The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, October 31, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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tJjSxn In The TIMES
W mL Ileal i:slo "In
Gtas !mj Stittfs
Will Keep your Income from
Furnished Rooms Sttdy.
YOU enn renlly holp tho family
revenues by renting a few furnished
Market" Effcctlvclyl
.. ,ii the raciB nuuui, j-".
roomB and, If you know how nnfijl
when to uso tlio classified columns,
fccPF" ,.,. in town. Ann "'"
IMhem who ought to own
""..i ..n ill
you may keep tbnt llttlo oxtra la
conio ns "stonily ns n clock."
- rr7r7T7 ltnbllhc1 In 1878
L XXXVI. ' The Coast Mall.
A Consolidation of Time, Const Mali
ntitl Coos liny Advertiser. pjfj. 89.
-. t n!..,l,..
Bay. . Times' . m. u,.,-..
Gives UnUSUai ivuiiiugi
h Exhibitions.
.Mimic Ap.nmFMT
st Flights Made This After-
n buccessiui uuuk
irfntnr Chrlstoffcrson hna
iswattd to mnko one- or two
"ibti tomorrow morning.
Hitch will positively boh Is Inst
Mirtnco ns bo leaves for
PortliDd on tho Breakwater.
laone desiring to mnko tho
"itt tomorrow inornltiK niny
ale reierTatlon by nppllcntlon
u Tie Times ofllce.
Israi ChrUtofforaon. tho Coos I3ny
hr" tlrdman, ninilo 11 nioro biic
i fllgbts today with passon
k This makes n totnl of 22
Inline flights In two ilnys nnd
c i ilnglo accident mnrrcti ono
tlm. This coupled with thrco
q!u fllRhtfl nnd two previous,
i-opline flights mnkeB n totnl of j
ficioiuons no uns given uons
people In tho nrt of flying.
Jbor thoto wlm mndo nscon-
tltb today were:
T. L. Moody, Dan Mnlnnoy, Roy
tiorne. II. II. Rlchnrds. I), R.
tM Joel Ostllnd, MIsb Klmiuor,
4 Virle Maloney.
Clrutolferson s duck hunting
'j lite yejterday afternoon In his
ircjline was n rovolntlon to
bt, D. L. Kooto went with him
i Hi the shooting. Tb'ey killed
fit Or ten, but Messrs. Rllvons
M trlclcion, wlm followed thorn
tie launch Kid woro nblo to
M J only thrco or four, ono of
ll.!tj ni a largo rnnvnnbnck.
(nil u said to hnvo been tho
time In tho history of flying
rtlch ducks hnvo been shot
a i firing machine.
Tflttrdlv nfternnnn tbn ilurk
itt Klwam got wnB rnught by
i ncnino itseir, tlio bird hnvlng
a tfilnst tho wires.
ft I Foote says It Is vory dlf
"!t to shoot ducks but It n rnre
Wir concludes Chrlatofferson
-luoa on Coos liny nnd ho nnd
rtr Will loriVrt fni- PnrtlnTiil
! tie Dreakwnfnr Knmliiv
Kll momlne. Hin Hrnnltwntnr
u Joit pulling up to tho dock nt
, uena when lio mndo his
t Hh Dan Mnlonoy nnd tho
jaeri were Riven nn unoxpect-
;"' ". seeing tno mncblno sonr
if their dphiIb
He Elk Rock it-IMi Mlaa
MMlllams, tlio toneber, enmo
In s body todny from South
Rlrer today. M88 Wllllnma bo-
J"hl : her school down to soo Mr.
yson and his nlrship.
Kit Tnnf.i- Ufi ..,1.1. . ..ii..
V,t ,v"' "lll iVVIIlllll
"'OlieriOn nn nnntlinn
?' ,he acroplnno nt 1:30 this
PrncnvAT. ait... ...
f.P mpVll"L,'iy,.'u.w' .
i ta7iV .".!. JH0,,.i0(,ny "om
JiMn..1"1' l0 J'orunnd.
