r THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1912. EVENING EDITION. JrV 7v7 sO Cc3 ROYAL Bakiny Powder AbsoluielPure The only Baking Powder made jrom Royal Grape Cream oTartar Read the Label Alum BaklngPowder will not maKe healthful rood il pTimcmTP m OIUULHIG i u n SELL TICKETS Plan to Get Crowd Out Friday For Hiflh School Foot 1 ball Game. Tho Coqulllo and Marshflold IIlRli School football teams lmvo each dorontod Myrtlo Point, ho tho kuiiio' botwoon tlioin lioro Frldny will prob-l nbly bo n decisive- ono, tlio winning team bcliJK In a plnco to clnlm tho county championship. I Coqulllo litis mofltly now inon, but lias vory promising mntorliil ami Is woll coached. Thoy nro ubIiik tho now Btylo footbnll vory offoctlvoly. Marshflold has boiuo old playors nnd Bonio who nro plavlng for tho first tlmo In IiIbIi school Kanies. Tho two tennis nro well balanced.1 .Tho kmiio with Myrtlo Point Inst Saturday bIiowb that Mnrshflold will Jinvo to flclit "d to win as tho conipnrntlvo Hcorca of tho two games, with Myrtle Point filves Coaulllo an advantage Tho Coaulllo-Myrtlo Tolnt sooro wns 13 to 0, whllo tho Mnrshflold-Myrtlo Point flcoro was 18 to 12. I ' Instead of soiling tlelcots tho sru dontH will Boll tags, nB tho grounds nro not enclosed, nnd It Ib hoped tbnt tho Bnlo will bo largo, nB tho tonm has been put to heavy oxponso In malting tho trip tn Myrtlo Point nnd buying now inntorlol for tho playors. Tho tuns should bo worn, to tho gnmo, bo that tho purchnBor, Mill not bavo tho mlsfortuno of hav ing to purobnHo n second ono nftor ronchliiB tho grounds. Tho lnifllnoss houses of town will not bo nsked tn close, na tho mou ngemout ronllzo tbnt business comes boforo pleasure. If nny of tho bus InoBB houses deslro to liolp tho tonm In tblB or In nny other way, such liolp will ho gratefully received by tho lununKomcnt. ' Tho gnmo will bo cnlled nt 2:30 p. in. Friday at tho dopot grounds. Flour cheap ot Haines. special loaded shotgun SHELLS nt TIIK GUNNERY. SALMON' TROLLING OUTFITS nt TIIK GUNNERY. EPale &. Co. High Grade , Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailoring Imported and Domestic AVoolons Fit and Satisfaction Qunrantetd AVo do all work right hero. B70 North Front Street Mnrchflclil. OUCHAltl) COVKHS CHOPS. Good Protection to Soli Through the AVI liter. CORA'ALLIS, Ore, Oct. 30. Tho Importance of tho Browing or cover crops In orchards Is emphasized In a recent bulletin on orchard Irriga tion Issued by tho Oregon Agricul tural College. "Cover crops add humus and flbro to tho soil," says tho bulletin. "Tho flbro adds to tho molsturo-holdlng capacity of tho light soils and makes tho heavier types moro Tria ble, and moro easily handled. Any soil of high clay or silt content nnd low In organic matter Ib not only dllllcult to haudlo with respect; to cultivation, but also as to Irriga tion. "This typo of soil tnkcB up wa ter vory slowly. Porcolntlon is bo alow tbnt a largo number of fur rows aro necessary If a sufficient amount of water Is tn bo supplied. Thus n greator surfaco for evapora tion Ib exposed, and Biich soils bako and crack badly on drying out. A good cover crop, either natural or sown, If plowed under early in tho spring, will nld greatly In ov ercoming theso dlfllcultlcs." In oxporlmontB It wns noticed that when thoro hhd been a Into Ir rigation a good nnttirnl covor crop grow up, of chlckwcod, nlflrla nnd vnrlous grnsses. In ono orchard covor crops of vetch and ryo nun of barley, sown early In Soptoni- hor nfter Into Irrigations, started readily and mndo flno growth. An early covor crop of this naturo not only adds Its own flbro to tho soil, but prevents tho loaves from blow ing away, Hum keeping them whero thoy will bo of bonoflt. Thoso covor