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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1912 EVENING EDITION. r 2 K. O. MALONKV Kdllor mid Tut). DAN K. MALONEY News Editor An Independent Republican news paper published ovcry ovonlng except Bundny, and Weekly by 5Tb Coo Hay Times Publishing Co. POAQ R A V TIMFQ ('crl!1'oni mny navo ljcon lnuBcd sJJtJ SJr 1 1 IlVlHuJ ( nt nnd may lmvo boon the sourco Ul HI1IIII1U Oil UIU IlclIU Ul BUlllO II1U11 who wero not real North Bond cit izens, but It very shortly will ho a slogan which will bo scarcely strong enough to express what tlio people of our sister city wishes to toll to tho rest of tho country. North Bend is merely 0110 part of Coos county, which Is tho greatest coun ty of tho wholo famous state of Oregon. North Bond Is ono of tho localities which has nover lost its nerve. Slio has hold her own and Is now entering upon a porlod of prosperity and progress which will make her known to tho ontlro country. WITH TOAST AND TEA Official Paper of Coos County. SUBSCRIPTION HATES. DAILY. Ono year $6.00 Per month f0 WEEKLY. Ono year $1.50 When paid strictly In advanco the subscription prlco of tho Coos Bay Tlmoa li C.OO por year or $2. GO lor Ix months. Address all communications to COOS 11AY DAILY TIMES. Mflrohftcld :: :: :: : Oregon may change shipbuilding. I T IS expected that tho naviga tion of tho Panama cannl will exorclso a profound lnflucnco upon tho design of ships Intended Dedicated to tho sorvlco of tho 'to trado with tho West Coast, tho dcodIo. that no good causo shall lack ' Far East and Australia through -"-'.- .... l llna .tnAU...n a champion, and that ovll shall no: thrlvo unopposed. Entered at tho postofflco at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second claaj mall mattor. WITHOUT AN ENEMY AUTUMN MUSINGS. that wntorway, says Shippings II lustrntcd. Tho tendoncy of tho clay is toward tho constant Incroaso In carrying capacity and thoroforo In size. But In this respect tho I'annma canal will domand cortnln limitations. Somo influential own ers have realized this, and at tho present tlmo exhaustive and import ant experiments nro being conduct- HBAVEN help tho 'nu.i who witn models in experimental glnos ho can dodgo enemies by tanks In Germany, with n vlow to trying to pleaso everybody, if designing vcssols that may embody ouch an individual over succeeded wo1 f fullest posslblo limit of carry Bhould bo glad of It not thnt wo' "K capacity, whllo bolng sultablo bollovo in n man going through tho,n length, beam and drnft for pas v.rld trying to find bonms to knock j""0 thuBh tho canal nnd tho nnd thump his poor head against, ,0,c.k8, ,so. oxnorlmcnts may pos dlsputlng ovcry mnirs opinion, light- B"y r.esu,t ,n omo marked vary ing nnd olbowl.ig nnd crowding nil I J'?,"" '" , ,, ,8lnn( ,nrd designs of who differ with him. That, again Is , fn n.n.( J I"'0 possible that anotuor extreme. Other peoplo havo'T " t"mVC nC"Lf,ut;,ro, 8n p" n right to tholr opinion. So have "nV,?fl w,i,.bo.,lnv,t?1 .to tondor. you; don't fall Into tho error of sup- "V' mm h ,??. ' . rosing they will respect you less for,?"