3K5S3KKE&t-..S THE COOS BAY TIMES, MABSHFIELD, OBEQON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 191 2-EVENINQ. EDITION,, i-n-- N ew - I - NORTH INLKT NEWS. (Spoeial to Tho Times.) Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Johnson of North Bend spent tho paBt wcok on their ranch horo, and roturnod to tholr home In North Bend today. P. II. Plnkorton and brldo returned from Portland on tho steamer Broak wator and nro at homo hero. Mrs. Plnkorton was formerly Miss Mnttlo Ilrowu of Clinton, Missouri. Tho hap py couplo woro married In Portland on Tuesday last. Wm, Howard Is remodeling and adding to tho rcaldcco lately pur chased by him, formorly occuplod by Tiohort Bono nnd family. When com pleted It will bo ono of tho most at tractive residences in mis locality. J. II. Plnkorton and son nro tho build ers. Mrs. J. P.. JacobB of North Dend wns a recent guest of Mrs. Sylvester Johnson nnd Mrs. J. II. Plnkorton. Miss Oraco Howard who left on the Breakwater last Saturday will arrlvo In Montreal today, onrouto to Doston whoro sho Is to bo married noxt week. AKTKR BLACK SANDS. Los Angeles Mnn Will Mlno in Coos nnd Curry. Tho following Is from tho Port Orford 'Trlbuno: James Whltnoy of Loa Angoles, who has been In Coos County for tho pnst yoar looking up blnck sand mines, was In town n couplo of days Blnco our last Issuo, return ing from a trip to Itoguo river. Mr. Whltnoy has n machlno which ho says is tho "only thing" for saving tho beach gold. Ho says ho Is going to opcrnto on both Coos and Curry county ocean beaches. NKW TKIjKPHONK LINK. Company Organized to Connect Willi Hlxcw Country. Tho Port Orford Trlbuno soys: Elk Slxos Tolephono Co. has boon organized and n lino will bo im mediately put up ns far north as Elk river. Tho best metallic sys tem will bo usod, nnd tho lino will eventually bo oxtonded to upper Sixes. Tho Incorporators of tho company nro Willis T. White, Sr., Win. Ollllngs nnd John McKenzIo. For brevity It will bo known as tho Six Elk lino and will bo man aged along tho snmo lines as tho Southern Curry Tolephono Co. snow conspiracy. Lawyer for Becker Endeavor to Prove Ills Innocence. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Com Day Times.) NEW YORK, Oct. 19. Jack Robo nnd Drldglo Webber, two bUUo's wit noRses ngnltiBt Docker, thomsolvcs mndo oaths ngalnst tho llfo of tho gnmblor nt least n month beforo the murdor, It wns tostlflod today. It was testified that Roso doclarod nf tor tho murdor "on tho momory of his dead mother" that Docker had noth Ing to-do with tho killing of tho gam blor. Tho testimony wns ollcltod by tho uoronso in orrorts to provo for Docker that hero wns n conspiracy an tho part of tho four Infortnors, Roso, Webber, Hnrry Vnllon nnd Sam Schopps. WILL TAKE PART. Germany In to Participate In the Panama ExKslti4n. (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coo Day Times) DERLIN, Oct. 10. Gorman par ticipation at tho Pnnnma exposi tion at San Francisco Is practically nssured, It Is understood horo, al though nolthor govornmont nor tho commercial bodies Interested havo yet tnkon n formal decision. Compelling motives aro tho do slro to fostor In ovary way frlond ly rotations with tho United Stntes nt n tlmo when Gormnn-Amorlcnn co-oporntlon, particularly !u tho Far East, la oxtromoly doslrnblo, nnd tho fact that tho fair will bo n vorltablo clearing houso for tho commorco, not so much of tho Un ited Stntes, ns nf tho nations of tho Pacific coasts of South Amori ca nnd Asln. ONE MINE WORKING. Utah Cnnjwr Coniiany nt lllnghiuu Is Ojcrntlng. (Dy Associated Pross to Tho Coos Day Tlmos) DINGIIAM, Utah. Oct. ID. With a forco swelled to approximately 1000 mon, tho Utah Coppor Com pnny Is mining (.bout 10,000 tons of oro dally, half tho normal out put. Tho company doclnros, nnd tho strlko leaders deny, that many of tho men who walked