THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 19 12 EVENING EDITION. 1 COAST LEAGUE BALL SCORES Portland, San Francisco and Vernon Victors in Yester day's Ball Games. STAXRLVO OK CLUI1S. Won. Lost. I'ct. Onklnml 105 72 .ROl Los Angeles. .. .101 75 .C73 Vernon 09 70 .GCC Portland 71 Sfi .JCI San Francisco. .. 77 102 .l.TO FHU-2 AT HOSERUHO. Huiim Oiwieil by Henry llarlli, Well Kuoiwi Here, Is Destrojeti. Tho Kosoliurg Review gives the following regarding n flro In thnt city which nffoets Henry llnrt, who Is known to ninny in this city: iTOdnss anil on Thursday .nights Misa Tlinjor and her nsslstnnr, MUs Carolyn Plock, will bo tit tho nut.i torlunt to teach tho elements of sulmmlng to the beginners and lo Instruct thoso who already know the simple breast stroke. In more elaborate forms of the art fancy illvlnir flnnMni.. vnrlnna Htrnknff Flro of unmistakably Incendiary I nnil 'fo snvll nictlloa8. origin on Monday night destroyed i ..Soino of tho .-, Iircilo .,,,. the old Zlglcr residence on South Jackson streot, owned by Henry Ilarth, tho local clothier, and rented by J. I. Call, who conducts a soft drink resort In tho Hoover building. Every article of household goods was they must glvo nil of tholr tlmo to their books," said Miss Thnyor this noon. "1 tell them thnt all books and no exorclso Is but a one sided education; and It Is a fact thnt they can make bettor grados consumed, excopt n chair, which was n their studies If they havo proper gotton out by John C. Aiken, t ' OXorcl"o to keep them In fit phy nolghbor, who first noticed the blazo slcal condition, and promptly gave the alarm. -j tuu K0B to try to Interest Insurance of $1800 covers tho loss1 nil of the- girls In swimming, and to Mr. Call, cither In whole or for those who nlioady know something the grenter part. Mr. Harth carried, about It 1 am going to tench wat"r ? 1000 Insurance on the house. sports, i hope to organize wu'er ... ..! I.. -.. - I. ...11 lu. ! ..1 (nrt t.iu t ImBoMil.t rl e fit SaCrntnCntO M 100 .370 tn.rintil.1 ilw Innnt nti'nnnlt plnWM mill liohl Itltnr-olllWM nolo n uiui ;i vnuiuuii fcw niu luim ttu- i - -.... ,t ...... - ..- ..-. .. ( thorltlos. Almost Bimultnnoously , tournament the old V bad which has thriven for so cars or so upon ouslj unhygienic pilnciplos of cub ing, exercise and eiitllntlon mnj well go on thrMng to the end rf the chapter. An nmnzlng quaint, of sweets may often bo taken with out harm. "The same principle of non-lntor-fcrctico with tho notions of n llfj tlnie may wisely bo applied to Ims material things. Modem views, whether on higher criticism or ilia livclnnlo nnorlnnt nf ImlilCH. bad l)Ot- ! tor not be forced on the nttontlon of old mind's, being merely unae' tlltig and painful." i M (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coon Bay Times.) with the sounding of tho nlarm tho Much interest hns nlrondy heen flames burst from ovory window In evinced by tho girls thomselves. It tho houso from top to bottom, and Is also expected that tho nesthe'Ic PORTLAND, Oct. .1. Portland tho odor of burning koroseno was dancing classes win linvo u largo won n Kiimo from Oakland vostorday. ' carried to tho nostrils of tho flrcinon enrollment, since thoy offer in in won n tamo iromuiKiamijiwioniaj. foresting form much healthful ex- Sacramento was defeated by Vernon' .,., ... ifrclso. Tho Russian Cossnck. High nnd San Francisco won from Los An geles. Tho scores follow: At Portland It. II. K. Portland 5 0 0 Oakland 0 i 2 At Los Angolos- Saeratncnto Vernon It. .1 .5 II. 10 S At Snn Krnnclsco It. II. 13. San Francisco C 10 :i Los Angeles I 10 1 .U'ST as (!