jg ACCURATELY WITH A HAMMER - THEY ?B'B SOONER OR LATER PCERTlsiNa In Tho TIMJ2S ??. Your Ileal Estate "In (000 Sag tm WANT ADVERTISING In Tho T1JIES Will Keep your Income from Furnished Rooms Steady. YOU can really help tho family rovonucs by renting n few furnlshod rooms and, If you know how and whon to ueo tho classified columns, you may keep that llttlo extra ln- como as "steady aB n clock." " , Market" Effectively! ? the facts about your ffl" Jfore tho eyes of all "poa FJffin town. And IS ttaoro "' bUof thorn who ought to own j'H " '" MEJIBEIt OP THE ASSOCIATED PHESU - .tVWI Established in xtno ml, AAA",!,, Tlio lo"1- i"" MARSHFIELD. OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1912 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation 6f Times, Const Mnll nnd Coos liny Advertiser. No. 69. (I WINS FIRST CUE IB SAYS Hill HVE 10 FUND MONTENEGRO HAS DECLARED ,.IAni mn niiiRflniniiOMin nrnirn . HHLU& biuunnuiiiinir atnia atsw a war wth t rksh fmpirf . I Dnnonnc lom iFortV : Triousanu - .-- poo urounuo iv ... r the Event. ffioVpfTCHERS L Wood of Boston Repeat ed y lUmS DdUI uiamo From the Plate. - Tin: score: U II E ., ooooo moo Mil fcrorkooaoooooi a hi rjittcrlcs "" ' Trfn, Cromlnll nnd Moycrn. ftuiWI relieved Tcrcim In tlio eighth liming. iBr Associated Press to Tho Cooa " Day Times.) vrw vnnK. Oct. 8. Boston nn the first gamo of tho world's KrlM this afternoon. Forty tnous al persons saw tho pltchorfl' bnt .. in which Joo Wood of noston lined back tho Giants from tho li!f time and again, by clover box tor. The (limits woro first to tile tie lead on sharp hitting by Second Dajcmnn Doylo nnd Rlght WAtt Murray, whoso bnis featured Is icorlnc tho two runs for tho Gluts In the third. Tesrcnu, 1110 Gist's pitcher, held Bostqn liltlesa cm the sixth inning wiiou uenior It'in Speaker's trlplo nnd nn lu ItM hit garo tho lied Soxh tliolr Lit run. A succession of safo hltH Ir Boston netted thrco rutin In tho KTftth. Tho Giants rallied gamely b tie ninth, but woro only nblo to score- one run on throo hits. Forty Thousand Present. (By Associated Press to Tlio Coos Bay Times.) MV YOHK. Oct. 8. Somo 10.- II) persons surged Into tho vnHt melts of tho IlniHli stadium to Ii; to witness tho llrst struggle- or lis New York Giants, winnnru of tie National lenguo ponnnnt, nnd lis Boston Ited Sox, winners of lis American lenguo clinmplonslilp, w me world's clinmplonshlp. A "j vi uusmno nnu inninn Bum- wr varmtls was the plensnnt por ks of the players, and spectators. W i cloud flecked tho sky nnd i rsro day for sport. Umplro a vent Lch ml tim .,, i.-,.n UL 11 . " ..M ..., 4,,0 h7v. ir,.0"08' Ull0r wot Into ir?.?n.d. .Ural'lro O'Loughlln "tt to left field. HFJELPED Mjd That He Confessed naving Assisted in Times Explosion. Associated Press to Tho Coos ANAPSLlsTV n. o.fortn.:5'a.nc'' of San Frnncla- lii fforir.,. Y, , """""or of tho UMrK",, Un . charged In uj of hav 1 ,(1;na,,llt0 CBC8 to- 5t nt- t - ." l?..Vi?..?.v- "Urine . . "u "Ba'ieu in !...! 'ho CXDlos ann In T na BASE BALL PLAYEB DIES "Heinle" Heitmuller of Los Angeles Is a Victim of Typhoid Fever. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) LOS ANGELES, Oct. 8 "Helnlo Holtmullor, right floldor of tho Los Angeles Pacific Coast loaguo toam, uiou in n Hospital licro today of typhoid fovcr. Tho above brlof Associated Press dlspntch to Tho Times will cnuso many n pang of gonulno sorrow to tho basohnll fans nnd ninny friends who woro. not fans on Coos Uny. Win. II. Heltmullor, bettor known to his friends as "Helnlo," was woll known nnd nono know htm but to lovo him. Jack Flnnngnn was ono of his best friends hero, nnd received n letter from him only tho other dny. Jnck was manager or tno Norm iicnd basobnll team nbout 190G, when ho brought Holt mullor as pitcher and fielder. Holt mullor also attended school with Arthur McKeown tit Uorkely and wero not ngrccnblo to him In tho oast nnd ho returned and wns play ing this season with tho Los