LI THE COOS BAY TIMES, MABSHFIELD. .QHEQOM. THURSDAY, (Anybody can attach the plug jBH JFi flMFUQ UAIP M OCTOBER 31, ,1912.-EVEIIING EDITION. 27? G.. Flatiron then heats itself in about three minutes and will stay hot without fur ther attention. Saves time, steps and fuel If the washing and ironing arc sent out, the G.E. Electric Iron will still be found a marvclously convenient utensil to have in the house. There are many little things women like to iron themselves, and many times it be- comes necessary to wash and iron a few handkerchiefs, etc., before the "wash" comes home. When occasions like these arise, and there is a G.E. Iron handy, it is the work of but a moment to attach the cord to a lamp socket , and the iron is ready. Get one today.?" OREGON POWER CO. TELEPHONE 178. SteE Washington Sails Wednesday Noon, October 30th, from Coos Bay for San francisco and Los Angeles WITH PASSENGERS AND FREianX F. S. DOW, AgtmU Gives Color, Lustre to Faded and Gray Hair Dandruff uuicKiy Removed. i,i.?Pi GononUlna saK0 nnd Sui. phur hnvo boon used for hair nnd scalp troubles. Almost everyone ktlOWB tin vnl.. ..t. I ".. b nntlon for keeping the lmlr of a goon even color, fm. r.nri.. .... ruff, Itching scalp and falling hair, V it J,r"mot'"K tlio growth of tho lmlr. Years ago tho only way to got n hair tonic of this kind was to mnko It In tho homo, whlcn l)?uftr?"bl0HO,mo' nntl nt always S f iaiCl,orj Nownaiy8. almost any up-to-dato druggist can Bupply his patrons with n ready to uso pro duct, skillfully prepared In por- y ."'I'Pcd laboratories. All Ideal tirptlnrnMnn f .1,1 Is Wyoth's Sago and Sulphur Hair ..v.uwijr, in wnicn sngo nnd Sul pllllr nro comlilnmt win, rn,- ,.i liable rommllnn fm. Di ....i.i. .... i iii . . -"'i' nuuuiua and thin, weak hair that is losing US COlor Or rnmltif nnf A fir,- .... lug this romedy for a fow days, you will notico tho color gradually coming hack, your scalp will fool better, tho dandruff will soon bn Bono, and In less than a month's uiiio uioro win bo a wondorful dlf rerenco In your hair. Don't neglect your hair If It Is full of dandruff, losing Its color or coming out. (Jot a fifty cont llOttlO Of Wvnth'n Sncr ,,! a..tnl... ..r.. NUCW I4W MUIJ1IUI IrOIll your ilrn print, nn.l m. .!,... a fow days' treatmont will do f&r you. All druggists soil It, under gunrnntco that tho monoy will bo refunded If tho romedy is not ox ictly as roproBonted. PftlfM Anin nirirr-rpr I THE SINGLE TAX f .- - ,-- 3 THIS MAN THINKS STEAIBER8 TO " HAVt ALBERTA PROTESTS AGAINST HENRY GEORGE SCHEME. British Columbia Hai Not Method of Taxation That U'Ren and Fell Commission Would Im pose on This State. THIRTEEN LUCKY nv ciiAiu.Es ii. "TV,?.? ."""n?. K"ml T.itlon Un9. ' """, lu " any man u liar, but tnls Is a time when I must call an organization of men liars, All over Orogon I havo heard Blnglo Taxers saying thero lu Slnglo Tax In British Columbia, thoro Is Slnglo Tax In Alborta, thoro will bo Single Tax In England, there Is Slnglo Tax In Quebec. I want to tako theso statements singly and reply to them. First of all, as tho cut herewith will show, thoro Is no Slnglo Tax In British Columbia. This cut u n tn. slmllo of u receipt for a three'dollar poll tax paid up to December 31, 1912. This receipt was given to W. Howard. nma oounnu. X TJKJ I V MOTORMAN 1313 SAYS NUMER AL HAS ALWAYS DROUGHT HIM GOOD FORTUNE. """"r1 -yjq ud-j 1 4J.OO. u2CMrfy tte 17...!.. t VWlOOUVTR-CiTV . mt. Ocn Dock. THE FRIEND