()()! for LESS MOXRY la llAIi:s KI.OUK and FEW). 'EACH GIRLS TO SWIM. If you havo anything to soil, trndo, or rent, nr wnnt IicId, try n Wnnt AO. Physical Director lit Comillls In troducing New Feature. CORVALLIS, Ore., Sept. 27.--Ariuatlcs are to tako their proper place now in the physical training of tho young women students at tho Oregon Agricultural College. This Is the unnounciMuont of Miss Mlrlnm Thnyer, tho new profcsmir of physical education, who Is look after tho health and strength tho girls this year. Tho swimming tank is to land Scotch, Dutch and other folk 'dances will bo taught, and glan i later In the yoar by tho girls In a ' fostlvnl. Recent Investigation seems to prove that Jluliln, Drnxll, Is tho old est city on tho American continent, baling been founded In Kit!), or 35 years before St. Augustine. Kin. PBOf ESSI0N AIDIRECTOR Y EDNA LOUISE- LARSON, PlntiKt and Tearher. Harmony, ituslenl History Phono 2r.i-R. J. "' DENNETT DON'T THY TO EDUCATE PEOPLE. OLD In nn article entitled "Making Old People Hnppy," In the Octo ber Woman's Homo Companion, ap pears the following: "Don't attempt to icaaon any old of person out of principles Incident I In youth. You cannot teach litem ho that drafts arc not dangerous, nor glvon over to tho use of tho girls that tlioro la nothing Intrinsically two days In the week this year for deadly in night nlr. In geneial, tho ilrst 111110. On Mondnv after- modem hygiene mnv bo ielaod rir Dennett Swnnton, Tom T. Dennett Attorneys nnd Counsellors nt Liuv. Fliiiitixnii & Dennett Daulc Diilldlng. Miirliflclil. Cods Co., Oregon. PWtlf 1UMCV DAIjIjIXGEH Pianist nnd Teaihcr Rcsldonro-Studlo. 237 So. llroailwaj Phono 1S-L. T EW KEVZER, Violin Instructor. Apply Haines Music Store. Class Stmts September 1, Y7M. S. TUItPK.V, W ARCHITECT. Marshfleld, Oregon, mmmtsfx a srxVKmsm t . nk$ &?' sJ& iinaiivMMVii un in ,-m st ii t ii.A i Trn'ffipvf .m. . mm ii wi ss j - j rj jtz tr i . Tmvmi'avy4f'i iu yi u v ni nv rwr.ittr. rw-r ', 11 mi. i rv .x. y ?a 1 yy HW.laljSSaSjmil m jzriiJivif -k., - mwi iKr-,n lviaice sure vour g .' .. ' .'-, a i Av.'.".in auktiib i urr i.mvciiiBP'. n m ii nil" i &m hz&2 I Hl I ARROW Siee! Lined DR. .MORROW, Dentist. 171 Grimes Theater. Diilldlng. over Grand Ofllto Phono .120. "VYT G. CIIANDLK.R, Arcliltcct. Hub Dry Goods Co, These Are the Days Are LooMm for amid Coats mftx Here are new fabrics from the best makers in New York and Philadelphia new styles and no v colors warm browns and brown mixtures, tan a id gray Chinchillas) blue, grays and blues and blacks, Not" the basket weaves, tho Scotch tweeds, tho rough diagonal serges. You'll not find such values elscwhere assortment this side of Portland, Those are FACTS, Madam. -and no such We maintain a fully equipped alteration department. We absolutely guarantee the fit of every garment and tho best of workmanship. No charge for alterations, Rooms :t()l iiuii itoi!, Coko Diilldlng I Mnrli field, Drcgon. SHOT SHELL Dr. DIRD It. CLARKi:, Specialist In None, Rlieiiuiiiilcni mill Dlsi'iise. Olllco Hours, 1 to G p. Spinal m. SV: Olllrc, .'lot Coko Diilldlng. MARSHI'ini.D ORICaON DR. A. J. IIKNDRY'H Modern Dental Pnriors. Wo nro cqulppod to do high class work on short notlco nt tho vory lowost prlcos. Rxamlnntlon frco Lady nttoudnnt. Coko Illilg.. Opp. Chandlor Hotel, phono 112-J. .