THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1912 EVENING EDITION. To The Man Who Bays Clothes I lt!Wd"BnJnltnoBwyork Will llll 11 I M.u.r or mvJJI llll it 1 wgregftii mimw'wiwiMI We want to talk to you about Clothing, We don't know whether you know Benjamin Clothing or not, but we want you to W e want to do business with you and believe we could if you realized just what Benjamin Suits, Overcoats and Rain Coats for men are, and the kind of merchandise we are offering If you are absolutely satisfied with the Clothing you are now wearing, we haven't a word to say; but if not, if you would like to see a little better style, a little better making, a little more up-to-dateness in your Clothing, we would like to get in touch with you, for we sincerely believe it would be even more to your advantage than ours Benjamin Clothes at $1700 to $3500 are the highest type of Clothing that money, brains and skill can produce A broad assertion but a true one Then too we have a matchless showing of Suits, Overcoats, Rain Coats and Gaberdines Prices that range at $J0, $1250, $15 and $1750 Let us prove to you that "MONEY TALKS" Marsh field Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. Bandon t THE RAILROAD Will the S. P. Build to Grants Pass Instead of to Eugene? Editor O. A. Honnott lias dlscov oroil u fresh Initio In tliu S. 1'. situation. It Ir no lens than n un ion of tho O. A. Smith and railway Interests. Hero la what Editor Hon nott Bays: "Steamers coming up trio bay during tho foggy weather lust week bumped Into boacon lights and knocked out dolphins. What will shipping do during n fog If a brldgo Is placed across tho bay from Sand I'olnt to North llend? Tlioy'll simply hnro to tlo up until tho weather clears, mi to a vessel like tho Nnnu Smith this means n loss of no Inconsiderable amount. A brldgo would bo a decided Injury to tho commercial Interests of Coos Day, and everybody who Is Inter ested In tho welfnro of tho bay should fight It to n finish, and thou some. "Wo stated on two or threo oc casions boforo that wo didn't bo llovo that tho S. l wanted to brldgo Coos Day, and wo don't be lieve yet that they do. Wo may bo mistaken, but tho proposition doesn't look good to us. Hut whe ther they do or do not want to brldgo tho bay. tho peoplo who In tend to mako their permauont noiue lioro should protect our Hhlpplug Interests to tho greatest posslblo ex tent. Our harbor Is of more Im nortnnco than many railroads, and no corporation should be allowed to got ti stranglehold on It. If the S. P. nt this particular tlmo really wants to brldgo the bay, they would do It solely for the purpose of blocking nny other road that might wish to come In bore Tbev htivo nothing to loso by asking for tho permit to build tho brldgo. If tho penult Is granted they have a year In which to commence construction, and we suppnso that n fow piles driven for an approach nt Sand I'olnt or North Hond would nn- Bwer tho purposo for commence ment of construction, tho saino as Mlllls started tho milky way at North Hond. They may novor com plete It. If they nro refused per mission to build tho brldgo, then thoro Is no danger or any other road coming In from tho north, for tho other rond would also bo re fused permission. With tho S. P. controlling n great portion of tho watcriront on tlio east sldo, It would bo hnrd sledding for n rdni! to get In hero anywhoro north of tlio mouth of Coos river. On tho west sldo of tho liny they got ev erything they wanted nt North llond, and If they succeed In got ting tho Tormlnnl Hallway frnn chlso at Marshflold they will cer tainly have a leadplpo cinch on tho railroad situation on Cons liny. It may bo that thoy consider