OP COOS DAT S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRKLKBS SftLS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR. PORTLAND THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31 toKvwmua with Tim north: bank road at poiitijAnd NORTH PACIFIC WEAMSHIP COMPANY. e O. P. McGEORGE, Agent. We Clean and Press ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONH MAIN S7oJ Marahflcld, Oregon. . .. . . ! WANTED ! ! ! CARPETS UPIIOL8TERINa AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by Uio Pnou. matlc Cleaning Company. Ordera for work taken at GOING A IIAItVEY, Phone 100 PAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EqIppeJ wltli irlreleu nnd submarine bell SAILS FROMSANFRANC1SCO FORMARSHFIELD WEDNESDAY, OCT. 30th at 3 p. m. w?f?! RrTtlons Ft om San Franclnco Must Do Slado nt nfo WuldtnR, or Plor No. 10. All reservations must bo Uv Irnn n ... I.n.. ... ... -vu UJ. . iwura uviuru hiiuiiik. PHONE . INTkat-OOEAN TKANSPOUTATIOX CO. C. F. JICQEOHQK, Asjent. IlUIIiDINa AND ItEPAnt WORK, IIouso Moving and .Grading. Wo aro proparod to do this work by thO daT Or COntrnnf nml trim rant.. satisfaction. Let us flguro with you. O. S. FLOYD & CO., Phono 318.J. Mwhfleld, Ore; im EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater V J rHS ALWAY ON TIME. 1?2 0MINSw0RTn DOCK, PORTLAND, At 8 A. M., OCT. 0, Oor, e " ,pIl0M MAnailPIELD AT THE SERVICE OP TID3 TIDE, tt8 KiU M.L. Wickham House 3. O. MILLER, Agent. Have That- Roof Fixed NOW Seo OORTHELL rnoNH siai. No Slngla Tax Thera. Two years nso tho Blnclo Taxers secured tho passago of a measure as a preliminary to Slnglo Tax. This measure ropealed tbu uoll tax In Om. con by purporting to repeal tho poll tax. So hero wo havo tho situation of Urltlsh Columbln havlnR a poll tax, an obvious proof that thero Is no 8lngle Tax In Urltlsh Columbia. I may say In addition that Drltlsh Columbia also taxus banks, manufac turers and other property of various kinds, all of which will bo oxonipt undor tho Graduated 8lnj;lo Tax amondmont In Orecou. Who will nnv theso taxost Tho laud-owner and tho lot-ownor. There is a partial aonllcatlon. It true, of 8lnglo Tax,. In Alborta. I want to show tho result of this: Taxes 10 Per Cent. In the Calgary Dally Horald of re cent date an account was glvon of a protest meeting of twenty Alborta omes against tho Slnglo Tax, which had Increased tho taxes on land to 10 per cent. Do you want to pay a 10 per oent taxation on your lot or on your farm? If so vote for Slnglo Tax. Chancellor Lloyd Qeorco of Enr. laud has just announced that he utterly and entlroly repudiates Slnglo Tax. another concluslvo nroof that there is no Intention in England of having Single Tax. I have received from tho Socretary of Stato In Quebec tho statement, that Single Tax has never boon contem plated in that province and would not bo Considered bv thu covarnment fnr a alagle Instant. LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Oct. 31. L. G. Grant, a Pacific Electric motormnn running between Los Angeles und San Podro, has no b.ip erstltlous ilrimd nt Mm ,rw.,i, number. Upon his broaBt ho wears uuubu innrKcu "1313," and horo s the- way "13" has coutrlbutoa to his ndvnncomont: Ho camo to this city on tho 13th Of March. 