THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1912-EVENING EDITION. unit; of Oregon, Eugono, for Information and catalogue r Is ai Artist to toe. He Insists on having iUm0)!11; JuBt como out m ,l "vuu,CB no lurns our, ChVJl118.1 does nt tempt sW 17, a. ,oaf wo miss our 'iiiV 8eo you horo Raln fys Bay Bakery l.J''o'fooigooAle.. Btilti1' Phona Ill-L sL,.utk s ta iSraae 'i . jtii i'i i- yfp kwfY 4MQMH uy 3 nJ u..i,7irrr n" w Making the Most of It? If less than one-half the good things come to pass that arc reliably predicted for Coos Bay by persons who arc even now invesfng large sums here, then we have hero an opportunity for investing in a future that is second to no other proposition in the west today. And it is toward the west that the investors of the east have been turning their attention for some years. It is the great opportunities for growth and development in the west that ap peal to the trained imagination of the easterner. There arc far more wonderful opportunities for making fortunes in western city property today than there were when the land was free to the first settler on it if we can see these oppor tunities and nvail ourselves of them. Are you taking as good advantage of your opportunities as the ambitious young man back cast would do if they had your chance? moMSgma M L ST ADDITION TO MABSIOTELD offers First i yoV a!i opportunity to own choicest residence lots a mm closc to tj1G jest i-cgidence district of Marshficld. A A HditlOn BtM?y of .tllG locatiou all(1 topography of this addition r-&.uuiuvri Wlll convince you that the natural growth of this city Tt y1.11 nmko Fll,st -Addition the heart of the home dis- J trict of rarshficld. MrKfield s GO feet audi 20 fcetlong, facing on graded ATiai dllllCTU streets, are now selling for $300. Terms: $25 cash and $10 monthly. Corner lots, $350. To reach First Addition, follow the dolled line as indicated on map in window of the Reynolds Development Company office, Tokc Building, or call and ask for plat. i . Reynolds Development Co. Coko Building Owners. Telephone 160 University of Oregon Correspondence School olftrs. FREE, with tho oxcontlon of tho cost of postago on papora ui cost of tho University Extonslon Dullotln, to CITIZENS OP ORE COS, forty UNIVERSITY COURSES by MAIL. Ability to profit by ti courses selected Is tho only roqulromont for onrollmont In tho Correisondenco Dopartmont. Courses nro otfored In tho dopartmonra oUtoUnj, Debating, Economics, Education, Eloctrlclty, English Lit mtert, English Composition, History, Mathomatlcs, Mechanical Dailnj, Physical Education, Physics, Physiology, Sociology and Sur wtor. Write to tho Socrotary of tho Correspondent School, Unl- COURSES IN RESIDENCE at tho UnlvorBltv nroDaro for tho Pro- talons of ENGINEERING. JOURNALISM. LAW. MEDICINE, and TEACHING. Fall Bomcstor opons Tuoaday, Sopt. 17. Address tho Etftttr for catalogues descriptive o( tho Collogo of Engineering, tho Colltto of Liberal Arts, tho Schools of Education, Commcrco, Law, Jfedlclne, and Music. Way Diwn in the Cellar r la whoro tho dangor lurks. Tho dralnngo and wnsto pipes nro tho starting points for many a sorious lllnoBS. To nrrnngo them proporly required a real sanltnry plumbor. Havo us tako caro of yours and they will ho all right. Provontbm Ih bottor than euro. Botror pay un than tho doctor. Wllley& Schroeder 80S North Front Street. PHONE 77-J sHMl sml JUm? Parlies Desiring Monuments Erected PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway and make selec tion from the largo stock now on hand. her. Wilson has in his employ the only practical marble and granite cutter in Coos County. And nono DUt tne best work is turned out, 'I I'l-M IM'I'l-i " CHS BAY KALTY i SYN&ffiMTE, tCALOU j&s ASBiTS CML CQimZATlW. MIS. rAMff murr. twain wmaiLms. . amsi a srtuwr'o Ui,nr0,TteatInYeetmonts in small acre tracts near growing rhl.lH0tb, Th C. B. R- B. has