Si.!0, c"ApMAN arrived homo
UVmh Portlailtl whoro alio has
er tVo lDE "'""vcb for n month
b;S0N'd Et,,rtei liomo on tho
itAiti,,r 'e8te'-dny but got off
..rla fnlIed to cntch tho
tlivn'fSK; .
w L" ' TIKDOEN ar-
liMifku .", ,ro,n l"r liomo
tl. I, 'n5 ,0. vls't "t tho homo of
lime ,"?P KnEITZBR returned
Zi Jda5r..fro" n abort atny In
north (rnm J"rsv "ouBoworth wont
wuffiSS t0 v,8,t ro,n-
Ifoa r, h, VUR returned today
d M v B81 tr,n t0 Portland
Kirchin. fronhoJni BB h0 wns
itr. j. ." " " "o nni no iosi
!tl ' -unng the Elks blc dolncs
'ScSnwll,w8 Salem
Per' "'"'" "flora a aaiern
lid v.. announcement that he
tinu,. :" Bent to tho hoanltal
familv 1cn "neaslness to his
RRvV? ""! homo today.
doted ',""" .w"0 lias been pro-
Breakwau. , ,ne "Koncy of tho
tniama, !Jn prtlnnd to tho
tMrr&Lp of tho local rail
lf. a,md hero todav with hla
'r Mof t,rTho Yoi6 People's
Vn.l' .. the Sn-n,ll,.l. t ..t
. '" Will w,. i "'""Mil UlllllUJUU
5 o'clocv i-1"!? pfllay ovenlng at
EoncM rL,no clJurch hall.
feCnmn,a Da' ICG atl C0ld
L8 Ukei?dSP8nny 'e8terday bid In
LeiTer' sae,nCre.aimery at tho re
!ob .."81 for Jiann xm i
tV'r theBa," Mr. Nlch
rolnt n, bounced hla plans
.Hovrfvl e "eamory.
tookonf " h.?a hettor keep on
P0St .'ur SPOOka." "enbllna."
?? boy on 'rJni. specially tho
?V CarL0nhBmlscnlef bent. Mar
Si WroWn arranBed for ape-
an ,. toudio will ro
iy Daffl" will be given.
Peculiar Muddle Results from
Port of Coos Bay Reor
ganization. Owing to tho inlxup following
tho abolition of tlio old I'orr of
Coos liny by tho ndverao decision
of tho United Status supremo court
last Btimmur, tlio votom of tho
Port district will hnvo a llttlo
puzzle- In their ballot next Tues
day. Instead of tlio names of L.
J. Simpson nnd Pctor Kogglo ap
pearing as candidates for tho two
vncnuclcB, tholr names nnd thoso
of A. II. Puwors nnd Henry Songs
tacken nppenr.
This Is tho result of Messrs.
PowcrH nnd Songstnekcu having
been nominated at tlio primary,
prior to tno Kiipromo rourc. ueri
Blon. Tholr nanies woro never
withdrawn and County Clerk Wnt
koii says ho has no recourso but to
put thorn on tho olllclnl ballot,
Hotb Messrs. Powers and Songs
tacken nro inomborH of tlio com
mission now nnd their tonus will
not oxplro for a couplo of years.
If tboy should receive more votes
than MesHi'B. Simpson nnd KoKglo
next Tuesday It might menu n po
cullnr inuddlo. However, It Is ox
pocted that the votora will undor
Htiind tho situation nnd mark tholr
ballots accordingly.
Succumbed Late Last Evening
at nume in uuca r-unerai
Will Be Held Saturday.
(Dy Aesoclntcd rress to Tho Coo?
UTICA, N. Y., Oct. 31. Vlco
President Jnmos Shornian of tho
TTtlttml )tnlna n.i.t nn.i.1l.lnlA fnM w
election with President Taft on tho
iicpnuiicnn ticKet, died at tlio fam
ily homo hero nt 9:12 Inst night.
no wiib Hiirrouniieii ny nieniDcrB or
his fnmlly, nil hope of his recovery
hnviliK been clvcn tin onrlv vor-
utlca Is mourning todny over the
death of Vlco President Shornian.
