The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, October 11, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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To The Man Who Bays Clothes
I JJIfrJ'6nJnitno(jLwyork V 111 WWW
Dnj'i l ji Marsh field
Huinr action well jnowT foliG on hotel annex "speech given ban don papeb
We want to talk to you about Clothing,
We don't know whether you know Benjamin
Clothing or not, but we want you to
We want to do business wjith you and believe we
could if you realized just wha Benjamin Suits,
Overcoats and Rain Coats for men are, and the
kind of merchandise we are offering
If you are absolutely satisfied with the Clothing
you are now wearing, we haven't a word to say;
but if not, if you would like to see a little better style,
a little better making, a little more up-to-dateness in
your Clothing, we .would like to get in touch with
you, for we sincerely believe it would be even more to
your advantage than ours
Benjamin Clothes at $t700 to $35.00 are -the
highest type of Clothing that money, brains and skill
can produce. A broad assertion but a true one.
Then too we have a matchless showing of
Suits, Overcoats, Rain Coats and Gaberdines
Prices that range at $J0, $ J 2.50, $15 and $ 7.50.
Let us prove to you that
Hub Clothing and Shoe Co.
U. S. Engineers Write That
n i n i. I I .
rreiimmary nepori nas
Been Received.
Tho Times ta In receipt of the.
following copy of n lottor to Con
gressman Hawloy from the- United
Btntoa engineers, relative to tho
now survey of Coos Hay hnrbor
nnil bar, Tho letter, which la boU
oxplnuntory, Ih n follows:
Olllco of tho Chief of Kiiglncors.
WiiBhliiKton, Oct. "J, iaia.
Hon. Willis 0. llnwloy,
Salem, Oregon,
1. In response to your letter
dnteil October 1. 112, relative to
tho Btirvoy of Cooa Hny nnil Hur
provided for by tho river and hnr
bor nor of July 'it, lit 12, I hnvo
tho honor to Inform you that re
port on tho preliminary examina
tion of the locality haa been ro
colvcd and has been referred to tho
llonrd of Knglneora for Itlvera nnil
Harbors, na required by Inw, with
roqnoBt for early nctlon.
2. Under tho law n preliminary
examination must first bo mado
with n view to determining upon
tho necessity or advisability of malt
ing u survey and should the Hoard's
roport bo favorable, n survey will
bo ordered, of which tho district
olllcor nt Portland will bo notified
by telegraph. You will bo prompt
ly nuviseu or tno action inueu,
Very respectfully,
Colonel, Corp of Kngluoors.
Acting Chief of KuKlucera.
Miss Elizabeth Cox and Chas.
Lowry Are Married
This Morning.
Miss Klizabotli Cox nnil Chnrloa
Lowry woro married this morning
nt it o'clock ut tho homo of tho
bride's parents on South Fifth
street. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lowry will
lenvo on tho Nairn Smith tomorrow
for n two weeks' honeymoon in San
Francisco nnd Napa, Calif.
' An unfilled want causes untuppl
utiK Ttmen Want Ads brlnic reaults.
Clovornor West la In this city
tills afternoon attending a mooting
of tho Stato Hoard of Forestry.,
Matters of legislation In tho. Inter
ests of tho board nnd tho conser
vation of tho forest resources In
Oregon nro among tho questions
to bo discussed. Tho other mom
hers of tho board nro: Austin
lluxton of Forest drove, represent
ing tho stnto Ornngo; A, P. Sprnguo
of this city, representing tho tlm
bermon; Dan P. Smytho of Pendle
ton, representing tho Oregon Wool
growers' association; L. S. Hill of
Cottage- (Jrovo representing tho lum
ber manufacturing Interests of that
section of tho Btato; Prof. Georgo
Penvy of tho Orogon Agricul
tural Collego faculty; Georgo 11.
Cecil, United Stntos Forostor of
Oils district, nnd F. A. Klllott, tho
stnto forester.- -Portland Telogrnm.
The schooners Louise nnd Lily nro
loading lumber nt the Gardiner mill
on tho Uiupnua.
Times' Wnnt Ada bring results.
in Times Wnnt Ada brine result
Little Talks on the
High Cost of Living
Thero nro mnny way of reducing tho high cost of liv
ing without denying miiolvea tho comforts of life. Ouo
way Is to study tho markets A nhrewd buyer lays In n
supply of coal when ho seen a prospect of n rise In price:
nlso of potntooa nnd other necessities where possible to
effect n saving. In n larger way shrewd buyors tako ad
vantage of low values lu stocks, bonds and real estate.
Wo class such buys na Investments, but when wisely iimdu
they nro of vastly grontor Importance to us than studied
economy In Ilttlo things. For Instance, a small Investment
lu I'KKIIAM PARK right now will net not less than 50rc.
