THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1912, EVENING EDITION. Men's Shoes In our exclusive Men's Shoe department we are showing the most up-to-date line of Men' s Footwear We are sole agents for Selz Royal Blue $3.50 to $5.00 Florsheim Shoes $5.00 to $6.00 COOS HAY TIDES. hit. October. 23Hr3. 0.34 C.ll 12. CG C.47 Pt.. 4.9 1.2 G.S 1.2 24'IIrs. 1.18 CGI 1.2C 7.21 IPC. 6.3 1.2 0.3 0.4 WEATHER FORECAST. OREGON Occasional rnln tonight nnd Thursday; south to west winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE PORT. For tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 n. m., Oct. 23, by DonJ. Ostllnd, special govornment metoorologlcnl obsorvor: Maximum G3 Minimum 42 At 4:43 n. m 44 Precipitation 73 Wind Southwest; rainy. 1 PERSONAL NOTES DENNETT SWANTON Is In Coqulllo on business today. N. MOON of this city loft for Myrtlo Point this morning. E. II. JOEHNK went to Coqulllo this afternoon on business. F. G. HORTON left this afternoon on a business trip to Dandon. ARTHUR COACH returned to his homo In Dandon this morning. MISS EDNA WIEDER Is In from Ten Mile for a Bhort visit with friends. A. S. HAMMOND of North Dcnd Is a business visitor at tho county seat today. JAS MERCHANT Is in from his Doa- vor Hill ranch on business nnd pleasure w) TOM NICHOLS Is In tho Coqulllo Vnlloy attending to business mat tors today. F. D. FLETCHER of tho Sperry Flour company, went to Gardiner today on business. MRS. O. R. WADE of Dandon Is ex- pectod hero tho last of tho week en routo to Portland. L. J. SIMPSON will roturn from his San Francisco trip on tho Dreakwater tomorrow. MISSES GERDA GUNNELL and Roso jucBsono or untcmng lniot woro AinraMleld visitors today. SOCIAL CALENDAR. Wednesday, Jolly Dozen with Mrs. W. F. Squlro of Hunker Hill. Western Star Robecca Lodgo at a Boclal evening and supper In Odd FoIIowb' hall. Prlscllla Club with Mrs. Knuto Erlckson In Dunker Hill. Methodist Drothorhood Asso ciation mooting with David Nol son. Social Embroidery Club with Mrs. W. K. WIsoman. "Hunkidori" Chippewa High Tops for Loggers Woolen Mill Store Men's Outfitters. I : : , I .ii am Eastern Star Meet. Tho Enstorn RtllF T.nilfrn nnlnVArl nn ntfAMlm. cards, dancing .music nnd various I MRS. J. P. MALONEY and daughter otiior amusomonts last evening nftor an Initiation oxerclso. Refreshments wcro served. Anniversary Meeting. Noxt Fri day at tho Masonic Lodco roomB will occur tho celebration of tho anniver sary of tho Commandary In which all tho Masonic bodies nnd tho ladles of tho Eastorn Star will partlclpnto. Kills Dig Duck. Ralph Kruso and Wnrner Ogron killed a lino buck on tho mud flats across tho Day while hunting ducks Inst Sunday. A fow days prior, Mr. Ogron killed a white swan, tho first ono scon on tho Day In a long time. Ih Arrested C. D. Shoomnkor, ono of tho mon Involved In tho saloon brawl tho othor night, was arrested of Day City expect to leave tho last of tho week to visit In Knnsnn. MRS. O'DRIEN nnd MISS O'DRIEN who havo boon visiting at tho A It. O'Drlon homo, expect to leavo Saturday for Portland. MRS. S. C. SMALL expects to lenvo Saturday for Portlnnd nnd rill pro- oaoiy visit nor old homo In Mon tnna boforo her return. MISS HAGEMEIBTER will leavo to morrow for San Francisco whoro sho will enter tho Gorman hospital to tnko a courso In nursing. IIERDERT ARMSTRONG, of North Dond, Coos county, Is spending a fow dnys In Rosoburg looking after business Interests. Rosoburc rvows. by Marshal Cartor and fined $ 10. Hoi NHS- OTTO SCHETTER may leavo Always "The Busy Corner" The Rexall Store i p j CALL US UP 298 whenever you want anything from our store. That is exactly what the telephones are for. ' Wo have so thorough a system that we fill cv lery telephone