k THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 191 2.-EVENING EDITION. ROAD IS TO E Stated That Bandon & East ern Railroad Will File ; Papers This Week. Tho Dnndon Itocorder prints tho following regarding tho now rnll rdad to tlint point: "Wo nro Informed from n rcll nblp sottrco tlint tho nrtlcles of In corporation of tho Dnndon & Knst crn Ilallroad company will bo fllod with tho Secrotnry of Stnto thin wcok. Tho compnny will fllo with a nomlnnl capltol of $100,000 -which It Is understood will ho In creased to several million dollars In a short time. "This Is tho company that Is to bnlld tho railroad from Port Or ford to Dnndon ami from Dnndon to Grants Pass. Wo nro Informed thnt tho sur veys nro well advanced nlong tho entire lino nnd most of tho right of way lins been secured. This rond will inenn more to this section of Coos county thnn anything thnt has yet been projec ted nnd oven though tho Southorn Pacific docs build tho const road it will not bo ono hnlf tho valuo of this one. Wo nro glad to noto that tho pcoplo nlong tho lino scorn to rcnllzo this and nro very liberal In tho matter of granting right of way. This Is somothing for Dnndon pcoplo, nnd In fnct nil of Southern Coos nnd Curry counties, to tnko great Interest In, nnd tho fnct that tho peoplo nro rallying to Its sup port Is sufficient proof thnt they appreclato tho work. Tho rond will not only open up n grout section of country In this Immcdlnto vicinity nnd furnish us nil outlet to tho nutsldo world but WILL Arrange Program to Be Car ried Out Wednesday Night at Theater. Tho Coos Dny Concert Dnnd will ' glvo a concert Wcdcnsdny evening nt 8 o'clock nt tho Masonic Opera house. Tho progrnm follows: i Mnrch, "Onir Colonel . .Vnndcrcook Overture, "Orpheus" Offcnbnch Waltz, "Oriental Doses" . . Ivanovlci Mngurka Itusso "La Cznrlno" .Clnrmo TTiinmrnnkn Dvorak Selection, "Tho Army Chaplain". . I AICMOCKCr Mnrch, "Hall to tho Spirit of Liber ty" Sotisn. Star Snnnglcd Dnnnor. will inn n pniinfrv with unbounded resources nil tho way from hero to Ornnls Pass and will mean mil-1 Horn) of dollars worth of mntcrlnl i of nil kinds will bo transported hero liv rnll nnd exported through i ...... i the local naruor. Thoro aro billions of foot of standing timber ns well ns n groat agricultural section nnd nil will bo greatly benefited by tho now roud." J, W. CAMPBELL IN THE CITY Candidate for Congress on Progressive Ticket in First District. John W. Campbell, tho Progres sive pnrty cnndldnto for congrcs, Is limiting n flying visit here. Ho has been to tho Coqulllo Vnlloy towns nnd today was about tho city meeting tho voters. Ho did not linvo time to mnko nny speeches. Mr. Campbell loft this nfternopn COAST LEAGUE BALL SCORES Portland Wins Three Games With Los Angeles Satur day and Sunday. STAXIH.V OV CM'HS. I THIHI''' OPKUATLVO. Stealing Tools nnd Clothing From Men nt Pulp Mill A carpenter who Is omplovcd nt tho new paper pulp mill plant lit tho Smith' mill, complnlns thnt thloves have been taking tools, ronts nnd other articles belonging In 1m wnrl.-nmn nml thus llinldllC them much trouble. No suggests I thnt tho matter bo given publicity1 ...! llin, mmm.mv. ! ninrllnil lint In1 llllll IflUl JIUIDU1IO Iftl tnuM .uv " . buy anything In tho way of tools thnt tho tuier iniKiit orror ror Bnm. - I Won Oakland UG Vernon 112 Los Angeles Ill Portland 84 Snn rninclsco 87 Sacramento G9 Lost 81 82 85 4 111 110 Pet. .rs7 .r.c.7 .r.oc .472 .430 .307 LITTLE TALKS ON TIMELY TOPICS By W. A. REID. Did ypu know that thoro Is a movement on foot to build nn electric lints netween Mursh field nnd North Dond? A builder, not a promoter, was here last wcok looking over tho field. Ho avoided nowspapor publicity, for ho Is n man, who docs things, not a "hot nlr morchnnt." Tho proporqd routo la up Contral Avenuo to Klovonth street (Sherman Avenuo), nil 80-foot Htreet nnd strnlght through to North Dond, tho only loglcnl route. This would mean much for tho development of the entire pcnlusuln and In cidentally PKUIIAM PAItK, as It will extend right through tho center of this sightly rosldonco property. A suggestion: Duy now. SUM UK ID AUpUT IT, Coko Dulldlng. JOHN' W. CAMPllHLL, Progressive Party Candidate for Coiigm.1. PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 21. Portlnnd won all thrco games with Los Angeles Snturdny and Sundny. Snn Francisco nnd Sncrainonto onch won