SATURDAYTOBER 26, 1 912. EVENING EDITION. inc. uuuo dh nmtoi mrmoiii iuuw, m-wi., S COOS BAY TIMES JI. V. MALONEV.. Editor mill Pub. DAN E. MALONHY...Nuhh Editor VOTE !ll YES. iimniui n inn l,,, rmmn I ffl UUNALU ANU I-""" rtf K DO not hesitate to say that yy every voter should mark his " ballot 314 X yes, which means I a vote for tho Malarkcy hill, called tho public ulltltles bill, because it gives tho prcsont railway commission of Orogon control of all street rail way linos, all hontlng, lighting and power plants, catering to the public. Our excellent railway commission has accomplished splendid results in their oversight or tho railways. 11 tneso other public utility corporations nro put under control of the commission wo mny expect equally good results. BHr PLAYED W DYNAMITE Denmark Child Explodes Cap With Disastrous Results; Three Children Hurt. (Special to Tho Times.) DENMARK, Oct. 2C Last Wod- iiosday ovonlng tho llttlo G-yoar-old dnughtor of Mr. and Mrs. II. a. Farrlor, while left In tho kitchen with tho two smaller children, climbed upon tho tabic and ttocurcri from tho top of a high cupboard a dynnmlto cap of very great force When tho llttlo 0110 struck tho cap with tho handle of n heavy knlfo to sco It go, it exploded, horribly mangling tho llttlo hand and throw ing pieces of tho shell into tho fnco nnd eyes. Tho thumb and first two flngors woro torn nwny, neces sitating tho removal at tho knuckles. Tho flying fragments also bruised and lacornted tho faros of both children who woro bending ovor tho cap. Tho child Is loft-handed nnd was holding tho cap with the right hand whllo alio struck with tho loft and for this ronson It is tno right hand that received tho Injury. Thoro is Homo con corn for this right oyo, hut tho outer coat (loon not Hccm to ho broken, thougn a plcco of tho cap cut through tho lid nnd was removed from tho lacerated flesh by tho doctor, whllo dressing tho wounds. Dr. M. Pomhorton, n skillful nnd compotont young physician and surgonn of Lnngloln attended tho patlont and tundo tho bcBt .o could of n hospital crew haRtlly colloctcd from tho neighborhood. At prcsont tho child Is resting qulotly nnd because of hor natural health and vigor will soon ho about ngaln. ' 1CGE1 TALK cd of liberty. Tho captain said that ho could not go bnck to tho very foun dation of liberty but that ono of tho first examples was tho liberty of tho Greeks nnd Itomnns. Hut with Romo tho sonntors lost thoir llborty, tho pooplo gradually lost thoir llborty, and llnnlly enmo tho fall of Romo, which was followed by n thousand years of dark ages. Then enmo England, saldtho enp taln, as a Bhlnlng light in tho dark ness bringing liberty ngaln when Ric hard tho Lion was lighting nnd whon tho Magna Charta was domandod of King John. Ti.n nnvt IiIp wnrlf nf llbortv WBB tho revolution of Cromwell In Eng land whon on tho field of battlo tho dovlvo right of kings was overthrown. The next big hroak of llborty was tho Fall of tho Dastllo and tho next was tho nbolltion of Blavory by Abra ham Lincoln. Modern Liberty. Cnpt. Macgenn said that In his op inion tho modorn demonstration of llborty of tho pooplo was tho Orogon prlmnry law. It was ono of tho most modorn forma of llborty nnd would restore to tho pooplo tho governing power. As to tho republican convention at niiinfiim Hnntnln Mneconn emrcssod iiimHnlf ' In terms that ho only can ex press. Ho said among other things that tho convention dug up irom uio gravo and assassinated tho spirit of Cromwoll, that It dollied tho memory of tho enrly fighters for llborty of tho pcoplo and repudiated tho strokes of liberty of a wondorful American llko Abraham Lincoln. Tho cnptaln told how Roosovolt with n comparatively small following nt tho end of tho con vention had stnrtcd his movomont and of tho wondorful following that tin lin.l irntlinnxl. Ho attributed tho Roosovolt popularity to tho fact that the candidate- and pariy bioou ior what ho regarded as tho real llborty bb Intended by tho original constitu tion of tho Unltod Stntcs. In closing tho captain said: "What aro wo going to do? Whore do wo stand? Aro wo to nccopt llbor ty or aro wo to accopt monopoly? If wo tnko on tho llborty which Is offor ed us wo will hovo hotter wages, cost of food will bo lower, wo will havo good homos nnd wo will bo hnpplor and got along hotter. Uut If wo do not wo will disintegrate and dogonor ato and will tnko n backward stop as lias been tho cubo slnco tho fall of Romo whonovor tho llborty of tho pooplo Is disregarded and taken from them." G. A. Hrown expects to lenvo for California on tho next trip of tho Nnnn Smith. In a letter to relatives hero, Mrs. A. J. French, formorly Miss Grnco McCormac, sayfl they aro pleasantly lnrtn(n.1 nf Pnnninn. nro?nn. Mrs. C. 13. Nteholson"loft this wcok to visit friends In Los Angoics nnu ill.,.. CnMfnrnln nnlnls. UtllUl .,..w ... t.w...