly winds. To the Voters of Coos County: ; HOTEL ARRIVALS. vt. Ko. 376 X YES. Coos Conn tj Slnglo Tax. This Is tho correct timber. Tbo pink Blieot coming ilih October Ilroachor nnd giving N'o, JJO for Coos County Slnglo Tu li a printer's error, nnd Is iroif. Voto No. 309 X NO. Snvo your rights of taxation from tho Legis lature Voto No. 3 CI X YES. State wldo specific tax and exemption amend ment. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 24 hours ending nt 1:43 n. m., Oct. 31, by DcnJ. Ostllml, special government motoorologlcal observer: Maximum GC Minimum 33 At 4:43 n. m 30 Proclpltntlon nono Wind Northwest; clear. Gives Entertainment .Rev. G. LoRoy Hall gavo n RIloy ovonlng In tho Myrtlo Rank school houso on North Coos River ono evening this week. R. D. HA55ER of North Dcnd is a Mnrshtlold visitor today. HENRY LAIRD of Loon Lako Is In Mnrshflcld on business. CELL IRELAND left this morning for the Coqulllo valley. WARREN UESSEY Is down from South Coos RIvor todny. ALI1ERT MERCHANT of Dullards Is In Marshfield this wook. E. C. DREWS is a business visi tor In tho Coqulllo valley. JAMES LANDR1TH of South Coos River Is hero on business. Thursday. Fortnightly wngies nail. Club Dnnco at High School Halloween partr ' A. N. W. Chill Willi Mra n t x". .Murcn. Social Sowing Club with Mrs. Georgo Ay res. from Coqulllo todnv n in n iut campaigning. LESTER SMITH nnd daughter nro down from Cooh RIvor today to a? A fllBl" by Av,ator L. A LILJEQVIST Is making a trip into ho South Slough country. ThB tlmo ho Is going nftcr votes instead of clues. SIGNA STORA of Coos RIvor ?i?.i.,in V?,'". todl,J' to attend tho airship flights. No. 300 X Yes Xo, 103 X No No. 305 X No Xo. 307 X No No. 309 X No Xo. 311 X No Xo, 312 X Yes Xo. 3U X Yes Xo. 317 X No Xo, 319 X No No. 321 X No No. 323 X No No. 325 X No No. 327 X No No. 328 X Yob No. 330 X Yes No. 332 X Yoa No. 334 X Yea No. 33 C X Yes No. 338 X Ycb No. 341 X No No. 342 X Ycb No. 344 X Ycb No. 340 X Yea No. 348 X Yos No. 3G1 X No No. 3G3 X No No. 3GG X No No. 3G7 X No No. 3G9 X No No. 3C1 X No No. 3G2 X Yes No. 3C4 X Yes No.3CC X Yea No. 3C9 X No No. 371 X No No. 373 X No No. 37G X No No. 37C X Yes How You Should VOTE lio entire Ballot of Measure NEXT TUESDAY, NOVEMBER ftTII. fat tlie American Child. Cure for the Aged PROTECT THE MOTHERS AND LET MANHOOD LIVE Vour State Room With Industry, Hales InerouHc, Business Thrive nnd Kuribody can work, (ilvo no heed to tho PAID DECEIVERS. m Itcwmmended by tho COOS COUXTV PEOPLE'S POWER LEAGUE viu it. ii. iiu.w, .secretary. i n. .iirij.iLJiiiji;v, rresiucur. Taku thlH with you to tho Polls. Golden Rule Prices: Cotton Blankets, extra (0 or ntai, pair, 75c to $6.60 Wei Cotton Undorwenr, JAp i la wool, &a ft IMO to J.3U t"..811.11.8: $2.50 I CUIdren'a HOBO. OllP nnielnl for Bon and 4 - 15c D- M- 0. Embroidery Cotton, r 1 Wm for..... ...DC ftfc.8!1.u: 10c k"'. one-half what you pay elso- Broadwny, ncnr Central. 