HWKll MEN WORRY OVER A LOT Of THINGS THAT TOOLS NEVER THINK OF Stms WANT ADVERTISING In Tlio TIMEU Will Keep jour Income from Furnished Rooms Sternly. YOU can really help the. family revenues by renting n fow furnished rooms and, If you know how nntl when to uso tho classified colutnnii, you inny keop that llttlo extra ln- till I'nt our.. 1TjM.lV,.vl tl o facts about your ,111 nut tno " . ., ...)0a. Irfiw And If there f . k,.rers n lu . ,Th. to own K "'. .I,n1 WI1U uud"- fcH ,", HI 11 je member of the associated phhs.'. como as "steady as a cloclc." piuvfAg.BLmr.KrvzimsgBKM - mnjwpNH!lliPi","MP ' "l (falH 187H Sftsarsy" MARSHFIELD. OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1912. EVENING EDITION 6 PAGES. UllfWIIIIIIIIJI iummiMii A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall and Coos liny Advertiser. No. 78. MICK IIS AN ATTACK I E5 BEFORE HIE .... in ioc ns Boinn Sponsible for Shooting Of nUUouvuu. ILISTOF mIITnD UUNlniDuiuiio len in Evidence to the lommiUee in aewiun Toaay. lattlited Press to Tho Coos Day limes.; efllVOTOtf. Oct. 18. Mctllll dek of wmeng", ciwn.-u u before tho Clnpp commlt .. hn ho road a propared ai touching upon tho nt- j ississmation 01 jiuusuvuii. lt It had been Incited by d of character of nBsnsBlns "it like Charles I). Illlles." i. ifticiiit for tho ordinary a encompass ordinary Inn- it compete wuii tno icBu itd character-assassins and Lie Mr. Hllles - men who, ef falsehoods inciio wer.it I nsca to actual nBsasslna- tn tno passage which It. Ant n nfnrm of nrotOBt foernralttco, In which Clapp I McCormlck argued nent b statement was admlsfllblo !.'. whllo Oliver and Clapp Iw Ye nlthdrnw his words. (resent was finally ndmlttod . record without licitiK roan ill nrcMrcd conv. Tho rof- tj tic attempt to tako tho ,' Roofciclt wag incidental to "ifV'i itatemone rcL'iirdlnc i fi expenditures of tho Pro l' mrlv In llllnolR. which ti Hi not In his kuowlcdgo M,000. Itemize Gifts. :ir E. Dover, secretary of tho :Jtu national commlttco In phce4 In owuonro what ho ru t Hit of contributions to cnlttce. Elvcn him by tho Cornelias N. Ullss. Itemized ..ram ero: H. Htrrlman. $100,000. H. R.. 1100.000. P. Morgan & Co., $150,000. "ft J. uouid, $100,000 mid wen. ttrtlldliA mmln liln Hot nlinrtlv tie eloia nf thn 1004 rimninlfrn i book Dllss let him seo. Dovor i!i Hit undoubtedly contnlncd i cut in copying that ho novor spired It with tho original. jtccntalncd tho names of scor Nttrlbutors of largo nums to- .' Tlth thn flt.imi.tta 11m, am ...w MM.wi.tLn, wvriui !tj triilt 1.A linltm.n.l Mm 1ln -.- ...... ,,u uwuu.t.u WIU 11DI. !1 repetitions and Innecuraclca tWIered tho list without vor aaj of little value Dovor's upJ2,280,081. This does Ml for rcpltltlons or Innecurn 7 of the corporations and were connected with tho ' nauaess contributors." H IN I DM ONE t'V Reports Come "" anu iiortn. ' fttfrman . . iof.w ure '"nKIHB Good xl ol 'he biggest over '5oaS,les 'n 0reso and tW' of UvonVd 41 ij: he rortlan(1 ( toast Ktri Baunon ,s roport l8 ta S?8, T,1 run on 1 tannery i,7 . ?,m U1 t of !:"", -SSS th0 AI- Mln7n ar?, awaiting a h pL',nn a bs run of sll io tha? , olltBWo of tho 1 Wocl tl ln thls direction if r,irr wm,,d direot Dta!monhin,S Int6rest8 the 'S il(ng th i3 awaro ' a jfl tte soft LVef and seoms "feH "osa.ter GVen for CSit?" yet been thL thmbla and flBHer 4 'Hure. present 8eason Ve" Vsild?s aro now be 7 and Bhlppod CLAIM BECKER ISJHiCENT 1QDSEVELT ILL MONDAY Defense Begins Testimony in Rosenthal Murder Case in New York. (Uy Associated Press to Tho Coos May Times.) NKW YOItlC, Oct. 18. Tho do fenso In tho Docker enso had Its innings today. Attornoy Unrt mado u Htntomont that Ueckor "intends to convinco you gontlomon of tho jury that ho iB an Innocent num. Wo contend tho defendant wiib ln no wny connected with tho gun men who committed this murder." Tho Htory of u free-for-all fight on tho "Ilrldgo of Sighs," yester day, In which "Hod Phil" David son, slnyor of Jack Zoellg, tno gang lender, was set upon and kicked