that tlio Tormlnnl Hallway will bo necessary for them as n moans of reaching North Hond. "It was published a short tlmo ago Mint MeArthur-Perks had been nwnrded tho contract to build a lino for tlio S. P. from tho Slits law to Coos Hay. On this pro posed line no work whntover has been coninionced between tho SIus law nnd Umpqun. Tho work on tlio Wondllng timber rond betweon Eugene nnd Sluslnw Is being rush ed with nil posslblo sped. but Micro's nothing doing south of the Sluslnw. Tho only work between tho Umpqun nnd Coos liny that Is under way Is Mint of grading nn approach to tho tunnol at Wind Creek. This tunnel Is nt a strate gical point on the lino from tho north, nnd. even If built nt con siderable opeiiso and never used, It would effectually block any other road coming down tho coast from tho north. Tho S. P. enn afford to build that tunnel fully ns well as they bored tunnels nnd built bridges on tho Drnln-Coos Day lino. "Now. lot ns take n look nr Mils Little Talks on the High Cost of Living By W. A. REID. Yes, lumber, llko OTorythlng olso, Is high right now. notwithstanding tho fact that we are living in one of tho greatest lumber producing districts In the world, but you will pay as much or more a yoar from now. The money you pay out for rout In u year will luy the luinbor for your homo. And tho saving you make In buying your homeslto In PEKHAM PA IMC right now will pay for tho labor. Thus your homo costs you nothing except tho original cost of the lot, which niny bo bought ou easy tonus. ! See REID About It. COKE BUILDING. railroad situation from anothor ' point of view. Tho C. A. Smith In terests nro moro concerned In tho development of tho shipping fnclll tics of Coos Day Minn nny other linn or number of firms Iocntcd I hero, or who hnvo timber nnd coal tributary to Coos Day waters. ! Whllo tho head men of tho Smith Company had little or no oxporl- ; enco in shipping by wntor beforo coming to tho nny, thoy hnvo nov- I erthclcss boon hero long onough by , this tlmo to npprcclnto tho mennco , to commcrco Mint n brldgo across tho hnrbor would nrovo to bo. Thoy also know by exporlcnco Mint tho driving of, piles for log booms, etc., is nlwnys followed by shoaling, thcreforo thoy nro nwnro of tho fact that tho construction of n brldgo mentis tho bulldlntr tin of ' tho mudflats, encroachment on tidal 1 nren, nnd consequent limiting of tho amount of wntor which ebbs nnd flows ncross tho bar nnd which Is necessary when controlled bv a. Jetty to Insuro n dopth sultnblo for lnrgo vessels. Mr. Smith was op- pnsea to tno uriago whon tho mat tor was discussed n fow years ago, but on his last visit ho stared that ho had no objection to a brideo. provided It was built according to Plans npproveti by tho United States engineers, or words to Mint effect-. .-sono or tno otuclals or tho C. A. Smith enterprises took nny nnrt In trying to prevent n permit for n linage noing granted, nlthoiiRh thoy must" know that n brldgo would bo n decided Injury to tholr shipping uiiL'rt'in. wuni was tno reason that thoy did not opposo It? Thoro nro soino peoplo who think thnt C. A. Smith knows moro nbout theso mntters Minn tho gcnernl public gives nun credit lor. Ho Is build lug n mighty flno logging rond good enough for tho best kind of n railroad out from Myrtlo Point townrds Grants Pass. Ho has traf fic nrrnngoments with tho S. P. from Myrtle Point to bis nlnnts nn Coos Hny. Tho contractors who aro to timid tho Jlrst 23 nil os of tho i new logging rond nro men who nnvo recently finished contracts for the S, P. and nro clnssedns S. P. contractors: In fact everything In dlcntes that tho S. P. and tho C. A. Smith Interests nro on very friendly terms, to