THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1912-EVEN1NG EDITION. & v S COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEV Editor nnd Tut). DAN K. MALONEV News Editor CITY WITHOUT TANKS. ILVERTON, Colorado, Is n city without tnxes. It occupies tins enviable position, not so much Because of Its natural advantages MBough It has many such but nlso flocnuso of tho wisdom and foresight of its pcoplo and becnuso Its omclals liavo worked for tho pooplo, Instead of for their own solflsh advancement. Tho fact that Sllvcrton has no city taxes Is duo directly to tho fact that Sllvorton owns Its water and lighting system. Such an Incomo Is dorlvod from tho sale of water and light that all the expenses of tho municipal gov ernment aro met In that manner. And water and light, though car rying tho ontlro burden of tho city, Is not expense. Small consumers of fcloctrlclty pay only 7 1-2 cents per kilowatt hour; larger consumers pay as llttlo as C cents. It costs n man $8 per year for water for an eight-room house, nnd an oxtra dollar for each additional Tooin ho may add to his house. Of course Sllvorton Is most advan tageously situated, as rogards both wator nnd power. Lofty mountains tIso nil about tho city. Water nnd powor nro right In tho city's back yard. It cost but llttlo to build a .siualclpnl water nnd lighting system. THH MORNING AFTER. Oh, the sport nwnlccs ns tho morn- tin liHAnl.H ...till n ttt.n n Innil Hlft I'lUilivn nil ii 111:4111 iiuu ii lu.iit 1 of brick; nnd his eyes aro red In I ins nrning nonii, ami jus poor oni stomnch'u sick. Ills mouth Is furred mil ho thinks somo bird n buzzard lias nested thoro; his thront Is dry and ho thinks he'll die, nnd there's frco lunch In his hair. He notes with dread that ho went to bed attired lu his shoes and lint; and ho ccs n bear on his bedroom chair Rut It's only tho thomns cnt. Ho groans and sighs as ho tries to rlso irom his couch of misery. "This lots mo out from tho fostnl rout It's novor again," says he. To tho Joint lie slinks for somo saving drinks, tiho hnlr of tho dog. you know; n few good Jerks for his weakened works ho'll quit when tho tremors no. nut n slug or gin, when It s snfo within, cnlls loud for a running mnto; nnd the poor old sport takes .mother snort, and hits up tho snmo old gnlt. And tho sport nwnkos when tho morning bronks ns sick ns n glnndorod horse; his eyes nro rod tn his swollen henil. IiIb comrndo Is 71. E. Morse. To fill your vat with flio suds like that, to sleep In your nni nun hiiiicr: no you rail Hint fun, Oh, you sporty one. Just getting a taste for bonze? GANDERBONE'S FORECAST OCTOMER. A scone at Armageddon, A warrior In tin, And every now and then a shout Emerging from the din. Somo folks fancy Woodrow, And others fancy Dill, And others still for Thoodoro Aro very hopeful still. A tnblo nnd a pitcher, A spanker on his perch, And here and thcro somcono asleep The snmo as In n church. Tho miracle of party, And tho porfldy of doubt, With tho UBiinl statistics Till tho watchman puts him out. A woman with n banner, Anothor with a drum, And another with a curtain polo Revolving on hor thumb. Somo folks say It's nothing, But others think It Is, And llko as not It won't bo long Till mnn Is getting his. Tho bull mooso nnd tho donkoy, Tho clophnnt, tho zoo, Tho trusts against tho pooplo, And tho fnlsc against tho truo; But do not got excited, Or tnko it vory hard, For they'll all Ho down togothor In tho snmo barnyard. chnrgors cover ground. If Rocke feller nnd his set desire n llttlo sport ing bout, why lot them wait n bit to got their trust-fed steeplechasers out Wo'ro having ono perhaps tho first wo over had, nnd while It tolls, we'll tnko a caro to hold a gun upon the pirate nnd his spoils. UN OIL GO. TO OPEN BRANCH October was originally tho eighth month of tho Romans, but It brought Tho Hunter's Moon will sail tho sky To ecstnclzo tho human race, And men will trail tho pumpkin plo Through many a city eating place. The elder sign will graco the