such to offer. Chas. J. ant Ads Bring Results P.OLK'S' OREGON and WASHINGTON f Business Directory A Directory at oaeh City, Town and Vlllara, (Mug- dticrlpttv tkotch or each place, location, population. tela- trapti. iblpplnr anil baoklnr points oJo Clamllled Directory, compiled by bualneH and proruilon. it. l. rout a co.. beattle STADDEN ALL KINDS of PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK, Hromldo Enlarging and Koduk Finishing. Harmon Tailoring Co. 128 Front St. Opposite Orpheum Theater. PROPglO PREg,T0RY EDNA LOUISE LARSON, Pianist and Teacher. Harmony, Musical History Phono 254-R. J. W. BENNETT Oennott Swanton, Tom T, Bennett Attorneys And CouBscllora at Law. Flanagan A Bennett Bk Bulldlag. Martbileld. Oooa Co., Oregon. PERL 1ULEV BAUilN'GEU Pianist and Teacher Roddenco-Studlo, 237 Bo. Broadway Phona 18-L. LEW JUilZKll, Vlollm Inatmclor. Apply Hataes Miulc Store, Claaa BUurtm September 1. w M. S. TURPEN, ARCHITECT. Marshflold, Orogon. DR. W. MORROW, Dentist. 171 Grime Building, over Graad Theater. Ofllca l'lione 820. VT7" G, CHANDLER, Arcldtoct. Rooms SOI and 802, Coke Building Uarelifield, Oregon. DR. BH1D B. CLARKE, Specialist In Nerve, Rhcumutlcm and Spinal Disease. Offloo Hours, 1 to 6 p. m. Office, 004 Coke Building. MARSHFIELD OREGON DR. A. J. HENDRY'S Modem Dental Parlors. We are equipped to do high class work on short noUce at the very lowest prices. Examination free. Lady attendant. Coke Bide., Opp. Chandler Hot), phoae 112-J. J T SCIENCE NOTES. A now Gormnn can oponor cuts off tho ontlro top of a can. Most birds oat two and a half times tholr own wolght ovory day. Tho Fronch havo colnod tho word "nvlon" to moan a military aero plane Dy placing a cako of yeast In a cup of salt It will koop fresh a long tlmo. Tho population of Iroland has decreased moro than 70,000 In tho last ton years. For catching files In largo num hors out of doors Is tho aim of an Iowa's inventor's trap. Australia Is Irrigating moro than 2,000,000 acres of grazing land with artesian wells. Tho city of Gnlvoston, ToxaH, plnns to bocomo tho host lighted municipality In tho world. Twonty squndrons of 120 nuro- plnnoB will tako part In tho fall mnnouvors of tho Fronch army. An Oklahoma Invontor'a nut crnckor Is formed llko a human hoad, tho Jaws of which do the work. ' Tho tenth International congress of stenographers Is now In session in Madrid. Spain. Carl C. Krntzonstoln, Mgr. J. G. Tannor Drug Storo, Santa Cruz, Cnl writes: "Wo havo sold Foley & Company's medicines for tho past 20 yoars and havo yot to hear our first complaint or of a dissatisfied cus tomor. Tholr romodlcs aro puro, mado as ropresonted and contain no injurious substances. On tho contra ry, our oxperJenco shows us that tho Company s aim lias always boon to make health-giving and health- maintaining romodles." Sold by Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co., tho Busy Cornor. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS, In Lano County, Oregon. Fruit & Berry Farms, Truck Forms, Dairy Farina, Stock Farms, General Farming Write for DESCRIPTIVE LIST and LITERATURE tolling you about the wonderful resources of Lana County, Oregon. J. K. THOMAS CO., Cottage Grove. Oregon. HIGH GRADE laundering of Collars, Cuffs and Shirts. The most fastidious men will havo nothing to be desired it their linen is entrusted to us for laundering. A LAUNDRY whero you will be saved all worry as to tho condition of your clothes, thoy are always right. Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONH MAIN B7-J. At the Churches (Ministers and others aro request ed to hand In tho Sunday church no tices not later than Friday ovonlng to tnsuro lnsortlon SaturdaV.) METHODIST EPISCOPAL Roy. H. I. Rutlodgo, Pastor. Sunday Bchool at 10 a. m. Tho Methodist church has lnvltod Rov. Q. LoRoy Hall to conduct ser vices tomorrow, Sunday morning and evening In tho absence of tho pastor, Rov. H. I. Rutlodgo. Epworth Leaguo at 7 p. m. Prayormootlng on Thursday even ing at 8 o'clock. Strangers welcome. EMMANUEL EPISCOPAL Rov. Roht. E. Drowning, Rector. 