, MAKSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, J1912.-EVEMINB EDITION. -ir-- - i- j. v- t sr-r ''T-fl THE COOS BAY TIMES i ' IT Writes AboMit Trip to Europe and Sights There ,,. WICKMAN. FOIlMKll KMIMIII2 MAX, GIVKS ENTERTAIN ING I 8TOHV OK 1118 JOURNEYS IX TUB OLD WOULD. Frank A. Wtckman, n brother or Mr. R. J. Montgomery of LaBt slde, and of Androw V. Wlckman of Empire, has written Tho Times from Ilerlln, aormany, a most In teresting story of hla European trip. Mr. Wlckrunn has attained considerable tamo nt Borkoley, Cal ifornia, ns a musician. Ho Is now completing his courso and when ho returns will bo ono of tho best ar tists on tho Pacific Coast. His letter, which will ho of Intorost to his hundrods of Coos Day friends, as woll as educational to all who road It, la ab follows: I aupposo soino of my Coob Day friends would bo Interested m earing about this part of tho world. I loft San Francisco Juno 29, and camo cast Tla tho Cana dian Pnnlfle. Stonncd off at Port land. Seattle. Victoria and Van couver. Victoria Is as English as any of the small cities you rco In England. Also stopped off at Glacier, Canada, and at Danff, which to my mind Is ono of tho moat linautlful resorts In Amorlca. While at Qlaclor I wont up to tho Illeclllenalt glacier, which waB moat Interesting. Tho Cnnadlan Rockies aro magnlflcont and con tain aomo of tho flnost mountnln scenery In tho world. It Is aur prlalng the numbor of Amorlcans ona moots over hero, that know practically nothing of our Bconory at home. I met an onthuslasttc California boostor who had noror afen Lako Tahoo nor Yosomlto Valley. It doosn't Hcem possible tct you meet hundrods In tho snmo boat. From Fort Wllllnm I crossed Lakes Suporlor and Huron to Point MeXIcol. It waa a most Interesting (rip on a beautiful lako steamor, auch larger thnn our Coos "Jay atwimero. From Point McNIcol I went down to Buffalo, tla Toronto. Spent a day at Niagara, which ev eryone should bco boforo coming abroad. From Duffnlo I went to Rochester, N. Y and from thoro to Charlotto, whore I took passago on one of tho magnlflcont St. Lawrence rlTor boats for Montreal. The trip down tho 8t. Lnwronco through the Thousand Islnnds and to Montreal Is Tory beautiful. Mon treal linen s a Tory inionuunsrrlloat buildings In Europe utu Vlkj. At in n Ul'iw" " French city. In fact, I got on a atreet car, tho conductor of which could not spoak n word of Ilncllah. The next stopping placo was ICrene, N. II., whoro I apont n day with frlonds. Thon camo a week In and nround Boston. Mo tored with frlondB nil ovor the tato of Massachusetts. Massa chusetts haa such wondorful roads. It waa Indood Tory Intorotlng seo- Inc all tho historical plncos I had to often road about. Tho Now England States aro full of inter esting landmarks, especially to tho atndent of Amorlcnn history. From Doston I wonf Jo Now port, R. I. Newport Ih without exception tho most bountiful spot I havo toon. Tho mngnlflccnt summer homes (thoy aro virtually palaces) of Amorica'a Rreat mil lionaires, surrounded by their magnlflcont gardons and sot up on a magnlflcont bluff overlooking tho broad Atlantic, Is a picture novor to be forgotton. Took tho Fall Rlvor stonmor for New Tork, whoro I spont flvo dnys. Juat a llttlo disappointed In Now Tork, probably on nccount of tho dullness of tho summer season. Thero Is a great numbor of Inter esting things to bo seen In Now Tork. I sallod from Now York July 27 on tho steamor Olympic Una a very flno nnd pleasant trip nil the way across. For onco I was free from Hen sickness. I hnd orten thought on my trips up ami down botwoon Coos Day and San Francisco If It was possible to build n Btoamor largo enough to free me from seaslcknoss. Thoy havo auccoodod nnd sho Is truly a wondorful steamor In ovory way. Arrived In Plymouth on tho sixth' day, whoro wo stopped long enough to put off Bomo passen gers and tho mall, Plymouth Is a very quaint English eoacoast town and a Tory Important naval base for England. My, but rt did Boom good to seo land after six days of nothing but wntor. I From Plymouth wo crossod tho English channel to Chorboug, Franco, whoro tho Paris passen gers dlsombarkcd. Cherbourg Is also a very Important naval bnso. for France. Rocrosslng tho chan nel, arrlvod at Southampton early the morning of tho sovonth day. Friends Invited mo to