Ango les club of tho Pacific Coast long no. INFEBESI IN Contributinn 10 Kooseveit campaign. (Dy Associated Frees to Th Com Bay Times) WASHINGTON, Oct. 8. Wnvno McVcngh of Philadelphia, formor attorney genornl, testified boforo ino Ulnpp committee todnv that ho did not recall an alleged conversa tion between j. p. Morgan nnd E, II. Hnrrlman In 1001 nbout tho uopuniicon enmna bin funds. Charles Edward Russell. Snnlnl- Ist candldnto for governor of Now York, nnd J. C. Wolllvor, a writer, ioki ineir versions of tho story vos tcrdny. Substantially McVcngh had Deon present In Morgan's ofllco whon such a conversation took plnco. McVcngh Bald ho did not wish to say ho had not given Wolllvor somo basis for a story. "I may havo called on Morgnn tho dny I havo In mind, Bald McVcngh. "but I romombor cnlllng on II. M. Twombly at his offlco In tho lnttor part of October, 1904. Whllo wo woro In conversation ho wns cnllcd on tho phono, Ills offlco Is In tho snmo building ns Morgan's, but In nn uppor story, Whon Twombloy returned ho told mo he wbb talk ing with Harrlmnn nnd that Hnrrl mnn had been called from Wnsh Ington by Itoosovolt nnd had found tho president nnxIotiB of rnlslng nn additional fund for tho cam paign nnd thnt It had resulted In Harrlman agreeing to rnlso and ulvo Illlss $210,000. Twombly snld thnt Harrlman hnd cnllcd him up nnd snld ho expected him to give $G0, 000. Twombly told mo Harrlman wns going to glvo Sf.O.OOO nnd thnt something ho snld lend him to he- wns a pllcluir on tho Berkeley iilno4,ovo M()rf,nn WIl8 to K,vo ?r,0.ooo. Prom tho North Bond club ho went "iin oni.i i,n r .... ii-.i! in lin rtntrln...! 4nn... ,.f 11,- Tlfl- "" " ""l "l WUIBIi 11U11I IU KiW y.IM,lll4 tW-tllll Ul IIIU I UV.II1U Const league and from thcro to tho Phllndolphln Nationals. Things mnn was acting In tho common In torest nnd thnt tho contributions would havo to bo made I recall ho expressed an opinion thnt tho contributions would practically bo a wnsto, nnd thnt Itoosovolt wns Hiiro of his election but thnt Hnrrlmnn, expected to Btnnd the. cntlro contribution." Ho ndded, "of course, there Is nothing for mo to do but meet his rcnuoBt." McVeagh Bald that undoubtedly mm wns 1110 incident to which Ilus sell nnd Wolllvor hnd alluded. WANTED MOItE MOXEV. Macveagh also related a recent conversation with Chnrlcs A. Pea body, president of ho Mutual Llfo In suranco, company, In which Ponbody sniu ne was in iinrriman's olllco when ho (Harrlman) called up Twombloy about a contribution. Penned v snld Harrlman told him ho was down at Washington and tho Presldont In sisted or requested or desired him to rnlso additional money, nnrt for the stnto campaign In New York nnd pnrt 10 uso in otnor states. Macveagh add ed that Twombloy told him ho hnd onco been Invited , to lunch at tho wnito houbo with Prick but that was oeroro tho Harrlman Incident "Whlto did not sny so but ho gavo mo to understand thnt they hnd both mauo contributions nftorwnrdB," snld Macveagh. Mncvonch had obtnetod to rotating tho Incidents becnuso tho mon concorncd woro dead and unabto to testify but tho commlttco insisted Twombloy represented, tho witness understood, tlio Vnndorb It IntoroHts. Prick represented tho coal steel In terests, Achbold nnd Itogors tho Standard Oil nnd Georgo J. Gould, tho lending rnllroad interests. (By Associated Press to Tho Cooa Bay Tlmos) WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 8. no prosontntlvo William B. McKnlloy, prcconvontlon manngor of Taft. pre sented to tho Clnpp commlttco today accounts allowing that ho had spent nbout $200,000 for tho president's cnndldacy. Ho said $1G0,00 was sub scribed by Ilonry P. Taft and Charles P. Taft, tho president's brothers, and John Hay Hammond, E. T. States bury nnd Andrew Cnrnoglo gavo $25,000. Ormsby McIInry. contest mnnngor for tho Itoosovolt forces nt tho Chicago convention, told tho com mlttco ho hnd spout bJtwecn $2C00 and $30,000 for convention work for TOO