THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 19 12 EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES BC O. HALONEY Editor nnd I'uli. PAN H. MALONEY Xcwa Editor An Independent Republican nowu papor published every evening except Sunday, and Weekly by Iho Coo liny Times Publishing Co. AMERICAN XAVY. BOTH ns n number of vessels and weight of guns tho At lantic fleet which mobilizes In New York harbor October 12-15, will surpass tho German fleet which Emperor William recently reviewed off Heligoland in tho North Sea. Of tho 122 Amorlcnn ships to bo mobilized next month, 34 nro bat tleships, ns ngnlnsi tho 22 German battleships assembled In tho German rcvlow. The American fleet will be armed with clgh 13-lnch guns, four each on tho Indiana nnd Mns nnchusottB, whllo tho Gorman ships Imvo no guns of Hint bore, and on ly 43 1 2-Inch guns, as against 1-18 12-lnch gun on tho American ves sels. Secondnry guns of calibre be low 11 Inches found by scores on tho Oormnn nrmadn will bo num bered by hundreds on tho Amorlcnn fleet. Tho American ships will have on board about 1000 commissioned offlrors, 300 warrant olllccrs nnd 27,000 enlisted men. MISS MATSON HURT. MnrMiflVId Girl Mocl Willi nn Acci dent nt Seattle. Miss Roglnn Mntson of this city who Is now nt Seattle mot with nn accident thoro a few days ago. In tho dnrk bIio walked off of n plank nldownlk nnd bruised herself quite badly. Miss Mntson writes that stir goonB toll hor she will got through nil right nnd tbnt sho Is now nblo to wnlk nbout some. Sho states that nho hopes soon to have entirely re covered. MIbh Mntson Is now with friends In Scnttlo. NorfOend fNews Charles Calof of Ten Mllo Is n vis itor In this city. K .1. Simpson hns gono to Snu Francisco on nn Important business trip. Tho Porter mill Is elosod this wook for repair work on tho smoko iilack. Mrs. Taylor will Htart n restaurant In tho room which hns been occup ied by the Hoclllng grocory. Mrs. J. Froolund nnd daughtor, Kiss Mildred Freelund, visited rela tives In Mnrahnold yesterday. Ocorgo Sheridan, manngor of tho eondonsnry, has gono to tho Ten Mllo country for n fow days' outing. MIkb Frcdn 1 Inzer of North Ilend left yesterday for Rnekrroek near Re xnnto whoro hIio' will tench school. Augimt Hoolllng Is propnrlng to xnovo his grocory store n Tow doors ootith of bis present location on Shor mnn avenue. Thu PreHbytorlnn Ladles' Aid of North Ilend Is entertaining this af ternoon with n sllvor tea at tho Mlz pnh lllblo elnss rooms. Tho North Ilend Box fnetory which hns been closed fur n tnw ilm-a wlilln a now smoko stnek was being put up, resumed operations (his morn ing. Goo. Illnck of North Pond will lonvo .Saturday on the Ilrenkwater an n dolognto for tho IC. P. conven tion which meets next week In Port land. Mrs. Win, Nellson of North Ilend who lins been attending tho Metho dist Kplscopnl Missionary Socloty convention In Portland will roturn home today on tho Ilrenkwater. J. 0. STEMMLER ANNOUNCES HIS PLATFORM I believe In direct presidential primaries. I bollovo in tho direct voto for United States senators, nnd until this can bo obtained, In Statement No. 1. If elected I will live up to and enforco nil laws, Including tho Oro gon System. I bollovo In a rovlslon of tho Judicial system with a vlow of sim plifying, expediting and cheapening justice. I bollovo In nnd will work for state aid for permanent county roads scientifically built undor sound business management. I will work for such legislation ns will open Roguo rlvor to com mercial fishing to residents of Cur ry county. If elected I will work for tho es tablishment of nn oxporlmcntnl ag ricultural station for Coos nna Cur ry counties, having been ono of tho first citizens in Coos county to nd vocnto such a move I bollovo that all local questions, such ns tho establishment of county boundaries, etc., Bhould bo loft to ho settled by voto of tho parties in tho localities interested. I favor and will work for tho creation of a scparato prosecuting attorney district for Coos and Curry counties, for which tho pcoplo havo alrcndy asked. I bollovo and will work for tho adoption of nn Industrial Compensa tion Act, whoroby each Industry will promptly nnd automatically componsnto nil persons Injured by Its opcrntlons, without rccourso to tho Courts. I bollovo In legislation rollovtng tho sheriff's odlco