motor with them from Southampton up to London. It was a delightful trip I m I ii i ' - ' of 82 miles, and a most pleasant Introduction to tho bonutlcs of England. Tho brick wnlls, lmdgos, and thatched roofs were now nnd Interesting to mo. Remained thrco days In London, which of course, was much too short a tlmo to bco such an im portant city. Mudo tho boat of tho tlmo I had, and saw tho House of Parllamonr, WcBtininstor Abboy, St. Paul's Cathedral, Buckingham Palace, British Musoum, London Bridge, Towor of Loudon, and tho many interesting squares and mon umontB so numerous In London. Took a boat trip down tho Thames to Greenwich, which was most ln tcstlng. Tho Thames ombankmont is Justly noted for its great pic turcsqucness. From London I wont to Brus sels, crossing tho channol via Dovor nnd Calais. Tho channol trip j noted for its sovorlty, and it was no oxcoptlon tho day I crossod, but tho crossing took only an hour, bo I did not havo tlmo to Buccumb. I now apprcclato fully tho often discussed "white cliffs" of Dover. From tho mlddlo ot tho channol, duo to tho Peculiar clay formation, tho cliffs havo al most n chalk wluto uppouranco. From Calais to Brussels is a flvo hour journoy by train. Tho riao through Franco and Bolglum was bo enjoyable Evory inch ot tho ground la under cultivation, Doing divided up Into smull farms. Tho mothods of farming aro thu eamo no woro used by their fathers and grandfathers. You seo moro wo men than men working in tho Holds. Oxen aro used for heavy farm work, moro than horses. BrusculB is charming. It la woli named "Tho Miniature Paris." The peoplo scorn a froo and easy picas-uro-lovlng sort. Brussols Is full ot Intorest for tho tourist. Tho roy al palaco Is ono of tho fow beau tiful royal palaces in Europe rt lias boon recently built, so looks now and Imposing. Tho royal pal aces as n wholo aro very disap pointing as to tho exterior. I think wo Amorlcans aro apt to for got they havo many of thorn boon standing for hundrods of yoaru. Tho hall of Justico, built on top 'of a hill, Ib considered ono ot tho I en- Joyed tho DrusBola plctura gallory more so than any gallery I havo seen In Europe It Is not as long ns many galleries, but ovory pic luro scorns n mnstorploco. Tho Grand Placo, a sort of city nnuaro. In which Is located the Hotel do Vlllo, Is tho moBt Inter esting squaro I have soon. Evory building Is of a wondorful arcni- tccturo, and bo unlquo. Mucn gliding la used In tho oxtorlor dec orations and tho offect Is very fas cinating. Tho churches, stntuos and boulevards ot Brussels nro nil beautiful. Antworp Is only a half hour's trolloy rldo from Brussols. Spont only a fow hours In Antworp. i wont through tho fnmoua Antwerp Cathodrnl and Baw tho two world ronownod RubonB' pictures of tho "Descent from tho Cross." Ant worp teems with historical Inter est. From Brussols I wont south to Paris. It would requlro pages and pages to try and mention tho many wondorful attractions of Paris. I saw It aulto thoroughly. Wont through tho historical Notro Dame Cathodrnl, tho Pantheon, La Made- Inlno. Trnenilnrn. tho world-ronown- I od Louvro gnllory. In which ono could spond weeks, Luxembourg gnllory and many ouier pincua ioo numorous to mention. Attended a lorfornianco of Rlgolotto at tho ,'nrls Orand Opera Houso. which Is consldored tho most beautiful building as to Interior decoration, in tho world. It la truly very magnlflcont. My noxt stopping placo was Cologno,, whoro I wont through tho Colocno Cnthodrnl, ono of tho most wondorful architectural mar- Sheltered and Sightly First Addition To Marshfieid Hiehcst values at the lowest prices. Beautiful, lcvol wo nn,.ii riOvl0 facing on improved street, located tnon "the" "BoutA Side," tlio WrU cla residence section of the city. Just a short distance south of the High School, directly in the path ot the 0lSee tliproperty. You'll want your home there. Buy now while you can secure the choicest lots at the lowest price and on terms to suit you. Invest a portion of your income m this beautiful addition where tho streets are graded and the new homes arc being built. tfor a hoincsite unequalled. As an investment the best in this city of wonderful opportunities. Call at our office for a plat. Reynolds Development Co Coke Building Owners. Telephone 160-J $100 Reward, $100 The readers ef tills Pper will be