LATE TO SEE WIFE ALIVE Mrs. Warren Bachtel Dies Be fore Husband Is Able to Reach Her. Word hnB been received hero of tho death of Mrs. Warren Bach tel of this city In Tennessee, whoro alio went to visit her mother nnd for tho bcnoflb of lior honlth. Mr. Bachtel a short tlmo ago rccolvod word thnt his wlfo was worso and started for Tennessee, but did not rench thcro boforo alio died. Tho denth, It is understood, occurred Snturday or Sunday and tho funernl wns hold thcro totlay. Mr. Bach tel has a machlno shop on Broad way. Mrs. Bachtel is about 38 years old nnd boBldcs a husband loaves ono child. Mrs. Bnchtcl hnd many friends In this city. I LSTEB S W r ,SiJj0J'llJ.1P'J - J-'lft-HqM'. coul.dltoosovoU In tho southorn states I T m SAYS !et. explosions In Los LOCALOVERFLOW 11IUTIIS. f eherhy,. : . A ShT"0rn t0 -Mr- nd Irs. Ill South ood nt t,ier ll0'n. "outh Fourth Btreet. n son 0tTBi1.rn..to ?'. nnd Mrs. Jesso M. Ott i, .,d' a "Jaughtor. SIS? Mra' O. E7 Edwards"of Thousands Will Attend the Series in New York and Boston. IlKCOItDS OP PKHVIOUS SEHIES. Yonr Wlnnor Loser 1903 Boston Pittsburg 1904 No sorlcs. 1905 Now York. .Philadelphia 190C Chicago Chicago 1907 Chicago Detroit 1908 Chicago Dotrolt 1909 Pittsburg Dotrolt 1910 Philadelphia ...Chicago 1911 Philadelphia. .Now York In 1903, 190G, 1910 Itnd 1911 tho winners woro mom bora of tho American lenguo. In tho other years tho winners woro mombors of tho National league I uoxa TIIK SICK. I If -' 'HUB nn . . ' B- Farrln 7. ul Mr- and B to Sumner rei'ortea m ut ,s l!shomV!5.(1 of Enstsldo Is ill at -" un tonsllitis. !Uuh?'pJ0' Bunker Hill vruum lever. irx-vElir.,aTK "charges nt THE SsfiSr" WVES at THE i .PmenT nf ts ..--..- hk .wnensran. I ".: ,uoo,f,D ssrjSRfcJS? 'nment of Uruguay. ' (By Asaoclatod Press to Tho Cooi Bay Tlmea.) NEW YORK, Oct. 8. For tho 21st tlmo Inflatory and for tho eighth tlmo umluV tlio auspices of tho modern national basobnll com mission, tho grontest of basobnll shows started today. Tho porform- nnco Is entitled this year, for tho first tlmo, "Now York vs. Boston." For honor of participating In this Benson's climax ovor ouu in dividual aspirants woro enrolled Thoy hallod from overy section of tho United Statoa and grouped un der tho leadership of 10 dlfforont club managements, engaged nil summor In tho compotltlvo re hearsals known as Mnjor Leaguo Pennant Itaces. Tho Schedule Tho schedulo aftor today's garao at tho Polo grounds, for tho rest of tlio series follows: Wednesday, Octobor 9. Second gamo; nt Fenway Park, Boston. Thursday. October 10 Third gamo nt Now York. Friday, Octobor 11 Fourth gamo at Boston, Saturday, October 12 fifth gamo, at Now York. Monday, Octobor 14 Sixth gamo (If nocessary); at Boston. To bo decided later Sovonth gamo (If necessary). Club first to win four games cap tures the title. Whenever Impossible on account of bad weathor or other causes, to n gamo on tho day scheduled, tho contending clubs will remain In tho city at which that gamo Is sched uled until tho gamo can bo played. In event of auch postponements tho schedule of' remaining games jvljl IS SECURED Program of Rosenthal Murder Trial in New York Is Slow. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos nay Times.) NEW YORK. Oct. 8. With ono Juror In tlio box tho second dny of tlio trim of IJeckor, chnrgod with the murder of Herman Rosenthal, was resumed boforo Justice Goff In tho criminal branch of the su promo court today. fill ne AUTO VICTIM DIES FAMILY AFTER 185 MILL! Wertz Connections Will Take Claim to the Highest German Courts. