WHO BOASTS THAT HE NEVER MADE aff,K VERY GOOD LIAR MAN (Ham Eimt& WANT ADVERTISING In Tlio TLMJ28 Will Keep your Income, from Furnished Itoonts Stcndjr. YOU can really holp tlio family rovonucs by renting a fow furnisliod rooms nnd, If you know how nnd when to ubo tlio classified columns, you may keep that ltttlo extra in- "In 'T... Effectively! L facta about your l SS of nil "POB Hfffitf And If tloro TJB who ought to own i iti f sell It! MEMIIEII OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESiJ como ns "stondy aB a clock." rushed i MARSHFIELD. OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1912 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll nnd Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 62. 01 H MUST TELL gf MP HJONIBUT! IN. Bliss, Jr.. Shows Conimiiiw M o Jher's Papers. LTALSOrtTPOTICY IS IU I com .;offtn Brinn a any Big Men to the iiness Stand. ..J rrE3 to Tlio Coos BJ""ei! an.-TIio l renewal of of tlio preside., la ..i...iin wns marked S'ntn. of l.cln financiers " !---.jtwl'r- u'l dur- ii-rn r nir r:T it n-il J l'"'1 ,, t v-lj' ! 10 l UK r. i.- ..I ll.inuevplt i or - "" ' I .. i . . - ll.f -w.. nnti ; -t l U'.tJ v "' rpont into the :oll DIIW, no- of "o eon- . m ! -rr c . rAinrv r k . ir I H-rrlr nn Clinrle "i ! rrl" n i ' :1 c:rn"iiu3 w. I.', tr - r-"" f f H'l i;- J lo be 1 .iportant r -i. Ollv r. Paynter :j;:3 pre ent wnon - ir.-nt Into r- salon. ;ef-twl'nc-j, Ho said atcr of Ids father's os- ...l.llon rf llll f:l!lwr'u fsi placed In cvldcii'Mj a b ttj auditor vim cvui - ttr'i accounts when ho !rc:nrcr of tlio commit- !l lh records did not ...Mkitlfan liv litlm 1) ir the Standard Oil Co i or tno romiiiiiio) cx- recoras. ro nnmes ior :ito the 1901 campiilgn a1 In thfc tAAtita Pllcn autii his father's letter j 13 narry s. imhv. ii ijiejudo law .Mr. hiihh t rlfMntlnl lll.l nnlnna rr ::i and tlio amounts :Whtlons In tlio "Inkvt !?I'!ll rnmnili'iia In p t"!ed as trcamrer. T i't:!y refused to mnlco Pir-blle," tlio letter snld, itiiru mo rciniwns or in contributions to tlio .:- as conimonuni. i it the amn rli-lit in v.. i public theso contrlhu- pwcrca rigiii or man to " "iioi in tno I'loction." JJ4 that tho Itcimb'lcnn "","1 in iauu wero a 15.000. (inn- in icnn ltd In 1 Sao i nnn nnn' KWi Utter. te dlSCOVereil llirnn Int. ert "personal and of n ilutlnxtA H4(iim ll ml. 'HtJlrmnn Plnn n., 8"""elt nnd another u i:retary of wnr. Tho -t-atrs reau tlio lottors -?? m them plncod a cxblblts. nilEs said 1 -fr documents nnd no ri pjr conversatlbna -(r which wnni.i i.. ;Jtt9 subject under In- Tl& lffni fMn... m... V! ,u,u l"i Ximxto'r ' v " iimirmnn fren L ,u ton'"ionco S r,C0,ntrlbutlon8 cf it. """ lrol 11 samn ! tuiaih,.:r,w, ',ou i& ! tness "M tho r. ?.'?."' bw r vulll"outors. ,?! :.hlns talked with l; -Uhe murii ,11. i StmS1"?,? papers iimtJ.S:. I know of fte7om ,c" ll .'" ny tlfiii. ,llM'' o do- I on II.. r.. linr- Wive 'f iew0yri' FV. was itho Staml kr V.J BWorn- Clapp tftttMnB to So .-. .TPany ,e. hidTM fel,ened to ' Urifp. ..' . - from scj' cl)lled I-lbby. Wd i" C!,mpnlsn EcfthatS,,2formo(l Le a vl. n "0 tho .Wbfi,"ree-e?.nt'- M ii - "u nntiAnni I ST STAY OFF ' TfflS SOIL Gove'rnor Withdraws Permis sion to March in That State. (JJy Associated Pross to Tho Cooa liny TInioB.) AUSTIN, Toxns, Sopt. 30. Tho Kovornor has withdrawn permission for tho Mexican federal troops to mnrsh from Marathon, Toxns, to nil other point on tho border over Texan soil. Ho announced today that he did not enre to take the risk. NEW .MA YOU KOIt LONDON. Sir