1010. nnninivlmr it onrouto. Ho worked horo 13 wcoks nnd then, nn tli mil. .1,... ... t..i.. applied for a position ou tho Pcct- UB liiocinc. no was transforroa to tho southorn division on tho 13th of May a year later and thon glvon hndgo 1313. "Thirteen" ngnln camo to tho irom wnon 110 bogan his Snn Ped ro run. And during all his wan derings with "13" tagging him, this mnn doclarod that nil ucclaont has novor befallen him. Ho has II llHIn nnnn- iul.11. I,.. hums to hlmsolf ns IiIh car spoods nlont tho routo to tho harbor. Horo it is: "Now, thlrtcons suro nro lucky minus, And this you all will seo; For thlrteon thirteen on my hat Has brought good luck to mo." Grrmt'B number which many of his frlonds olnlm ought; to bring tho hoodoo upon his trail, has of ton excited nttontlon. Grant aaya tlmt on sovoral occasions ho has had DtlBBOnnorn look with nnnrnlinn. fllan nt thn flrnrwlml niiitii.nla .i.n.. boarded tho car. LOOKOUT "Hilt Wllnil T onn tulint. !... lOOklniT at." Hald tlin mnlnrmm. . assuro thorn that I am a most c'aro- fill motormnn nml 1nnu- tl... oi. nalB by hoart. Even thon I don't think some of thorn fool nssurod. "All this stuff nbout hoodoos Is nonsense," ho continued. "I usott to run n car on tho Donvor &. In torurhnn rond, and thoro my lucky jiumbor was 13. If anything ovor hnppons to mo on tho 13th or tho month, or If that numbor Is In any mijr uunucLiMi Willi, ip h niirn in nn for mv uood." When Grnnt was transferred to tho San Pedro run and ordorod to mako his run Frldny, tho 13th, mnny of his follow motormon urged him to Iny off a day, but ho rldl- uuimi lliu HilKbUBllUil. "Khy should I?" ho nskod. "Tlint Is my lucky numbor nnd all 1 want is n car with a string of tlllrtCOllB Iinllltnil nn tlin nliln 1m. . CUORS n Cnr- llltn flint wnnlil aixtm away a lot of posslblo passoiigors." MAN TO MAN. Sequel of Tltnnlc Disostor Is U Watch Icebergs. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Cooa" uay Tlmos.) LONDON, Oct. 31. A pormanon iceborir looknnt uhln in dii.i.a iinnii, Is suggested by tho Urltlsh Doard of Trudo US a Rmlllnl in lln rnnnrt nt Lord Mersey on tho Titanic disaster. At prcBont tho plan la botng consid ered by the advisory commltteo of tho Doard Of Tradu. If thn nrnnnanla nro carried out, tho vessel will bo sta- uuiiou in mo iracK of Atiantlo travel nild BllO Will crillnn nlnnir lh hnnnil. aries of tho ico region, Sho will thon bo In a position to warn tho hurrying liners by hor poworful wlrolosa oqutp mont of tho exact position of tho var ious Icoborgs. Tho proposod ship will also sond warning of drifting Icoborgs and any dorolicta which she may oncountor. According to roporta mndo to tho advisory coiumttto, tho most sultablo lcoborg Bhlp would bo about 2,000 toim displacement; 2C0 feet long and 32 foot broad, with a draft of 12 foot 0 inchos. Sho would havo a epoed ot 10 knots and ennntimn nhnnt 1 nn of coal ovory 24 houro. Hor wireless tolograph equipment would bo of tho mum. powcriui typo nnu widost rango. Tho Hoard of Trndo offlclala oxproas tho bellof that tho stationing ot such a Bhlp In mld-ocoan would add Im monsuroably to tho safoty of ocean traveling, WINNING IN DENMARK. Bargains in Lots at Bunker Hill Somo cholco sites if you soo mo at once. AUG. PRIZEEN. 08 OrT.