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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1912 EVENING EDITION. 1 T.' ,''' ,tt rir ivioit.e at the ION MEAT MARKET 'Phone 58 ..mi Alumvs Have WJ."l.ll.T8iita. ,Whoie5wv EQUIPfED WITH WRELEaa imsWp Breakwater ?fltf alwatb on time. ...nn-rif DOCK, PORTLAND, At 8 A. M., OCT. 0, 0H J5l M AlSlFI KI' AT THE SERVICE OF THE TIDE, 3. O. MILLER, Agent. Washington ip that Hakes the Service Good Between ban rranustu emu v.uiw uay jrrjH PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT Ocean Dock. ktiIK FIUKND OF COOfl UAV S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS OH MAfcSHFIELD FOR. EUREKA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER I bin, ioij QnTH TOE NORTH BANK nOAD AT ruiri'UANif PACITIO TEAMSHI1 COMrANT. O. P. McGEORGK, Agent. llOBTn FAST AND COMMODIOUS amer Redoudo Ialpwd with wlreleaa and rabmarlne bell K)MMAfcSHFIEU FOR SAN FRANCISCO Thursday, Oct. 10, at 10 a.m. pr Rewrutions From Sam Francisco Must lie aiaae i 80S Fife Building, or Pier No. 10. 1XTEIV0CEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. C. P. McGEORGE, Agent. ople of Coos lay: kirshoes repaired f price, l will m of prices, 'en's Shoes.. 85c F$ Shoes, ox- p waterproof ....$1.00 35c 25b pie 50c PiUpfrom.35c N a Lund) y Marshfield WEST MARSHFIELD SNArS 41 x 90 Cornor Commorclal and Thlrtoonth 5073 70 x 100 Fourtconth St. .81400 CO x 140 Contrat Avo. . ..8147ft 70 x 100 Commorclal and Fourtoonth 8800 I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Btroet ' YOU II ! !d Talis Tut 5$MPa!df)r "a Watches, u Preclour IBttiraUall. Mining Co. H'Ttara. UrftlphU, l. "S. FUIIngs. &. Co. Memen's ioring " Wool, 'viuaraatHd t nere. 'to transfer ra?e Co. fe!.!tag Lu lTln t'T frPri. or 111, Electric Lamps i for nil Nlncca. FIno assortment Just arrived. Guaranteed Electrlo Irons something new. Ask to eeo ono. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J. GQUNTY r; n Li r T PROCEEDINGS SYNOPSIS OF THE COUNT!' COURT PROCEEDINGS Adjourned September, 1012, Term. IN RE-HOARS AND 1HUDGES. General Road Fund. S. S. Sherwood, driving 508 Plica $G35.00 It. II. Mast, repairing nutomo bllo wrecked on Co. road.. $27. 00 Fred Wolsk, labor on South Slough brldgo $ 2.00 II. V. Holvorstott, grading, Co-quIllu-Burton Pralrlo rd. $099.00 Coos Day, Roseburg nnd E. R. R. & Nav. Co., freight on rock, etc $207.56 Geo. W. Mooro Lumber Co., lum ber It. D. No. 19 1330.12 Robt. C. Train, grading Coqulllo Ilitrton Pralrlo road. .. .$1,000.00 J. D. Dcnnott, partial paymont, North Fork brldgo $G00.00 IN RE-INDIGENT AND INSANE. John Hoath, transporntlon of John A. I loath to Oregon School for tho Deaf $16.00 J. W. Carter, auto hlro, It. It. faro, etc., Al B. Whltty, In- snno $7.80 IN RE-CIRCUIT COURT. Grand Jurnrrt, Adjourned April, 1012, Term. 11(0 Chandler $14.40 SAFE REMEDY Gives Instant Relief, Cures and Prevents Catarrh and Cold in the Head. Tho quickest, boat and safost way to euro catarrh or a cold In tho head, Is by using a romody thnt will "touch tho spot" nnd do Its work quickly without leaving any bad effects. Ely's Cream Ualm, which Is nppllod to tho nostrils or rubbed on tho throat or chest, gors right at tho root of tho troublo nnd rolloves oven tho worst case of cntarrh or cold. A few minutes nftor nppllod you can fool a looson Ing up in tho hoad, tho pain and soroncsB aro gono, tho sonso of tnsto, smoll