David Ituriiott Will Probably Do tlio .Mnn. (Dy Assoclnted Prosu to Tho Coos Bay TImoa.) LONDON, Sept. HO. Alderman Sir David Durnutt will probably bo the next Lord Mayor of London, In Hticcosson to Sir Thomas H. Crosby, who rellrou In November. He haa oxprussod a willingness to assume the olllcc, nnd as ho Ih In lino for tho honor, ho will probably bo chosen. Sir David was Shorlff In 1 007-1 00S, and In tho latter yoar wns knlcbtcd. At present he Is one of the King's lloutouantii for the elty. GOONTERFEITEHS ran Son of Methodist Minister and Ex-Convict Arrested' for Making Fake Dollars. (By Associated Press to tho Cooa Bay Tlmos). SEATTLE, Wash., Sopt. SO. Gcorgo Edward Adams, paroled loot er of tho Seattle aBsay office, who was arrcstod in a counterfeiters' ca bin noar Kent yoBtcrday, was for mally plncod under arrest today on a wnrrant charging "conspiracy to couiitorfeUUiiltodS dol- FOUR IHED Inrs." John O. Webber, an aged ex-convict nnd counterfeiter, who was arrested with Adnms, was sim ilarly charged. Adams and Webber will be ar raigned later In tho day. Adams having violated bis pnrolo from Mc Noll's Island prison, Is liable to be taken back to servo the unexpired portion of his term, but the United States ofllclals have oloctod to pros ocuto him on tho counterfeiting charge. Adnms Is a nntivo of Mas sachusetts and is tho sou o" a Meth odist clorgymnn ililiF Prominent Illinois Farmer and Family Victims Sensation al Charges Arc Expected. (By Associated Tress to Coos Bay Times ) QU1NCY, III., Sept. 30. Early developments of u sensational na ture are promised by o (Moors inves tigating the quadruple murder on tho Pfnnschmldt farm nenr hero. The victims are Charles Pfnnschmldt, a prominent farmer, his wife, nnd WELL-KNOWN Fll GMGES Guy Warner Purchases Inter est in the Lockhart Gro cery Company. Guy Warnor, who for four yoars has boon manager of tho Lockhart Grocory Co., has purehasod n largo lntorost In that concern and tomor row tho now company will assume chargo of tho business undor tho nnmo of tho Wnmor Grocory Co. During his rosldonco hero Mr. Wnrnor has won a promlnont plnco In tho commercial world of Coos Bay by his conspicuous ability nnd ca pacity as a business mnn and will bo wnrnily welcomed Into tho ranks of commercial clrclos of tho city. Thero will bo no chango of Importnnco In tho manngomont or porsonnol of tho firm, oxcopt tho chango In nnmo. Mr. Wnrnor hns boon actively In chargo of tho business, which will bo con tinued along tho samo linos that ho has conductod It for tho past four yoars nnd which has proven signally successful. Mr. Lockhart will retain nn lntor ost in tho firm but tho nctivo man ngomont passes Into Mr. Warner's control with tho lntorost which ho hns purehasod. Tho firm Is ono of the old ones In tho city nnd ninny frlonds will wish It continued prosperity undon tho now nnmo nnd tlio now management. I S. DOLLAR IS IK PORT Big Steamer Comes to Get Lumber from Smith Mill for China. Tho big stoamor M. S. Dollar ar rived in Coos Bay this afternoon and will load at tho C. A. Smith mill with lumber for China. Tlio vossel Is owned by tho Dollar Steamship Company nnd la n largo steam lum ber schooner which will carry nbout 3,000,000 foot of lumber. Atthls port tho vessol will tako on only nbout 2,000,000 feot, and tho bal anco of tho cargo will bo loaded at Columbia river or Pugot Sound. Tho M. S. Dollar has been In this port beforo nnd is ono of tho largest boats over ontering this port. Many peo ple woro on the wharf to seo the big steamer como up tho bay. This Is ono of a number or ship ments of lumber to China which has been made by tho Smith Compnny. Maskoy'a Candy at Stauff Grocery Company. 