See REID About It.
Mayor Morrison of Coquille Is
Musning Permanent
Tho plan of building n permanent
road from Coos Bav to Itosoburg Is
being furthered In other pnrts of tho
county by A. T. Morrison, mayor of
Coquille, which Is shown by tho fol
lowing in tho Ilnndon Recorder:
"Mayor Morrison of Coqulllo wns
In Itnndon Friday evening Intorvlow
Ing Bovoral of our lending citizens
lu regard to n hotter rond botwoon
Coos county nnd Itosoburg. Ho fav
ors a plnn of holding n joint meot
Inc of nil commorclnl timllna nf tlm
county, In Mnrshilold this fall, soon
nnor tno gonorni election, nt which
tlmo n goncrnl plan of arranging for
a county road to Itosoburg may bo
decided upon. Ho referred to tho
common belief that tho people woro
divided na rognrds probnblo routes,
soino preferring tho routo of tho
Cooa Dnv wncon rond nnd ntlmra thn
Myrtlo Point routo. Ho stnted that
ho did not bollovo thero wns as much
diversity of opinion ns many would
havo bollovo, and if thoro was It must
bo gotten nwny from nnd n unit pur-
poso auopieu. At , uoquuio .Mayor
Morrison Is doing a grent doul to
brluir thn rltv nut nf Its nlil tlmn nif
nnd civic Improvomonts nro rite. Ho
realizes tno necessity or Koepinn pneo
with tho affnlrs of tho day and cites
tho Importance of building moro
and bettor ronds with tho coming of
tho rnllrond, Whllo ho doos not fn
vor nny pnrtlculnr plnn ns rogards
tho detail of nctual rond making, says
In n broad way that tho main trunk
linos whoro travol la tho henvlost
that nny of tho modern hard sur
facing should bo ndonted In nrofer.
,'enco to plnnklng or grnvel.
Tho Scientific American recently
described nn Invontlon by Dr. II.
T. llnrnos of McGIU University,
known as tho mlcrothormometer,
whoso otllco it Is to detect Icoborgs
and land nt sen. Tho devlco U de
scribed as an exceedingly seiultlvo,
solf-rocording Instrument, capable
of recording thousandths of n de
gree of temperature. Kqual to Its
value In dotectlng icebergs Is tho
uso that thlq Instrument can be put
to In detecting land, ns ouo of tho
most Intorostlng rosults obtnlned
with mlcrothermomoter wns tho of
feet of land on tho tonipornturo of
tho sen. It bolng found that when
ever a vessel sails In townrd tho
const lino, the temperature la
found to mall off ono or two degrees.
Pile Driver Starts Foundation Prohibition Candidate for Con-
for Addition to the
Tho first piling for tho annex to
tho Chnndlcr hotel nro being driven.
Tho Noblo pllo driver Is now nt work
nftor hnvlng been In tho courso of
preparation for tho past week. Tho
pllo drlvor makes a torrlllc nolso nnd
Jnrs tho neighborhood but It Is n
woleomo nolso to ovoryono ns It
menus tho nctunl starting of con
struction of nnothor flno addition to
tho business section of Mnrshlleld.
llcprcseutntivcN of Commercial Roil
les to Discuss Plans,
Committees representing tho com
mercial bodies of tho different cities
of tho county will hold n meeting to
night nt tho Chnmbor of Commorco
rooms for tho purposo of discussing
plans for tho establishment of a per
mnnont roadway from Coos county
to nosoburg. Some of tho most nc
tlvo of tho business men of tho coun
ty will bo present nt tho meeting.
W. A. Held Is Host lit Party Lust
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Hold gnvo a
delightful reception to tho mem
bers nnd frionds of tho Chrlstlnn
church at their commodious homo
on Central nvenuo nnd Second
street last night. Miss Holen Flook
of Portland and Miss May Lennox'
rendered several solos In a most
ploaslng iiinnnor. Mr. Hold gnvo
his experiences in Alaska In a very
Interesting nddress. ilia wt-r
wns illustrated with splendid stor
eopticon views. Ho fittingly closed
hub turn oi (no evening 8 ontertnln
mont by ronderlnir nn liinRirniori
song, "In Far Off Alaska," to tho,
uongiK oi tnoso prosent. During a
two-courso luncheon Rev. 55. O.
DOWniHl Stated flint tlin llWnnt nn.
JoynblO OCCnsIOn Wns n fnrKrimnoi.
of tho servicos to bo held at tho
church next Sunday, when n spo
cial program will bo given, both
morning nnd ovonlnc. Aftm n rmr.,1
social time wns spent, tho largo
Kium-TiuK reiurneu to tnoir homes,
declaring thnt thoy hnd enjoyed
one of tho host soclnl events over
given in our city.
