THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1912, EVENING EDITION. mam w E SWEPTi A Portland Paper Tells of Thrilling Experience of a Woman Passenger. . i ROYAL fhc most celebrated of all the fonMng powders in tine world celebrated to its great leavening strength and purity. It makes yonr caEces, biscuit, bread, etc., SaealtMul, it insures you against alum and all forms of adulteration that 0O W1 AfosoIutelsPiiF MM GETS FORD AGENCY Automobile Man Will Handle It in Connection With Cadillac. Goo. Gooilriini, who Is limiting n tour of tlio North Pacific Const cities to Inspect tho now 101 II nu toinolillo models mid get tho Intent Idea In tho nntn luminous wrltos to E. W. Stcolo. niechnnlclnn nt tho Gomlrum garago thnt ho hns no enred tho Ford agency for Coos county. Ho nlso tolls some Inter on tint; things about tho now tit 1.1 Cadillac, Among other things Mr. Ooodrum says: "Tho Cadillac Is far hotter than I oxpoctod. I seo an ndrertlso moiits of qtilto a fow cars mention of 'masterpieces' and work of MS engineer's' and my limit and othor assertions relatlvo to enrs. lint with nil this, mid nodoiiht they are true, tho Cadillac Is no far ahead of any and all cars, regardless of price. In finish, oqiilpmont, lionutv nnd power, that It looks to mo thnt any person contemplating buying a car anywhero between fliiOO and $5000 cortalnly would not pass up tho Cadillac. "I nm not going to ho able to got ono for about 10 days, but it Is worth waiting for. "I linvo Just completed negotia tions for the Ford agency In Coos county. You know I have always had a soft spot In my heart for tho Ford and now I am going to glvo tho people of Coos county tho chnpee to gor what they want. "The Ford touring car complete, Jnld down In Mnrshfield, top, ppeedometer and windshield for $700; roadster. $01.1. delivery car, $725, and taNlcab, ?S2r. I guess they are setting tho pace for prlco nnd delivering tho goods, too. t nni going to bring a delivery Ford down with nio mid It Is the el us siest llttlo car of Its kind I ever saw," This will bo good news to the nuto enthusiasts for they know George hns good Judgment on ears and there will bo much Interest In his arrival with tho now models. COAST LEAGUE BHLLJGOHES Vernon Defeats Portland in Only Game Played by League Yesterday. STANDING OF THIS CIjUIJS W. L. P.C. i .115 si .nsc .11.1 82 .570 10S 88 .551 Oakland. . Vornon Los Augolos rortlnnd 81 95 .400 Snn Frnnclsco . . .S7 111 .430 Sacrainonto . . . .09 119 .300 PORTLAND, Or.. Oct. 2.1. Tho only gnmo played yesterday was bo tweon Vornon and Portland nt Los Angoles, Vornon being tho winner. Tho Sncrainento-San Frnnclsco gnmo was prevented by rain nnd tho gnmo scheduled nt San Frnnclsco botweon Oakland and Los Angoles wns post poned. Tho score follows: At Los Angoles U II K Voronon 1 9 1 l'ortlnnd .1 8 1 At Sacramento, tho Sacramonto- Fnn Frnnclsco gnmo postponed on nc- count of rnln nnd nt snn Frnnclsco, tho Oakland-Los Angeles gnmo wns also postponed. GREAT A1ICSIIIP i:IIIIUTION Saturday nutl Sunday, OCTOIIER 20 mill 27. Brighten the Winter Fife P.y protecting your household goods with ono of our Insurance policies nnd removing nil causo for worry. Wo speclallzo In Flro Insur ance, writing correct policies In companies of greatest strength nnd dignity, I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Street. NOTICE. On and after November 1. 1912. tlio rare netweon Jinrsurieltl and Dnnlols Creek and upper rlvor will bo B0 conts, or 75 cents for round trip tickets. STEAMER COOS RIVER. Cunt. Kogors. LAUNCH EXPRESS, Capt. Lattln, LAUNCH SUNRISE. Capt. Smith. SKi: tho AlltSIIIP next Saturday nud Sunday. A modern llrlck ulldlug, Electrl? Light, Stonm Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot aud Cold Wator. HOT R Ij O O O S O. A. Metlln, Prop. Rates: no cents n day and upwards Cor. UroudWMr nud Market Fisher Auto Service Win. Fisher, Proprietor. Phono orders to Hlllyer's Cigar Stand, Phono 1S-J. Aftor 11 p. m. phono C-.T. Night phono 1S1-R. Marliflcld, Oregon. LITTLE TALKS ON TIMELY TOPICS By . W. A. REID. The people of Coos liny are naturally Interested in the coin ing of railroads, and tho next tlvo years will doubtless wit nosti u wonderful development along this line. There bus been much talk and speculation In the past, but now three roads are actually working In this direction ns fast as money can drive tliom. Why? Primarily because of the rapidly up proaellliiK completion of the Panunin Canal. This territory