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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1 912 EVEIjnNGEPITlOW- fi I r - - .,! .,, wi H "W .fllVtd BtnUminft,NewtIork M.Ur.r of 0 5enjanin 0ttes Benjamin Clothing AT $1800 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 $28.00 $30.00 $35.00 In Suits Rain Coats Over Coats Regulars Longs Stouts We Can Fit You Embracing- Every New Idea In Colors and Models & & & New Stetson Shoes New Stetson Hats In fact our entire stock is by far the largest and most complete we have ever shown & S We invite inspection and Comparison As Inspection and Comparison Clearly Demonstrates to You That "Money Talks" Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. Mnrshficld. Bnudoii. MMBBBBBaaggj mmw SENATE HEARS THE EVIDENCE to loll how much wim spout In tlio 1'eniiHylrniilu campaign. Oliver ro ported tlint lio wnH glad to take tho Btniul. Senator 1'aynior polntod out to tlio coiunilttoo It liml lioforo It charges tlmt from $3,000,000 to $r., 000,000 dollars waa muni by tlio Koosovelt managers boforo tlio con vontlon. Altoul Sueur Trust. Pnyntor naked If Ileriuiiii Finch, who gnvo $10,000 to tho Now York lieailimnrtom. wna connected with tlio siiKiir Intorosta. Dixon said ho did not know, but tlmt tho sugar trust was opposed to Hoosovolt. Dixon said that when ho "got dea poratoly hard up" ho wont bark to Perkins, and that "nil the roat of tho Plutocrats woro Tor Tuft." Ho said ho bolleod tho eoniinlttoo would find "that n Kciitloiiiiin naniod Ponfleld from Philadelphia gnvo ?IS.000 to AVllaun'H pro-convention campaign, mid ft 0,000 since tho nonilnatlon. Also that Joseph K. l)ala oxpondod $3S,000 In Wilson's pro-convention cnnipnlgn. Ulg Contribution. Goorgo It. Sholdon. former treas urer oi mo Kopuuiienn national com mittee, teatlfled that In ion I the Stnndard Oil Co. contributed $100, 000; J. p. Morgan, f 100.000: II. O Prick, $100,000, and George J Gould, $100,000. Sheldon said ho had no porsonal knowlodKo of theso contrlbutlona. but tlmt tho lato Cor nollus Illlsa had shown him hi ro ;mort. "When I took tho tronsuroshlp In 1008 Illiss handed me n list of largo contrlbutora to tho 100 1 rnmpnlgn." "Whnt nerrontneo wns pniiirliin..,i by corporations?" ho was asked. , "To bo frank, 73 1-2 por cent." , Sheldon aald tho Stnndard Oil Co. contribution wns not on tho Hat an coming from tho company, but from John I). Archbold. Xwirly Ifnve Fight. Exchnnges botwoon Dixon nnd romorono grow so hontod thnt Pom- oreno Invited Dixon "outsldo," but tho affair was passed off without a conflict. Dixon rlosod bin testimony without giving tho names of his In formants regarding Inrxo sums spent for Tuft. Letter from ItooM-vcIt. Yesterday nlternoon llllsa showed a letter written from tho White House to Mr. Wis lu New York In which a apeclflo denial wan mndo that Itooneiolt hnd ever been Influ enced for or against any person or Intorrsta na the result of contrlbu- ttmia ii llin IflOl nnimmlirii ITa said tlmt tho "monev waa spent le gitimately nnd that It wan contribut ed freely by inon who did not nak nml wlin iinvni linvn rnpnlvml n nnrll. cle of consideration lu tho shnpe of legislation or nu ndiulnlatratlvo act na n reward. No man has In any way been discriminated against for not hnvlng contributed." Tim lollm- rnniniciiilod Illlsn nml hoped Ullaa had "not been botherod by theso outrngeoua assaults upon you In connection with tho campaign contributions." Tho president said: "I havo felt tho keenest Indignation aa I havo road them. COAST LEAGUE BALL SCORES Vernon and Los Angeles Both Win Yesterday Portland bame Postponed. OREGON BOOK II BIG II PORTLAND, Oct. L'. Vernon do- foatod Sacramento yosterdny and Los Angoloa won from San Francisco. Tho game between Portland nnd Oak laud was postponed on account of rnln. Tho scores follow: At Los Angolos