Tlrltvllt'a tllannan nm.ii.llnntn.1 ...IHi
dlscnso of tho heart and hardening
oi mo nricncB, lonowingn pcriou or
moro than 21 hours of almost to
tnl nnrntiKrloilRnnRfl wnrn irlvnn in-
dny ns tho causes of death.
Sherman was a prominont factor
In mnnv linalnnaa nntopnrlnivti In lliln
rltv nnd tbn nfllcon nf nnrli ronrorna
nro closed for tho doy.
T4AUIIUU llllUlli; IllfllllJUill ) lliuilftll
ho wns. ho was known to Utlcnna
08 Jim Sberman. Indeed, by most
people, tho Biirnamo was drojiiied
nnd tho common oxebanga of snlu-
tniion among tlio older rcsuieniB
of tho city today waB "Poor Jim
la gone."
Condolence from men nnd wo
men In nil pnrta of tho country
woro received today. They Include.
tnlnirrnmu from Tnft. IlnosOVolt.
Wilson, Mnrshnll, nnd most of tho
men In public lire.
Mr. Sherman had been nlllng for
n lntii' I linn, lint liln condition did
not reach n crltlcnl stngo until n
few days ago when ncuto Kinney
trouble developed In connection
with other complications.
With tho end In vlow of obtain
ing u Inrgor auditorium, tho first
decision to hold tho funeral of
vim I'maiiinnt Rlinrninn In tho Re
formed Dutch church was abandon
ed, and tho First I'resuyiorinn
church will bo used for tbnt pur-
nose. Tlio sorvieo win no at
o'clock Saturday nnd will bo con-
aucieu jointly u ur. lioiiion, pas
tor of tho Dutch church, and Dr.
M. W. Strykor, president of Ham
ilton College, of which college
Sherman wna nn alumnus.
Tho body of the Vlco President
will Ho In stnto In tho Oneida
county court houso Frldny nftor
noon nnd evening nnd It Is expect
ed that It will bo returned to the
Shornian rcsldcnco for ' private sor
vieo thoro Saturday morning.
Sherman will bo burled In For
est cemetery, whero ninny of his
family have found tholr final rest
ing place. Ho selected hla pall
bearers beforo his death. They
consist of prominent citizens and
lntlmnto friends. Shornian was tho
trensurcr of tho Rof,ormed Dutch
Taft To Funeral.
Tnft will leave Washington Into to
morrow to attend tho funeral at Ut
Icn of Vlco President Shcrmnn. Tho
President will go in a privnto enr
nccompnnlcd by somo of his aides nnd
Socrctnrles. Whnt cnblnot olllclnlB
will go hna not boon dctoririlnod.
President Taft wns scheduled to
make nn nddrosB nt Nowark Snturdny
nftornoon nt tho dedication of n nion
umont to Wnshlngton but cannot now
TltlllL'TE V .MAllSHAI.Ti.
tipped if:
IKMiiocratlc Caudldnto Cancels Ills
Speaking Dates.
(By Associated rresa to Tlio Cooe
Bny Tlmoa.)
CHICAOO, Oct. 3-. Oov. Mnrshnll,
democratic cnndldato for vlco-presl-dont,
cancelled furthor cnmpnlgn
speeches todny becnuso of tho death
of Vlco President Shormnn.' He bad
boon scheduled to mnko threo speech
es In Chlcngo nnd several In Indiana
nnd Ohio. "In tho presence of tho
dond," snld Mnrsbull, "overy self-respecting
mnn stands silent."
"Mr. Shcrmnn Is not nlono tho
dond of ono of tho contesting polltl
cnl pnrtlcB but Is tho nation's dend
ns woll nnd ns such la deserving of
tho honor nnd respect of overy mnn
who respecia mo nauon.
Steamship Brings Large Num
ber of Passengers from
Rose City Today.
Tho Ilrenkwnter arrived In todny
from Portland but was detained nt
North Dond nnd Ocenn Dock un
londlnc freight nnd will not ronch
Mnrshfleld until Into tonight.