'Olden Rule- Store NEW LOCATION. Merchant Old Stand. WANT ADS. FOR RALE A largo gas range. In qulro at Times ofllco. FOR HALE Canaries: Inquire nt 208 Park nvonuo. Phono 9G-L. WANTED A good automobile. Will trndo 40 acres of flno land In Oklnhomn. Address C. E. Nlles, Coqulllo. FOR SALE Mattress nnd Uphols torlng factory, with patent carpot cloanor In connection. Must do sold at onco. Inqulro of Homo Trust Co.. ovor First National Rank, Marshficld. COOS HOTEL J. O. Slontrnm. Lakeside; A. J. aullormnn, San Fran cisco; Jas. iMccutchcon, Honvcr Hill; Lea Smith, Coos RIvor; Alex Matson nnd S. Mntson, Coqulllo; JnmcB Mc Graw, Portland; J. M.Wrlghf. G. C. Sollors and wlfo, Portland: It. W. Kent, Hood River; M. C. Wood nnd wlfo, Vancouver, Wash. RLANCO HOTEL. M. Stonor, San rrancisco;.!. Bydmnn; John Wright. Nod O. Kelly, (I. W. Morgnn and Will Whlto, Coqulllo; A. J. Ncdollo, Ban don; Austin Hell, Washington; O. J. Kaufmnn, Oak Point, Wash.; Mrs. D. L. Chcok, Portland; Clydo Llttlo, Portland; A. Wcddlo, Rnndon; Mrs. Ruttorllold nnd Mrs. A. J. Woddlo, Ilandon. THE CHANDLER L. E. Llly gorst, L. T. Morgan, Coqulllo; Goo. W. Lnwronco, 8nn Francisco; C. M. Elcnhnrt, Nceda; E. J. Ryan, Grants Pass; E. M. Ward, Rnndon, A. A. Halo. Portland; O. R. Holt, Portlnnd; P. M. Reettlo. Now York; J. S. Lnw ronco, Coqulllo; W. G. Egloston, Oak land. Cnl.; C. W. Thorn. Win. P. Twopo, W. A. Young, II. E. Vnn Voor- lils. Cnns. H. HII1.W. A. Craig, J. For sytho, J. L. Gorstol, D. O. Neol, nnd W. B. Hlbbard, all of Portland; L. F. LnGnrlo, Holnz; L. J. Wnttson, 1915, C. S. Snmptnn, C. M. Leonard, Ilonry niock, Portlnnd: .J O. Stommler, Myrtlo Point; C. D. Minor, Roy Bont- loy, A. IL Sottorgroon, Goo. P. Story, W. 13. Honly. M. J. Cowln, O. H. Grn lliiyn Lots W. R. Simpson or Enstsldo hna Just purchased two lots In that placo through tho Stutsman real cstato agency nnd will begin tho orcctlon of n homo immediately. VELMA DODGE of Camp l camo to Marshficld this morning. FRED RRENELL of South Coos RIvor Is a Mnrshflcld visitor today. MRS. JOHN CREEK camo down from Coos RIvor this morning to shop. E. W. GUPTIL of South Coos RIvor enmo down to seo tho nlrshlp per form. Rld.s for Property. A. E. Sonmnn has mado a bid of ?G,G10 for tho jonn wnsuurg proporty at tho cornor of Uroadway and Alder. It was be queathed to Russoll Nnsburg. Hither Dead. Patrick C. Smith, fnthor of Dr. Andrew C. Smith of Portland, who Is woll known on Coos Ray, died at his homo in Portland this wcok nt tho ago of 91, Ho was a ploncor of Oregon. WiuitH Gnmo J. Mlllor of Coqulllo lias written Iris Elrod asking for n gnmo between tho Coqulllo football team and tho Mnrshtlold Indopond cnto hero about Novombor 10. It will probably bo arranged. Mnko Homo Here. Tho family of J. Q. Jarvls, tho now pharma cist; at tho Red Cross Drug Storo, havo nrrlvcd from Gold Hill, Oro gon. to mnko their homo In Marsh flqld. Thoy will occupy tho now residence built by Phil Rolchcrt on South Rrondwny. "ni&ft TSSM u johS:1 j'1 ' wln Football Game. Georgo Dolt ro colvod n letter from his son Eric, who Is nttondlng Wlllnmotto University, wherein ho stntes that Wlllnmotto do- foated Paclflo at Forest Grovo last 0 f. et 1 V1 n 1.. f.l . HnniuuiHuu, .loiin i-uruy, i.iin Swnnson. L. Carlson, S. Martin, nil of Coos Ray: II. W. Leads, Roguoi motto. J. O. todny A AlnraAii llnmlnn mill Mnrtln ' brought to TIlO TllUCa OfllCO a avif .......w.. i... ......