store, To offor men its ancient boon, And customors will bulgo tho door , with getting out of tho snloon. The twelfth of tho month will bo tho -120th nnnlvorsary of tho discov ery of America, nnd Messrs. Rocke feller, Morgan nnd Cnrneglo will glvo a dinner on that dato to Christopher uoiummis, who found It for thorn. Tno 27th will bo tho nnnlvorsary of tho lnndlng In this country of tho man who put tho 1'onn In Pennsyl vania, and It will bo celebrated In nn npproprlnto mnnnor by ovoryono who has put tho Important svllnblo In nnythlng slnco. Tho moon will bo full on tho 25th, nnd tho password for tho month will bo applobuttcr. And then Novombor will renew, with somewhat coolor weather, nnd mo poor consumer sowing two thin A new shlpmont of Misses' nnd Lndlcs Coats at tho Ladles' Emporium. Times' Want Ads bring results. IIIUIIlll (II II1U ilUMlllIlB, .JUL II UiUUBIll ,, ,,li .1 watermelons nnd pumpkins In nt tho un'n 8U'tB toSthor- snmo tunc, mm iNtiinn I'ompinus, woo liked both, punched It nlong to tenth plnco to keep from foundering hlm solf. A Dull Mooso pnrty formed to dcthrono him, but ho hold on, and was nblo In tho ond to pull tho skulls of his enemies nround on a string on Hallowe'en, with a cnndlo Inside, from which wo hnvo our prcsont-dny Jack-o'-Lantcm. Tho zodiacal sign for Octobor Is Scorpio, mcnnlng tho Scorpion. It typlilcs tho mnnnor In which candi dates sting ono another lu tho Inst fow wooks of tho cnmpnlgn. Octo ber has always been tho fnvorlto month of tho year. That moro pco plo hnvo nlwnys married In June has only boon explained upon tho theory Hint inasmuch ns they aro under taking tho bnttlo of llfo togothor they probably consider that It would bo Just ns woll to begin nt onco upon tho mosquitoes. Standard Oil May Have Com petitor on Coos Bay at Early Day. Tho Union Oil Company, formerly represented on Coos Dny by Jack Flanagan, It Is reported, Is nbout to estnbllsh a brnncli on uoos uny, thnt will bo under tho direct mnnnge mont of n porsonnl representative of tho comnnny. It Is nnnounced thnt thoy will build docks and establish a wnro houso In tho vicinity of tho Kruso & Ranks shipyard. Mr. Geo. J. Richardson, who Is un derstood to represent tho company on Coos Hay, has arrived from San Francisco nnd Is conducting tho ne gotiations for opening tho now branch hero. This will bo nn Important addi tion to tho commcrclnl circles of Coos Hny, as It menus tho Union Oil Co.'s fleet of steamers will mako this ono of their regular ports of entry. Rumor of Change. Mr. Konm of San Francisco, who Is ono of tho chief ownors of tho North Hcnd box fnctory, Is In thnt city. It Is rum ored thnt thoro Is to bo somo chnngo In tho mnnngement of tho concern. but Mr. Konm todny stated that ho had nothing to say and did enro to discuss tho rumor. Solo ngents for Mnskcy's Candy thn Cnnilv thnt innilo I.VInrn fnmniiH I Stnuff Orocory Company. Kifchen Heaters Ar( practical nouseh Necessities in homes not equipped for fo jtuituciis umerwise You can eninv iho , .r ,-, .v Ot 01 , winter in a comfortable, clean J cnen KITCHEN HEATedo - tiXa neat; nanasome attachment fort gas range They take up little room and J your retuse and garbage, OREGON POWER C( TELEPHONE J78, ArrrtM. X7tX WWMfl JUtiLtw A4an QWW (ViOXJ SHOULD PREPARE FOR BIG RUSH Belief Expressed That Opening of Canal Will Bring Many to the Coast. (fly Associated Proas to Tho Coos Hay Times.) SALT luKK CITY, Sopt. .10. Thnt tho people of tho const Btntes must bo prepared for a big Incoming 1 of homoseokorH wiih tho nsmirniii-n jdvon by I). ('. Colllor nt tho Nu ifonnl Irrlgntlon Congress lu session in that city. Mr. Colllor said In part: To you, roproiiontntlvpH of tho Stntoti of tho Rocky Mountain nnd. Tho gcntlo spirit of tho Fall Will como to glorify tho nlr, And tho footbnll plnyor will nppnll Tho population with his hair. Tho rcforco will climb tho poles And sound IiIh shrill ofllclnl toot, And tho moth will drill 11 fow moro holes In everybody's Winter suit. Thoro Is no glory to compnro