The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, October 11, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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rMQl"Uoa ? mZ mm . A ...
fflflos Sag tm
ltfiSTAD,i ..! w.l 'Un
I n-" . V,,itfi IlCJll iiD"
Mrk " E'Tcctlvclyt
? nut tho facts about your
It tfl ffi. '"ho eyes of all "pos
VUl in town. And If thoro
111 ??,. ' who ought to own
will Keep your Iiicomo from
Furnished Itooius Steady.
YOU can really help tho fam7
rovonucs by renting a fow furnished
rooms and, If you know how nnfl
when to uso tbo classified columns,
you may kcop that llttlo extra ln
como as "steady as a clock."
ii one oi '""",
rttt'll e ,V1
... . .. i.. lafa
i . tfWUI i:stn's"cu "
ML, XXXVI,, Tlio Const Mull.
A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mali Mn 70-
nnd Coos liny Advertiser. ''" te-
seen on a uu
flUC UUluuuoouu
Ld of Forty . Thousand
Witness uamu in imuw
York loaay.
. . . ii 11 n n 11 u i
nton 0 1 1 " " ' ; "
II v V. OOO i 1 " " "
r "lUtfcrics llln. Wood mid
W;( Xw Vork, Tesrcnii iuhI
' Hf J t rs.
(iBTAtJOclato-l Press to Tho Coos
nay iiwua.j
.NEW YORK, Oct. 1 1 IloBton of
t 1 ...... .Iaah (ml XTsttl
HAmKcan icukuu uiiwi
ffetk of tho Natlonnl leaguo by n
Un of thrco to ono today In tho
nrti garno of tho world's series
UUt forty tliousami peopio. joo
Tool. Boston's pitcher-star, was ln-
ijclVe hen hits moant nuiH and
hi Kev York bnttcrs could do notn-
tiftlthhlm. Wood did not glvo n
ih on balls. Wagner played n
ccsipmcnt short for Boston, tnk-
!:jKrtrai nam 1111 nans uini woro
uulif for center Held wmio on tho
iij ran and pinching tho bnttors it
Lit lj fast throws.
Crazed Ohio Man Then Shoots
His Wife and His
(Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos
Bay Times)
AKRON, Ohio, Oct. 11 John V.
McDonald, n plumbor, today shot
nnd killed his 3-year-old son nnd
thon fired bullets Into tho heads of
his wife nnd slstor. Mrs. McDonald
will probably dlo and tho sister Is
In n serious condition. McDonald
was nrrostcd.
One Company Puts Greeks to
Work and Some Trouble
Follows Action.
(Uy Associated Press to Tho Coos
Day Times)
BINGHAM, Utah, Oct. 11. Fifty
deputy sheriffs and several hundred
Greek strikers hnd tho first serious
encounter of tho Bingham minors'
strike today. Ono Greek minor was
shot In tho log. A number of per
sons woro arrested. Tho troublo
occurred when tho strikers gath
ered at tho hlllsldo settlement op
posite tho Utah Copper Co.'s pit,
whoro a steam shovel was put in
Attempt to Hold Up Train and
Lively Shooting Takes
(Bj Associated Press to Tho CoobI
Day Times)
FORT SMITH. Ark.. rin 1 1 .
fartandlu bungled n holdup' of
-. viiuwiuiiu iMiiiHnH city ntm
ttttttrn raiBfintrop tmin i,nt.nnn
WiWd and Mnnn. Arlr nnri
n . ' "" "" v'" ""
- w was wounded nnd enp
,rV ,ho other outlaws es
W after a battle with Express
Nanr Merrill n,,ri f !
J" in which llurgott exhnust
jUjt ammunition nnd was- badly
.tajett shot tho robbor who waB
Members of Cabinet Are Back
from Orient After Attend
ing Funeral of Mikado.
