THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OBEGOM, MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 191 2. EVENING EDITION. S 1 Vt HW HilflBaBPPiiiteflnaBil m'M i ii ; i v i-iflTi'v r; vvriraLT9 sx. i vku- xpjc mmi Ifllli matx iz lfrirMf'A MfMMtocffftfauiMWWjrs&.! ,L.. y. ' . ,' "y9 r; tMuiti0jurMtfsitfcM! j..-.,j"';,r' . , ' . J2yL. " icfrM JCTHS Uftesc inett. l . rf -. ''"fr'y""'11"'"? A "y.rzJccK(rj K4 A,-f r" s Jtt.S jfc tVIlNO,OHIO M ffiilSHiS ''jlH' I '-.t.ll UMl.l 'J.l.11,1 i'll asassgggsggs WEATHER FORECAST (By Associated Press.) OREGON Rnln tonight and Tuesday; wnrmcr tonight, with lirlsk southerly winds. local temperature re tout. For tho 24 hours ending 4:43 a.m. Oct. 21. by UonJ. Ostllnd, special government meteorolog ical observer: Maximum GS Minimum 30 At 4:43 n. m 42 Precipitation. 01 Wind Northwest; clear. I horn. t "T l I 1. 1 II 1. 1 I f f t, iVU l m Jl& Mr I You're Safe With This Guarantee Insist on Getting It YV7HEN the inside pocket of the next suit or overcoat you " buy contains a Clothcraft Guarantee you are safe against any defect or disappoinmsnt in material or making. The Clothcraft Guarantee abso lutely assures all-wool cloth, honest tailoring, lasting shape, satisfactory wear and service. The makers of Clothcraft Clothes with their reputation of G6 years' good clothes making to maintain could not give such a binding guar antee if tho clothes did not measure up to it. Neither could wo afford to back up the makers' guarantee as we do if these clothes did not fully justify our confidence in them. There's sure satisfaction and a saving for you in Clothcraft Clothes at $10 to $25. They're bound to give you full one hundred cents' worth of insured value for every dollar you spend. FLANAGAN To Sir. nnd Mrs. J. W. Flanagan, at their homo In Marshflold, Monday, Octobor 21, 1012, n daughter. Mothor and child are doing well and tho happy fathor well you must boo "Jack" to npprccinto his prldo in this lat est bit of dainty femininity that has como to bless tho Flanagan homo. If you oven hint that sho can't bo president of tho Unltod States Bomo day "Jack" will point to tho strides woman suffrago is making nnd boforo sho Is 21 who can toll. Grandpa Tom Hownrd Is also a bit puffed up over tho brightest and swcllcst llttlo girl that has como to mnko her homo on Coos Day in ninny a day. Entertaining Today. Mrs. A. 13. AdolRorgor Is entertaining tho Progress club nt her homo In South Marshflold this aftornoon. Council Tonight. Tho Marsh flold city council will moot this ev ening. No matters of particular lmportnnco nro slated to como up, but tlioro Is conBldcrnblo miscel laneous municipal business to bo trnnsnetcd. lucky finder. Tho Times want ads' "ring results uecaiiBo everybody iviiua mum. Says Roads Aru Unci. Major J. F Mclndoo, U. S. Engineer, arrl vod In Hoseburg Thursday evening from Marshflold and other Coos Day points, whero ho had been slnco Sunday, going out by way of Drain and coming out by way of that mastorplcco of engineering (?) which masquerades under tho nnmo of tho "Myrtlo-Polnt-ltosc-burg stngo road." Tho Major, asido from explaining that no sig nificance was to bo attached to his visit as regards existing conditions on tho bay botwoen tho Govern ment nnd tho S. P. H. It. Co. his trip simply being for tho pur poso of inspecting somo old