THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1912-EVEN1NG EDITION. PORT TAKES AN MPORTANT STEP THREE MURDERED. Mim Who Committed Deed Is nt Large In tlio Woods. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Tlmos.) MISSION CITY, B. C. Oct. 14. Wllllnm Jasper and wife, both In dians, "Scotty" McNeil, a whlto mnn. aro dead, and William Mc Laughlin, whlto and tho alleged WEST HAS A PLAN. Would Equnll.o Salaries of Ofllclals of Counties. SALEM, Or., Oct. 12. Announce ment was mado today by Govornor West that ho has secured data show ing tho amount of salaries paid by all tho counties of tho stato to their ofllclals, and that ho will submit this, together with a. tontativo plan for n (Continued from Pago Ono.) fcrs to tho Government of tho Uni ted States tho sum of $150,000 to bo expended by tho said Govern ment with funds by It appropriat ed In tho restoration and exten sion of tho north Jetty nt tno on tranco to C003 Bay; and further tho Port of Coos Bay offers to tno said Government tho sum of $50, 000 to bo exponded by tho said Government with funds by It ap propriated in dredging and Improv ing a channel in tho liaruor or Coos Bay from tho C. A. Smith mill nt tho mouth of Isthmus In lot to tho sen; and further tho Port of Coos Bay proposes to lm provo by dredging or otherwise tho subsidiary water wnys on Coos Bay, to purchnso water front for tho purpoBo of public wharves and warehouses, and generally, with or without tho aid of tho united 1 for BJ,nco at the bIiow. This moans States, to improvo tho conditions tnnt tho four 8tntcs participating of navigation within tho Port of wlu uo woll r0presented. Thero is uoos my ns empowered iy section n Brcnt deal of intorest In tho dis- murderer of tho trio, himself I j,m which ho plans to Introduco in wounded, is at largo in tho woods armed with a rifle, with which ho Is alleged to have committed tho murder yesterday at ruconien, 10 miles east of here. FINE POTATO DISPLAY. tho next Legislature equalizing tho salaries, to tho students of tho Uni versity of Oregon and the Oregon Agricultural collogo with tho request thnt they analyze tho subject and give their views. Tho govornor plans to uso popula , .1 i.. ...., .. in.. Ti,.i tlon, nsscssed valuation and area of Ono of the leiHiires of 111k Land '.. , nlln,lln, M,n anlm-loa. Products Show. (Special to Tho Tlmos.) PORTLAND, Oct. 11. A potato display bigger than any ever hold In tho Pacific Northwest Is promis ed for tho Land Products Show, to bo held in Portland Novcmbor 18- 23. Tho tubers will bo exhibited In 30 pound boxes and thero aro many entries In this division rang ing in slzo from 10 boxes upward. Tho first prlzo is $100 and a sil ver cup and thero aro mnny othor premiums for tho best potntocs, Fifty-eight districts of tho Pa cific Northwest havo so far applied C121, Lord's Oregon Laws Section 2. To carry out tho abovo project, offers and proposals, tho Board of Commissioners of tho Port of Coos Bay hereby authorizes tho issuanco of n scries of bonds, to bo known as Sorlcs A, in the total amount of $.100,000; each -bond of said Issuo shall bo In de nomination nnd payable ntsuch a placo as tho purchaser thereof may dcelgunto, shall bear Interest nt tho ralo of flvo por cont. por annum, pnyablo sonil-nnnunlly, bo executed by tho Prcsldont and Sec retary of snid Board of Commis sioners, nnd conditioned that tho Tort of Coos liny shall therein and thorohy undertake promlso nnd nfirco In consideration of tho pro mises and bo hold to pay nt tho lilnco therein designated to tho bearer thorcof tho sum therein designated In gold coin of tho Uni ted States, with Interest thereon In llko gold coin nt tho rate of flvo per cent, per annum, pnyablo sonil nnnunlly on tho first day of Jan iiary nnd July of each year, In ac cordance with tho tenor and terms of Interest coupons thorctn at tached. Said bonds shnll bo mado up In lots of $25,000 oncli, nnd tho first lot or $25,000 shall run for twenty ,v"iri. the eeoiu: lot for twonty-ono yonrs, rnd p on, to tho end that uoihih In the sum of $25,00" i: 11 mm lire, on tho twentieth H:.r fio.11 (Into of Usuo nnd llkowlso on each year there after until tho whole Issuo thereof shall havo matured. Section 3. Tlio Tronsurcr of the Board of Commissioners of tho Tort of Coos Bay shnll mako pro , por nnd nccossnry rules and roKii InlloitB to govern tho bidding for said bonds nnd tho snlo thcroof, mid snail ndvortlso tho snlo there of for four successive weeks In tho Portlnnd