(Uy Associated Press to Tho Coos
Bay Times)
SEATTLE. Wash.. Oct. 11. Tho
crulHor Maryland bringing Secretary
of State Knox nnd Secretary of
tho Interior Fisher from Honolulu
nrrlvod today. Mr. Fisher desires
to leavo for San Francisco nt unco,
but Mr. Knox will mako political
addresses in Seattlo nnd Pnrtlnud.
Tho nfllcluls went to tho Orient to
attend tho funeral of tho into Em
peror of Japan.
i...i .""' r,,,,"ur wno wan
S ,?jl0,l,r tor after his
Pn!oni had; deserted him. Bur
w ft In the hospital and will ro-
"'" A nnecA la i
.U Durti V-'L "' l- .-
t ?e !?w tho bandits climb.
ifi WL? ,?...,,??r: .."?
irbitti n . "" u,c,r revoi
'! ill. Ilnrpott 1,1.1 i,i 1
-.-. (nit 1, ,B IUIJ31
S,.?"'. l08Pl tho hall
N at thJ, n cr8, Aa nurgott
VlSA,ii "Wora opened
h tt ?,S,e Jf, "n,ni,lts Poured
bern"L. Wlth tho. packages
h th ; Vn " ,ca " .n"0":
door iZi'"u '"ors opened
Ht.' 'felnf nurgott ns thov
Wl br ih", mcsso"gor wns pro
liiMh,.b,i n'' contln-
!rttffln-..'".1"?. robbers. Tho
tone Th U ,'"8 bridges
'"we of I, rob,,erfl c,080'l I"
W; rtfc 7fc"g,h ,':u f0"K''t lespor
lhT.,J,,!.bt of his shotgun.
?'" ii. I ,8 hnt Pnckago of
9 "ndlne I"01"1 .Ulo car nnd
lS,bnkiLTalinb,C8' nPP"C(1
"loxes and nmnmi
.. Utit
? 1
Pernor An,- ..... ..
Principles as West
01 Orennn nno
HoctateH 1,.... . '.
PHopvV Tim " Coos
f J that' canulfr 0ctl " Do
.""ore Bl.Sp,.ta, Punishment has
Zlt than hn'.' lUo Present day
?S Hunt Jt,rn.lne wltchej, Gov
i5 Camnhd,,re,,rIove3 today
aiu ez and MUuel Por.
SSL 'Way Th t0 havo ben
-"Punishment. "' "
f Job v7!T
'WwJaTOf to sell, trade.
at help, try a Want Aft
Collection of Damaging Ma
terial Will Be Shown in
Dynamite Case.
(By Associated Press to Tho Coos
Bay Times.)
INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. 11. Pieces
of oxplodod bombs, old iron, cans
In which nitroglycorlno had been enr
ricd, cartridges, fuses and magazlno
guns woro put in readiness by tho
government today to bo used ns ex
hibits In tbo trial nnd woro gathorod
from many sections of tho country
in tho wako of Ortlo McManlgal nnd
tho McNnmaras. They havo been
classified to bo used us physical ovl-
denco In tho government a charges of
intorstnto shlpmont of explosives.
About fiompers.
Whother Gompors, tho prcsldont of
tho Amoricnn Federation of Labor,
wns present at a cortaln labor meet
ing hold at St. Louis, Mo November
1910, was asked by tho government
nttoruoy In tho "dynnmlto conspira
cy" trial today. Frank Schilling,
clork at a hotel In St. Louis, named
Frank M. Ryan, MIchaol Young, F.
J. McNulty, M. B. Mnddon and Olnf
A. Tvoltmoo ns having registered nt
tho hotel during tho session of tho
meeting. When asked If Gompors re
glstorod, Schilling replied in tho ne
gativo but said "ho was around tho
hotel n good doal." Objections by
tho defonso to tho introduction of
Gompor's name at this tirao brought
n ruling of tho court that if tho fu
ture testimony did not warrant tho
Introduction of tho name ho would
so Instruct tho Jury.
