THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1972.-EVEMING EDITION. r ' I i i J ! COLLIER'S IS FOR ROOSEVELT FAMOUS NATIONAL WEEKLY LOSItS EDITOR HAPGOOD AND DECLARES FOR 'II 113 DULL MOOSE TICKET. TDK CANDIDATE. Talk to him tenderly. Treat him with caro, Pock up his Biiltcnuo and hand him his fare, QIto- him n hook full of speeches to auoto, Put In nonio flnnncl to hind up .ds throat. Drlitc forth tho liniment. Heal up nnd twist. Llston politely and don't let him SCO You'ro wondering what your ap pointment will he. Many arc watching his march In the fray Who look for ndvantngo If thlngr go his way. Ho must toll and stand gnnrd oer your hopes nnd your fears. And you think you'vo done well II you glvo him threo cheers! NEW YORK, Oct. 2C Colllcr'f Weokly, which has heretoforo sup ported Woodrow Wilson for the presidency, has declared for Kooso volt nnd Johnson nnd will hereaf ter vigorously support tho Progres sive cause. Norman Hnpgood Is no longer tho odltor. Ills resignation wns handed to Hubert .1. Collier on Wcdnosdny, to tako effect tho fol lowing dny. Collier's honcoforth will hecomo a Progressive paper and will support Colonol Hoosovclt Instead of Governor Wilson, as for merly. Tho chnngo of political faith, howovor. Is not tho causo of Hnpgoou s resignation, nccoruing to tho formor editor. Hnpgood Bald tonight that ho was not Inclined to elvo tho reason for his resigna tion unless Collier mndo public nomo dcflnlto rensnn. Mossagcs passed hetweon Collier nnd Hnp- good's homo, which Is nlmost mag onnllv across Park avonuo from Collier's, and at 10:30 o'clock Col lier gave out this statement: "Much of tho ntmllty for which Collier's has received pralso has been duo to Normnn Ilnpgoort's rnro and high quality In American Journalism of Baying truo things offoctlvoly. Collier's loses, nnd If honest Journalism counts In Amor len, tho country lnsos by Normnn Ilapgoods leaving Collier's." In hnndlng out this srntomont Collier amplified It orally, saying: "I would rather bo hurt myself than to hurt him, hut unfortunntely wo dlffor on n question of politics." Ho wns asked If that meant that he would swing Colllor'a to Colonol Iloosevclt, ho replied: "Yes, you hot It does." "Thon you will hecomo odltor oi Colllor'a?" "Yes; God holp mo, 1 gucsB I'll linvo to go to work." HOY SCOUTS "SWAT" FLIES. IIEIt DISIlWASIIINa A JOY. Vnssnr Girl Presses n llutton and .Machinery woes mu " BOSTON, Oct. 22 Wiping dishes .... . .t I...- nln 111 nf or carrying ineni m. buc tho life of Mrs. ucorgin uujusiuu Child, who lives ut "tho Uttlo houso In tho woods," Darien, Conn., ns sho has evolved n scheme that practically makes washing dishes n pleasure. Sho points to this ns an evl denco thnt a collogo education does not unfit a womnn for housework. Sho Is n VnBBar graduate and is classed ns n housekeeping expert. Her husbnnd, Alfred T. Child, helps In tho housohold work. Mrs. Child has mndo a rack with n placo to hold each dish In verted. By a scientific process sho cot tho dishes scraped and washed In tho quickest tlmo possible. Then after being drenched with scalding water, they aro hung on tho rack. In flvo minutes they dry them selves. Tho rack is attached to n wheeled mechanical contrivance. Pressing n button cnrrles tho dried dishes to tho china closor. Another mechanical "wnitrcss car ries soiled dishes to tho kitchen. EASY, SURE WAY 11) HIE COLOS Don't Neglect a Cold. Ely's Cream Balm Will Stop it in the Sneezing Stage. A cold uonornlly nttucka tho weakest part, affecting tho oyB and ears In somo und producing ua jat catarrh nnd