THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1912-EVENING EDITION. Dayton Bicycles c Ladies' $26.50 to $27.00 COOS BAY TIDES. Below la given tho tlmo and height of high nnd low water at Marshfleld. Tho tides are plnced In tho order of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino and holghts on tho second lino of each day; a compai Ison on consecutlvo holghta will lndlcato whothor It Is high or low water. For high water on tho bar, sub8tract 2 hours 34 mlnutos. No Buckled Frames On Dayton Bicycles Sixty-seven DAYTON BICYCLES running in Marshfield. Have you ever seen or heard of a buckled frame on a DAYTON BICYCLE? Into. lira.. Feol. Hrs.. Poet. 3.37 G.7 4.22 n'.z" October. 0.01 3.20 9.43 1.5 7.1 0.8 9.37 4.05 10.27 2.1 C.9 0.7 obligation nnd It would requlro n' loan to inalta tho payment. It suddenly occurred to him thnt Sut i.nlny was a Onck holllny followed uy aununy ana if no could delay Btrom says ranchors aro busy getting out tholr potato crop, about half of which has been dug. Tho crop Is a light ono tins year. tho matter until tho, banks closed I WM. BONEBRAKE of Catching In and then glvo a check ho could no- lot was a business visitor in Marsh gotlnto a loan nnd thus save threo ' Acid today, days' Interest. Accordingly when MISS HELEN LANDRITH snent to- MARSHFIELD CYCLERY PHONE J58-R Dayton Agents 172 BROADWAY THE WEATHER. (Ily Associated Press.) OREGON Fair tonight nnd Sunday; coolor in tho interior nnd west Sunday; easterly miius. LOCAL TEMPERATURE HE POUT. For tho 24 hours ending 4:43 a.m. Oct. 12, by Don, Ostlind, speclnl government niotoorolog Ical observer: Maximum 62 Minimum 35 At 4:43 a. in 37 Precipitation nono Wind Northwest; cloar. Always "The Busy Corner" The Rexall Store "lEe Busy Corner" Invites you to come hero nnd trade with us. "Wo couldn't improve our service, so we improved our' store. Pay us n visit. You arc always welcome. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER" PHONE- MAIN 298 US FIVE VESSELS LEAVE PORT Boats Waiting in Lower Bay All Cross Out Safely Today. Tho vessels in tho lower bay which woro waiting a smoother bar to got awny, all crossed out this morning nt 11:12. o'clock. Tho Itcdondo wont out first nnd was followed by tho M. S. Dollar. Tho Hrcalcwntor went out next nnd tho Nairn Smith was tho fourth to got nwuy. Later on In tho day tho cMher Ruhno sailed. Tim bar was not very rough and all of tho bonts got out without nny trouulo. OREGON REACHES POUT. Heating Stove Season Is Here and So Are We With the largest line of HEATING- STOVES, COAL AND "WOOD, ovjr shown on Coos Buy. "We k tllcm in the open front nnd regulars. Also a wmplete line of Columbia Ranges, Coal Scuttles, Andirons, Screens and everything for the house. i EKBLAD & SON THE QUALITY HARDWARE. Seats (or Ilarlcy.Davldson nnd Indian Motorcycle. In $1600.00 Ibti i.... IVh. '". corner 70x1 on '""sniieid. t- ",- "J . price to i buuu im " t , l0W- COSta Hj .1 l0 Investigate it i I, it resret you do not S-KAUFMAN & CO. 177 nw.i ... vui uireet. h"X'''f'.f' - - nut as. WANT ADS. WANTED Soil ticklers to buy 10 80 or 120 acres of fruit land near Allegany; mllo from river. Price $10 per acre. Terms 25 per cent cash, balance in five equal payments, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years. Seo Title Guarantee- and Abstract Company. WANTED A purclinser for a country homo in tho city name ly, a choice 5 aero tract- in Lo breo Park." Good soil, easy to clear and sunny exposure. Price Government Drcdgo Arrives Safely ut (rays IlnriMir. Word has boon recolved horo that tho government drodgo Oregon had arrived safoly at Grays Haibor. Sho was In tow of tho tug Dnrlng nnd got Into port about noon yestordny. Picture Framing. Walker Studio, QUATEHMASS