THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1912. EVENING EDITION. rtSobiffnerA Marx Vjmr COOS HAY TIDKS. I CorrriiM Two good ones: At tho loft, a 3-button coat, two to but ton; soft roll front. At tho right, tho regular 3-button sack, good for nny man, young or old, VOUNG men don't always want extremes in style: there's a certain dignity in dress that marks the gentle man, whatever his age. Good quality in materials, good (it, and acertain distinction and air of good breeding; these are the important things in clothes for the man who dresses right. Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats Suits $1 and up Overcoats $ 1 6.50 and up Woolen Mill Store This htoro is Clio homo of Hurt Sclwiffiier At Mare clothes COOS HAY TIDES. Tll1m Im !. It. A juivjv in uivuii liiu nmn nnn . . .. . . . . . height of high and low water at '"8 lIV0,l.w.rV'nt . ! ?. ''."""A1 ! brandishing a krtlfe around and they called Marshall Carter, who took him Into custody. Jcrlman Is a hard drinker and Justice I'cnnock thought ho was suffering from de lirium tremens Instead of insanity, nnd continued his case. Ho Imttg ined ho saw dead men In tho Hea ver Illll initio and thought that men wen secreted around his houso try ing to got him. Vote In California. Toko Coko Marshflcld . tor. Miss llesslo Coke, who la at- Tim'n nm ni.i i t, . i.. ' ,P,,I"S tho University of California, ..l8 "r V ?.c.J.n. $2. rd" J"b qualified to vote In California of occurrence, with tholr times on tho first lino nnd heights on tho second lino of each day; a cotnpai &..0" JUHV(1 l 7! Wo. Take" out "that want Indlcato whether It Is high or low wntcr. For high water on tho bar, snhstract 2 hours 34 minutes. Into. October. Hrs. Ft.. Hrs. IFt.. II. ul 4.2 cm 4.3 10.33 3.G 11.33 3.9 CO! 11.43 C.3 0.7 G.G7 0.0 C.8 0.0 WEATHER FORECAST. (I3y Associated Press) OREGON Fair this after noon and tonight. Thursday, fair In Interior, with Indica tions of rain along tho const. Easterly winds. RE- LOCAL TEMPERATURE PORT. For tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 a, in., Oct. 30, by Donj. Ostllnd, special government meteorological obsorvor: Maximum IS 2 Minimum 32 i At 4:43 a. m 35 ' Precipitation G3 I Wind Southwest; cloudy. under tho oqunl suffrage laws and will cast her ballot next Tuesday. (Jtiick Return. "For goodness nd that I put In yesterday," remarked John Ellcry to The Times this morning. Mr. Ellcry advertised a furnlshod cottngo for rent. Tlio paper was Issued about 5 o'clock nnd boforo C o'clock Mr. Ellcry had olght appli cants. Thnt's bccniiBo ovorybody rends Tho Times wnnt ads. (Vntrnl Hotel Sold. O. V. Clark nnd his mothor hnvo sold tho Con tral Hotel to Potor Thurston of Eurokn, and tho family will roturn to their old homo in Red Bluff, Cal., in n fow days, whoro thoy own considerable property. Miss Hnttlo Wheeler will roturn with thorn to spend tho winter. Mr, Thurston tnkes chnrKo immediately nftcr tho departuro of tho formor UU1IUIH. I Xcw Paper for IlantTon. W. Ar tliur Jones, rcnresontlnir tho Amor lean Typo Founders Co. of San Francisco, was ih tho city today. Mr. Jones camo up from Dnndon, whoro ho reports having sold a complcto now outfit to Duttorfleld & Woddoll, who nro about to es tablish In Dandon a now wcokly paper to bo called tho Western World. Mr. Jones snyB that ho ox pcctB to mako tho Coos Ray torrl torv roculnrlv horcaftor. Work nt Gardiner. E. L. Robin son, who is Biirvoylng a now conn ty rond along Schoflold Creek, nenr Improve Oarage. J. J. Koontr. In romndollng and Improving his gnrago and mnchlno shop on North Front street. lCnMiridc Caucus. Enstsldo will Onnllnor, writes that Johnson Por- noiii n caucus isovomuor is, 10 nom-1 tor ot portCr Uros. was at Qanll lunto candldntCH for thrco places on tho city council, for rccordor nnd for mnrshnl. In California. Dr. O. W. Losllo Is In rccolpt of n lottor from P. E. Stownrt, saying ho is locatod In business nt Durnott, Callfornln. Mr. Stownrt was at ono tlmo