-.i Av. fining Room ttXitJILLE, ORE. opened October 1, 1912 You Auto Call Poote PHONE 14-1-J NIGnT AND DAY Stand front or Lloya notci TWO NEW CARS After 11 P. M. Iliono IW. Residence Phone -S-J. Will Makw Trlmi to Ooqnllle. City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drivers ami reasonable charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhere at any tlmo." RtAtirift.T!1iinrn TTntAl mrtA minnA Cigar mora. Day Phones 71 ana 41, NlffM Phon iR. HARKKTt J OOODATiK. prowUtorw. T. J. SCAD7E kA. n. IIODGINS Unique Pantatorium TnE MODERN DYERS, CLEANERS, PRESSERS and HAT RENOVATORS Agent for Edward H. Stranas Co., Fine Tailoring. Let ua mako ronr next suit. 255 COMMERCIAL, Phono C50-X gen nniB . H JoSS?. rented an c. . ! ! flW. G. n - HJillAM, ""Wi Oro. CremeUUn8 ent fo. h x 11 n L tolt." 154-L Fisher Auto Service Win. r"laliivr. Pronrlefcor. Phono orders to Hlilyer's Cigar Stand, Phono 18-J. After 11 p. m. phono 6-J. Night phono 181'R. Maralifleld. Oregon. Narshlield Paint (2b Decorating Co. Fnrnistiea. mono 140.1 Orwgot Estimate 'ARsirrrerj). R. J. M0NTG0M ERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. Ono Way to Protest. So aow you see why I call, tho people who mako theso deliberately inaccurate and untruthful statoment llara. I cannot call them anything else. Can youT If Oregon desires to protest at the ballot box against Slnglo Tax, thoro are two specific ways In which this may be done. First ot all, a voto ibouM be'reglstared lOSXTes. This will reoeal the U'Ren Countv Hnmn Rule amendment and make Single Tax Impossible in Oregon. Secondly, a vote should ho TfieardnA MBXNO. This will prevent the so called Graduated Single Tax measure from passing. It U Just quite up to you peoplo bow. Do you want Single Tax or don t you? The Graduated measure Is really Single Tax, or by a jokor cleverly inserted into It, It becomes Slagle Tax very easily. So that for just oace more I ask. you to reaienv ber these two numbers 308 X YES, III X NO. (Paid Adv.) Many pooplo of thlu district nro ac quainted with my record ns Prosocut. Ing Attornoy, nnd will Judgo for tnomsolvos ob to whothcr I havo e!v- on good sorvlco. Ah public prosecu tor, I havo dono my host to tinhold tho law. Crlmo Is crlmo, nnd I havo spared no honornblo effort to bring tho guilty to Justlco. No man can fill tho ofllco of Prosecuting Attornoy nnd do his duty without making 0110 mlos. I hnvo mndo mlno; somo of them nro influential. To tho voters I would Bay, don't accept tho statements of enomlos or thoso who want mo out ot ofllco bo causo I havo prosocutod tholr frlonds. Tho purpoeo of tho Inw Is to establish Justlco, and It has boon commlttod to tho Courts to bo ndmlnlatorod for tho protection of society nnd tho punish ment of criminals. aEOUGE M. nnowN. (Paid advortieomont.) Th'n fnmmin WATRRPItnOF "DUXDAK't HUNTING CLOTHES nt THE GUNNERY. Marshfield & North Bend Auto Line GORST & KING. Proprietor. Care leave Marshflela every 45 minutes from 7:15 a. m. until 12:30 midnight. Leavo North Bona on same schedule, starting ai 1 n. " unULjjildnight. See Saturday Times for ebedule. . vuargOS rnnan.i i '. 1 .. .....i-j w.. A.tfA nnninni 8 giundy; TriZTiTu A mnrtnrn TlrlpV . nlldlnir. Rlnntrli Light, Stoam Heat. Elegantly furnisnea tiooms wun aioi ana Cold Water. HOTEL COOS n A. HfrHIn Tmn. Rates: 00 cents a day and qp wards Cor. liroaaway ana Naricet Boys' Shoes 100 pairs flno welts on bale at tho The Electric Shoe Store 180 So. UroAdway. Marh field. Blanchard's Livery Wo havo secured tho livory bus' naaa $ T. TT ITaIiiian 9A era nro UVBO J -t Aft tlOlDUUl f MMU RtV VI V pared to render excellent sorvlqe to tho peoplo of Coos Bay. Careful drivers, good rigs and everything that will moan satisfactory service to tne public Phono us ror a driv ing horse, a rig or anything needed in tho livory lino. We also do trjick- Inv filialnaHa r9 all L'lnrln. BLANOnAItD BROTHERS, Phono 138-J. Livory. Feed and Sales Service. 