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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1912. EVENING EDITION. """THJ53 COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MAU)N'KV..KIl(oi' ami Pub. DAN M. MAI.ON1'V...Xwh Kdltor !LET US TALK IT OVER Mnrk your bnllot .11 J X Yes, which sicnns plnco nil public utilities cor porations under tho control of the railway commission. There is now doj general law controlling such con cerns. Tho various municipalities try- to control them by special oral amices, but thoy ought to he umlor tho supervision and direction of the railway conunisslon. WITH THIS SICK. Mrs. Joe Hodson of North llond fii reported critically ill. Miss I21 11 a Johnson of Forntlalc who was rccontly Injured In a run rn-ny nccldcnt In Conulllo, was Brought homo Sunday. Miss Johnson though Improving Is still unnblo to --alk. Mrs. B. 0. Holland, tho widow cf 1ito Into Dud Holland, a former well Jfnown Coos Hay resident, Is reported acrlously 111 nt Co(ulllc. Her mother, Mrs. Wlrkman.nnd her sister, Mrs. Xi Moohler, loft for Coqulllo yester day. Hiram Qranby, who has been living on tho Kvnn Hodson placo on South Coob Illvor, will movo his family to Jfarshflold tho last of tho week. Mr. Granby who has boon In poor health fWr somo tlmo, will enter St. Mnry's Hospital and his many friends hope to Bear of his spoody rocovery. Mrs. Mary Thompson, teacher of tho Sixth and Sovcnth grades in tho South Mnrshllotd school was taken smttlonly 111 and has been taken to Mercy hospital for an operation. Mrs. Morrow will fill her plnco temporarily. Airs. Win. Cox who has been quite sick Is ropnrtod Improving. Somo of tho chihlron nro ailing now ami Mr. Cox wont to lllvortou yestordny to so on ro u nurso to look after tho family, until Mrs. Cox, who recently roturncd from tho hospital, Is nblo to bo around. o NH OI tho important measures upon the ballot to bo voted upon In Novombor Is tho stnto-wldo public utility act. It provides, through tho state railway commission, for tho control, regulation and operation of nil waterworks, electric lleht and ens companies nnd anything olso that as sumos tho form of n public utility, which exlslsts by right of a franchise granted by tho municipalities. Dy far tho most forward step In Oregon legislation Is the provision to bo found In this law for tho physical valua tion of theso properties. This Is tho first tlmo tho stnto hns attempted such a law. Tho act requires, furthermore, thnt tho physical valuation thus inatlo bo given to tho tax commission for tnxablo purposes. Tho Importance of tho act to Coos Day and Coos county Is of greater moment than any other mensuro upon tho ballot. In addition to tho taxation, It provides for such control ns will permit of tho fixing of tho prlco to ho charged for tho product based upon tho physical valuation. In other words, tho commission, which Is tho stnto rnllway commission un der this act, will dotormino tho prlco for electric lighting, for gas lighting nnd strcot car riding, based upon n reasonable return of tho property. This Is adeparturo from our present methods and It can end In no other wny thnn with benefit to nil. Under this bill, which was passed by tho lcglslaturo nt Its Inst Bosslon, by a voto of scvcnty-llvo out of nlnoty members, there is an opportunity for tho citizens of Coos County to lllo complaints ngnlnst any public utility nnd secure n honrlng ns wolt ns n ndjudlcntlon. With our present systonj thoro Is no control or regulation oxcopt that which Is provided in tho franchise, nnd usually theso aro very limited In tholr extent nnd op eration. Kvory citizen should voto for this measure, If for no other ono for tho reason thnt It Is to his own personnl ndvnntngo nnd gives him rights which ho ennnot exorclso now. When you go to tho ballot, voto