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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1912)
- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11 1912 EVENING EDITION. A ." tr.if,!-- TT flj 1'-' v$.N, "V in llili i-ii'Tt -'- L n San Francisco Board of Edu cation to Make Import ant Changes. Tho following nrtlclo from the San Francisco Kxnmlnor, Is ono that will bo of interest to parents of public school pupils ovorywhero, as well ns to tx)acnors. Mls3 Salllo Jones Is nn aunt of B. K. Jones of tlls city. Tho Examlnor says: Taking tho position that tho Krowlng dcslro for costly dress nnd vulgar display In the public school Is working hardships among tho children or tho poor, and causing them humiliation, Miss Salllo J. Jones, a mombor of tho hoard of education, began a campaign yoB torday to put pupils on n more democratic level. Miss Jones bolloveq that tho on courngement of tho tendencies com plnlricd of among tho children of tho woll-to-do Is loading to casto lines' in tho schools. Slio would abolish clnss pins In grnmtnnr school, prohibit Boclal af fairs, flowers and tho oxchango of prcsonts on tho school premises, nnd wants tho tcachors constantly to tirgo simplor Btylcs of drcs. Poor OlrN tho Sufferers. Tho girl pupils of hnrd-worklng pnronts particularly suffer by tho conditions roforrcd to by Miss Jones. Thoso dnugntors of tho poor nro constantly ombarrasscd by their moro gayly dressed slstors, sho points out, and tho contrasts fur nished In their dress nnd social pos ition mnko for clns distinctions, whfch nro in antipathy to tho spirit of- tho public schools. Miss Jones began her campaign to wlpo 'out casto linos in tho schools with n communication to tho board of education yostcrdny. Hor letter, which aroused much Interest nmong tho momhors of tho cjdiools cotnmlttco, to whom it was roforrcd, urged tho bonrd to adopt n sot of ironclad rules that would put tho pupils on nn nbsoluto social parity during school hours. Hero nro tho rules in dotal): MIhs .Toned' lltihfi. Abolish clnss pins In grammar schools. Prohibit all but ono soclnl af fair for each grnduntlon class, to follow graduation, nml ro rnndnrtnii mat tlioro Hhnll positively bo no no RCKsmontH. All grnmmnr Qchool graduations unnii mko piaco on Tliursdny aftcr nonn of tho InHt week of llm tnrm Urgo prlnclpnls nnd clnss teach ers to uso tho last hours in di recting chlldron nH to tholr cholco or mgii or ndvnnced schools or in tho Boloctlon of employment. uriiuiiiiiiun oxercitjOB snail con- iBt or mimical selections propnrod from day to day during tho school year nnd of othor numbora thnt nro iijo mrcct outcomo or tho yonr' uuill'lllllllllll wont. No floworH, enndy or present of nny description Bhnll bo prosontod on flchnol promises. No clnss prcsonts to tho Bchool Hhnll bo given. Monoy Bhnll not bo collected nt nil. Simple dressing shall bo urged. Any child who dlBoboys tho di me on or tno prlnclpnl In those matter,, shall ho rerusod his dlplo ma until ho Bhnll hnvo cnllod up on tho proBldont of tho bonrd of education. Tonchcrs Indorse Move. Tho rulo prohibiting tho collec tion of money nmong tho children ib considered by mnny toachers to bo ono of tho beat urged by Miss Jones. InBtnnccB hnvo been known where poor families wore com poll ml to qtlnt themselves of nbsoluto noc ossltlos to nllow tholr chlldron to "snvo faco' at graduation oxorclscs. WOULD BKUVH 8TATI2. Class 111 I'oonomlcH Will Attempt to Aftslst ConimomvciiHIi. I3UQBNE, Ore., Oct. 10. In an effort to propnro statistics and ga ther material that will assist the Stnto Legislature, tho University senior class In economic research will, for tho next two or tn-i-o months, devote Its efforts toward problems confronting tho stnto of Oregon. They will undertnke to gather all nvallablo material u.iou tho subjects under consideration, and, possibly, formulnto Bomo p'nn of legislative procedure. Among tho problems to bo at tacked aro political reorganization for tho Btnto of Oregon; co-opera-tlvo for tho farmers In nn effort to eliminate tho middleman, nnd redtico tho cost ot living; tho do volopmont of Oregon's wntor powor resources; credit associations fjr tho furmors to furnish capital to dovolop Oregon resources, and sci entific budgormnklng for Btatc, county nnd municipality. DUAL WITH MARCONI. British Government Will Hnvo Moro Wireless. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, Oct. 10. Tho House of Commons rcoponcd this wcok after a recess of two nionthq. Among tho Important matters to bo discussed nt this session is the llrltlsh government's contracts with tho Marconi Company which pro vldctj that tho British Government supply tho company with $3,000, 000 for tho building of flvo groat wlress stations. Austrntla 1b to supply $500,000 for another station nnd tho whole to form a wireless circuit around tho globo. LIbby COAL. Tho kind YOU havo ALWAYS USED. Phono 72, Pacific LIvcrjr nnd Transfer Company. HARMLESS W TO HI Enay to Get Relief , j From Indigestion Your stomach should digest tho food you eat, without the aid of any arti ficial digestives, 'if It won't do that, th.n you are continually subject to dyjpepsta, indigestion, lioartburu, head ' n:hsa wid coustlpatlon. Intttud of taking dlgestivo medicines, Uk ste.58 to set your stomach and In tiilnes again In a healthy, natural cjtdltlon. Jayuo'a Tonic Vennlfugo will do thus for you if you will take It reg ularly. It Is not a digester of foods, but it will restore your stomach and itttestines so that they will attend to their natural functions, digesting what a eat and giving strongth to the Tor more than eighty years thou. snds of men and womou who had suf fered tho pains caused by dypepsla and Indigestion have been praising this Tonic as the only remedy which brought them permanent relief. As the Tonic acts directly upon the stomach and lntestlnos, it is a natural appetizer and strength builder. Many forms of supposed Indigestion are the result of intestinal parasites, for which Jayno'B Tonic Vermifuge Is unsurpassed, insist upon Jayne's; ac cept no othor. Sold by druggists every, whers. Dr. I). Jayno & Son, FhiladeM phla, Pa, ' A Little Sage and Sulphur Makes Gray Hair Vanish Remedy for Hair Troubles. Who docs not know tho vnluo ot Sngo nnd Sulphur for keoplng tho hnlr dark, -sort nnd glossy nnd in good condition? As n matter ot tnct, Sulphur is a nuturnl olomo'it of hnlr, nnd a deficiency of It In tho hnlr Is hold by many scalp specialists to bo connected with loss of color nnd vitality of tho hnlr. Unquestionably Micro Is no bottor remedy for hair and scalp troubles, ospoclally promaturo gray' ucss, thon Sngo nnd Sulphur, If properly propnrod. Tho Wyoth Chomlcal Company of Now York put out nn Ideal pro- pnrntlon or this kind, called Wyoth's Sngo nnd Sulphur Hair Ilomody, In which Sago nnd Sul phur aro combined with othor val uablo romcdlcs for kooping tho hair nnd scalp in clean, healthy conuiuon. f your hnlr Is losing Its color or constantly coming out, or if you nro troubled with dandruff or dry, Itchy scalp, get a CO cont bottlo or Wyoth's Sngo nnd Sulphur from your druggist, uso it according to ho slmplo directions nnd sco whut a dlfferenco n fow days' trcntmont will mnko in tho nppcaranco of your hair. All druggists Boll It, under guar antco thnt tho monoy will bo ro funded If tho remedy Is not exactly ib roprosontod. BIG CHLlimtATlOV IN KUdHNH. Coming of Oregon Electric to bo Marked with Exercises. (Special to Tho Times) EUGENE, Oct. 10. Of great lm portanco to tho whole or western Oregon Is tho opening on tho 15th of this month or sorvlco on tho Oregon Electric between Albnny nnd Eugene, for It marks tho passing of Oregon towns wlhout transportation competi tion. Snlora, Albany nnd Corvallls In tho pnst hnvo had tho river to offer at least inomlnnl competition but Eugene, llko tho cities of south western Oregon, hnB had tD dopond on a slnglo railroad tor nil trnnspor- tnt on. Euneno. PreBldont young says, Is not tho tormlnous, and it Is only a question or time until tho Hill lino will bo reaching out for Rose burg, Grants Pass and Medford. Tho passing