9:30 a. m Sunday school. 11 a. m., morning prayer and ser mon. No ovonlng sorvlco. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTI8T8 O. J. Colo, Pastor. Seventh Day Adventlst sorvlcei aro conducted evory Saturday as follows: Sabbath school at 2 p. m. Preaching sorvlcoa at 3 p. m. Come and spend an hour with us; wo will do you good. cnuncn op cmusT. Z. O. Doward. Mlnlator. Dtblo school at 10 a. m. Young Pcoplo'o meeting at 7 p. m. Thoro wlll bo special music by tho choir and malo quartet at tho Chris tian church, corner Central nvonuo and Sixth stroot tomorrow. "A Gov ernor's Question" will bo tho subjoct (of tho ovonlng discourse Commun ion and sormon nt tho morning hour. Dr. John E. Oslund, pastor. MARSHFIELD FRESBYTEIUAN CHURCH. At tho First Presbyterian church sorvlcoa may bo oxpoctcd on sabbath as follows: Sabboth school nt 10 a. m Prof. Tledgon. suporlntendont. Young Pcoplo's mooting nt 7 p. m. FIKST IIAPTI8T CHURCH. Albort F. nnssrord, M. A., Mlnlstor. Sundny school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 n. m. Young Pcoplo's mooting, 7 p. m. Evening worship, 8 p. m. Rov. A. F. Dassford will speak, morning and ovonlng. SWEDISH LUTHERAN Dr. Edward Oslund, Pastor. Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Morning sorvlco, 10:45 a. m. Evening ecrvlco at 7:30 p. m. n English. In tho Swedish Lutheran church at North Bond tho following nro tho sorvlcos for Sunday: Sunday school, 2 p. m. Communion sorvlco, 3 p. in. NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. R. O. Thorpo, Pastor. Preaching sorvlcos wlll bo hold in tho Norwegian Luthoran church at Marshflold, Sunday, Oct. C, at 7:30 o'clock. Sundny school at 10. Norwegian preaching sorvlces wlll bo hold In tho Swodlsh Luthornn church at North Bond nt 11 n. in., Sundny, Oct. G. Sunday school nt 10. R. O. THORPE, Pastor. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. Christian Sclonco hall, 237 Third street North. Subjoct, "Unreality." Sorvlco Sunday at 11 a. m. Sunday school 12 M., Wednesday 8 p. m Reading room opon nn Tuesdays, Thursdays nnd Saturdays, 3 to 5 p. m. MARSHFIELD CATHOLIC CHURCH. Rov. A. R. Munro. Mass will bo celebratod at 10 a. m. Sunday. There wlll bo but one mass. NORTn BEND PRESBYTERIAN. Rov. D. A. MacLeod, Pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Praaching servieo, 11 a.m. Christian Endoavor, G:30 p. m. Preaching sorvlco, 7:30 p. m. NORTn BEND METHODIST CHURCH. The services Sunday will bo aa fol lows: Sunday school 10 a. m. Vospor Circle and Epworth Leaguo 7 p. m. Sermons by tho pastor 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. NORTn BEND OATnOLIO cnuRcn. Rev. Father Springer, Rector. Maaa will be celebrated at I o'clock Sunday morning by the Rev. Father Springer. UNITED BRETIIEREN CHURCH OF NORTH BEND. Mrs. R. N. Lewis, Pastor. Sabbath school, 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Preaching 11 a. m. and 8 p. ni. Prayer meeting Wednosday even ing at 8 o'clock. GERMAN LUTHERAN CHURCH Services will b held In tho Swed ish hall on Commercial avonuo be tween Third nnd Fourth streots, at 8 o'clock p. m., Sunday, September 22. All Germans are invited, FRED ZEHE. Pastor. A. 8. Jones, Prop., Loo Pharmacy. Chico, Cal., says: "I have been sell ing Foloy & Company's medicines for years. Foloy's Honey nnd Tar Compound I constdor has no oqual and Is tho ono cough medicine I can recommend to my friends as con taining no narcotics or other harm ful properties." For sale by Lock-hart-Parsons Drug Co., tbo Busy Corner. , , ..ji ...L News From Nearby Towns MANY PEOPLE COMING. Frank Walto Bnys Thcro Will Bo Largo Influx From Uio East. P. D. Walto, tho Suthorlln capital ist, passod through Rosoburg this morning onrouto for points