ami beaten by tho four gunmen indicted on tho chnrgo of uhootluc HoBontlml to death, was mado public today. William T. .Toronto, former' dis trict attornoy of Now York, wns tho first wltnesH for thu defense. Mnny of tho (liiostloiiB nskeil by Attornoy Jlurt woio dlHiillowed on tho protest of attorneys for tho state. Police CaminlHslonor Waldo testified next. IIo said ho direct ed Decker to raid Hoseuthal's gam bling houso in April this year. IIo was tlion excused. Charges Perjury. "Wo will provo," said Hart, "that Wobbor, Hoso, Vallon and Srlicpps eonsplroil Indopondontly of Decker with Independent motlvos to murder HoHonthn), After HoKcnthnl was mur dered and thoy got rid of ono of tho two men thoy hated most In tho world, thoy conspired to got rid of Decker, thcother man thoy hate, by falso ovldouro, nnd perjured testi mony." Against Ills Hi-other. Alexander Lillian, a brothor of Morris Luban, an allogod oyo witness of tho murder, said ho would not bo llevo his brothor undor oath. Morris Luban was a witness for tho state. On cross examination tho witness ad mitted that ho was convicted of smuggling. Murker Tells Htory. Tho story which Heritor hopos to bo allowed to toll on tho stand In his own dofciiBo wns outllnod todny In n stntomont given out by him. "If I am pormlttod to toll my story on tho witness stand," ho said, "I can show how slniplo nnd obvious nnd inno cent so fnr as I am concerned, aro tho explanations of nil my mootlngs nnd associations with Hose, using him ns my stool pigeon in getting ovidenco ngnlnst tho gambling houses. Tho host evldonco that I was not profit ting by myplnro as bond of tho squad nnd nm not plotting tho murder of anybody so I could kcop my Job, aro tho requests I mado of Commissioner Waldo nlmost ovory weok from tho llrst pnrt of tho year to bo relieved of that command," ABDUCTION IS NOW CHARGED Warrant Sworn Out Against Jack Johnson, Negro Champion Pugilist. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, Oct. 18. Jack John son, tho pugilist, was charged with abducting Miss Lucllo Cameron, 19 years old, ln a warrant sworn out by tho girl's mother, Mrs. F. Cam eron Fnlconotto of Minneapolis, to day. Johnson Arrested. Johnson was arrested this morn ing at his homo nnd placed under $800 bonds. Johnson was furious at his arrest. Mother Urcaks Down. Mrs. Cameron Falconet became hysterical when she faced her daughter at tho pollco station. 'I had rather see you spend your mo ln Jail than one day ln the com pany of that negro," she cried. Tho girl broko down and threw her arms around her mother. Miss Cameron was located by tho police last night and tpkon Into custody. Johnson furnished bond and probably will appear in court for a hearing tomorrow. LIMIT yqur WAY with pocket FLASH LIGHTS at uumtx. Condition Is Much Better and He Will Rest at Oyster Bay, It Is Expected. tBy Associated Pross to Tho Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, Oct. 18. Col. Hoosc velt awoko today grootly refreshed aftfr n good night's sloop and tho doctor's examination showed tho Coloiiol to bo In splendid condition. Tho Colonel now suffois no pain becauso of tho prcssuro of tho bul let against tho fractured rib. Tho rib ltsolf, It is believed, Is mend ing rapidly. When ho nwoko tho Colonel wondered whothcr tho at tending doctors would dccldo to ro movo tho bullet. Ho said If it was extracted ho would havo It gilded and mndo Into a pocket piece. All Indications point to tho conclusion that tho wound is heal ing normally and that tho ballot gradually Is being enclosed by a new growth of tissue. Tho Colo nel is anxious to bo up nnd doing. Whether ho can bo reatrnlnod lon ger than noxt Monday, when ho is planning to stnrt to Ovstor Day. is regarded as doubtful by tho phy sicians. HceelvcH Johnson. CHICAGO, Oct. 18. Govornor Hiram Johnson of California, nom inee for vlco prosldont on tho Pro gressive ticket, had n long confer ence with Colonel Roosevelt today. Will l,in Monday. Hooscvrlt leaves Chicago for Oys