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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1912 EVENING EDITION. w mmmmmtm,rrina I BULL MOOSE PERSONAL NOTES CLAUD PIPER of Coos Rlvor was In Marshflold today. FRED NELSON Is a visitor In tho Coqulllo country today. L 0 I Al ivPt fti sCfFmrri!ftr kSfsi r2c most mt? fm SB5G 77)07 ?FLrv$t vW -iJ&aS4fiLJH l ILJ c Willi r m4tmfLSn xsmsl Jl ilrSaSSSHMi IM I M ESS 17 WSIII w fl iWSS IS I i wi ' ' """ijMMHi jaxnfSOTiCCijaBy. mHjlit Hirt Sthiflher & Mar yOU read about the big games between New York and Boston. Men competing for the world's championship Business is like that; a little. We're trying to excel in our business; not so much to beat somebody else, but excel ourselves We are trying to make a "home run'' in the "greatest service to our customers;" we want every man who comes to this store to get what is best for him Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes are the best clothes made; we sell them because we know it, andjbecaue they belong to just such a store, and just such a service idea as this We can fit any man and wc can satisfy any taste In color, style, weave; and any price-idea. Suits $18.00 and up. Overcoats $16.50 and up. Woolen Mill Store This store is the Coos Bay homo of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes. Always "The Busy Corner" The Rexall Store NEVKIl HKrOHK . NEVER A(MI.V Rexall Violet Talcum Powder Regular Price, 25c per can nro?5XW,IKUE IX T,'K U. 8. A. THE JIUSV CORXER OF swp..U SAI'K TOMORROW DUHIXC1 OUH BIST SATURDAY FECIAL SALE, FOR 15 Cents Only x 8KB OUH WINDOW. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER" PHONE - MAIM 9QA US TONIGHT Fe R.oyal nJIAXD.Fonj, co. Presenting "ST. ELMO." TllrVrnnT .... SSvr.awn. ",:Cnd rb"-lwo lull shows . iuc to all. e Cver Umbrellas t tho Afield Cyclery ftr aqents. 73 Broadway WANT ADS. LOST In North Bend, black rib bon watch fob, with gold mono gram, C. L. E. Roturn to Ever ltt'a Drug Store, North Dend, and rocolvo roward. FOR SALE A good paying 2 room hotel full of boarders. A bargain. Address "D" Times office. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. 237 N. D road way. FOR SALE Rooming house. Four teen furnished rooms. 356 Front street. FOR SALE Dry wood, fir and al der, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Ferry landing, hone 158-L. ANGORA GOATS WANTED Will buy small bunch of Angora Goats. Address stating what you have. II. E. Glazier, Myrtle Point, Ore. FOR RENT Furnished room for one or two gentlemen. Inquire l-asn-Ion Tailors, 150 Front street. FOR SALE One 3 1-3 horsepower gas engine. A bargain. Appiy to COOS RAY TIDES. Dolow Is given tho timo and height of high and low water at Marshflold. Tho tides arc- placed in tho order of occurrence with thoir tlmos on tho first lino and holghts on tho socond lino of each day; a corapai Ison on consccutlvo holghts will Indicate whether it is high or low water. For high water on tho bar, substract 2 hours 34 minutes. paRsongors In from Jnrvla Landing this morning. On tho Ways Tho llttlo utenmor Mllllconm Is on tho wnya this wook and Mastors Drothors nro running tho Inunch Marshflold in hor place. date October. 