in tho tnnrblo business in Mnrshflold. Not Insane. Chns. Jerlmnn, re siding In North Mnrshflold, but ro- .cently employed nt Dcavor lull )vns liororo jubiico l'ennocic ioaay on nn Insanity charge Lnat night ho frlghtoncd bla wlfo nnd children Some Are Gone Others Going but wo Mill liavo left somo cholco bargains in realty in nnd about Myrtle Point. Several business opiMirtimltletf. Lands In small tract, largo tracts, any slo you wish. Timber lands, etc. roads lead to Myrtle Point. nor most or last weoic. inoy now havo olght camps along tho SliiBlnw and nro constantly increasing tho force of men nt work. A steam Bhovol Is to bo brought to Onrdlnor from Ynqulna Just na soon aB tho weathor will pormtt. About 70 mon nro at work under Englnoor Brown and tho contractors near tho Gard iner tunnol. Tho Gardiner mill Is to got out tho timber for tho work nnd rosumos operations this wcok after a briof shut-down. Tho South ern Pacific has thrco launches In tho Umpqua now to transport small shipments. AMONG THE SICK. PERSONAL NOTES SHORT is In from Ten Cnpt. W. A. Cox, a formor resi dent of tho lower Coqulllo, but ro- contly a rcsldont ot tho Sluslnw, Is reported qttlto HI nt Morcy hospital. Will Ilondryx camo In from his ranch today to socuro medical nt tendon for a bad brulso and black oyo. Whllo carrying a bnrrol of sauor-kraut yesterday ho slipped and foil and tho barrel struck him. Mrs. C. W. Mnrtln, a fllstor-ln-Inw of L. W. Tozlor, roturnod to day from Morcy hospital, whoro alio recently tindorwont a second opera tion, to hor homo In tho Trluboy npnrtmonts on Central avenue. All Get a move on. Horace W. Ames &Co. Kwuetts Myrtle Point Oregon NORTH I1ENI) NEWS L. J, Simpson Is oxpectod homo shortly from Portlnnd, whoro ho has boon for n fow weeks on a i raso of Slotboom vs. tho Simpson j.umuur uuiiipiiuy, iiivuiyiiib u giiiiiii for n commission on n salo. Southorn Pacific roprcsontntlvca arrived hero from Gnrdinor last ov- onlng to try nn got moro lnhorors for tho nllrond construction work near thcro. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Always "The Busy Corner"The Rexall Store WANT ADS. FOR SAWJ A largo gas range. In quiro at Times olllco. WANTED A good automobile. Will trndo 40 acres of flue land In Oklahoma. Addross C. E. Nlles. Coqulllo. I -4 CHANDLER John lllnhloy. Port land: Mngglo McCutcheon, Reaver Hill: L. Tumor, Jr., Seattlo; P. H. Dellnrde. Sonttlo: S. Macdounld, Portland: Walter M. Plorco, Hot Lnko: T. S. Aloxnnder, Portland. I BLANCO II. B. Shnffor, Orrln I Fiithrn, Fort Ilrngg; C. P. I.ang- don, p. w. Georgo. LLOYD Fred Humphroys, Ar thur Lucns. Clovoland, Ohio. COOS C. E. Hicks. Minneapolis; Los Smith, Coos Rlvor; . H. It. Pownder, Coqulllo, W. O. Cooper, Myrtlo Point LOST Saturday, arrow point Match fob with gold band. Roturn to Times ofllco. Officii lency Piirity Honesty Our Flying Colors Are ockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BTJSY CORNER" PHONE -MAIN 298 US feTinie5wDes Job Printing!! FOR SALT; Mattress and Uphols tering factory, with patent carpet cleaner in connection. Must do sold nt once. Inqulro of Homo Trust Co., over First National Rank, Marshflcld. MONEY TO LOAN On Piano, furni ture., porsonnl property, etc. Call from G to 8 p. m. H, II. Harpor, 334 First streat. Phono 349-J. WANTED 100 buyers for Ford automobiles. Five passenger, $700: Roadster, ?C25; Delivery, $725. All fully equipped f.o.b. Marshflold. Geo. Goodrum, tfoos county agent. TONIGHT The Royal GORMAND-FOHI) CO. Presenting That Most Popular Drama KAST LYNN WANTED Eight or ten room houso or apartments, unfurnished, cIobo ter Address .m, ihu uw. In. WANTED FurnlsluMl houso apartments. ddress RX., Times. r care WANTED Girl for general house work. Family of two. Apply at onco nt No. C20 Central avenue. FOR RENT Ono furnished room. Address 334 First street. FOR SALE Dry wood, fir and al der, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Ferry landing. Phona jgfrL, , ROOM. AND nOABD Tho