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos uay Times. ) CHICAGO, Oct. 8. Mrs. Estollo Ryan Snyder who Iibb Just returned from Gormany as roprcsontlvo of tho American Wertz Family Association whoro sho sought to rocolvo from Gormnny, Austria and Netherlands, $185,000,000, tho amount of tho es toto of Paul Wortz, an Imperialist field marshall of the seventeenth cen tury, announced the plans of tho as sociation of carrying the case Into tho highest courts of tho German Empire Tho money for undertaking tho enso Is to bo rnised nt a reunion of tho Wortz family to bo held at Harrlsburg October 25 to 27. It Is expected that ono thousand heirs of Paul Wertz will bo present. Tlio re union is to bo hold at tho old Wertz homestead founded by Jacob Wertz, head of nn Amorlcan branch of tho family, In tho eighteenth century. KEEN Kl'TTEU pockot KNIVES absolutely GUARANTEED at THE GUNNERY. Man With Bruce Brown When Killed Also Loses His Life. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Uny Times.) MILWAUKEE, Wis.. Oct. 8. Tony Scudolnri, mechanician for Bruco Brown, who wns killed Inst week whllo trying out tho Vandor bllt cup raco courso In this city, died today of Injuries rocolvcd whon their car went into the ditch. M WINE Tho SONS of NORWAY will give a SOCIAL DANCE at EAGLES' HALL, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 12. KEYZER'S ORCHESTRA will furnish tho music. EVERYONE Js cordially INVITED to attend. (Continued on Pago Four.) GUNS to RENT at THE GUN-NERY. Libby COAL. The kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 72, Pacific Livery ""J Transfer Company. Army Officer Will Investigate Claims Made Against the Mexicans. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 8. To mnko a first hand Investigation of claims for damages nt this sldo of tho Mexican border during tho Made ro revolution, Lioutenant Colonol Francis K. Kornan, Major EH A. Holmlck and Lioutenant Arlstdes Mo- rono, mnko up a commission recent ly appointed to report on tho merits of thoso cases nnd leave horo tho lat ter part of tho weok for El Paso to bogln work. Data twolvo claims all for deaths or physical Injuries havo been presented to tho commission al though it is likely others will bo made At least a month may bo re quired to mako tho proposed investigation. CHOLERA IN JAPAN. (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 8. A cholera opldemlc 1b report ed In Yokohomu NOTICE TO ALL SOCIALISTS. Special meeting on Wednesday, October 9th, at 8 p. m. Import ant business. You aro especially requested to bo present. A. J. STEPHENS, Sec. Why aro so many flno homes be ing built In Songstackon'a Addi tion? Because tho title la perfect, Plenty of sunshlno and llttlo wlndj and excellent Bay view. Mother of North Bend Attor ney and Doctor Dies in That City. Mra. Phlloclon A. Ilolllstor, ngod C2 years, died last ovonlng nt Mra. Imhoff's hospital In North Bond. Sho has been ill for nbout two yoars. Tho Immodlato cnuso of hor doath wns uromln. Mrs. Ilolllstor Is survived by two sons, Fred Ilolllstor nnd Dr. Georgo S. Ilolllstor of North Bond, nnd n dnughter, Mrs. D. 8. Furry of San Diego. Mrs. Ilolllstor has resided with hor son, Fred Ilolllstor, In North Bond for tho pnst nlno yoars. Boforo com ing horo alio resided for a tlmo In California, having gone from Michi gan to that stato. Mrs. Ilolllstor was born nt Tallnhassco, Florida, and was raised by hor uncle, David II. Walk er, who for ninny yonra was governor of Florida. Sho was marrlod In 18C8 to Col. Georgo S. Holllster, n grndu ato of West Point nnd nil olllcor in tho regular army. Col, Ilolllstor died nbout thirty years ago. Tho burial will bo at San Frnncls- co. Short prlvnto funeral sorvlces will bo hold Thursday morning at Mrs. Imhoft s hospital Just beforo tho doparturo of tho Rcdondo, on which vossol tho remains will bo taken to rSan Francisco. CAPT.lilS ON SPEEDWELL To Be Master of New Esta- brook Steamer on the Bandon Run. It was announced todny that Capt. Burtis, woll known hero, Is to bo tho mnstor of tho now stoamor Speedwell which was recently launched, at tho Kruso & Banks ship yard in North Bond and which will soon bo put Into commission by A. P. Estabrook and Company of San Francisco. Tho stoamor Is now having her machinery Installed and will soon start on tho run between San Francisco and Ban don. Tho