11 Hrs.. 2.52 8.27 2.53 9.00 Feet. C.l 1.0 7.0 0.7 12 lira.. 3.37 9.01 3.29 9.43 Feet. 5.7 1.5 7.1 0.8 13 Hrs.. 4.22 9.37 4.05 10.27 Foot. C.2 2.1 C.9 0.7 To Hold Story Hour. Miss Top ping of tho Public Library will hold ono of hor popular story hours tomorrow morning at tho library. Auto Accident Ono of tho out bound autos on tho Allogany-Draln routo wont oft tho grado tho other day, but fortunately no ono was Boriousiy injured. L. J. Simpson was slightly brulsod. High Stack, Tho smoko stack on tho now pulp mill will bo 245 feet high when completed, 12 feet higher than tho ono on tho Smith mill, which Is accredited with be ing tho highest in tho state. 1 THE WEATHER. mv Associated Press.) i niiEnnv Fair this aftor- . .. ... ---- ----- -- noon and tonigni nnu Satur day; northorly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE-PORT. I For tho 24 hours ending 4:43 a. m. Oct. 11, by uonj. usinnu, special government meteorolog ical observer: Maximum C5 Minimum 34 At 4:43 a. m 30 Precipitation nono Wind Northwest; clear. 1JORX. LUSE To Mr. and Mrs. Jesso Luso at their homo in Marshflold, Fri day morning, October 11, 1912, a son. Mother and child are do ing well and the proud father Is so pleased over tnis latest eui-j tion of tho "Son" that no uoesne caro who Is elected president. Servlco Every Friday Night Be ginning with this ovonlug, thoro will bo sorvlces In tho Episcopal chufth ovory Friday ovonlng at 7:30 with an informal Bible study after tho sorvlco, conductod by tho rec tor. f . Travel Large Thero continues to bo heavy traffic from tho outside to Coos Bay. In addition to tho capacity load brought hi by tho Breakwater yesterday, twenty pass ongors arrived by tho Draln-Gardl' nor routo. Harry Hoy and M. S. Crossen Have Lively Fight on Front Srreet. Prominent members of tho Dull Mooso party clnshed today about noon In front of tho post oluco. At torney HarrV O. Hnv. who In plnlmn.1 to bo tho orlglnnl Dull Mooso of this county, ana M. S. Crossen. well known real estnto dealor and mom bor of tho flnnnco commlttco of tho locnl organization, nntnrtnlnml miltn a lnrgo crowd with ono of tho most nvoiy ngiiiB mat naB been pulled off on Front street In daylight for n long ttmo pnst. Both gentlemen put up an excel lent flcht. worthy of nnv nnllllrnl party. Thoro was no horning or trnmnlntr. but lust nloln lilnu-n fmm tho shoulder, glvo and take Tho wholo matter happenod very suddenly. It scorns that tho troublo resulted from various communica tions which mombors of tho Bull Mooso party havo boon publishing. At any rnto Mr. Crossen and Mr. Hoy mot In front or tho poBt omce. In tho COUrso of a vorv brlof ponvnrnnflnn Mr. Hoy cnlled Mr. Crosflcn a liar of somo 8pocinc variety which did not appeal to Crossen nnd tho lattor gon tloman promptly replied by slapping Hoy In tho face. TIiIb was tho signal for a very hap py llttlo ovont. Tho prlnclpnls backod off Into tho stroot and for n fow mo menta tho blown foil linnl nml fnat Thon tho fighters clinched. By forco of their own weight thoy wont down in a bunch nnd nt that ttmo somo of tho spectators thought that tho fun wns ovor and soparntcd tho two men. Tho fight mado qulto a stir on Front street and becauso of tho fact that It wnn dun In nnlltlrnl mntlnra attracted much attention. Thoso who witnessed tho oncountor Raid It was a nlco clean fight and thnt tho result was about n draw. Tho principals said that thoy ex pected to go before City Recorder Butlor voluntarily and offor to pay a Ann for illntlirlilncr thn nnnnn nml quiet of tho thoroughfaro In front of tho postofilco. SAAW PROF. RICHARDS left this morn ing for Coquillo