IWycrett, ';388 Writ Btrt, Fkon JM-X. In Photoplay Tho Greaser and tho Weakling. Don't Pinch My Pup. Rand Plays at -7 o'clock. Admission, 25c. Children, lBc. Mathicc, Saturday and Sunday af- noons at 2: HO. 1'rico iw. 1IILLIS Mile. MELTON NORTON of Sumner Is In town. P. 12. ALLEN Is In Myrtlo Point on business todny. PETER LOGGIE ot North Rend Is In Marshflcld today. E. J. MARSTERS of Sumner Is a Marshflcld visitor todny. MRS. TOM LAWIIORN of North Coos River Is reported III. P. D. BLAKE of Catching Inlet is a Mnrshflold visitor today. MRS. W. II. SANFORD of Sumner is a Marshfleld shoppor todny. LESTER SMITH of Coos River Is in town to boo tho airship. J. J. CLINKENBEARD camo down from Daniels Creek this morning. MRS. V. P. SANFORD ot Mnrshflold Ib a visitor in Coqulllo for n fow dnys. MRS. PAUL CROOKS of Coob River enmo to town todny to boo tho nlrshlp. S. R. CATHCART loft yesterday for Norway to look after business matters there. DR. E. MINGUS. who was called to Florenco Sunday, returned homo last evening. JDSSE SMITH of South Coos Rlvor Is In town today to see tho nlr shlp flights. FRANK HODSON of South Coos River is horo to witness tho noro- plnno flights. MR. nnd MRS. E. L. ROBERTS enmo down from Sumner today to bco tho nlrshlp. A. J. SHERWOOD camo ovor from Coqulllo last evening and return ed this afternoon. MRS. IDA PATTERSON will enter tain a number of frlondB nt a Hnllowo'en pnrty. DANIEL STEIN.MON of North Coos River Is In town todny on hlB way to Conledo. WALTER STRICKLAND and bro ther of Sumner enmo down todny to seo tho airship. MRS. IDA CONRAD of Portland Is tho guest of MrB. 11. J. Mc Koown this wcok. PETER WILLIAMS nnd wlfo of North Coos Rlvor nro in Mnrsh flold shopping today. MRS. LOUIS WIRTH of South Coos River Is a visitor In town today to seo tho aviation. J. E. SCHILLING of Myrtlo Point Is In Mnrshflold today to tnko In tho nvlntlon exhibitions, MRS. WARD M. BLAKE was Iiob tcss nt n dlnnor Inst ovonlng nt her homo In South Mnrflhflold. MAY MESSERLY of Catching In lot 1b In Marshflold shopping to dny, and also to seo tho nlrshlp. CHARLES STAUFP returned today from a fow days' outing In tho 8nnd Hills with a nlco bag of illicit!) MATT MATSON and daughtor, Miss Agnca MntHon of Sumnor, nro in Marshflold today to boo tho air ship. . ,. , n. A. SEHLnilEDE nnd wlfo nnd Hnrrv Gott ns oxpect to loayo noxt wcok for Snlom to vllst rol ntlvnn. MR. nnd MRS. A. O. ROGERS nnu son, Otis Dillingham, aro guoBtB of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Konnedy this week. ... MR. JOHNSON, a commorclnl tray olor, nnd S. D. Harpor of this city, aro business vlBltora In tho Coqulllo vnlloy todny. JAMES WATSON, county clerk of Coos county, cumo ovor on tho train Inst ovonlng audi will re main n couple of days. H. E JOHNSON camo over from Coqulllo InHt evening to tnko n degree In tho Masonic lodgo. Ho returned homo this morning. FRANK RURKHOLDER returned to Coqulllo this morning nfter hay ing attended tho good ronds meet ing In North Rond Inst ovonlng. W. O. COOPER of Myrtlo Point at inmioil tho uood ronds mooting In North Rend Inst evening, roturn- 1.... linnin nn tllO IllOrillng tmlll. JAMES R. CLINTON, foreman of tho rock crusher at Norwny, return ed to his work at that plnro to day, after a short stay In UiIb city. MRS. MAGGIE OGREN of Rnndon. who hns beon visiting nt tho Jud Mills homo In Sumnor yostordai, returned to Marshflold this morning. , ,,,., MRS. GUY WARNER nnd llttlo daughtor loturnod yesterday from Onklnnd. Callfornln, whoro thoy liavo boon visiting Mrs. Warner's parents for threo months. If. J. KEOGI1 of tho Homo Telo phono Co. loft yostordny for Myr tlo Point, whoro ho will nrrango for tho lnstnllntlon of a now switchboard thoro. ALLEN JACKSON camo down from his homo cm Ross Inlet today to tako his mothor homo. Mrs. Jnckson, who rccontly roturnod from California, Is In very poor Miss" RUBY TURNER of Woddor- M,burn is Visiting frlendB In .Marsh flold for a fow days. Miss Tur ner