with thnt nwnltlug Just uhond, whon tho gossamer gets In the nlr, and tho sas snfrnH Is llnmlng red: n million hnrps havo duly twanged upon tho glories of tho time, but n pnot still woro rnthor linngod thnn not Intono his llttlo rhyme. You mny destroy his throbbing lyro nnd pitch him headlong In tho son, but death nlono enn quench tho II ro that underlies his moloily. Ho'll string n horse hnlr on n polo, nnd oven stronger than boforo uplift tho passion or ills soul with gotlng back upon tho shore At such n time, though you mny laugh, It would as probably nvnll To cntch tho ncrobntle calf And tlo n brick upon his tall. Ono whiff of Autumn In his noso, aim lowering his plnyful bond, Little Talks on the High Cost of Living SURELA Tho prosont high cost of living Is In part tho result of spending our mo ney unwisely. Things which woro considered ns luxuries n fow years ago, nro now rognrdod by ninny ns necessities. If wo would ro.lucn thn present high cost of living wo must lenrn to discriminate between roil necessities nn.l luxuries. Romonibor, we MUST spend money for necessi ties; wo SHOULD spond It for wlso Investments; wo MAY spond it for Pleasure, but when wo spend It for a homo In RERIIAM PARK wo spond It for nil threo. SEE REID ABOUT IT COKE I1UILDING. Pmilflo Coast regions, tho oponlng of UH roar appendage still uprose. inn I'liim nt fi 111 it i I nt.l 1.,. ..f a ii ..... ... iho Panama Canal nnd the offoot It win nnvo upon tho states that de pend upon Irrigation for tholr ag ricultural proiluctM Is a question of wont vital Interest. "The tldn of Immigration, here tofore flowing from oust to wont, through tho Atlnutlo sonbonrd gato-a-ny. will bo deflected by the opera tion of I he ciiiiul to tho Woat shore f tho United Staton. thoro to dis tribute Its thousand of ImmlicriintH y short railway Journeys to tho Tho bettor mmiiiv n,n ni- III spood tho prosldentlnl rnro, Though weighted with n keg of lend. You can't rostraln tho Joy of Fall that palpltntes In living things, nor hopo to dlsslpnto tho thrall In which a poeinstor slags. Tlu rnlf will kick nnd buck nround, the colt will cut a fow high Jinks, nnd tho poot'w zlthor will rosound dosplto what anybody thinks. JtutOM wont of tho 1 00th meridian, that offor Ihom tho greatest Induce ment lu tho wny of cheap lands, ns jurod moisture for these lauds mid ?ropor eiimutlo conditions under -viioii to etiltlvato those particular products of tho soil lu which they tIhIi to specialize. "ThoiisandH havo rofusod to Imml xrnt to tho United States bocauso if tholr four of a long trnns-contl-nontnl Journey In n strnnuo cnuntiv. The cnnal will chnngo nil this and aim a cockleburr plncod horo nnd thoro Will boll) nccolornto the nnrn Tho troubled enrth will gently sway jiuiii'iiiu 1110 vioioni nttnok, And tho trusts will hustlo corn nnd hay Along tho fonco Insldo tho track. Tho eagor rlclois. all Incllnod nt least resistance to tho nlr, will lnsh iiioir quaurupeus uelilnd, nnd feel BlancharcPs Livery Wo hnvo secured tho Hvory bus' ness of L. II. Hclsnor, nnd nro pro pared to rondor excellent srvlco to tho pooplo of Coos nay. Careful drlvors, good rigs nnd ovorythlng thnt will menn satisfactory sorvico to tho public. Phnnn 11a fnv n .1,1., Ins horso, n rls or anything nooded .., mo mur iino. wo niso do truck ing business of all kinds. UliAXCHAIU) RROTIIEUS, Phono 138-J. Idvory, Feed ami Sales Senlce. Ml First nnd Alder Streets a ! wiuiii HiKKIIlK in t OSliair. Tin linn. u is 10 1110 western so-cnlled Irrlgat- gry brutes will smoll the hay and d states hat ho greatest benefit I catch tho fragrance 0 the cor n an Th" p ,mm n' ,,nM?K I ,n U,oIr tor""-o cruse ho day thn I ho Pacific ocean Is now nnd saw tho tint reformer born! Ill r uca vtll 1 bo In groator degree the theater the time when plenty shows n helping of tho world's greatest events. Tho hand on every side, nnd still nobo v states that nro nearer that ocoan over throws able for bPlnL vminoi than to tho Atlantic ocean havo a I It no or was that way bo or l, nnv definite lively nnd Intense Interest other race "ey rii? nnd ma,,yaKSm fn nnythlng that occurs on tho bor- nnd lusty roar wll so au?e nerHdy dor of that ocean. I say to you of man. uic iicriwj iiini uuy hiuip 11010 roprosontod that Hut that's tho kind of race It Is llOOfl IKlt lironnro ttr lm pronJof I...L... ... ...