!1 '"PL ft? P"'ont now be- nnKH.... I - ....! . ....' '"O -wuuuv.Ui for turning your coat ovcry tiny to match tho color of theirs. Wear your 2T.E? l '" ., T Z V T" ' l0ves float, dizzy, on ev- vaclllatlng nnd irresolute ton times BUouUllotLTX'LT tho trouble to twist, and wind, and 0"8 ' BT th?ytn ""' g" V.'m f in ' Bhufllo that it does honest, manly, j"' t t. l$l i0"0 !!'m..fa,Aln5 independence to stand Its ground. brln ',;" ''"' 1? "!', "'J sablo plumes. Tho end of nil ondca vor thoy scorn to typify; I can't hnng on forovor. llko thnm I'll wii nn.i .. ... .. ... '.tin Til.- II. . .. . . . . . TIIK big public question, tins " - mum i ii wniri nnti outiy year, will bo road Improvement. nn ,nn(l down In tho mud, nnd thoro It seems strange thnt thoro fenr nlroady, I'll mako no loudor would bo any "opposition party" to thud. Man thinks that when ho'U thoso who want bottor roads, but if '""", "is mentis win break tholr you think thoro Is no opposition, start ""; "is memory tney'll chorish; n roml rnmnnlin In vnur lnrnlltv nnd 11081 WIIOIl ho departs It In n unit nnd out. As h nmttor of fact, tho confession tho world but lightly road problem Is of fnr moro Impor- K"Ovob; ho makes no moro imprcs- tnnco to most of u than olthor tho B,u" l"n" " mo railing loaves. Ills tariff or trust business. A good road creditors moy languish n whllo nnd costs money. It is n business Invest- tonr ,l'10,r ,in,r nnd uttor nobs of inont, requiring n largo outlay of ","?,, .' ,Hlt tnoy nlono will caro. cash nt llrst, nnd tho Interest on this Ho " ar ,tno ,8olnr systom when ho Investment comos back not only dl- Ur0Is ,n "ontli'H tnrn; but, doad, no roctly In tho form of ensh, but Indl- ono IiaB inhwod him, nnd no ono cares roctly to ovoryono who owiih proporty n rn" , Sucn thoughts tho lenves, nlong it or travels on It. Tho chlof now ""&. atiggost, and mnko us question Is, how Is tho money to bo Bn"' ,"" w nr cntorvnuIlnB when rnlsed? Who Is to hnndlo nnd nnv It wo should nil bo glad. out? It Is a financial matter as well aSS? 7jSnfh an n questlnn of ouglnoorlng skill. It uJUlt ' ought to be debnted nnd re-dobnto.l In ovory city In Coos county. GOOD EVENING. Seek your llfo's nourishment in your llfo's work. Do not think that, nftor you havo bought or sold, or studied or taught, you will go Into your closet nnd opon your Blblo nnd repair tho dam ago of tho loss which your dally llfo has left you. Do thoso things certainly, but also insist thnt your buying ana soiling, or stud ying nnd teaching, shall ltsolf mako you bravo, pationt, puro, holy. Do not lot your occupa tion pass you by, nnd only leavo you tho basest nnd poorest of Its benefits, tho money with which it tills your purse. This Is tho llfo that, indeed, "catches tho quality of tho llfo of God." Phillips Brooks. happened to see him Just onco out in tho front yard helping his wiro wat er tho flowers. i It's queer how possession will do ' crcaso tho value of most things. Tho man who puts his host foot forward never has many kicks com ing. After his flftloth birthday n mnn doesn't have to pay tho ilddlor so often. Tho flrst tlmo a girl Is disappoint ed In lovo alio begins to map out a career. THE KOAD QUESTION. Tho baby takes to her bod nt night A onc-oyed rabbi, that onco was whlto; A watch that camo from a .rnckor, I think. And n lidless Inkpot thnt never hold ink. And tho secret is locked in her tiny breast Of why sho loves thoso and lonvcs tho rest. And I glvo a loving glanco ns I go To thrco brass pots on a sholf in a row; To