for PHOTOS. HOT TAMLES AT BARTERS' $1600. Seo Tltlo Guarnntco and Abstrnct Company. WANTED A Quick Purchaser for two cliolco building lota In Hun ker Hill, corner Ellon nnd Em plro nvenuo. Seo Tltlo Guaran tee nnd Abstrnct Company. WANTED Carpenters nnd one cal Inot maker at Woodcraft shop, 2C Market avenuo. FOUNI W. O. W. fob watch charm, Camp No. 77. Owner may get samo at Times officii by paying for this notice WANTED Slashing or land clearing by tho aero. Address Bruco Hood, Marshfield. FOR SALE A good paying 20 room hotel full of boarders. A bargain. Address "B" Times office. FOH KENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. 237 N. Broadway. FOR SALE Rooming house. Four teen furnished rooms. 3GG Front street. FOR SALE Dry wood, fir nnd ai der, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Ferry landing, bono 158-L. FOR RENT Furnished room for one or two gentlemen. Inquire Fash ion Tailors, 150 Front street. FOR SALE Ono 3 1-2 horsepower gas engine. A bargain. Apply to Pacific Launch Works, 862 North Front street. ROOM AND BOARD Tho Roycrcst, 388 First street. Phono 123-X. "FOR RENT Clean, comfortable rooms, with or without board at 135 N. Second street Under new management. To Hold Meeting. Tho Port Com mission will hold thoir rogulnr monthly meeting nt the Chamber of Commorco Monday. Out for Ducks Jay Towor and R. C. Cordcs nro nt tho Sand Hill lakes over Sunday and expect to get a big bag of ducks. Business Change. Tho Cook & Fox second hand storo on Front street hns been sold to Ed Doylo and H. G. Harrington. Mnko Auto Trip Geo. Topping nnd family of Bandon who camo over yesterday to aftond tho good roads mooting left this morning by auto for tneir homo. Sir. Bennett Delayed. Tho Chnm- bor of Commorco Is In rocolpt of n loiter from Edgar B. PIpor, managing editor of tho Orcgonlan, stating that tholr special writer, Mr. Addison Bcnnott, who was to arrlvo on Coos Bay today had been dolayod but would start Monday, arriving In Mnrshflold lntor In tho weok . At Roundup Among tho Coos County pcoplo Teddy Bnxtor saw nt tho Pendleton Round-up woro W W. Gago and wife, Lovl Smith and wife, C. Ireland, Paul Skcols, Joo Pattlson, Joss Hlto, Rny Olllvant, Chnrloy Hnrlockor and Joo Laird. Coqulllo Sentinel, Never Saw n Rail Game. In tlieso days of Intcuso interest nnd oxcltoment In tho world's champion ship series games It is Interesting to noto thnt thoro Is ono promi nent Coos county citizen who has novor seen any kind of n ball gamo. J ml go E. D. Sporry of Co qulllo enjoys tho distinction. It Is not for lack of opportunity, olthor. Tho Judgo lived for years In Clove land, Ohio, nnd dally drovo p.m tho grounds wlicro league games woro bolng played, but lr novor witnessed ono. Tho Judgo says ho has no objection to tho groat tin- tlonnl gnmo, but did not havo any early Interest and later It became n mnttoi of distinction nnd sort of o:lglunl prldo for him to say that ho had novor seen n gamo, whllo all hlu frlonds wero discussing games, plnyors, nvoragos, nnd nil that d iio that Is so dear to tho heart of tho fans. Saved Three Days' Interest. A good story is being told today about a promtnont citizen nnd largo proporty holder, who yesterday gavo an exhibition of thrift and finan cial shrowdness thnt wins wonltn. A largo payment on somo oxtonslvo street Improvements around bin proporty wna duo yesterday. Al though a wealthy man ho did not havo tho roady cash to moot tho Mnrshal Carter appeared as collect or ror tho recorder, tho proporty holder dolaycd tho matter under ono protoxt or another until flvo minutes past bank closing tlmo nnd then gavo tho check. It will bo cared for Monday and tho thrifty man has saved threo days' Interest en n good-sized sum. Mnny