say tho loast. Wo have no source m inronnntlon from which to drnw to confirm our views: no hunch that would enlightou us rognrdlng those mat ters; wo nro ntoroly surmising, nnd may bo bnrklng up tho wrong tree, but It looks this way to us. Tho Wondling Interosts raised tho nee oasnry money to build n logging road from Eugono to tho Sluslnw. The S. P. took tho road off their hnnds nnd bought off nn opposition road that was headed down tho coast to Coos Day. Tho C. A. Smith Lumbor Company raised tho necessary money to build n" log ging rond on the lino between Myr tle Point nnd Grants Pnss, and woll. It is very apparent that the S. P. Is not fighting It. What's tho matter with the S. P. pushing thnt rond to Grants Pnss? If thoy build that lino they won't need the Etigeno line, nor will they need a brldgo ncross Coos Hay. With tho right-of-way between tho Umpqun nnd Coos Day, which thoy hnvo nought nnd paid Tor, including tun nol sites, etc., thoy hnvo tho bay pretty woll blocked from Eugono or Drain. 'With n rond to Grants Pass, or somo other point In tho Jntfi-.'or of tho srnte, It Is wiry aiiubtful if n rival road would nt- tompt to como In from thnt direc tion; thorororo, If no further do volopmonts nro forthcoming In rail road circles. It certainly looks ns though tho S. P. wns holding tho lop nana in tins section, nnd ac counts for tho strenuous oxortlnnx bolng mndo to enpturo tho Tennl- nni uniiwny, which thoy would now cheorfiilly nccept with tho com-mon-usor clnuso, becnuso they hnvo n frnnchlso nt North Uend with no strings on It. nnd further becniiBo Micro Is very llttlo chnnco for nn- uiuur ruiironu to get in lioro and domnnd tho right to uso it.' IUMXGS ItAILHOAI) MATERIAL. Vessels to tlio Sluslnw Cnrry Much Construction Material. A press tologram from Floronco says: The Coqucllo. n smnll Bull ing schooner from San Francisco, sailed In ncross tho bnr hero Wed nesday nftornoon without tho nsslst nnco of n tug nnd sailed on up tho river to Acmo, where sho will unload hor freight. Tho schooner Oakland will bo towed In, nnd brings n enrgo of freight for tho railroad work, nnd tho Snusallto Is nlso en route hero from San Frnnclsco. W E STARTS UP AGAIN Some of Former Employes Go Back to Work at Bingham. (Dy Associated Pross to Tho Coos . Day Tlmos.) DINGIIAM, I'tnh, Oct. 0 Tho Illghlnnd Doy nilno. mvna.i i... m. Utnh Consolidated Mining company ..w.. U.tuuuiis iuuay. Thirty em ployes startod to work-. Tim ot-.ii attempted to lnterfom hut n i. of tlmos were knockod down by De- i.m., uucimi ut ii meieo today that ensued. None howover were sorlous- i nun. 0 m Wrinn nn 1,1 1...1..1 .... u. uavueiur inns in lovo there is usually a widow not t n ntvnt n1iA In nK..f . .... ...., ., ,a uujiuus una win ing to help him out. AFTER HOMER Had Series of Happenings on Recent Trip Worth But Survived. Tho Stonmor llomor which Ih now loading nt Mnrshuold enmo Into Snn Frnnclsco Inst month with n( sealskins worth $1,000,000. Just bo- uiro coming up to Coos Dny tho Hom er wns undor charter of tho govern ment nnd hor trip from northorn wn tors wns n romnrknblo ono for its unusunl features. Tho following story nbout tho Homor's trip npponr od In tho San Francisco Exnmlnor: tho uomer loft St. Paul Islnnd of tho Prlbllof crnun. In Ttnrlnn- a nnd nlmost lmmedntoly encountorod torrimc wenthor. Tho high wind, which blow down tho wlroloss polos nt Dutch Hnrbor, cnught tho llttlo steamer nftor sho had loft Unnlgn Pass. For threo days tho vessol toss ed nnd pitched. blidlng out of tho rough wntor In to tllO SUnnlnr Miim rff tl. .. . ... -- " hiu iuiibi. ui California, tho- mishap occurred which endnngored tho dozen pnsson gers returning from Govornmont sta tions nnd tho vnlunblo cargo of hides. jio vessel was 300 miles off Point ROVOS. Chlnf PnHnnn. v I ...... Innd, nnd his assistant, William Keon, woro in tho onglno room. Something "' tuu wrong wnn tho olectrlo lights. Tho pnssongers woro nt din ner. Propeller Shaft Simps. A sudden Rhnnk i-nn !,... i. i. length of tho vessol, nnd tho dishes dnneed on tho tnblo.s Ono of tho propeller shafts had becomo crystn llzed nnd hnd snnpped as n long swell swont from nminr tim irni .i loft tho propollors buzzing In tho nlrl It nnni mltl. ..!! . 