Movement Started In Canada
Better Illglmnys.
WINNIPEG, Man., Oct. 11. Tho
Canadian Highway association Is
holding Its annual convontion hero
nnd will bo In sosslon until Satur
day. Dolegates aro present from
all over tho Dominion. Including
representatives of boards of trade,
chambers of commerce, progress
clubs, city councils, motor car clubs
and good roads associations. All
of tho addresses will havo tho gen
eral improvement of highways as
their principal theme.
Several Prominent Men Give
Interesting Testimony Be
fore Senate Committee.
(Ey Associated PrcBs to Tho Coos
Bay Times.)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 11. Edwnrd
T. Stokesbury, tho Philadelphia
banker and nssoclnto of J. P. Mor
gnn, testified boforo tho Clnpp com-
muieo louny mat 110 nnd collected
$1CC,79C.G0 In Pennsylvania In
19 0-1 for tho Republican national
campaign tho money going to tho
nnuonni committee.
Stokesbury named various cor
porations and Individuals who con
tributed funds. Tho largest con
tributor was G. W. Elklns, who
gave J2G.000. Tho United States
stool Corporation gnvo $12,775. In-
1908 Stokesbury collected $101,057
In Pennsylvania for tbo Republican
national campaign. Tho greater
number of contributions wcro from
IB to .$100. Stokesbury gnvo $25,
000 to Taft's rcnomlnntlon cam
paign tills year.
Snmuol ArnmowltJ! of Now York
said that Sam S. Kocnlg, tho Tnft
leader, actuully had named most of
tho Roosovolt watchers. Aramowltz
said tho nontenants of Koonlg hnd
induced mm to pnrt with tho
badges and certificates ho had got
from tho Roosovolt hcadquurtors.
iini .vi Know .Much.
(By Associated Press to Tho Coos
Bay Times)
W. Uphnm, of Chicago, assistant
treasurer of tho Republican nation
al commltteo in 1908, testified that
ho know nothing of tho 1901 cam
paign funds. In 190S ho collected
15-18,320.59. In addition to that
ho received 150,000 from Charles
P. Tart and roturncd It nt tho end
of tho campaign. Ho was In chargo
of tho western headquarters at Chi
IMiuit Testifies.
(By Associated Press to Tho Coos
Bay Times.)
Plant, comptroller of tho South
ern Railway, told tho Clapp com
mltteo today that ho know of no
contributions to tho pro-convon-tlon
campaigns this year, and did
not turn over any funds to Con
gressman Undorwood's manager, bo
foro or during tho Bnltlmoro con
vention. Senator Dixon, Roose
velt's manager, had testified It was
common report that Plant handled
tho funds for tho Underwood cam
paign. John D. Archhold followed Plant
on tho stnnd. Archhold had tostt-
fled In August. Clapp took up tho
examination ns to tho so-called
Archhold letters, recently publish
od. Rcgnrdlng tho paymont of
115,000 to Senator J. B. Forakor,
March 2G, 1900, Archhold said tho
monoy was paid Forakor "for ser
vices as counsel In our Ohio affairs
for that, nnd that only." Another
April 17, 1900, of $14,500 no said
was In relation to tho samo affairs.
Anothor payment Novombor 20.
1900, of I1O.QQ0 was tho result of
tno "samo legal dutlos," performed
by Forakor, as was anothor pny
ment of 15000, Dccombor 11. 1900.
Clnpp produced a copy of n mag
azlno showing tho purported photo
graphic copy of n lottor to tho lato
Sonator M. A. Hanna, datod Jan
uary 19, 1900. Tho letter refer
red to tho "threatened and very
objcctlonnblo legislation at Colum
bus," concerning which Archhold
said ho wanted to talk to Hanna
about, asking Hnnna to "do ev
erything posslblo" to accomplish Its
Archhold said ho did not recol
lect tho letter but said: "I havo
no doubt I wroto tho letter."
