THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1912 EVENING EDITION. Isn't It About Time to Think About That Heating Stove? EHAVETIlBONn SHOWN AI10VE AND MANY MOItB TO SKL- EOT FROM, WITH A WIDE RANGE OP PRICES. I Give us a chance to show you the line. PIONEER HARDWARE CO. MAHSHFIELD, OUEGON. Those Giant Values and Dwarf Prices iMtc nrro talking about tlio other day nro still here. BE WISH nnd (ko mlvnntugo. OUR FII1ST PRICE Is always THE PRICE. Schloss Bros.' CLOTHES BEAUTIFUL. Suits $18.00 to $30.00 The Fixup IMKHFIKLI) NORTH RKXI) Always "The Busy Corner" The Rexall Store Our Saturday Special Sales ARE YOUR PROFIT SALES. Don't miss them if you can help it: ckhart-Parsons Drug Co. 'TILE BUSY CORNER" HE- MAIM OOQ . US i COOS RAY TIDES. Below is given tho timo and height of high nnd low water at Marshflcld. Tho tides nro plnced in tho order of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino nnd holghta on tho second lino of each day; n compar ison on consccutlvo holghta will indicate whether it is high or low wntcr. For high wntor on tho bar, aubstrnct 2 hours 34 minutos. Into. October. 10 lira.. 2.0G 7.43 2.18 8.1C Foot. 0.2 O.G C.S 0.3 11 Hrs.. 2.C2 8.27 2.53 0.00 Feet. C.l 1.0 7.0 0.7 LOCAL TEMPERATURE RETORT. For tho 24 hours ending 4:43 n. m., Oct. 10, by Ilonj. Ostllnd special government meteorolog ical observer: Mnxlmum C2 Minimum 34 At 4:43 n. in 34 Prccipltntion nono Wind Northwest; clear. THE WEATHEH. OREGON Fnir In cant nnd rain in west tonight; warmer excopt In tho northwest. Friday rain nnd coolor In tho cast; Routhorly winds Increnslng along tho const. RODGIXS UFBB. ilLD"' " Afield Pnin . 1 orating Go. am warshpield; a- Thone 140-L. Oregon Qty Auto Service Good Cam. Careful Drivers amd reasonable obarges. Our motto: "Will go anywhere at any time. Stands Dlanco Hotel and Blanco Cigar Store. Day Phones 78 and 46 Night Phone 46. BARKER & GOODALE, proprietors. acts, Real Ete, Fire I J5d Marine Insurance '"e Guaranty nA AKctract Co. Ole Oft. UUXtiY SENGSTAOKEN, Mgr. wu.CPhono 18 Putting Lands ft ipeeUlty. t coal aadtntf "HABTBIDR" Qetersi Ag ManhJeld Oftco 14-J. Meet 1'rlilny Tho l'nst Matrons' Assoclntlon of Doric Clinptor will moot Frldny nftornoon nt 2:30 o'clock with Mrs. F. M. F'rlodborg. Ladies Art Club. Tho Ladles' Art Club hns postponed Its mooting Hint wnH to bo hold Friday of this wcolc until ono wcolc lntor, Friday October 18, when It will moot with Mrs. F. M. Flyo. IliMly Goes South. Tho body of tho Into Mrs. P. A. llolllstor wns tak en todny on tho steamer llroakwator to San Frnncfsco whoro tho funeral will bo hold. Drlof services woro held tills morning nt North Dcnd. Attend IC. P. Convention Among tho number who nro to nttend tho K. P. convention In Portlnnd nro A. II. Dorbyshlro and Edgnr McDanlols of North Dcnd nnd Gcorgo Ross of Cntchlng Inlot, nil of whom will loavo Snturday on tho Bronkwntor. Getting Hotter. John Mclsnncs, who hns boon qulto ill nt his homo In Forndnlo Is Improving. Ills frlond Mr. McKonnn who hns been looking nftor tho sick mnn says that ho will soon be nblo to bo up. For n tlmo Mr. Mclsnncs wns qulto seriously 111. Ho Is widely known horo ns tho bag plpo player