Jnurnnl of Portland, Oro- gon. said bids shnll bo opened by tho Treasurer In tho presoneo of tho Board of Commissioners nt tho rogulnr meeting of sold nonrd In ftocomhor, 1012. Said IioikIh shall ho sold to tho best bidder therofor In caso a satisfactory bid Is sub mitted. And tlio said Board ox prossly rosorves tho right to roject nny and nil bids therefor, nnd In enso no satisfactory bid Is mndo, tho Bonrd will rosorvo tho right to soli said bonds thereafter nt olthor public or private snlo; provided al ways that said bonds shall not bo sold nt such discount, nor shall said bomlB bo nntl-dntcd, nor auy othor arrangement uuturod into which shall, In offect, rnuso tho Port of Coos Bay to pay for tho money received from the tlo thcroof a greater rate of Interost than six por cent, por annum. Section 4. Upon tho acceptance of tho said bid nnd tho sale or onld bonds, tho said Treasurer, at tho oxpem.0 of tho purchaser, shall cause said bonds to bo prepared nccordlmr to tho tonor of this or- dlnnnco and shall safely keep tho snmo ror doiivery onlv upon tho Xurthor resolution of this hoard. trict displays of agricultural pro ducts as well ns In tho district Bhowlngs of fruit. Attractive prizes aro offered In both classes, counties In equalizing tho salaries, and ho doslres tho students to look Into tho plan nnd submit whntovcr rocommcndntlons they mny havo to make. Tho governor contends that tho present Bulnry system is unjust nnd unequal. 1 ETAX SPEAKER E Moro Strikers (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times) SALT LAKE, Oct. 14. Rathor than assist In handling non-union ore rrom tho Bingham mince, 150 machinists mid electricians of tho Utah Copper mills nt Garfield, walked out today, bringing tho numbor on strlko up to 600. OLD-TIME I DARKENS Gives Color, Lustre to Faded and Gray Hair Dandruff Quickly Removed. For generations Sngo nnd Sul phur linvo boon used for hnlr and scalp troubles. Almost ovoryono knows tho vnluo of such u com bination for kcoplng tho hnlr of n good oven color, for curing dand ruff, Itching' scalp and falling hnlr, nnd for promoting the growth of tho hnlr. ionrs ago tho only way to get a hair tonic of this kind was to make It in tho homo, whlcn was troublesome, and not always satisfactory. Nowadays, almost any up-to-dato druggist can supply his patrons with a ready to tuo pro duct, skillfully prepared In per fectly equipped laboratories. An Ideal preparation of this sort is Wyoth's Sago and Sulphur Hnlr Itcmcdy, In which Sngo nnd Sul phur aro combined with othor val uable remedies for scalp troubles nnd thlu, wcnlc linlr thnt Is losing lis color or coming out. After uu lug this remedy for 11 fow days, you will notlco tho color gradually coming bnclc, your scalp will fool hotter, tho dandruff will soon bo gono, nnd In less thnn n month's 1 1 mo thoro will ho n wondorful dif ference In your hnlr. Don't noglect your hnlr If It Is full of dandruff, losing Its color or coming out. Get n fifty cont botllo of Wyoth's Sngo nnd Sulphur rrom your druggist, nnd sco what n fow dnys' trentmont will do for you. All druggists Roll It, under gunrnnteo thnt tho money will bo refunded If tho remedy Is not ox letlv ns represented. DEEPER CHANNEL. Unglneer Leofo llai Orders for Work In Ooiilllo River. Tho Coqulllo Sentlnol snys: "Englncor Leofo has beon author ized by tho Portlnnd olllco to havo tho channel deopond In front of tho Randolph mill docks. Tho work wna nuthorlzod by a letter recolvod by Mr. Leofo Inst Thursday. Tho work will bo dono by private contract with tho Kovornment. Tho government drodgo will do tho work wlillo tho Johnson company, owners of tho mill, will pay ' for It. Tho objoet of tho work Is to WHEN YOU WANT A MESSEN- mako It posslhlo to load vossols of (3ER HOY Something sent for lioavlor draught than have boon nblo ' or delivered to laud thero In tho past. It Is es timated that about six weeks contin uous wprk will bo required for tho complotlon of tho Improvement." To the People of Coos Bay: who want their shoes repaired right at tho right price, I will offer this schedule of prices. Half soling Men's Shoes-85c Half soling Men's Shoes, ex tra heavy with waterproof filling $1.00 Men's Heels w 35c Ladies' Heels 25c Ladies' half sole 50c Children's Shoes, up froni-35c AUGUST'OLESON (Successor to 0, 0, Lund) 215 S, Broadway Marshfleld J. 0. STEMMLER ANNOUNCES HIS PLATFORM I bollovo In direct presidential primaries. I bollovo In tho direct voto for United States senators, nnd