crops which got a good start early In tho fall mnko tho best kind ot protection for tho soil dur ing tho winter AMERICAN HOItSKS AVIN. LONDON. Oct. 30 Amorlcnn-brod horses havo won moro events this yenr than over boforo on tho English turf. Among thorn tho offspring of J nines H. Keano s onco famous sprln ter A'otor llguro tho moat frequently, two of bis sons, Election and Soloet- mnn, having upset theorists on nreoii Inir by wlnnliiR long dlstanco races. Golden Hod nnd Conoy Island, two English-bred grandsons of J. II. Hag' Bin's Emperor of Norfolk, nlso provod tbomsolves good wlnnors this season. August Ilolmont'B Tracery has won IIS. 000 nnd H. R. Duryoa's Sweopor II. $30,000 during tho year. Durycn hns nlso won ns much moro In Frnnco with Shannon, an Amorlcnn, brod colt Hired by tho brilliant rnco horso Irish I.nd out of Coiisub by Ktholbort. Thi Star Transfer and Storage Co. Ib prepared to do ell kinds ot hauling on short notice. AV moet all tralni and boats nnd we also hare the latest stylo Reynolds Piano Mover. NVe guaranteo our work. L. H. Heisner, Prop. Phone 98-Tt. 120..T. or 4A-L. LITTLE TALKS ON TIMELY TOPICS By W. A. REID. According to a recont dispatch a innn In AVnll street' lost over u million dollars lu stock speculation last week. Noi ls this nn uncommon oxporlence. A man who speculates may expect to loso becauso ho pays moro attention to tho profits bo hopos to innUo thnn vo tho Intrinsic vuluo of tho Bocurlty offered. An Investor, on tho other hand, seoks first safoty, second tho highest return, third a ready mar ket ability. Thus It will bo seen than n wlso Investment is nlwnys snfo. It Is oqunlly obvious that Porhain Pnrk offors tho best Investmoiit on Coos liny. First of nil It Is absolutely safo, second, It offors the highest return for the amount Invested, third It Is, and nlwnys will bo, a mar ketable property. SEE HEID AUOUT IT. Owner's ngont, Coko Uulldlug. GRADUATED TAX IS SINGLE TAX FELO FUND PUTS UP CASH FOR SOLE PURPOSE. Great Battle Ground In Oregon la Seeing FlQht Now at Most Crucial Point Shields Advises on Vote. n v ciiAiti.r.s it BiiiKi.ns 8crtnr of llir Orrcnn Ojuul Tmnllon l.riicuo. Who Is aupportlng tho Graduated Single Tax? Who Is paying tho hired workers and hooslors for tho Graduated Slnclo Tax? Tho Fcla Fund Commission of America. Why are they doing It? And nro you aware of tho fact that tho Fcla Fund Commission wns formed In 1009 for tho oxxprcss pur pose of establishing tho Henry George doctrlno of Slnglo Tax In Amorlca within five years from that dato? How does It happen the Commission It tpendlng IU money In Oregon? Oregon waa selected as tho stato whore tho Commission was to mako tho nttompt of establishing its doc trlno and It Is In Oregon that tho croat tax battlo Is now being waged, Tho Graduated Slnglo Tax amondment m thn stato constitution la tho mcaa- uro tho Commission through Its hired workora Is centorlng all of Its forces nnd enorglcs upon. A'ou hear thorn say vory Ilttlo or nothing about tUo Slnglo Tax county monaurca. Thoy nro spending vast sums to aecuro tho adoption of the Oraduntod 8lnglo Tnx. Do vou think this Commission which was organized for the speclfle purpose above named would spend such sums of money for the adoption of this Graduated Single Tax measure If It were not In keeping with the designs and the puropto for which It was organized? Most assuredly not AVhy should tho Oraduntod Slnglo Tnx maaauro ox ompt nil forms of woalth excopt land It It was not doslgnod to establish thn Rlncln Tnx or tho land valuo tax na enunclntod by Henry Ooorgo? Thoro can bo no othor reason given for oxomptlng nil othor formB of woalth oxcopt land vnluo othor than that or establishing tho Slnglo Tax. huslnens