The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, October 10, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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-rimSlNQ In Tho TIMES
SJ Put Your nel auto "in
fflU, Market" Effectively!
m iut So facts about your
'".fore tho oyoa of all "pos
Ptf in town. And If ttaoro
lblobUnyf thorn who ought to own
I, one of wi
(Eons law tea
Will Keep your Incoino from
Furnished Itoonis Steady.
YOU can really holp tho family
rovonucs by renting a fow furnlshod
rooms and, If you know how and
when to uso tho classified columns,
you may keop that llttlo extra In-
como as "stoady as a clock."
I &
SS-nVii in
. . .. ....1 I.. 17rt
A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull Mn 71
nnd Coos liny Advertiser. ,,lu' '
VOL. XXaVI.os Tho Coast Mali.
N1N6 HUNUKS tltl llli FAR
Marauard Pitching for New
M York Kept Boston Help
ss Tilijinth.'
twT00tKnal SCORE
woarlv Thirty-Five Thousand
NC Persons Witness the
.. n rx tx 4 Wf t
nton 0 0 " ' v
I x, V. mi""" " " - -
wAMOclattxl Press to Tho Coos
1 ' Day Times)
.nvr n m. Tho Now
Tori i Nationals defeated tho Boston
rm Sox by a scoro of 2 to 1,
caking tho world's Horlca contost
fir Btand: Iloston, ono gnmo;
.New York, ono game, and ono to
(Mint. It wns a pitcher's battlo
& In which tho loft-handor,
Mirauard, hold tho homo club hplp
Itu until tho Inst Inning, whon
tier gathered n run on shnrp lilt
Hag by Lewis and Gardnor, loft
fielder and third baseman respco-
An'error of a thrown ball put n
eu on second and third for Ilos
ton, but Dovoro, left field for Now
York br a nlco running catch of
Calf's offering saved tho day for
tie Giants. C'ndy went In to catch
lor Boston In tho ninth.
Sow York's hltthfg was tlmoly
lid effective. Iloston fielded su
retbly. I!nonnniis ItccclptH.
The attendnnco wnB 31,021. Tho
total receipts wero Jfill.HS. Tho
National commission's shnro Is SG,
1H.I0: players' share :il,00G.G8;
each club's shnro, $ll,3GG.GG.
(B; Associated Press to Tho Coos
Bay Tim os)
BOSTON. Oct. 10 Noarly 35,000
spectators passed through tho
tannines of Fenway Parle today
to watch tho Iloston Auiorlcnn
Itijtie champions engugo In tho
third contest with tho Now York
Nationals for tho world's champlon
iMp. The umpires woro as fol'.own:
Enu behind tho bnt, Klein on
debases, ItlRler In Right fold and
OLoughlln In loft field.
Vernon, Sacramento and Port
land Are Winners in
Games Yesterday.
(By Associated Press to Tho Coos
Day Times.)
PORTLAND, Oct. 10. Vernon
boat Los Angolea In tho gamo yes
terday and Sacramento beat Oak
land. At San Frnnctsco tho team
of that city was defeated by Port
land. Tho scores follow:
At Lob Angolcs R. II. E.
Lob Angeles 1 G 2
Vernon 1 8 0
At Sacramento It. II. E.
Sacramonto 7 12 2
Oakland Ii 0 1
At Snn Francisco It. II. E.
San Francisco .1 10 G
Portland 7 12 1
Houston and Bullock Convict
ed of Defrauding in the
Coal Land Cases.
(By Associated Press to Tho Coos
Boy Times.)
TACOMA, Wash., Oct. 10. Guil
ty as charged Is tho verdict or tho
Jury In tho cases of C. E. Houston
nnd John II. Bullock, tried In the
fedoral court on a chargo of con
spiracy to dofraud tho government
on coal contracts In Alaska. Tho
Jury wiib rfut nlnotcon hours. Tho
court ordorod tho dofondnnts to
npponr November 9 for sontonco,
whon a motion for a now trial for
arrost of Judgment will lionearu.
One of the Mines at Bingham
Starting Up Again With
Greek Laborers.
(Ty Associated Press to Tho Coos
Bay Times.)
BINGHAM, Utah, Oct. 10. Tho
Utah Copper Co.'s plant, which has
been Idlo slnco tho beginning of
Etter and Associates Must
Stay in Until They
Are Tried.