vleed to learn that Uiere Ii at lean one dreaded dlieau that science hai been Me to cure In slllts suites, and that UCatarrd. llall'i i Catarrh Cure l ihe only positive curt now known to the medleal fraternity. Calami belna: a con; tllutloiml disease, require a constitutional treatment. Hatl.i Catarrh cure is taken Inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and rnu. cous aurlacea uf thd system, thereby destroying tho loutuUtton ol the disease, and giving the pailent strength In bulldliu up the constitu tion and assletlog nature In doing It; work. XV proprietor have so much (alth In cur alive powers that they otter One Hundred Dpi Ur. lor any case that 11 falls to cure. Bend for ,Utne,,,.,Ja.,,CnKNEY4CO..Totedo,0 Bol i by all Druggists. 7te. Take Halls' Kamlly Tills lor conitf patlon Mrs. X. C. Hastlor, Grand Is land, Neb., has somothlng sho wishes to say about Foloy's Honoy and Tar Compound. "My throo children had n Tory BOToro attack ot whooping cough and sufforod great ly. A friend recommended Foloy s Honey and Tar Compound, and It did them moro good than anything T gave thorn. I am glad to roc ommond It." For salo by Lock-hart-Paroons Drug Co., tho Busy Corner. in ii " ?; ' The Star Transfer and Storage Co. Is preparod to do all kinds ot hauling on short notice. W meet all train and boats and we also hare the latest stylo Reynolds Piano Mover. We guaranteo our work. L. H. Heisier,Prop. Paones 9-It. 120-J. or 49-L. &utWfLiaf .J' r -v - nirsmf m Olympic Flour Snow Drifb Flour Enieu RETAIL PR1CL $1.40 PER SACK Northwestern hard wheat used ex oluslvoly la milling thee brands ot thjur. Kb vols of tho ago. Finally camo Berlin, which wbb most wolcomo aftor two months of gadding about. Berlin like Paris and London rcqulrca col umns in do It iuatico. Such clean Btroora and auch a wondor,ful light ing nvstnm is to bo found In no other city In tho world. At long no I havo been noro, ovon now ovory tlmo 1 go out, I can't help exclaiming at tho wondorful clean liness. Tho strcotB fairly shlno, they nro bo smooth. Four largo arc lights suspended In tho mld .lln of tho Btroot. to ovory block. Borlln is modorn In ovory rospoct and lacks much of tho fascination rni- tm inuriBt wnicn otnor Eu ropean cities possess. Miles and miles of npartmont houses, all flvo stories high. Thoy must bo built flvo stories, not moro and no loss. Tho plcturo gallorles, musoums nnd pnlaceB of uornn nro nu jnmrcoi lng and good. Spont a fow dayB In Dresden rccontly. Drcsdon Is vory old and very plctureequo. Tho Drosdon plcturo gallory containing Raph ael's world-famous Slstlno Madonna (tho most valuablo painting in tno world) Jb consldored ono ot tho nincst gnllorles of today. Whilo in Drosdon took a sldo trip to MoIb son. noted for Ub famous o a modlnvnl castles. Tho royal por celain factory is also in Meis sen nnd wno most Interesting. I spont a day In Saxon, Switzerland, which contains somo mnrvolous mountnln sconory. I spont last Monday at Pota dnm, a suburb of Borlln, which xb tho military contor of Germany. I went through' tho fnr-famod SanB Soucl palaces and gardons whilo in Potsdam. Tho San 8oucl palaco was built by Frederick tho Groat In 1745-47, and Is still In its an ginal decorations a mnrvol of beauty. Also wont through tho now Sans Soucl palaco, used by tho present Knlsor ns a Bummor nalaco. I am hard at work at my mu sic, nractlclng from four to six hours dnlh. I nm studying with Victor Holnzo. tho man I worked with In Chicago for threo years. Borlln has wondorful advantages for tho music student. Tho world's croatcst teachers aro hero, and thoro aro hundrods ot concerts glv on horo very season, ono has so oral concorta to choose from night ly, and it Is BomotlmoB porplox Ing to know which ono to attend. Thoro aro hundrods of American students horo. Thoro is an erroneous idea In Amorlca that music Btudy la cheap In Gormnny, and other European centers. I camo ovor with aomo what- that Idea, but soon hnd It knocked out ot mo. Living Is as oxponsivo, nnd In most cases moro so than in our largo American cities. Lessons from the best teachers nro very oxponsivo. In most cases ten dollars an hour. It Is mostly Amorlcans who enn afford to nay that. Concerts nnd a fow of tho luxuries such as cabs and taxis aro cheap. Clothing and othtor necessities nro equally as high as In America. It