mon. homo-owners, farm- era, morchants, mechanics, Inborors nnd professional men, bo not de ceived? Tho Graduatod 8lnglo Tax exemption amendmont means Slnglo Tnx, or tho Commission would not bo wllllnc to snond $100,000 tn tho Stnto ot Oregon to aecuro Ita ndoptlon. Single Tax means tho destruction of prlvnte proporty In land. That Is tho fundamental prnclplo ot tho doctrlno that, and that alono. la tho reason for oxomptlng nil forms of woalth except land. Slnglo Tnx means that tho selling valuo of your homo, your lot, or your farm will ontlrely disappear. Slnglo tax means that tho land Is to bo held In common that tho stnto Is to collect tho rent na n landlord now collects It. Slnglo Tax means foreclosing of mortgages. It means thnt now lonns ennnot ho secured. It mennB tho ontlro dlsnppenrnnco of tho selling vnluo you now hold In your lnnd, your homo, or your lot. Slnglo Tnx mentis tho overturning of tho prosont flscn! system and n groat and lasting financial depression. Tho Slnglo Tax will ruin the Stato of Oregon. Slnglo Tax, as Is contem plated tn this Graduated Single Tax measure, Is not to bo found anywhere In tho world AVhy should Oregon sacrifice her prosperity, hor good name, her fu turo opportunities, hor home, to sat isfy tho theories of Joseph Pels, his Commission, nnd other visionaries? Tho pooplo of Oregon aro capable ot handling tholr own law-making. They ahould let tho world know that thoy aro not going to adopt every fool measure that Is offored from abroad. To kill this attempted pernicious legislation, vote against the Gradu ated Single Tax 365 X NO. Vote to repeal the tricky U'Ren Single Tax Home Rule adopted In 1910, and to do. this vote 308 X YES. Let tho world know that tho people or Oregon aro safe, sane and level hoaded! HAF1MLESS W TO DARKEN I A Little Sage and Sulphur Makes Gray Hair Vanish Remedy for Hair Troubles. AVho doc3 not know tho vnluo of Sago and Sulphur for keeping tho hnlr dnrk, soft nnd glossy nnd i cood condition? As n matter of fact, Sulphur Is n natural olcmo'.t of hair, nnd a deficiency of It m tho hnlr Is held by many scalp specialists to bo connected with loss of color nnd vitality of tho hair. Unquestionably thoro Is no hotter remedy for hnlr and scalp troubles, especially prematuro gr.iy ncss, thon Sago and Sulphur, If properly prqpnrcd. Tho AVyeth Chemical Company of Now York put out an Ideal pro pnrntlon of this kind, called AVyoth's Sago and Sulphur Hnlr Remedy, In which Sngo nnd Su phur nro combined with othor val uablo romcdlos for keeping tho hair nnd Bcnlp In clean, healthy condition. f your hnlr Is losing Its color or constantly coming out, or If you t,.n.. i.imi .i-ini iinmlriiff or dry. Itchy Bcnlp, got a CO cent bottlo of AVyoth's Sngo nnd Sulphur from your druggist, uso It nccordlng to tho slmplo directions and sco what n dlffcrenco n fow days' trcatmont will mnko In tho nppoarnnco of your hair. All druggists soil It, undor gunr nnteo that tho money will bo re funded If tho remedy Is not oxactly as represented. Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. BENJAMIN CLOTHES STETSON HATS STETSON SHOES ARROW SHIRTS All sold one wixyGASJI ONLY, Better A'nlucs for less money bcciuiso "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. Marshficld. Bandon. (Paid Adv.) The Sign of Good Candy Always BlancharcTs Livery AVo bavo secured tho livery buB ness of L. H. Helsnor. and are pre pared to render excellent service to the people of Coos Bay. Careful drivers, good rigs nnd everything that will mean satisfactory service to tho public. Phono us for a driv ing horso, a rig or anything needed In tho livery lino. AVo also do truck ing business ot all kinds. BLANCHARR BROTHERS, Phono 138-J. Livery, Feed nnd Snles Scrvlco. tit