In South ern Oregon, whoro ho will spend a fow days looking nftor business Inter ests. Mr. Wnlto roturnod homo yos torday after sovoral weeks spent In tho East. At St. Paul and Minneap olis ho found business very good ia nil linos. Unllko In yoars past, tho prcsont presidential campaign has had vory llttlo, If any, effect upon tho financial condition of tho country. Mr. Walto says a groat many oastorn pooplo contomplnto locating In Ore gon within tho next fow months and that many of thoso homescokors will ovcntually find their way to Douglas county. Rosoburg Nowb. GOLD HEACH BREEZES. News Notes of Interest From tho Globe. E. J. Bakor camo to town laBt ovon lng. Ho hns Just completed n roport on tho probablo numbor and kinds of birds that Inhabit tho rocks off tho coast of Curry. Tho stato and gov ernment nro considering tho ndvls ability of croatlng n bird prcsorvo from tho shoro lino to tho throo-milo limit. Tho county boundary board, on pe titions of sovou school districts, namo- ly, Pistol River, Gold Bench, Woddor bum, Codnr Crook, Jerry's Flat, Quosatcn nnd Agnoss, nsklng to bo In corporated into ono High school dis trict, has mado tho order calling for n special election to bo held In tho sovoral districts on Octobor 5, sub mitting tho question to tho lognl vot ers. Indications nro now that tho quostlon will carry by a unanimous voto. Thnt Curry county Is now Just cn- torlng upon nn orn of groat develop ment, If nccordlng to tho old adago, "straws nolnt tho way tho wind llilftmn ' TCntnrnrlann Hint nfi.jiir.tA thousands of dollars' expendlturo aro now being oponcd up. Men of moans and Intluonco aro now bonding land, tlmbor market Is looking up, nnd tho mlnoral field of Curry Is drawing tho attention of capital, Wild rumors of railroad aro in tho air, yot nothing authontlo can bo lonrnod of tho lnnor workings; yot tho socurlng of rights of way nnd tho bonding of largo tracts of land at largo prices loads tho obsorvor to bollovo that groat dovolopmonts of a pormanont naturo will soon bo a realization in Curry. Wo had tho pleasure n fow days ago of visiting tho lnrgo now Baw mill of tho Woddorburn Trading Co., whllo in operation, nnd tho way it oats up lumbor is not slow. It has all tho modorn devices such as llvo rollers and solffecdlng furnnco. It can cut a 90foot log and has power enough to spnro to run a shlnglo nnd broom hnndlo saw, which will lator bo Installed. Tho mill Is not only a credit to its builders and ownor, but Is a valuablo addition to tho country nnd tho raodlum through which many thousands of dollars wlll bo distrib uted" annually and will roduco tho cost of lumbor to tho minimum in this locality. IJANDON BRIEFS. News of tho City by tho Sen Told la Uio Recorder. Mrs. James Cowan and daughter. Myrtlo of Marshflold, visited Mrs. C. R. Wade. W. W. Knight was down from Rlv- orton on business yesterday. Editor J. C. Savaco of the Coqulllo Sentinel was in Bandon on business one day last week. Mrs. Julia Barrows, who has been spending some time in Santa Roan, California, has returned and will again tako up her resldonco in Ban don. E. M. Galller. who has been on tho sick list for Bovernl days, Is not Im proving aa rapidly as his frlendar hoped ho might, but nil aro In hopes that ho may bo out again soon, Attornoy John Long of Rosoburg, Democratic candldato for prosecuting: attornoy for tho Douglas-Coos-Curry district, was In tho city Interviewing tho citizens. L. J. Cody returned Sunday from a two weeks' trip to Portland and East ern Oregon. Ho roports business vory flourishing In tho parts of tho state he has visited. Captain O. Wlron, co-operative ob server, roports tho rainfall for tho month of September as 4.37 Inches; days clear, 19; rainy and cloudy days, 11. The total rainfall for the corre sponding month of 1911 was 2.24- inchos, making a difference of 2.1! Inches more this year. . . r MliStilMillrtn i n