my grandfnthor's grandfnthor's loving cup And n bandy-Ioggod chair I onco picked up. And I can't for tho llfo of mo, mako you seo Why Just those things nro a part of mol J. II. Macnalr. A man has nn awful time when his wifo Is nwny from homo and ho needs clean socks. It Is impossible to mnko somothlng out of nothing with tho posslblo cx- l ccptlon of n bathing suit. It takes a mother to explain that if I It wasn't for tho other bad boys hor "wllllo" would bo nn angol. "How much nro thoso puppies, llt tlo boy?" "All a quartor 'copt that one, and ho's thlrty-llvo cents ho swallowed a dlmo ycstordnyl" Puck. TALE OP THE CAITAIN'S HANI). Not ovcry fortuno huntor is a good shot. Somo Coos Bay women can't boar tho odor of gasollno until tholr hus bands got an auto. Harry McKcown says: "Many a fellow falls to hit tho bull's oyo in tho big shoot bocaiiBo ho has wasted nil his ammunition In practice" ltCMJI NOUTII IIEN1 "ITS TALKS." PAVHOLL I THE POWEIt TO GO ALONE. I By Frank Crano. THE QUIET OHSEItVOK SAYS: "Whon a man does got ovon with another ho is novor satis fied until ho gets n llttlo moro BO." A London physician assots that wearing veils makes womons' noses red. A Marshflold physician that sticking them into othor people's bus iness has tho Bamo effect. Lot's wlfo is tho only womnn on record who boenmo n pillar of salt, but a lot of Coos Bay wives becomo poppory. Wo woro crowded In tho nmokor, Not n soul had darod to sleep, It was midnight on tho flier And tho game uncommon steep. 'Tis n chcorful thing and thrilling Speeding homownrd through tho night; Oh, but fearful is tho challongo: "Italso you fifty, Mr. Whlto!" So wo sat In sullen silence E'en tho stoutest hold his breath For tho captain's mighty wagor All but frightened us to death. Momently tho players waited; Icy looks encountered stares. "You havo lost!" tho captain chuck led To a catchor with two pairs. Whereupon n. startled pltchor Tossed nsldo thrco regal kings, Whllo a shortstop from Mllwaukco Muttered grim Teutonic things. But our llttlo mascot whispered As ho spied tho captain's hand: "Aro flvo aces on n flior Just as good as on tho land?" Then wo hugged tho llttlo mascot And wo dubbed him "Lucy James" Ono wook lator, yes, wo drowned him Whon wo lost our ponnant games. ALONG THE WATEHFHONT "I BELIEVE IN MY TOWN" A nUFWP mnti pntnn in Pf Pniil mm .1-.. few choico souls In tho Promotion ,"?. P.olnted .r nnt ilnlnn- nil Mint nmil.l .1-.." ".'4all0n wero not doing nil that could bo dono out i. it...' " - wero mil uuiiig uu umi uuuiq uo UOIlo tr, mi U&1 IS..I groator city. They franklv admitted his charge b.? i6 l h IJ fnnso: St. Paul, thoy Bald, was a peculiar uuL. . "a thli i.l loved it, but thoy did not pull together; tho chnmw , PeoPl il t,n.i .tlfflpiiltv In hnliltnt? Itn smnll mntnlmrnt.i.. .. , rr miukJ"! uu .........-, ... --- -.-... ..nuii mm in ..ii.-.rtra mongro fco of ?a n year; civic priuo was not nrMi" .w"tUi mongro iuu ui fo j viii, iiiiuu was not organized V' not uo orgnnizcu. tvu uuvu mu n. nnu wo know" itT. "ill Tho qulot man's roply was: "I can incroaBo your ir.!i.Mllrt- Bovcn Hundred now momuors, ontntisiastlc for bettor 7m unM lr Tho OBproy Is In from Weddor-bum. Tho qulot man's roply was: "I can incroaBo your tn.i.MH tvon hundred now mombors, enthusiastic fnr imiio. Ve.mi)n!il i . . . ., i .. .