or this condition is to bo proporly eolobrated by tho city or Eugene, nsslstcd by tho officials of tho Oregon Electric company. Excursions nro to bo run from all points on tho Oregon Electric, nnd fully C000 visi tors are expected from tho outside Carl Gray, under whom tho groater part of tho preliminary work wns dono, promises to bo prcsont If ho can got hero, and answers nro ex pected dnlly from Louis W. Hill nnd othor high officials of tho Hill lines In tho oast. Of courso all tho nctlvo officers of tho Oregon Electric and othor Hill lines In Oregon will bo thoro. Invitations, too, havo been Issued to tho mayors, momhors of tho city councils, and commercial club officers of nil tho cities In western Oregon. To entortaln theso guests thcro will bo a parado In which tho Indus trial riches of. tho uppor Wlllnmotto valley will bo featured, and tlioro will bo other Interesting events to mark tho ovent with tho attention it do-serves. Times' Want Ads bring results. BARGAINS 100 feet on North Front St. running out to harbor line, that's a gonulno good buy. Sovornl good business buys that nro well located. 20,000 Port Orford dry whlto cedar tolophono poles and piling, 7 conts por lineal root. In boom nt Coqulllo. French Realty Co. 815J4 X. Front St, J. 0. STEMMLER ANNOUNCES HIS PLATE0RM I bellovo In direct presidential primaries. I bollevo In tho direct voto for United States senators, nnd until this can bo obtained, in Stntomont No. l. If elected I will live up to nnd onforco nil laws, Including tho Ore gon System. I bellovo in n revision ot tho Judicial system with a vlow of sim plifying, expediting nnd cheapening justice I bollovo In nnd will work for stnto aid for pormanont county ronds scientifically built under sound business management. I will work for such legislation as will opon Roguo rlvor to com mercial fishing to residents of Cur ry county. If elected I Will work ror tho OS' tabllshmcnt of nn oxporlmontnl ng rlculturnl station for Coos una Cur ry countios, having been ono ot tho first citizens In Coos county to ndj VUllllU Dlltll U II1UVU. ' I bollovo that all local questions, such as tho establishment ot county uumiuuncB, etc., biiouiu uo iort to ho settled by voto of tho pnrtlcs in tho localities Interested. I fnvor nnd will work ror tho crontlon of a aopnrnto prosecuting attornoy district for Coos nnd Curry counties, for which tho pcoplo havo nlrondy asked, I bollovo and will work for tho adoption of nn Industrial Compensa tion Act,, wheroby each Industry will promptly nnd automatically componsnto all porsons Injured by its operations, without rocourso to tho Courts. I bollovo in legislation rollovlng tho Sheriff's offlCO Of tho collection of tnxes, placing it In tho hands ofa special ofllcor, also a uniform system of collecting, auditing nnd handling samo In every county uiruuguoui mo sinic. I bollovo In n ronsonablo oxomp tlon ot housohold nnd personal of- te.cth!il02l tnntlon, to a valuation of $500.00. If olocted, I will work for tho abolishment of tho office or County School Supervisor, ns I consldor It n useless oxpendlturo ot public mo lt elected. I will uso my best ef- iur uio nassaco or thn nn. forts I Will Furnish Your House on the Installment Plan W. K. Wiseman 811 North Front St. Bus. Phone 296-X: Res. Phone 166-J Olympic Flour Snow Drift Flour PvETAIL PR1CL $1.40 PER. SACK Northwestern hard wheat used cx oluslvely In milling these brands of flour. ftMBMUffV twwij cii.ieu uiuo Sky Law, prohibiting tho operation of fako corporations in tins stnto. If elected. I will refiisn n mn. resent nny faction nnd will always aid any resident of tho district in any meritorious legislation. , ., .! ' STEMMLER. n'uiu Auvertisoment. ) P.OLK'S OREGON and WASHINGTON Business Directory A Directory of each City, Town and Villa, BlTlng- deicrlptlvo ketch of each place, location, population, tele BTaph, (hipping1 and banking point! alo Clowlfled Directory, compiled by builneei and profewlon. . X. POUt ft CO.. SEATTTR WHEN YOU WANT A MESSK.V (JEU HO V Something sent for or delivered P HONE 18-Mi and we'll do It. Charges reason able, CHAS GRANBY, 172 Front fit. Arnci.n..i.i Bargains in Lots at Bunker H01 Some cholco .sites If you see mo at once. AUG. FRIZEEN. 