who has ofllclntod on tho occnslons of tho Scotch picnics. Ia'iivch for California. Dr. J. T. McCormnc loft todny for Uorkoloy, whoro ho will Join Mrs. McCormnc nnd Fred. Thoy will spend tho winter nt different Callfomln points nnd will probably return About April 1. Dr. McCormnc shipped his mito on tho Ilodondo nnd will tnko ndvnntngo of California's rondB nnd mnko innny trips to In teresting spots. Mr. A. E. Sonmnn Is occupying tho doctor's office dur ing his nbsonce. Attend W, C. T. U. Convention. Sovornl of tho Coos County Indies will nttend tho W. C. T. U. National Stnto convention which moots Octobor 10 at tho Whlto Tomplo Church, Port land, lasting ono wook. Among thoso going nro Mrs. Robert McCnnn of North Dend, lenvlng next Saturday on tho Bronkwntor; Mrs. A. R. Annln of Myrtlo Point, who nlso loaves on tho WANT ADS. FOR SALE A good paying 20 room hotel full of bonrdors. A bargain. Address "II" Times ofllco. FOR RENT Furnished lioiisekoop Ing rooms. 237 N. Drondwny. FOR SALE Rooming house Four teen furnished rooms. 3CC Front street. FOR SALE OR TRADE Launch Central. Seo Honry Songstnckon. ROOM AND HOARD Tho Hoycrest, 388 First street, Phono 123-X. ANGORA GOATS WANTED Will buy smnll bunch or Angora uoais. Address stating what you have. II. E. Glazier, Myrtlo Point, Oro. FOR RENT FuriilshetLrooin for one or two gentlemen. Inquire Fash Ion Tailors, 150 Front street. FOR SALE Ono B 1-2 horsepower gas onglno. A bargain. Apply to Pacific Launch Works, 862 North from euoui'. FOR SALE Dry wood, fir and al der, at Campboll's Wood Yard, Ferry landing, hono 158-L. DUY NOW. Borne choice lots In NORTH BEND can be bad at a very reasonable price If taVen now. B. S. GEAR & CO., rirst National Bank. - " " We Cover Umbrellas nt tho Marshfield Cyclery DAYTON AGENTS. Phono 1P8-R 172 Broadway r i i i i i i , i Breakwater next week, nnd possibly one or two from Mnrshfield. Greeting Old Friends. E. W. Schubert, formerly purser on tho Al llnnce nnd fnmlllnrly known ns "Foxy Orntulpn" to his ninny friends is on Coos liny visiting for a few days. Since his Inst trip hero Mr. Schub ert visited his old homo In Holland to visit n sister ho hnd not scon for 38 years. Ho spent sovornl months traveling In Europe beforo returning to his homo In Portlnnd. Numorous friends horo nro always glnd to seo him. Halloween Approaching. Al though llnllowccn Is moro thnn throo weeks away ninny of tho stores nro Bhowing tho colors nnd signs of that Jolly celebration. Jnck o' Lanterns grin down from sholves nnd blnck cnts glower threateningly on passors by. Tho decorations for social func tions nt Hnllowecn rlvnl thoso of Christmas nnd Fourth of July in their nttrnctlvcness but thoro nro cortnln customs Incidental to tho coming day thnt mnko It n terror to mnny honrts. Orgnnlo Dancing Club. At n mooting held nt tho homo of Mrs. W. S. Turpen last Saturday a now dnnclng club wns orgnnlzod. Tho nnmo chosen for the club is tho Fort nightly Dnnclng Club nnd tho Inven tions for tho first promenndo will bo out soon. Tho pntroncssos nro Mrs. Wm. Horsfnll, Mrs. J. S. Coko, Mrs. II. S. Tower. Mrs. E. u. Pcrhnm. Mrs. W. A. Toyo, Mrs. Wm. S. Turpen, mrs. j. a. JintBon, Mrs. J. II. Flnnn