order with as much care as though you stood on the other side of the counter. "We ivc personal attention to telephone orders from physicians. ITavo your doctor telephone in your prescriptions and test our service. Prices Always Right Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER" PHONE- MAIN 298 US WANT ADS. WAXTER Good machinist, wages I3.C0. Phono 2C9-L. WANTED 2G9-L. -Railroad laborers. lMionu LOST or STOLEN SlWrcn foot clinker built row boat, No. 22, painted greon with rod strlpo nroumi mo top. uownru ror ln- rormnuon at urowory saloon. did not havo any cnBh nnd Is now In Jail. Grant was lined $10 which ho paid whllo Durrnnd escaped without n lino. For I'nllcenmn. It la understood that Mayor Straw will probably namo Levi Smith as tbo now mombcr of tho Mnrshflold pollco forco if tho city council agrees to tho Increnso. Mr. Smith hns dono special pollco work at times nnd IiIr nppolntmcnt would bo vnrv irrntlfvlnir in Yilo fnnnv frlnntla After Daughter John Martin who San Francisco for homo on tho stonmor Flflold tomorrow, accord ing to word that Mr. Schotter re ceived todny. W. T. HENDRYX of Potorson'n Inlot expects to loavo tho laBt of tho week for Portland and othor north ern points whoro ho will romnln for somo tlmo. MISS ELLEN FLOOIC of Portlnnd who hns boon visiting Mrs. Levi Smith nnd othor rolntlvcs lioro ox. pectn to loavo Saturday for her PORTLAND HOUSE Room and board. 207 N. Third St., comor Commercial. Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do wlt to rail At PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway and make selec tion from tho large stock now ou hand. Sir. Wilson has in his employ tho only practical marhle and granite cutter in Coos County. And nono but tho best work is turned out. FOR SAM': First class modern hoc shop, with good stock of shoes nnd modorn mnchlnory. Steady estab lished business, paying S2G0 por month not. ownor lonving city, will soil at Inventory price, about S1G00. Address, Duslncss Oppor tunity, Times ofllco. FOR RENT Ono furnished room. Address 331 First street. WANTED Men with rig, auto or launch to trnvol In country nnd call on dnlrlos, ranchers nnd butchers: 40 nor cont profit. Ad dress Daisy Stool Sprondor Co., 132 1-2 Union nvonuc, Portland, Oregon, recently enmo hero from EnBtorn Oro-' homo In Portland. gon lias npponlod to local pnrtles to.CAL LANGWORTHY loft yestorday holn him llnd his dnUEhtor. Nottlo.1 for Prospor whoro ho will rowlro who married a man nnmed J. A. Mc-j Adams who lntor moved to Coos nny Whothcr tho McAdams In question Is Mr. McAdnms of Doavcr Hill has not boon ascertained. Ilit Cnko linker. Mrs. R. M. Sar tor has been nwardod tho cash prize of $r offorcd by tho Crescent linking Powdor pooplo for tho best cnko en tered In tho contest nt Stnuft's gro cery. It is hard to toll winch is tuo Dod't Get Soaked FOR RENT llouso and furniture for salo at 212 North Droadwny. FOR RENT Furnished H-room hmiso. Inqulro Times ofllco. LOST Crnvonet, dark, MHihmI and nearly now, In Mnrshflold. Has Woolen Mills Storo mark. Ho ward for return to Archlo Phil lips, North Dond, WE WlI.T. Ulir v.t .... I. " -"J XVJU fl Km 'a?1681 rko Vli for taS i.BUVr' oM Watches, w jeweiry and Precloui ?r Bent by Return Unll. inZ """" Years. ntantBt.,nuiadoIpUa,l. TO DRVTIcra WrS,00111, Fng, $?