of tho collection of tnxes, placing It In tho hnnds of a special ofllcor, also a uniform system of collecting, nudltlng and handling samo in ovory county throughout tho state I hello vo In n rcnsonablo oxornp tlon of household nnd porsonnl ef fects from taxation, to n valuation of $500.00. If elected, I will work for tho abolishment of tho offlco of County School Supervisor, ns I consider it a useless oxpondlturo of public mo noy. If olectod, I will uso my best ef forts for tho pnosago of tho so called Dltio Sky Law, prohibiting tho operation of fako corporations In this stnro. If olectod, I will rofuso to rep resent nny faction nnd will nlwnys aid any resident of tho district In nny morltorlous legislation. J. O. STEMMLER. (Paid Advertisement.) .Mnskoy'H dimly It's puro Hint's sure. Htiuiff Grocery Co. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU havo ALWAYS USED. Phono 72, Pnclflc lilvery nml Trnnwfcr Company. A. S. Jones, Prop., Leo Pharmacy, Chlco, Oil., says: "I havo been sell ing Foley & Company's medicines for yenrH. Foloy's Honey nnd Tnr Compound I consider has no equal nnd Is tho ono coukIi medicine 1 enn nx'nmmond to my friends ns con taining no nnrcotlrs or other harm ful properties." For salo by Lock hart Parsons Drug Co., tho Busy Corner. TONIGHT at ThefRoyal GOHMAMM'OKI) CO. Presenting "PAID IN FULL" A Four-Act Dninm. IJanrt Plnjf, at Seven o'clock. $100 Reward, $100 Tlii rmitcrirf thl impor nil) le nlpanpd to Irurn Hint tliura la nt leiut nno ilri'iuleil iIIu'mo Hint irlenru lit hrrn itlilu tornro In nil lt tKC.ntul Hint U 1'ntnrril. Ilnll'n Catturli riiro l tho iiiil'nnlivKCMronnr known to tilts mdllrnl friiti'riiKv. ('alarm lii'lno mn. illtiitlonal itUcnfv. reqiifrcM n roiiitltutlonnl trrntment. Ilnll, Cnlurtli cure I ttkou Inter ually. at'tlntt cllrii'llyiiixm thu IiIoimI mul inn com. nirlKcc it tint )icin, tliervliy lr ttroyliiK I ho foundation of tlieilletu, mnl slrliiKthe l'lont Mrt-nclli fn ImiIMIiik ii tlio rniiiiltu. tloti mnl (li'llni; uature In itoltiK It worlc. 'tho proprietor Intro 10 iiiurh fitlth In ft cur. tlvo p4itir Hint tlioy offer One I In ml rod Pol. Inn for nny rno Hint it full to euro. Rend (or Hit of tctln.nnll. K.J.CnKNKYACO.,Toledo, O ftnM ivall DriiL'elma.TV. Take llnlli' Kamliv Pill torronitf pntlon Barnard & Langworthy Hi-o our window dlsplny of WOOD ELECTRIC FIXTURES LEADED ART GLASS 1) O.MRS PORTABLE STAND LAMPS. You Auto Call Foote PHONE MI-J NIGHT AND DAY titund front of Lloyd Hotel TWO NEW CARS After 11 P. M. Phono S-J. Residence Phono U8-J. Will Miiktt Trlr P Oooulllc. WHK.V YOU WANT A MESSEN GER ROY Something bent for or uenvemi P II O N U lfll-L nnd we'll do It. Chnrges roason ablo. 01IAS GRANRY, 173 1-Yont St. Sfnrshfleld. rN PHOTOPLAY: Two Reels of high elnvs, pictures, Tho plcturoa will bo run first, glv Ing all nn opportunity to see tho en tiro pluy. Admission, 25c: children, IS., Tomorrow night "St Elmo." WANTED ! ! ! CARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLKAN, by tho Pueu inntlc Cleaning Company. Orders for work taken nt GOING HARVEY, Phone 100 STATEMENT OF CONDITION FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MAHSHKIEL1), ORKGO.V, At tho closo of buslueos, September I, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans nnd discounts , ( $ 455,211. S7 Ranking house- 60,000.00 Cash and exchanges 307,835,46 Total 1813,047.33 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In 50,000,00 Surplus and undivided profits 69,553,67 Deposits T03.494.66 Total ...' f 813,047.83 s NITPO club Lined rliiiLiLiO H 1 1 T ml'w Steel, WKSHQStS ii3p' JM JM i iii i ill i ii ' iTTiT JmLmi i " II SWlAUTOLOADING - SJr-iJ 71 ? They climb right into the boat for the Remington Cubs SHOTGUN Make your shooting all sport. Your shoulder is relieved of that annoying pound, pound when you shoot a Jeminton:UMC Auto loading Shotgun. The "kick" is used to eject, reload and cock the arm to the tune of five trigger finger controlled shots. There's no "shooting strain" on gun or shooter. Let us send you a novel motion picture booklet showing just how this gun works. Whatever gun you use, shoot Remington :UMC Nitro Club Shells, speediest because steel lined most uniform pattern ("spread") because expert factory loaded. All shells shoot alike. Send for Complete Catalogue Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co. 299 Broadway New York Clly DO YOU HUNT DUCKS? We do, and have hunted on Coos Bay for 20 Years. The big flight from the North is due to arrive. Come in and talk it over. THE GUNNERY Game Laws Free. Sportsmen's Headquarters Guns to Rent. Hunter's License Issued Here. EdnaouistTl Phono 264-n. T W. UKNNKTT Uonnott Swanton."" T Attorneys mul Counsollo' J Flanngnn & llcnndt llZl i,' ,U. Munliflolil. Coos Co qS- pEIlL IULBV IMilwQf l'iimlst nnd rL.t. IlCBldonco-Studlo, 237 Bo S Phono 18.L r6WI T PW KEYZIIIt, . Apply IIata, MiteStoS ClltH.q Htni-I. a'. . - """""fn YTM. s. TUni'K.v. VV AHCIHTKOT. Mnrshflcld, Oregon. H. W. MOHUOW, - DcnUit. 