(By Associated Press to Tho Coos
Bay Times)
SALEM, Mnss., Oct. 10. Judgo
Joseph F. Qulnn in tho superior
court today declined to oraer tho
release on ball of Joseph G. Ettor,
Arturo GlovannlttI nnd Joseph Ca
ruso, whoso trial on charges of
being responsible for tho alleged
murder of Anna Loplzzo, tho Law
renco mill worker, Is pending In
his court.
Explosion Causes a Serious
Loss to Germany's Aer
ial Fleet.
(By Associated Press to Tho Coos
uay Timosj
BERLIN, Oct. 10 a govornment
dlrigablo airship at Rolnlckondorf, a
suburb of this city, was destroyed by
an explosion and tho liouso In which
It wns kopt wbb burned. Tho Im
mense dlrigablo 1b a groat losa to Ger
many's arelal fleet. No ono was In
tho miners' strike thrco weeks ago,
started work today and probably
will put steam shovels Into commis
sion this nfternoon. Largo partloi
of men believed to bo strike break
ers arrived today and thoro wero
many disturbances.
Most of tho men put to work
wero Greeks brought from Salt
Lako In box cars. Thoro wbb no
serious trouble.
Men Are Chosen to Try Po
liceman on a Murder
(By Associated Pross.)
NEW YORK, Oct. 10. Tho
Jury In the Becker murder caso
was completed this nttornoon.
NEW YORK, Oct. 10. Eloven of
tho Jurors who nro to hear tho ovl
donco In tho trial of Pollco Lieu
tenant Charles Bcckor, charged with
tho murdor of Herman Rosenthal,
hnvo been selected and tho twolfth
will probably bo chosen today.
Band of 1000 Men Cross the
Turkish Frontier and
Are Driven Back.
May Not Be Able to Make
Speeches According to
(By Associated Pross to Tho Coos
Bay Times.)
nuiOAno. OcL 10. Tired and
hoarso Wilson reached Chicago to
day. Ills volco Is nlmost gone
Tho governor feared ho would not bo
ablo to address big crowds In Bomo
of tho places whoro speeches aro
scheduled. Tho governor Bald to
day this probably would bo his
last big trip of tho campaign.
BIG amount;
Thieves Steal Three Thous
and Dollars in Cash From
Saloon Man.
(By Associated Pross to Tho Coos
uay Times.;
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 10. Bandits
who used nn nuto waylaid Thomas
J. O'Mcara, a saloonkeeper, and
took from a grip containing JS000
In cash. Thoy hold off tho crowd
of pusuors with rovolvors nnd es
caped. UIO P0I1C0 nnvo IIIU mil"
nor or tno auto
Republicans of Missouri En
deavor to Keep Electors
Off the Ticket.
(By Associated Press to Tho Coos
Bay Times)
'film irntuilillrnii ntntn COIlimlttCO
filed a petition In tho stato circuit
court today to enjoin mo milium
t 0ntn frnm nrlnMlllf nil tllO Olll-
ii l.niint tiin ProcruBslvo narty'fl
presidential electors. Tho nttornoy
gonoral appeared ior mu ..
of stato and ngrecd to an Jniinoa.
iato hearing boforo Judgo Wurdo
maun of tho St. Louis county cir
cuit court, who Is sitting In tho
caso of Uio stnto commlttcoB suit
to onjoln printing tho Progressive
stnto tlcltot
rn nu uipit
'to nAiinuTEZD Rcnniunn qaii RRMATFR ALLIANCE OUT HI. S.
Ill II U I 1 1 1 I I I I II III lllllflllll B I I 1 1 I II U I I ll II I Ml i 1 . mm
rnn nir nniiTU ADDIUCQ TflDnV PflQ PflQTI AMR
.TUn intouum Hnniiu iuum iun lumuuiu
. I
Two Big Vessels Leave
and Two Enter Port
Set Up Cry of "Hurrah for
the War" to Greet
(By Associated Press to Tho Coos
Bay Times.)
LONDON, Oct. 10. Heavy losses
wero Inflicted by Turkish troops on
n band of Orcoks numbering about
1000 men, who attacked today a
Turkish frontier post noar Dhlsl-
kala. Thoy wero driven back over
tho frontlor, according to n nowa
agoncy dispatch from Salonlkl.
Powers Want Pence.