until this can bo obtained, in-Statement No. 1. It oloctod I will live up to nnd enforco nil Jaws, Including tho Ore gon System. I bollovo In n revision of the Judicial svstom with n vlow of sim plifying, expediting and choapoulng Justice I bollovo In nnd will work for stato aid for pormnnont county roads scientifically built under sound business mnnngoment. I will work for such legislation ns will opon Roguo river to com mercial fishing to residents of Cur ry county. If olected I will work for tho es tablishment of nn oxporlmontnl ag ricultural station for Coos and Cur ry counties, having boon ono of tho first citizens In Coos county to nd vncato such a move. I bollovo that all local questions, r.iioh as tho establishment of county boundaries, etc., should bo loft to bo settled by voto of tho parties In tho localities Intorcstod. I favor nnd will work for tho creation of n sopnrnto prosecuting nttornoy district for Coos nnd Curry counties, for which tho pcoplo hnvo nlrcndy nBkod. I bollovo and will work for tho adoption of nn Industrlnl Compensa tion Alt, whoroby each industry will promptly nnd automatically componsato nil porsons Injurod by its operations, without rocourso to tho Courts. I bollovo in legislation rolloving tho sheriff's olllco of tho collection of taxes, placing it In tho hands ofa special offlcor, nlso a uniform system of collecting, auditing nnd handling snmo in ovory county throughout tho stato. I bollovo in n reasonnblo oxomp tlon of housohold nnd porsonnl ef fects from taxation, to n valuation of $500.00. If oloctod, I will work for tho nbollshmont of tho ofllco or County School Supervisor, ns I consldor It a usolcss oxpondlturo of public mo noy. If olected, I will uso my best ef forts for tlio pnBsngo of tho so called Bluo Sky Law, prohibiting tho oporntlon of fnko corporations in this stato. If elected, I will rofuso to rep resent nny faction nnd will aIwaj's aid any resident of tho district In nny morltorlous legislation. J. O. STEMMLER. (Paid Advortisomont.) Edward McAllister of Portland Will Visit Each City of County. Edwnrd S. J. McAllister, a lawyer from Portland nnd a speaker on tho Blnglo tax question, arrived In tho city todny to mako n campaign. Ho is a member of tho lnw firm of McAl lister and Upton of Portlnnd. Mr. McAllister will talk on tho slnglo tax question in each city In tho county. Ills program Is as follows: Tuesday nvnnlni.'. at North Bond; Wednesday ovenlng nt Mnrshuold; Thursday af ternoon nnd evening nt Bnndon; Frl- dny nftornoon nnd evening at Myrtlo Point; Saturday afternoon and night nt Coqulllo. MUST HEM) WIFE TO SCHOOL. Husband of M-Veni-Old Girl Is Warned by Court. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. II. "You must send your wlfo to school un til sho Is 14 years old, or you will bo arrested and fined," wnrn cd Magistrate Boylo after Imposing a lino In tho enso of John Palais, whoso wlfo Is only 13 years of ago. Tho young wlfo nnd her fatlior woro arrested on a warrant charg ing them with fnlluro to comply with tho compulsory education law. When asked why sho did not at tend school, Mrs. Palais, who woro short drcsBcs, said sho had no tlmo to go to school, ns sho hnd to get hor husband's meals and look after other household duties. Try Tho Times' Want Ads. R J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. Blanchard's Livery Wo havo secured tho llvory bus ncss of L. II. Holsnor, nnd aro pre pared to rondcr excellent sorvlco to tho pooplo of Coos Bny. Careful drlvors, good rigs nnd everything thnt will moan satisfactory sorvlco to tho public. Phono us for n driv ing horso, n rig or Anything nooded In tho llvory lino. Wo nlso do truck ing business of nil kinds. HLANCHARI) BROTHERS, Phono lilH.J. Llvory, Feed nnd Sales Sen-Ice. 1-I1 First nnd Alder Streets Have That Roof Fixed NOW See GORTHELL PHONE 121. wiui m?w The Sign of Good Candy Always Try Tho Tlmos' Want Ads. P II O N E lrSI-L and we'll do It. Charges reason' nblo, C1IAS GRANllV, Little Talks on the High Cost of Living By W. A. REID. With bacon soiling at 35e n pound and ogga at fii)c a doiEun and going hlghor, wo hno got to do ono of two th(ugs, cut down our llvlntc oponson or lueroHso our In come. Wo can accomplish tho former by ollinlnatlug ono of of our biggest Itonis In our expense account, viz., house rent, by having a homo In PEItllAM PARK, taking ad vantage of tho easy terms. To Increase our iuconio wo havo simply to Invest our savings In Porham Park prop erty, where tho