tho conditions woro bettor known throughout Am orlca, thoro would bo many less cases ot stranded Americans. Too many people judgo conditions as they were many years ago. Living In our country was nlso much cheaper somo years ago. I don't know just how long shall remain over here. At least threo years, and probably five, or six. Expect to come out to the exposition in 1915. and will then como back to Borlln via Honolulu, China, Japan and India, and the Mediterranean countries. I camo over horo with tho In tentlon of remaining until I h'nvo appeared with somo of the big or chestrns. That requires a great deal of study and preparation, I havo beon guaranteed thre orches tra appearances providing I remain three years. So It looks as though my ambition will be realized. Mr, Helnzo nlso exnecta me to play In recltnl hero In Borlln. I hone everything Is flourishing in good old Coos, nnd that I will bo nblo to como In by train In 1915. We Have Not Raised Ouxir Prices Milk, 25c per gallon. Cream, 20c per pint. Whip Cream, 25c per pint. Buttermilk, 10c per gallon Phone 73. Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage Co. Deliveries, 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. I Will furnish Your House on the Installment Plan W. KWiseman 841 North Prrat Bt, Bus. Phone SBC-X: Res. Fiona 1C8-J COXDHNSBD BTATEMByT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At th close of bnalneM, September 4, 1012. ricac-ORCES. Lows and Discounts ,m'ii'!! Ovordratta .- ; .tiii! Bonds, warranU and curltlcH . U. 8. Boada to secure circulation . Ileal estate, furlturo and fixture.. ,Ji,!i!! Cash amd sight exohango l,l.H Total MIMIUI LIABILITIES. Capital stock ald In !'!!!!! Surplus and undivided profit ' ' Circulation, outstanding ." ! DoposlU "''"'" Total I"""" In na-dltlo to Ossltol Stock tho Indlvldnal liability of Stockholdan fiee,eo.eo. n5" INTXWWT PAW OK TOOs AND SAYINGS DEPOSITS. W? CHANDLWR, IW DOIWKT KREITttB, Ouftl. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio Barnard & Langworthy Seo our window display ot WOOD ELEOTIUO FDCTUItES LEADED AUT GLASS DOMES POnTABIiK STAND LAMPS. rilONK IM.R, PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Joel o: PI OSTLIND, iano Tuner and RcTwilrcT. 415 S. Sixth Street. Phono 103-L P DNa LOUISE LARSON, "- Pianist nnd Teacher. Harmony, Musical History Phono 254-R. STATEMENT OF CONDITIO FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MAnsnFinLD, obecjon, At tf cloeo ol busUena, September 4, 1913. RESOURCES. IHM1UI Loans and discounts T 5O.00J.M Banking housu 3QT,iH-M CaBh and exchangos mm. - I81U" Total LIABILITIES. . ((((, Capital stock paid In f nM1 Surplus and undivided proflU ' 701,01" Deposits - II11.HM' xoiai . I. W. BENNETT Bennett Swanton, Tom T. Bennett Attorneys nnd Counsellors at Law, Flanagan & Bennett Bank Bnlldlng. Mnrslifleld. Coos Co., Oregon. PERL RILEY BALLINGER Pianist and Teacher Residence-Studio, 237 So. Broadway Phone 18-L. T EW KEY2ER, - . Violin lnatrnctor. Apply Halnc Mnslc Store. . Clasa Starta September 1. WM. S. TURPEN, ARCniTEOT. Marshfieid, Oregon. DR. W. JIORROW, DenUst 171 GrlniM Ralldlng, over Grand Theater. Qfllce Phone 820. yij G. CHANDLER, Architect. Rooms 801 and 802, Coke Building Marshfieid. Oregon. U. M. O. SPEED SHELLS THE GUNNERY. a DR. A. J. nENDRY'S Modern Dental Parlors. We are equipped to do high class work en short notice at tho very lowest prices. Examination free. Lady attendant. Coke Bide Opp. UKanqjer noiei, pnone nz-j. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. i manxx sbnwiackn, ht. . CoquUle Office Phone !1 Platting wn" " Vxmn Timber Coal andtoti "BABTSIDr. Oeaeral As Marahfleld omce Get Busy AND GET AFTER THAT ROOF, "BTF.SS OUR PRICKS ON flHINGUCS AND ROOFING TA1 w SmNGLES f 1.B0 ANB UP. , .a m AVBlTP, ROOFING PAPER, ONE VltX w " '" C. A. Smith Lumber & Mi RETAtL DBa'ARTMKKX. GCT RID OF MICE Trap them. They start fires. Caro will do much to prevent fires. Our insurance policies do EV ERYTHING to prevent loss on your part If you have a flro (and a policy.) Ask us your rate. The cost Is trifling, tho Insurance per fect. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. ITT Frost Street. n ,.iiii"r ", " GtnilAI. .lrtl Money Sent DTyC .jsSn """""""Si We win uy TJfl,!' nnU Scrap, ? est prlNBJilt HLL WNDS tF 10M PRINTIN155NE AT THETltf1 Lflll