gnn, Mrs. W. T. Morchnnt nnd Mrs. J. W. Bennott. Pioneer Here. J. A. Yonknm. Sr., who nrrlvod on tho Bay nbout three- weeks ngo from Onklnnd, loft this morning for n visit with rolntlvcs In Conulllo. Mr. Yonknm Is buying dairy stock for his farm In Gridloy, Calif. Ho expects to lenvo for Cnllfornla on tho Re dondo next wook. Mr. Yoakam Is well known on Coos Bay. having lived horo, years ago. Ho Is tho fnthcr of Mrs. Wm. Horsfnll, Jr., of this city, and J. A. Yoakam, Jr., who lived horo formerly, but who with his fnmlly is now located in Gridloy, Cnlirornla. New School District. School Dlo trlct No. 01 Is n now ono ostnbltshod out of district No. G7 on South Slough ns tho result of nn oloclon bold Tucsdny. Tho now district lies on tho west sldo of tho Slough nnd wns cstnbllshod bocnuso of tho Incon vonlonco of children crossing tho Slough to tho school houso. Thoro nbout 20 children of school ngo In tho territory embraced In tho now district. Cyrus Forrl, John Conklln nnd John Cottlo woro oloctod direct ors nnd Frank Wymnn clerk. A now school houso will bo built ns soon ns nil tho logM formnltllcs can bo com piled with. PERSONAL NOTES HOTEL ARRIVALS. CHANDLER O. W. llolllstor, Portland; W. J. Hill and wife Dul iith, Minn.; M. Slscnvlno, Snn Fran cisco; W. L. Lloyd, Portlnnd; W. E. Bliss. Portlnnd; E. G. Ford, 8onttlo; J. Jnrvls, Gold Hill; L. P. Corn- wnll, II. B. Donnhuy, E. D. Dnvnn, B. II. Grant, Goo. A. Cnblo, Miss E. Mnlohoru, nnd O. S. Browster, Port lnnd; Mrs. E, D. Sporry, Coqulllo; L. M. Wnro, Snn Francisco; J. E. Norton, Coqulllo, L. Korshnw, Tn comn; A. F. Nonas, nnd A. Sulllvnn, Portlnnd. . LLOYD. Chns. Bockmnn, Clonv- ont. Ohio; Burt Clnrk, Portlnnd, A. Andorson, Portlnnd; F. E. Furguson, Grand Rnplds, Mich.; W. C. Wlllnrd, Bnndon; Frank Swlnford, Portlnnd; Dnn Schnfor, Cnmns Vnlley, Jnmcs Dolon, Snn Francisco. COOS C. W. Lnko, Bnndon; Ron Smith, Coos Rlvor! J. A. Yonknm, Onklnnd; D. W. Wlckon, Grants Pnss; J. C. LnChnnco nnd wlfo, Portlnnd; J. W. Wood, Sonttlo; C. W. Green, Portlnnd: E. A. King. Richmond, Cnl.; J. R. Johnston, Allogany. AMONG THE SICK. Mrs. A. E. Noff Is qulto 111 nt her homo on South Fifth streot. Mrs. W. Potorson of North Inlot Is HI nt tho homo of hor dnughtor, Mrs. Alglo Hnnson, of this city. Victor Johnson Is Inld off from work on account of n painful Injury to his right thumb. John Ilonth, Michigan Bnr, Cal., writes: "I was affllctod with kid ney and bladdor troublo for nearly six years. Had a very had spoil Bomo tlmo aco nnd wns unablo to turn without help. I commoncod ysing Foley's KIdnoy Pills nnd can truly say I was rollovod at onco. I tako ploasuro In recommending Fo ley KIdnoy Pills." For sale by Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co., tho Busy Cornor. The Wickham House Dining Room COQUILLE, ORE. Reopened October 1, 1912 Newly papered, painted ami gen erally renovatga. Special attention and tlio best of service to Uio traveling puuuc. MJtS. O. R. WICK3IAM, Coqulllo, Ore. MRS. WADE of Gardiner Is n Marsh Held visitor. E. W. SC11ROCIC of Empire wns in Mnrshfield todny. J. A. JOHNSTON is making n bus iness trip to Unrdlnor. MR8. TOM JUZA of North Bond wns n