She. lind ono of tho lnrgost In
coming pnBsengor lists tbnt ho hns
had In mnny trips, nosldos n largo
cargo of miscellaneous freight sho
lirnncht n lnrcn donkov engllio for
Sonntor Abraham's now logging
enmn near Myrtlo Point.
The. Dreakwater will snll nt 1
n'nlnilr nnn1nv fnr Portland.
Among thoso arriving on tho
Rronkwntor woro:
Mrs. Phillips. Olivo Phillips. Mrfl.
A T.nlcrliton. IT. J. Mohr. Mrs. II.
J. Mohr, Mrs. M. C. Clinpmnn. Miss
Edith Roylo, Mrfl. II. Eastman, Dr.
T,. k strntn Mrs. Strnto. J. Nel
son. W. A. Crnlc. Mrs. n. E. Smith.
Lloyd Smith. Lola Smith, Mrs. D.
I.. Check. Mrs. J. A. Cngo A. 8.
i r n m in n mi n. w. Klmoro. Mrs. A.
Tln.lirnn Wra V C. Wood. MISS
Aiirn Millnr. K. Holmes. Jennlo
iinimin urm .T. M. Wrlcbt. Mir
lam Wright. C. Wrlcht W. Kent.
t -r xit.i1i n Wrcht. A. Tied-
iron. A. C. Nowmnn. J. McOrand.
II. King. W. II. nurghagon, W. E.
Iloaly, G. C. Solor. J. C. Corwln.
C. Snoddon. W. M. Owon. 0. II.
Graham. J. Svdmnn. W. Ilolmos.
A. Cnson. h. E. King. J. E. Mng.
J. E. Clark, P. Klornan. rt. noleor.
Is. R. Dean. P. C. MrFnrln. D.
Howard. C. Cartorson. Mrfl. Krelt
zer, C. W. Thorn. A. J. Carlson. A.
F. Gorman. S. Strauss. W. P. Mur
phy, A. J. Wedlov. Mrs. Wedtej.
W. A. Young. C. W. Hill. R. Wed
ley. C. Wedloy. Geo. Storv. V. P.
Swopo, J. Gorstel, N. C. Wood, E.
D. McArthur. Mrs. A. Ansen. Miss
Russell. Mrs. E. A. Cheovor. Mrs.
J. G. Jnrvls. F. Jnrvls. Ruth Jarvls.
Jesslo Trnak. C. E. McFnrlnnd, J.
Forsvtho. E. M. Eldrldge. R. E.
VnnVochua. G. C. Wilson. G. A.
Johnson. Mrs. W. M. Owen. Mrs.
G. C. Seller. Mrs. I. C. Butts. K.
Owen. Mrs. J. M. Smith. Mrs. Win
kler. J. C nutta. W. R. Hunt. J.
A. Pattlson, F. W. Petterson. G. 0.
Payton. J. M. Smith. CM. Hol
comb. II. Dunn, A. II. Settergreen.
Gets Rand Tho Dull Mppso have
oncnged tho Grand theater for their
rally tomorrow night and have en
eased the Coos Ray Rand to pre
cede their big rally. Copt MacBenn
will recito some new and original
campaign poetry which' scored a big
hit at a Bull Moose luncheon In
Portland last Monday
Blxby Delayed. General nixby,
head of tno United States engineers
was delayed on hla western trip
and will not reach Portland until
November 7. D. 0. .Greene remain
od thoro to moetjilm.
.,n. .r Dii.i? a imp cent
off on a I fillk. taffeta and n.essallno
" .V" .. , T,nn Emnorlum.
Former Circus Clown and His
Wife, Wanted for Chicago
Murder, Are Arrested.
(By Associated Press to Tho Coos
Bny Times.)
LIMA, Ohio, Oct. 31. Tho man
nnd woman arrested horo as Cbaa.
N. Conway ond wlfo, wonted In
connection with tho murder of So
phia G. Singer, dony tbnt tboy had
anything to do with tho murder.