(By Associated Press to Tho Coos
Bay Times.)
Moro energetic Intervention by tho
powers In order to prevent nn out
break of hostilities on tho part ot
Bulgaria, Scrvla nnd Grccco nnd to
bring about a cessation ot tho war
with Montengcro, Is said to bo con
templated today. Shots aro reported
exchanged today between tho Turk
ish and Bulgarian troops occupying
tho ndvnnred posts on tho Turko
Bulgarlau frontlor nt Tlmousn and
Burning Villages.
(By Associated Press to Tho Coos
Bay Times.)
VIENNA, Oct. 10. Many Albanian
villages north of tho Boyana rlveY
aro In flames according to n nows
paper dispatch from Cattaro.
Cheer King George
(By Associated Press to Coos Pay
Times )
ATHENS. Oct. 10. Orcnt enthu
siasm waa nroiiHCd throughout Grooco
by n speech mado by King Georgo to
sovoral thousand people assembled In
tho palaco to wolcomo lain roturn to
tho capital last night. Ills majesty
said, "I am convinced that tho Hel
lenic pcoplo will alwaya carry out
tholr luty. I havo full conlldouco In
tho govornment which has glvon so
many proofs of Its patriotism." In
conclusion of his speech thoro was a
groat Shout "Long llvo tho King,
long llvo Grcero. Hurrah for tho
War," ralsod by tho crowds among
which woro mombors of tho cabinet
and holy synod nnd numbor of diplo
mats. A Grcok promlor addressing a largo
crowd last night said ho still hoped
for peace Thee rowds grootod tho
romnrk with tho cry: "Hurrah for
tho war."
Mother of Mrs. Andrew Wick
man of Empire Passes
Away Suddenly.
The sudden death of Mrs. W. A.
Hirter ot Modesto, Callfornln at 9:1G
it evening nt tho homo of hor
hter, Mrs. Andrew Wlckmnn nt
"iplre, whero sho was visiting, was
Peat shock to tho community.
Jlrs. Harter, accompanied by hor
jMband, Mr. W. A. Harter, who Is
Sri ot tbe Farmers and Morchant
" of Modesto, Cal., arrlvod In
"iplre Just three weoks ngo, Sept.
". 10 VlSlt at Mm linino nf lint, .lmifrli.
to, Mrs. Androw Wlckman. Sho was
rood health excopt for a slight
nn n conllI'ed and did not ns
e.a serious phaso until Tuesday
bo nlng but at no tlmo was It
ht to bo really sorlous. Her
?. PasslnB Inst evening was a
'etnendous shock to hor lmmodlato
Svlf well as to friends. Hor
"wand is almost prostrato with
oS '?medIato causo of her death
W i 'c!rmatlon of an nbcoss which
Tk. I e head nffectlng tho brain.
.;, b0(l'. accompanied by Mr.
Wlfl ana Mr- and Mrs. Androw
thISn'JWna talce to her homo on
at E"Td, ftay, tho ship stopping
. ,- iu4 Wlill purposo.
ter. .ana. Mr8, Androw Wlckmnn
11 1 i9?orr,,ed ln Modesto, February
Ir'thtM" ?- Wlckman was an on
ler in Vn r paront's "eslro to seo
to mir!i.,m homo Promptod them
sadly vhlt' wh,ch terminated
rTeh9vbr!real;'cd fnnlly havo tho sln
thelr Vp.athy ot niany friends in
" sreai Borro'.
Al mma p- Fulkorth wns born
Wry o ?!!'" couty. California,
Mr v . 4' aml wns married to
omia i. lIartor ,n Modesto, Callf
aa is vrch 3' 1883- Mrs. Harter
the tlm . .r.a ana 10 months old nt
ter. t , .hor husband and daugh
Mi Mis,Sv!frsv Mrs- W. L. Tregea
sn FWi ta U F"lkerth, both of
'.PuW?.CalS0 ono hrothor, L.
uikerth of Modesto, who is tho
Leaves This Afternoon With
Many Passengers and
Cargo of Lumber.
Tho Btonmer Rodondo loft this
nfternoon for San Francisco with a
..n nnnoxiiv nf nnssongors. Sho
also carried a largo cargo of lum-
bor. Thoso leaving on mo "Ul"
r-.rnvor Kano. B. C. Slovin, G.