cannot bt held back longer. HUT Inuring the railroad con struction work, do you realise that all Marahtlold property within tho half mllo clrdo has Increased In value botweon 20 and !I0 por cent each year? This, nit ml you, under nor mal conditions. This In Itself offers good Interest on tho In vestment. Closo In property Is bound to dovolop rapidly, ovon under normal conditions. PERIIAM PARK Is closo In and offors tho host Investment. SEE REID AI30UT IT, Coko llldg. Tho l'ortlnnd Journnl of Monday prints tho following story of tho Breakwater's Inst trip to Portland: "Almost carried overboard by n hugo breaker that washed into her berth on the steamer llrenkwatcr as , tho craft crossed tho Columbia river bar 'yesterday morning, nnd tossed ' around in tho berth until they woro terribly bruised from head to foot, wcro tho thrilling experiences of Mrs. i J. W. MeNnll of Anncondn. Mont, nnd hor 8-year-old son who wore roturn-i Ing from Mnrsliflold to tholr homo. Mrs. MeNnll and son nro now stop ping at tho Perkins hotel, until her bnggngo, much of which was almost ruined by wnter, Is returned to her. "I realized how it folt to bo near death, when thnt torrlblo breakor crashed through tho door of my state room that had been cnrolcssly loft open by n wnltor," sho said this morning at tho hotel. "Tho wavo scorned to wrap Itself about mo nnd with my arms nnd feet braced ngnlnst tho sides of tho uortn, and witn my body crowded against my son, who wns deathly sick, I hung on for what scorned to bo hours whllo thnt salt water washed over mo nnd scorned dotormlncd to tear mo from my hold. Girl Kscnpcs Ducking. "Tho nolso wns torrlblo, when that breaker crushed ngnlnst the sldo of tho boat. "As soon as tho steamer wns righted, I Jumped from tho berth on ly to seo my hnnd bags nnd Biiltcnso floating out. I riiBhed outside. Just as another wavo started to break ov er tho boat. It wbb only by using all my strength that I wns nblo to got back Into tho stateroom with my bnggago nnd close tho door. I wns thrown to tho floor and terribly bruised. Tho strain on my arms ns T re sisted thnt first wavo hns mndo my arms bo lnmo I can hardly lift thoin. Every movenblo object In tho etnto room wna shattered. In tho itnpcr borth thcro wns nn 18-vonr-old Port land girl. who. nlthough sho escnned tho delugo of wator, wns terribly bruised. Sho woa screaming tnrrl Iby, aB waB also my Bon nnd I thought I could never quiet them. "Tlioso waves did not ovortnko us until wo Btnrtod to cross tho Colum bia rlvor bnr. Whllo It was choppy outside. It wns not so very bad. I had loft the door of my statoroom open, becnuso n man In tho next stateroom hnd been Binoklng nil night and my room wns full of tho funics. Tho wnltor who brought mo my broakfast. hnd Just loft my tray, and T nalrnil lilm in clo0 tllO dOOr. real izing thnt It wns getting rougher, hut bo pnld no hoed to my request. It wns less thnn a nilnuto nftor thnt when this big breaker como, nnd I thought tho wnltor hnd been wnshod ovorbonrd, but I found ho had sought refugo In nnothor stateroom. "As soon ns posslblo wo wore tnkon to tho englno room, whoro wo woro dried out, nnd tho captain then gnvo us his room. They refused, when wo got horo, to do nnythlng for mo. All my clothes woro IobL Among them wns my trunk check." When Mrs. .Meisnii ami uer sou roached tho hotel horo sho almost collnpsod, nnd kept hor bod nll.nftor noon nnd until Into this morning. Up to noon sho hnd beon imnblo to wlro her husband In Anaconda nbout hor nYnnrlnnrn. Sho declnrod that tho entlro trip wan n tbrllllmr ono. On leaving Mnrsliflold, nnd In crossing tho bnr at Coos Ray, sho declares tho stcamor struck tiottom as it wns inrowii irum sldo to sldo by the ltonvy soa. Aftor passing ovor tho Columbia river bnr, it is said that tho Rrenkwotor sont a wireless warning to nnothor steamer not to nttempt tho trip over tlio unr nt that tlmo. Mrs. MeNnll hnd been visiting with hor son, a business mnn nt jinrsiiiioiu, and was on hor wny to Anncondn. Sho will romnln horo, however, until her claims against tho stenmshlp company aro adjustod, and as much of her nggago as Is posslblo Is recovered." H Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. "Money Talks" Men's and Boy's Clothing, Hats, Furnishings The Test of THIS Fall's Suit, Overcoat or Raincoat is the Way . It Will Look NEXT Fall Any Suit, Overcoat or Kniiicont is only ns good as its tailoring. Good Materials and Linings arc wasted it' not backed up by suineicnt hand workmanship. 