and hearing como back nnd you fool llko a dlfforont par son. Ely's Cronm Balm cleanses, heals nmi BtroiiKtbonB tho Inflamod mem branes, takes away that stuffed up fooling and dull pain In tho homl. rolloves tho throat oorontws and stops tho nasty dlschargo whloli la tho causo of tho dlsgun tni? linwklnir. snlttlmr. blowing of tho noso, nnd foul broath. liny fo vnr victims who nro mado mlsor nliln bv fits of Blieezlng. COtlglllllg nnd wheezing got Instant and per manent rol of uy tno uso or uus Hlmnln romody. Don't Buffor another mlnuto. v.iv'a CToam Bnlm will rollovo you Immodintoiy anu a ou com uumu will moro than likely work a com plete cure. I BBBaTeTeTeTeF The Sign of Good Candy Always SEE THE NEW SnOES AT The Electric Shoe Store 100 pnlrs of Boy' School Shoos now on solo. , 180 So. Broadway. Mnr-'tfleld. Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN DYEnfl. CLEANERS, PRESSERS nnd HAT RENOVATORS Agent for Edward n. Strauss & Co., Fine Tailoring. Let us make your next suit. 255 COMMERCIAL. Phono 230-X e oave iwic Raised Our Prices Milk, 25c per gallon, Cream, 20c per pint, Whip Cream, 25c per pint, Buttermilk, 10c per gallon Phone 73, Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage Coo Deliveries, 8 a,m, and 2 p,m, Ed Lowollon $13.80 M. J. Krnntz $10.20 J. II. Dorklow $13.40 J. W. Drlggs $12.20 E. F. Davenport 112.40 James Stock $14.00 urauu Jury Witnessiw. Adjourned April. 1012. Term. Charles Cessna S7.20 Joo Coach $7.20 E. E. Ferroy sg.GO J. W. Cartor. , jg.go O. W. Trlbboy $5. GO Clay RobortB J7.G0 Norls JonBen $5. GO S. London S7.G0 Fred WIIboii S7.G0 O. W. Drlggs $7.G0 Charles Lapp S7.G0 Charles McCoy $7.G0 Marlon Mills $7. GO Doris Waldon S7.G0 Ruby Hamilton $7.00 Cecil Griffith $7.G0 Eunico Warren $7.00 Lena McNnlr $2.00 Edna Maupln $G.40 J. A. Dondmond $5.40 Mlnnlo Talbot $7.20 A. E. Sleep $2.00 Wm. Cox $7.G0 Charles Martin $0.20 Percy Lovnr $2.00 J. A. Luso $n.G0 James Cowan $G.G0 Fred McClccs $7.G0 Duko Goorgo Stalnburn $7.G0 Capt. PondergrnBs $5.20 Alox McKny $G.20 Lonlo Sinclair $2.00 Lou Franklin $7.G0 Lena Drownlo $7.00 LouIb Phillips $7.G0 Lillian Rogors $7. GO Mnblo Lowls $7.G0 J. L. McNnlr $2.00 Ucsslo Dcadmond $6.40 JURORS SEPTKMIUCH, 1012, TERM. A. W. Johnson $21.00 Frank Flam ' $2G.OO S. I). Cnthcart $24.00 Leo Darrows $20.20 Claudo Waters $21.00 Alox F. Grlshabcr J2G.G0 S. L. Loathermcan $25.20 S. Mundy. $20.20 Chester Dear $27.40 C. T. Farrls $2G.20 C. W. Calof $34.20 T. II. Darry $8.00 Jasper Yoakam $28.00 O. A. Mlntonyo $18.20 M. O. Hooton $12.00 Bort Folsom $18.00 M. J. Bowron $23.40 Ray Domont $22.80 Thomas Coko $30. GO J. M. Barker $23.00 H. D. Wallace $31.20 E. J. CoRoIt '. $31.20 NoIb Monson $28.40 II. B. Ingorsoll $32.00 Alva Doll $24. GO J. G. Lonovo .' $20.20 E. A. Howoy ...-. $12.20 Carl Garoutto $32.20 L. Hnrlockor $18.00 II. R. Klrkondall $18.00 Fred Bollonl $18.00 G. T. Moulton $18.00 SPECIAL VENIRE. E. A. McDuffeo $3.00 Wm. WlgglnB $3.00 F. U. Moon $0.00 Webb MaBt $3.00 W. II. Thomas $3.00 GRAND JURY WITNESSES, SEP TEMBER, .1012, TERM. Wm. Shoup . . . . $5.00 Harry Lockwood $9.20 NolBon Brown $7.20 Guy Dlpplo $7.20 Frank Bralnnrd $9.20 Arthur Elllngscn $2.00 Axel Erlckson $7.20 Eunico Wnrron $11.00 Mabol Smith $12.20 Frank Hufford $7.20 II. Dunkleo $7.20 Win. Wnrron $CG0 Edward Goorgo Flanagan .... $8.00 JImmlo Burnett $12.80 Alox Evans $12.80 Tom Talbot $7.80 FRECKLES