1 v..c, ,ui ,JU,CK comprohen8lon of tho nccldont, dnrtod townrd tho tlirottlo mill nlnanl It ,tn,. i. tho racing propeller could tear Itself moss mm wniri nwny. Tho ship was stopped In mld-oconn. Chnlns woro wrnppod nbout tho brokon part to prosorvo It. This nccldont hnppened on Tues day, nnd for tlirna rlnvn H, !. VVi -" . v ""J" iuu oictiiiior was obllgod to crawl along with tho star board propeller working nnd tho rudder swung over to prevent tho courso from becoming a circle. Slow time was mndo to port. Tho Homer left Snn Francisco in August for tho Sonl Islnnds, two ov ents checking hnr nt ttm tn,.t .i casting tho shadow of a hoodoo ovor tho passonge, Drido Loses Ifer Trunk. Tho first was when Mrs. Charles hltney, n brldo of a fow days, found thnt her trunk hnd not arrived tj tlio ovorlnnd train nnd prevailed up on Captain Wnll to hold the ship tf dnys until It wns found. Tho second enmo on tlio dr c( snlllng whon Mrs. Charles Wall, !! of tho skipper, wns forced to lulmlt to vaccination by tho rjunrantlne thorltlcs on tho dock of tlio ship. Ar rived nt Sonl Islnnd, tlio Homer iu forcod to wnlt for dnys until tk wonthor permitted her to doek. Slnco tho loaso of tho North An orlcnn Commercial Company to hunt soals oxplrod, two years ago, Unci Sam lias boon nctlng ns agent for tie seal hunters nnd brought tho sew" enrgo of this nnturo to tho markeUoa tho llomor yesterday. Seals Killed for Mct. Tho seals this year wcro killed lor food only, nnd tho hides wcro W pod south. Several thousand stowod nway In tho hold of tbo cnir tercd ship. mmmt MUlnrd C, Mnrsh, n Gorernmeni nnturnllst with lieadnuarteri w Wnshlngton. nnd George A. Cl. spoclnl nsslsant of tho Dure FIshorlos, returned on tho Homer tor superintending tho season actus- Thousands of dead sal0" "J noted by tho passengors In tbo -wmt son. Tho pumlco dust oI'M" Alaskan volcano had settled on w water nnd hnd suffocated the di. Tho llomor did not npproach w"13 many miles of tho volcano. ALLOWS PRIVATE SEWER Council Prepnrcs for I'I,'n " Trnnsnct Other u.s'n0s rtnt Tho city council nt the meefl M Monday night allowed porW to build n private sower on w tf nvenuo. Thoro woro ;WecoBi property owners who did not d to pny for a regular sewer City Engineer Gldloy objected tho private sowor. holding eowor building should be M n systematic way. ft u " over ed tol order tho private sewer tho wishes of tho engineer. w Tho council nuthorlzed W nttornoy nnd recorder to v' blnnks nnd other necessary e mntorlnl for tho Decomter ,te when tho city, will .& election undor tho state law. , was adopted nt tho recent JP election. Tho chief ' Is tho requirements heretofore uUa mo voiors iiuioi. ..- :.p, to i' tho city limits 30 days Ps,ratioa election. A system of refill tff$ will bo ndoptod so that tno ftf can roflstor 30 days won olectlon. Tho preparations tf oiontinn must, be dono hurrieu j, il. At i- ohnrt nnu It !T.,JJ likely that tho city wll D, Into wnrds for this oecu thoro Is scarcely time. d t Engineer Gldley 0iJeoet prepare plnns for tho imprj nnd grndlng of North,flrCkOU8TenB tween Highland and Part : , Tho council will meet su week from next Mondnj. Mmh