'Plie clothes you get here at $10 to $35 are Clothes of Quality Guaranteed and 'Money Talks" MEANS A SAVING TO YOU. They eontain the best material you could possibly expect at their respective prices, dou bled in value by the kind of tailoring which make STLYE and SHAPE n permanent fea ture. Notice window display of cvcrijlhinfj (hat is new in OYE K COATS, RAINCOATS AND GABERDINES Hub Clothmg (b Shoe Co. "Money Tiilks" 31 UtSHFJr.LD RANDON tlll'.t?! Copyright, 1912, HUljafls. filmi & o, Rochester, N.Y. i'itj-iw XTnTKXIKKMJSJLXUilL FUFSH lmrrol of GUARANTEED RATTERIES at THE GUNNERY. SKK tho AIRSHIP nnd Sunday. next Saturday Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have ALWAYS USED, Phono 72, Pacific Livery nnd Transfer Company, PATHS to bo REMEMREREI): Saturday and Sunday, October 2(1 and 27 Tho Times Great Alrditp Exhibition. HU1LRING AND REPAIR WOI1K, House Moving ami Grading. Wo aro prepared to do th'a work by tho day or contract aud guarantee satisfaction. Let us flguro with you G. S. FLOYD tt CO., Phono nill-J. Mm-Oifleld. Ore. There Is a Reason WHY CAKES I1AKED WITH CresenL Baking Powder NEVER FALL. It Is puro nnd wholosomo becnuso wo uso no cream of tartar to com blno with blcnrbonnto of soda to form Hochollo snlts. No nluiu, po tash, potnsslum, nnimonln or any oth er Injurious Ingredients In nny way shnpo or iiiitnnor In Its niniiufncturo. Furthermore thoro Is no combina tion of liiKrodlonts that can bo form- cd from tho inntorlals usd, thnt nro not nbsolutoly nocusnry for tho innlntonnnco of tho human systom. $300.00 Guarantees This Fact. Crescent linking Powdor costs moro to produco thnn tho various cream of tartar Halting l'owdors nnd wo soil It for half tho prlco demanded by tho Unking Powdor trust. Wo glvo you a ono pound can of Ilaklng Powder which la nbsolutoly puro nnd wholosomo for 25 conts. Uso Crosccnt Ilaklng Powdor, fol low tho directions, and your baking will nlwnys bo successful. A NCE 'THE FRIEND OF COOfl MAY' S. S. ALLS EQUIPPED WITH WIItELKHH SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR. PORTLAND TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, at9a.ra, CONNECTING WITH THE NOltXH HANK KOA! AT I'OItTUKD NOKTH PACIFIC CTEAMSHIP COMPANY. Hione 11. O. F. McGEOIlOR, ipat FAST AND CO.MIOI)IOUS Steamer Redondo Equipped with nrlreleaA Mid nbmrle bell SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR SAN FRANCISCO THURSDAY, OCT. 24th at 9 a. m. All Pawtcugc p Re.vrvAtioiiH From Snn Francisco Mut Be JI1 HO." Fifo IHiiIdlng, or Pier No. II). All ivscnatloas must t t ken liji 21 Iwiurs before sailing. iNri:it-nnKAV TitAVinnTATinv ca. PHONR 44. C. F. McOEOROE. Agent. J Still on Deck with a Imiu'h of good buys, both in real es tate and business op portunities. If you are looking for such eall on us, we will be glad to tell you about them. Marsh field agents for the Newark Fire In suninee Company. French Realty Co. 315 U N. Front St. The Wickham House Dining Room COQU1LLE, OHE. Reopened October 1, 1912 Newly pniiered. painted nn tron. era iij lviiovnieil. Special attention nnd tlio best of scrvl.o to tho traveling public, mis. a, K. AVICKILUI, Coquillc, Oi-o. ( rnr-jj equipped with wiiikless EE03ESSJ' Steamship Breakwater ?J3?a 3S3Bdq SAILS FIIOM A1NSWOIITII HI, , at). FHOM MAIISHF OCT. 5, 12, 10, 20. Phono Main H5-L. ALWAYS ON TISn?. DOCK, PORTLAND, At 8 A. Mm Og; .i-IELl) AT THE SEUVICII OF THET J. C. MILLEtt, Agent Steamer Washington The Ship that Makes the Service Good Between San Francisco and Coos Bay WITH PASSENGERS AND FREICMT F, S. DOW, Axeitt. OoWJ The Sign of Good Candy Always WHEN YOU WANT A MESSEN OEU HOY Something sent for or delivered F HONE 15 Mj anil we'll do It. Charges reasonable. CHAS ORANI1Y, City Auto Service I Oood Cars, Careful Drivers aud reasonable charges. Our motto will go anywhere at any time.", Stands Dlanco Hotol aud Blanco Clear Store, nnv Phnn. ic...j . I Night Phono 46.' BA1UCEK & GOODALE, proprietors R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance .244 North Front Street. Unique Pantatorium pilrS111'13"9' CLEANERS, l lU-.hSKRS and HAT RENOVATORS Agent for Edward II. Strauss & Co Fine Tailoring. Let us make your next suit. 255 COMMERCIAL. Thono 230OC We Clean and Pl - o ti Cm C Ladies7 andwn Goods Called for j nlivered Coos Bay Steam La m -.txrH 57J l'liuni p- iUaOaMum MarshfieldTrth Bend I GORST A Ii- ' "r .- J M.rahflaM ?,T.7lrll hiiim uuiuuHi"! n.inri ii unW midnight; See b for eehedule. yfHh