A Icttor of Octobor 27, 1900, to
former Roprescntntlvo G. II. Gros
vonor of Ohio, enclosing $1000,
Archhold Bald, was an "aid to his
campaign for ro-oloctlon." Arch
bold said ho had no rccollocHon of
n lottor purporting to bo wrltton
by Senator Ilannn In which ho said,
"I want you pooplo to help our
Htnto comnmtco lllicrniiy. Tho de
mands on mo nro simply nwful."
"I havo been unublo to find bucIi
a lottor," said Archhold. Archhold
could not recollect recolvlng n let
ter from Hnnun asking nsslstanco
for tho Ohio campaign, saying:
"This wholo fight Is against tho
corporations and mo, ns tholr cham
Tho wltnoBs said ho bollovcd tho
handwriting wns that of Hanna.
Destroyed Receipt.
Archhold testified that tho ro
celpt Cornelius N. Bliss gnvo him
for tho $100,000 contribution of
tho Standard Oil Co. to tho Roose
velt campaign fund In 1904, wns
destroyed Just boforo tho donth of
II, II. Rogors.
Archhold was asked to explain a
lottor to Hanna. "That was tho year
of tho strlko legislation in various
stnto loglsjnturcs," snld Archhold,
"nnd It wnfl necossary for all corpor
ation interests to appeal to their
friends to provont that sort of thing.
It oxplnlns my lottor to Sonator Han
na." Tho lottor referred to "threat
ened and vory objcctlonablo legisla
tion at coiumuus.'
Strike Breakers Become III
After Eating in a Res
taurant. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay
NEW YORK, Oct. 11. Twelve
strlko breaking bookbinders omp-py-od
by P. F. Collier & Sons, publish
ers, horo where a strlko Is in pro
gress, woro taken 111 last night short
ly nftor thoy had oaten food furnish,
cd by a restaurant in tho neighbor
hood of tho building in which thoy
woro omployod. That poison was gi
ven tho men is tho bollcf by the po
llco and physicians.
Fighting Along the Frontier Is
Reported in the European
New Smith Lumber Vessel to
Bring Important Cargo
from Baltimore.
Tho M. S. Dollar has not
yet been nblo to got out of
port. Capt. Olson, who will
pilot tho steamer was in the
city today. Ho states that tho
bar has been too rough to at
tempt taking tho vessel out
nnd that It will bo necossary
to wait until tomorrow morn
ing at 10 o'clock. Tho Re
dondo Is still In tho bay and
will not go out until tomorrow.
It Is expected that both ves
sels will leavo in tho morning.
Captain B. W. Olson who took
tho M. S. Dollar over tho Coos Bay
bar and accompanies tho ship to
Portland, does not expect to return
to Coos Bay until ho brings tho
largo now lumber carrier, Adeline
Smith, sister ship of tho Nann
Smith. ,, tl
Capt. Olson will go directly east
to Newport News from Portland.
It Is expected tho new ship will bo
ready for her first crulso about No
vember 15.
Sho will proceed first to Balti
more, where she will tako on on
Important cargo for Coos Bay. This
cargo will consist of the machin
ery for tho now Smith pulp mill,
much of which Is being imported
from Sweden nnd Finland. It Is
expected she will arrive on Coos
nnv about January 1. auu "
Costa a little more hut Us Bias- coming will be a .fjno New y$$fp
key's? Stantt 'Qrotery Co. 'Vrior Coos Bay. and cause for
Besides One from Coos Bay
Another Is Leaving the
Columbia River.
Rogardlng tho stoamor M. S. Dol
lar tho Telegram of Portland has
tho following to say:
Advices to tho local agent stato
that tho British steamship M. S.
