The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, October 02, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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    IHt uuus Otti nmno, mmoi
M. O. MALONKY Editor nml I'uli. ""a rniironu is uoing mint ior w.u ,
DAN K. MALONKY News Editor purpose of carrying logs from mo
Tho Times will bo pleased to pub-
An IndepcndonfRcpubltcan new I timber bolt to tho saw mill It will at ll-h rotters from ts readers on all
por published every ovoning oxcot I tho samo tlmo Bervo as a great do- Questions of publlo Interest. Encn
Sunday, and Weekly by
Sdio Coos liny Times Publishing Co.
Official Paper of Coos County.
Ono year JG.00
Per month f0
Ono year $1.50
When paid strictly In ndvnnco Mio
subscription prlco of tho Coos Bay
Tlmoa Is $6.00 por yoar or $2.50 for
nix mouths.
Address all communications to
Mnrsliflcld :: :: :: : Orcco a
Dedicated to tho sorvlco of tho
pcoplo, that no good caiiso shall lack
a champion, and that evil shall uo.
thrlvo unopposed.
FUNNY story was once told at
tho expense of Myrtle Point
by Boino ovorly witty travel
ing snlcBmon. Ho said ho went to
that protty llttlo city near tho cen
ter of Coos county and stopped at
tho hotel. Ho found no ono In and
n call at several store resulted In
tho samo lack of mooting anyone. Ho
finally, nftcr failing to find n man In
any of tho business houses, saw an old
citizen standing on tho curb stnnc.
Ho addressed the mnn and nsloil
whoro ovoryono was hiding. Tho
traveling man said that ho received
no response nnd walked around tho
old cltbon Hovcrnl times nnd then
put his hand on tho old man's shoul
der and found tbnt this, tho only
mnn ho had found In Myrtlo Point,
wns stnndlng up dead on tho Btrcot.
Now that Is a somowhnt long story as
told by tho traveling man and It mny
hnvo applied well enough nt ono tlmo
Tint If that Bamo cnmmerrlnl gentle
mnn will at nny tlmo from now on
Ttalt tho oxtrnmo enstorn tormlniiB
of tho Coos Day, ItoHohurg & Eastern
Rnllwny and Navigation Compnny
lino ho will not find nny dend ones
on tho street rnrnora. Tho real fact
is that Myrtlo Point promises to bo
ono of tho liveliest places on this
part of tho map. Tho rltl7onn thorn
solves first brought tho city Into Im
nioillnto notlco by holding a county
fair, which wob worthy of nny county
In Oregon. After MnrBhflold had
vcloper. Myrtlo Point may well con
gratulate herself on nrrlving nt n
point In hor dovolopment whero tho
city Is on tho ovo of becoming ono
of tho most important trading centers
of tho southwestern part of tho state.
Says Marshflold: Hero's to you,
Myrtlo Point.
THE cheapest thing to rldo, Ik
n hobby. It eats no oats,
It uses no gnaollno and it
iviIIh for no ticket. And it is
There Is no objection to tho rid
Inir of n hobby so long as it Is
not ridden over peoplo's rights.
.Many have n mania for talking
of their ailments. Ono question
about their health will tilt ovor on
you tho great reservoir of their
Somo hnvo turned into temper
nnco monomnnlncs. They havo
dwelt upon tho ono ovll until nil
others arc submerged, forgotful of
tho fnct that tho only decent thing
nbout thousands of men Is that
thoy do not drink, nnd that thoy
mlgh do that if they wcro not too
Tho fresh nir cranks bUb with
doors nnd windows open, nnd whilo
his family's teeth are chattering
with tho cold descants on Iho
brnclng weather.
Witticism Is tho hobby of an
other. Admlrnblo Is tho powor to
nmiiBo. Wo cannot nlwnys havo
tho comers of our mouths drawn
letter must bo signed by tho wrltor,
and bo far as posslblo bo limited to
200 words. In publishing theso lot
tors it must bo undorstood that Tho
Times does not lndorso the vlows ex
pressed therein; it Is simply affording
a means for tho voicing of different
opinions on all questions affecting
tho public wolfaro.
Editor Times:
And so W. C. Hawloy explained
tho now homestead law which ho
"caused to bo passed," did he?