D. Hubor. Oscnr Oss, Poto Kollor.
in. H. Williams, R. R. Schlnck,
C. A. Harrington. Dr. J. "i.
Cormnc. Mnstor Bonnott, Hutton
Bonnott, Mrs. J. W. Bonnott, W A.
Harter. A. WJchman. Mrs. , Ick
man J. W. Roland, L. L. Bradlo,
L F. Ilart. Dr. Geo. Holllster. II.
D Carr, R. Cllnkonbeard. C. E.
Edward Thomas. Bert Joncfl. Fred
Russol , J. J. uaw r."--V n
Curtis. Mrs. Norman Nolpon, Miss
May Caso, Mrs. Laddlo Peters, Mrs.
L Furry. Mrs. E. E. Travis, Chas.
Jackson, iyon oyi"--.
Equipment Arrives Tlday-on Steam-
. Ci.H1,
.. inntnrlnl nnd
A largo nmuuiik u. ..-. ---- -
enulpment for raUroad cons rution
camo on mo iiui " -
.. ' . ...-.. ., Snn Vrnnc sco. Tho
SS ; rs wu,ou , jjg
tno coiurutiuio .. - - .
Sblth-Powors logging road on tho
south fork ot uio v.uu.i."
present Buperlor Judgo of Stanislaus
Church a good Christian woman
Xsf'golVwlU bo a loss to her
homo community as well'as bat clos
er circle of relatives whoso lives have
known tho grace and beauty of her
life for bo many years.
Arrives from Portland With a
Big List of Passengers;
Sails Saturday.
Tho Btearaor Breakwater arrived
.inv. frnm Portland and brought a
largo numbor of passengers. Sho
will sail for Portland at 10 a. m.
Saturday. Tho following woro tho
incoming Passengers:
r....iJi. n v Mors a. o. Sullivan.
Mica ' Vnlrv' Lench. Miss Julia
Holmes, G. P. Alexandor, II. Smith.
E. Lohman. J. D. Robertson. W.
O Lloyd. E. G. Ford. W. E. Bliss,
Miss McKay, Mrs. J. D. McKay,
... n lfn.,lltn nr T f'HllO. Mrs.
j.'j.'jlW, Halo Mickey, Edith
Mlckoy, Mrs. t. i. iuuu,ii
Maleenorn, susio umumi, "",,"
Armstrong, Mrs. J. p. Steckol, Mrs.
W. J. Hill. Mrs. Blnkoy, A. O. Par
ker, W. J. Hill. J. A. LaChanco,
Mrs. LaChance, Mrs. A. C Parker,
halter, Olllo Burkhalter, Mattlo
nurKliaiter, is. j. uurmiuu , '
Miller, Mrs. .Minor, ;. .".
j. P. Strand, u. jvorsnaw, j. .
Johnson, B. Agostinos, u. uunow,
L. Holmes, C. Larson, II. Larson.
C. Robblns, T. C. Thompson, A. N.
Chrlstlanson. Mrs. Chrlstianson, Ro
bert Chrlstlanson, Wm. Chrlstlan
son. II. Wltcher, E. J. "eld. MM.
Iteld, .A. W. Copo. B. N. Grant,
i..:.' t't i MnlW Airs. W. Noll-
son, E. D. poran.R. Ollyant L
Smith, Mrs. sum. -. -""" -f
R. Donahey, A. A. Lolghton, II. J.
Thompson, J. w. IUU"; "',,-
Green. L. D. Copplo, , J. Cook. Mrs.
N. Phelps, Clara Phelps, Mrs. M.
J Young. Mrs. A. Peterson, Mrs.
vino. It. D. usuurji, .. ."-M"D-lli
Georgo Colburn. C. A. Taylor,
" IL Hall! J. W. Hall, D. B. Hall,
T. Hall, hV Schnur. O. Walser.
p. Koohnke, G. W. Thompson, J.
A' Valentino, L. Daniels, W. M.
Smlthoy, B. Clark, A. Peterson.
Takes Large Shipment of Sal-
trom laiiani uo.
Carried Two Million Feet of
Lumber for the Chin
ese Trade.
Tho Bteamor Alllanco loft this
morning for Portland. Sho took ln
hor freight a largo shipment of sal
mon consisting of 700 cases nnd 7G
tierces from tho Taliant cannery.