- " -.- '-. Imm, WW l TJ O nun rnces mean to Yous" M A mvm, Si ONEY 1ALK2 !W Hub Dry Goods Co. O'CONNELL BUILDING 3EHE i.niii.ii.iimH'jj.Ml-nivvamag wjswuvnvTjrjer Little Talks on the High Cost of Living By W. A. RE ID. I1UY NOW. Somo cholco lotB In NORTH BEND can be lind nt n very reasonable prlei if takon now. E. S. GEAn & CO. First National Dank. Make sure your same Shoot the speed shells In JgrnagMi-Mfc Arrow Shells, the steel lining puts all the force of the explosion behind the shot. Thatmile-a-minute"on-comer" can't beat out the pattern driven by a steel gripped charge. And with Eastern Factory Loading, uni formity of speed and pattern is assured in each and every shell. Shoot JRemington-yMC Arrow and Nitro Club Steel Lined Eastern Factory Loaded Shells for speed plus pattern in any make of shotgun. Remingftfon AirmsnUmiora Metallic Cartridge Co. 299 Broadway Ncw York City Tho little toy mvIiikm hnnk has not tho unmo plnco In our homo today an It had ton yenra ago. Tho romilt Ih that tho children do not realixo tho vnluo of nionoy now iih then. Touch thum to wive hy untiring a llttlo investment for thorn. Diiy.n lot In PDRHAM PARK for that hoy or girl of youro. Tho proroedH from the hiiIo of that lot ton yonra honco will put tlmt hoy or girl tliroiiKh eollogo. Rout huy on Cooh Day--oittiy teniiH. See REID About It. COKB DUILDINO. EJ23BCSL.XKZIsaE- DO YOU HUNT DUCKS? I We do, and have hunted on Coos Bay ior 20 Years. The big flight from the North is due lo arrive within the next two weeks. Come in and talk it over, THE GUNNERY Game Laws Free. Spo tsmen's Headquarters Guns to Rent. Hunter's License Issued Here. 1 i Your New Fall Suit Is Here, Too TIIK HOOXMIt YOU PUT IT O.V TIIK I.OXfJRR SKItYICJ! YOU'LL OUT l'ROM IT. Electric Lamps for nil places. Flno iiHsortincnt Jusi nrriuiL Oiiiii'iuitveil ICIectrio Iron Koinctliliig new. Ask to see one. Coos Bay Wiring Co. piioni: H:7-3. City Auto Service Dood Cara, Caroful Drivers nl ronaonablo charges. Our motto: "Will go auywlioro at any tlmt.' Stands Blanco Hotol and Diane Cigar Storo. Day Phonos 78 and 41. Night Phono 40. DARKIvU .tt OOODALTJ. proprietor!. COM I J IX TOMORROW TRY IT OX. AXI) NEW SUITS ALL PliiCRS, I-ROM $8.50 FI .MarMiflelil. to $30 XUP North Demi. Barnard & Langworthy Sew our H.ntlm dUiilny of VO'n Birt'VI I ' IIMIDFS LUADKD ADT GMSS DOMRS WlriU i: -I VM) LMS PiiOV.: isi.i;. Bargr.'i?3 iirt Lots at Bunker Hill Some cholco sites it you see mo at once. AUG. FRIZEEX. 8 Central Ave. WKST .MARSIIFIKLD SXAPS 41 x ,00Corner Commercial nnd Thirteenth .$07.i 70 x 100 Fourteenth St. .$1 loo 50 s 140 Central Ave. . . .$147A 70 x 100 Commercial and Fourtoenth $iaoo I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Street TTd Star Transfer and Storage Co. la prepared to do nil kinds of haulin on short notice. W moot all tilB and boats and wo also havo the lateu ntvln PnunnMa Piano MoTCr. guarautoo our work. L. H. Heisier, Prop. Phones 9S-R. 120-.I. nr HH-t The Sign of Good Candy Always E. Pale & Cjo. HlKli Crude Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailoring Imported and Domestio Wooleai Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteeo Wo do all work right horo. 870 North Front Street Mnrshfielil. lif.llMii liltiif SEE THE NEW SHOES AT The Electric Shoe Store 100 pairs of Hoys' School Shoes on 6alo. Margin""' now 180 So. Drondivny. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See GOETEELl PHONE 8121. mm meammesBatssm . aaj..