What! W. C. Hawloy cause tho new
homestead lnw to bo passed? Oh,
rats! Hawloy Is not content with ap
propriating to hlniBclf all tho thun
der of tho whole Oregon delegation,
but must needs now purloin tho lnu
rols of tho Hon. W. E. Borah of
Ono flno dny, so tho story goes, a
Jackdaw piped oft a peacock In full
plume disporting himself In the
noonday sun. Tho daw was nt onco
overcome with Jealousy, wheroupon
ho bedecked his tnll with feathers of
all sorts and strutted up nnd down,
to tho grent nniusoment of tho deni
zens of tho barnyard. Even so Mr.
Hawloy Is strutting up and down tho
stnto bedecked In plumage purloined
from every nvnllablo source, claim
ing It ns his very own.
Hut Mr. Hnwloy didn't say any
thing nbout that other bill confirm-
in, HMn tn lnntta npnnlrntl lit. ihn
111U tUIIIUIB Ul uut ... " " i "o " ....... ....... v. j t.iu
down. Neither can wo always havo largo In ml owners from tho Oregon &
corners of our mouths drnwn
Harsh criticism Is tho mnln mood
of Homo. They spend their lives
In limit lucr for something to chow
up goats browsing on morning
glorios. Ho who, finding within
him powers of sntlre, gives him
self up to that, might as well bo
a wasp stinging tho bnro foot of
Plrdo of nncesrry Is with others
tho chief mnnln. They go through
llfo with tholr fncoB turned back
ward. Thoy feel sorry for Adam
becaiiBo ho had no grandfather.
Wo nil got tired and wish their
precious ancestors had been child
less. All our faculties wore made for
use. Ho who Ib always on ono
thomo cannot glvo full play to
fnllcil olinl;nrountvfnlprorsomn.;j,Bniont, ,,nnBlnntlon, fancy
thing llko tho InBt K. years or bo : .i. ,, fn,.
Myrtlo Point took up thin very Invlt-i Wo wnnt harmony or Intellect
lug opportunity mid put herself In nll tho ,,nrtB cnrri0d, troblo, alto,
iho list of tho ngr rultunj ronton of (rilor( mi(, ,mHS, accompanied by
tho northwest. Tho holding of that flll, orchestra, violin, 'cello, cornnt,
fair mennt more to tho city than ,iruni( nuto nml cymbals,
might hnvo boon ronllzod. Myrtlo ( j0 wno BOUa through llfo using
Point has boon mentioned In tho ng- ono fnculty to oxtromo hops on ono
rlculturnl pnpors throughout tho f00t instead of taking tho Btrong.
rountry ns being tho plnro whero Bmooth gnlt of tho healthy wnlker.
tho Coob and Curry county fnlr would i
ho hold. Tho undertaking wiib a sue- THE HICK MAX.
roH In every way nnd has nnrved lo
bring tho county Into notlco. Coob' i iind roiiio fell dlBcnBOBj my back
fountv owes gratitude to tho pcoplo bono nnd my kneoBon wero racked by
who bncked tho undertaking. Now bitter pnln; nnd I had Influonzy, thnt
Myrtlo Point, nftor hor own effort Ib drove mo to n frenzy, nnd wntor on
coming Into n position of gront prom- tho brain. Oh, I hnd corns nnd bun
Inonco. Tho Smltli-Pnwora logging Ioiib, nnd bolls ns big ns onions, nnd
railroad Ib to bo built out of that in my oyo n atvo: I doubt If nny duf-
tlty up tho Bouth fork of tho Co- for could Bit around and BUffor more
qulllo rlvor. This piece of construe- earnestly thnn I. I took tho doctor's
Hon work means more than can bo potion, his blttorB by tho nconn, his
ronllzod by anyone not ncqunlntod capsules by tho peek; tho neighbors
wmi mo comuiionB or tno locality, hoard my gronn ng. nnd often thoy
Tho contrnctorfl who miiRt hnvo tho woro honing to como nnd break my
rnllroad dnno within n Bpoclfled tlmo neck. And then my Undo Aaron
will havo hundreds of men nt work enmo up nnd hoard mo Hwonrln, and