Yes .114 TO SELL 5S VKllBOSAh OVKIU'LOW. "Oil. A. L. HOUSHWOItTII wont to Coqulllo today on n professional call. FINE GARAGE NEARLY 'II George Goodrum Arranges a Metropolitan Service for Local Autoists. Goorgo noodrum'n fine now gnr go on Central avoniio, botwwn Third nnd Fourth strcotu Is rnpldly scaring completion nnd ho expects to movo in tho latter pnrt of tills vcok. Tho now gnrngo Is n revelation to Jtocnl nuto owners. It Is strictly ap-to-dnto In nrrnngoniont. being no equal of thoso In tho largo cities. In addition to the. metropolitan nr inngomont, It will ho conducted along metropolitan Hues and win afford Just ns rnmptptu and prompt owrvlco ns the city owner can e ttiro. Mr. (londrmn hns nrrnnged to enr- xy n comploto lluo of auto supplies and nlso will have all minor repair pnrlH In stock. This lino of parts coupled with his inachlno shop will nnblo him to promptly repair al most nuy defect or breaks In ma chines. In addition to this, n gnsollno mumping system Is being Instnllea. This will onnble nuto owners to drive up their machines, get their tanks refilled, nnd tholr tires nur.ip d" up without getting nut of their machines, Cylinder oil, etc., win also ho supplied when needed ny tho men In charge. Tie hns nlso nrrnnged to mnr.o n neclnlty of washing and polishing mrs, n sneclnl contrivance being Tjut In to fncllltnto this work. Tlo Is nlso arranging to have tho jmrago kept open nights with night men In ehnrgo. Tho olllco will no TJopt open until m'dulght ns a con venience to nutolstH. In tho gnrngo, Mr. floodruin will Trove room for forty mnchlnes. While this seems Inrgo, tho con-, arnnt Increase In tho number of mnchlnes on tho Hay will soon tax tiiJo capacity of tho plnco, Mr Cloodrutu Is nlso nrrnnglng to ;rfvo more of his personal nrtontlon hi tho snles depnrlment of his i'n Ulllac and Ford nuencles and Bects his younger hrothor, who is now bookkeeper for the Stuiutnrd Oil Co. branch at Now Orleans, to oiiio here and become associated with him In tho business. Port of Coos Bay Commission Asks Bids for $300,000 Bond Issue. Final nctlon wns tnkon Inst ovon Ing by tho Port of Coos Uny Com mission for tho snlo of tho $300,000 bond Issuo for hnrhor, Inlot and bar Improvements. Mils for tho issuo wcro nrdored nBkcd, It Is oxpectod thnt tho snlo can bo nrrnnged at an onrly dnto. Tho commissioners had nn ex tended discussion ovor tho fixing of tho hnrbor lines. Captain Corn wall, Mayor Jordnn nnd Mr. Cnvn nnugh of ICastsldo appoarcd bororo tho commissioners. Tho Hastsldo men requested right of wny for n 00-foot wntorfront stroot along tho hnrbor lino around Knstsldo. Commissioner Henry Songstnckon nnd J. W. Dennett, both of wnom own proporty that will bo nffected by tho fixing of the hnrbor lines, hold decidedly opposite- vlows about tho matter. PREMIUM FOR BOND ISSUE Marshfield Snecial Improve ment Securities Find a Nqw Market. Tho special Improvement bonds of the city of Mnrshflold which hnvo boon n littlo difficult for contrnct- ors to hnndlo without discounting them, have nt Inst found n mnrkot nt a premium. Last evening n tolo grnph bid wns rccolvod from Tlllot- 8on & Wolcott Co. of Clovolnnu, Ohio, offering par, accrued Interest and a premium of $100 on nn is suo of $17. Oil. DO, Issued to uiko enro of a part of tho paving that hns been dono tins summer. No cortlfled chock for fivo per cent of the nmount, required as a guarantee of good faith, accompan ied tho hid. However, the flnnuco committee of the council wns in Btmctcd to wlro tho firm to furnish tho certified check nnd to accept their bid if It was found to bo bona fldo. Tho bid wns $109 bettor thnn LEAVES S How About That New Suit Wo can show you Milts that will Milt J m nt prices that will please you, $8.50 to $30.00 noil everyone full of viiluo and service. Tome In ami let