valley points. WILLIAM CANDLIN of Coqulllo was a Marshflold visitor today. C. A. HARRINGTON of Coqulllo loft on tho Rcdondo for Cali fornia. MRS. FRANK TERRY and daughter Kathleen aro visitors in Marshflold today. J. A. JOHNSTON rcturnod this morning from n buslnoss trip to Gardiner. MRS. I. M. DIMMICK of Coqulllo is visiting hor son, Victor, of this city. JUDGE E. D. SPERRY of Coqulllo Is In tho city for a viBlt of a fow days. F. E. ALLEN roturnod today from Brldgo whoro ho has boon for tho past two days, ED OLDLAND was in Marshflold from tho Oldland ranch on South Inlet yesterday. MRS. ALEX SANDON nnd children of Dunkor Hill wore Marshflold visitors yestorday. F. S. DOW went to Coqulllo on business this morning. Ho will probably roturn today. Cubs and Chicago Whlto Sox, whon tho lattor, won tho championship. R. O. Graves waB present nt ovory gamo of ono sorlcs and sovoral games in two others. Will Glvo Social. Tho Swedish Luthoran church will glvo a nodal Saturday ovonlng at 8 o'clock nt tho church hall. To Glvo Supicr. Tho .Western Star Robecca lodgo will glvo a sup per and social ovonlng nt tho Odd Fellows' hall, Wednesday ovonlng, Octobor 23. Coming Soon D. C. Greono, pres ident of tho Chnmbor of Commorco, has rocolvod word that Addison Bonnott, n speclnl wrltor on tho Oregonlnn, who was Invited to visit this locality, will ho horo about Octobor 14, Ho will coino In by way of Eugene nnd will remain horo for a tlmo to wrlto up fea tures of this part of tho state Reception Tonight. Thoro wllJ bo a recoptlon glvon tonight by tho mombors of tho Mnrshflold Baptist church In honor of tho now pastor. Rov. A. F. BaRsford. A splendid program has been nrranged nnd n good timo Is assured. A cordial In vitation Is oxtonded to tho mombors nnd frlonds of tho sister churches and also tho gonornl public. Tho recoptlon will bo hold In tho Bap tlst church at 8 o'clock. Commit too Meets. A mooting of tho exocutlvo commlttco of tho Chnmbor of Commorco was held yestorday nftornoon. Tho purposo of ' tho mooting wns to consldor a proposal from Mr. Woods to nr rango and publish an illustrated pamphlot advertising Coos Bay. Tno llttlo book will contain ndvortlso monts of somo of tho business houses nnd handsomo and well se lected pictures of tho locality. MRS. E. T. CRUDER of Scattio Is la tho city, a guest nt tho homo of hor son, L. E. Bllvon. MISS JULIA HOLMES hnB roturn od from nn extondod visit with hor brother In Portland. Wv J. CONRAD wns a passongor on tho outgoing train this morn ing for tho Coqulllo vnlloy. MRS. C. H. DUNOAN and daugh ter, Adn, of South Coos Rlvor, woro Mnrshflold visitors today. MR. and MRS. A. WARREN of Co qulllo nro In tho city to spend Sunday ns guests nt tho homo of W. F. Ray. TOM SAWYER, mnnagor of tho Lakosldo auto lino this soason, left on tho Redondo yesterday for San Francisco. "BILLY" HILL, an export timber and mill man, arrived yesterday from Minneapolis to tnlto a posi tion with tho C. A. Smith Inter ests horo. REV. ROBERT E. BROWNING has roturnod from Modford, whoro ho hnB boon In nttondnnce on tho diocesan convontlon of tho Epis copal church. MR. and MRS. A. Z. DOWNS of South Fifth strrot h'avo as thoir guest Ooorgo Colburn of Mlnno sotn, who arrived Thursday on tho Broakwator. Proving Up. A. K. Pldgon, who has a homestead above Allegany on tho west fork, was In tho city yes torday to mako arrangement for proving up. Ho has a tract of 