Farewells. Tho frlonds of Cnpt. B. W. Olson nnd Dr. J. T. McCormnc aro enjoying tho rnthor unusual manner of their dally de parture on extended trips tlieso days. Both gentlemen nro well known and ono Is going on a long voyngo that will extend around Capo Horn boforo his return nnd tho othor for a winter's stay In California. Thoir farewells aro more than formal. They are also becoming ns lingering as thoso of fond lovers with whom "pnrtlng Is Bttch sweet sorrow thnt they could say good-byo, good-byo until to morrow." Cnpt. Olson stnrtcd on tho M. S. Dollar nnd Dr. McCor mnc on tho Rcdondo Thursday af tornoon. Tho vossols woro uunblo to cross out, and both gcntlomon surprised tholr frlonds by return ing to tho city Thursday evening, whllo all tho passongors and crow remained aboard. Friday morning thoy said "good-byo" again nnd stnrtcd onco moro on tholr voyjgo. Last ovcnlng thoy returned and re ceived renewed greetings nnd this morning thoro woro moro fond fnrowolls for tho third tlmo. PERSONAL NOTES C. E. HANSEN wns in from Hnyncs Inlet todny. C. W. MARSHALL of Coqulllo Is n visitor In tho city. D. I. PINKERTON wns In from his Lnron Inlot rnnch todny. MILTON LATTIN of 8outh Inlot was a Marahflold visitor todny. C. S. WINSOR was a North Bond visitor In Mnrshflold today. M. J. BOWRON or Isthmus Inlot spent tho dny In Mnrshflold. WM. McMULLEN of Emtilro was n Mnrshflold visitor today. MItS. DEXTER of Coos Rlvor was n visitor In our city todny. JUDGE SPERRY of Coqulllo la In tho city on legnl business. WM. FOSTER camo down from Coos Rlvor today on business. J. A. GOODWIL wno a Coos Rlvor visitor In Mnrshflold today. REV. G. LoROY HALL loft today on tho Brcakwntor for Portland. MRS. WIRTII of Mllllcoma wns a shoppor In Mnrshflold fdny. R. H. GARDINER of North Bend spout tho day In Mnrshflold. LOUIS STONE of Catching Inlot spoilt tho day In Mnrshflold. II. D. WALLACE camo down from his homo on Ross Inlot todny. MHS. II. E. BESSEY of Mllllcoma was a Marshflold shoppor todny. Mns. W. Q. Roundslcy of Flagstaff was a visitor In Mnrshflold todny. HAROLD FEROUSON of Dnnlols Crcok Is n Marshflold visitor today. ALEX WATSON and wlfo of Catch ing Inlet wero in tho city todny. WM. BERRY, a Myrtlo Point rnnchor, Is In tho city on busi ness. C. E. MATHERS of North Bond loft for Portland on the Broakwator to day. . was n Smith Cons In Mnrshflold to- E. W. GUPTIL Rlvor visitor day. L. HAZHLTON of Catching business visitor in Inlot town TONIGHT -nt TEe Royal MY UNCLE FROM JAPAN. Matlneo Sunday afternoon at 2:30 DORA THORNE Prlco 10c Tomorrow night, FOR HER FATHER'S SAKE Two full shows tonight nnd to morrow night First at 7:00, soc ond at 9:00 o'clock. Admission 23c. Children inc. was a today, J. T. CONLOGUI3 of Lampn, was a business visitor in tho city yes tordny. MRS. A. SHORT left for Coos City todny to visit hor slate Mrs. D. L. Watson. MR. nnd MRS. J. P. FARLEY woro Cooa Rlvor visitors In Mnrshflold todny. MR. nnd MRS. WM. LACKSTROM of Catching Inlot woro Mnrsh flold visitors today. Mr. Lack- day and will Bpend tomorrow on Coos River. MRS. JAMES LANDRITH of South Coos Rlvor wns a visitor In tho city yesterday. MR. and MRS. BEN M'MULLEN of Myrtlo Point nro visiting friends in tho city. MR. nnd MRS. ANSON O. ROGERS of Coos River woro Marshflold vis itors todny. MRS. HERBERT ROGERS of Coos River was a business visitor in Mnrshflold yesterday. MRS. DANO of Bandon la visiting hor son, Malr, of this city. Sho will romnln until Tucsdny. MISS BELVA FLANAGAN who is toachlng bcIiooI at South Inlot was In Mnrshflold today. MRS. W. F. HODSON camo down from Coos Rlvor this morning and returned this nftornoon. MAYOR MORRISON of Coqulllo was In Mnrshflold Inst night to nttend tho good rondB mooting. MRS. BYRD