leaves Saturday on tho Rroakwater, whoro sho will on tor school. , , ... MRS. PAPB ot Bnndon 1b vsltlnj, for a fow dayB In Marshf eld. A. M. LUCAS nnd F. " "UM'"A tjtpvq nt ninvoland. Ohio, camo DON'T FAIL SOCIAL CALENDAU. Wednesday. Rrldge Club with Mrs. C. M. Ryler of North Rend. Social Embroidery Club with Mrs. Chns. Tllton. down from the Mnhnffey placo on North Coos river this morning. Mr. Lucas nnd won pleased with friends nro bo tho Ray that Umbrellas Covered at tho Marshfield Cyclery DAYTON AGENTS. Phono 1B8-R 172 Broadway Pictures & Framing Walker Studio thoy Intend remaining with us. uuuiiuu ROTNOR of tho Woolort Mills lenves tonight for Portland on business, GEORGE DOLL left on tho Wash ington todny for a business trip to San Francisco. DEPUTY PROSECUTING ATTOR NEY LILJEQVIST Is horo from Coqulllo on business nnd pleas ure Ho says tho ro-oluotlon of Geo. M. Rrown ns district nttor noy la prnctlcnlly assured. MR. and MRS. I. S. KAUFMAN ro turnod todny from tholr visit In Chicago nnd other enstern points. Mrs, Knufmnn hns beon nbsont flvo months, Mr. Kaufmnn Join ing hor two months ngo. MISS MAY LUND, a senior In tho Coqulllo high school, returned to her homo this morning. Sho nc compnnlcd MIbs Edna Johnson ot this city, homo Inst Saturday, tho latter having Buffered n brokon limb whllo visiting with Miss Lund. HENRY PLOEGER Is hero front Myrtlo Point, to visit his wlfo, who hns been III nt Morcy liOBpi tal for six wcoks. Sho 1b recup orntlng nnd wna brought to tho homo of hor brother, E, W. Bor nltt In Mnrshflotd, whoro sho will rontnln ponding hor recovery. J. E. WARNER nrrlved on tho Bay yostordny on a visit to Ills bro thor, Owy Warner. Mr. Wnrnor, who Is now loented nonr Modesto, California, was nt ono tlmo mnn ngor of tho Blanco hotel nnd dur ing his resldonco horo mndo mnny friends who will bo glnd to wol enmo him bnck. W. A. MAST of Bnndon, tho woll known Coos county diver, whllo visiting Mnrshflold frlondB n fow days ago announced thnt all tho rocks had beon removed from tho channel proper botweon Bnndon nnd tho bnr. Now thoro Ib a minimum depth ot ten feet of wntor between Bnndon nnd tho sen. I ALONG THE WATERFRONT. - I - Tho Nnnu Smith which nrrlvod In yostordny from Ray Point snllod today for thoro with anothor car go from tho Smith' mill. Tho stonmorB Hnrdy and Excol Blor snllod yostordny for San Fran cisco with lutnhor. Tho Glonnor sailed yesterday for. Gardlnor. Tito Anvil sailed today from Dan don for Portland via tho Sluslaw. Tho A. M. Simpson Balled yostor dny for San Pedro. Tho Snn Frnnclsco Exnmlnor Bays: ,'J. Svonson, master of tho Btcniu schoonor Brooklyn, filed a Illicit for snlvngo ngnlnst tho steam schoonor Gualnla yesterday In tlio United Stntca district court. Tho schooner Gunlnln was picked up oft Point RoycH October 1G, nftor It had been uhnndoned b its crow, EXPECT TROUBLE. 1 Culm Olllclals Think Election In Will t'au so DlKtiirbanco. (By AHsoclatod PrcBB to Tho Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON. Oct. 30. Olllclnla horo wolcomo tho nunotincemont from Havana that tho leadora ot tho two political partioB havo un dertaken to abandon their pro-olec-tlon mnss meetings which hnvo re sulted In sovornl serious collisions. Serious troublo Is looked for nftor election dny, In tho opinion of tho ohlrlnls hero. w wpfc". ! 'f ' a i to seo our HalloM-e'en mIiuIom'. There Is something good In it for you. Stauff Grocery Co. PHONE 102 MASKEY'9 CANDIES AGENTS FOR Waterman's Ideal Fountain Fen ALL STYLES. Tho stoio for (.Miullty Goods and I'riihlur Remedies. J)'AUWW1 i . TiiiS V.TsTti mm Sweater Coats For Men and Boys Just arrived a now lino of Rough? Neck Swentor Couts for boys that wo nro soiling nt $1.50 and $1.75 Thoy como colors. In cardinal and gray; Men's Sweaters Wo havo a largo lino of Men's Cont Swentors In rogulnr shape, turn-over collar and Ruff Necks. Thoy nro in ail colors. Priced From $1.50 to $6.00 . - v The Bazar ' "Store of Qualitv." Phono 32. ? '"I ,il