Haye roar lob orlntlntr Anr.m i
The Time' offle.
gress Tells People His
Position in Race.
O. A. Stlllmnn, Prohibition enn-
dldato for Congress, delivered nn
nddress last ovenlng on Front
Btreot. Ho Is in Coos Day in tho
torcBts of his campaign nnd ho
tnlked Inst ovenlng to qulto a largo
audlonco which gnthcrod. Fully ICO
porsons honrd his spooch.
Mr. Stlllmnn, of courso, ndvo
cntes prohibition, but his argu
ments nro a Ilttlo different from
mnny of tho snmo polltlcnl pnrty.
Ho Bnys when ho wna qulto young
that ho took up tho causo of pro
hibition hut wns discouraged bo
causo of his inability to nccompllsh
nny results. Ho flnnlly decided
that tho proposition was a political
ono. Mr. Stlllmnn takes tho stand
that tho liquor trnfflc is wrong
nnd thnt tho government should not
bo n pnrtnor In nnythlng thnt Is
wrong. Mr. Stlllmnn takes tho
stnnd thnt representation of tho
best peoplo Is tho way In which
theso things which his parly re
gards as bolng ovil must bo ro
movod nnd ho insists thnt tho best
peoplo must ho represented by men
who stnnd for what tho best peo
plo really wnnt. Mr. Stlllmnn
makes no porsonnl reflections upon
nny of his opponents In tho con
gressionnl race, but snys thnt tho
other parties allow themselves to
bo swnyed by tho saloon elomont
becnuso of tho votes that they may
Mr. Stlllman particularly mnkes
an appeal for a cleaner representa
tion of tho best peoplo in ofilcinl of
fices. Ho nlso says thnt If ho
should ho olected ho will not do
voto his ontlro timo In congress to
talking prohibition, but thnt ho will
have at heart all of tho important
development questions, including all
thoso which affect Coos Day.
Amorlcnns nro probably not awaro
iim tun, mm sieamers mint in
Kuropo and owned In Smyrna by nn
iuiuiu-uu cmzen or rorelgn birth
nro In regulnr servlco In tho
Turkish water under protection of
tho American flng. Filipino subjects
of tho United Stntes nro entitled to
fly tho Amerl-nn flng over their ves
sels, and nny expntrlnted Amerlcnn
may, by making nfftdnvlt beforo tho
United States Consul thnt a certain
vessol flying a foreign flag Is entirely
owned by an American citizen, Im
mediately receive an American regis
States That He Is Properly
Backed for Building ol
In tho Dandon Recorder of tW
wcok thoro appears nn extended M
tlclo In dofenso of II. K. Lee.wbok"
figured prominently In the promote
of tho rnllrond which was proper
to bo built from Grants Pass pt
south fork of tho Coquille rlrer w
Bandon nnd on to Port Or'ort-
Somo tlmo ngo It was said I that
Loo ropresontod McArthur Peril
A press tologrnm nppcared J
Portlnnd pnpors from Ne "
quoting McArthur Rros. and Peru1
snylng that thoy had nothing ww
over to do with Leo or any rgJJ
Orogon. Tho Myrtle VoM"
priso ropnniou (uu iivb -- -and
mado somo othor coroment.
Rocordor, of Dandon, ff?Sl
that Mr. Loo called at Myrtto Wg
nnd domandod a retraction.
Rocordor makes somo commenu r
on tho logging road which
bolng built out of Myrtlo
At Bandon a number o W
men put up money In Bood J
help tho project which is prooo
Mr. Leo and tho Unorder i w
Plain mat thoso Dandon peopeB
overy faith in tho project wMcb
have soen fit to assist. jol.
Tho Recorder concludes as
"Thoro aro many of tno ".,
nesa mon In Bnndon JK Ui
In Coos county who know w.
nnd theso men nlso know
Leo Is nmply qunlifled tof'OTe
tho most skoptlcal that he (U
over claimed to bo. nnd tha t
back up substantially nny sta
over mado to the pcopH ' hl
county. Theso men wno t
pld of Myrtlo Point nnd Co ckfrfr
would bo benefitted, resei" telr
tho unwarranted n,,'"ri5e as
honest efforts. The EnterpJ
cortnln others may repeni
folly when it will be too late
t :
nn of tho exhibits a
-, if- TvnnQltlOIl "-..-
Francisco, the old "
wkii ono ei.oj' ,-,- i oai' 1
sol of American register leJt,
to be fitted out a." to the Fj;
t i ,ar- lnnc trip r. .. nd
r Vh" Hiram was - ,
deford. Maine, 93 ye a crtr
has been In activo ser"-