out nro roturnlng to work. IT. M. O. SPEED SHELLS THE GUNNERY. GREAT AIRSHIP EXHIBITION Snturtluy and Sumluy, OCTOBER 20 and 27. I at ll Olympic Flour Snow Drift Flour RETAIL PRICfc. $1.40 PER. SACK Northwestern hard wheat used ex. oluslvoly In milling these brands ot RuLmSIuii eyuuw f -z. UMfUCAUJLuft fewfl N ear NEWS OF PORT ORFORD. lliilipciiliiKs In Thnt Locality Told In tho Tribune. The steamer Brooklyn called In lato Monday evening nnd rocelved nbout half a million shingles for shipment to San Francisco. A, G. Mlllor, wlro has been nlghtwntchlng In tho shinglo mill for tho past year, has resigned his position nnd has tnkon tho con tract to furnish cedar logs for tho mill tho company will soon havo in oporatlon. E. J. Loney has signed a con tract calling for 00,000 cedar tlos. Tho most of these tics will bo sawed out by tho mill which tho shinglo mill company expect to havo In operation by tho first of next month. A. D. Carey was In town tho lat tor part of last wcok on his way to his stock ranch near Corbln. Tho placo has been ronted for sov eral years to Messrs. Nolson nnd Tanner, but Mr. Caroy will assume chargo again In tho near future On Friday, October 11, luis, Justlco M. T. Wright porforracd tho ceremony which united in mnr- rlago An a row Ellis ana aubs May Myers, two popular young peopio of Elk river. Tho groom has leased M. L. Barrett's Elk river farm. A crow of men composed of Henry AdolphBen, Stovo Spoorl, Carl Whlto, Robert Rorrln and Dornal Forty, under tho Buporvls- Ion of Forester Mllbury, commenc ed laBt week to build a govern ment trail from Salnl Springs to tho Ranger station on Mlddlo Elk. Tho' work will take about throo weeks. NEW ItOAD TO CURRY. Joscphlno County Plans New High way to Const. GRANTS PASS, Oct. 10 Josc phlno county Is to proceed at onco with tho improvement of tho old govornmont trnll running down Roguo Rlvor. Tho government ori ginally built tho trail at a cost of about 1G,0Q0, but of lato yoars It has not been kept up and por tions of it havo becomo almost lm pasBablo. Travol from tho lowor Roguo has been forced becnuBO of this to cross ovor tho West Fork divide nnd find outlet In tho U nip qua valloy. Tho county court has appropri ated for uso on this trail all funds dorlvcd from tho United States gov ernment porcont nllowod from pns turago and other sources from tho portion of tho Nntlonnl forest with in tho county. This fund will amount to from $700 to $800 an nually, enough to ropnlr nnd keep tho trail in good condition. Tho monoy is to bo oxpended undor tho direction of an ngont of tho for estry sorvlco. ARE IN CONTROVERSY. .Matter of Wntcr Itlght in Germany la Taken Up. (Dy Associated Pross to Tho Cooi Day Times.) DERLIN, Octobor 10. A sharp controversy ovor principles of con sorvatlon of natural resources Is In progress horo In connection with a bill revising nnd modernizing tho lnws of wntor rights In Prussia. It Is ono of tho most Important mea sures which will occupy tho nt.-. tontlon of tho Prusslnn legislature at Its coming session. Tho bill de clares tho most important streams In tho kingdom to bo stnto proper ty nnd provides nn ostlmntod rovo nuo from tho rlvors, after paying all. cxpensos of kcoplng thorn In order, of from G,000,000 to $7, 300,000 annually. Tho commltteo which has been considering tho bill Is composed al most exclusively ot representatives of tho big landholders and has given tho monsuro a form which has called forth sharp protests by Imposing n fixed chargo for all wntcr taken from tho rlvors by factories nnd cities, while- tho far mers aro to bo allowed to take freo of cost all that thoy neod for Irrigation or othor purposes. .Commercial bodies nro highly dissatisfied with tho bill In its present form nnd a groat meeting of protest, nttended by delegates from all parts of tho kingdom, has just been held in Dorlln. DATES to ho REMEMBERER; Saturday nnd Sunday, October i!