Junk loft tlioro by Mnjor Morrow spoko highly of tho prosperous condition of tho country through which ho had traveled, but, liko every other unfortunnto who has uuun compoiieu to mnko tho trip wuw jvuch precis to unmns vnlloy on ono of tho ovor-londed nnd ov ercrowded mall wagons, could not understand why such roads aro al lowed to exist. Tho Major left for Portland this morning on tho local train. Roeeburg Review. SOCIAL CALENDAR. Momlny. Progress Club with Mrs. A. E. AdolBporgor. I PERSONAL NOTES W. W. GAGE of Coqulllo camo over on tho noon train. CHAUNCEV CLARKE of Camp 1 was In Marshflold Sunday. 0.0. LUND Is campaigning In tho Coqulllo vnlloy today. J. A. GOODWILL of South Coos Rlv- or is n aiarsnuold business visitor touny. MRS. E. GEORGE SMITH spent Sun- iiy on oouin uoos mvor, return ing to North Ilond today. EHNEST HAItlUNGTON of Smith PoworB Cnmp C spont Sundny tn .IIUIBIIIICIU. for county assessor, Is In tho city looking nftor his political foncea. Ho hns Just cofnplotod n trip through tho Ton Mllo country and reports Hint ho hns mot with con siderable encourngomont. Ho ox pocts to spend tho week In tho Coos Day section. ED McKEOWN, foreman of tho Smith-Powers Camp on South Slough, will lcavo on tho noxt Hcdondo for his old homo In Minnesota whero he will visit for awhllo. Somo of his friends hero expect that ho will bo ac companied back by Mrs. Mc Kcown, but ho vigorously denies I tho charge thnt ho Is going to follow Fred Powers' lead In Joining tho Benedicts. AMONG THE SICK. X Llttlo Knthorlno Horton Is confined It to nor nomo as tho result of an acci dent Snturday ovenlng. Mrs. Otto Schettor who rocontly underwent nn operation In a San Francisco hospital is gotting along nicely nnd expects to bo nblo to start for homo aoon. A. G. Aiken Is rapidly rocovor lng from sovoro bruises sustalnod In n fall recently. That Wo did not sustain somo broken bones la a wonder as ho dropped sovornl feet, landing on his sldo on a pllo of tics. Miss Gonovlovo Songstnckon who has boon visiting friends In San Francisco underwent n minor op eration nt Lnno hospital tlioro Inst week. Sho 1h rapidly recuporatln and will probnbly roturn homo soon. Ruys Proiwrty. Capt. C. W. Harris of Sumner through tho Stutsman ngoncy, has purchased tho Pommcrvlllo tcn-ncro tract nt Flagstaff for 1G00. Ho plans to movo onto tho proporty nnd mako his homo tlioro In tho near futuro. Look for the Guarantee in the Pocket The biggest $18.50 Suit Value you ever saw ,4130, Tho Clothcraft Blue Serge SpeciaL $ Woolen Mill Store Mill-To-Man Clothiers Another Chandler. Marshflold Is not tho only town that boasts of a Hotel Chandler. Geo. W. Trlb- boy today rocolvod n lottor from Y. P. Uuthorford of Lobnm, Wash., nnd his lottor shows thnt ho Is tho proprietor of tho Hotel Chandlor. Have Trouble. Jnmes Durrnnd nnd F. Grnnt woro to nppoar bo- tnm nttv T7opnnInn Tlntlor todnv Oil tho chargo of being Involved In a general moleo Saturdny night In Cclomnn's saloon on North Front Ktrcnt. C. D. Shoomnker Is also wanted for starting tho fracas, but Marshnl Carter says ho ran so fast that ho could not catch him. How About the Dinner Table We have a nlco lino of Into Green Vegetables and Fresh Fruits t will tempt tho appetite. OMJUFLOWEK, HULL PEPPKItS, WRsxn C1USI 0EW3UY' TUltxips, OAKltOTS, CAimiPM SWEET POTATOES, SQUASH, CltAXllEKHIES, G1MPKS. Apples &' Precelvd 300 boxes if Palrvlew 211 Co"nt' apploa from "iew, consisting of SPIES, ni'SSETS, 11ALDWINS, KINGS, WAXEXS. P"ced $1.25 'and Up Per Box JEe Bazar 'Store of Quality." -f none 32. WANT ADS. WANTED Gill to do ofllco work nnd address postal cards. Ad dress In own handwriting, Ofllco, Cnro Times. WANTED Portion by ecrlence Rtnnnirrnnhnr. understands book- j keoping. Roforencos furnished. V 4.1.1 T Tin.. T1Q X?tM,1. Tlntifl Oregon. FOIt SATjK Ono ?21.75 gas 8tovo for ?15 cosh. Address Arvld Johnson, Sherman avonuo, oppo site hospital, North Dond. WANTED Information concerning Per Dorg, 22 years old, C foot tall, small light mustacho, bluo eyes, Swedish. Woro black suit, bluo Jumper undercoat, black fo rt or a hat. Disappeared Octobor 9. Address Prosper Mill Co,, Prosper. ""Oregon. WANTED Woman to do family washing, Dox 1, Times office. Wat AU krUff nnlU. FOIt SALE Good funilly cow, fresh In a few days. J. C. Doano, Phono 331-It. MONEY TO IX)AN on pianos, fur niture and personal proporty. etc. Call from 6 to 8 o'clock, II. H. Harper, 334 First street. Tele phono 349-J. WANTED AVoinnn to do family ..washing.. Apply A, cnro Times. FOIl RENT Fifteen nnd a half ncro ranch on Itoss Inlet, six ncros under cultivation. Apply to HIgglnson & Son, Marshflold, Oregon. FOIl SALE Dry wood, fir nnd ! dor, nt Campbell's Wood Yard, Ferry landing, hono 158-L. FOIl RENT Furnished room for one or two gentlemen. Inquire Fash Ion Tailors, 150 Front street. ROOM AND ROARD Tho Roycreot, 388 First street, rnone izj-a. FOR RENT Clean, comfortable rooms, with or without board at 136 N. Second itreet. Under new management. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio Now Hiiiich. W. E. Wilson this morning stnrted tho oroctlon of Supt. F. A. Tlodgon'B now homo In South Marshflold, near tho K. K. Allon nnd J. O. Lnngworthy resl doncos. James Wnll Is nlso nrrnng Ing for tho oroctlon of a now homo on Fourth stroot between Contra! nnd Commercial In West MnrshfI which will ho occuplod b- himself and well, tho dnto has not been announced. Fludt Piickngi'. Evory wny de monstrates that Tho Times want nds got results. Tho other day Johnny Wilson found n smnll pnekngo of dry goods near Mill Slough. Ho brought it- to Tho Tlmos ofllco. A found ad was Ill sorted In Friday ovonlng's Times. It was road by Miss Zleglor who lost tho pnekago, described It and was pleased to recovor It. Found or lost, for snlo, for ront, whnt ovor Is wanted, If It Is gotnblo, Tho Times want ads will got It. STANLEY MYEHS visited relatives on south Coos Itlvor, Saturday and Sunday. MISS HELEN LANDUITH visited With rolntlvos nn Knrlli Pnna Itlvor last Saturday. TOM GOODALE, who has boon visit ing his parents In Euroko, Is ox poctcd homo on tho noxt Alliance. PAUL CROOK8 nnd wlfo woro ovor Sundny visitors from Coos River wno spent tno any In Marshflold. MRS. VIENA INOLEHAUT nf Ran Francisco is spondlng a few weoks on tno uay and nt Catching Inlot. L. J. SIMPSON, of tho Simpson I'umuor company, Coos uny, is registered nt tho Portland. Oro- gonlnn. L. A. LILJEQVIST, dojiuty prosecut ing nuornoy, wns horo rrom Co qulllo yostordny on buslnosa nnd pleasure JOE WILLIAMS of tho Flanagan & Ilenuett bnnk rotumed on tho itodondo from n months vnen tlon spont In California. .MRS. PRENTISS WEDS. y Mnrilwl In Portland to Edward