ter Day Mondny or Tuesday of noxt week and travels on tho slower tialns entering Now York at tho station from which trains to Oys ter Day depart. This arrangement, however, depends upon tho condi tion of Hoosovclt. Mimt Havo Host. Hoosovclt wns allowed to sit In a chair for an hour this morning. Ho snld It rested him greatly. Al though Hoosovclt Insists that ho Is In condition to rc-ontcr tho cam paign his physicians say ho must liavo absolute quiet aftor ho reaches Oyster Day. Whllo tho Colonel will bo permitted to consult with Progressive loaders, it probably will bo decided unsafe for him to take tho stump ngaln boforo elec tion day. Tho Colonol hopes to mako nt least ono speech, however, in fulfillment of his promlso to nppcnr at tho Madison Squnro Gar Urn, In New Yor , A ES Y IS BORN ON BOARD VESSEL Steamer Northland Puts in at Port Orford and Calls a Physician Aboard. On tho steamer Northland bound from San Diego to Portlnnd Wednes day n child was born to Mrs. Susan Conovor. ono of tho pnssengors. When Mrs. Conovor's condition licrnmo known to tho captain It wns found thnt horo wore but two other women nboard tho vcssol. A wireless mes sage for a doctor was sent in to Port Orford' nnd tho vessel put Into thnt harbor and laid at nm;hor. Dr. Grnnnvlllo was brought out in a smull boat and when tho mothor's condi tion would permit tho Northlnnd continued on hor Journey with ono extra passonger, I PICTURE cmst J S Moving Picture Firm Wanted to Photo Him and Bail Is Raised. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) MILWAUKEE, Wis., Oct. 18. Tho ball required to roleaso John Schrnnk, who shot Roosovolt. was raised from ?7G00 to $15,000, bo cause it was learned today that a moving picture firm was prepared to procuro his roleaso temporarily by parting up tho smaller amount that It might photograph him. For tho first tlmo slnco 'h'ls ar rest Schrank asked about Rooso volt's condition todny. Ho asked if the bnllot had been located. "Tho bullot bolongs to mo,' said tho prisonor. "I havo mado my will and bonquoathed tho bullot with which I shot Roosovolt to tho Now York Historical Socioty with a request that it bo placed on ex hibition In t'Wo rotunda of tho stnto capital at Albany. My prop erty In Now York I hnvo willed to my mother In Germany." ANOTHER ROAD ' EOR GARDINER Organized With View of Ul timately Reaching Win chester Bay as Outlet. Another railroad to oxtond to tho Coast has been organized with Winchester Bay, at the mouth of tho Umpqua river, as Its seaboard tn-minni 'rim following nress tol- egram appeared in the Journal un der a Cottage urovo uuio " "With capital stock of ?1,000, 000, tho Oregon, Pacific & east ern Railway Co.. which has just filed articles of Incorporation, pro poses to start early in the spring construction work on Its projected line from Cottage Grovo to the Coast. It is not expected the lino will got further than Lorano next year, although Its completion to A.n.,i,otr,- nnv ts nredlcted by tho time of tho opening of tho Pana-j ma uanni. . , ... "In tho nrtlcles of Incorporate the immediate object of tho Incor poration Is stated to be the build ing of the road already referred to. but many other functions, such as the owning and operating of power plants, telegraph lines, mines and mining lands, timber lands, etc., are provided for. "Head offices of the. new company are to bo at Cottage Grove. The PLANS SUICIDE; FORTUNE COMES Scrub Woman of Chicago in Poverty Receives Wealth fron. Old Sweetheart. (By Associated Pross to Tho Coos Bay TImos.) CHICAGO, Oct. 18. Mrs. Kfflo nondor, a scrub woman, in povor ty for mnny yonrs, received news of 'having beon loft n fortuno of $250,000 In tho will of Frank Mandoll of Helena, Montana, a sweetheart of hor youth. Mrs. Bondor wns located In n peculiar manner. Hor poverty was such that she contemplated suicide, and wrote Mrs. Helen Potter, n slstor of Mandoll, asking her to look af ter ono of tho children. Sho ex pected to throw off tho mortal coll soon aftor