1G0 acres of good hill land on tho west fork rond and has resided thero for a sufficient length of tlmo to se cure his patent. Brings Many Passengers. Tho Gasco brought a large number of Pacific Launch Works, 8C2 North Front street. ROOM AND BOARD Tho Roycrcst, 388 First street, mono iza-A. BUY NOW. a ..Tinlm Intfl in NORTH BEND can be bad at a very reasonable price If taken now. B. 8. GEAR ft CO., Jlnt Natioati bbk. Should and Shall. A correspond ent, evidently a school pupil, wants to know when to uso "shall" and "should." Never uso "shall" when you should uso "should" and never uso "should" when you should use "shall." In short wo should al ways say "should" whenever we should and nover should say "shall" when wo should say "should," Is that plain enough? Saw World's Series Games. There are a number of Marshflold fans who havo seen world's cham pionship series games of baseball. Dr. Morrow has seen at least part of tho sorles for the last throe years. Frank II. Chase, linotype operator on The Times, saw the famous games between the Chicago HOTEL ARRIVALS. I - CHANDLER M. A. McLaughlin, nnd O. A. Stlllmnn, Salem; Goorgo P. Bottom nnd wlfo, Astoria; E, D. Sporry, Coqulllo; Win, Candlln, Co qulllo; A. M. Oavor and wlfo, Port land: J. N. Miller, Soattlo; L. B. Austin, Portland; Bon McMullen nnd wlfo, Myrtlo Point; Wm. Berry, Myr tle Point. LLOYD II. Stolnburg, Coqulllo; John Wagnor, Morryvlllo, 111.; Bert Portland; Fred Sandors, Rosoburg; Portland; Fred Sandersfl Rosoburg; S, Keeney, Bnndon. BLANCO C. E. Mathers. Port Orford, and Miss E, Franklin and sister, Portland. CENTRAL R. E. Head, Rosoburg and T. C. Thompson, Hawkins, Wis. COOS Mrs. Holland, Coqulllo and C. Frisco, Senttle. NORTn BEND NEW8 MRS. PHILIP FLAOG and baby havo roturnod from Snlom.whoro thoy Ijnvo bcon visiting at tho homo of hor pareats, Mr. nnd Mrs, A. II. Eddy. CLAUDE WILSON of Mnrshflold Is registered at tho Sonnto chamber In Salem ns ono of tho candi dates for tho state bar examina tion to prnctlco law In Oregon. MR. nnd MRS. LASHAWAY will leave on tho Broakwator tomor row for Portland to spend tho wlntor. Thoy arrived from tho East somo tlmo ngo to visit with, thoir bod, Hnrry Lashnwny. MHB. A. E. MORTEN of North Bond nnd hor guest, Mrs. Dixon of Lor Angolos, woro visiting In Emplro this mornl g. Thoy loft for Myrtlo Point this tfftor-noon. E. K. DARR1N Is back from a bus iness trip to Marshflold and oth er towns on tho Coast. Ho says that ho was treated royally ov orywhoro ho wont and that tho country hns a flno future Eu gono Guard. MR. and MRS. LEVI SMITH ro-' turned yostorday from an ex tondod visit at Portland and Pon dloton, whoro thoy took In tho Roundup and nluo Into Washing ton, whoro thoy visited their son. E. W. Smith, who Is now located at Algor, Wash. Special CANDY BALM SATUR DAY and SUNDAY at STAFFORD'S FREXCH llOXBOXS 40 CUXT8-POUND. Times' Want Ads brine results. Henry Hoeck, a woll known for mor resldont of this city and with largo property Intorests horo, ar rived on tho Broakwator yestor day. FREXCH BOXBOXS 40c pound at STAFFORD'S SATURDAY and SUXDAY ONLY. Tho SONS of NORWAY will glvo a SOCIAL DANCE at EAGLES' HALL, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 12. KEYZER'S OROHE8TRA will furnish tbo music. EVERYONE la cordially INVITED to attend. TRUSSES Elastic and steel, all sizes and styles. Sole agents for tho Truform Truss fitted free by an expert. 1 i