us show you. A full lino of Wot Wwither ' Wearables. The FIXUP Flnnlly tho matter wns loft to tho other bids fur the bond issuo. tho committee Powers, I.ogglo and Tho other bids enmo from tho Itogers, for further Investigation contractors doing tho work. In tho nnd It will bo tnkon nn nt tho noxt pnst It wns necessary for tho con meeting. November 2. I tractors to bid In the bonds to got No word has been rccolvod from their pay no other bidders npply- I). C. Orcoim or L. J. Simpson ns ing for tho bonds ns a rule, to tho results of their conference Tho bidders for tho bonds last with Ocuornl Hlxby. Octobor 28, night wcro as follows: about nn nnnronrlntlon for tho Coos J. K. Howling of tho Fcdornl liny bar. I Construction Company, par and nc- Icrued Interest for $17, 131. C9 of tho Issuo. Hugh McLnln. par and accrued intorest for $r5 1 worth. Moon nnd Dnrclay, par nnn ac crued Interest for $1109 worth. Hugh McLn'n, par nnd accrued interest for $1112.12 worth. City Itecordor Dutlor stnted Hint ho had niado two Issues of mo bauds, ouo covering tho hard sur face paving and tho other covering r d.. ::u,i I,.. ti,j.. mo wooucn uiock paving, hub nu- Coos Bay visited by Thunder iK ,iii0 becnuso thoro was a air- I foronco, ho understood, In fnvor of tho hnrd 'surfaco district among bond buyers. Coos Day today experienced tho .,,. ..(ihi ni.. ..,. f ii.n i. flrst electrical storm It hns wit- ., ,, tvnM,n.i. Ti.ia Mn im ..,.. HAIL STORM AT NORTH BEND i and Lightning and Hail Today. nessed In many months. At North lit ilnnn nii.l lirt Mfv will ncnfll . .. ,. ... .J 1.M..V ! v..w 1-..J ?f... .. iiuim. mo siorm ummiiicu uio pro- nl)0ut ,,00 on Ul0 8tUo nl)ovo wnnt portions Of ono Of tllO most BOVOrO wnH 11pt,i , iin rornlvn.l. Tim 8011,0 bonds run for ton years at six por hallstoriuu know there In years. a'. I cent, nny portion of them bolng re- Several vory brilliant flashes of .i,1,,i,ii I, ,... ,ii ... lightning, accompanied by shnrp 08t pnjmont date peals of thunder, were, a rovolntlon To ,,, tho amo Mnyor strnw o the easterners who had not appotntetl Councilman Copplo tn heard thunder slnco they left their flll Ai H p0wors' placo on tno old homes. 'finance, commltteo, tho othor moni- In .North lJond. over nn Inch of MorB ot whlch nro Messrs. Allan nd hull covored tho ground during tho savage height of tho storm. Tho south ' edge of the path of the hall storm was nonr tho Kinney Itnpld Transit I Duildiiigs mi Plat H. No dnmngo was done by tho storm, so far as could be- ascertained. Tho railroad track at Daniels Crook sufforod u washout yesterday, so tra vel between McDonald nnd Vnughan Colton nitinkots. extrn cuiiiii nun wiu inor .. i-iu wit, vnluos nnlr 7Bc to Tlin Inlniilmnn wires between ! nlllC3 I,Iur uc lo .Marshllold and Coos Ulver nro down 'Ladles Cotton Underwear, owing to tho storm. 2&Q to. Somo In wool, $1.00 to Ladles' Union Suits. Tho Homer Inst nlcht took on I -Hie to Al.ONCJ Till: WATKUFHONT I Golden Rule Prices: .$2.25 ..60c $1.50 $2.50 FOR THE SOUTH Secretary Chamber of Com merce Has Been in City Five Years. Miss Violet Henderson, tho retir ing secretary of Ho Chamber of Commerce, win. will lenvo soon for Snn Francisco, en mo to Mnrshflold just fivo years ago yestordny. Af ter bolng hero but n Bhort tlmo slip took n position nB Btcnogrnphcr tor Wnltor Lyons, then Becrotnry of tho Chntnbcr of Commerce nnd served in thnt position for nbout a year nnd n hnlf. When Mr. uy oii8 loft Miss Henderson wns mndo secretary of tho Chamber of Com merce nnd over slnco hold tho posi tion. Miss Henderson hns tno distinc tion of bolng one of tho only, If not tho only, womnn on tho const who hns successfully hold tho posi jlon of sccrotnry of n comnicrclnl body. In thnt olllco nil her busi ness nssoclnros say sho has neon highly efficient. IMbb Henderson is ouo of