- -- Raspberries RIik. Mrs. nivnr. Vom A. Tnvlor. Rocuo River: 1 Horrmnn of Ray Park T 4 llAHAH llnn.Ti.,, .....I M n I M ' ll Trt II lll I In TIlO 1 JOE SHIRIA Is In from Ton Mllo to seo tho Hying mnchlno demonstrations. J. W. RIGGS nnd wlfo nro moving onto tho Ross ranch on Catching Inlet. MRS. JAMES LANDRITH of South Coos River is In Mnrshtlold today shopping. W. II. SMITH of Coos RIvor is In town on business and to seo tho aeroplane MRS. COTTON of Fnlrvlow Is In Mnrshflold todny -on business nnd pleasure FRED ADAMS of Loon Lako camo to Mnrshflold today to seo tho airship flights. MRS. E. L. RESSEY of South Coob RIvor Is a Marshficld visitor to boo tho blrdman. JOHN nnd MARGARET HAYDEN of Isthmus Inlet nro Mnrshflold visitors today. R. R. POWNDER, of Coqulllo, Is in tho city doing somo cnmpnigniug for Sheriff Gago. I. T. WEEKLY Is horo from Coqulllo In bohnlf of his candidacy for County Commissioner. MRS. HERRERT ROGERS of South Coos RIvor Is In Mnrshllcld today on business nnd plqnsuro. Salloy, Myrtlo Point. If you have anything to sell, trade. MONEY' TO LOAN On Piano, furni ture, norsonal proporty, ore. Call from C to 8 p. m. II. II. Harpor, 334 First strojt. Phono 349-J. WANTED 100 buyem for Fonl automobiles. Flvo passenger, $700; Roadster. $G25; Dollvory, $725. All fully equipped f.o.b. , Mnrshflold. Goo. Goodrum, iroos county agent. Keep From Fear and Worry r0K0dlaDnBn?!lrJlOmO' hDU tall."0? "ad l0S9 hv crnHIn,, ""ince rTho Newark Firo In- hW,tianb'hed 'n "ll, Its Protection. meana Buporb ,5Sl380.tO pollc'hoIder8 IL" fench Realty Co. Uiu AGENTs. " No. Pronf CI -.r ....., .v ui., inurouiioia Mftzda Lamps 11 once Pr,Ces' taklnB effect Wees. Card ,n 0Ur window for fe??V Wiring Co. las nodWy k. u. WANTED Eight or ten room houso or npnrtmonts, unfurnished, closo In. Address M, Times ofllco. FOR RENT Ono furnished room. Address 334 First street. FOR SALE Dry wood, fir nnd ai der, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Ferry landing. Phona 1C3-L. ROOM AND BOARD The Roycrest, 388 First strt. PHone iza-A. Umbrellas Covered at tho Marshfield Cyclery DAYTON AOENTS. Phono 158-R 173 Broadway illy The Sign of Good Candy Always For GOOD SHOES and GOOD REPAIRING nt RIGHT PRICES. Go to August Oleson 215 South Broadway. VOTE FOR Some Are Gone Others Going but mo Mill have left somo choice bargains in realty In nnd nbout Myrtlo Point. Several business opportunities. Lands in small tracts, largo tracts, any sizo you nihil. Timber lands, etc. All roads lead to Myrtlo Point. Get Inrgo numbor of rlpo rnspborrles, tho second crop on her plnro this season. She placed somo ot tnem on oxhlblt nt tho Chambor of Com-morco. Initiate Two. Marshficld Lodgo of Elks hold an onloyablo meeting I last night. A. J. Sherwood of Co qulllo nnd Mr. Rlckors, n woll known Mnrshflold hnrdwnro aalos man. wero Initiated. Thoro woro n numbor of Impromptu talks and n llttlo fonst concluded tho social sos ston. n niovo on. Horace W. Ames &Co. Myrtlo Point Oregon Divorce Cace. Mrt. Frank J. Hayes