Ilurcli of Onklmftl, Cnl. Mrs. Annlo Prentiss, widow of tho Into Dr. A. n. Prontlss, wn married today In Portland, accord ing to a letter recolvod by Mrs. Sarah WllBon. The groom was Ed ward Durch, nn old friend of Mrs. Prentiss nnd ono whom sho know boforo hor first mnrrlngo. Ho Is a contractor nnd tho couplo loft for Oakland, Cal., whero they will ro sldo. Mrs. Prentiss lived In this city for qulto a whllo. Tho samo lottor from Mrs. ProntlsA nnnmme- od that hor son, Shirley Prontlss, was not to bo married, ns wns nn-nounccd. SPALDING nthlotio THE GUNNERY. GOODS at GREAT AIRSUIP KXIIIRITIOX Saturday mid Sundny, OCTOIIEH 20 mid 27. YOU can SAVE by I1UYINO ffd nnd 1VOUR of HAINES. Times' Want Ads bring reiulti. MRS. TOM SMITH of South Coos Rlvor nccompnnled oy her sister, Miss Lorone V . . wlm hnd been vlsltli" . ... to Grave! Ford f nu,,( with rolatlvcs nnd t .rll'Jh. Free Air for Autos nt tho Marshfield Cyclery DAYTON AGENTS. Phono 1B8-R 172 Rrondway TONIGHT Recovers Keepsake. Mrs. Ch'ns. Soafuso of 4C3 North Rrondway, Is a now nrrlvnl on Coos Uny. Ono dnv last weok sho lost n vnluablo lockot, and ono .that was valued more as n keopsako than for Its Intrinsic vnluo. It wns lost on tho county road and sho feared It wns gone forovor. A friend told hor to try a wnnt ad in Tho Times. It wns ln8ortoa J-rluav anu aniur day ovonings. Saturday ovenlng tho nd was read by Mrs. It. D. Hall of Ferndalo, whoso husband found tho locket and brought it homo and told his wlfo to try and find tho owner. She watched tho want ads in Tho Tlmos Saturday and Sunday morning sho brought tho locket to Tho Times offlco. To day It was given to Mrs. Seafuso who was overjoyed to receive It nnd a reward will bo paid to tho T. J. THRIFT, Coos County Assessor, roturnod to Coqulllo nftor a short stny horo. Ho reports that good progress Is bolng mndo In tho con struction of Coqulllo's now $12,000 brick city hall. FRANK STRANZ, who rocontly nr rlvod horo from Astoria with his mothor, hns taken n position in Hrndflold's barbor shop. Ho ro contly returned from n trip to Alaska nnd the mining sections. IC. II. HANSEN, republican cnndldnto KANTLEAK Hot Water notttca and Fountain Syringes cannot lenk. Wo guar nuteo this lino for two years. LADflES now Is tho time to get this necessity. .Avoid cltonp makca and tholr attendant discomforts. JRaiYi M 3 fllltgaM The Hub of Quality" at The Royal A RIG TWO REEL FEATURE, "THEIR LIVES FOIl GOLD" Thrilling nnd exciting. Tho most sensational two-reel feature the Gnuniont Company lias ever pro duced. Don't miss It. "Where There Is Soap There Is Hope." A comedy that will wash away tho blues foi you. THE PETERSEN'S In Vaudeville will present n high-class enter tainment. Illustrated Song and Good Music. PRICE 10c. HUM' Waat Ads ria riIU. LOOK in our windows and you will seo tho most up-to-date line, of Fruit and Vegetables ever shown on Coos Bay. Tlicj' are always fresh. Stauff Grocery Co. PHONE 102 uciTV v Wrttf B Xt .- .. e" uxcaVKJ) vlvcPi vc W" W y nttawc xr t xwu a f C V'V.s Kto7& m m m vcmcattips vl & &C0B tc f r. s i l"'. TW & l?lm & w V ToS A c SPARK uriu MX 5iATINE" vC vVTvo! KiS GZf V & (N f3i '6 s -wr x -s ?VY ? S,?J .' rV. S'VC SA T R 'i w XMZWzol I & :y? fG rNX N 'VJN-JOrtT. S VtV- vs. -. VJ, lMt'Vi Nasbiir$'3 Grocery OoaA tfoi&ekeepinA Store Con .Comnwrclol QtSt phon ZJ39