tho most nblo stenographers In this pnrt of the stnto nnd In nn dltlon to her duties ns secretary sho hns handled n lnrgo nmount ot stenographic work for lawyers nnd In olllclnl mnttcrs. Tho duties of Miss Henderson ns sccrotnry of tho Clinmbor of Com merce hnvo by no menus boon ensy or light. A Inrgo volumo of work hns fnllon upon her nnd has neon hnndlcd with dlspntch1 nnd ability. Through her position Miss Hen derson tins como In contact with tho business nnd professional men of tho city probably mora thnn nny other womnn In Mnrshflold nnd hns won ndmlrntlon for hor efllcloncy and for tho manner In wlilcli stio hns hnndled Hio business mnttors which It has been hor duty to per form. Miss Hcndorson's work in Marsti flold has boon hnrd nnd sho hopes on leaving Snn Francisco to tnke n rest boforo entering again in 'ho prnctlco of her profession ns n stenographer. P. M. Hall-Lowls Is hero from Co qulllo today on business and pleasure. POLICE POWER ISE1L Regular Army Patrolling Bor der Will Take in Charge Escaping Rebels. (Dy Assoclatod Press to Tho Coob uny Timosj WASHINGTON, Oct. 28. Omcinisj hero denied todny thnt thoro Jk nny purposo on tho pnrt of Tnft to do-. clnro martial law ovor nny pnrt of TcxnB ns nn Incident to tho con tlnunnco of tho rovolntlon In Mexi co. It hns. howovor, been found ncccBsnry to onlnrgo tho pollco pow ers of tho regular army pntrolling tho borders. This applies not only to more nrrcst of nrmed roods crossing tho lino to cscnpo pursuit, but nlso to their dotontlon. It 1b tho desire of tho govorninont to tnko churgo of such prisoners, bo r.3 to romovo thorn from nctlon of tho stnto courts. E. C CHASI3, former stnto senn tor Is hero from Coqulllo today, enrouto to North Dond todny to nttonil tho Oood Ponds mooting. , Mrs. i, c. Hastier. """I, Nob., llm ,' ,ffa h. w isiios to sny about P0 ' & and Tar Conipoim 1. .1 , oj,j children hnd a very sovnr- Iy Wres whooping cough nndScrl'i1 v. A friend locommoiaedV llonoy nnd Tnr Con niXi 0,ei' did thorn moro goo, 1 thnd' ani It r gnvo thorn. ;?" pminend It." p0P niSH to r-hart-Parsons Drug Co iV Cornor. h Lo" lh8 Do,, $100 Reward, $100 Tlicrcnilcrcf thin inpcr wfll bo iilpnucd to Iritril Hint thcru lt lonst nno drcnifcil rtlnoiuo tlitt K'lcuru lina ticcn nbletornrn In nil IH Uccii.niiit Hint lit Ontarnl. Hull' ('uUrrh Cure In tlio only potlnvo euro now known to tlic mnllrnl fraternity. Cnlnrni bclim con mltiitloiuil illncnfc, rnpifrcfl n coimtllutlonnl trrntmviit. Hull," rntnrrh cure li tkcn Inter nully, nctliiK dlrrctly upon tho Mood runt mil cim mirlAco of tint nyntcm, tliorcby lctrojinit tho fniiiulntloii ot thodUcioc, And glvltiR the pntlcnt KtrvtiRth In btlllilln up tlio rniiatltii lion nnd itKHtcttPR untiiro In ilolnu IIh work. TI'O proprlpton hnvo to much fiilth In (Incur. Iri pottom Hint thry offer One Hundred Dol. lr for nny onto Hint It falli to cure. Hcn.l for llit of tcitln.otilnlii. . K. J.OnKNEYACO.,Tolcdo, O PoUIyallIriiKsliitii.7.'o. . . Tnko llnlln' Fn mils' I'lIU torconitfpallon Mayor Jnmca C. Dahlman Is sorvlng his fourth term ns mayor of Otnnhn, Nob., having rccolvod tho overwhelming support of tho voters of that city. Ills steadily Increasing popularity pnrallols that of a famous mcdlclno ho hns used ot which ho writes: "I hnvo tnkon Foloy Kidney Pills nnd thoy havo given mo a great deal ot rollof, so I cheerfully recommend thorn." For snlo by Lockhnrt-Pnrsons Drug Co., tho Ilusv Cornoy. TONIGHT TiTeR. oyal The (;oi:manim'oih co. win present r.OVK AXI HONOlt. In Photoplay Cinuninnt M'ts'kly Xo. ai. Pictorial nowa from nil ovor tho world. The Hlrlded Hoiim. A vory good drama. AiIiiiInnIoii, Children, Miillnee, Sntunlay mid Sunday nf-tei'iiooiiN. e Have Nnf Raisedl Omur Prices Milk, 25c per gallon, Cream, 20c per pint, Whip Cream, 25c per pint Buttermilk, 10c per gallon Phone 73, Coos Bay Ice & CoH Storage Co Deliveries, 8 a.m. and 2 p,m, Bargains in Lots at Bunker Somo cholco sites It you tee at it onco. AUG. FIIIZEKN'. 