throat troubles in others. A cold is duo to nu Inflam mation of tho inciubrano lining tho air pussagea and may bo prompuy cured with a Uttlo Ely's Cream IJnlui, which imuiodlatoly rollovcs tho inflammation and all tho dls trpHslnir BVinntoms. Buch as unoo ing, coughing, running at tho noso and oyea, hoarsouess, soro turoiu, fovor and hondacho. Ono reason why this puro, antlsoptlc balm acts jo quickly is uccnuso u is hpphuu directly to tho toudor, soro sur faces. Even in sovornl chonlc cases of catarrh, Ely'B Cream Balm novcr (nils to quickly and offcctuully jheck tho poisonous dlschargo which clogs tho head and throat, causing tho disgusting Hawking, spitting aim blowing of tho noso. This romgdy not only drives out tho dlsenio, but hcala and strongthona tho weakened mombrancs, thus ending catarrh. Cntarrh Is a filthy, disgusting (11 icaso. Don't put up with it nnoth or dny. Got a 50 cont hottlo of Ely's Cream Balm from your drug gist nnd neo how quickly you will bo rolloYod. It is perfectly harm- C88. Coos Bay Times' Great Airship Exhibition At the Race Track, Marshf ield, Ore. Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 26-27 Greatest Hih Priced Attraction Ever Seen in Coos County mi SILAS CHRISTOITEHSON IN HIS AEUOPLANE AS HE WILL APPEAIl AT MAltSHFIELD SATUHDAY AND SUNDAY OOTOHER 2(1 AND 27. Two Flights Daily Don't Miss Seeing The Great Flying Machine Ln Granilo Campaign Results in Viist Slaugliler of Pi-Ms. LA GRANDE, Or., Oct. 21 Last Thursday marked tho closing of tho Hoy Scouts "swnt tho ily" campaign and It Is estimated that thero wore klllod over 12,000,000 llles. Josoph Reynolds captured tho llrat prlzo of $G, killing over G.000,000 llles. Soc ond prlzo wns captured by Claudo Holbrook, $2.C0; Fred Hock third pr Uo, $1.50, nnd Julius Ash. fourth prlzo of $l. Tho Hat of contestants with tholr record, Is as follows: Josoph HoynoldB. G.250,875: Clnud Holbrook, 4,201.000; Kroderlck Dock l.oio, -'oo; Julian AbIi. 732.020: uaipn wester! nir. 350.381 i.vnn Wright. 171,150; Frank Thomns, 117, GOG; Stophon Burloy, 95,000; Itny Alnsworth, 49,043; Campbell Gnrrlck, 42,050; Konnoth Keoney, 27,350; Claudo Flnloy, 25,087; Am lay Strong, 22,950; Guy Dnvls, 12, 200; Goorgo McDonnld. 10.GIG; Ken neth Williamson, 9.3G2; Albort Cur ry,, C.792; Phillip Holdonrlch, 4,070; Luclnn Leonard, 2,000. SEE tho AIHSHIP next Saturday nnd Sunday. FRECKLE-FACE New Remedy Tliat Rcnvoves Freckles or Costa Nothing. Hero's a chnnco Miss Frockle-Fncc, to try a now romody for freckles with tho gunranteo of a rellnblo deale? that It will not cost you a ponny un less It romoves tho freckles, whilo If It does glvo you a clonr comploxlon, tho exponso Is trifling. Simply get an ouuco of othlno doublo strength, from any first clas druggist and ono night's treatniont will show you how easy It Is to rid yourself of tho homoly freckles and get a beautiful complexion. Rarely is more than ono ounco needed for tho worst case. Do Buro to ask for tho doublo strength othlno, as this Is tho only prescription sold under gunranteo of raonoy back if It falls to remove freckles. P.OLK'S' Business Directory OREGON and WASHINGTON rA. Directory of each City, Town and VllUga, siring- docrlptlve sketch ot each place, location, population, tele graph, (hipping and banking point J also Claaiined Directory, complied by bualntsi and prorwtlon. B. I. fOUC t CO., BRATTLE J. 0. STEMMLER ANNOUNCES HIS PLATfORM I bollovo In direct presidential primaries. I bollovo in tho direct voto for United States sonntors, and until this can bo obtained, la Statemont No. 1. It olocted