Dollar will leavo Coos Bay for tho
Columbia today to comploto a lum
ber cargo for Shanghai. Sho took
on a part cargo at Coos and will
finish loading at Kalama. At tho
latter port tho stoamor will dis
charge CO, 000 foot of hardwood sho
brought from Manila. When sho
leaves for tho Far East sho will
havo aboard 3,500,000 foot of lum
ber. Boforo she gets out of tho river
tho British steamship Robort Dol
lar, belonging to tho samo lino,
will nrrlvo from San Francisco to
tako on a similar cargo for tho
Orient. Sho will load at tho In-man-Poulson
mill. Sho Is consid
erably larger than tho M. S, Dol
lar, and sho will clear with nearly
4,000,000 feot. During tho month
several other steamers will load
lumber on tho river for Australia,
having been chartered by J. J.
Mooro & Co. Tho presont Indica
tions nro that tho off-shoro lumber
traffic from tho rlvor In Octobor
will bo considerably abovo the av
erage monthly transactions. Prac
tically all of tho product Is bolng
sent across tho Pacific and to the
AntlPOdeS. rurrurun-ruru-n-Lruru-u-u-.
a genuine Now Year's celebration.
Captain Charles Erlcksen Will bo
In charge of tho Nana Smith, dur
ing Capt. Olson's absence.
Dr. Carrel of New York Re
ceives Valuable
(By Associated Press to Tho Coos
Bay Times.)
STOCKHOLM, Oct. 11. Tho No
bel prlzo for medicine this yonr was
awarded to Dr. Alexis Carrol of tho
Rockefeller Instituto of Now York.
Tho award, it Is nnnouncod, was
mado In recognition of his nchlovo
montii In tho suture of blood vessels
nnd tho trnusplnutntlon or organs
Tho Nobel prlzo Is valued at $39,000,
Efforts to Stop War So Far
Seem to Be Fruitless;
Still Trying.
(By Associated Press to Tha Coa
Bay Tl 11108)
(By wireless from a stoamor' in tho
Dardanelles to Kustondjc, Rumanla
No fowor thnn 140,000 Turkish
troops from Asln Minor will, It Is
estimated, bo concentrated within a
weok In European Turkey. Thla
will bring tho offocrlvo force ot
tho Turkisli nfmy thoro up ta 4uiT
000. Turkish otllclnls say that tiim
day of trial has found military do
pots full of stores and tho nrnty
oqulpmcnt comploto and of good
If tho Bulgarians aro counting
upon the superiority of thnlr or
ganization and tho greater rapidity
with which their nrmy can bo mo
bilized, to glvo them n mutorinl
ndvnutngc, thoy will, according to
tho Turkish olllcers, rccolvo a dlo
agrccablo surprise. Ottoman au
thorities say they havo for moiithu
been gradually strengthening their
defenses nnd concentrating troops
In tho Import zone, comprising tho
Adrlnnoplo nnd Kirk Klllssoli, Just
south of tho Bulgarian frontier.
Libby Mine Increasing Output
and Soon Will Have Big
Work nt tho Llbby mlno Is pro
gressing rapidly. Gcorgo Doll, who
has tho mlno undor lease, is em
ploying qulto n largo forco of men.
Tho output of tho mlno now Is
about 50 tons of coal a day. Somo
ot this Is bolng taken to Portland
and part of tho output Is bolng
sold In San Francisco and Is trans
ported to that city on tho Ilomor.
Mr. Doll slnco ho has had tho
mine In his chargo has been dovol
oping nnd soon will bo turning out
tho Inrgost output of nny mlno In
tho county. In fnct tho Llbby
mlno Is now soiling raoro coal than
nny of tho other mlnos. but whon
Mr. Doll completes his dovolopmont
work ho will hnvo ono of tho Inrg
ost mines In this pnrt of tho stnto.
At tho now mlno which Is bolng
opened by C. A. Smith and busi
ness associates on Isthmus Inlet,
work Is progressing rapidly. P.
Hennessey Is In chargo of tho work
and oxpocts soon to ho putting a
largo output of coal on tho market.
