THE COOS BAY TIMES, HARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1912.-EVENING EDITION. ,.-" - ' - ' V t COOS BAY TIMES ' or5M' l '""trTxrrv i"''""i""Tr- frv tlM, nmisTOlWintHOtf IN iriS AEROPLANE AH HE WILL 51 iPl'rilt AT MAItSHFIBLD SATURDAY AND SUNDAY '"' OOTOIIER 2(1 AND 27. FLYINO OVER TUB ORAND STAND AT AN' AVIATION MBBT. reat Airship Exhibition At tne Race Track, Marshfield, Oregon Saturday and Sunday, October 26 and 27 - ' , ivt. vviHvn i .l.j .:... J-. :.. " .. ! -rfr '- . P!$hWrT-' .'" "" t -' K wKttci . " ,pi utvtrs u j,ch i u.htjio i ' . srar7 'ifcii',iK(' IviWjL&lr vKa v. Bi nl' ' 1j "PmSSSsu 1 1 . t. MtfL- & -BTwWpWIBtWBw JjirMfty fT L &--'. LI Jf )J BS Hum J' t jpHW' I i -vEhbhIq I x-ff JS5lPr 9t SE9kX H " 9vt t ,2! f?wPPf I -- itWpkfrS at j'F af i TflfiSIJpi Two Flights Daily Don't Miss Seeing , he Great Flying Machine . WOKTjI) FAMOUS AVIATOR OIlltlRTOWHRSOX MAKIXfl HIS OELKIHUTKI) FLI011T l-'ROSI TUB HOOK TUB MUITNOMAH 1IOTBL IN l'OUTriAND, ONB OF TUB MOST DAUINU FBATS BVBR A'n'BMlTBD. Greatest and Highest Priced Attraction fiver Seen in Gfoos j. .-i Ccrdftty S3F Silas Christofferbn, bne of the foremost aviators in the bSrld, whose feats in flying have won fame and a place for himself among the greatest scientific airship men of this age, will give his wonderful aftd thrilling exhibition on Coos Bay. See man's greatest triumph his conquest of the air. These Pictures are all made from actual photo graphs of flights made by Mr. Christoff erson in his Curtiss Aeroplane. You ckn't afford to miss this. Is t vo rrsr4i UBbrn iftif 4V0tt - m;a 'T.- top ? ji av ?a . jfejfeJ? u -.' iW i aw -W 1' sciH.DblO ftll h.itkA:kubi-JtX- fck EfeW? i.-.. i .. ' - "I ".' . tfc hm"'t rtiijrns. T0pprnQnx. ---JISlJiLS0 OVER A COWHOY CAMP. General Admission, 50c Children Under 12, 25c riwws-'-v $kws , V 1 iVIBk,.JHW V fS " , ,4 ..'9 tit1r imf i l(i;i.rn nHi flPvflW MiTBiiiiMfBpfCi tiI fup CHRISTOFFERSOX MAYINQ A QUICK DIP WHILU FIA'INO tfO MILES AN HOUR, HRBAKINO TOY lJALIX)0N8 OX TUB GROUND. HIM TJ'Hl VIIIIT HJilU: ' "'