08 r -.i x. City Auto Service flood Carn, Careful Drlrcri tid roasonnblo charges. Our motto: "Will go nnywhoro at any time." StnndB Dlanco Hotel and Bltaeo Cigar Storo. Day Phones 78 tnd 11. Night Phono C. HAHKF.R A nOODAT.K. nronrlMnn. T. J. SOA1FI3 I. 1101)01X9 tffiA- "' Marshfield Paint (Sb Decorating Co. Furnished. Kstlmntc Phono 1 IO.Tj. OrffJ All.Hlll IKLU. WJIKN VOU WANT A MESSEX OKll 110V Something ent (or or delivered P HONE ISi-L and wo'll do It. Charges reason nblo. cirAS nitANiiY. Majority Rule Amendment Amontj the thirty-eight measures which will appear on the official ballot to be voted on by the electorate of Oregon at the coming election on November 5th, will be the Ma jority Rule Amendment. This is an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Ore gon so as to require a majority of all electors votinq at any election to adopt consti tutional amendment and pass.initiative measures. fia&ISilj&I'iihtfi 1 1 This mensuro Is proposed for tho'snren nffnetinK vitally nil of tho about 100 tons of Llhhy conl for children's Hoso, our special for ban Francisco nnd today Is load-! ii0vb nnd A r liiK box sliooHs and broom !inmlles GJra IJL nun win iiiiidii lll'l uiiiku null ituuuii DO. 000 feet or lumber from tho Co- D. M. C. Embroldory Cotton, (lulUe mills at tho dopot wharf. 3 skolus for 8h2..wU.l,.,,r10,bnb.,y Ba,1loml?w' htoynl Floss, silk. Tho ashliiBton will sail tomor-. 3 B,0ns ow noon for San Francisco. ' O. A. Smith has recolved word Lacos, one-half what you pay clso- that his now lumber cnrrlor, tho where. Adelaide Smith, wns formally chris- Uroadwny, nwir Central. li.nml fit Vtuvnni't K'rtwa nt tlin llntn ....w.. ... ............ ....w ... ........, soi ior tno ovoni. .iiss Auoinuio Smith, in whoso honor tho vessol named . christened tho vessol. Tho blK boat will cost nbout ?3 10.000. nnd Is to bo brought around Cnpo XEW LOCATION. Horn by Capt. n. W. Olson, who wont oast somo tlmo iiko. Mcrchnnt'n Old Stand. ..5c 10c 3 Golden Rule Store wi lJUiaiSSAiUJ n.n!f. JWtiCA D$ T niiwarit Olympic Flour Snow Drifb Flour RETAIL PRICL $1.40 PER. SACK Northwestern hard whet v&& ei cluslToly In mllllBf the bnuadi ot floor. fjiocsvsisoir MB oxprcss purposo of preserving tho lnltlntlvo Inw for tho peoplo of Oregon by proventlng Its ovor-uoo by Its friends, nnd by provont'ng ItH nbiiso nnd possibly its repeal by Its onomles. it scnrcoly adm'is of nrKiiiueiH thnt the Initiative Lnw ns orglnnlly Intended by Its rponsors, Is n most worthy mensuro Hut wo find It today "working ovortlmo" In Oro gon. Wo find it being grossly abused nml porvortod turned from tho purposo' Tor which It wns ori ginally intended, nnnicly, to bo a powerful weapon In tho hands of tho peoplo with which to got im portant and necessary legislation ufter tho snmo hnd been noglected op rofnsed by tho Stnto l.eglslnturo. Oovomor Woodrow Wilson says: It Is to bo regarded ns "a gun be hind tho door" to ho used only when tho people's representatives fall to represent thorn. After its olght years of uso and abuse wo find that It Is fast push ing tho legislature Into a subordin ate and secondary placo. Beginning with u fow measures and a com paratively small olllclnl pamphlot, it hns grown until today thoro aro 38 Uirasures to bo voted upon, nnd an ofllclal pnmphlet containing over 250 pages for tho voters of Ore gon to gropo through in order to nrrivo at anything llko an intelli gent conclusion In regard to the proposed measures. What percentage of tho voters will tako tho troublo to glvo theso 3S measures the roqulslto tlmo and attention in order to voto Intelli gently thereon? And yet, It is tho bounden duty of every voter to