and tho city will bounflt. When tho Bald: "You aro a chcoao; your nox-
rood Is complotod tho bonoflts will by Jons dopo you drink of, nnd nll you
no moans ccaBo, as tho Bmlth-Poworn ovor thing of Is Just boiiio old dls-
Cdmpnny will conduct nt tho ond of onao. Tho moro you Bit horo grumb-
that rnllroad ono of tho biggest log- ling about tho spasms rumbling nlong
King undertakings that has ovor been your bnttored nplno, tho moro your
attempted on tho ConBt. Mr. A. II. His will Bear you, tho moro your
Powers hlniBolf ndmlts thnt ho must grlofs will Jar you, tho moro you'll
llvo ono bundled yearH moro anyway, weep and whlno. Foranko your mll-
to rompleto tho company's logging, dowod liovol, and go nnd tnko a
operations In that nolghborhood so shovel nnd dig nround for bait; for-
thero Is no danger of tho bonoflts get to shako and shiver, forgots your
stopping nnywnys booh. Even now lights nnd liver, nnd got your smllo
tho Smith company baa nn olllco in on atrnlght." Thoro lan't much of
Myrtlo Point nnd with tho railroad hair on tho domo of Undo Anron,
construction gangs within n wook or but InBldo thoro Is Bonao: ho kopt
two nt work nnd with tho enmps of nround mo. Bcoldlng, until I quit bluo
loggors operating whon tho road Is moulding, and built a mllo of fence,
finished. Myrtlo Point Is hound to ro- And whon It was completed nnd I
fotvo n business which cannot bo ta-' was tired and honted and soaked with
Hen nwny from her. Still another honest sweat. 1 said: "My pains aro
point Ib to bo ronsldorod. Tho log- muilahcd! Tho last old ncho hns
King rnllrond will not only hnul logs vanlahcd! Oh, work's tho ono best
rrom n nig umnor uiairict to tne saw bet!"
mills nnd bring n largo numbor of orrMamiw "v aVi
T'orkmen to Myrtlo Point ns n contor.l eji.uXiMu LOaj&, lvcn
but It will nlan opon up ono of tho
rlcheat districts of Coos county, In Lots of women bollovo that their
fact ono of tho grontoat ngrlculturnl huabands aro great mon becauao
localities of Southwestern Oregon, thoy wrlro bad hands, but they
Herotoforo this south fork country can got no ono to ngreo with thorn
has been Isolated. With a rnllroad oxeopt tholr husbands.
California Rnllroad Compnny, In ox
cess of 1000 acres, did ho? No!
Dear mo! How could ho havo over
looked that matter?
Well, that It mny bo properly can
ned, I will quoto whnt tho Orogonlnn
sn Id about It, August 22, 1012:
"Iloforo signing tho bill, tho prcB
Idont referred It to tho nttorney gen
eral nnd to tho secretary of tho In
"Attorney Oonernl Wlckorsham,
whllo not entirely satisfied, snld ho
would not rocommond the veto of
tho bill, but Sccrctnry Fisher was
far from pleased and thought tho
bill should havo required tho largo
purchnpora to pny tho government nt
least $25 an ncro for lnnds previous
ly bought from tho rnllrond com
pnny. Ho contended thnt somo of
this Innd wns worth $200 nn ncro,
nnd hla first Impulso was to suggest
that n Inrgcr prlco bo demanded on
tho moro vnluablo trncts.
"After npponls woro mado to him
by ItoprcBcntntlvo Hnwloy nnd by A.
C. Dixon of tho Dooth-Kolly Lum
ber Company, representing tho Inno
cont purchnsors, ho modified his ob
jections nnd tho president signed tho
I wonder why ho did not mention
Then thoro is nnothor smnll mnt
tor of removing tho llfo Bavlng sta
tion. Didn't montlon thnt, did ho?
No I Now ronlly. I wondor why? I
glngl I bollovo ho forgot to look nt
tho bar, too
"No Interests to servo hut tho peo
plo's interests!" Whnt a beautiful
Bontlmont llkowlso sucker-bait.