Tho following woro tho passengers
who left this morning for Portland:
G. W. Lawronco, J. II. Anderson,
G. Carlson, J. Carlson, Miss Hockon
son, E. E. Burk, W. II. Curtis, Pnul
Costell and wife, P. W. Porter and
wlfo, D. Lund, John Johnson, Frank
Aylward, II. Walil, C. II. Freoman,
W. NlcholB and J. F. Ryan.
Capt. Macgenn Comments on
Weather ana romics,
Also This Place.
While- registering a gonornl objec
tion to tho weather and political sit
uation, Capt. Macgenn of tho steam
er Breakwator did not forget to boost
a llttlo as will bo seen irom uio iu
lowlng In tho Portland Telogram:
nnntln rn t Mopennn. mnstor Of
tho steamship Breakwater, said this
morning that tho weather along tho
coast Is behaving In a vory peculiar
manner this season of tho year. In
variably horetoforo at this soason or
tho year, ho states, southerly winds
have been from the north .and north
west, and but little rain has resulted.
" 'Tho elements,' said the skipper,
This afternoon tho M. S. Dol
lar had not crossed out yet.
Tho vossol went down closo to
tho bar and ilndlng It rough
waited near tho ontranco o: tho
bay. Tho bar is qulto rough
this afternoon. Tho Alllanco
and Hardy got out but tho M. 8.
Dollar and Rodondo havo not yot
Tho big Btonmer M. 3. Dollar
which has been loading lumbor for
China at tho C. A. Smith mill, loft
Coo3 Bay todny for Columbia rlvor
whoro sho will comploto hor cargo.
Tho doparturo of tho big stoamor at
i.finimi muMi ntinntton' and tho wnt-
o.'-nnf wnn llnnil with DCOUlO WllO
watched hor steam slowly down tho
"captain Olson of tho Nann Smith
took tho M. S. Dollar out over tho
bar and will eo with hor to Columbia
rlvor. Tho vessel took on about
n nnn nrn fnnt nt Mm Smith mill and
will add anothor 1,000,000 at tho
Columbia rlvor boforo sailing for
China. Sho will touch at Tnku and
othor Chlneso ports.
Tho captain of tho M. S. Dollar
called attention to tho fact that this
was a busy shipping day for Coos
t)..,. I?,,.... vncsnia. tho M. S. Dollar,
J,UJ. -. ----- "7 --. . .,
tho RodOHUO, tno muuy uuu uio -llanco
crossed out and tho Nann
Smith and Broakwator crossod In.
This was a largo amount of tonnago
to cross over tho bar in oneuipr
Several Are rained for Failing
to Observe the Laws of -the
Sovornl persona havo boon flnod by
City Rocordor Butlor for falluro to
obsorvo tho city ordinances. Howard
Savago was boforo tho recorder on n
chargo of having dug up tho streota
to do some plumbing without first
socuring permission of tho city ongl
noor. Savago claimed that ho had
boon unnblo to bco tho onglnoor and
im limi ntnrtcil on tho work and In
tended to llx everything as ho had
found It according to wnatovor uirec
tlon tho engineer might mako. As
It appeared that ho was not trying to
ovado tho law tho recorder suspended
Bontenco ponding tho (ixlng up of tho
streot to tho satisfaction of tho engi
neer. Russ Nnsburg was boforo tho ro
cordor on a chargo of having dono
somo electric work without a pormlt
nr llpnnsn TTn W11H fill fill $10.
Levi Holsnor wns also urougiu uo
foro tho rocordor on n chargo of al
lowing his wngons In front ot his 11-
vorv ntnliln n obstruct tllO Streot.
It was stated that ho had been noti
fied by tho pollco but did not pay any
attontlon. Ho was flnod $5 for atreot
'appoar to-bo llko politics this yoar
thoy aro all twisted up and no ono
kriowB what to mako of tho situation.
But Coos Bay continues to boom Just
the same, and the Breakwator Is ono
of tho best steamers on tho coast.
Politician WimtH Know Abcut Its
(By Associated Press to the Coos Bay
NEW YORK, Oct. 10. Tho lend
ers of various political parties hero
will consult lnwyors as to tho legality
of tho practiso of passing tho hat at
political meetings without making
notes of tho names of contributors
was ohargod today that tho practice
is in violation of tho stato election
laws. The custom was Btartod by tho
Socialists. . It .was takon up by tho
Progressives and others early lu tt