11? ATTEND - OIC CONGRESS Irrigation Meeting at Salt Lake City Opens With a Large Crowd Present. (By Assoclnted Press to Tho Coos liny Tlmos.) SALT LAKE CITY, Sopt. 30. With the lnrgost nttondanco In Its history tho 20th convention of tho National Irrigation Congress open ed todny In tho city of its birth. An olnborate musical program, addrossos of welcome and a response by Sonn tor Ernncla G. Nowlnnds, prosldont of tho congress, wore font tiros of tlio oponing sosslon at tho Tnbornaclo, which was crowded to Its capacity. REDONDO OFF THE SOOTH Takes Lumber from Smith Mill and Capacity List of Passengers. Tho stoamor Rodondo sailed for Rnn Frnnctsco this afternoon at 1 o'clock, carrying lumber from tho O. A. Smith mill nnd n full capacity of passongors. Thoso who went out on tho Rodondo woro ns follows: E. J. Chandlor, J. F. Glllosplo. R. B. VnnVloot, Mrs. C. M. Wostfall, Hlldn Llndstrom, Geo. Custer, C. II. Houson, Rny Loo, Waltor Robinson, Clifton Borehos, Ed. Wledor, Goo. Maxon, G. Glllman, A. Wollmor, Geo. Mlllor, M. Glynn, Goo. VnnDyko, C. G. Gllbrech, Ed. Knuilson. Miss D. Holmes, Mrs. Nolllo Owens, Mrs. P. C. Durgln, Miss E. McGrnw, Marlon Mills, F. Shado, Win. Folk, C. F. Bnkor, Mlko Kleov, John Schrolbor, A. Holnty, W. S. Hunsakor, Mrs. V. S. Hunsakor, S. Geourgson, B. Colo, Geo Lip, II. Glllmoro. W. A. McCormiek, S. Krystak, J. R. Russ, T. Powers, A. Casey, John Stegol. CITY ELECTION VOTE LIGHT But Little Interest Is Shown in Balloting on the Charter Amendments. The city oloctlon to voto upon two propositions Is being hold todny. Tho vote Is light. Tho only voting plnco Is the city hall. At 3 o'clock this afternoon tho total voto was 137, which Is very light for that time of day. Little Interest was manifested in tho election. daughter Blnnche, ngod 10. nnd Miss Emnm Knompon, aged 20 years, n school toachor of the district, who roomed at tho Pfanschmldt house. The bodies were multllatod as well as burned nnd In the bkulls of the two young women wore found largo holes, ovldontly made with a blunt Instrument. The bodies of Mr. nnd Mrs. Pfanschmldt are headless. It Is not believed that robbery wan the motive. Blood hounds hnvo been sent for nnd plncod on the trail of the ones bolleved to have committed tlio butchery SENATOR DENIES REPORT i Member of Committee Did Not Recommend an Interven tion in Mexico. (By Associated Press to Tho Cooa Bny Times.) EL PASO, Toxns, Sopt. 30. Son ator A. B. Fall donlod today that ho and Sonntor William A. Smith or tho special sonnto commlttco Inves tigating conditions In Mexico, had dccldod to recommend for Interven tion. Ho added that no prollmlnnry roport hnd or would ho in ado until tho conclusion of tho Invostlgntlon. Sonntor. Smltli Is In California nnd Senator Fall hero continuing tho probo. FISH NETS LI RIVER Complain That Some of Fish ermen Take More Room Than Allowed. Coos River Is lined with fisher men who are catching salmon. From tho mouth of tho river to points nbovo tho forks thero Is an nlmost continuous lino of flshormon with nets sot. Parties who camo down tho river In prlvnto boats at night complain that tho flshormon nro tak ing moro of tho rlvor than thoy havo n right to, Ono Instance Is cited whoro a not was strotchod en tirely across tho rlvor, and in somo ensos It Is claimed that no lights woro placed, Whon a small boat