two gnmos. Tho scores follow . Saturday flumes: The result of Saturday's games follow: At Los Angeles H II B Los Angeles Ill u Portlnnd 0 15 1 At Oakland R H K Snn Francisco 1 5 0 Oakland v 5 0 At Sacramento It H L Sacramento 0 7 1 Vernon ' 8 2 Sundny Lcnguo: At Los Angeles HUB FIUST GAME. Los Angeles 4 10 0 Portland 7 0 2 SKCOND GAME: Los Angeles 4 10 3 Portlnnd 8 17 4 At Oakland It II E FIRST GAME: Snn Francisco 3 4 1 Oakland 1 3 3 SECOND GAME: Snn Francisco 1 4 4 Onklnnd 7 10 1 At Sacramento It II E Sacramento 2 5 1 Vornon 1 2 2 Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. for Myrdo Point and from thoro will go overland to Kosobtirg. IIo will visit tho Northwostorn part of tho stnto boforo election. This morning Mr. Campbell was being Introduced by Attorney II. G. Hoy and met ninny of tho voters. IlllLVflS LOCOMOTIVK. SIl'SLAW llAIt IS flOOl). BENJAMIN CLOTHES STETSON HATS STETSON SHOES ARROW SHIRTS All sold ono xmy0A81l ONLY. 13etlcr values for less money because "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. Marslificld. Baudon. MYIlTJiK POINT NEWS. Happenings of That Plnco Told in Hio Enterprise. Dorn Saturday, October 12th, to Mr. nnd Mrs. David Dock of Norway, ti dnughtor. Harry Guorln nnd fnmlly linvo loft for San Francisco, whoro they will spend tho wlntor. C. W. Angel camo up from Den mark this week to look after busi ness affairs. Mrs. A. E. Morton hns returned to her homo In North Dond. nftor visit ing a few dnyn here, tho guest of Mrs. Fnunlo Dixon. Kiiglno for Smltli-Pmvn-s Compnny Arrives on the Itoilouilo. , Tho locomotive for tho Smith Powers Logging Compnuy, which arrived on tho steamer Itcdnndo Sundny nttrnctcd much attention. There wns n big crowd nt tho I boat. Tho onglno Is No. 101 nnd 1b qulto a largo locomotive FLORENCE, Or., Oct. 21. Tho sciioonor uoquciio ion ucro iubii wook for San Francisco. Slio will return nt onco with freight for lo cal tnorchnnts. Cnpt. Hobcrt .Tones, of tho 8tcnmer Robnrts, reports mo Sluslnw bar In good condition slnco tho recent Rtorm. Soundings tnkou by tho Itobnrt8 Monday showed 12 feet of water on tho bar. Tho south channel Is now opening up wall nnd tho courso Is northeast erly from tho buoy off tho bar. Times' Want Ads bring results. flPBH Times Want Ads brine roault Clnro Dement loft Tuosdny for Eu roka, whero ho expects to spend tho wlntor. Gcorgo Doll, munnger of tho Llbby mlno, near Mnrshllold, was n business visitor lioro. Mrs. F. M. Sponcor nnd Mrs. T. E. Dlcdsoo, mother nnd slater of Frank Spencer of tho firm of Sponcor & Sliolloy, returned to North Dond nf tor n couplo of dnys' visit horo. J. II. Dnrton, who enmo horo last Juno from Pennsylvnnln nnd purchas ed tho lots at tho southeast corner of Seventh nnd Sprut-o streets, nnd h sinco oroctod thereon n neat t! story building, last week unpack dt stock of groceries. a a Mrs. Fnnnlo Dixon, who has been spending tho Biunmor In Cooscountr hns loft for hor homo In Los AneeW Mrs. Dixon Ih a daughter of Chrli Lohnhorr, tho founder of Mrrtlo Point nnd ono of tho earliest ploneeni of thlB vnlloy. WHEW! I IE UK'S A MAN CALLING AMKI1IOAXS DULL AXI) COWLIKE. INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. 21 "The humnn mind In Its prcicnt etago ot ilovolopinont Id still n thing of prodt gloim inorlln. Originality Is too rani to bo vlowcd with nnythlng moro cor dlnl thnn suspicion. Wo still bare tho vnguo. dull, sntlsflcd, cowllko In tellects of tho larval stngo of the race." Thcso woro somo of tlio obserta tlons mndo by J. Howard Moore, a teacher In tho Hlehard T. Crane Technical School of Chicago, nt a mooting of tho Amorlcnn Humane Association horo today. Monro spoko on "Evolution and Ifiimnnltarianlsm" nnd wont on to sny It would requlro great pertls tenco on tho pnrt of reformers to bring pcoplo gotiornlly to tho newer Idonls of tho brothorliood of man. IK33 SHSCB325K JUST ONE DAY flORE A Sack of Crown Flour for $1.15 CUT THIS OUT F. S. DOW, Agent Crown Flour: I have ordered through (insert your grocer's name) sacks of Crown Flour. o. ii. t. Signed: At 6 P. M. Tomorrow Sir Is Withdrawn 283 People Took Advantage of This Offer Be Quick or You Will Be Too Late THE LATEST ywrmmr m& fttl&gFStt mm A " i ttmjHL SSrJRHBl . uriietr., 2 '"CObB ntluTM Villi? iZny ...,a.-tfffft3 THE BEST Retails Regularly for $ 1 .40 Per Sack Every Sack Guaranteed BALFOUR, GUTR.HRIE & CO., F. S. DOW, Agent,