$ Platinum. High ave at Roof Fixed NOW 8 CORTHELZ- pnoxR a mi 1 8EE H RBW SHOES AT L ecfrir Qhnrt ca W,,0'noW. school Shoos S"" - -' niiir''nriin charH'e I :, : 'ofrVfed tho live hn- 11 to reader eilne,r: and ar P" Mo.1. .r eollent service to l. '"" OI Pa , nl. rA -."" tiay. C!nrnfnl afll Wn LV,nd rythlng W ! pS't,,fBctorsr service ft Sttffi 0ranlDg needed l'o(ealia80douck- TONIGHT The Royal lly special request IIOMKR'S ODYSSUV wilt ln rnnontoil This Is an OS- peclnlly good fonturo. In threo reels. Tho story Is well told tho spoctaculnr work is simply great. Two other pictures (Jaiimoiit's Weekly, Xo. lia The pictorial news or Uio moiki. ltoosovelt visits tho Row City. Made and prpduced In Portland, Oregon. HOOO Feet for lOe. Cieroiihuo's Iast Ihild In two ivels, a hl Indiiui picture using over 200 ieoito Is tho feature for tomorrow night. Electric Lamps for all places. Fino assortment Just arrived. Guaranteed Electric Irons something new. Ask to eeo ono. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J. Barnard & Langworthy See our window display of wood'eleotrio' fdctijbes leaded art iglass domes, portabiib stand lamps. phone m-n. WANTED Information concerning Por Dorg, 22 years old, 0 foot tall, smnll light mustacho, bluo eyes, Swedish. Woro black suit, bluo Jumper undoicoat, black fe dora hat. Disappeared October 9. Address Prospor Mill Co., Prospor, Oregon. WAXTED Rcncral housework by woman with G year old child. Ad dress "D", caro Times. MOXKV TO IX)AX on pianos, fur nlturo nnd porsonal proporty, etc. Call fiom C to 8 o'clock, II. II. Harpor, 334 First stroot. Tolo phono 349-J. FOR RENT Fifteen nnd a half ncro ranch on Ross Inlot. six acres undor cultivation. Apply to Hlgglnson & Son, Mnrshflold, Oregon. FOR SAL Dry wood, fir nnd al der, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Ferry landing, hone 168-L. FOR REXT Furnished room for one or two gentlemen. Inqulro Fash ion Tailors, 1B0 Front street. ROOSI AND HOARD Tho Roycrest, 388 First street. Ptiono iza-A. for nrc.NT Clean, comfortable rroms. with or without board at 135 N. Second Rtrpot TIndor nw management. Umbrellas Covered nt tho Marshfield Cyclery DAYTOX AGENTS. Phono 188-U 173 nroadwny WANTED ! ! ! CARPETS UPnOLSTERINQ AXD mivng rm riiEAN. by the Pneu matic Cleaning Company. Order for work taken at GOING HARVEr, PhOM 10 . oiCIl The Bazar "Store of Quality." Phono 32. It's bad for your health and n fow dollars spent hero will pro tect you. Wo havo n most com ploto lino of wet wonthor goods at innnl rnnnntinlitn nrfmu. Wn will inoai ointou ovor uio uonor, r. oronumornt, u fow 0f thorn: Mrs. Sartor, as "Dob" has always MEX'S SMOKERS claimed I that cooking la ono of thoj (Ea,ll0H Tower FIhIi llroml) ninny things In which Ills "hotter, Three-quarter longth' 8:l.o hnlf" excels. Fu i0I1Kth ,,no .May Proswuto. P. O.Jordan of (;()Ij) MEI)Arj mtAXI) GOODS Ten Mllo who roturned yestorday a.4 Lont slckor8 9t,no from Euroka with his Bon, Edward, jnckotH i?!l 7!i who had been Inducod to nceompnny, ,.- longth "siickorV. '.'.'.'.'.'. .)S.l!oo n man nnd woman thoro nnd spondl Hllclcor Pnnts tfinio olghty dollars or so. Is planning to i Sckor lokkIuVh". '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. $',n0 prosocuto tho pnr for fraud. 1 ho (,AY .:N(JU.S, si.lPONK man's nnmo Is said to bo Humplirpy. , r,.,.1lch 8H w Whothcr thoro Is nny law to covor tho co-Inch sm.oo enso, mr. jonmii iiuw iiihk n-i Aqunpollo CwitH nnd Pants, So' cortain. r i. n wn -jwestors nnd Rubber lints nnd nil Han UIr Deal Frank D. Wnlto of I, , , . ,,.,, Footwonr Suthorlln. Orogon. who hnsoxtonHlvol1'"1"8 or """"" ' ooiwoar. holdings on Coos Day nnd who Is well known lioro Is now negotiating for tho purchnso of n $000,000 block In tho honrt of Oakland, Calif. Tho block has no Improvements nnd Is tho only unimproved down own tract In cn80 ho doos not tako this pro porty, Mr. Walto will probably tako an Oakland suburbnn tract of GC0 acres which Is valued nt $DOO,000. Dark to Missouri. C. II. Wnltor has received a lottor announcing tho arrival homo of his brother and bro-ther-In-lnw and their families nftor n tour of tho