tho children woro dis posed of. Mrs. Pottor had not previously known Mrs. Bender's whoroabouts. Person Not Known. HELENA, Mont., Oct. IS. No such porson as Frnnk Mandoll, re ported to havo left $250,000 to Mrs. Efflo Bondor, n scrub woman In Chicago, is known horo. No will disposing of Btich an estato yymS nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn,-,, nnmes of tho Incorporators aro A. B. Wood, J. B. Protzmnn nnd Hor bort Enkin. They nro manngor and auditor of tho O, & S. E. railway and president of tho First National Bank, respectively. "Tho now road would bo a part of tho presont O. & S. E. railway, now operating botween Cottage Grovo and DIsston." NEARLY MISSF.S BOAT. Husband fiets Drunk mil Forgets Wlfo nnd Child. A young woman with a child presented a somewhat pathetic spectaclo at the Alliance wharf yesterday aftornoon. With hor hus band nnd tholr possessions thoy came to tho city ln something of a hurrv nnd expected to leavo for Eureka on tho Alliance. Their tickets woro bought and tho bag gage put aboard. Tho husband turned the ticket over to tho wlfo nnd wont on somo errand, but ho mot a friend and got drunk. Tho wife was in much distress and did not know what to do. Sho did not want to start out and leavo hor husband behind, nnd did not want to miss the boat. An effort was mado to find tho husband. Ho was finally located in a saloon and wns sent to tho wharf, in tlmo to catch tho boat, but had It not been 15 minute Into In sailing ho would hnvo missed it. SPi:CIAL CANDY salo at STAF FORD'S. SATURDAY and SUNDAY. CARAMELS only 3S CENTS per pound. MAMMA SAYS to GET the FLOUR at HAINES. MON1E1ECB0 TAKES TOWN OF BEBNA FROM THE TURKS LIFE SAVERS Captain Nelson, Formerly of Coos Bay, is Victim of Accident. Captain Nelson, formerly In chnrgo of tho Coos Day life saving station, nnd now nt Golden Gntc, wnB u victim of an accident, to gether with thrco of his crow. Tho following account of tho accident appeared In tho San Francisco Bul letin: Captain Nelson of tho Golden Onto life saving station, nnd thrco members of his crow woro Injured this nftornoon, when their craft, which they had Just put to sea In n prnctlco exhibition, capsized. Desptto tho herculean efforts of tho life savers to right tho craft tho heavy breakers pounding on tho bench at tho tlmo defeated tholr plans. All of tho crow woro tossod Into tho surf, and It was only aftor n battlo which lasted nearly fifteen minutes thnt tho crow wns rescued from drowning. Lines thrown from tho hundreds of slghtscors who thronged tho bench effected tho rcscuo of tho seamen. Captain Nolson suffered moro from Immersion thnn his comrades nnd It Is fenred that his condition Is sorlouo. Tho men woro somo dlBtnnco from Bhoro when their boat was capsized for tho first tlmo. A very heavy sen was running. Aftor struggling In tho swells for somo tlmo tho captain nnd thrco mon who composed tho crow, mnnnged to regain tho craft and right It, though It still contnlncd much wa ter. Thoy had no opportunllj to re cover from tho fntlguo of this ex perience before the lifeboat over turned again. This tlmo It wns Immediately swept boyond their reach, nnd, nftor struggling ns long ns they could to rench it, tho men, ono by ono, gnvo up tholr efforts, oxhnustod, nnd woro swept to nnd fro In tho surf. Tho bronkors finally rnllod tho raptnln nnd crow to shore In nn unconscious condition. Thoy woro hauled upon tho bonch b" other monition of tho life snvlng stntlon's oqulpmont, who endeavored to ro storo thorn to consciousness. A hurry cnll for medical aid was sont to tho Richmond pollco stn tlnn, thoro being no doctors In tho vicinity. Sorgennt Mormnn res ponded by having out tho nuto patrol and speeding to tho French hospital. Ho secured Drs. Roy II. Morris nnd Adolph Rorg, nnd returned with nil speed to tho bench. Tho mon woro brought undor covor nnd given modlcnl nld. They recovored slowly, tho captain ex hibiting most strongly tno otiects of tho exposure. CRIPPLE GIVES LIFE FOR GIRL Heroic Man Sacrifices Him self That Injured Young Woman May Live. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) GARY, Ind., Oct. 18. "I guess I'll bo somo good aftor all," said nilly Hugh, 41 years old, a crlpplo, whoso withered leg was amputated to savo tho llfo of a girl In a skin grafting oporatlon at a hospital this morning, and then died. Pneumonia resulting directly from tho self sacrifice caused his death. Ho gave his llfo to Miss Ethel Smith, a girl whom ho novor saw, and who was burned In a motor ryclo accldont. Rugh sold papers on the street for a living. NOTICE TO CANDIDATES. Undor tho now Charter Amend ment for dlroct Primary Election, tho City Primary Election will bo held Novombor 5th, 1912, and all peti tions of candidates of tho .Political Parties entitled to tako part In snld Primary, must uo mod witn tuo no cordor by Octobor 21st, 1912. JOHN W. BUTLER. Recorder. DON'T RREAIC YOUR NECK. Buy a POCKET FLASH LIGHT at THE GUNNERY. Seven Thousand Troops Said to Have Fled From the Place. ANOTHER REPORT SAYS TURKS ARE VICTORIOUS Greek Fleet Sails From Ath ens Tonight Under Sealed Orders. GREEK FLEET SAILS. (Dy Associated Press.) ATHENS. Oct. IS. Tho Greek fleet will sail tonight under senlcd orders. (By ABsocIntod Press to Tho Coon Bay Times) LONDON. Oct. IS. Tho wholo of tho TurklBh garrison of Bernn, consisting of 4000 regulars and 3000 Irregulars, took flight In tho night boforo ennturn of tho town by Montenegrins, nccordlng to an ofllclnl dlspntch from CcttlnJo. I.neinles .Meeting. (By Assoclntcd rrosa to Tho Coos Bay Times.) LONDON. Oct. 18. Turkish and Bulgarian forces It Is bolloved aru ad vancing nnd It Is thought probnblo thnt thoy will got togothor somowhoro In tho vicinity of Mustnphn Pashn, ono of tho few passes through tho mountains lending from Bulgaria to Macedonia. At tho saino tlmo tho Servian nrmy Is on tho way to Uskup wnoro nnntnor big battlo s expected. A report from Vienna Is thnt th'i Montenegrin nrmy nufforod bad de feat at Podgorltza on Montenegrin torrltory todny. Servians Advance. (Dy Assoclntcd Press to The Coos, Hny Times.) LONDON, Oct. 18. Tho wholo front of tho Sorvlnn army, In four divisions, lsv advancing on tho Turkish piovlnco of Kobbovo, naya n dlspntch from Bolgrndo. CHARGE AGAINST TEACHERS. Claimed That Instructors Aro Alto Walters in KcMirtN. (By Associated Pross to Tito Coos Bny TImos.) WASHINGTON, Oct. 18. Fully half n dozen tenchnrs In tho pub lic schools of Washington who nro tonchors during tho dny, nro wait ers la resorts whoro liquors nro sold nt night, was tho chnrgo of It. H. Ilornor. a mombor of tho Hoard of Education, nt a mooting of tho bonrd. Hornor's chnrgo cre ated n scnsntlon, but ho wns sus tained by Armnnd W. Scott.i n no gro attornoy, who declared that a personal investigation ho had mndo vorlfled tho accusation. A thor ough investigation will bo undertaken. FINAL OF Tit HAT Y. I (By Assoclntod Press.) OUCHEY. Switzerland. Oct 18 Tho flnnl drnft of tho-f treaty of penco botween Tur koy nnd Italy wns signed this nftornoon. A IS IN I Is at Head of Mexican Gov ernment Forces Against the Diaz Rebels. (By Assoclntcd Press to Tho Com Bny Times.) MEXICO CITY, Oct. 18. Gen. Huorta hns taken command of tho goyornmont foices oporatlng against tho robols under Follx Diaz. No furthor defections from tho fert ornl nrmy to tho robols nro report ed today. Communication Is In terrupted botween this city nnd Vera Cruz. Everything Is quiet hero, A swill Madero. A countor proposal oxtondlng n vote of confldonco In 'tho Madero government rosultod In a vlolont dobato which continued BovornI hours, many deputies nssnlllng Ma dero for fnlluro to comply with "promises of tho revolution. Deputies Act. (By Associated Press to The Coon Bay TImos.) MEXICO CITY, Oct. 18. Tho Chambor of Doputios last night vo tod down a resolution introduced bv tho opposition doputles Wednes day night, demanding tho resigna tion of tho cabinet. CARAMELS JlfS CENTS pound nf STAFFORD'S, SATURDAY' and SUNDAY. i. It