I will Hto up to and enforco nil laws, including tho Oro ton Systom. I bollovo In a revision ot tho judicial system with a vlow of sim plifying, expediting and choaponlng iu&tico. I bollovo in nnu win wont ior state aid for pormanont county roads scientifically built under sound business managomont. I will work for such legislation as will open Iloguo river to com mercial fishing to resldonts oi our ry county. If olocted I will work for tho es tablishment ot an oxporlmontal ag ricultural station for Coos and Cur ry counties, having been ono of tho first citizens In Coos county to ad vocate such a move. I bollovo that all local questions, such ns tho establishment ot county boundaries, etc., should bo ion to bo settled by voto of tho parties in tho localities Intorostod. I favor and will work for tho croation of a eoparato prosecuting attornoy district for Coos and Curry counties, for which tho peoplo havo already asked, I bollovo and will work for tho adoption of an Industrial Condensa tion Act, whereby each Industry will promptly nnd automatically componsato all porsons injured by its operations, without recourse to tho Courts. I bollovo in legislation rollevlng tho sheriff's offlco ot tho collection ot taxes, placing it ln tho hands ofn special officer, also n uniform system ot collecting, auditing and hnudllng samo in ovory county throughout tho state. I bollovo In a reasonnblo exemp tion of housohold and porsonnl ef fects from taxation, to a valuation of $500.00. If elected, I will work for tho abolishment of tho offlco or County School Supervisor, as I consider it n usoless expenditure of public mo ney. If elected, I will uso my best ef torts for tho passage ot tho so called Dluo Sky Law, prohibiting tho operation or take corporations In this state. If elected, I will refuse to rep resent any iaciion ana win always aid any rosldont of tho district in any moritorloua legislation. J. O. STEMMLER. (Paid Advertisement.) There Is a Reason WHY CAICES IIAKED WITH Cresent Baking Powder NEVER FALL. It is puro nnd wholosomo becnuso wo uso no cream of tartar to com blno with bicarhonato of soda to form Kochollo salts. No alum, ro- tash. potassium, ammonia or any oth er Injurious ingrodlonts ln nny way shapo or mannor ln its manufacture. Furthermore thoro Is no combina tion ot Ingrodlonts thnt can ho form ed from tho materials usd, that are not absolutely necessary for tho malntonnnco of tho human systom. 8300.00 Guarantees This Fnct. Crescent Unking Powdor costs moro to produco than tho varlouB croam of tartar Baking Powdors and wo soil It for half tho prlco demanded by tho Baking Powdor trust. Wo glvo you a ono pound can of Dnklng Powder which Is nbsolutoly puro and wholesome for 25 cents. Uso Crescent Baking Powdor, fol low tho directions, and your baking will alwayB ho successful. 11UILDING AND REPAIR WORK, House Moving and Grading, Wo aro prepared to do this work by the day or contract and guarantee satisfaction. Let us flguro with you. G. B. FLOYD & CO., Phono OlO-J. Marehfleld, Oro, Brighten the Winter Fire By protecting your housohold goods with ono ot our InBurnnco policies nnd removing nil causo for worry. Wo specialize ln FIro Insur nnco, writing correct policies in companies of greatest strength nnd dignity, I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Street A modern Brick .ulldlug, ElectrlJ Light, Btoam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL OOOS O. A. Metlln. Prop. Ratca : 50 cents a day and upwards Cor, Hroauway and Market Fisher Auto Service Win. Fisher, Proprietor. Phono orders to Hlllyor's Cigar stand, Phono 18-J. Aftor 11 p. m phono 5-J. Night phono 181-R. Marshfield. Oregon. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. BUY NOW. Some choice lota In NORTH BEND can be had at a very reasonable price If taken now. E. S. GEAR & no.. First National Bank. Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN DYER8. CLEANERS, PRESSERS nnd HAT HKNOVATUIW Agent for Edward II. Stratuw Co., Fino Tailoring. Let tu mnko yonr next salt. 255 COMMERCIAL. Phone S50-T ?ff-??fflAV,gH? JOEL OSTLIND, Piano Tuner ami Repairer. 415 S. Sixth street, pnono ioa-u "RDNa LOUISE LARSON, -1-1 Pianist and Teacher. Harmony, Musical History Phono 254-U. J. W. DENNETT Bonnott Swanton, Tom T. Bennott Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Flanagan & Dennett Hank Building Marshfield. Coos Co., Oregon. PERL RILEV HALLINGER Pianist and Teacher Resldonco-Studlo, 237 So. Broadway Phono 18-L. T EW KEVTZER, - Violin Instructor. Apply rialnca Music Store. Class Start September 1. WM. S. TURPEN, ARCHITECT. Marshfield, Oregon. DR. W. MORROW, Dentist. 171 Crimea nulldlng, over Grand Theater. Ofllco Phono 320. VIT G. CHANDLER, Architect. Rooms 801 and 002, Coke Building Marshfield, Oregon. DR. BIRD D. CLARKE, Specialist ln Nerve, Rhciimntlcm and Spinal Disease. Offlco Hours, 1 to 6 p. m. Office, 804 Ooko nulldlng. MARSHFIELD OREGON DR. A. J. HENDKY'S Modern Dental Parlors. Wo aro equipped to do high class work en short notlco at the very loweet prices. Examination free. Lady attendant. Coke Bldg., Opp. Chandler Hotel, pboae 112-J. You Auto Call Foote PHONE 144-J NIGHT AND DAT Btand front of Lloyd notel TWO NEW OARS After 11 P. M. Phone 5-J, Jiesiuenco Phone 28-J. Will Mak Trine to CotrulUe, Bargains in Lots at Bunker Hill Some choice sites It you see me at once. AUG. FRIZEEN. 08 rv--,i a.v,. T. J. SOAIFE HODGINS jffiA. n. Marshfield Paint Decorating Co. 4-urnisned. Phone 140.L. Oregoi itlmates tAnsirfrorn UW Estimates DATES to ho REMEMBERED: ouiuruny nun numiuy, October 26 and 27 Tho Times Great At,-iin in hibition. CONDENBHD STATEMENT Of ThelFirst National Bank of Coos B At Ui etas of bmslaes, Septomber 4, 1912. RBIOUnCEB. Loans and Discounts IJOI.III, OrerdratU Hi Bonds, warrants and securities 11,111 U. S. Bonds to socure circulation 1MH Roal estate, furlture and Ixturet I0,tM Cash and sight exchango W,W Total MM.WI LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid lu H00.9IH Surplus and undivided profits H.Un CIrculetlon. outstandlne "w Doposits IUH Total IHM'1 In addlUoa to Capital Stock tho Individual liability ot Stotib flOO.OOO.OO. INTKRIC8T rAID ON TIM1I AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W. 8. CHANDLKR. Pre:dc DORflET KRErTZEll, ( STATEMENT OF CONDITION FLANAGAN & BENNETT MARSHFIELD, OREGON, At tho cloflo of buslucM, September 4, 101X uiiauuiiucD. iiiljll Loans and dUcounts f 0 fH Banking house 4;,'t( wmu nuu oauuhukqi ... - Tl.l .' LIABILITIES. . ..tyl Capital stock paid ln it'fll uuiyiua buu uuumuta prouu. j(j(iw Deposlbj "'"JZA vm Abstracts, Real Estate, Fir and Marine Insurant Title Guarantee and Abstract HKKKT BKNeaTACIOCN, W rVnnlllA nmiam. .-. a tlattnr Landl I7M1WV Jfcnnji Timber Ool andtaH "EAST8IDR" GmuiI AM Marsbield Offlcejl Get Busy AND GET AFTER THAT ROOF, nUT FIRST OOg I OUR PRICES ON 8HINGLXS AND ROOFiwu - SHINGLES 1.80 AND VT. ROOFING PAPER, ONH PLY, 1 AND ' C. A. Smi-fli I. umber & Mfo RETAIL DBPARTMKNT. WIEN YOU WANT A MESSEN GER BOY Bomething eut for or delivered P n O N K 154-L and we'll do It. Charge reason able. CHAS GRANDY, . n.J Have Ihat HO" Q0$St See pBOK jlH-