Pncinr northwost, Includ Inc a visit nt tho Pondloton roundup, following tholr stny on tho Day. Ills brother lives at Adrian, Mo., and his brothor-ln-law at Humo, Mo. Doth havo tho western fovor ns n rosult of their four months stny lioro nnd nro planning to dispose of tholr Missouri proporty nnd move west, probably to Coos nay, noxt spring. Rumor Gnodrmn Married Thoro Is n well defined rumor In cir culation todny thnt when Ooorgo Ooodrum roturns from his trip ho will not come nlono. Of rourso lie will bring iho new modol nu tos, but It Is broadly hinted thnt ho will nlso bring n model brldo. Tho Times mndo an effort to vorl fv tho rumor, but wns not success ful. Mr. E. W. Steele, In clinrgo of tho Ooodrum gnrngo, said that tho last lottor ho received from Mr. Goodrum mentioned tho girl prop osition, but authorized him to deny nny rumor of IiIb mnrrlago be cause It hnd happened not yot, Of courso what may happen between tho tlmo tho letter was wrltton and his return only hopeful fancy can conjecture. tho Prosper Mill, his firm, Dnrnnrd & Langworthy, having been nward od tho contrnct. WM. DOWRON of Ton Mllo Is In Marshfield today on business. PROPRIETOR CARLSON of tho Pal aco restaurant hns roturnod from a short stay at Ten Mllo. MRS. F. O. DROWN, wIiobo husband Is employed on tho Southorn Pa cific work nonr Gardiner as an en gineer, is hero from Gardiner to shop and visit with friends. JAKE NOAH Is horo from Drltlsh Columbln, whoro ho is Interested In mining, to visit relatives. Ho has boon nbsent from tho Dar about soventoon yenrs. C. II. DUNGAN of South Coos Rlvor la a Marshfield business visitor to dny. Tho flBh havo boon biting bettor slnco tho recent ralno than they havo In mnny weeks. MRS. VIOLA HANSEN of Gardlnor Is n guest of her brthor, C. W. Mol vln. Mrs. HnnBcn's husband Is a brothor of Jons Hansen. Sho was roared on Coos Day but loft horo a number of years ago. G. J. LomaiiBky of tho Royal Thontro and Mr. and Mrs. PoWson, who with tholr trnlnod dog havo been giving performances at that play houso, woro paHBcngera on tho out going trnln this morning for Co qulllo. MISS M. F. GEORGE, who has boon spending tho Biimmor with her sister, MrB. C. F. Evortson, expects to lenvo Saturday for Portland nnd will visit nt othor conBt points boforo returning to hor old homo In Michigan. MRS. GUY WARNER nnd baby nro oxpectod home on tho noxt Rodon do from Oakland whoro thoy havo been visiting relatives. They will bo nccompandled bnck by Mr. War ner's sister who visited horo Inst year. GEORGE 8TEMMERMAN of Allo gnny was In Mnrshflold arranging to Insuro tho now bouso ho has oroctcd on his ranch on tho onst fork. Two of his housos havo boon burned In n couplo of yonrs and ho did not hnvo either of thorn Insured. NORTH REND NOTES. Mrs. C. M. Dylor will ontortnln tho North Dond Altar Guild tomorrow nf tornoon. Tho Lndlos' Aid of tho Lutheran church of North Dond will glv nn miction salo nt Taylor's hall, Satur day, Nov. 1C. L. F. Falkonstoln nnd Hnrry No blo oxpect to lenvo Saturday for Portland to Join L. J. Slmpnon on Bonio business of tho Simpson Lum ber Co. thoro. Thoy oxpect to ro turn on tho nronkwntor noxt wook. Pickling Onions Pickling Peppers Pickling Cucumbers Pickling Vinegar and Spices Phone Us Your Order Stauff Grocery Co. PHONE 102 MASKEY'S CANDIES Pictures & framing Walker Studio The Happy Family Sunsnt Vanilla, Suusot Lomnn nnd Sunset linking Powdor. Ev ery nioinbor of this family guaranteed to glvo sntlBfnctlon to each family or tholr money bnck. Tho Storo for Quality Goodi and Pcuslar Hciiicdlc, J tie Hub of Qualify " .n-i, . w fayiffi'M '"r"if Nasburs's Grocery OooA Housekeeping 3vove con .commercials z gt Thorv 2139' I I u J r 4 . m I na Alder BtrecU