- .: ". . ,a. ,l ,3' flux of in iniKm l. .. tin. n, .:., '::"', ."'..'"'' u,ow,ai o w II, nnd , " f ", "uitii innil a cur P.OLK'S OREGON and WASHINGTON Business Directory A Directory of each City. Town nnd Mllsge. elrlne deicrlptlvo eketch of eoch plac, location, population, tele BTaph. hlpplne an J banklnc point 1 alto ClMilnea Directory, compiled by wu.... aim proieMion. n. u roue co.. Seattle R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. Unique Pantatorium THE MODI3IIX DYERS, CLEAVERS WtESSKKS nnd HAT ItK.NoSvTOlfs A ,,. -.unru 11. strnuss & C)., l'Jno Tailoring. i,ct ua mako your next suit. 2M COMMERCIAL. P,0I)Q 30.T CONDENSED STATK.ME.NT Of The First National Bank of Coos At tho closo of business, September I, 1012 RESOURCES. LonnB and Discounts l uvoruraiis iioiniB, wnrrnnts nnd securities (I u. s. Bonus to Bocuro circulation Real cstnto. furlturo nnd flxturos Cash and sight oxchnngo J Totnl Jt LIABILITIES. Capital Btock paid In i:i Surplus nnd undivldod proflta ll Circulation, outstanding ll Doposlts ,,,1:1 . -a'l J.w . Total Ill In addition to Capital Stock tlio iudlvldtial liability of EtodSI $100,000.00. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DErOSIBl W. S. CIIANDLEH, President DOUSE V KltEITZtt lont ITIPA la mil.. tn vW o uun ills wirii i-n rilM MUHII. Illl MlllllV Ml llll'llillAlk tlmt nA..l...... 1. . .. . ---... m H . " : " "" ini I rtuiiufiiuw KLU'iiincr nf It ofiii a i aimil como from t in iviut ta n. h, ', r v ..V'" "omn- , fctlnjc the r iporiunuy of lunch; ail" ra uffiV w tatThg. Z'. her history. lo" ternnd they'vo'Kot lo mnllrthelr WHEN YOU WANT A .MESSEN "'" "ov SometliliiK Mint for wr iieuverea P II O N E 15 Mi nnd WO'll dO it. nitnrpoo rnnann ablo. CIIAS GRANIIV, Mnrshflold. -T,,,' Olympic Flour Snow Drift Flour RETAIL PR1CL $1.40 PER. SACK Northwestorn hard nhmt .,.- cluslvely In milling these brands of flour. ex &IIB wwwurr4 I Anynhcrc, Any Tlmo Careful Driving Reasonable Rates FISHER AUTO SERVICE Win. Fislier, Prop. Phono ordorj to Hillyor's Cigar oiure, i-nono 13-j. Aft r 11 P. M Phono 5-J. Marahflold, Or son. WANTED ! ! ! CARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND i'i..U5 TO GLEAN, by Uio Tnou. Iliatlc Clcaillni' Cnmnnnr rtn.1n, t Barnard & Langworthy I Ron mm .t wooDsiSorffiopiwWra LEADED ART GLASS DOMES P1I0NH WEST .MARSHFIELD SNAPS 41 xJ)(b".Cornor Commercial nnd Thirteenth ..$073 70 x 100 Fourteenth St. ,$lioo 50 x HO Control Avo.... 9147a 70 X 100 Cnmmnrnlnt Four'nth Sl800 L S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Street. MUIMH.MI AND REPA1K WORK, Houso Moving nnd Grndlng. bv?h ?i propnrod t0 do this work i . 4?y or contrnct and guarnnteo satisfaction. Lot us figure with you! o. 1'IAIiI) t CO.. Inrshfeld. Oi-o. Abstracts, Real Estate, and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract 1 nENitY OKNGSTAGICEN, Mgr. CoquUIo Offlco Phone 101 Platting Lands a ifhl Farms Timber Coal andenfj "KASTSIDF," General Aa Marahflold Offloo U-J- STATE.MENT OF CONDITION of FLANAGAN & BENNETT 0 MARSHFIELD, OREGON, At tho closo of business, September 1, 1M- KUSUUUUtta. ,,i(i I Loans nnd discounts "unKing nouso Cash and exchanges Total 111. r, .. , . LIABILITIES. , Capl ai Btock paid In ' i ou.i'ius ana undivided profits t DoPsl J .nil "tal . ................. . G. Phono 310..I. Bargains in Lots at Bunker Hill Some choice sites If you sea mo at once. AUG. FRIZEEN. 08 Central Avo. Get Busy AND OFyr AlWIfn rmiim nnnnt Tiim WlimT COMB ' OUR PRICES ON SniNGLES AND ROOFING rAVER SHINGLES 91.80 AND UP. ROOFrNG PAPER, ONB PLY, $1& AVD C A. Smith Lumber & Mfo RETAIL DEPAR1MBNT' oorii AKen at going & nAm'Er, Phone 100 Times Want Ads Bring R( h4&-