"1 admit I nm tho man tho po
llcoliro looking for," Conway told
tho pollco, "but I deny that I hnvo
nny knowledgo of tho crime in
connection wltr wnlch' they want
The pollco say Conway doclnrod
tho body of Mlsa Singer must hnvo
been put In hla room In Chlcngo nftor
ho nnd hla wlfo loft tho city Monday
night. Mrs. Josoph Crnmor, whom
tho pollco bollevo Mrs. Conway s
mother, lives hero,
N NORTH tilll
Southern Pacific Trying to Get
Box Factory Site for
Right of Way.
t. to nnnmmroii that the South
ern Pacific la negotiating for tho
North Rend Hox factory. Mr. Kern
has received threo propoBiwuiin i
tho company, ono for merely right
: - tnr. thn as lota and
plant, and one for tho real estate
alono. no win i'i u; w,.
on2:i nrn-ii nf tho Southorn
Pnclflo who came down from Gar
diner to take a uegrtu u '
;' .r i imrn in nok after tho
Vpment 0? The Sausa-
Gardiner. In all. about 80.00 sacks
of cement will be brought here.
In thU country 14.000 patents
bavo been Issued covering the man-"v-j.
ohnpa and leather
goods, and about half of them aro
n0?honhofrsreeear system of Constan
tlnoplo, operating 30 mttfs at
track Is about to be electrified.
Tho city la also to have telephones
and electric bi
Contributions to Republican
National Fund Last Week
Totalled $153,655.
(By Associated Prosa to tho Cooa Baj
WASHINGTON. Oct. 31. Con-
trlbutlona nmoiintlug to 1G3,CC5.92
woro rccolvod by tho Ropubllcan
vinllnnnl linnflniinrtnta InRl wnnlf flP.
cording to n aiipploinontnl report
men louny wuu mo ciurK oi uiu
houso by Georgo R. Sholdon, treas
urer of tho Republican national
conimltteo. Tho report la In com
pliance with tho atntuto requiring
Biipplomontal reports ovory six daya
after tho flrat report. Tho report.
showB tho contributions woro re
ceived botween Oct. 20 and Oct.
During tho Inst six days tho
DomocraHc national commlttco rc
colvod $130,088.72 In contribu
tions, nnd borrowed $40,000. Dur
ing this period tho total expendi
tures amounted to ?2GG,445.20.
Herbert S. Hockin Told De
tective Burns Details of
1 Times Dynamiting.
(By Associated Proas to Tho Coos
Bny Tlmos.)
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Oct. 31.
Scnsntlonnl testimony that Wllllnm
J. Burns, tho detective, wns "lip
ped off" na to tho Idontltlea of tho
dynnmltors of tho Loa Angolos
Times building, two wcoka after
tho explosion, by n man now on
trial, wnn irlvnn nt tlm dvnnmlto
conspiracy trial todny.
j, a. u. unuorir, n npccini in
vestigator Investigating tho causo
..f llm nvtilnatnn. fnr flvn f.tu.
tlflcd that Herbert S. Hockin ad
mitted to navo "gotten in toucir
with BurnB.
tliirnu wna In Afiirolnu nnnn
after tlio explosion October 1, 1010.
tiio .Mc.Mimnra urotuora nun uruo
McMnulgnl woro nrrcatcd six
months Inter, after ton moro ex
plosions lind taken plnco. Bndorff
testified (lint Hockin mndo tho ad
mission nftor ho snld to Hockin,
"You nro n fool for giving nil your
Information nnd lotting him build
up n reputation on Information you
glvo. If you expect Immunity why
don't you go to District Attorney
Tho witness said that Hockin,
who wna tho Bccrotnry of tho In
ternational Association of Brldgo
nnd Structural Ironworkers, ndmlr
tod bo contomplnted pleading
loirTi is
Thirty-two States Have Rati
fied Amendment and But
Four Rejected It.