141 First and Alder Btreota Mayor Jamea G. Dahlmnn Is serving his fourth term no mayor of Omaha, Nob., having recolvod tho ovorwholmlug support of tho votors ot that city, His Bteadlly Increasing popularity parallels that of a famous medicine ho has usod of whloh ho writes: "I havo taken Foley Kidney Pills and thoy havo glvon mo a great doal of relief, so T rhnnrfnllv roonmmonil Minm." TTni sale by Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co,, tho Busy Cornoy. Prohibition Movement Mokea Rapid Strides There. (Dy Associated Prosa to Tho Cooa liny umos.j COPENHAGEN, Oct. 31. Tho prohibition movement hns mado ouch great Btrldes in Donmnrc ttiat during tho coming elections tho prohlbltlontlsts aro to mako strong offort to sccuro pnrllnmontary rep resentation. Hlthorto tho backers ot tho move ment hnvo beon cont'ont to bring prussuro upon tho candidates ot tho regular parties In an offort to ln- tnreal thorn In thn nrnrnirnml. lml now thoy feel thoy nro influential onough to bo directly roproseuied In parliament. In ovory district whoro thoro Is a possibility of polling a majority voto thoy will havo candidates for thn lnwnr lwinnn. Tlila will Inlm. duco n novel and Interesting foa turo Into tho Parliamentary oroc tlons which havo formorly boon a straight fight botweon tho govorn mont nnd tho aoclal-domocrata. WHY THESE l'RIOES .ARK LOW Wo havo oxplalnod why adver tised goods soil choapor than un ndvortlscd goods. Tho reason is Mint nilvnrtlHlnir rmliippn nnlllnp """ "" " " " -",, .VHWW. w... com. this point is mauo in most Intorostlng way in tho course ot nn editorial on ndvortislng in tho Soptombor Woman's Homo Compnnlon, an oxtrn from which follows: "A firm that spont 1250,000 an- nnunllv nrnlnltlni' n rnrlnln nrflrlft found thnt tho Boiling cost of it wan nvo couts. "For a test It tried to push an- nMint nrttnlA nf nniial vnliia olflia out advertising it, and tho soiling cost was tounu to amount to e cents. "In othor words, if tho manu facturing cost of both artloles woro tho snmo and tho adyortlsed ono sold for a dollar, tho ono not ad vertised would havo to bo sold for 11.35 to give thn manufacturers exactly tho samo profit. "AuvoriiBing pays ror ubou vj increasing the volume of business, which In turn. makes posslblo great economics in manufacturing, it pays for ltsolf by- lessoning the soiling cost, and thus tho soiling prico ot a honvlly adrertlBod artl clo Is loworod." VlfKSII hnrrnl nf nlTlnAVTRRn BATTERIES at THE GUNNERY. T.lhhv rOAT TIia Vlnd VrtH hln ALWAYS USED. Phono 78, Paclft Livery and Transfer Company. DANCE nt I3AGLES' HALL BA1 URDAY NIGHT. ICEYZER'S OH OHESTHA. Tf nn bavn anYtVlnir to !!. trd r rent, or want help, try a Waat A IJi lH E. Pale & Co. High Grade Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailoring nrrv wn. Imported and Domestlo Wooleu n l.i.. ui. i virmrnir nwvrn Fit aad flatlafactlom Guaranteed can P had at a very reasonable price t Wo do U work rlght here, ..vnn now. tt. fl. OBAR & CO.. i 7 Kortfc JftroM Street First National Bank. MawMleld. Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to call at PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadw&y an4. niak Iselec tion from thq largo stock. now on hand. liir. Wilson haa i l.yajinpl,oy tho only practical inarblo; anaranito cutter in Coos County. And mono but the best work is turned out,