Mnrshfield visitor tmlnv. Mlgs MAY MAQEE of Emplro wns n .Mnrshilold visitor todny. RUSSELL DEMENT of Myrtlo Point wns in tho city yesterdny. PROF. F. A. GOLDEN loft on tho morning train for Conulllo. DR. LESLIE returned todny nftor n two month's visit In tho East. J. L. STEVENS of South Coos River wns In tho city today. R. SARTElt loft today for a fow days' outing above Allogany. DAVE COWAN has returned from nn extended stny nt Smith Dnsln. MRS. WILL MAOEE nnd bnby loft todny 'to visit relntlvcs in Em- , Plro. MRS. WARREN REED of Gnrdlnor Is visiting Coos Bny friends this wook. NICHOLAS BASTENDORF wns a buslnoss visitor In Mnrshfield yes terdny. EDGAR SIMPSON wns n North Bend visitor In Mnrshflold this morning. MRS. HARRY of Emplro Is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. AgusUi Scott todny. MRS. BYRD LATTIN loft this morning for Conlcdo nnd will re turn tomorrow.. PETER MIRRASOUL returned Inst night from n business trip tnrongii curry county. WILL LONGSTAFF loft this morn ing for n fow days' business trip to Coqulllo nnd Uanflon. W. F. HARMON ot tho Hnrmon Tail oring Co., Is mnklng his rcgulnr trip in tho Conulllo vnlloy. ALBERT SEELIO mado n business trip ito Bnndon todny. Ho will probably roturn tomorrow. MISS ELLEN FLOOK, who boon visiting In Roseburg Olnlln hns returned homo. P. O. JORDAN of Tomnloton turned homo todny nftor Bpcnd ing n row cinys in Marshflold. C. McGOVERN hns gono to Roseburg whoro' lib will romnln n fow months looking nftor buslnoss Interests there. MRS. J. W. BENNETT nnd two sons loft for Snn Francisco today on tho Rcdondo. Thoy will Visit In Cal ifornia. MR, and MR8. W. B. CURTIS loft today on tho Rcdondo for a fow wcoks visit nt different points In Cnllfornla. H. C. DIERS of North Bond was a Mnrshflold visitor todny for tho first tlmo slnco his recent nt. tomobllo nccldcnt. RAY OLLIVANT rotumod homo to dny on tho Bronkwntor. Ho nt tondod tho Round-up nt Pendleton nnd snyB It wns "gront." MR. nnd MRS. L. W. MYRICK hnvo rotumod to tholr homo In Gnrdlnor nftor n plonsnnt wook'a visit with tholr mnny Coos Bny friends. MRS. WALTER HOLMES nnd chil dren of Ilonvor Hill nro guests for a fow days at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Goorgo Ayro of this city. MISS JULIA HOLMS rotumod homo on tho Bronkwntor todny from Portlnnd whoro sho hns boon visit ing frlonds nnd rolntlvcs for tho pnst two months. MRS. NORMAN NELSON of Snn Francisco who for some tlmo hns boon tho guest of Mrs. E. Mlngus linn aud ro- In this city, left for hor homo on tho Rodondo todny. J. R. JOHNSON wns down from Al legnny yesterdny. REN SMITH of Coos Rlvor wns in tho city yesterdny. CLIFFTOX CURTIS nnd wlfo nnd bnby, who hnvo been visiting rolntlvcs on Coos Bny, left todny for their homo In tho Santa Clnrn vnlley, Cnllfornln. MR. nnd MRS. CLIFTON CURTIS nnd bnby loft todny on tho Rj dondo en route to their homo In llolllstor, California, after visit ing with relatives In this city. MR. nnd MRS. ANDREW W1CKMAN of Emplro went to Snn Francisco today. They woro accompanying tho body of Mrs. Wlckmnn's moth er, Mrs. W. A. Hnrter, who died In Emplro and who will bo burled at Modesto, California. MISS HELEN MULLOY