(J and 7 Tho Times Great Airship Ex hibition. Llbby COAL. Tho kind TOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 72, Pacific Livery nnd Transfer Company. P.OLK'S' OREGON and "WASHINGTON Business Directory A Directory ot each City, Town and Village, string' descriptive iketch ot each place, location, population, tele staph, ihlpplnr anil banking point l alio Clauined Directory, compiled by Duiinee ana proreiiion. . IV X-OIK ft CO 8EA1T1VE by yi1 ii 1 1 MR Towns NEWS OF CURRY COUNTY. I Items of Interest from tho Gold Reach Globe. A petition to tho district boun dary board praying for a division of school district No. C Is being circulated and qulto liberally Blgn cd. That tho growing of citrus fruits can bo added to tho already Hum orous resources of Curry county Is now nssured. Col. Edgcrton has In three- years brought into bciarlng a lemon treo which ho planted tho year 'ho camo to Agncss. Owing to Innccuratoly Bet signals tho Osproy on her last trip frbm Marshfleld grounded on tho mld dlo ground Just Insldo tho bar, whoro It lay until tho following night's tldo when it floated off, nono tho worse for tho mlshnp. Rov. Short will stnrt for his homo In Douglas county nnd will bo absent for tbout two weeks. On his return ho will bo accom panied by his wlfo and personal effects nnd bo prepared to mnko his futuro homo here. Dnvo Colvin left Sunday In tho Queen of Roguo River for Eureka. Ho had a miscellaneous cargo nnd towed ns far as Harbor, tho llfo boat from tho wrecked steam schooner Wnshcaloro, which will bo used by the Drooklngs Co. in build ing their whnrf. Capt. Colvin will bring bnck a load of freight from Euroka for D. M. Mooro. PARTY TURNS RACK. Started for Coqulllc Gathering but Rain Intcrforml. Thoso who Intended to nttend the good roads mooting at Coqulllo last night and expected to mnko tho trip In automobiles woro disappointed. Ono party with Hugh McLaln, Judgo Coko, nnd sovoral others In tho ma chlno started out but aftor going a short dlstanco out of tho city It wan ovldcnt that there wns n big chanco of tholr not being nblo to got back. Tho first rains on tho roads aro al ways tho worst nnd yesterday thoro had Just enough wntor fallen to mnko a tiln coating of mud which was as slippery as grease. Had tho party gono on through, tho machlno could not havo boon brought bnck last even ing. Enough rain has fnllon to mnko tho roads qulto Imnassablo for autos and It will rcqulro n dry spoil to put tlionula..ahapi.for travol again. There Is a Reason "WHY CAKES RAKED WITH Creserit Baking Powder NEVER FALL. It Is puro and wholosomo because wo use no cronm of tnrtar to com- oino with blcarbonnto of sodn to form Rochollo salts. No alum, po tash, potassium, ammonia or any oth or InlurlOUB Inirrmllnntu In nnv wnu -- .... ... ...... ... .. ,. shnpo or manner In its mnnufacturo. it-urinormoro, thoro Is no comblnn tlon of Inirrorilontn thnt rnn lm fnrm ed from tho matorlnls used, that nro not absolutely iioceasary for tho raninionnnco or tno human system. $.100.00 Glianuitvns TIiIm Vnrt. Crescent Daklng Powdor costs mora to nrnniirn thnn tim vni-inua cream or tartar Baking Powdors and wo sell It for half tho prlco domnnded by. tho Daklng Powdor trust. we givo you a ono pound can of Daklng Powder which Is nbsolutoly puro and wholosomo for 25 conts. Ubo Crescent Daklng Powdor, fol low tho directions, nnd your baking will always bo successful. To the People of Coos Bay: who want their shoes repaired right at the right price, I will offer this schedule of prices, Half soling Men's Shoes85o Half soling Men's Shoes, ex tra heavy with waterproof .filling $1.00 Men's Reels 35c Ladies' Heels 25c Ladies' half sole 50c Children's Shoes, up from.35c AUGUST OLESON (Successor to 0, 0, Lund) 21 5 S.Broadway Marshfield A modern Brick .ulldlng, Electrla Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL OOOS O. A. MetUn, Prop. Rates: BO cents a day and upwards Cor. Broadway and Market STADDEN ALL KINDS of PHOTOGRAPniO WORK, nroinJdo Enlarging and Kodak Finishing, . Regulated Heat Makes Perfect Cooking The old way of cooking was "by guess and by gosh." Hungry households- sometimesnvcre disappointed. . . i . Tho new way leaves nothing to chance or accident. Oven temperatures can-bo absolute ly depended upon. Printed instructions make good cooking certain, even for tho beginner. And in this case tho lest way also is tho easiest way. . Turning a valve on and off with a singlo motion of the hand is all tho physical labor involved. On the modern gas range you can cook de licious meals in half tho time and with one tenth tho work that mother used to find neces sary. "Wo have ranges in different sizes and styles to suit different needs. We do the piping easy terms if you de sire. TELEPHONE 178. OREGON POWER. CO. CONDENSED BTATEJDEKT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At tho clooo ot business, September 4, 1013. RESOURCES. Loans nnd Discounts I!"" 4H.72 Overdrafts M'J2 Bonds, warranto and Bocurltloa 03.C8U.90 U. S. Bonds to socura circulation 26.U00.00 Roal ostato, furlturo and fixtures 80,000.00 Cash and sight ozchango 149,208.65 Total 1623,470.39 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In 100,000.00 Surplus nnd undlvldod proflta 11,419.78 Circulation, outstanding 24,000.00 Dopoulta 488,060.61 Total 1023,476.39 In addition to Capital Stock tho Individual liability of Stockholders li 9100.O0O.OO. INTEREST PAID ON TIMD AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W. S. OnANDLER, PrcaHeat DORSET KREITZER, Cahlor. STATE5DJNT OP CONDITION FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSnFIELD, OREOON, At the cloo of bnslaeM, September 4, 1910. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts f456.211.87 Banking houso 50,000.00 CaBh and exchanges 807,835.46 Total 1813,047.33 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in f 60,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 60,552.67 Doposlts 703,494.66 Total $813,047.83 Get Busy AND GET AFTER THAT ItOOF, BUT FIRST OOUS nf AND OWl OUR PRICES ON SHINGLES AND ROOFING PAPER, SHINGLES 1.60 AND UP. ROOFING PAPER, ON PLY, fl.SS AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DKPARTMMNT. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HKNitr SKNGATAOKSN, Mr. Coqulllo Office Pheno 111 Platting Land! a icUU7. Farm Timber Coal andante "HABT8IDR" General Ag Marsnield Office 14-J. We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN UTJ Marshfield, Oregon. Times Want Ads Bring Results 415 Blancharcfs Livery We have secured the llverr t" ness of L. H. Holsnor, and are pre pared to render excellent service i tho people of Coos Bar. C"0,!U; drivers, good rigs and everytning that -will mean satlsfactorr ""J" to the public Phone us for a driv ing horse, a rig or anything neeaea in the livery line. We also do true Ing business of all kinds. BLANCHARD BROTHERS, Phono 188-J. Livery. Feed and Salea ServJce. 141 First ana Aiaer bhw I'laao W EDN "armoilj, I.w- Bennett a..... P.A"tC --.-SU ft MriM( PKiJiuiiFj Resldoncs-l fbVJ Lv AppiyiWijgJ W & Mirihjj, D w-WORM 171 GrlmM Thttter, W.cnum Koonn 801 ujj niuniBDac In Ncne, Km i Offlct HotiH Oflke, Wc MARSHFIEU) nn.A.j.mjN " Mote We r tiyM worn ea ilartl lowMt prim Chindlir Eo'i You Auta I'llOXE IIH! BUsdfrnli ran After 11 P.M. i IlMUml Will Hilit w OAnprw PIANOS TO ( mstlc CleusiQ workUltiB COW I LPa Ladies' ImporUl nil Fit a:l w We do ii FnraWni: EititMlM Barg? Bi Some cb! fJ fisher Wo. pbem Stand, . pboce I $1 lie P' noumi mT COT. ' secure ft I.SJ III Barnard KMfl rcnnDf&l lH ros nvtt&i J10W, V!6 ..jhaW :',..fict! ""- 0.M City ...anRll'' 1 "WUJ iy bwin 5$ i. l( JtK lw V t f W t i & ' I. M