do eo. becnuso In this conglomornto mnss thoro may be Important mea- peopl of tho stnto. A largo ma jority ot theso 38 mensuros nro or dinary matters of legislation which should hnvo gono to tho leglslnturo whoro momhors olectod by all of tho people aro pnld for tho purposo of passing upon tho morlrs or de merits of such mensuros, nnd who nro at least supposed to bo com petent to rondor nn intelligent do chlon thereon. And yot wo enn not expect nny chnngo In tho num ber of measures on tho ballot so lon; ns wo havo nu unbridled nnd unprotected lnltlntlvo law thnt nl lows ovory paid propagandist, ovory faddist nnd fanatic who may bo alio to ralso tho prlco with which to hlro nu army ot professional rctltlou circulators to go forth and solicit signatures to a potltlon nt so much por nnmo. Whnt Is thoro to provont special Interests from initiating monsures centnlnlng jokers, which If let pass, n-ny work untold lnjustlco to tho people of Oregon? Will tho elec torate of Oregon tnko tho tlmo and nouble to study this official pam phlet sufficiently to select tho good moasures from tho vicious ones the wheat from tho chaff, so to fcpcik, and pass favorably 011 tho good ones nnd roject the bad ones? We say no, and to substantiate our c'nim wo need only call attention to tho fact that you may go forth today less than a month boforo o'.fction, and consult 10 business nnd professional men whoso busi ness nnd professional training has taught them to look cnrofully Into important matters before rendering n decision thoreon, and nsk them If they havo looked carefully Into tho 38 measures proposed and if tley havo read tho 250 pnges of tno oiucial pamphlet. Wo make tho Hlntomont without fear of bucwh fill contradiction, that at least ' en out of tho ten will admit they hnvo not rend tho pamphlet at all, nnd If so, hnvo only given It a porficlnl glnnco. If such be the enso with tho man who Is supposed to glvo theso matters close atten tion, whnt can ho expected of the In sy niochnnlo nnd laboring m whoso nttentlon Is centored In other dlroctlons nnd whoso environment Is nil nlong other lines? Tho romody suggested nt the pre sent moment by somo of the BO" prominent newspapers of tho '" Is, "Voto 'No' on all measures un less you nro suro." Not having sni dlod tho morlts of tho 3S meaijirei how enn tho votor ho sure? II votes "No" on nil or most all tno measures and nil nro turned down, how about tho one, two or perhaps three or four meritorious measure. for which there la n genuine, njea or domnnd by tho people! A" they to meet tho samo fate as iw dozens of ordinary measures www should havo gono to tho !'? In tho first place, or tho vicious, or fanatic measures which 8nu'" turned down with a vengeance! If wo nro to preservo the 1 n tlvo law for tho peoplo of Oregop. both present and future, e ' protect it by surrounding U WHU,( safeguard which will preient misuse and nbuso by those , w would uso It to further selfish forests to tho detriment or greator number of the people tho stnte. ment The Majority Rule "J5 will do this by driving all I orjow measures of legislation Inter the i islaturo, whero they belong, by driving tho selfish .and p clous measures into obllUon they, also, belong. The Majority Rule amendment, if passed, will reduce the number of measures on the ballot to a sane basis by giving notice to all that a measure in order to stand a chance ?n fA,hiohna.Qushave real merit and that .there must be an actual demand for the same, in which case there will be no difficulty in getting a majority to vote in favor of it. n.TSm tJnftfHl8wa!pams t0 l0k ,-llit!le Maioriy Rule amendment and if you do, you will vote for it and preserve the initiative law for the people of Oregon. Vote 322 X Yes. 323 No. North Bend Murauleld Majority Rule League. (Paid Advertisement.) lute