-w. Rov. II. I. HUllougo reuirnca un wook from n visit with his brother at Saskatoon, Sask., Can. Mrs. W. H. Kennedy oxpecta to leave soon for a visit of sovoral wcoka with friends In California. Miss Laurn Kruso of North Dond is nn over-Sunday guest of Mrs. R. K. Booth of this city. Ed McKcown, foreman of Smith Powers Camp No. 4, loft this week for a visit nt his old homo In Ontario. Tho Prlscllla Club will hold their noxt mooting Wcdnosdny Novombor 6 with Mrs. Gnlo or uunKor ntu. M. P. Gulovson returned this weok from Norway whoro ho has bcon visit ing nt his old homo for tho paat Blx months. , MIbb Mnmlo Mahonoy will loavo soon for Portland whoro sho will spend a fow weeks with Miss Jcssio Wilcox nnd other friends. Judgo nnd Mrs. J. 8. Coko nnd Bomo frlendB nro planning to loavo In January for a month or bIx weoks auto tour of Southern California. Mrs. Rebecca Lusc-Stump and llt tlo daughter, Kathorlno, spent sovoral days this wcok nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lubo on Cooa Rlvor, Mrs. J. F. Tolnnder roturned this wcok from a short visit with frionds nnd relatives in Portland nnd other 'northern points. Mrs. Jcnnlo Grlsson of McMlnn vlllo who hns boen tho guest of Mrs. Elizabeth Adams and other fiends will soon lonvo for hor homo. , Mrs. Sarah WIIboii and dnughtor Miss Spencc, loft this wcok for Calif ornia whoro thoy will mako an ex tended visit. Mlsa Wilson mny do cldo to spend tho winter In Southern Cnllfornln and Arlzonn but Mrs. Wll Bon will return to tho Day. WHISTLE NOT DEAD. DEMOCRAT RALLY TONIGHT at ODD FELLOWS HALL. Engineer Dennett at Smith Mill Says It Is Alive. Tho whlstlo nt tho Smith mill which blow ItHolf nlmost to doath yes torday morning by Jumping clear out of Its position, hns rovlvod. Tho whls tlo according to Chief Engineer Jns. Donnctt hns by no means died. It was Blmply noting naughty and after having boon proporly punlahod for Ha mlsbohnvlor has bcon rolnstnllod In tho old position nnd will contlnuo to disturb nt C a. in. tho lazy pcoplo who want to Blcop until 9 n. in. Mr. Hon nott vouches for tho nolso occurlng nt G o'clock ovory morning for all otornlty. 0."l"C0SII0W of Rosoburg will SPEAK TONIGHT In ODD FEL LOWS HALL on DEMOCRATIC ISSl'ES. A FOE TO COLD T Coles Hot Blast Heater Save One-Third Your Coal Bill Ask Your Neighbor Who Has One No. 12 D for coal, M 9 Cfi Ti-ice p I JU t".10.1:1:......... 415.00 No. 18 T), a large size for MQ ff the store or church VP I UU No. IS L for wood, ( QAA Price 4 JMJV No. 20 L for wood, (M 9 CA Prico ql.JU No. G18 N, polished body C 7 7C for wood ; prico -P J No. 9 Sun Oak for coal, dj C AA No. .11, Sun Oak for coal, 7 A A Price ? UU No. "in Sun Oak for coal, & A AA Price $ J.UU Wo havo a handsome open front heater, the Char- 1 3 (f ter Oak, No. 12G 4 I J.VU Also a larger one, No. 13G, & 4 C AA Sheet Steel Heater, (t 1 "IC up from P C6D I Svral !i(Kg Rasons Why Would be to Your Advantag To Buy Clothes From Us It 7. Ours is an exclusive Clothes Store, and we devote our entire time to the. study of Men and Young Men's wear. II. Being an exclusive store, naturally the lest man nfacturers of the .country jaj-e anxious to place their lines with us. III. We handle nothing hut reputable merchandise and guarantee everything we sell to be as repre sented. IV. Our finer goods are made by the celebrated Mas ter Tailors, SGIILOSS BROS, and GO. of Baltimore, New York and Boston. THERE'S NONE BETTER. V. Wc carry all sizes and shapes and arc in a posi tion to fit you perfectly. VI. You have the advantage of being fitted by ex perienced clothing men, who take an interest in the welfare of the business and are anxious to sec that every customer is satisfied. VII. Wc have several thousand satisfied customers and are gaining new ones every day. VIII. We mark our garments in 2)lain figures and charge everyone alike. IX. Wc have no old accumulated slock. The Fixup: MARSIIFIELD. NORTH BEND. WILL VISIT r CAUL AND LOOK THEM OYER. YOU ARE WELCOME GOING & HARVEY CO. ' v '-... COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS ., At a mooting of tho Mnrshllcld Chnmbor of Commorco hold ycator day afternoon It was decided to Bond n delegation to Portland to confer with Gen. lllxby, tho hend of tho en gineering corps, for tho purpose of lnylng boforo him tho necessity of Jolty Improvement. Gon. Illxby Is to bo at Portland and It was thought ndvlsablo to tnko advantage of his bolng In this part of tho country to prcsont tho claims of Coos nay. On motion of D, C. Green, tho pro sldont, was named as a dologato to go to Portland and with him will servo Cnpt, Mncgcnn of tho steamer Hronk wator. Othora who will ho In Port land at tho tlmo and who will servo on tho commltteo nro I. S. Kaufman, Judgo John Hall and L. P. Falken stoln. A wlro wns sont to R. M. Jennings nuking that ho also go to Portland to assist tho commltteo. Other Itiisliicss. Tho oxocutlvo commltteo decldod to romlt flvo dollars as n fco to bo como nctlvo mombors of tho Riv ers and Harbor congress. Tho matter of advertising mnttor was discussed and tho commltteo hav ing tho mnttor In chnrgo was Instruc ted to go ahead and havo printed tho llttlo picture booklets which woro decided upon somo tlmo ago. New Secretary. The matter of tho vacancy In tho ofllco of secrotary wns taken up. Miss Violet Henderson, who has been sorvlng for several years nast. an nounced that sho would leave soon for California. Sho will bo horo until nftor tho first of tho month to make up tho roports for tho year but ex pects to depart from this city within a fow weoks. Tho matter of a now secretnry was discussed and It wns finally decldod that tho Chnmbor of Commerce would bo open for applicants. Anyone wish ing to apply for tho place should do so at tho Chamber of Commorco rooms, Tho offleo of secrotary of courso requires ability as a stenographer. i ora company in tho Coqulllo valler. Mr. Mohr Is expected here nut j weok to nssumo his position. HeIH ' bo accompanied by his wife, fornerlf Miss Dolla Chapman, of ManhHeii E Sunt. W. P. .Mlllor of tho local rail way today announced tho nppolnt mont of Unry J. Mohr as train dis patcher on tho locnl railway, tho ap pointment of L. II. Keating na ngont of tho Iirenkwator at Portland nnd of C. II. Landor as assistant to Mr. Koat lng. Tho appointments nro in tho na- turo or a promotion to all three. Mr, Mohr hna bcon ngont of tho Break- wator In Portland, having gono thoro from hero sovoral months ngo. Mr, Kontlng has beon his n8slstant nnd Mr. Lnndora hns beon connected with tho local olllces. Tho creation of tho position of train dlspatchor Is to facllltato tho movomont of trains, tho locnl rail way'8 business having boon consider ably augmonted by tho rocont oxton slon of operations of tho Smlth-Pow O. 1. COSIIOW of Hoseburg H SPEAK TONKiUT In l FN; LOWS HALL on DEMOCRATIC ISSUES. O. P. COSIIOW of Rosobure Jill SPEAK TOXKJ1IT In 01)1) FIX LOWS HALL on DEMOCIUIW ISSUES. Cinn Daunrd. 100 vpiuv iumui i ri.n el I lil tinner will I Jll'V wn that there dJ4if,cIu that icleuoo lia been b ".Mctttrt that llr;,..nwkiiow euro 1 the dyoMmecorenwMMp tho medical fraternity. "'""J" flffi tltiitlonal iHwaK". f cu1,rXllla treatment. llnlt.H Catatrh curel tto J nally. actliiK din-oily upon V ,b?Jtii couh inrlaeca t.I Hid I'm. .thereby t i tho loiiiulatldii of tho l'"f."ge "fot,W pa-lent .triiiKtlj In bn '""f"?'," ,,ni Hon and retli8 M,UJJ?111JL rfith la " Tlo proprlelon hJn??,h.W SndrSP a IT iwwera that they r.BerOnell0Banjj lull for any cao that It fall toeure. llat of t tfci'''c-nENKV acO ,TeW.0 OaII Km II 11rilPplltl.7V. .. ..l.a Take lia'u." Vainly l-lll. lor cor,.m"Ji, O. P. COSIIOW of Rosoburg will SPEAK TON'IOHT In ODD PEL LOWS HALL on DEMOCRATIC ISSl'ES. For. something OOOD, try a HOT DRINK at LEWIS' fountain. DEMOCRAT RALLY TONIGHT at ODD FELLOWS HALL. A Home Ought to Be Like This: Not a more "house and lot," but a place of com fort, beauty and convenience. . , ne A level lawn, a cottage cosy and pleasing to w eye, are desirable features of a HOME. Modern conveniences don't hurt any; good u ior arrangement counts for a lot. ., 1C Add a beautiful view, and what moro could ow, want ? , , We have a HOME combining all these fentu The price is reasonable-only $2250.00. Tho own or will sell or trade. - lvun Wo don't waste our advertising space, o only what Ave consider to havo real merit. J-1 don't own your home, by all means let us you this one. We'll gladly do so. I. S. KAUFMAN Sb CO. 177 Front St.