The Coles Hot Blast Heater
Save One-Third the Coal Bill
Ask Your Neighbor Who Has One
:$1 9.00
rrlP liy3!3A vt iJWa!1
F Ho?it
R rr7BRlfi
!-! vVF'xT JfGF Hr
T-i iiTiT ?EVi!VPirr
'No. 12 D for coal,
STo. 15 D, for coal,
"No. 18 D, a large size for the slorc(
or church ; price
No. 18 L, for wood,
No. 20 L, for wood,
Price ,
No. G18 X, polished body for
wood ; price
No. 0 Sun Oak, for coal,
No. 11 Sun Oak,, for coal,
No. 13 Sun Oak, for coal,
"We have a handsome open-front heater, the
Charter Oak, No. 12G, dM -i nn
Also a larger one, No. 13G,
Sheet Steel Heater, from $2.25 up
Complete House Furnishers
Men's Furnishings
Shoes, Hats, Blan
kets and Comforters
that wo would llko tho peoplo of Coos
Day to seo. Wo think wo hnvo ono
of tho boat linos on Coos Day and
wo can savo you monoy on this lino.
Como In nml seo whnt wo havo, get
our prices, mako comparisons and
then uso your own Judgment.
The Bazar
;MStore of Quality."
"" Phone 32.
Tho uso of tho school houses for
lectures on publlo topics by "public
spirited mon and womon of tho
atnto," Is entlroly consistent with
tho ndvlco of Govornor West tho oth
er dny. Ho wont furthor, nnd advo
cated tholr uso as polling places.
This laat extension Is not npprovod
by somo of tho country pnpora In
tho mlddlo states, Thoy say that tho
extra holiday Involved would bo nc
coptablo to tho children, but would
Htrcnnthon tho notion too common
already that n day lost from school
"doesn't amount to much anyhow."
Dut tho Idea has taken root that
tho school housoa bolonR to tho peo
ple, that thoy keep thorn In ronnlr.
and hent nnd light thorn, nnd hnvo
tho right to uso thorn for all pur
pobcs or muiuai uonont. it goes
without saying thnt tho primary pur
Pobo of tho building must not be In
terfered with. Dut outsldo that ubq
of tho plant thoro nro bo many hours
out of tho 24 that It stands idlo that
tho plan now auggestod may bo
cheerfully adopted.
Tho Indirect effect of enlisting a
multitude of good citizens In this
work Is, perhaps, tho greatest of tho
bonoflts to tho community thnt will
result. Who knows how many stu
dents and orators, now blushing un
seen may bo, discovered. Oregon
Little Talks on the
High Cost of Living
Wo epond dollnrs today on plonauro whoro our forefathers
spent but dimes, yet wo complain nbout tho high coat of liv
ing. A dlmo la n smnll sum of monoy, ono tenth of n dollar,
tho coat of our living. Io foolishly It ndds ton por cent to
tho coBt of our living. It Is right for us to enjoy tho good
things of llfo, but wo should glvo moro consideration for tho
best things, ns for oxnmplo a homo In PBRIIAM PAItlC.
See REID About It.
Parts of Curry County Slay IIo In
lllrtl Preserve.
Tho Port Orford Trlbuno say:
Gamo Warden Dnker wns In Port
Orford gathering Information rela
tive to tho different klnd8 bf birds
that Inhabit tho rocks along tho
Curry county coast. Ho Is follow
ing tho sea lino gathering whnt
statistics ho can which nro wantod
by his superiors for tho purpose of
determining whether or not theio
rocks shall bo Included In a na
tional bird Preserve. Just what
birds would bo protected by such a
proservo that aro worth protecting,
Mr. Baker's lottor of instructions
does nor state, but it Is presumod
that It would proservo tho salary
ui ih leasi an oxira oincial or
two. Mr. Dakar reports everything
moving nlong nlcoly In the gamo
lino and that hunters hnvo been
unusually careful this .summer in
not violating the law.
Oh, Charles Adolphus, go your
way, and paint tho town from dny to
day, until you'vo had your flll; but
ovory foolish act, gadzooks, la char
ged ngalnst you In tho books, nnd
you must pay tho bill. Ono thing
Is suro na death or tax, which Is that
rotrlbutlon whncks each erring mor
tal Jay; long years may pnss, already
yot, boforo you're called to pay tho
uont, but soma tlmo you must pay.