It. II. H. Vornon 2 l 3 Sacramento l 5 0 , At San Francisco San Francisco Los Angeles It. II. E. .13 1 .C 7 0 Ml'STKIt oiti)i:m;i) OX ItOSTOX. Olllcera Attend Navigation Srliool Under Itogulnrs. Naval militiamen are on the qui vivo following nn nnnouncoinent that goncrnl Inspection nnd muster will bi luild alinar.l tlin rrnlspi' linstnn Tuesday night, nnd that In nil prob ability Governor West will attend, saya tho Orogonlan. The ovont will niso mnrK uio opening or the rail nnd winter work, for slnco tho ma nouvora In Juno nbonrd tho cruiser Maryland, the men linvn not boon given strenuous drills nnd the meet ing nlghta were llmltod to ouo a week, Instond of two or three. Olllcors of tho organization will gather nbonrd ship tonight for nnoth er of n series of tnlks and Illustra tions by Lleutonnnt W. II. Toaz, U. 8. N.. who Is MKslfitlnir tlimn In working out tho rudiments of navi gation. Tho school follows ninny pointers gleaned on tho Maryland, nnd while practical experience will no necessary, tne wardroom contln gent Is making headway on tho theo rotlcal features. Portland-Oakland gnmo postponed on account of rain. HAY FKVKH. Wo hnve heard n good deal about "woman's gontlo touch," but along about tho first of the month wo believe tho gentlonoss of It Is groatly overestimated. "Oh, I would nmputato my lioad, If I possessed a clonvor or tomn hnwk or a handsaw." snld thoviptim of hay fovor. ills noso was col ored so tho boys mistook It for a beacon; profanoly ho kept up n noise that scared tho vllliigo dei con. "I am so woak," ho sadly sighed, "that I can senrcoly tot ter; my face la though It had ueeu irieu, my eyos nro running wator. And every plnco I go I hear tho politicians stormln;; they're pointing out tho ovlls horo, nnti inings tnnt need reforming. I've heard of many public woes but I have heard no duffer su? gost a remedy for those who from hay fovor auffor. Tho remedy's as plnln aa day, nnd might bo 111! tomorrow; for congress shonU abolish hay, and thus rollovo our sorrow. If goyornnicnt were mnn aued liuht. we'd nil m imi, ....,1 hearty. Hay forer victims! Let's uiiiio ami srart tnc. Big Snee'.o party'" Alas, our poor old gov ernmont! It nlwnys peoda. a 'lick ing! vThoro'll always be inuch dis content, protesting, roaring, kick ing. Until ,Oio last soroheaded man, his natlvo sod Is undor. lot govem pien do what It can, it's bound to catch MaWjfcmidor.-" -" -- Half Million Copies of Publica tion Regarding State to Be Printed. A vnlunblo stntlstlcnl description of the stnto of Oregon, its rosourcos nnd Its Industries will bo provided lu n booklet, now being propnred undor tho dlroctlon of tho Orogon Stnto Itn mlgrntlon Comnilsslon nml it Miir olllcor, C. C. Clinpmnn, Stnto Imml- Knuion agent. The first edition Will bo Ollt about N'nvninlinr 1 nn.i Will bo TiOO.OOO conloa ' This book will bo tho first rollnblo rocord or condensed stntlstlcnl com pendium of tho resources nnd Indus trloa of tho stnto thnt hns over been prepared. Kvory figure nnd stnto ment will bo based upon dnta which has boon obtnlnod from ovory nvnll nblo sonrco of national, atato nnd local rocords. nml win imr i,., chocked sevoral tlmos nnd revised to prosont dnto, so far ns possible Tho only Illustrations will bo 13 maps, showing comploto stntlstlcnl directions upon public thomos. Thoro will niso be brlof descrlptlvo .t.vva iiiiuii mo boh, oiimatic nnd Keocrnnhlcnl nuniitin r.r r.. wrltton by eminent authorities upon' thoso speclnl linos. Tlio nnmnhlet wns inBinn.i n-t mnrlly to bonoflt and Inform tlio prospective Orogon Immigrant, but will bo for free distribution within tho stnto, and will serve as a valua blo roforenco book for everyone It will bo bound In pnpor nnd bo fit for uso ns n text book In tho public schools. Many applications havo nl ready been received bv m.a r..,.. slon from persons who know that the uuuk ns in wio process of produc tion. Their names win ii nin,i .. ?," l!:S3J"?y to ..u ...v ..iuuuuu in mo euiiion. The state will pay the cost of dis tributing 200.000 conlea Th e...,. orn Pacifio Railroad has ordered a 11UK.