08 r"rl Ave. CONDENSED STATEJEENT Of The -First National Bank of Coos 6ay At tho closo of business, September 4, 1013. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $305,414.72 Overdrafts 1C3.12 Donds, wnrrants and securities 03,089.90 U. S. Bonds to Bocuro circulation 2G.000.00 Real cBtato, furlturo and fixtures 80,000.00 Cash and Bight oxchango 149,208.05 Total $023,470.39 LIABILITIES. Capital Btock paid In $100,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 11,419.78 Circulation, outstanding 24,000.00 Doposlts 488,050.01 Total ?: $023,470.39 In addition to CnplUU Btock tho Individual liability of Stockholders Is $100,000.00. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W. S. CHANDLER, President DORSEY IUIEITZER, Cushion STATEJUiINT OF CONDITION FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK SLVRSIIFIELD, OREGON, At tho closo of business, September -1, 1019. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts ' $455,211,87 Banking house 50,000.00 Cash, and exchanges 307,835,40 Total $813,047.33 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $ 50,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits 59,552.07 Deposits, ; 703,494.60 Total $813,047.83 Renting Signs Come Out When Electric Light Goes In Desirable tenants nowadays demand tho cleanliness, safety and convenience of Electric Light., An electrically wired house or apartment sel dom or never stands vacant. Landlords find that electric wiring is a pro fitable investment worth many times its low cost. Electric contractors are willing just notu to take on houscwiring jobs at exceptionally closo figures. Reliable firms, such as.,thosc. listed below, do the work quickly, efficiently and without dam age to walls or ceilings. It will pay landlords, and renting agents to confer with our lighting specialists whom wo will send upon request. Theso experts will inspect premises, mako careful plans for lighting and render conserv ative estimates. Their Bcrvlco Is without chnrgo ana they net as your representatives. TELEPHONE 178. Coos Bny Wiring Co. Tolophono 237-J. 163 North Broadway. Bamurtl & Langvforthy Tolophono 184-R. 170 South Broadway. OREGON POWER. CO. A Filet of Veal n crown ronst, or nny othor fancy cut of moat can bo bought here Just as satisfactorily by tho young houBokeopor as by tho most ex perienced, AH tho customer nccu do is to select the meat and form do3lred and trust to us that tho meat, tho weight nnd tho price will bo right. VIARSHFIKLD CASH UARXST. FOURIER? BROS. Marshdeld Telephone North Band 221..I Two Markt 01 Get Busy AND GET AFTER THAT ROOF, BUT FIRST COMB IN AND GW OUR TRICKS ON SHINGLES AND ROOFING PAPER, SHINGLES fl.BO AND UP. ROOFING PAPER, ONH PLY, 1.25 AND UP. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to call at PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway and make selec tion from the large stock now on hand. Sir. Wilson has in his employ the only practical marble and granite cutter in Coos 'County. And nono but the best work is turned out. The Wicki Housi Wningl Reop October erSS Special it(MU swvlco to ,. T Jws. o. j OojBflJ,, Barnard ( Bee onr thi ".SffiS ""tUAKii rOIlTABli raofc You Ail WI0.VEHMJJ ouuHUrottt After 11 p.m. 'H ""' nut Irt Hirnoor, v Ptc:i T W.'DEXS Dennett 8iutcu mtcrntjiKlc Flanagan 1 iwj ManhfMd, rJ p IILIUIXTI Itesldence-Etnaa.1 PtcJ T EW KEVZFI AppllWaul Omi MmUd D H. W. HOR 171 GrluN Bri r Tlieatff. W; o. ciiiwa Itoomi 801 b41 3h nit.utoac In Ncrrf, Vka D Offlce Hod Office, H MARSHFIEU) nnJ.,iia U JlOOtfl Wo aro WW Udr atteniul Chanaur nj Harshliddil oonsr 4 1 ".. iirt -i.,.iu (rsaT -Yi.tM Le BlUUH"" - iam( icnt'i until mian'" forjenwo. nmT.niKfl nnnM M We are Pf "' . ii.. L jatuiacw i a i Phone 8lW Blancl m. MTI I "r; ii Pwf the Pi"' j tothepu ntM,.iiol lv. Iv H: V .r,prrr3 5?S51 """"Varf Avon --m WeCto Ladies' aff Gooii Coos BayS PflOfl tyVi u tt ij V- . i