(By Assoclotcd Prosa to Tho Coos
Bny Tlmos)
WASHINGTON. Oct. 31. Tlilrly
two atatea have notified Sccretnry
Knox of their ratification of the
proposed Inconio tux amendment oT
tho fcdornl constitution nnd four
hnvo notlflod tho Stato department
of tholr rejection. To becomo ef
fective, 30 Btntes, throo-fourtha of
thoso In tho Union, must ratify.
Tlinan wlilMi linvn nnt nnllflnrl thn
dopnrtmont of ratification or rejec
tion nro uoiawnro, norma, j.uuib
lann, Ma8BncliusottB, Now Jorsoy,
Vmv Mnvlco. Ohio. PoniiHvlvanla.
Vormont. Virginia, Wost Virginia
and Wyoming.
Connecticut, Now Ilampsblro,
Utah and Rhodo Ifllnnd have noti
fied of tholr rejection.
Sultan's Soldiers Forced to
Retire After Three Day's
European Powers Not Likely
to Permit Occupancy of
(By Associated Press to Tho Cooi
Bay Tlmos)
SOFIA, Oct. 31. Tho Bulgarian
nrmy completely rail red tho main
Turkish nrmy under Nnzlm Pasha.
Tho Turks fled In dlsordor, leaving
many killed nnd wounded on th
Tlio bnttlo which Is rcgnrded no
tho moat Important ongogomont
slnco th'o beginning of tho war,
lasted thrco entire dnyn. It cx
tended nlong tho lino from Luc-la
Biirgna enstwnrd to Sornl. Tha
Turkish front wns ovor 31 miles
long. Tho Ottomnn troops rotront
cd to Tchorlit, nbout 21 miles to
tho south of tho positions from
which tlioy woro driven by tho
'Tlin fni.... . rrnl.nH1 l..AM. .1.
- ..u ...I. , i ti, iuiiuiiii, wnuiq iiio
TurkB nro expected to mnko nnother
niuiiu uci'iipicH nn iiiiporinut posi
tion on tho mnlii rond nnd on the
rnllwn V liAt tl'nnn pAtiofniil Inniiln tM?ff
.... ( uviuiuil vviiguiuitWMU tlUU.
Adrlnnoplo nt a point whoro tho
uiiu iroin mo pori or Koiicnsra
JoIiib. Unlesa tho Turka hold this
trificn tlinv will 1ia nnnlitn In l.l.rt-
any moro troops from Asia Minor
uy way oi uoiicoato.
New lintllo Front.
(By Assoclntcd Press to Tho Cooc
Bny Times.)
LONDON. Oct. 31. In conse
quence of tho occupation of Inclc
Burgas by tho Bulgarians, the
eastern wing of tho Turka la wlth
dnrwn to Sornl nnd Istrnndla no
tbnt tho battle front, which yoBtor
day extended from Luolo Bnrgna t
Visa, now Ilea ncross Tchorlu, So
rnl nnd Ifltrnndln.
... i ,i,niorn nro reaping
,ar7o prollta flshlng in South Afrl-
rm nil i rniiiiiii iiiiii .afc""" -
Petticoats rarxaio Emporium, can waters.
Steamer Arrives from Eureka
and Sails for Portland
This Afternoon.
Tho Alliance camo In today from
Eureka and sailed a few hours lator
for Portland. She had a a largo car
go of through freight. Among thoso
arriving on her were tho following:
Mrs. D. Davenport, C. Clark, F. F.
Burchott, F. S. Broulllard, Mra. F.
Broulllard. T. Stalverson, W. J.
VlrUnntrloW. nnil W. O. Etfcleston.
Among thoso sailing on hor for
Portland were tho following:
W. E. Hlbbard, U. A. Aiexanuur,
a a Tinin ai Pnrlsnn. Curl Swanson.
Harry Johnson, K. Soverson, D. Ball-
oy, S. Swanson, w. a. uisiiop, mid. .
Richards and H. w. Jeiu.
CHESTItA. When In need ot
CALL 101-J
When done by us !t is done right.
Cracked corn at Haines.
Louisiana Liiinbeiinau Killed
Who's Admirer.
(By Associated Prosa to Tho Coos
Bay Times.)
SHREVEI'ORT, Ln., Oct. 31.