LATTIN roturnod to hor homo on Coos Rlvor today, after a fow days' visit In Coaledo. MRS. REBECCA LUSE BTUMP Is making an over Sundny vUlt at tho Luso ranch on Coos Rlvor. MI8SES DOROTHY nnd LAURA WATSON of Coqulllo nro visiting tholr sister, Mrs. Harry Folsom. MRS. S. DOWNER loft on tho Break water today on routo to Washing ton whoro Bho will mnko hor homo. MRS. VARNEY of Conlcdo roturnod homo todny aftor spending a day or two with relatives on Coos rlvor. MR, GILLESPIE and W. Tothrault loft on tho Broakwator today for Portland todny nftor n aovoral wooks visit In Marshflold. MRS. FRANK TERRY roturnod to hor homo nt Dnnlcls Crcok todny nftor a fow days' visit with rola tlvos in Mnrshflold. MRS. HARRY MANN left on tho Bronkwator today for Portland whoro sho was called suddenly by tho sorlous Illness of hor Hlster. MRS. E. C. HOLLAND and MRS. N. OSMUNDSON roturnod to Co qulllo yestordny nftor n brief vis It with tholr sister, Mrs. Edward Mooller. MRS. C. F. THOMAS and threo chil dren or this city loft this morn ing for Myrtlo Point for a fow . dnys' visit with hor mothor, Mrs. M. N'. Bollou. REV. G. LEROY HALL loft this moralng on tho Bronkwator for Portland nnd Orogon City, whoro ho will nttond tho Baptist Stnto Convention. MRS. B. W. GUPTIL of Coos Rlvor la visiting Mrs. Walker of Wll lnnch Inlot nnd will visit with Mrs. Coffolt of North Bond boforo re turning homo. MR. nnd MRS, CIIAS. McGEE loft for tholr homo In Rosoburg yestordny; Mr. and Mrs, Honry Blnck accom panied thorn as far as Sumner, nnd will roturn Tucsdny. MAHSUFIKLD VISITORS TODAY. Ray Dunson nnd wlfo from tho llghthouso woro visitors In Marsh flold today. Miss Kardoll of Isthmus Inlot spont tho dny In Mnrshflold. Mr. and Mrs. Bon McMullon loft for their homo In Myrtlo Point to dny nftor n short stay In Mnrsh flold. Mrs. E. L. Bcssoy of South Coos River wns a Marshflold shopper to day. F. II. Rood, of North Cooa Rlvor wns In Marshflold today. r DOINGS OF DENMARK. (Special to Tho Times)" Mr. Walstrom nnd fntnlly mndo a flying trip from Bnndnn to Port Or ford nnd back Monday afternoon by nuto stngo. Just as they woro chug ging out of town, thoy picked up tho bolnted school ma'am recontly nr rived from Portland on tho Alllnuco nnd bound for Donmnrk and gavo hor a very onjoynblo rldo to hor de stination. School oponed nt Donmnrk Tucs dny morning with full nttendnnco. BARGAINS 100 feot on North Front St, running out to harbor line, that's n genulno good buy. Soveral good business buys that aro well located. 20,000 Port Orford dry white cedar tolephono poles and piling, 7 cents per lineal foot. In boom at-Coqulllo. French Realty Co. 815 K N. Front St. The Finest Toilet Products Would you like to bo sure of getting Toilet Spe cialties oil the very finest quality, scientifically prepared and daintily put up? Then ask for tho Penslar Brand. Penslar Almond and Cucumber Crenw, 23c nnd 30c. Penslar After-Shaving Crown, 23c. Penslar After-Shaving Lotion, 30c. Peiislnr llnth Sparkler, 23c. Peiislnr Buttermilk Cerate, 23c and 30c. Penslar Camphor Ice (Vanishing), 23c. Peiuilur Cold Cream, 23c. Penslar Dioxide Cream, 23c. Peiislnr Hair Tonic, noo mid $1.00. Penslar Kumfy Powder (for perspiration), 23c. Penslar Lilac Fuco Cream, ouc. Peiislnr Orodeiitlno (Tooth Wash), 23c. Penslar Perln Benin Tooth Paste, 23c. Penslar Perla-Deiita Tooth Powder, " Penslar SIuiiiijmmiii, 23r. Penslar Trend-lCasy Foot Powder, 23c. IViislnr Velvetoii, Liquid Face Ponder, 30c. Penslar Violet (or Lilac) Talcum Powder, 23c. Ask for our attractive little book, "Toilet Art," which describes these articles and gives many "beauty hints" of real value. Penslar Toilet Specialties aro preferred by tho most fastidious women. fTONKjJ x Urn i" -V i m I I i