late Capt. C. P. Jonson who died In San Francisco nnd who had been mastor of tho Fiflold wns to havo takon tho now stoamor. Slnco his' death Captain Burtis has boon chosen ns master. On Coos Uny, Capt. Burtis Is woll known as ho was fonnorly mastor of tho stoamor M. F. Plant running from this placo to San Francisco. Recently Capt. Burtis had chargo of tho steamer Eureka when sho mndo n trip to southern wnters for a party of men who woro scoklng a burled treasure Ho is a highly ofllclont mariner. EAGLES, NOTICE! Como out Wednesday night! Something doing. Don't miss It. Every momber urged to bo pres ent. By order of M. J. OSTROW. Worthy Presldont. Preparations Are Made for Immediate Action on Battle Field. POWERS W0UL3 LIKE TO STOP TROUBLE News Is Received Calmly on the Stock Exchange in London. i (By Associated Press to Tho Com Bay Tlmos.) LONDON, Oct. 8 A nows ag ency dlspntch from Clttinjo, Monto nogro, stntcs thnt Montonogro for mnlly declared war against Turkey today. Tho declaration wns deliver ed to tlio Porto by tho Montonogro chnrgo d'affaires early today. Heavy fighting Is already In Trc gresB along tho frontlor. A lrM gado of nine bnttnllons of Turkish. Infantry Is proceeding from Scu tari to Tusl on tho Montonogrlan frontier and was attacked laBt ev ening by u lnrgo force or Mallssorl tribesmen, Just boforo reaching Tu sl. Tho battlo, according to n dis patch, la proceeding this morning. No confirmation hns been rocolvoi by tho foreign legations horo or hy tho British foreign olllco. Diplomats Leave (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) CETT1N.IE, Montonogro, Oct 8 Tho Montonogro chnrgo d'affaires at Constantinople has boon o rue rod. to lenvo thoro todny. Tho Turkish chnrgo d'affaires hero was hnndod his passport by tho. Montenegro government. Raise More Slonoy. (By Aasoclntod Press to the Coos Bay Times.) BELGRADE, Benin, Oct. 8. Re ports rcachod hero today that tho Moiiteiiegrnu troops havo crossed tho Turkish frontlor. Tho Sorvlan government todny votod nn oxtix credit of $8,000,000 for mllltnrr purposes. Disapprove War. (By Assoclntod Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) SOFIA, Bulgaria, Oct. 8. Tho Austrian and Russian ministers nt noon todny mndo Joint representa tions to tlio Bulgnrlan govornmont in bohnlf of tho powors. Thoy In formed tho Bulgnrlan govornmont that tho pnwora strongly disap proved tho warllko attitude of tho Balkan states and urged upon thorn n prompt cessation of military concentration, e- FIRST ADD WAR Report Corsvct. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) PARIS, Oct. 8. Tho French gov ernment rcgnrda tho roport that Montonegro has declared war with Turkoy, ns correct, according to nn announcement from tho forolgn offlco. Received Quietly. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, Oct. 8. Tho stock ox chnngo regarded tlio declaration ot war by Montonegro with cnlmnoss nnd tho prices changed ory little Tho mnrkot nppearcd inclined to await tho result of nctlon today by '.ho powors. England Agrees. (Ty Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) PARIS. Oct. 8. Grent Britlan in formed Promlor Polncnro today that sho now agrees to tho suggestion that an Intervention at Constantinople should bo mndo collectively by tho ambassadors ot tho 11 vo groat powers. This strongtiioiied tho hnuds of tlio powors In tholr ropresontntiou. Ef fort of tho Bulgarian government to borrow ono million a bunk horo failed. M Y ARE FOR SALE Government Has Over Ono Hundred Guns to Be Disposed of. (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. S. Moro than ono hundred six and eight Inch guns and mounts of nn obsolete nnttorn aro now storod In sovon gov ornmont yards soon to bo offered for salo by the nnvy ordinnnco bureau. Thoso guns aro laid awny at Mare Island, Puget Sound, Washington, Philadelphia, Boston, Now York and Portsmouth yards and will bo Bold by tho commandants In any manner thoy seo fit.