R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. Don't Hldo Them With n Veil; Re move Them With tho Now Drug. An eminent skin specialist rocont- lv dlBCOvored a now drug, othino-- doublo strength, which Is so uniform ly successful In removing freckled and giving a clear, boautlful complex ion that It Ib sold by any first claw druggist undor an nbsoluto guarantco to refund tho monoy If It fallB. Don't hldo your freckles undor a veil; got an ounco of othlno and re movo thorn. Even tho first night's uso will Bhow a wonderful Improve ment, somo of tbo lighter frccklxs vanishing entirely. It la absolutol) harmless, and cannot Injuro tho most tender akin. Bo suro to ask for tho doublo strength othlno; It la this that Is sold on tho money back guaranteo. Cecil Lynn $7,G0 Archlo Phillips $2.00 Frank Loroy $7.20 Alex Evans $10.80 David Fox $9.20 BUI Evans $6.00 Win. Eganhoff $G.C0 Henry Laird $10.00 John E. Stevens $G.00 R. B. Honoycut $9.20 Alex Saudstrom $7.20 A. Dunham $9.20 Elinor Langlols $7.20 Lloyd Jcrguson $7.20 Ed Tuttlo $7.20 Cecil Lynn $11.00 Mabel Lowls $11. GO Al Adnms $7.20 Fred Tlmmormnn $5.00 Dr. II. L. Houston . . . .' $7.20 J. L. Sinclair $2.00 John Lawson $10.30 Bill Evans $12.80 Edna Hindi $10.10 Edna Hindi $2.70 Wm. M. Clinton $13.00 Frank Loroy $7.20 E. S. Tuttlo $9.20 Edna Hindi $G.OO Tom Talbot $G.0O J. A. Okolly $5.G0 Stanley Bartlott $0.00 Walter Cullti $10.00 STATE VS. ELKINS. J. W. Cnrtor $5.00 Peter Mlrrasoul $5.G0 E. E. Ferroy $7.25 Nick Oswald $2.00 Wm. Shoup $5.G0 C. L. Pcunock $5. GO ELECTIONS. Prosper Mill Co., meals and hall rout Pet. No. 28 $3.75 Coquillo Herald, election notices $16.75 STATIONERY PRINTING. Coquillo Herald, Jury summons, postal cards $12. 50 Tho Gazpot Prlntory, 1000 road order for survey $10.00 Glass & Prudhommo Co., oyo lots, carbons, Glovo envelopes, etc $20.30 W. W. Ongo, Btampod envelopes, stamps, etc $23.23 MISCELLANEOUS. L. A. LIljcqvlBt, deputy prose cuting attorney, oxponso of vlco prosecutions $118.45 J. A. Lamb & Co., labor on fix tures $2.75 Coquillo Steam Laundry, laundry for Soptombor, 1912 $9.70 Coquillo Hardwuro Co., hard- waro $3.50 W. W. Gago, board of prisoners $91.45 IN RE-OFFICERS. Geo. O. Leach, labor shorlff's of- flco $78.00 Claud L. Kidder, labor sheriff's offlco .- $5.G3 Ida Elsnor, labor dork's ofllco. $42.50 A. N. Gould, ros-cshibllBhlng gov ernment corners .' $99.00 Ida Elsnor, roportlng and tran scribing testimony $24.45 Mrs. A. N. Gould, Exam. 8th Grndo Mrs $9.00 Bona Andorson, Exam. 8th Grndo Mss $9.00 w. W. Gago, nrrost and roturn of Hufl and Clayburg $5.30 Gono Wlckhnm, auto hlro for County Court $05.00 IN RE-BILLS REDUCED, CONTIN UED OR NOT ALLOWED. Goo. W. Mooro Lumbor Co., lum bor R. D. No. 19, roducod. $32.40 Axol Ruth, clnlm $12.50 labor ILD. No. 8 roforred to Supervisor Shrlnor'a Committee $97.00 lab or on roads Unturned for furthor Information W. W. Gngo, nrroat nnd roturn of Clayburg nnd Huff rcducod $7,20 Stato of Oregon, ) (bb: County of Coos. ) I, James Watson, County Clork for Coos County. Stato of Oregon, ox-ofllclo Clerk of tho County Court for said County nnd Stnto, custod ian of tho records, nrchlvos and fllos of said County, do horoby cor- tlfy that tho foregoing la a truo and correct statement of tho amounts of bills allowed, continued or not allowed, on tho various funds of tho County ns nudltod by tho County Court of snld County nnd Stato at tho adjourned