tangles up with n not It Is dlsns trous for both bontmon nnd flshor mon, It Is charged that tho fisher men In their anxiety to catch nil tho fish possible nro taking up at tlmos moro of tho wntor than their rights allow. They nro not pormlttod to sot tholr nets so that boats cannot pass. COUNT! K. OF P. IE G LAWRENCE STRIKE SITUATION COMMANDING 1CR ATTENTION BREAKWATER LEAVES TODAY Sails for Portland on Regular Trip With Passengers and Freight. Tho itonmor Broakwater snllod for Portland Sunday. The following Is a list of tho outgoing passengers: Mr. Klrkpntrlck. H. W. Nols, Mrs. II. P. Leeds, II. Snbro, D. Hodon brook, J. Denholm, E. P. Mast, B. C. Shaw, J. P. Easter. Mrs. J. P. Easter, Chostor Easter, Mrs. Carr, Mrs. Soreusen, II. Bnbb, Miss Fny, L. II. Miller. W. S. Chandler. Mrs. W. S. Chandler, Mrs. C. Kllerheck, A. K. Peck. T. Smith. It. W. Wnld rep, U. J. Kelland, J. Gardner, E. II. Tucker. R. Nootnagel, II. Ilolbrook, Geo. Rice, Mr. nnd Mrs. G. Barks, Mr. Bourne, C. Domlnick, Mm. C Domlnlck, C. McLean, May Johnson, W. M. Grant, Mrs. Lockwood, Marie Underbill, Laura Il.ndry, M. A. Smal loy, C. II. Burbolt, Mrs. C. II. Bur bolt, Helen Burbolt, George Burbolt, O. S. Wlgglosworth, Mr. Pratt, Mr. Rosenthal, Mrs. N. Tromnno, Mrs. Pradshaw, W. O. Chestnut, C. L. Campbell, Prof. Hoggs, Harry May, Mrs. Harry May, Mrs. M. Roundtree, Mr. Drydcn, Charlos Norman nnd .Mr. Webster. W T BE FATAL Alfred Sturdivant Hit by Dewey Stutsman -Now Has Blood Poisoning. A boys' light which occurrod nt Myrtle Point Thursday may rosult fatally. Dowoy Stutsman of this city struck Alfrod Sturdivant and broko his jaw. It sooms that tho Jaw was not properly sot and as n rosult it is foarod that young Sturdi vant will havo blood poisoning which may provo fntal. Both boys nro about If! yonrs of nge. Dowoy In tho son of A. II. Stutsmnn of this city and Sturdivant is tho son of John Sturdivant of Myr tlo Point, and a brothor of Mrs. Dan Keating of this city. Stutsmnn snys thnt tho other boy wns bothering him nnd called him nnmes nnd thnt ho told Sturdivant to let him nlono. Tho rosult was u fight, Stutsmnn hitting Sturdlvnnt nnd knocking him down. It Is snld thnt Sturdlvnnt'a Jaw was broken by tho blow nnd thnt it wns not properly sot until tho condition of tho Jnw boenmo sorlous, whon an othor doctor wns callod and tho Jnw sot. Tho boy Is In tho Myrtlo Point hospital. Stutsmnn says ho usod only his flsts when ho struck tho othor boy. Trials of Ettor and Others Arc Taken up in Court at Salem Today. STRIKE IS SPREADING IN OTHER QUARTERS Only Part of Workers at Law rence Are Out Some Disturbances. (By Assoclnted Pross to Tho Com Bay Times.) LAWRENCE, Mass., Sopt. 30. Tho 21-hour strike by order of tho I. W. W. to protest against the Im prisonment of Ettor and GIovRiinUtl failed of Its effect today. It is on 1 1 nui ted that not moro than 7000 omployea came away from tho textile mills. The police had ninny conflicts with employes going to the mills. A dozen nrrests made for attacks on women, children and men, aome cit those arrested being armed with re volvers, knives, Imminent, bolts a.id other wenpous. It Is estimated that 12,000 oper atives nre Idle, of whom 7000 are striking mombors of the I. W. W. The other 6000 are Idle from lack of work or Intimidation. Minor dis turbances In different parts of the city are reported. Trial Stint. (Py Associated Press to The Coot. Bny Tlmos.) SALEM, Mass.. Sept. 30. Threo hundred and fifty possible Jurors woro at the Essex county cuurt houso todny