Go, rako In wealth with greedy paws,
and vlolato all moral laws, and cheat
and Bwlndlo still; but somo day
mnyoo wnon yoirro old, nnd lovo
Booms bettor far than gold you'll
mo nours away, ana waste tho golden
summer day, rofuso to toll or till!
Whon winter comes and workers rest
In cozy homes, of ease possessed,
you'll havo to pay tho bill! Oh
maldona, radiant and fair, who ubo
peroxldo on your hair, and kalsomln
your cheoka; who twist your systems
all awry until tho gdila look down
nnd sigh, "Oh, pipe tho dizzy
frenksl" With all your paint and
furbelows, and shoes that crush your
aching toes, you're surely out to kill;
but when tho glow of youth la past,
and ago comes creeping on at ,last,
you'll havo ,to pay tho bill. Each
foolish action that we do, each wick
ed qourso that wo pursue, we sottlo
for somo day; tho captain's office op
on stands, whoro wo must face this
wona s aemana8, and aomo Umo wo
must pay.
" Pianist and Teacher.
Harmony, Musical HIatory
Phono 254-R.
E. Pale & (M
Ladies' and Gentlemen
TmnnrtArt find Domaitla Wool
Fit and Satisfaction GuiruUtfl
Wo do all work right ber.
070 North Front Bu
Donnot Rwnnlnn
Attorneys nnd Counsellors nt Law.
Ilwingnn & Dennett Ilnnk Rulldlnir.
-i.imuui vuuh to., uregon.
Tom 7. Dennott
x Pianist and Teacher
Resldonco-Studlo, 237 So. Droadway
Phono 18-L.
- . TT , Violin Instructor.
Apply Haines Music Store,
. Class Starts September 1.
nnY WOWi1
flnmn in! lnfft In NORTH M
nan ,nA -t wr rOIllMl 1
if taken now. E. S. OEAB f
First National Dank.
Mar8hfleld. Oregon.
171 Grime Dullding, over Grand
Theater. Offlco Pliono 320.
Rooms 801 and 002, Coke Building
, Marshfield, Oregon.
Steam from a flro engine In a New
Jersey city recently came in contact
with nn overhead wire, completing a
circuit which severely shocked Are
men who were h&mlllntr hno aftanh.
Wd'to tho englna. ' . i . . .
Tho Inner vessel of a doubla hoiir
ror m.any uses mat has been Invent
ed In England, fits the outer tightly
so ub to get the full benefit of tho
etenm, whllo a safety valve Is pro
vided to prevent explosions.
Tho property of platinum spongo
to Bbsbrb gas, which ralpdly In
creases the temperature of the metal
la empltye4 In connection with a
thermostat to dim tho light In an
eloctrlo lamp for miners to warn
thenv'of dapg-er.
LJ Snecialist
In Nervo nnd Spinal Dlseaoe.
Offlco Hours, l to C p. an
Oflleo, 804 Oolco Building.
Electric Lamps
for nll places.
Fino assortment Jot "H
Gunrnntcexl lUectrlc k
fioiiicthlng new. Ask to w
Coos Bay Wiring Co
PnOND 237-J.
Cily AutoSe
Qood Cars, uroiu
reasonabl charce. '0
imim ...Bhm tt W Jr.
.Stands Blanco Hotel f.'JU
VISM'OWia' " - - v
KTIt Dbnn. 8.
L Modem DenUI Pu-Iont.
Wo. aro equipped to do. high class
worjt on Bnort notice at tho very
lowest Mlces, .Examination free.
Lady attendant. Coke pldff., Opp.
ChandlocHoUl, jhoaa 112t r
If roa hT wtytWag to mM. trM.
!J;.twlh'6r.WMlt'h,lft a.
IT. Star Trans
and StorageS0;
..-. .- .-.ivtndiol
on. ihort notice. W?iUi
and boau ana '?",,
tyl Rtynolds Pjo, WW?
ruirmtM our work. '
L. H. Heisnerr.
... f-aJlorl''1
i - i ,-
. ... Um brttl't14!!
' ' . I. ...
1 '..t
'(''J . i"
" ' " . - ' r-l '
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