First nnd Alder Streots Try The Times' AVant Ads. Ofesyff tt-eg- IMS eWmsw Harmon Tailoring Co. 128 Front St. Opposite Orphcum Theater. We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry rilONB MAIN 87-J Blnrshflcld, Oregon. WANTED ! ! ! OAItPKTS UPHOLSTKItlNO AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tho I'ncu nmtlc Cleaning Company. Orders for work token nt GOING A IIAnVEV, Phono 10(1 DUIIiDING AND IlKPAHt AVORK, IIouso Moving nnd Grndlng. AVo nro proparod to do this work by tho day or contract and guarantee satisfaction. Let us flguro with you. G. 8. FLOYD & CO., Phono 3 10-J. Mandiflcld, Oro. Have That Roof Fixed NOAV See GORTHELL PIIONR JU2t. Bargains in Lots at Bunker Hill Somo choice sites it you see mo at once. AUG. FRIZEEN. 08 Or--! Avp. City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drivers and reasonable charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhere at any time." Stands Dlanco Hotel and Blanco Cigar Storo. Day Phones 78 and 41 Night Phone 46. ItAWTCKn OOOnAT.in. nronrlMw T. J. SOAIFE A. H. nODGINS Marshfield Paint (3& Decorating Co. Furnished. Phone 110-L, Oregot Estimate fARSirFIELl). R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. BUY NOAV. Some choice lots In NORTH BEND can be bad at a very reasonable price It taken now. E. S. QEAR & CO., First National Bank. Steamer Washington Sails Wednesday Noon, October 30th. from Coos Bay for San Francisco and Los Angeles WITH PASSENGERS AND FREIGni P. S. DOAV, AgemU Oteaa Dock. THE FRIEND OF COOS HAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED AVITII AVIRELK8S SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR. PORTLAND THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31 CONNECTING AVITII THE NORTH BANK ROAD AT POIITUM NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phone 41. O. F. SIcQKOIlGE, AgtaL FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo Equipped nlth rrlrelcM nnd submarine bell SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR MARSHFIELD WEDNESDAY, OCT. 30th at 3 p. m. All Passenger Reservations Fr om San Frclsco Must Be JUda M 805 Fifo llluldlng, or Pier No. 11). All reservations must U l kcu up "1 Itoura boforo sailing. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. . . PHONE 44. C. F. McGEORQE. Aj-, EQUIPPED ATTH AVIRELES3 Steamship Breakwater ALAVAYS ON TIME. SAILS FRO.AI AINSAV 1(1, Hit, ao. FROM OCT. C, 12, 10, 20. Phono Main 35-L. S'SAVORTH DOCK, PORTLAND, At 8 A. , M;. ,0CT M MARSHFIELD AT THE SERVICE OF THETIS J. O. MILLER, Agent The Wickham House Dining Room COQUILLE, ORE. Reopened October 1, 1912 Newly papered, painted an" gen erally renovated. Special attention nnd tho best ot servl.o to tho traveling public. rnts. a. it, AAiciaiAM, Coqulllo, Oro. You Auto Call Footc PHONE 1 14.J NIGHT AND DAY Stand front of Lloyd notel TAVO NEAV OARS After 11 P. M. Phono W. Residence Phone -8-J. AVill Makn Trir to Coqnille. AA1IEN YOU AVANT A MESSEN GER ROY Something sent for or delivered PHONE 154-Ii and we'll do It. Charges reason able, CHAS GRANBY, Unique Panbttona Agent for Edward n. 6tr Co., Flno Tailoring. mnko your next suit. j 255 TOMMBB".. rhonJL fisher Auto Service AA'm. Fisher, VtopM'gp, Phono orders iu .'""'V. . s. Stand, Phono 18-J. After i Phono 5;J. Night ft iinrsi"-u "" uahfj0iri R NnrHi Bend Auto li ..-nnrlfttOrfc . GORST & wu;:5r eff Cam leave MarsbfleW ' , minutes from 7:15 a. u BeBl o mldnleht Leavo Nort ,,, saino schedule, .WB nn minniKui. w for aeneauie. A modern Brick ."dtM'B,U Light, Steam Heat. cj Furnished Rooms wl C0WSoT OO0S O.A.MctlIn,rroP- IUtes: BO cents :M tfktt Cor. Broadway anajggsiS Boys' Shoes juu !'' -, ,,, The Electric Shofjg 180 Rn. Brodwa An unfile wnt cau8 neBa Times AVant Ai