for tlio trial of Joseph J. Ettor nnd A. Glovnnnlttl, Indus trial Workers of tho World londura, and Jnsoph Caruso, mill worker. Tito mon nro ehargod with bolng; concerned with tho ullogcd murder of Anna Loplzzlo, a toxtllo worker, nt tho Lawrcnro strlko last January, Caruso ns principal mid Ettor nnd Gtnvnniilttl ns ncccssorlea boforo tho fact. M E REPORTED E Sole agents for Maskey's Candy tho Candy thnt made Frisco famous. Stauff Grocery Company. Delegates From Five Cities Gather Today at North Bend. Tho fifth annual convention of . r.nna miintv Knlehts of Pythlns is in , session at North Bond today. A so- , cret session is ueing ueiu una nuei- noon. Tonight thero will bo a ban- quot In Logglo Hall. Delegates nro In attendance from iuarsnrieiu, k;o qulllo, Myrtle Point, Bnndon and North Bend. Delegates to tho state convention at Portland aro to bo se lected. - Maskey's Candy at Stauff Grocery Company. Dennis McCarty Finds One Township Especially Rich in Timber. Donnla McCarty, who Is cruising tho Unibor of tho county for tho pur poso of nscortalnlng Its vnluo In or dor to hoc u ro a moro oqultnblo as sessment, has reported tho romilts of the cruising In sovoral moro town ships'. Tho crulsorH nro now nt the bond of tho south fork of tho Coos rlvor nnd hnvo just finished up the work on tho north fork of the Co qulllo rlvor. Mr. McCarty reports tho crulsoe la tho following townships: Township -7, Itiuigo !, Tills wns found to bo one of tho lnrgost In tho county in nmoiint of stnnding tlmbor nnd nlso contained somo of tho host timber. Tho tim ber found wns: Trcos Foot- Old growth yellow fir. 1,112,476,000 Second growtli fir. . . . 17,800,000 Rod cedar C.010,000 Homloolc .. 25.C10.000 AT LOON LAKE Weight and Height of Little Girl Puts Her in the Lead. A Loon Lako baby can now claim to being ono of tho largost born on tho coast. Tho parents, writing from Scotsburc. state that thoy road of a big California baby, but that tholr child Is of a slzo wnicn win bring tho honors ovor to urogon, Tho baby's nnmo Is Clldo Alborta Sn landor, and sho wns born May 12, 1010. When sho was born sho weighed 17 1-2 pounds and was 2i 1-2 Inches tall. Now at tho ago of two yoars nnd four months sho weighs 42 pounds nnd Is 3 feot nnd 2 1-2 Inches tall. The family rosldos in the Loon Lako district of Doug las county, not far from tho Coos County lino. A new French automobile wind shield has a hinged center section which may bo opened to any du slred extent to lessen tho resist ance to tho air. Totnl 1,101,706.000 Numbor ncros In township, 23,270, Acros without no tlmbor, 3,007, Acros with tlmbor, 20.2C8. Avorngo timber por ncro, 57,320 feet. Township 117, Rniigo 10. Troos. . Foot Old growth yollow fir. .508,585,000 Second growth fir 248,725,000 Rod cedar 12.866,000 Homlock 19,730,000 Whlto cedar 100,000 Totnl 789,995,000 Numbor ncros In township, 23,041. Acros without tlmbor, 2,079. Aoros contnlnlng tlmbor, 21,501. Avorngo tlmbor por aoro, 30,700 foot. Township "0, Itiuigo O. Treos. Foet. Old growth yollow fir. .111,806,000 Socond growth fir 178.655,000 Rod codnr 2,106,000 Homlock 7.900,000 Numbor ncros In township, 11,374, Acros with no tlmbor. 1,081. Num bor tlmoboro.l ncros, 9.G94. Aver age tlmbor por ncro, 31,000 feot. Township 20, Itiuigo 10. Treos. Feot. Old growth yollow fir. . 52.C55.000 Second growth fir 802,425,000 Rod codar 0,172,000 Homlock 15,987,000 White fir 175,000 Totnl 877.424,000 Numbor acres In township, 23,289. Acres with no timber, 240. Timber ed acrcB, 23,349.