171 Grlnios Ilulldlnj;, over Co Theater. OIIUp l'i.onn Y7 O. bllANUIiKIt, ' L W Arcldtcct Rooms 301 mul 302, Coko BalldlE nliirKliflnlil. n, 1 'uiit 1-Mt. JiUtD II. CIjAHKK. f-' . Specialist in Nerve, IUicunintlcm nnd Spbi Disease. Ofllco Hours, l to 0 p. m. Offlcc, 80 1 Coko Ilulldlnir. MAnBIIITIELD QuEGOX DK. A. J. I1KNDKVS Mmlcrn DentAl Pnrlon. Wo nro equipped to do high dut work on ohort notlco at ths rtrj lowest prices. Examination free. Lndy attendant. Coko Did;., Ojp, Chnndlor Hotol. phono 112-J. Marshf ield & North Bend Auto lioi GOKST & KINO. Proprleton. Cara leavo Marshflela ererr II mlnuteo from 7:1G a. tn. until U; mldnlcht. Leavo North Btna M lama echedulo, itnrtlns at 7 s. a unUl midnight. Eco Saturday TIbu for Mhadula. ' IIUILDING AND IMPAIR Y0RK, IIouso Moving and Grading, Wo nro proparod to do this work by tho day or contract and guirintd satisfaction. Let us f Iguro with 701. G. 8. FLOYD & CO., Phono 310-J. o Jlarehflcld, Or. Wc Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for nnd Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PUONB MAIN 874 Mnrehfleld, Oreeon. Blanchard's Livery Wo havo secured tho livery boi" ncss of L. II. Holnnor, nnd ars pre pared to rondor excellent Bcrrlce to tho pooplo of Coos Day. Cartful drivers, good rigs nnd ovorjrthliij that will moon satisfactory lerrlM to tho public. Phono us for a drlr Ing horso, n rig or anything needM In tho llvory lino. Wo also do trues Ing business of nil kinds. 11LAN01IAH1) IIKOTHERS, Phono 138-J. Llvory, Feed nnd Sales Bmlcc 1.11 Mrst nnd rtioor pirrei. Bargains in Lots at Bunker Hill Somo cholco sites If you seo m t on co. AUG. FIHZECN'. n rv ' v. CONDENSED STATEMENT Of The First National Bank of Coos Bay At tho closo of business, September I, 1012, RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $305,414.72 Overdrafts 163.12 Bonds, warrants and securities 63.C89.90 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation , 25,000.00 Real ostato, furlturo and fixtures. 80,000.00 Cash and sight exchango 149,208.65 Total 1623,476.39 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In .' $100,000.00 Surplus and undlvldod profits 11,419.78 Circulation, outstanding 24,000.00 Doposlts 488,056.61 Total $623,476.39 In nddlUon to Capital Stock tho Individual llahlllty of Stockholders Is $100,000.00. INTEREST PAID ON TRIE AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. W. S. CHANDLER, President DORSEY KRKITZER, Cashier. Get Busy AND GET AFTER THAT ROOF, BUT FIRST COMB IN AND OKI OUR PRICKS ON SHINGLES AND ROOTING PAPER, . ' SHINGLES fl.BO AND UP. ROOFING PAPER, ONH PLY, $1.38 AND UP. C. A. Smith .Lumber rMfg. Co.. Renting Signs Come Out When Electric Light Goes In Desirable tenants nowadays demand tlio cleanliness, safety and convenience of Electric Light. An electrically wired house or apartment sel dom or never stands vacant. Landlords find that electric wiring is a pro fitable investment worth many times its low cost. Electric contractors are willing just now to take on housciviring johs at exceptionally close figures. . Reliable firms, such as thoso listed below, do the work quickly, efficiently and without dam age to walls or ceilings. It will pay landlords and renting agents to confer with our lighting specialists whom wo will send upon request. These experts will inspect premises, make careful plans for lighting and render conserv ative estimates. Their service Is without chnrgo nnd they act ns your representatives. t t.. TELEPHONE 178. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Tolephone 237-J. 153 North Broadway. Barnard & Langworthy Tolenhane il84-R. 170 South Broadwayj JOAJP OREGON -POWER. CO "-oj-u UKUtimuv. TV , VJPMt X ikui ia