Portland Attorney Will Talk
Single Tax in Coos
Next Week.
A telogram was recolved last ev
ening from W. S. Uron by C. II.
McLaughlin In which It wns stnted
that Edward S. J. McAllister, tho
woll known Portland attorney, and
a mombor of tho firm of McAllister
& Upton, would leavo thoro Satur
day night for Coos Bay, via Drain,
nnd oxpectod to arrlvo in Mnrsh
flold Sunday night or Monday
morning. Mr. McAllister will mako
a weok's speaking campaign in
Coos county for tho Slnglo Tax
propaganda. Mr. Uren endorses
Mr. McAllister ns an eloquont ora
tor and ono well worth hearing ro
gardlees of your view. Tho an
nouncement of dates and places of
nls addresses will bo made later.
Capturing City.
(By Associated Pross to Tho Coos
Bay Tlmos.)
LONDON, Oct. 11. Tho fall ot
tho Turkish city of Scutari Is Immi
nent. Unless Turkish reinforce
ments nrrlvo soon tho town wttli
Its manufactories of flro anus will
ho takou by tho advancing Mouiog
rlan army. Tho Turkish military
authorities havo not prepared on
that frontier ns on tho Sorvlnu and
Bulgarian bordor. Henco tho re
ported continued success of Kim;
Nicholas' forces.
Ansohs Clirlstnui.
(By Associated Pross to Tho Coos
Bay Times)
Reliability of Christians sorvlng la
tho rnnks of the Turkish tinny fc
ono of tho greatest probloniH ot that
moment for tbo Ottomnn commnnd
ors. Fooling among native Clirla
tlniis may bo gauged to n cortaln
oxtent by tholr offorts to escape
from servlco by payment of a tax
or by bolting abroad. Tho Otto
man government Is considering put
ting In nporntlon n bill passed tra
der tho lato reglmo calling out ttTl
Christians between tho nges of 30
nnd 40 yonrs. This nctlon will
hwoII tho government's funds enor
mously, ns most nf tho untlvo
Christians nro nblo to pny to avoid
In-avlng for Abroad.
(By Associated Pross to Tho Coos
Bay Tlmos)
SAN DIEGO, Cal., Oct. 11.
Within ono weok npproxlmntoly 50O
citizens of Austria will leavo S.ut
Dlogo for Now York to embark to
Join tho nrmy of Sorvia In tho war
ngalnBt Turkoy.
Hojk's for Peace.
(By Associated Pross to Tho Coos
Bay Tlmos)
VIENNA, Oct. 11. Eniporor
Francis Josof in conversation wltb
a prominent porsonngo at tho palaco
yostorday said, "I hopo that pcaco
may still bo preborved."
righting In Progress.
(By Associated Pross to Tho Coon.
Bay Times.)
Fighting between Turkish and Mon
tenegran troops Is still In progreus
tills morning in tho region of Tu
shl, to tho north of Scutnrl. No
further details havo reached horen.
Greece Buys Ship.
(By Associated Pross to Tho Coo
Bay Tlmos.)
LONDON, Oct. 11. Orooco today
purchased tbo Chlneso cruiser Choa-
Ho, recontly built nt Now Cnstlo. Tho
Turkish government also nttompted
to buy tho ship.
AffcclH Stock Murker.
(By Associated Press to Coos Bay
LONDON, Oct. 11. Incronsod nor-
nousnoss In rognrd tho Balkans to-
cothor with forolEii contlnontlnl self
Ing, has caused a woak tono In tho
London stock markets toe
If you havon't trlt -key'
Candy you havo ono coming. StaufC
Grocery Co.
Pnrl- .Tnolfson. nt SvdnoV. NOW
South Wales, with a water front
ugo of ovor 200 mllos, Is tho basic
harbor In tho world.
Tf vnn tiara anvthlne to eU. trade.
ir rent, or want help, try a Wat A.