arrived horo today from Portland to contest tho dlvorco enso which Dr. F. J. Hayes, has Insti tuted ngnlnst her on tho ground of desortlon. Tho enso will como up for hearing In Judgo Coko'B court tomorrow. It la understood that It may bring out somo snlaelous testimony. To Talk Here. Sanfleld McDon- ald, tho Dull Mooso orator, hoa roturnod from n trip through tho Coqulllo valley. Ho had a big mcotlnc nt Randon whoro ho and O. P. Coshow divided tho ovonlng nt tho theater tnero. Tonigut no will speak at North Bond and to morrow night will sneak at tno una Follows hall horo In bohalf of Roosovelt. MRS. ESTHER RICHARDS of Isth mus Inlot camo to Marshfield to day to seo tho airship. Z. T. THOMAS of Allogany Ib In Mnrshllold today on business nnd to seo tho airship flights. MRS. EMMA HILRORNE of Mllll coma Is In Mnrshflold today to seo tho hydroplane flights. MR. and MRS. SHERMAN CIJTLIP of Dnulola Creole enmo down this morning to seo tho nlrshlp. MRS. FLITCROFT nnd children of Fnlrvlow enmo down on tho boat from Sumner this morning. THOMAS A. KINO of Coqulllo lt In Mnrshflold on a visit to his daughtor, Mrs. Hnrry Noble. TONIGHT at TiTe Royal GORJIAND-FORD CO. Presenting KATHLEEN MAVOURNEEN In Photoplay Honor of tho Tribe. Plague-Stricken City. Band Plays at 7 o'clock. Admission, 25c. OlUIdren, 15c. Matinee, Saturday and Sunday af ternoons at 2:30. Prico 10c. Material for Road. Dr. E. Mlngus who has Just returnod fropi a trip to Florence says the Porter Drothera havoa largo forco or men at work on tho Coos Ray-Eugeno lino along tho .' Sluslaw. About seventy men aro now working near Oardlner. Rough weather along tho const has dolayod tho bringing of a steam shovel from Ynqulna to Gardiner for work on tho approach to tho tunnol nnd yestorday tho Sausallto was In Coos Ray for re fuge with a largo shipment of cement for tho Southern Pacific, tho rough bar at Gardiner preventing her going Into the Umpqua with tho shipment. John Volbert, Foster, Cal., states: "I havo suffered many years with kldnoy and bladder troubles and although I havo paid hundreds of dollars to doctors and havo taken all kinds of klJney medicines, I could never Ret any relief until I tried Foley Kldnoy Pills and thoy effected a complete cure." I havo never been bothered with my old trouble 8lnco." For Jalo hy Lock-hart-Parsong Drug Co., tho Busy Cornor. HILDA. GEORGE nnd ELLIS SE LANDER of Sumnor camo to Mnrshflold today to aeo tho air ship. J. D. CLINTON of Norway waa in Mnrshflold yostordny to boo tho fly ing machlno nnd look after busi ness. MR. and MRS. ROCCO RIASCO and llttlo dauehtor of Coos RIvor aro In Mnrshflold today to seo tho hydo- plane (lights. MRS. MYRTLE KEAN of Decntur, III., who Is tho guest of Mrs. Emma Hllborn, Is a Mnrshflold visitor today. J. S. DARTON, candldato for Coos county representative, camo ovor A. J. SHERWOOD of Coqulllo re turned homo this morning. Ho was Inltlnted Into tho Elks lodge last evening. SSmUB nml MAGGIE M'CUTCHEON of Heaver Hill woro in the city yesterday, returning; homo thla morning. H. J. M'KEOWN, W. N. BKDLAD ""rtl'KANK LAI8E wont to Co qulllo this, morning, to tnko part In tho big shoot. MRS. JACK FARLEY of tho forks of Coos River Is in Mnrshflold to day. Mrs. Fnrloy says nho camo down to boo tho hyroplnno. MR. RURR of tho Wlllott & Burr firm Of roillrnrtnrn wn l i. clty yesterday. Ho roturnod to Myrtlo Point this morning. J. E. SCHILLING returned to Myr tlo point this morning. Ho nt tended tho good ronde mooting la North Ilond Tuesdny ovonlng. MRS. S. C. ROGERS of South Coos RIvor Ib In Mnrshllold today. This la Mm. Rogora' Ilrst visit to us for Bomo tlmo. Sho enmo to boo tho nerlnl porformnnccs. MRS. J. GRISSON of McMlnnvlllo, who hns boon tho guost of Mrs, Lllznboth Adams for tho past two months, will leavo on tho Rreakwator Saturday tnr- t.a home. ROBERT MAR8DEN recovod n lottor from his father yestorday, who Is In Ilrooklyn, N. Y saying Mr. Marsdon, 8r oxpoctod to bo home for oloctlon but wilt bo unablo to nrrlvo horo until tho lator part of Novombor. LL8 SMITH who wns down to boo tho flying mnchlno exhibition yestorday reports that this season ho has mnrkotod 10,108 pounds of Chin ook Bnlmon nnd 2,801 pounds of Sllversldo snlmon nt tho Empire ennnory this season. RLUFORD DAVIS was in town yes torday to seo tho Hying machine. Ho bollovos that an noroplnno would bo a groat rig for deor and varmint hunting In tho hills. Last Sunday ho got a four pointer thnt dressed 1.18 pounds. Ho hns his launch on tho wnyH hero bolng ov-orhaulcd. I AION THE WATERFRONT A Snn Francisco dlspntch says: "Tho steam schooner Gunlala. cap sized whon rammed by tho tanker Argyll Bovoral weeks ago, waa righted yestorday. Her onglnoa nnd hollers woro found Intnct nnd she will bo rendy for sea again whon tho hole In hor uldo Is patched, AMONG THE SICK. DON'T PAIL to seo our Hallowe'en window. There Is something1 good In It for you. Stauff Grocery Co. PHONE 102 MASKEY'S CANDIES Mrs. J. T. Hall has practically ro covorod from a rathor sovoro alclc spoil. Mrs. Edith Prior of North Coon RIvor was oporated on Tuesdny at Morcy hospital, Mrs. J. O. Langwnrthy la reported 111 at her homo In South Mnrsh flold. Mrs. F. E. Leo who wna oporntod on n fow dnyB ago Is reported getting nlong nlroly nnd will soon bo nblo to ll o tnkon homo. Mrs. Chns, Mnrtln, who wns onp't. od on at Morcy hospital boio ''mo ago, wna takon to hor home In West Mnrshflold yostordny. Mra. Mnry Thompson, sovontlr grado teacher In tho High School building, was oporatod on yestorday at Morcy hospital. Sho Ib gottlng nlong nlcoly. In n lottor to her husband, Mrs. A. B. Dnly who has boen Bpondlng tho Inst fow monthB nt Monrovia, Cnllf.. says sho Is rapidly Improving nnd has Increased In weight from 110 pounds to 131 pounds. NOTICE TO VOTERS. Wo, tho undersigned, nro not: candidates for Port Commissioners, having already boon appointed by tho govornor to tho ofllco. Yoit should vtoo for L. J, Simpson nnd Poter Logglo of North nond. Yours respectfully, A. II. POWERS, HENRY SENGSTACKEN. DANCE at EAGLES' HALL SAT URDAY NIGHT. KEYZER'S OR CU FRTRA. AGENTS FOR Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen ALL STYLES. Tlie tftoro for Quality Goods and Peuslar Remedies, ISSSBUauiOSISBS i i