- .hji in tiM ono under contract to pay not icss tnnn ?2G a ycnr 7. T6 i "m three years." " i (J "Novor," tno commuico ropucu. -it simply can't h a. Thoy finally lot nlm try, but thoy nil warned him A wasting his tlmo. m lD&' U First tho ntilct man arranged a dlnnor for twn t,... . bishop Ireland attended nnd mndo n hnppy talk on th i. & slogan, "I bollovo In St. Pnul," nnd Mr. J. j. hih g-'r1. hour nnd twenty minutes. Othor nddrcsscs followed nTi .' 0f t Heltons moment, wiion oncnusinBm was high tho nulM , ' gested that thoso men who would volunteor to provo "1 a tin..! titf clvlnir Iwrt linnra ft ilnv fnn !.. ,i "itir Ilki, week could Blgnlfy thnt resolution oy ntandlng up. m0?a ,o,1l0,l:l hundred men nnswered that call to duty. ' r" l6i i Tho next day they discovered that they had boon maklnp ,. night before tho papora woro full of matter about tho L.V1 C palgn for St. Pnul that thoy woro to undortake. At lunrk.i ? day they received Instructions for their cninpalgn. The i , ' Tuesday morning ovory mnn reported nt 10 o'clock, its . nf found himself assigned to n Bquad of workers; each lauad 2r tended by n Bccrolnry who carried a card index of tho i,u7 !' worked by that Bquad; every wasto stop wns eliminated and hm plications avoided. By noon tho fourteen squads wero nn i luncheon, and whllo thoy nto thoy listened to tho reports n? captains so many momborships secured by Squad 1, and ip names wont up on a big blackboard with tho numbor of "eim.rJ to their credit chalked nftor them, and so on. By tho end el J luncheon ovcry Bquad had caught tho spirit of rivalry; u .V luncheon on the third day moro than cloven hundred m Li had been secured; tho nowspapors woro crowded with re&orh i ttin onnlMt' nnrl whnn fhn Rntimln rnnnrlnrl nt nnn.. .- ..." they had more than fourteen hundred now names on tho ehtnlirt roll (they call it the Association of Commcrco) or moro than ul! tho number they said thoy could not got. w .But they had gotten somothlng far moro Important; for ul' ly' it dnwned upon thorn thnt thoy had boon born Into that tri civic Bolldnrlty the nbsonco of which thoy had bemoaned. TkH lil not only created tho machlnory that had been lacking for title ti vancoment; they had also endowed It with n soul and an Ideal That Is the method that has united nnd Inspired St. Paul and Cb clnnati and Wichita and Alton and Now Brunswick and a im othor towns. The quiet man wns Mr. Lowls D. Snmpaon of CM cago, but tho method that ho applied dan bo utilized by the m', of any city in ho land. And Its results last, for part of the ;'u is to lay out work for everybody to do industrial plant loufa work for one commlttco, civic lmprovomont work for anoUer, ul so on. To mako such a method succeed requires only that Hi town possess ono mnn of forward vision nnd of faith to belltii h kls own community. Hoptomuor world's work. MIJHAHY NOTES. All real moral ndvniiccmont nnd truo biiccobs nro solitary nnd along "tim ioiio trail." limiT tlvn vniira nirn whnn 'M" K '" tl10 ,,0V" ,l1 Crowds. Tlhl'SSdiiratr he'ght "To "StSrSSS bo0ca,Vso- and when that city employ- Ioc1 " rofV, ho f N mro men than nny othor lo- ! ti. iih.i. ;,,. cnllty In tht county, tho progres- cnHB0 ho i.oa,1 thoy nil do It. slvo peoplo of tho city ndopted a ju f(1Pt tlu, (iovii.h o,Il0I, ' nn , slogan. It was as followBj "North "T oy-nll-d ,. . A II ecomos Dond-IB Payroll Tnlka." At thnt , ( usniy trying to kl ra i ill AN Ilii i i. .'