Albort T. Watson was found guilty
of murder In connection with tho
killing of C. C. Bailey, n woatlhy
lumberman, whom Watson confess
ed ho clubbed to death that Mrs.
Balloy might bo freo to marry him.
Tho trial of Mra. Balloy aa an ac
complice to tho murdor began to
day. An aviation school In that coun-
ti-v 1in hnnn contracted for by tho
government of Guatemala,
Wornout machinery is now being
reclaimed by Ingenious applications
of electric welding.
Denmark Importod nearly threo
million tons of coal last year, most
of It from Groat Britain.
The forests of tho Alaskan const
yield about 27,000,000 board feet
of lumber a year.
Tro production oi ieiiiucity
whisky has ranged from 0,000,000
gallons a year.
On Saturday, Novombor 2, wo
will place on Bale:
Beautiful "Now Aladdin" Lad
and LbbsIo Statuoa, height 14 VS
Inches, only two sold to each pur
chaser. Regular GOc value. Sat
urday, 'only lDc.
Seo our window.
SATURDAY SALE 20 per cent
off on all fcliK. luiicui ami miwiu
petticoats at tho Ladles' Emporium.
Times' Want Ads trintr result.
(By Associated Press to Tho Coon
Bny Tlmos.)
LONDON, Oct. 31. Tho BulgiiT
lau nrmy completely dofentcd the
Turkish forces, estimated nt 200,
000, nt Lueln Burgas, nftor three
dnyfl of torrlfle fighting, according"
to n news ngoncy dlspntch from
Sofln. Tho Bulgarian cavalry lo
pursuing tho rotrentlng Turks.
Powers Will Not Penult Occupa
tion of Constantinople.
(By Assoclntcd Prosa to Tho Cooa
Bay Times.)
LONDON, Oct. 31. Previous la
tho nuunuueemont of tho great bnt
tlo tbnt hna boon In progress be
tween the Turkish nnd Bulgarian
nrmloB In tho eastern part of the
Balkan peninsula, it seemed prob
nblo tbnt Itn conclusion probably
would glvo occasion for Interven
tion of tho European powers. In
dlspntches from Vlonnn It la as
sorted that tho foreign ministers oZ
tlio Ha 'open n governments renchoa
n tontntlvo nireomont on tfils mat
tor and In any ovont tho entry ot
Bulgnrlnn trorps Info Constantino
ple will nut be tolerated by tho
powers. Evoi Russia la not In
clined to permit audi nn occur
ronro. It Is nlso reported Hint tho
Bnlknn nntlnna aro ready to ac
copt Intervention of tho powors nt
nny moment now.
Fight on Black Sea.
(By Assoclntod Press to Tho Coos
Bay Times.)
It Is rumored horo thnt tho Bul
garian troops nro telng bombardon
by tho Turkish Bqundron on the
Black Sea Coast and that undor the
covor of firing a body of Turkish
troops landed.
Surround Adrlnnoplo.
(By Assoclntcd Prcsa to Tho Com!
Bay Times.)
LONDON, Oct. 31. Tho Turkish
army after tho defeat at Luole
Burgas retreated toward Tcbatnlga.
Adrlnnoplo Is complotoly hommoa
in by the iniignnnn troops.
R. Moyer of Txs Angeles Shot la
(By Assoclntcd Prcs3 to The Coos
Bny Times.)
pniPAnn. net. 31. Rho hola
Moyer, a retired Los Angolea bnn-
kor, wna found Btiot to oeaiii ik
tho homo of his slstor, Mrs. Jlnr
tha A. Bynkal, horo today. Tire
bullet passed through his head. A
revolver was found ton feet awny
from tho chair In which ho was
found sitting nnd hnd ono dUr
chnrged cartrldgo, but no powder
marks on tho skin woro present to
Indlcato that tho pistol wns hold by
tho victim. This lod tho pollco to
supposo ho was murdorod.
SATURDAY SALE 20 per con
off on all Hk. talfeta and messiilir
petticoats at tho Iiadles' Emporium.