was an ar rival on tho Breakwater this morn ing from Portland, whoro sho hao been visiting with rolntlvcs for tho pnst thrco months. Miss Anlto Mulloy will romnln In Portlnnd with her sister Mrs. Mitchell whoso honlth Ib vory poor. MISS PEARL M. REIGARD roturnod homo todny vln Drain from Eugene, owing to tho condition of hor mothor's health. Miss Relgnrd left this fall to attend tho Unlvorslty of Oregon but decided to return homo to enro for her mothor. It Isuiicortnln when sho will return to Eugcno. E. W. M'CALL ot Sumnor wns In tho city todny on his wny to Sulphur Springs, Oregon, whoro ho Joins R. J. Oswald, who ro coutly loft Sumnor for tho snmo location. Thoy expect to spend tho wlntor hunting ivnd trapping, but expect to roturn to Coon Bny In tho spring. CELL IRELAND returned yesterday from a month's vacntlon visit at Olnlln, Portland and othor Ore gon points, which Included a trip to tho Pendleton Roundup. Ho reports business conditions Im proving on tho outsldo nntf whllo ho did not honr much Im portant railway nows, says thoro Is considerable talk ot Ccos Bny and many waiting for tho nil-way. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Tho Nowborg nrrlvod todny front Snn Frnnclsco nnd Is tnking on lum bor nt Old North Bond. Last of tho Bales reported of woll known wlndjnmmors Is thnt of tho barkontlno Chohalls, n npocdy snllor that wns built and ownod by tho SlmpBon Lumbor compnny of North Bend, nnd hns bcon dlsposod ot by tho corporation to residents of Callao whoro sho nrrlvod with n cargo of lumbor Soptombor 8. Orogonlan. Tho A. M. Simpson finished tnking on enrgo nt North Bond nnd loft for San Diego yostorday. CARD OF THANKS. To tho mnny frlonds whoso thoughtful acts ot klndnosn nnd loving words of sympathy hnvo lightened tho bunion of bur great and midden borenvomont In tho death of our wlfo and mothor, Mrs. W. A. Hnrter, wo oxpross our sin coro thnnks nnd npproclntlon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Androw Wlckman. W. A. Hnrtor. Carl C. Kratzonstoln, Mgr. J. G. Tnnnor Drug Storo, Santn Cruz, Cal., writes: "Wo havo sold Foloy & Compnny's medicines for tho pnst 20 yoars and hnvo yot to honr our first romplnlnt or of n dlssntlsflod cus tomer, Tholr remedies nro puro, mndo ns represented nnd contnln no Injurious substnnccs. On tho contra ry, our exporlonco shows us that tho Company's aim has always boon to mnko honlth-alvlng nnd honlth mnlntntnlng romodles." Sold by Lockhnrt-Pnrsons Drug Co., tho Busy Cornor. TRUSSES Elastic nnd steel, nil sizes and styles. Sole agents for the Truform Truss fitted free by an expert. j jPAJhkB Pj " M.lK0t0l A Poorly Running Watch Is Worse Than None you novor know tho right tlmo, you can't dopond ujnn It for keeping business on gngomonts, llablo to stop any mlniito. Needs cleaning, that Is all. If you'vo that kind of a timepiece lot us reuo 'vato It for you. Tho co3t will bo trifling. AH Work Guaranteed. Red Cross Jewelry Dept. fpB II " Df i jwtsr r I IVIil win ! Jewelers and Opticians. Olympic Flour Snow Drift Flour RETAIL PR1CL $1.40 PER. SACK Northwestern bard wheat used tx oluBively In milling these brands of flour. 11071 1013 CO. (FLOUR IV i f 1 . fJl m