Soptom bor, 1912, Tonn thoroof, ns tho samo appoar In tho Journals of said Court now In my omco and custody. Witness my hand and tho seal of tho County Court nlllxod this 7th day of Octobor. A. D. 1912. JAMES WATSON, (SEAL) County Clork. BANTZ AGIST BRIDE G BAY Quoted in Portland Paper Re garding His Views of the Situation. Concerning tho position of ono of tho men protesting against tho S. P. brldgo over Coos Bay, tho Port land Telegram prints tho follow ing: William A. Bnntz, tho Portland railroad promoter, who for many years has been Interested In tho Coos Bay situation Is In arms against tho Southern Pacific's plan to erect n brldgo across tho bay about midway In tho navlgablo por tion of that body of water. Ho In sists that tho bridge, placid at tho point Indicated by tho surTer, will largely destroy tho lnnor half of tho bay for shipping. By building around this portion of tho bay to tho cast, tho railroad promoter says that tho factories and towns of Coos Bay nro reached as readily, on n thoroughly practical routo, and tho navigability of tho bay la not lmpnlrcd. "Recently ono of tho Coos Bay papers criticised somo promlnont Portland pcoplo who woro asso ciated with mo In an ontorprlao down thoro, for trying to get tho Becrotnry of War to hold up per mission for tho Southorn Pacific to erect a brldgo across tho bay," said Mr. Bantz. "This criticism vmn In error. Tho Portland men named had nothing to do with the pro test. I entered tho protest mysolf. To erect a brldgo across tho bay at tho point taken by the Southern Pacific, would practically destroy tho Inner half. Passing through a drnw at that point Is vary dif ficult bocauso of tho tides and tha winds, which fact will bo folt when It Is too Into. "Tbo Southern Pacific has A routo nround tho bay to tho oast, which Is tho most practical way to opon tho district without Injury to navigation, I havo protested against tho brldgo bocnuso that will bottlo Coos Bay up, Just as tho Southorn Pacific hnB bottled up tho stato of Oregon for years. I adopted tha protest ns tho host moans of calling to tho nttontlon of tho pooplo of Idaho, and Eastern and Southorn Oregon, what tho railroad wanted to do, ns all tho peoplo of that re gion look upon Com Dny as their Bonport. I nlso wanted to call at" tontlon to tho fact that tho South ern Pacific ownB tho right-of-way along tho east sldo of tho bay, and by giving thorn tbo right to brldgo tho water as now planned, tho com pany will havo a monopoly of bay shipping. "Tho government is spending largo sums of monoy each year to Improvo Coos Bny, nnd why should tho railroad company bo allowed to destroy tbo usefulness of tho bny, and build a Inrgo obstruction across It, whon removal of obstruc tions Is tho very work upon which tho govornmont Is busyT I fear congress will rofuso to allow moro money for Coos Bay Improvements If tho brldgo obstruction Is allowed to bo put In." PLAN ANOTHER FIQnT. (By Bay Johnson and Flynn May Moct at I'arin Boon. Associated Press to Coos Tiaaaa.) CHICAGO, Oct. 10. Another fight between Jack Johnson and Jim Flynn Is boing planned. Tho men may fight in Paris for a $30,000 purso and a largo sldo bet. CARUSO EXPENSIVE. T. J. SOAIFE HODGINS A modern Brick ulldlng, Electrl: Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. nOTEIi OOOS O. A. Metlln, Trop. Rates: 50. cents a day and upwards Cor. Broadway and Market FOR RENT Clean, comfortable rooms, with or without board nt 135 N. Second Btreot. Undor now management. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL PHONE 8121. JjjjA. IL Marshfield Paint, 8fe Decorating Co. HIGH MASONS GATHER. (By Estimates Furnished. a MARSnFniLD, Phono 140-L. Oregon City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drivers and reasonable charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhere at any time." Stands Blanco Hotel and Blanco Cigar Store. Day Phones 78 and 46 Night Phone 46. nARKRR A GOODATjTJS. proprlMow. Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Timos) WASHINGTON, Oct. 10. Tho In ternational conference of supromo councils, Anclont Accopted Scottish Rite Masons Is In session hero this weok. Evory supromo council In tho world Is represented nt the conference. Greeco, Egypt, Franco, Italy, Bolglum, Switzerland, Moxl co, Cuba nnd Canada aro ropro- sontod. Admission to Hear Hint In Ger many Ih High. BERLIN, Oct. 10. Berlin's an nual throo-nlght Caruso carnival be gins at tho Royal opera tonight, whon tho tonor will bo beard in "Carmen," To recoup itsolf for tho $2500 a night Slgnor Caruso Is said to de mand from tho Kalsor'a oporatlo ex choquor, tho managomont has an nounced that places will cost from $1.25 for standing room la tbo topmost gallory to $10 for box seats; orchestra and balcony placaa will cost from $5 to $8. Try The Times Want Ada. IF YOU ARE A DRINKING MAN BREAD AND ROSES. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HEKitr SKNGSTAOKEN, Mgr. Coqullle Offlco Phone 11 Platting Lands a ellty. Farnu Timber Cl andaaU "EABTtUDlV aeral AS Marsaleld Oflee 14-J. ' You bad better stop at onco or you'll loso your Job. Every lino of buslnoss Is closing Its doors to "Drinking" men. It may bo your turn noxt. By tho aid of ORRINE thousands of men havo been re stored to lives of sobriety and In dustry. Wo nro so sure that ORRINE will bonoflt you that wo say to you that If after a trial you fall to get any bonoflt from Its use, vour money will bo refunded. When you stop "unnKing," minK of tbo monoy you'll havo; besides, sobor men aro worth moro to their employers nnd get higher wages. Costs only $1.00 a box. Wo havo an Interesting booklet about OR RINE that wo aro giving away free on renucst. Call at our store nnd talk It over. Owl Prescription Drug Store, Front street. "Brend for all, and Roses, tool" Chicago Women Trado Unionists. As wo como marching, marching, In tbo beauty of tho day, A million darkened kitchens, a thous and mlll-lota gray Aro touched with all tho radiance that a sudden sun discloses, For tho peoplo hear us singing, "Bread and Roses, Broad and Ros es." As wo como marching, marching, we battlo, too, for mon For tboy aro women's children and wo mother them again. Our lives Bhall not bo sweated from birth until Hfo closes Hearts starve as well as bodies: Glvo us Bread, but glvo us Roses! Ab we como marching, marching, un numbered women dead Go crying through our singing their anclont Bong of Bread; Small art and lovo and boauty their drudging spirits know Yes, it Is bread wo fight for but we fight for Roses, too, , As wo como marching, marching, we bring tho Greater Days Tho rising of tho women means the rising of tho race No moro tho drdgo and idler ten that toll whore one reposes But a sharing of llfo'a glories: Bread and Roses, Broad and Roses! I American Magazine, t