-1UI3U u. auu.uuu ior its own dis tribution nnd the Hill officials nro contemplating a similar order. ,y.ThTlm, WanrAdt. - - Nortfj Bend The Mothers and Teachers' Club will moet nt tho Control school Thursday nftornoon, October 3, nt 3 P. m., to consldor plnlis for tho com ing yonr. Kvory mcthor who lina n clilld lu school Is onrnostly reijuoatod i iiiiuiui. u is oasior Tor ono or two mothora to nttond than for ono or iwii loncnora to seo from twonty to thirty mothors. M. G. Coleman has movod Ills Jow olry store from tho Kvorltt building to tho Btoro Just vncntod by the MIclinols Co. Miss Floronco Jonnlngs of Portland Is the guest of MUa Ollvo Rlchnrda nt Sumiior. iJi!?nry "' I,lor8' wh0 Bforod In juiloa In nn nuto accldont, which nec- OSSltatod IiIh 8linn.ll,.. ..,.... I., nt t i . b "tl 1VUOHH nMercy hospital, Is rapidly recovor- ...h. ua removed to hla liomo Mrs. L. P. Pnllfnnaloln - . . riJ.."2.i?.ISX Pcni1 ?ar after i.i v.' ,u 's,w ,or a iw days with Mrs. Wnlkor In Ten Mllo. 'OPPOSK OPKXIXG IVEH. There will bo somo opposition .w w.u uiigiHiiB oi noguo river lor commercial fishing according to nd vlsos from Weddorburn, lit Cur ' v w,Zty- J,r-1,Dylo of thnt pmco wiitos ns follows: "Itognrdlng tho chancos of opon- o . me iiukuu river onco more ! TT1!11 flshlns' w""o '""St ooij ono hero wishes to seo it open, yot nono nro in fnvor of its bolng open ngnln to seine fishing. m8uch,,n met,10d wo"1(1 b tho Till? m monl"y s of yore. wnSW.V0 " ,arg0 I'ot'tlon for warden in l m imt i i.i-.. (,n" " i . ssiiuiiro pro testing against selno fishing on tho ...v, ., uuuro ume,, but aak ins for gill net fishing 'nly; AU tho inhabitants of Gold Beach are opposed to selno falling. At Present nil i, 1 . ' V V" Inn- .l .... 'cui" ro inK- ing great quantities of salmon for iIomcBtlc inirposos. HerctK, no one was allowed to catch or tako Smed In th, Ilum lnerest Blvi right!" S " 8 nn esclu- Nws FIMlOOF BOAO M nJL , e.a.rden of E(Jen wns lo cated In Africa, then Adam and Eve must havo been Ethiopian ".' naturally follows that the forbidden fruit was a watermelon! Marshfield Chamber of Com merce Endorses Movement of Coquille Mayor. Tho plan for a permanent blghy from Coos liny to Roscburg, M.k wns prosonted by Mayor A. T. Mor rison of Coqulllo, wns Immediately nctod upon favorably by the tlvo eoniinlttoo of tho MarshflcJ Chnmbor of Commerce The comnw teo hold n meeting yesterday tw ins and took up Mayor Morrl proposition. Tho following Teso tlon wns adopted by tlio comnlHW nnd n copy forwnrdod to Mr. worn son: "Thnt Mayor Jtorrlson's PD li public highway bo 1IbW "wow by this commltteo nnd wo wiU assre him of our hearty co-oPcrat,0DA,.f Prcaldont Greon of tho CtamW" nnmmn. .llirirAalnil Mint eaC& 01 ' commorclnl bodies appoint n tomw too to tako tho mntter up and i hold n mnss meeting, with a view ranking n good roads organ nu according to Mr. Morrison s plan. Tlio oxocutlvo committee rereji" tho good ronds mntter to tne s" roada committee. Tho member ' Judgo John S. Coke. P.P-. Horbort Lockhnrt, Claade J'8'? nnd J. A. Mataon. Hugh McUlnJ ao was made a member of tne w mltteo. Discuss Literature. . Tim inntr of literature tor ' Chnmbor of Commorco was discuss; t . .1-..J..I unme new'u. oraturo and tho matter was reier to tho ndvortlslng commU,eeAU;ert posed of Henry Sengstncltei i, ai Solllg, O. C. Going, B. W. amm and B. D. McArthur. Every fellow in the $ ters himself that ho Is a born i nnd that his method oM ing is Irresistible. This . I cause every woninn " '"rm0ther, from a 14-year-old to eranW tries to sea how many W,nahs fool a man will make of n" In a given tlmo If nowed rein.