iucronso In values will net us not loss than B0 per cont on our Investment, See REID About It. COKE BUILDINO. SEE THE NEW SHOES AT The Electric Shoe Store 100 pairs of Hoys' School Shoes now ou 6ale. 180 So. Broadway. Mnr-Mfolil. Unique Pantatorium THE .MODERN DYERS, CLEANERS, PRESSERS nnd HAT RENOVATORS Agent for Edward 11. Strauss & Co., Flno Tailoring. Let us mako your next suit. 2.W COMMERCIAL. Phono 230-X A niodorn Brick ulldlng, Eloctrh Light, Stoam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot nnd Cold Water. HOTEL OOOS O. A. Metlln, Prop. Rates: 150 cents a day and upwards Cor. Iiroiulwny and Market 1 WE WILL MAIL YOU $1 for onch sot of old Fnlso Teot sent us. Highest prices paid for old Gold, Silver, old Watches, broken Jewelry and Preclou Stones. Money Sent by Return Mall. Phlln. Smelting & Refining Co. Established 20 Years. 803 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, I'. TO DENTISTS. Wo will buy your Gold Fillings, Gold Scrap, nnd Platinum. Hlgu em iirices paia. Electric Lamps for nil places. Flno assortment Just arrived. Guaranteed Electric Irons something new. Ask to seo one. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J. TiTo Star Transfer and Storage Co. Is prepared to do ell kinds of hauling on short notice. W meet all trains and boats and we also have the Intent style Reynolds Piano Mover. We guarautoe our work. L. H. Heisner, Prop. Phonns 98-R. 120-.T. or 49-L. HUY NOW. Some choice lots In NORTH BEND can be had at a very reasonable price If taken now. E. 3. GEAR & CO.. First National Bank. City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drivers and reasonnblo charges. Our motto: I "Will go anywhere at any time." Stands Blanco Hotel nmi ninnm Cigar Store. Day Phones 78 and 4R Night Phono 4C. IIAHKKR OOODALE. proprietor. Marshficld & NortMJend Auto Line ' GORST KING. Proprietors. I uara leave aiarsnneld every 45 mluutee from 7:15 a. m. until 12:30 midnight. Leavo North Bena on samo schedule, starting at 7 a. m uutll midnight. See Saturday Times for schedule. Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. BENJAMIN CLOTHES STETSON HATS STETSON SHOES ARROW SHIRTS All sold one vniyOASH ONLY. Better values i'or less money because "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing & Shoe Co, Marshficld. Bandon. Fall Excursion To the Golden and Silver Falls For Only $1.50 for Round Trip From Allegany to the Falls Tho popular River Stcamor Alert will leavo Pioneer Hard waro Dock nt Marshfleld, Sunday, Oct; 20, at 8 A. ITSIiarp FOR ALLEGANY and way points. Faro 7Cc for round trip. Weather permit ting, automobiles will run between Allegany and tlio Goldtn and Silver Falls nil day. This Is your golden opportunity to sco theso magnificent aci beautiful falls. Faro on automobiles, louml trip, only $1.50. Don't Forget Your Lunch Baskets nnd friends. Got your tickets nt BUSY CORNER. PAST AND COaiMODIOUS Steamer Redondo Kqnlppcd with wireless nnd mibmnrlno bell SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR MARSHFIELD WEDNESDAY, OCT. 16th All Passenger Reservations From Sun Francisco Must lie Md l 805 Tifo llulldlng, or Tier No. 10. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PIIONB U. C. F. McQEOROE, Agent. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater fl ALWAYS ON TI3IE. SAILS FROM AINSWORTII DOCK, PORTLAND, At 8 A. M., OCT-J' 10, iia, 30. FROM MARSHFIELD AT THE SERVICE OF THETUtti OCT. O, 12, 10, 20. Phono Main 05-L. J. O. MILLER, Agent. Steamer Washington The Ship that Makes the Service Good Between San Francisco and Coos Bay wrrn passengers and freight F. S. DOW, Agent. OcenD- THE FRIEND OF OOOS DAY XAIE4 X -Ilium XIV JKiJV --- S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITn WIRELESS SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR EUREKA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16th, lojj CONNECTING WITn THE NORTH BANK ROAD AT VO1 AUUTII PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMI-ah- Mj. C. F. McGEUiw" Phone -It, T. J. SOAnrc foA. II. HODGINS Marshfield Paint, Decorating Co. Furnished. Phono 140-L. Oreeot Eatimatei MARSnFD3LD, E. Pale & Co. High Grade Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailoring Imported and Domestic Wooleai Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed Wo do all work right here. 870 North Front Street i Marshfleld. Wp f!ean and ft5 Ladies' and Gent's Si Goods Called for ana ui"- , fnnc Rat SteMI LaWM PHONE MAIN 5 J M.rthfleW, Oregon. . -uiiT