. '" :'"" " iiitisi a v co h roc ill: nlmost nil mnt0rn wn81t,, ,arB08t of, ?Py rlBhteoiiBncBH that Is of any nc- or the FltlcR and tho newest of tho C01lllt s niroly 0rsonnl. 2,".n,?.E?"i'e". "' . "2 ""'l"11.3:-"tf-J . When tlio dovll was cast out of !. Vi at ii '"",. ., " "VbU mo tJadnreno bwIiio ho confessod payroll. Shortly nftor that time , nnmo wn8 1 0cio nod nnn" various national and local events ,,; ,,n0"n u the y ' triuisplred which inadn things hnrd Tho truth of this n'nnpnni In or. for ...any on Coos Bay. In fact dluary business. The nd of "clerk thoy woro nil rainy days on Coos that is hardest to find Is tho ono Day Tho railroads which won who ,,. ,lo08 whnt ',,; 0lunht "a utarted woro not finished, tho far- (j0 c-ays KIdIIhk- "" i" torles which wero running found It "Crentlon's cry koos iin necessnry t quit nnd tho saw mills Kroni K0 , clienilHXl nROi SISv'Iim r.!,0r.mM8.HTn,8lVOifMn8 G,vo "8 th0 " w,' tho work they did In tho good times. When yor whPh tnoy Kot tho Wago!" thlngR did not look ns flowory ns it 8 a nlty. hut rm n L-nnni thoy had boon In tho past, bo.uo that L a orago servant UhS wK choso t mako fun of tho slo- Pll,lltl ho "go n ot "or Incomp- thnt ..,N,)rn,.,nV,0",,V, ,U Wna a rnct 0,,,,, h vraBo business man n- i?n. l ?r V ,,.,a ,oco."10 80i'.no" lnlo. tho average actor n poor whnt shortened. It is tn.o thnt 0I1'0. and tho nvorngo preacher a prospocts wero not as bright and boro i"ior Itorhnps not as much was said of in' fnct. tho nvornco nf nnv Mnna the slogan which had been adopted, of men 8 ow tho nvS n n Jn!1,! 7'?. "IS'A ? "o.?Pfc. S?e wor.d's0rnw0ork Is ' "" " iiimiiH iiuwiit jivo carried on liv ninkrvshlftn If nnv nowVo'u0 ,lS,,,t0dU" "firnrSnll '4 V' tl "hlSffif ' p Xpert y ?fo 'oV'tho in.Sfe. TZ K TZ "SXer't t city nro In full operation. Thoro 0 will find Sat nee mlc ? rill k ass wvw:isra,rtK a? sw Ktfftsha'nV'Sr VTctJE ' .WiWo'bS tho foundry, the condonsary. tho s "d " He o" J "5ni on "Whn? Orego.n Power Co. tho brewery, nil Bhal I do ro bo ruhVed?" And It with largo pay rolls not to speak Is a short one: Do no hlng! Fol- of tho schools with nil additional low tho crowd. Aim or the aver- pay roll of a thousand dollars n age. month. A dotalled examination "For wldo Is tho unto nn.i i,mi will show that tho pay rolls of , .S'wn that endetl. to estnfc T Jtt'r ,u,"8,rlp8 "BSro- tlon. and many thoro bo that walk gates $34,800 for ,tho month of therein." Kui, win. prospocis 01 its liolng Not IIUSlllCSH, Oh, lot no thought of sordid gain control Your mood, whon recrentlon Is your wish. Full many n thirty dollar fishing polo Cnn do no moro thnn lnnd n G cent fish. D. Y. STAFFOBD. Tho steam schoonor Nowborg Is loading nt Old North Bond. Tho hargo Washtucnn is an chored In tho lower bay, opposlto Empire. Every man is tho hero of his own plpo dreams. I STOItY VOlt THE DAY. Tlio Prttfttisor IJIiiiulciil. Tho Btudonts of Eastern collego grow so reckless In tholr bohnv lor that tho professor thought to Improve tholr conduct by a lecturo on morality. In tho course of his lecturo ho said: "My young friends tno noors or Doll nro pnved with champagne nnd automobiles and chorus girls." Ho was horrified to hoar ono of tho students say In sepulchral tono: "Oh, Death, whoro Is thy sting?" It takes nlno tailors to finish a Belf-mado man. Thoro Is nothing moro convincing than oloquont sllonco. Tho votoran revenue cuttor Itush which for years patrollod tho Bea ring sen In Bonrch of Illegal scalora, has boon ordered retired from duty, and will bo offered for B.ilo In a row weeks. Tho Hush was built In 187C, rebuilt In 1S8G, and Is n woodon ship of 700 tons. Sho was ordered from San Francisco to Port 'lownsend to bo placed out of com Tho following Norwegian nows papors will bo on file from now on In tho library: Tho Docornh- Poston nnd tho Minneapolis Tl dendo. Thoy woro glvon through tho kindness of n patron who de sires his nnmo not mentioned. Tho llbrnry would bo pleased to havo somo Swedish nowspapors do nated also. Tho following books havo boon ndded to tho llbrnry: Kennedy Square Thin Is a Btory of tho old South. All tho warmth and color thnt Ilopklnson Smith breathes Into his books delight tho roador hero. Tho Sign nt Six lias n sotting nnllko that of any othor book thnt Stownrt Edward Whlto has writ ten. The Bceno aid n Now York pictures the unhallowed possibili ties or electricity. Ills Yestordays Will pleaso nil thoso who havo taken plonsuro In Wright's "Winning of Barbara Worth." Stophon Ellicott'B Dnughtor Is a novel listed by Mr. Dana nmong ttho ten thousand best novels. It belongs to nn older Bchool than tho present, but It holds tho read mit EPS OF IIAXDOX. Most of us got what wo desorvo, but fall to recognize It. increased ro uouiiio tnnt amount within tho noxt year. Thoso nro moro statistics, but thoy go to show that tho kind of peoplo who ndopt niii-ii a tuuKiin ns i ui jsortn Bond SPEAKS AT lUfi MKETINO. pNenpnl Minister Itefiirnu from n .Mivtlmr nt Mcdtutil. Hov Browning returned yostorday You can always get somothlng for nothing In tho form of advice. A woman will nlways stick un for tho man who lives noxt door If sho C N H. unmmoro to Nowport Nowa for somo minor construction work pre paratory to starting on hor voyago to nssumo ho post nt Junenu, Alaska. mission. Tho Rusi, will ulvo nlaco to tno now cunor Una ca. whlnh era attention hv tlm hnmniv truth. was directed today to sail from fulness of its old English farming Baltimore to Nownort. Knwn fnr llfo. nn tow tnntlnrn olnrlno .l their moro complox situations. uortion Koltli By Pago, Is an other story of tho old South. Its first sontenco, "Gordon Kolth was tho son of n gentloman," shows Its old-fashioned chnractor. The Bnttlo of tho Strong A his torical novel of tho coast of Jer sey. By Inheritance Takes a thought ful survey of a moagro question nnd arrives nt unusual but convinc ing conclusions. Second copies of tho Houso of Mirth, Qulncy Adams Sawyor, nnd of tho Llttlo Minister havo been received. Most of tho above named books nro tho gift of Mrs. H. S. Towor. Tho hull of the steamer Necanlcum which has been under construction nt tho Bondlxson shipyards for sovornl months past for tho Hammond Lum ber company, was successfully launched the othor day In Euroka. During tho early part of next month tho hull will bo towed to San Frnn clsco whoro tho engine, hollers and othor 'machinery will bo lnstnlled. After complotlon tho Necanlcum, ac cording to present plans, will operate botweon Euroka and San Francisco carrying lumber. Tho steamer Is wa.u root in length, 29 feet beam and 12.3 feet dopth of hold. Sho has ono dock, two masts and n ton nago of C57. Tho homo port will bo Now York. Tho official numbor of tho steamer has been designated as 210392, with tho signal lotters L NeVH of tlio Clty-by-thc-Sca Told 111 tho Iiecorder. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. 0. Catttdr ul family havo arrived from Spoour, Wis,, nnd have bought out the P ular Hotel. It will bo rechmttcri tho Bandon House. liny McNnlr, who had been nt to tho Pendleton Iloundup, tti n turning homo nnd was taken tltl nn nttnek of anncndlcltli wMU u Portland, nnd taken to tho hotjlul for nn operation. At last rtpen ho was gottlng along tine. Tl!i fact will bo good nows to Rij'i frlonds hero. A. L. Jncobson of Tacoma la bought tho Walker atudlo and lu nlroady taken possession of tit snmo. Mr. Wnlkor has not M ed what ho will do yet, tola thinking of going to Southern CiM-fornln. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Tamil Forndalo and Iteqiin, Cal., are ta iling tho gontlemnn's sitter, Ma F. L. Grconough. They re compnnlod by Mr. Uphur and Jfrt. Itoberts of Ferndale. The tlrt party drovo up from Eura tholr nutomobllo. Lovl Goff and wlfo returned Iron Flat Hock, III., yesterday, rtM thoy had been spoiidlng tho lumwt nnd Mr. Goff 1ms beon looklnjUtrt his fnrm thoro. Ho says there lotB of oil nnd gas drl I nt pJl on in that section of Illinois mi his farm bids fair to be oil pro ducing land. OUATIM1N. Ono lived n hundred ycars-anotttt stnyed . .( Half tho sarao numbered J w light nnd song, w But Uvod moro fully, n va w ropald . ., i.. For It is how wo live and not w long. Joseph Dana MiUer. 1 noOI) KVEMNfi. .,.! ; Might may overcome ni l... i 1. .. nnvnr llCStTOl ll Ullt lb tliu . when tho days wero clear and full f ro, Me ord . where ho "was In aT of sunshine nro tho kind of men tendance at tlio meeUng o the who havo tho qua It es to stav with si,ti,. oL.".,."u".K.,01 tho game when tho whole 305 days two of Owiron n Uo., & i i atjiffl- fSKix-s v'dk saivE:?ESss genornl unclomoncy of tho buslnesa nilii nt ,"r .,." " !hJL1?,J .nn TrtirrL VZJM ! !-d a M-.;-.-T;or - i-vw!-.!, ... i-iuf,uvii iu in oi, .M ITK S ClUircll Whnn thn nnh. meet tho sunshine, brilliant sun- ject, "Thy Klnedoin r-oml- Bhlno which Is now just starting discussed by ni.hop Scaddlns Arch! triilh,m.iUpo.ri ". f th0 n,03t t,eacon Clmmbers and Ko? W II B wy kUS Cl,Mo? ,n fBon. Hamilton of Grants Pass .Those in "North Bond, hor payrol ta ks." ntrondanro ntV.-L.. !! '. was ndopted nt tho tlmo with all hospitably by tho church neonle and lncorlty, may havo at tlmoa met others otMedford. P ' SATURDAY SPECIAL SALE GENUINE CUT GLASS TUMBLERS Value lib jsJI&'JB i Nuf Sed Saturday Only 6 for 75 Cents Saturday Only "Always Something New" PEOPLES' 5-10-1 5-CENT STORE Get That New Hat Tomorrow AXI) SAVE GOOD MONEY. FOU SATURDAY OXIA WB fflU SELL YOU CHOICE OF Any $3.00 Hat in the Store Only $2.20 ItEMEMUER THESE HATS AHI3 IVTE PAIA STi"',s iV BLOCKS AND MADE 11Y THE 1JEST MAXUFACTURW AMERICA. THEY ARE GOOD ENOUGH FOR ANY M.. Any $2.50 Hat Only $1.85 THESE HATS ARE ALL OUR REGULAR QUAL1TV A CANNOT RE SURPASSED IN STYLE OR QUALITY 0 . tw RAY AT THE REGULAR PRICE AND AT THESE SI"-"-PRICES THEY ARE GENUINE RARGAINS. THE BAZAR. "House of Quality." 'JM: